The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 08, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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5 I
A rrtTrrt ' nhnnr riminrcriM OUT cur Tl7f"W
l)c ODrjcgoii
Issued Dallv Kirvnt Xfnnrla hv
215 8. Commercial St.. Salem, Oregon
(Portland Office, 704 Spalding Building. Phone Main 1116)
The Associated P ress is exclusively entitled to the use for repub
lication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited
la this paper and als o the local news publi shed herein.
J. Hendricks , Manager
Stephen A.' Stone . . Managing Editor
Ralph Glover Cashier
Frank Jaskoskl. ; Manager Job Dept.
DAILY STATESMAN. ered'by carrier in Salem and suburbs, 15
cents a week, i-e-ii a month.
DAILY STATKHM.t.V by mill. n advance. $6 a year, $3 for six
months, $1.50 for tlree months. 50 cents a month, in Marion
; and Polk count f: ouu-ide of these counties. 7 a year. $3.50
for tlx months, 11. 73 for three months, 60 cents a month. When
DOt paid In advance. io cents a year additional.
THE PACIFIC HOMtMh ii, iiie gieji western weekly farm paper.
will be sent a year tv o one paying a year In advance to the
Daily Statesman.
SUNDAY STATESMAN. $1 st; 75 tents for six months; 40
centa for three inoutht; 25 cents for 2 months; 15 cents for
one month. .
WEEKLY STATESMAN, ;smi(1 hi two six-page sections. Tuesdays
, and Fridays. 1 a year (if no' paid in advance, 1.25); 50 cents
for alx months; 25 cents lu. thee months.
Business Office. 23.
Circulation Department. 583.
Job Department, 683.
Society Editor, 106.
Entered at the Poetoffice In Salem,
'The United States today has an opportunity to build
, up an important industry, which hitherto has been neglected
here and become the greatest linen manufacturing country
in the world. The development of the flax and linen indus
try, now. in a chaotic state due to a disorganization of the
flax-growing centers, represents America's chance to salvage
1 something of material value from the war.
"It is a fact that flax grown by a little community of Bel
gians in the state of Oregon has captured five gold medals at
expositions, the awards declaring that the Oregon grown flax
was the superior of any for length, strength, and lustre.
; The flax plant Is one of the few in .which there is no
waste. Every part of it can be utilized. Flax is also one of
the easiest crops to grow and makes less demand upon the
sdn than' most -plants."
The a'oove are paragraphs of an article in the New York
Globe and Commercial Advertiser of March 30, under the
heading; ""America's Chance to Win Flax Supremacy.! The
clipping 'was forwarded to The Statesman by Miss E. A.
Schultz, 204 Franklin street, who is a Salem girl now in New
York;r:''":r.VV; ': :'.!
; The article was. written to exploit a new synthetic pro
cess of retting, discovered by a Mr. Robinson; a process that
is, said to do the work in two hours that formerly took six
weeks or so. . ..:
; . There are a number of short cuts for the treating of flax,
some of them of doubtful value, and others with a great deal
of merit. ;
A modern plant would use some of these; and it might
try others before adopting them.
' . But the fact remains, that has been known here since
1876, and before, that the Salem district is the best section
blthe world,' outside of a small part of Belgium, for the pro
eduction of fiber flax of the best quality and our flax has
beaten the Belgian product in several competitions, like the
one at' the Philadelphia Centennial.
Our 'district is now the leading flax fiber district of the
United States ; and the acreage this year, now going out, will
be three jtimes the acreage of last year here.
, h The only pity is that it might not be this year ten to
twenty times as large
; And the time is coming when it will be probably next
: year.'.
Tmm Via Wnr1rl' Work
VP W -
' No better guide to Anglo-American relations could be
asked than the letter which Mr. Harding has recently ad
dressed to Jlr. John A. Stewart, Chairman of the Board of
Governors of the Sulgrave Institute. As definitely commit
ting Mr. Harding to a policy of cooperation it is worth quot
ing in full:
1 1 "Dear Mr. Stewart: The labor of uniting into still clos-
er'nmity and understanding the English-speaking peoples of
the world has a significance of good to all Americans and to
; all nations and races of the world.
; . "Destiny has made it a historical fact that the English
speaking peoples have been the instrument through which
civiliatiori has been flung to the far corners of the globe. I
am impressed not so much by the glory that English-speak-
- ing peoples may take to themselves as by the profound duties
that God. has thrust upon them duties of being restrained,
f tolerant, and just. These duties will find their greatest rec
ognition Jn a united, unshakable friendship and understand
t. AtiMM nf mimow not for the exclusion from broth-
erhood of others, but for a
ward others. ... ....
Tnaf wThpn the wisdom of America is sum
moned to assist the world in
guished from a bungling agreement or association ior tne
prevention of war, unity of English-speaking peoples will play
no small part, not to invade the rights or exclude the fellow
ship of other nations, but to protect and include them.
"Faithfully yours.
.Lloyd George It in a deep hole.
Bat he has' been In many, and has
always crawled out.
It has been figured out that
there were 61 lyncblngs in the
United States during 1920. and
. 't m v : J 1 xr J L .
npriit .ff, f rutay una, " vmtvn a u r na V .
W.- K. C. WiMaalvtt. 1
-April's, 0. aM 10 OonntT Sunrtur '
rftonl eeattatton at Flrtt Mthlirt
rfaurrk v' -
, April' IS. VMnwfUy pm Fernia
SMtiat"af CommpTrUI rhih.
April 15. rMy r tWball. Villas
tit t.. V. f O. at Sl
Aaril i. tUUHa.r Baseball. Willaai
9tf (.,(?. . at fnwm-.
Attrit lT. (toad?- ninnani ftr.
April IS and IT. Satartav at 8nn
darIUaavan, Bales Senators t Re
April 2, frMaT ral TMiata b
wa Willamvft mi Whitman
Mar 4. Apallo rlnb in
earertantk, Virsiaia Kaa. aopraaa, at
Anaarjr .
Hair fc.'la 8 iarlaaiee Annul raafer
' e af Emnceliral . Aaaarietwa.
Mf Karar Marion Ceaar
tra' meet aa4 haebaU
ata 5T ana S Baaahall.. Wiltaa
etle.ra. MTiimaa. al WaHa Walla.
Jane 17.; Friday Annual lova pirair.
Stat' fair cfowarfa.
aVtaHav J, Kaiaralar (tentative)
rentball, WiilametU vtv O. A. C. at Cor
KaeanW 14. Tkaraiae rinnf-,Wa
Tkaakefretnc 4ae. 'aotkall, Willaaaett
. lloltaeaiaa, at SaJoaB. ;
Oregon, as second class matter.
for March :
better brotherhood flowing to
building a workable, as distin
the statement Is made that this
Is too many. What would be
just the right number?
In order to show that England
is sincerely in favor of disarma
ment, she has just ordered the
construction of four new battle
President Harding is about
ready to announce a remnant
(ale of, the "best mind" sugges
tions. Some are almost as good
as new never bavins been used
tine of the early aels of th
Hardinc administration 1a likely
t be the recognition of Mexico
and the Ohresnn K"vprnment.
Everything points in that direc
tion. It might not he the bett rhoire
of words to call Sarah Bernhardt
the grand old woman of Franc.
I'ut she i 7 yearn old and a
great-grandmother, has only one
leg and Is about to fly Trom
Paris to London to take the part
of a 2 3-yea re-old love-stricken
youth in her new play. Sarah Is
a wonder.
.Still they come the broccoli
growers. Another meeting Sat
urday evening, same place, Sa
lem Commercial club.
Legum em, next slopm biibjerl.
If you have any knowledge of the
nodules in your noodle, the slo
gan editor wants to hear from
President Harding is naming; a
number of Democrat!" for good
thinpK in the administration. Did
Wood row Wilson appoint any real
Republicans to places to which
there was a salary attached? He
did not.
Editor Statesman:
Your editorial of March 20th.
"A Man's Job." Is before us. May
we ask. with all respect. Juft
what you meant to convey by
your final paragraph:
"But the original program has
been eo fussed up and emascu
lated, and butchered and botched
and fumbled and jaized. that per
haps General Wood will see that
the job would have to be done
all over again, under much great
er difficulties than In the be
ginning." etc.
To those who remember the
long congressional debates prior
to the signing of the treaty of
Paris, concluding the war with
Spain, "the original program"
resulting in the taking over of
the Philippine islands by the
United States may seem to have
been hasy in the minds of many
Americans. But the word of
President McKInlev could leave
no doubt as to the final Intention:
"The Philppfnes are ours, not to
xnloit. but to educate. TO DE
Each succeeding presi
dent and each act of congress
nertaining to the Philippines
since then has sustained that
original declaration. The traln
'ng of the Filipinos in the science
of self-Kovernment has cone
steadily on until today the islands
are operating under self-government,
self-maintained, self-sustaining,
and In every way con
forming to the conditions lajd
down by the Jones act of 1916.
The progress of the Islands In
the past eight years alone has
been conceded by economists and
statisticians as 300 per cent over
the previous progress. "In edu
cation. Industry, commerce, mn
ic, art and statesmanship," said
Hon. James A. Frear. Republi
can member of congress, "it is a
rash man who dares to criticize
the wonderful progress of the
Philippines." When it Is vmm
bered that 22 years ago Admlra'.
Dewey declared the Filipinos su
perior in intelligence and more
capable of self-government than
the natives of Cuba, it would
seem only reasonable that the
Philippine Islands should be in
dependent today, when their pro
gress has gone steadily forward
aad they have established a sta
ble government. In accordance
with the provisions laid down for
their independence.
We should appreciate a reply,
explaining just how the original
program has been butchered and
botched, etc. While to the Fili
pinos the long wait has seemed
without due reason, yet there has
been but one goal that has seemed
to be borne Ui mind by the Am
erican government as well as by
the Philippine government the
final granting of our free self
government. We do not under
stand how this has been "fum
bled and jazzed" though we
know there are many citizens of
the United States who seem to
have forgotten the original pro
gram, and it is for 'he purpose
of bringing this to their atten
tion, and supplying accurate in
formation as to Philippine prog
ress and prosperity that this bu
reau exists. Yours sincerely,
Philippine Press Bureau
J. P. Melencio. Director.
Washington, D. C, March 31.
The above was sent with a re
quest that it be published.
The people of the United States
will be more ready to give con
siderate attention to the conclu
sions of General Wood, after he
shall have made his report on
conditions in 'the Philipnines.
than to the special pleadings of
the Philippine Pres3 Bureau,
which is confessedly in the na
ture .of propaganda for the com
plete independence of the islands.
General Wood is now in the
Philippines for the purpose of
making an investigation upon
which to base his report and his
conclusions sent thre at the be
hest of President Harding. The
conclusions of General Wood are
not likely to be largelv influenced
by any kind of propacanda.
How has the original program
lieen "flushed up and emasculated
and butchered and botched and
fumhlrd and jazzed?
It was dono by the Democratic
administration in its eight years
of misrule in the Islandf. Bur
ton Harrison, the Democratic
Kovernor general, got rid of moi
61 the efficient men in the pub
He service there; largy by mak
ing life so unbearable for them
that they quit In nauseated dis-
He took over as secretary of
agriculture for the Philippines a
man from Kansas, at t high sal
ary, paid out of the Philippine
treasury, who thought copra, the
chief agricultural product of the
islands, was eomethlng to put on
your hook to catch fish with;
and whose knowledge of tobacco
growing, the second agricultural
pursuit in the Philippines, was
confined mostly to the appear
ance of the Indian cij;ar signs in
front of the tobacco hhops in the
sunflower state.
All down the line, the chief of
fices in the Philippines were
filled with that clas of "deserv-1
ins" Democrats from the United
A prominent woman magazine
writer of the United States, well
posted from personal observation
and experience on the conditions
in the Philippines, said enough
to justify the statement that the
Democratic administration in the
Philippines was about the worst
excuse for a colonial government
history has ever known. The
writer referred to Is Eleanor
Franklin Egan, and she painted
a picture that would justify the
terms "fussed up and emasculat
ed, and butchered and botched
and fumbled and jazy.ed." with
several additions that would make
the paper containing them un
mailable. As to the fitness of the people
of the Philippines to be turned
loose "on their own" at this time,
or in the near future: either for
their own good or the good of
the world, and the safety and re
putation of the United States,
there are plenty of doubters. The
writer Is among them. The re
cent proposed legislation in the
Philippine congress attempting to
require all voters to wear pants
gives an idea of the preparedness
of that people to join the family
of civilized and progressive na
tions. The fact that there are
a few officials and politicians in
Manila who know how to wear
plug bats and sign their names
to the payrolls does not argue
that the nine or ten million peo
ple of those islands, many of them
still naked savages or half sav
ages, are able to govern them
selves In a manner that wouid be
safe for themselves and the world
Any way. there will be nothing
doing, and there ought to be
nothing done, along this line, till
General Wood is heard from.
In the meantime, the man Me
lencio, with a name that sound?
ajs sweet as honey and as soft as
hot butter, would do well to say
to his people, as it was wisely
written some three thousand
years ago, "Tarry at Jericho un
til your beards be grown."
Eggs have been selling as low
as 15 cents a dozen in Missouri,
which Is the bottom price for
ti.ore than ten years. A 5-pound
hen seems to be more efficient
than a 200-pound man in reduc
ing the cost of living.
The British lord chancellor
tells the English brewers that he
does not think it even conceivable
that any approach to prohibition
can take place in Great Britain.
That Is about the way the Ken
tucky distillers talked a few
short seasons ago. Look at Ken
tucky now. So dry that It squeaks
when an Ohio man crosses over
and steps on it.
Broccoli meeting tomorrow
All the broccoli men should
attend, and as many new ones
as possible. The more the mer
rier, and the more profitable for
Clean-up and paint-up week In
Salem next week. Let the song
be, "Everybody's doing it."
The Glad Tidings road, down
east of Monitor, will be true to
Its name, with electric light and
nower facilities for 16 more farm
homes. With paved roads, rural
mail delivery, automobiles, tele
phones, etc., Marion county farms
are being made more attractive.
That is the way to keep the am
bitious hoys and girls on the
Broken Out Skin unci He Una
Eczema Helped Over Mght
Kor unsightly skin eruptions,
rash or blotches on fr tumk,
arms or body, yo'i do not have to
wait for relief from torture or
embarrassment, declares a noted
skin specialist. Apply a litilo
Mentho-Snlphiir and improve
ment chows netx day.
Herause of Its perm destroy
ing propertleH. nothinK has evf
been found to take the place of
this sulphur preparation. The
moment you apply It healing h
glns. Only thosn who have un
sightly skin troubles can know
the delight this Ment hn-Sulphur
brings. Fen fiery, itching ec
iero Ik dried right up.
Oet a small, jar from any good
druggist and use it lik cold
cream, (adv.) !
use n
irtiitiat nal I
i 1
r -
C L. Dalrymple anl E. 11. Seaman, door keepers of the White Ooase,
-no bvt been on duty at the Presidential residence for more than
went years.
farms, and thus add to the solid
wealth of the country.
"b "b
It is no new thing to the peo
ple of the "Salem district to be re
minded that we can raise the best
fiber flax in .the world here. All
we need to make Salem the Bel
test of the United States is a few
men who understand the manu
facturing of twines and linens,
backed by ample capital. And at
the same time, the Salem district
will take away from Italy the dis
tinction of being the great hemp
country. Flax and hemp grow
ing and manufacturing will go
well together, and they can go
together here, as in no other sec
tion of the world.
Tremendous Damage Done
By Pest in Klamath
Forest Area
Pine licrtir.i that arc . causing
serious destruction to the forests
of Klamath county will be fought
with fire, according to II. K. Kb
erley of the state Torestry depart
ment who has returned after at
tending a meeting at Klamatb
Falls where the problem was d:?
ussed by torentry men ant! tim
ber owners. Action will be tak n
under an act of the 1921 legisla
ture, which, however, made r.o
appropriation for the purjHse.
The method is to fall the infect
ed trees, peel off the bark, heap i;
n a row under the tree and burn
it. This destroys the eggs which
are now in the larva statp.
Timber on the Klamath Indian
reservation, in the national for
est and in private holdings in ser
iously infected and the destruc
tion by beetles is said to be great
er each season than by fire.
Fruit Not Injured, is
Opinion of Orchardist
Growers in the vicinity fX Sa
lem do not believe the frost of
Wednesday night or fther frosts
have damaged ruit lfiere to anv
appreciable extent if at all. The
reason is that cool weather of re
cent weeks has kept back the
nlooms. Prune and other trees
EMMETKOIMC eyes iiu-m
ing those that arc nor
mal in youth are rare.
Most eyes have not th- prop
er focusing accommodation.
When thpse defects inakf
themselves apparent uo timo
should be lost in onsultiui;
a competent authority. Ot.r
optometrisi will s arch out
for you in sr:eniifi: fashion
the eye troubles that are in
tfrferin;; with your i.-inr,
aiid vp il uiiike glai-si's to
correct thetn.
I jg&h .few
I ft $J Normal ;
1 V JLtY5
in the bills are not yet in bloon
and those in the lowlands are on
ly beginning to blossom. Reports
from Stayton and Turner section.-,
Indicate there is some fear of
damage there.
Lawyer t would like .more
time for my elien. your honor.
Judce Certainly. I was giofng
to give him five years, but. I'll
raise it to 10. Baltimore Ameri
can. "GETS-IT"
Thi Uoni Krmover Is iuarotcel
Kflii'f from rorn miffrrin; follow th
ali''atiin of "(irto it" almost aa
quirk!- a pain follow the tlimul of a
iin or Vnife into the flcOi. Sot only
hrd (miiis or aoft corint but tvrry kinil
of orn or i-ailiis Mirrcmli-ra lo "(rots It"
and pfeli right off. It taken jut a frw
s-nl to tip the pain with two or
three drop, (in to jour dregvt today,
li.t a h-.ltle of '-(iets-lt." Costa Imt a
trfl every wliere. Your roonejr bark if
not atufid Mf.l. by K. il-awrene k Co..
Chiraeo. Mold in Haieiu by J. C. I'erry
and I. J. Fry. (ad.)
' 'J
aJV?":- .cv"" ' EjmK Pai
VMaa ; 7 fuICallaa
i. i rtiV ndCoraai
Tomorrow Ends
One of The Biggest Events In Our History The
Just to show the range of low prices we quote the fol
lowing. You can't afford to miss this opportunity
Ladies' Pumps and Oxfords ....
Indies' Shoes
Men's Dress Shoes
Men's Work Shoes
Hoys' 'Shoes
Children's Shoes
Men's Brown Dlucher, new toe, (.midyear welt, fine
heels .- ;
At The
Coming To The
Millinery Deparunept '
This popular department in tear room. Big dis-;
play of Ladies' and Children's Hats. The very newest
things in millinery. Flowers in .'great variety. Pop
ular prices. Expert milliners ready to wait on you.
Dry Goods Department
We make a specialty of Standard Merchandise.
Our goods give satisfaction. V correct all errors.
Our prices have been reduced to 'conform to the low
est wholesale quotations. I,
Black Cat Hosiery, ladies' pure silk hose, per
pair 1; ;i.....i.$1.25 ;ahd "11.00
j " "
Black Cat Hosiery, ladies silk lisle hose, per
pair - L .......!... - 50c
Black Cat Hosiery, girls silk lish hose, per
pair L 1 4- 60c and 50c
Black Cat Hosiery, boys' hose, best made,' per
jair.........T .,i 4 - 60c and 50c,
Black Cat Hosiery from 1. 25c a pair up
R. & G. Corsets. Popular Numbers. New Low Prices
8 oz. Duck, yard 28c
New Voiles,, beautiful colors, per fyardi,i.,.47c to 60c
Black Sateen Petti
coats... $1.30 and $1.00
Men's Furnishing Department
Stocked with the best merchalidise. Full lines of
union made furnishings, including socks, suspenders
a'nd underwear. Not how cheap, but how good, is our
motto. Khaki, whipcord and cordiiroy clothing. The
best quality to be had. '
240 and 246 Commercial St
Electric Sign "SHOES"
Oregon Sunday
Outing Flannel, yd. 15c.
Children's Play
.. $2.23 to $8.35
.-$3.6. to $9.95
...$1.(5 (o $9..'J5
.$2.8. to $ 1.1.20
.. $3.19 to $1.60
83c to $4.85
grain leather insole, rubber
i ' $5.95