The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 07, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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    ecomel WlorelSarid More So
DID YOU KNOW That Salem Is an Outstanding Silo Center arid Will
Pages 1 to 8
12 Pages
s 1 : hi II
: ;
nil i1 nit ii
nibnid uvlh
U. S. Dispatches to Principal
Allied and Associated
Powers Deals With Man
date Award Over Yap.
Arrested on Forgery Charge,
Roy Harris Confesses
lo Murder
Change of Administration!
v Does Not Affect
V WASHINGTON. April 6. The
American government, although
not a party to the treaty of Ver
aallles, has surrendered none of
Us rights in the overseas, posses
sions of Germany secured to the
principal allied and associated
power by that treaty, Japan,
Great Britain, France, and Italy
are Informed by Secretary Hughes
: la similar note's dispatched by the
itate department Monday.
; Specifically; the coram unJca
tions'deal -with- the award to Ja
pan by the supreme council at
Paris May 7, 1919. of a mandate
over the island of Yap. important
. cable center In the Paeific ocean,
and Mr. Hughes says Che Ameri
can government "trusts this ac
tion, which it must assume was
'taken under a misapprehension.
be reconsidered."
A Fall Right Insisted
",, The notes are the first import
ant . diplomatic communications
- the new 'secretary
Ther make it plain that the
. change, of administration has re
sulted in no modification of the
position of the United States, that,
as a principal contributor to tho
victory over Germany, it must In
. ataf on the exerctae of its full
, rights in the disposition of the
former German possessions.
Only one communication that
' to Great Britain was made pub
lic. Those to France, and Italy
are understood to be substantial- j
- ly he same, but the state depart-,
ment explained that the note to
: Japan contained "additional para
j graphs referring to previous cor
respondence between the two gov
ernments." . It added that the
. correspondent ls not made pub
! lie at this time.' '
Xote' Is Keptjr to Japan .
- -Tue note to Japan is in reply
' to one on Tap received from that
country March 2. This communi
cation and the other three were
supplemental to previous notes.
The series wai begun by Secretary
v Colby November !.
, Asserting "there coum oe
valid or effective discussion of the
overseas possessions of Geormany
withont the assent of the United
States," Secretary Hughes points
out thai the peace treaty does not
."purport to secure to Japan or
aar other nation any right in tho
1 , overseas possessions of Germany
I save as an equal right therein
I '! should be secured to the United
j - States." . .
1 rOn the contrary," he says, "ar
il tide 119 of the' treaty provides:
if? -Klrmaiiv ronnnitre in favor of
dv the principal allied and assoctat
V ed powers all her rights and tl-
ties in overseas possessions It
il will not be questioned that one fo
n i the 'principal allied and associai
,i ed. powers', in whose favor Ger
f ; many renounces her rights and U
P ties is the4lnited States. Thus
not only the position of Japan d3--.
' rives no strength from the treaty
HUFFALO. N. Y.. April f.
Hoy Harris, arrested tonight on
a charge of forgery, signed a
statement to the effect that he
end another man killed Joseph H.
Elwell in New York last June.
Harris says that he and a
friend. William Dunkln. were ac
costed on the street by a chauf
feur they knew, who told them
he had a woman passenger who
might pay them well for a job.
They got in and drove about with
the woman, who said her name
was Mrs. Faircbild. She promised
them $5000 to kill Elwell, and
gave them S0 each on account,
the statement declares. The next
morning she met them and drove
them to Elwell's home on West
Seventieth street, where Bh let
them in with a key.
Harris alleges Dunkln shot El
well. The woman, he said, gave
them $450 each and promised th
rest of the money later. Harris
Livestock Conditions in Cen
tral Oregon Improve and
Bankers Are Generous
Hitch Appears in Negotia
tions to Settle Coal Crisis
Resumption of Pump
ing Insisted Upon.
Derby's Suggestion Consid
ered Responsible for Of
fer to Negotiate
j LONDON. April 6. A day of
say? he never got any more and great .excitement which appeared
suspects his pal "double-crossed" be leading to amicable negoti-
hlm. He fled the city when the
tragedy excited such widespread
The man had been staying at
a hotel nere wnn nis wue
Tuesday. An acquaintance tipped
the local police that ne was want
ed in Ontario (or alleged forgery.
and he was arrested. As he was
b-lng brought info the station he
"That check thing was all set
tled. I know what you want me
for. It is the Elwell muraer.
Then, without much prompting
he dictated a statement and
signed It.
ations on the wage dispute in the
coal crisis, closed with still an
other hitch, owing to insistence
by the government that resump
tion of pumping operations at the
mines must be preliminary to any
First meeting of the govern
ment with the miners and mine
owners had lien set for tomor
row and meanwhile all question"
of action by the railway men and
transport workers, who with the
miners form the triple alliance
had been temporarily suspended.
Then the premier announced that
.U Mt.Aa. fn nvn t inn Vitft-l in
I lilt? Ill ujci n ifuci ubv 111
I fnrmori him that it wna !l tin hip
About Imoii head o;' horse:; died
i tho interior no.intie" of Oi"i-
on 'hiring the p;ist winter, according-
to Dr. W. I,'. Lytle, state
v teriiuuian. who ha? returned
from a tour through that region.
Financially this, is said to be a
Kiiin rather than 'a loss to the
livestock men, since the horses
vcr small and not r-.jleuble.
Inability of the horses to
kowfr on prass because of snow
;,iil slet t v as mainly Hie causo of
thpir destruction Shecji. on the
c ther hand, are al to feed from
the tops of sasebrush and cam;
through the winter in frood con
dition, fattl" fared well.
Crass is now plentiful m tne
nterior and Dr. Ly tie reports that
ambine this season will represent
an increase of about 120 per cent.
La.t sea.' on Jaiabins was nly
about tio per cent.
While the shep men have been
hard hit financially, it is saia
they will receive protection from
the banks. Bankers will advance
them sufficient money to shear
on and i is said tore clo sures are
not likely to retorted to in
the majority of cares-.
(Continued on page 5.)
vv.w YORK. ADril 6. Police
headquarters here was notified
tonight of the arrest of Roy Harris
in Buffalo and his alleged confes
sion that he took parti n the mur
der of Joseph B. Elwell here last
June, but official comment was
withheld pending the receipt of
further details.
So far as is known, the name
of "Mrs. Falrchlld" mentioned in
ithe alleged confession, has never
been brought into the case before.
i From outward appearances, me
murder of Elwell has remained to
date an Impenetrable mystery. He
was found by his housekeeper
clumped in a chair In the reception
tait nf his home, on the morning
of June 11. He was still breath
ing, but his bead bad been pierced
hv linn calibre bullet. He died
few hours later without giving
nv rlne to his assailast.
I There was no weapon near his
ftody, no footprints, no evidence of
a struggle. Doors and windows
were securely locked. There were
no powder marks on his lace ana
no burns, eliminating any possi
blllity of self-destruction.
After an exhaustive investlga
tlon by police, it was admitted that
no tangible clue to tne muraer
had been found.
Date Fixed for Annual
Reunion of Iowa People
i The Iowa State association of
Oregon will hold its annual reun
ion and picnic" at the state fair
grounds Friday. Jnne 17.
1 The date was fixed at a meet
ing of the members of the asso
ciation Tuesday night. Another
meeting. to make further prepa
ration for the picnic will be held
the first Tuesday in May a iu
home of I. L McAdams on D
All persons who have lived in
Iowa are eligible to Join the asso
ciation, i
A more elaborate program than
heretofore is planned for the re
union this year and speakers pro
batoly will be brought to Salem
from Portland and elsewhere.
Veterans' Rehabilitation Ad
ministration Is Probable
Name For New Bureau
For Ex-Soldiers.
Offenders Do Not Increase in Proportion to Population, Ac-
cordinR to Figures Covering ZO-year fenoa service
Men Not Criminally Inclined Prohibition Is Praised
Physical, Financial and In
dustrial Phases Must
Be Handled
I in aoo ita w a v clenr in instruct
pumpmen, to resume work during
the negotiations. He added that
the negotiations could not proceed 1
unless this obstacle was over
Frank Hodges, a leader of the
miners, said he did not regard
the question of negotiations as
hopeless, Another favorable In
dication Is that the premfer has
written to the miners' executive
asking them to meet him early
tomorrow. q
The general feeling is that the
trouble about pumping is not
serious enough to prove a per
manent obstruction. There is no
cessation of the precautionary
measures taken by the govern
ment, however, or by the miners,
transport workers and other la
bor bodies.
Conferences are being retained
in suspended animation and prep
arations are being continued lo
cally for any needful steps should
negotiations break down. It Is
assumed that Lord Derby's sug
gestion carried great weight with
the government and probably in
duced the offer to negotiate. Ho
'wields enormous political power
lr. the conservative party.
It is believed, despite the gov
ernment's firm attitude regard
ing a subsidy that the line the
negotiations may take will be the
granting of a temporary subsidy
to tide the industry over the
period necessary to negotiate an
acceptable wage settlement.
In the event of a breakdown
in negotiations it is understood
that the executive of the national
co-operative societies have agreed
to extend credits to tne BiriKins
miners or other workers whose
trade unions find their funds
heavily burdened by strike payments.
Col. Arnold Would Increase
Forest Patrol Force
In Oregon
PORTLAND. Or., April 6. Es-1
tablishment of a third airplane
base and the allotment of five ad
ditional planes for forest patrol
duty in Oregon have been recom
mended by Major 11. H. Arnold,
chief of the air service of the
western division of the war de
partment, who arrived in Port
land by airplane today from Ma
ther field Sacramento.
"Last year we had 13 planes
doing foret -patrol -work i-4his
state. I have recommenaea an
other five planes for the coming
summer season," said Major Ar
nold. "A new base for the five
new planes will be established
either at Burns or La Grande."
Major Arnold's visit to Port
land primarily is for a conference
with Colonel Greeley of Washing
ton, D. C head of the govern
ment forest service. Colonel Gree
ley is now in Portland and the
two officers will confer tomorrow.
solidation under one head of all
government bureaus dealing with
t;x-soldier relief to function di
rectly under the president, will
oe the chief recommendation
made to President Harding by
the special commission which
concluded its inquiry into govern
ment relief work today. Charles
G. Dawes of Chicago, chairman,
announced tonight drafting of the
report would begin tomorrow
The new bureau will be known
orohablv as "the veterans re
habilitation administration."
Its head will be selected by
President Harding
Commission members agreed
that the erux of the problem cen
tered in the phrase ''veteran re
habilitation." While it was a sin
gle problem, they said, it natur
ally was divided into three needs
which must be fulfilled. They
were those of a physical nature;
those of finance and those deal
ing with industrial phases.
Heretofore these problems have
been delegated to three organiza
tions, the public health service
for medical treatment, the bureau
of war risk for. financial support
and the board of vocational edu
cation for industrial
Jesse Webb, life termer at the j
tate penitentiary, editor of Lend
i Hand, and author of "The Am-
i erican Prison System," declares
that th3 so-called crime ways
that is sweeping the nation is a
myth and that crime statistics of
the-present compared with those
of past years indicate that there
that the" so-called crime waves
i.ow. Mr. Webb bases his con
tusions on a study of the prison
records lor 2 0 years back. He
was requested by prison officials
to make the study and has spent
the last two months perusing the
Crime Proportionately Less.
In his report to the warden Mr.
Webb said that investigation of
the records showed that during
the period. January 1. 1911, to
January 1, 1921. covering a span
of 10 years following enactment
of the parole law in Oregon,
there were received at the prison
here only five more persons than
during the preceding 10 years.
dating from January 1. 1901, to
January 1. 1911. During the first
10 years there was no parole law
in Oreeon, and persons desiring
to be freed from the prison were
compelled to seek ia pardonjtath
er than a conditional release.
Based on figures showing ,tnat
the population of Oregon pearly
doubled during the; 10 years, pre
ceding the .1920 census. Mr. Webb
said that from the receipt records
at the prison, crime apparently
had diminished- pearly 40 per
cent between January 1. ,1911,
and January 1, 1921, whencom
pared with the figures of th pre
ceding 10 years, j 1 f.
Idleness Causes Crime.
In April. 1916, according to Mr.
Webb, there, were incarcerated in
th? Oregon penitentiary a total
of ."fi6 prisoners, the largest dum
ber found in the, records now
available fir investigation. ; Mr.
Webb explained that the large
prison population at that time
probably could be explained by
the fact that a financial depres
sion was in progress and thou
sands of mein were oot.or employ
ment. The old adage that an
"idle brain is the devil's work
shop," Mr. Webb said, applied to
present day "onditlons as well as
to historic ages. ' SI' -
From tha year 1916 the popu-
Ratification ol National Co
operative Marketing By
Farmers Laid Over Until
Advocates of Combined Sel
ling Ask That One-Third .
Be Held '
(Continued on page 7)'
President C. C, Russell Calls
Another Meeting For
Saturday Night
H, W.Moore Hurled to Paved
Road iin -Automobile
Mishap Yesterday
Still the prospective broccoli
growers come to the front and
the interest is becoming so great,
and so many IKlnss need looking
after, that C. C. Russell, president
nf the Salem Broccoli association.
rehabilita- j last njght phoned in a call for an
other meeting of the association.
r-ontral Aiithnritv fiiven. nn ntiirtav pvenlne at 8 o clocK.
Tl.i nriranirntlnns Will Del.) tho Salpm Commercial iiuv
III.CV V a p. mm ' I U 1- v. a. .
.rmnnod according to the dects-1 auditorium.
" . . I ... . . I 1 t MMMBAtVA
ion, under a central auinoruy i ah wno nave imcucu
.ni..iun a 1 inn anil eon-1 - ra lirffnd to be present, and also
riiuiiuauu6 uul""-"" I - T- - - . -. TMit.
fjict 1 every one wno couwuiyw"..
The commission's findings, u ting-out proccuu. r "'-";
was said will show serious con- ments win oe mauc,
Tuf ;ith rPfprence to short- at the Saturday evening Meeting
"Frisc Edwards and Wenderoth
Will Guide Destiny of Senators
This Season; Hayes Joins League
Week Awards
Statesman Classified
Ad Contest
Every Member of Angry
Mob Sworn in as Deputy
By Official
j Frisco" Edwards, catcher for!
" I -the Salem Senators, will b Held
I manager of the Senators this sea
1, son. replacing Jack Hayes, who
$i ba" dsned to play with Nick Wil
& Hams', Moose Jaw team of the
J Western Canadian league. Harry
I Wenderoth will look after the
sir business affairs of the Senators.
i : 8alem fans are sorry to lose
Hayes, who Is he of the best
J Players ever seen In action here,
- a Md he has given promise of pilot-
it' In mr . 1 . . i 1 ....
m m aenaiors inrougu a ouv-
censful season.
p Blanchnrri Joint Temsue.
h ' Ulanchard, the Senator first
p basetnaa who attracted a lot of
i mention last season, is also lost
; l the Salem team, having signed
' f B yesterday with Hilly Speas.
:J?nagr of the Regina team of
!l! . Welrn Canadian league.
. "ayes will Join Williams at Pen
j flletou, the Moose Jaw training
camp, earlv net weak nnd will
U 0i k Senator uniform Sunday
rhen the Senators meet the Re
I Una team on the Oxford street
I Rfounds. IUanchard. however.
i lU'ply witii Regina Sunday and
I 2lddi Bishop will hold down the
I y"1 ck tor the Senators. The
5 Senators, have- a promising new
a Player la Kipper, an arrival from
1r i1 who wln PUy thIrd on
Manager Speas of the Regina
team; and two 01 nis P''"n
Zlnke and Fredericks, arrived in
Salern yesterday as th advanco
guard of the Regina team which
Will train in Salem until late
this month. The remainder of
the team has been instructed by
Speas to reach Salem by Friday
Zinke and Fredericks are both
new men with Speas The for
mer is a pitcher ana iu
an outfielder. The manager says
..-..i. r Kom look Rood. DOtll
DOIU v" " . -,,,1
have been in spring "
ore in good form. Most or the
members of the team have no
yet had opportunity to work out
for the opening season. .
1olorrl Tram Coming.
Next Sunday the Resin team
and the Salem Senators will open
the season in Salem with a game
at thte Oxford street ground?.
Manager Speas has made r-
..monu for a game here on
Friday.; April 15. bet ween his
club and a coiorea c u
cast that is now touring the west
ern states. TPC roiorvu
.imiailv fast, notwlthstand
ii iihe nlayers are of largo
Some of the cleverest
ball placers in the United States
n a . ia mam in till, :
are nam w ' nt inrton. was destroyed by lire 10-
The piayer- r: - .-thAP .lth - number of
TAMPA. Fla.. April 6 The
nuick wit of Sheriff John Logan,
ot Polk county, as swearing in as
deputies every member of a mob
that had surrounded his automo
bile in which he held as prisoner
Pollins. a negro, prevented a pos
sible lynching near Lakeland to-1
day. Collins, who was arresiea
on a charge of having attacked
kit white women, was being iaK-
en to jail by the sheriff and threa
Facing a crown ot n'u meu,
Sheriff Logan declared:
"I know every man among juu.
I swear each one of you in as a
deputy sheriff. It is your duty
now to escort witn us mis jiriB.-
cr to tne jaii ai
the crowd stood in surprise. m;
officer placed his charse in a
faster car and sped away to
Tampa. ...
The crowd followed but was
Each week the Statesman
will give three ca?h rewards
for the best "stories" about
Statesman Classified Ads.
The awards will be announc
ed each Tuesday morning;
1st reward. $2.50; 2nd re
ward. $1.50; 3rd reward,
Contestants must see that
their "stories" reach the
Statesman office before Mon
day morning of each week
in order to be considered.
Last Week's Awards.
A number of very inter
esting "stories" were receiv
ed last week, and the judges
have decided upon the fol
lowing as the winners:
1st reward, Kvelyn White,
box 412, Newport. Or.
2nd reward. Miss Esther
T. Thompson, route 8, box
67. Salem. Or.
3rd reward. Miss Hlanchc
Rowley. 1 r0 7 Cheraeketa
street, Salem.
Several very good stories
were received and will be
mentioned in future i?snes
of Th? Statesman.
The story v.inning third
reward is published in full
below, the others will be
published in future issues of
The Statesman. Watch for
. , , , hi horn ana sons, oaic.u.
age or nospnai im-mi-. ;-'- .ua v.,ih9v for
tnhercuiar ana nouie o, eui" -
------- 1 V n 1
n wr in an acre ana a
ly as affecting
. i V
mntal cases. 1 nis cuhuiuuh wm . t. c.
be "cited to illustrate the. need for They came in , P"-" anawSe
for whien an an-1 im vyumm. t
new hospitals.
rrnnrlatinll probably Will De
, . v. , . . .
New legislation will aiso o
asked by the commission to ac
complish consolidation of the
bureaus and de-centralization of
the field service.
Commander Galbralth pieugea
the American legion's support to
the central bureau, as dm me
chiefs of all the government bu
reaus affected and onicers oi ins
lied Cross.
Irate Citizens Insist on De
parture of Union
m Th statesman office.
Tracy Walling. Salem, route 1.
came to tjie Statesman and
onrnnoi Ar nn acre.
t t uToAiiuter Macleay. Rout-3
5 box 57. sent a letter last night
t The Statesman, asking to c
i.ii down for an vre
These will all he turned over
to the secretary.
a. number hava enrolled with
Mr Rusaell.
' It would be V7ell for all wno
. . . . ln!nr lirncrnl
are tninKing oi v'"t""e -
to get their names in soon; tor
the matter of furnishing seed can
not be put off too long.
It is pretty clear now that
there will be 200 acres or more
five times as much as was expect
ed when the movement started:
and Salem will at once take lead
ing place in tha broccoli industr.
A eeriou! automobile accident
occurred about 5 o'clock yester
day morning on the ! Portland-Sa.
1em road, ini which H. W. Moore
who is connected with : the Nash
automobile fcarage. sustained
fractured skull, and up to a late
hour last night had not yet fully
regained consciousness,; .lj
Particulars of the accident; are
meager, but! it is said that Ux
Moore was riding in tbfc rear teat
of the automobile at ' the time,
when . in some manner the car
skidded and struck against a tele
phone, the impact causing Mr.
Moore to be hurled from tne car
to the pavement. : It fwaa neces
sary to secure an ambulance from
this city to jcourey tne mjurea
man to tne saiem ueaconesa nw
pital. where he is no receiving
treatment, s
Other occupants of the automo
bile were reported as ! having fs
caped injury.; ' '
WASHINGTON. April fif sSt.
Paul's parish church In Rock
Creek cemetery, erected in I77fi
onH ihn oldest church in Wash-
1 V
Quick U-smHs iiiim !ailitl
The Miller family wanted to
live in the city. Mr. and Mrs.
Miller thought themselves too old
to live on a larm any longer. Tne
topic of moving into Salem v.-as
discussed by the family every
o von ine
Weli, mother." said Father
Miller, we will have to sell our
farm Una and thin 1 would just
: soon move into lown. In fact.
I think it would Tc a good thing
for the children."
"Father, I think you should so
to town tomorrow and make ar
rangements for selling our things.
Putting a sign out in our yard
will never bring results. It at
least d'dn't lor Smiths."
The next day Mr. Milfer went
(Continued on page ")
HARRISON,- Ar:c. April C.QAt
the insistence of a committee rep
resenting one thousand citizens
from towns alon the Missouri
and North Arkansas railiuad, un
ion leaders who have had cliarj.;e
of a strike on that line agreed to
leave the state and departed iaie
The departure was determine!
on at informal conferences, fol
lowing the arrival today of two
special trains from all towns alon-;
the road, bearing six hundred cit
izens who expressed tnemseiye
as out of patience at the strike.
These, joined by 400 Harrison
men held a mass meeting aoout
the union leaders' hotel.
It was reported that the union
leaders objected ;it first b"Ut con
cpntfxi to leave when the com-
' mittee pointed out that a thous
and men around the noiei weiu
awaiting a decision.
The departure was orderly.
The road, which is in me naiuii
of a receiver, is being operated
on the "open shop" busis under
guard of deputy marshals ap
pointed as the result of a serir
ot track obstruction tie-ups at
tributed to the strikers.
Seattle Mills Drop
Flour 40 Cents a Barrel
SEATTLE. Wash.. April fi.
Seattle fJi.uriog mills lo-lav hii
noiimed another cut "f 40 rents
a barrel in the wholesale price ot
local soft wheal flour, amounting
to about 10 cents decrease to the
retailer on the 49-pound sack of
"family" flour. The new; price Is
effective immediately.
Hearing to Fix Responsibility
Finished, Decision is
Not Made
Spreading iof Rails! Causes
Accident Near; New
River, Tenn. f;
kkatti.E. WasTi.. April 6.
First Officer Dick Marquart of
the steamship Governor which was
.,T.mi hv the freighter West
Hart land and sank off Point Wil
son last week, returned to
,i frnm the scene of the wreck
and announced he had recovered
53 trunks which had drifted
ashore. This, he said, indicates
that the Governor had broken up
Hearing to ix responsibility for
the collision was .completed io
iho I'nited State
i . f incnoi'tnrs. Findins will
... ... - , .LI
-ro.d.iv nnt h announceu i
week, it was stated.
Anti-Blue Law League
Of America Organized
NKW OKLrlANS. I-a . April t',
Removal of the prohibition on
lizht wines will be one
of the purposes of the Antl-Rlue
Law league of America. Inc.,
rratitod a charter in Delaware, it
stated-today by G. H. KUis
president. He said plans embraced
efforts to "knock out blue, laws
that are destroying the liberty of
America." and to bring about "a
sensible, liberal and reasonable
construction of j,he prohibition
laws." . . . t.
Two persons iwere iklled and 30
injured, four fatally iln a wreck
of the Royal Palm limited, norui
bound on the Southerrt :railwayjt
New River. Tenn.. today, A spe
cial train bearing therdtad and.
injured arrived here tonight. FOUr
died on the train and in a nospi
tal here. . '
Three coaches were overturned
and three sleeping car derailed
The wreck was due, according to
railroad men.': to tUCkling r
spreading of the rails oceurrca
Just north of New River, Tenn.JI
The Royal Palm limited run
from Jacksonville, Fla., to CbJ
norts received lat headauarters Of
the Southern railway here tonight
said two persons had been Kineii
and 13 injured in the derailmefl
of train No. 2. near New Rive?;
Tenn., today. ! The engine and
three coaches ; were overturned;
Three sleepers iwere derailed, but
remained upright, the reporW
said. -
Mount Vesuvius Is
In Violent Eruption
CHICAGO. April 6.--Compul- 1
sory pooling of grain thrust Itself
forward today as tn Dig issue v
of the meeting called for ratifi
cation of a national co-operatlre
grain marketing plan worked out
by the farmers grain margeting
committee of 17. Decision went :
oyer until tomorrow, f
Advocates ot compulsory -pool
ing asked- that one-third of the
grain handled by farmers through,
the proposed national marketing
agency be held for pooling: Re
commendation of the committee j
was that pooling should be lift
optional with each farmery 5
Pooling Grows in Favor. t
Sentiment or compulsory pool- t
ing grew . rapidly , nnder th at
tack on the optional -plan late: in
the session; and on the. strengtn
of Us advocates, '..u : ' 7;" r " .
The Issue was opened by C X). .
Moser of Dallas, Texas,, secretary
of the Texas farm bureau feder
ation. He moved an amendment
to the plan presented by the com
mittee of 17 requiring each grain
grower joining the national asso
ciation to agree to th pooling -of
one-thfrd of all wheat' he de-
J livered. -,-.;.' . . - -.:.-. ;.;.'-. ,
Aaron Saplto of San Francisco.
prominent . In the California .co
operative movement, and appear
ing as a delegate of the . north
west -wheat growers', association,
seconded the amendment, and It
had further support from , B M.
Jewett of Spokane,'. Wash., gen
eral manager of the northwsl
wheat growers' association, j
Wheat Growers, 100 PerCent.
Demand for compuiiory pOollns
was also in. evidence from repre- :
enUtives of the Wheat Growers'
association of America- ,;.' .
"We sund for a 100 per cent
compulsory poor but we . came ;
ready to compromise to effect one :
great national agency.". sald'.W.1
H. McGreevr of Kansas, president
of the National Wheat Growers
association. "If compulsory pool-
ing is not proviaea tor, u ine
plan adopted, .we ; cannot be-a '
party to it.- We are willing to
agree on 33 1-3 per cent,".
The attack on optional pooling
centered on the ground1, that eo- -
operative marketing, of grain on
a national scale cannot succeed
unless the national pool be pro
moted by compulsion. ; Other
ways of selling grain, similar to
those now in use but differing
oaly In that they are on a co
operative basis, are provided in
the committee's plan, also for use.
at option. : . ' .
Some members of the commit- -
tee of 17 viewed the demand tor
compulsory pooling as-supported
largely by radicals. Others ex
pressed themselYes In fayor pf the
plan. ' ' . '-.''
"We determined to leave the
decision of pooling to the mem- '
ber himself." Clifford Thorne,
member of the committee and 'Its
attorney, said: "This will leave
pooling to the acid test and if It
is the best method of marketing
grain it will survive." .
To this Mr. Moser of Texas re
plied optional pooling - would
come as a bombshell to Texas.
There, he said, they were pooling
on a 100 per cent bustrel baaiS.; ?,
''To some of us the pooling Idea
is the heart of co-operation," Mr.
Sapro declared in seconding Mr.
Moser's compulsory pooling am
endment, "It is the key point of
the contract." -!- '.'
"if you keep piis clause for
optional pooling In the contract,,
there will be no pooling. At
least one-third of the wheat of
fered Is needed ia a great national
pool. If you want to do the
great thing, give pooling a chance.
This contract gives it none. The
Inertia of men will fight against
NAPLES. April 6. Mount Ves
uvius is in active eruption. The
eruption is the. most violent mat
has occurred in 15 years. It IS
being accompanied by impressive
internal rumblings.
Dense clouds of smoke mixed
with flames form a majestic bul
alarminc oictune. Many American
tourists have been attracted by
the spectacle but are prevented
from approaching the crater by
the showers of hot ashes and cinf
ders and the mpvement of molteit
Fair and warmer; heavy frost
in the morning; moderate norm
erly winds. :
it." ' ,
"If pooling is not pushed it will
no(. succeed," Mr. Hewitt de
clared. "Give this third until '
you have done that yon cannot
apply the acid test to pooling.: It -is
the fundamental thing in the -
movement." - " m -
Grain growers from 21 states
were represented at the confer-"
ence. which was called by the
committee of 17 after more than '
six months work on a national
marketing plan. Delegate nutn- .'
berlng 105 are in attendant, v ..
If the movement is backed by '
the farmers. Mr. Thorne said. 1t .
would develop . into the largest
example of co-ooperatlng market
Ing in the world, handling, annu-
ally several hundred million 'del ;
le rs worth of grain. tsal :
eacn ba,uo'
ill -