I A ami Dj MOLLY -vHE week-end holds nothing of 1 " ,0 much interest as the meet- InS of the Salem Woman' club which ' to D4 n"1' ,n tn au" ditorinm of the Commercial club tomorrow afternoon, and which will Wrk the twentieth anniver sary of the dub- The business meeting which begins at ha;r past two o'cloclr will feature nomina tion of officer for the coming Salem School of Expression Uln Boaamond Walton, Director 147 lr. commercial ; Phone 691 14I4J gpectal Course la Pnolte Speaking The Store For Dinner Sets Glass Kitchenware : mi GAHLSDORF The. Stdfe of Housewares 133 N. Liberty St. TO -BAY i' Opportunity Day ': At The BIG STORE ' Doors open at 8:30 Shop Early -1 MILLBKfi r Our Policy A Square Deal To All With The Lowest Prices Prevailing Since ocr establishment in Salem we have oper ated a successful business on this principle, and on tlis alone. The result has been a vast increase in the amount of trade. If you are hot already a reg ular customer, call on us. We feel sure that our fair way of dealing will compel you to call again. SALEM VARIETY STORE 152 North Commercial Street ATURDAY S Coming Tomorrow's Papers for 0 ur Ads. P TIIE ORECON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON nRll.NK year, and the general meeting will begin at three o'clock. It is cause for regret that Mrs. T. T. Geer of Portland, the orig inal president of the club, will be unable to bo present. However, her inability to attend will be somewhat offset by the presence of Mrs. Robert S. Bean, of the same place, who bad the honor of serving an temporary chairman when the Salem Woman's club hld its first meeting at the resi dence of Mrs. C. I liishop. which was then out at the corner of Twelfth and State streets. Other speakers tomorrow will oe Mrs. n. u. I.ockhart of Jeffer son, who served as the first per manent secretary, and Mrs. Car olyn Bristol Kelliher Seacrist of Portland, who as a charter mem ber, more than any other sinele woman, boro the original burden of establishing the Salem Public library. Other charter members who will give reminiscences will be Mrs. W. C. Dibble. Mrs. C. P. Bishop. Mrs. Alice H. Dodd. Mjfs Maitie E. Ileatty. Thefr talks will feature the history and achieve ment of the club. : Of the the 4 4 charter members. ! eight still remain active in the1 city. They are Mrs. C. P. Bishop, j Mrs. Alice H. Dodd. Mrs. W. C. ; DibWe, Mrs. A. X. Bush'. Mrs. E. j Cooke Patton. Mrs. C. S. Hamilton, i TO-BAY URPRI This Saturday, Watch the Mr, u. J. Hendricks and Miss Mat tie E. Beatty. . The SuW-in Woman's club has a li.-Unrtiv and worthwhile record of achievement. its existence j n l'ius justified by the Sa lem Public library and the Young Woman's Christian Association. Memhrrs of the Piety Hill club will ,, entertained this afternoon at thi residence of Mrs. Charles K. Spaulding. Mrs. Spaulding and Mrs. E. C. Cross serving jointly as hostesses. - The announcement of the mar riage ol Miss Toro Mortenson and I.tirtan Newcomer of Colton. Cal., is ol much infrerest. The wedding too place in Albany last Satnr day bfternoon. at the Presbyterian parsonage. Rev. D. B. Poling, offl nating. The couple came to Sa lem Tuesday, where Mrs. New coiner, who is an instructor In the Englewood school, will finish the term. In the meantime Mr. New comer will make an extended business visit to San Francisco. The briue has always been very popular In school and younger so cial circle. She is a graduate of the Ka:?n high school, of the class of 111. rhe I also a former stu dent at the I'nlversity of Oregon, and is a member of tho Trl Delta sorority. Mr. Newcomer Is a senior In the department of mining Engineering at Oregon Agricultural college and he is a Kappa Sigma man. comes of the birth of a baby son to Mr. and Mrs. Irvln Hayes of Portland, the new ajrival being welcomed the first of the week. Mrs. Hayes is remembered as Miss Mary Barrick. a well known former Salem girl. Mjs. W. A. Bobbins of Portland came tip to spend the mid-week as the guest of Mrs. Lowell Tweedale. Mi's. A. M. Crawford a promi nent former Salem matron is spending the week in Salem as the guest of her son James Crawford. Mrs. C. A. Vibbert and Mrs. L. A. Williamson were gracious hos tesses Wednesday night, enter taining on the occasion members .l the Ia Area club, and the fol lowing additionally: Mrs. Harry Holt. Mrs. Paul Walker. Miss Florence Blake and Miss Gussie Niles. Five hundred filled the hours. fix fables being arranged for the players. The successful contes tants for honors were Miss Flor ence Blake and Miss Joy Turner. The players were surrounded by a simple decorative background of daffodils. Miss Stains Anderson will enter tain club members when tb?y as semble again in a fortnight. Well, it Is to be revived; one of the most popular institutions of pre-war times! Of course I refer to the rather famous chicken-pie suppers that the women of the First Congrega tional church have given once each year, beginning as far back as the oldest church member can remem ber, and which were discontinued only because the conservation of war times and the employment of church women in war relief work directed attention elsewhere. But the war is now a thing of ihe past, and the dintfers are to be renewed. beginning with the one tomorrow night, which will be served in the church parlors at 6 o'clock. Time was when one had to be on hand early in order to be seated, and it co xx vexi aenco orxd economy coxsxc from tte daily xtso ox enxs Afternoon and ' M Jjl results- SE !s rather likely that history will; be lepeated on this occasion. The parlors wilt b open all day, however.' with the feminine por tion of the church conducting the yearly utility sale, where every-! thing that one can use in the home will be found. These sales which have always accompanied the din- ners, were the one church institu-i tion that was not discontinued during the war; for then the mon ey was utilized for much needed war relief 'work. -" Mrs. C. E. Fursman Of Seattle. ! who has been making a viRit of several, weeks at the home of her j parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Oliver, has returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Mark McCallister and their children will motor to Corvallis tomorrow. where they will spend the week-end w,th Mrs. McCallister's mother, Mrs. Hugh Flnley. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Laughead returned the first of the week from a motor trip to Eugene, where they were the guests of Judge Hewitt. Miss Emily Anderson of Port land will come up tomorrow to remain over the week-end as the aneft of her, sister. Mrs. O. J. Schel. Miss Jean Ketchum. the house guest of Mrs. B. F. PoHnd. left for her home in Tacoma tne first of the week. Miss Ketchum divided her time while here between Sa lem. Independence and Corvallis. She is a graduate of O. A. C. in the home economics department and Is at present a teacher in the lacoma Day school for the deaf. Folio wine her graduation from the ccllegp Miss Ketchum taucht cooking at the state school for the deaf in Salem, and she also took a coarse to fit her for pri mary work among dfaf children. In speaking of her work Miss Ketc-hum said: "The old method of teaching hv signs has been discarded. The chil dren learn to talk by lip move ment by vibration in the throat. The voice pitch can be controlled. The guitar is used to see the dif ference in hish and low pitch Gymnasium work and dancing is learned through vibration through the floor .from the piano." The Three Links club will meet n regular session this afternoon at the residence of Mrs. L.W. Web ber. Assistant hostesses wlll be Mrs. O. Hoppes. Mrs. T. C. Mason, Mrs. George WInchell and Mrs. S. E. Oliver. The appearance of Mme. Luisa Tetrazzini at the public auditor, ium. Portland. Monday night. April 11. promises to attract a large number of local music lov ers, manv of whom have heard her previously. Mme. Frances' Alda who rame to the Heilig last night was a big drawing card. She too. has a large number of local admirers, gained through her appearance here a number of years ago. when she was presented on the Musical Ar tists course, under the manage ment of Miss Minnetta Magers. Arthur A. Fisher, the young son of Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Fisher will be a hogt tomorrow afternoon ntertaining the members of the Junior league of the First Metho ilst church at a party at the home sf-his parents on Market street. The Improvement leafne and Flower society will have its regu lar meeting in the Commercial club rooms at 8 o'clock Fridav hlght. ' " The Fortnightly Music club met tt the home of Thelma Peed Tues day evening. The following offi cers were elected: Thelma Peed, president; Evelyn Poulsen, vice president; Florence Clutter, secre tary. A short program was given; three piano selections by Lucille Anderson. Evelyn Poulsen tfnd Florence Clutter. Impromptu readings by Thelma Peed and Joy Hills. Games were played, after which dainty refreshments were served. The next meeting will be In the form of a line party. . An Interesting meeCng of the Home Miseionary society of the First Methodist church was held Wednesday afternoon at the resi dence of Mrs. Ray L. Farmer.. who was assisted during the hours by Mrs. H. H. Vandervort. Forming a pretty flora! background for the 45 guests were tall branches of cherry blossoms and spring flow ers. Mrs. E. J. Swafford gave the lesson, using as her topic the work being accomplished by the Home Missionary society, fnrlndfnir ac tivities in the south, mountain and negro districts. In Alaska - ous other places. Mrs. Char!es0 Wilson led the devotional exer cises. The Thimble club of the Women of Woodcraft will assemble for an au-rtay meeting Saturday at ' Davies' Shack" on State street. Another Half Million Certified for Medford The state irrigation securities commission yesterday certified $500,000 more in bonds for the Medford irrigation district ot Jackson rounty. Prior to this $300,000 has been certified and the entire bond issue is $1,200.- 000. J. A. Perry of Medford. one of the directors of the district, conferred with the commission. The project embraces 10.000 ac res and construction Is now well under way. Blue Book For 1921-22 Is Now Being Compiled John W. Cochran, deputy sec retary of state, is devoting a por tion ot his time to compiling the 1921-1922 edition of the Oregon Blue Book, which is published every two years by the office of the secretary of state. The new Bine Rook will be off the prew about Jnly 1. . . My HEART ID I HUSBAND Adele Garrison's New Phase Of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE CHAPTER ?.l ( HOW MADGE SOLVED Til PROBLEM WHICH SORELY i TROVBLED MISS HOLCOMMi: ! Miss Holcombe, still with my i dress over her arm. vteptt o till" i door through which Mrs. Sioc ' bridge had iust "one and noise lessly slipped the bolt. Then she turned to me, her fine eyes alight. "There!" she said, "now we ean find out what is best to done. FaiiKli' That woman i like a moral mtesma. 1 feel liko opening the windows." She acted as she spoke, and the clear, crisrv. let rushing air stol-1 in fluttering as it passed the atro cious Jr-sHmakitK crention wtii h Milly Stockbrldge had laid upon the bed. "Oh. you atrocity!" Miss Ho!-coinl)- apostrophized the thin;: with a mocking laugh. You'lL not makf, votir appeaiar.ee down stairs tonight unless Milly her self repents and wears you. Conio. let's go over this gown of yours. Mrs. Graham. I have a theory that the worst of this stuff can be brushed orf end that then we can perhaps rip this part of the drapery, unhem it. and turn it in side out. No" examining it crit ically, "it isn't Jusr the same on both sides, but I don't believo It will be noticed to very much, and anything will be better than wearing that othor thing." A Lnkv Surprise. Her face expressed doubt, how. er. of tho practicability of her sctoeme. nnd well it might, for the white crepe, of my gown was em- ' "o;dereo with sold threads, and the appearance of the turned pan el would he distinctly "wrong sidy." Luckily, however, I had a surprise in reserve. "We won't have to do that." T said confidently. "When I get through with that dress. If you'll help me. no one can possibly guess It was ever hurt." She looked at r.ie with twinkl ing eyes. "If you ;on't tell me what you mean this instant!" she- said on Inonsly. and I -obeyed her. "Several years ago I tore a filmy gown badly In a theater" my thoughts went back for a swift retrospective moment lo that ni?ht of" the first play Dicky and I saw together after our mar riage, "and I would have given t good deal for a piece of the goods whenxi was mending it in the dressing room of the theater. Ever since then I Suppose it's fussy but I never wear an easily torn gown without having at hand piece of the goods." ' "And you have It here?" her voice wa gleeful. The next in stant It shadowed. "If it was in your dress case something's hap pened to it," she affirmed sober ly. "Milly'd never overlook a bet like that." "Rut it isn't In the dress case." I returned. "Lack evidently was with me this morning. I forgot to put it in the case. At the last minute I remembered it and tucked a length of the goods in my opera bag." I took my opera bag as I spoke, opened it. and drew out a long filmy piece of the delicately embroidered stuff tf which my gown was made. Mis Holcombe Explains. ," colossol luck!" Alice Holcombe breathed. "It will be OUR SKILLED BAKERS know well the art of bak ing nutrition ancf deli ciousness into every tas ty loaf. They don't trust to luck. But day after day give you Bread of uniform goodness in HOLSUM BREAD Their spick-and-span white uniforms are just another evidence of the fresh, clean sweetness of your Bread. Ask your grocer for the loaf that brings you Big gest Food Value in tempting form. CHERRY CITY BAKING COMPANY FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 8, Vj2V the simplest thing possible to make another uanel lust tike this and ut it in. Here's the t!uie ws put one over on Utile Milly. Hv.t f mustn't let her ret the slight est inkling of what we're doim;. and while she's perfectly tiatisfied that you're doomed to wear h''f gown, yet he wnti't be able to resist the temptation to come ba k toxical a bit. 1 have it. Slip off your suit and get into this' atroc ity. In the mean timej if you'll show rne where. I'll rip that stained panel from your gown and hang the gown back in the closet. It will lie easy to hide tho snif'.l panels if she comes, and I'll alo take a few slash" in her old' dress, pretending to fix it lor you. 1( will serve her right is well as mislead h"r if Fhe -oracs in." "What do you uppose he di 1 ihif. particular thing for?" I iiij rV? shortens pancaked mfc. X Potion. .- i k'Sr ZP Add water or-milk, . ! 'iLm,x and c99 " 'I jh J H Th OLYMPIC Urn tochdsi your fauorto j Do you read the Saturday Evening Post? - If you do then you have read the TopkisiMeh's Un derwear ads. Now the opportunity is yours, see the underwear itself. Purchase your season's supply today It pays to trade at Bishop's. Why? You take) no chance to lose if you purchase here J Every family j asked, when I had invested Biy self with the salmon-pink atrocity, which made me present a decided ; ly unattractive appearance. I ' ga,ve a little shudder rt what Hieky would hav- thought if lie had seen me enter ,the iIimIm room in that particular guise. "Mill.v's no fool," she said. "Ken wouldn't l.er wear this thing, which represents her g"ii- ral taste in dres; , and I happen to know that the whit" lace gown she speaks of looks Hike a viiy poor country rotnin beside t!(! beauty. She has just sense en ough to lealize how the two gowns would look if contrasted, also that that thJng you have pn while it wouldn't be to bad w(h her sallow rare and" dark hifr. would be mighty iiivbecoming v'l'i you. Now let m slU3h that ''; n bit." i; She was on h?r knees 'bestito 'o ' ' i M - J& is all you need to btxy that Top kis Men's Athletic Unionsuit. Fit? It sure does. Roomy, Easy, not a hint of skirnpness any where. J SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE C. B. Bishop, Prop. in Marion and Polk Counties a : Patron : " 1 me when a peremptory 'knock sounded on the door. ' ' (To be continued f " ; The Statesman Is the classified advertising TSedium of this com muuity FERTILIZERS or every Crop and Soli require ment SWIFT & COMPANY North Portland, Orv For Easy Terms and Prices see or write CLARENCES. B0WNE 1044 Marlon St. Phone SS3 Ox I i; s ii tome in and I i" ill it