9 Hi 8 ; TIffi OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 6, 1921 State Commission Contem ' plates Big Expenditure on Crater Lake Route GOVERNMENT PAYS PART Five Bridges Will Be Con structed on Stretch From Agate to Trail Improvement or thw Medford Craler Lake highway et an esti mated cost of $530,000. is in cluded in th"s immediate program of the atatf highway department. This Imorovement will all be cn-f the 14.3-mile stretch of the high way from Afate to TraH. Bridge and trading on this section r.f the road are now under contract and bids for the macadam work will be advertised for In May. This Improvement is all that ia immediately contemplated on the Med ford-Crater lake highway. Highway department officials say there is a ?ood macadam road from Med ford to Agate, a dis tance of 12 miles. No work has been done on the road from Trail lo Prospect, a distance of 22 miles. Grading and bridge con struction was done on the road Troni Prospect to the national park boundary last yer at a cost of $1S6,000, the state and the federal forest service each pay ing half. War Department Active. The remaining eight miles from ih" boundary Is a graded road built by the war depart ment. The war department also has built a graded road around the lake, a distance of 33 miles, and also to the lake from the Klamath Falls entrance to the park, a distance of eight miles. In May, 1920, Jackson county Toted $200,000 bonds to be ap plied to the Crater lake highway, tut up to the present time the bonds have not been salable be cause of a requirement that they cannot be sold below par. Kovaral Contract Let Relative to the Agate-Trail sec tion which is slated for immedi ate improvement, the records of h- highway department give the following information: ; A grading contract tor a unit l-Hginnlng at Trail and extending 2.44 miles toward Agate was let to William von der Heilen of Eagle Point, the estimated cost being 148,650. The next unit, 7.22 miles in the center of the project, a grading job, was award- j.u io rihodfs k Price of Medford at $121,100. The next unit of ' 4.69 miles, covering the reniain Jing cost of $103,600 Contracts covering four of the bridges were awarded to Albert Anderson of Grants Pa?s and the contract for the other was awarded to the Portland Bridge company. The placing of a macadam surface on j the road, which has not yet been Icontracted, will cost an estimated i $193,800. The total cost of $.".30,000 will be divided $132,800. or 25 per cent to Jackson county, and $198, 750,, or 33'i per cent each to the state and the government. APPLE RAISERS LAST DAYC NORMA TALMADGE In "THE BRANDED WOMAN" Thursday Friday Saturday it IN Synopsis of the Annual Statement of tlie Southern Surety Company nf Imi Moines, in tnr Hit" of Iowa, on the Slat day of Im ember. I'J'.'O, made to th Insuranre Commissioner of the Stat' of Oregon, pursuant to law : Capital Amount of rapital stork paid P si.ooo.ooo oo Incom. Net premium reretved dur in Ihrynr , .03 1.403. Cfl Interest, dividends and rents rereired during the year l1.56.i22 Income from other sources weired during toe year 153.::6 69 SEE GOOD YEAR Every Indication Points To Excellent Crop in Oregon This Year CRISIS NEARLY PASSED III Effects of Cold Spell of 1919 no Longer Felt, S?.ys Mr. Lewis Dedicated to children from nine to ninety, starring LIBER FLORENCE VID0R TY Where The Public Knows, It Sees Good Shows Mnnou Extraordinary! Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 'APRIL 10,11, 12, 13 V 1st. " . . - --I Tfc fiunoui Tcnentais,,,irv TT r- j r i i Direct From the World's Record-Breakinsr Presentation at ' ; ! the Capitol Theatre. New York The screen's mightiest epic took two years to produce Total income $326 ; j7 .. Disbursements. et losses paid during the year inrludinr adjustment f-K paid on e.p.l,MC90" 91 v&r:!i 'Varies l2 "" paid durinf the year 1 JO Him ut Taxes, l.ren.e, jd l bJ0'8W 8 4 darin, the ,,,, . . P Amount of .11 other expends 1437'5 S44.3U.V79 Total expenditure. $4..Jw.8l2"o9 ... , Assets. '"" real estate owned v umrkr Tlo,, 4'2 039 -1 hie of storks ,d Uond, ,J- owned (market value) . 99.'. 933 03 Loans on mortgagee and rol- n.jtTZX 2.319 08 . ,n va.s aIla on ftanj 1.00:1,045.06 - " in ronrse or eo. Icftwai written since Hep- t em her ao. 1920 1 049 797 04 Interest and rents due and aernied 7l.939.9rt inner ntsrellaneous assets 27't,02.V13 Total admitted assets t4.067.299 35 UabUttias. Oross claims for losses an- . - I841.321.9fl Amount of unearned premi ums on all outstanding riska . l,757.9o.o Wu for commission and brokerae. 2fi2.449.4H All other liabilities 227,777.53 . Total iiahilitiea. exrlusive of rapital stork of $1,- O0tt.00O.00 $3.0X9.739.09 Buainata ia Or(on for tho Taar. Aet premiams receired dur- tn tho rear 18,402.1.1 '-ses paid durhif the year 9.839 25 SOUTHERN 8CRETY COMPANY C. H. Cobb. IVeaident. E. O. Daia. 8eeretair. Statutory resident attorney for aerricc George f. Hchalk. Portland. Thrills 7 Suspense - Mystery Action a IL, IE. , Now Showing Today Tomorrow Blight Theatre Vaudeville Friday, ,11 New Shipment Arrived Imported Spring Voiles In this lot is included some very late designs in flowers and silk stripes that will surely please every one's taste. Priced at 19c, 39c, 49c, 79c Bungalow Aprons Made of very pretty designs in percales a nd fine ginghams, full cut and well fin ished, a special at 79c Grocery Dept. Offers Specials 131-4 pounds Pure Cane Sugar at $1.00 10 bars Crystal White Soap 50c 6 pounds bulk Coffee, regular value 30c, per lb.. .$1.00 5P25eLi N0TI91? : 0ur Suit saIe is on n full force. Come and get your pick while the static is complete , Shop i Where The . Crowds Buy We pay More for Eggs. Can Use Car load of Potatoes Growers of apples Hti western Oregon should feel greatly en couraged orer the general favor able conditions of apple trees and the prospecst of a big crop this coming season. And while the indication! are for a good crop In Oregon, re ports from the east show consid erable damage from frost, espec ially in Michigan and the Ozard apple section of Missouri, Arkan sas and also Oklahoma. IUrord Crop Kspected A general agricultural report says: "Growers of apples in the north west anticipate a record crop for 1921. If there is no extremely cold weather up to the middle of April, the crop tehould run to large, sizes and be of a fine qual ity." C. I. Lewis, of the Oregon Growers Cooperative association with 15 years experience as a horticulturist in Oregon, says prospects now are for a good crop of apples, as it generally happens that a good crop follows a bad one. And this will be especially true this year as apple trees have largely recovered from the freeze of December, 1919, and the heavy rams or the past winter have glv en additional vitality to the trees. Rata Reduction .ex-onnary The 1920 crop of apples in Or egon was 4,280,872 bushels and the government figures the aver age value a bushel was 75 cents. Also that the average yield was 88 bushels an acre, and that on this average basis, the returns to the growers was about $66 an acre. The charges for freight alone of a box of apples shipped from Oregon to New York ts J 8 cents a box, and the Oregon 2rowers cooperative association is working with other northwestern and Cal ifornia organizations to secure a reduction in rates. OresTon Yield Shown In western Oregon, the apple acreage or the 1920 season was as rouows: Benton countv. 1.3 3 fi acrss- Clackamas county, 1,630 acres; Douglas county, 3,2 8 7. . acres; Jackson county. 5.091 acres; Jo sephine county, 400 acres; Linn county, 225 acres; Marion coun tl, 2.417 acres; Polk county, 1,600 acres; Washington county, l500 acres; Yamhill county, 1,550 acres. Hood River county leads in the state with 11,770 acrlf. Was co county ranking second with 5,660 acres and Jackson county third with 5,091 acres. who are clad only in meager rags or newspapers were announced rev cently by the American Kea Cross." Information rollpcted bv the Red Cross In Europe shows that Ikors la instant nMil of 250.000 layettes and L.Ooo.oo garments for children up to the age of H and that an infinitely, larger num ber of garments can be used be hiidron would be even decently clothed. :i is estimated that the 2.000,000 garments asKeu tor will suffice barely to cover 500,000 children. Whilp th anne-i: is directed to the women who served in Red rmca wnrlrrnmm fUTiUX. the WIT, all women interested in the cloth ing of these children are inciuaea. Tho i.rnfprf will not be launch ed on anything like the war time scale when each community had its chapter workroom wnere mo ouAmhieil daily to turn out surgical dressings and countless nihor artiflpB needed for the Am erican expeditionary forces Un like the same service in war wm, there will be little purchasing of materials but the women will be ..ro-oA r utillzA anv cast-off arti cles of clothing which by the use of specifications of the Red Cross can be converted into useful gar ments for these deBtuuie cnnureu. Nettie Why Is tue hour glass mad- small in the middle? Hetty To show tiie waste of time. Cartoons Magaztne. H I G H WAY BIDS ME OPENED Commission Receives Num erous Estimates On Work MANY SEEK CONTRACTS Polk Delegation Asks That Road Route Be Changed Srnopsis ef the Annual Statement of the American Eale Fire Insurance Company of New York, in the State of New York, on the Slat day of Deeember. 1820. mad to the Insorsnre Commissioner of tne State of OrefOn. nunmaat to law: Capital. A"V.?.""!",!".!!!tl.00O.0O0.O0 ' loeoma. KtrirrrM.".,ri .d!r;.2.sP3.22s. Interest, diridecdi and rents , , reeeired during the yr 220.243 2 Income from other ourre reeeiTrd during the year CO.. 7 Total income 42,918.532.98 IHibarMiBtata. Net looses paid during tha year ineludmg adjustment expenses Dividends paid on capital stork daring the year Commissions and aaiariea paid during the year Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year Amount of all other expendi tures ; PORTLAND, i-pril ,r. Bidd ding was brisk at the first session of the state highway commission's monthly meeting today. Not only were there numerous bld for the ,1obs considered today, bttt the bids were close to estimates and in Borne instances below the fig ures of the state engineer. Rids opened Inclded two paving Jobs, two grading jobs, two surfacing Jobs and four bridges. Tomorrow the commission will open bids for paring 9.8 miles of the Pacific highway in Lane coun ty, on the Walker-Goshen ec tion. Four other projects also will he considered tomorrow. County Judge Robinson headed a delegation from Polk county to ask that the state highway north of RIckreall go over Clark hill Instead of around It. While no action was taken, the com missioners declared that it is the policy to cat out all grades pos sible on main highways. A delegation of residents liv ing along the Albany-Crabtree-Lebanou road. In Linn county. oifered to iatch the state 50-50 on macadamizing this highway. The commission recently selected this north road for the etate high way between Albany and; Leba non. At that time the county of fered to pay one-half of the cost of macadamizing this road, but according to L. O. Lewelling of Albany, spokesman for the dele gation, the county will not be able to meet its share. - Lewelllng said that the prop erty owners along this road were willing to form a highway district and that they would match the state's funds if the county was unable to do bo. This tentative offer was accepted by the com mission. i Forest Grove received the tid ings that 606 feet of road on the highway within the city limits will be paved if the city will bear cne-half of tha cost. This le what they offered to do. A letter was received by the commission from the Multnomah commissioners stating that the 1922 county budget will contain an appropriation of 585,000 to apply on the cost of the Mount Hood loop road. This is to match the state's appropriation of . . i enm fnr thtii rnari : How would you ;ike to be itJ tn Haiti they are artyin' cycles there with the native t$ loss ofjppS PimpUs, Boils. Eruptions, aJ Mental and Phygicat Wialowi Are all very prevalent Jutt J and are positive proof thai k blood is wantirrg in tho doL j defend the body against eon'' and infectious diseases. They!? conclusively that the- blood tL1 thorougrh cleansing, enrtchln, .1 vital Izitvff. A Do not put off giving attentio. J tkese xlangerous symptom,, Oet Hood's Karsanartiia. il and begin taking- it at ones. - i Remember, this gnedlctog'" J given satisfaction to thre iL tions, as a treatment for tha fc' stomach, liver and kldneyg, J r, catarrh, rheumatism ana -lr common diseases. It build system, makes food tasto gool , helps you to eat and DttpM For a gentle laxative or in. a!' .1 . I 4-1... T T i . t I rainanii:, ia.nr xiuuu s rut will like them. 1.159.761.20 140.000.00 687.503 30 08.294.72 401.43 19 Total eipenditurea S2.517.057.41 Assets. Value of atoeks and bonds owned (market ralue) 3,012.034. 50 Cash in banks and on hand 423,137.92 Premiums in eourse rol leetion written sine Sep tember 30. 1920 830,585.70 Interest and rents due and arrrued 13,417.69 RED CROSS PLUS RELIEF CIFIN Appeal Made for Garments For Children Of , Europe SEATTLE. Wash.. April 5. Plans for mobilization of its chap ter workers in a nation-wide sew ing circle to furnish garments for the hundreds of thousands of ba bies and small children in Europe Synopsis of the Annual Statement of the Michigan Fire & Marine Insurance Co. of Detroit, in the State of Michigan, on the 3 1st day of Deeember. 1920, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: Capital. Amount of capital stock paid "P 400,000.00 Income. Net premiums received dur- tag the year 1,420,025.01 Interest, dividends and rents received during the year 95,734.95 income from other sources received, during the year 3.090.71 Total income l,518.8.r0 67 JMsbnraements. Net losses paid during the year including adjustment expenses 651.445 91 Dividends psid on capital stock during the yesr 4O.0OO.00 Commissions and salaries paid during the year 448.814.15 Taxes. licenses and fees paid during the year 68,613.31 Amount of all other expendi tures ., 113.337.81 Total expenditures 1.324,411.18 Assets. Value of stocks and bonds owned (market value) ....$1,218,640.00 Loans on mortgages snd col lateral, etc . 679.870 58 Cash in banks and on hand 64.600.95 Premium in roorse of col lection written since Sep tember 30. 1920 347.012 39 Interest and rents dne snd accrued 32.54S.S7 Other assets 100.00 Total admitted assets 12,342.769 59 Liabilities Gross claims for losses an- paid .. 161.617.12 Amount of unearned premi ums on all outstanding 1,270.714.70 Due for commission and nbVr 730.60 All other liabilities 42.075.55 Total liabilities, exclusive of csnitsl stock of im.0OO.O0 81.475.137 97 Business la Oreeoa for tho Tear. et premiums received, dur- ing the year H.oVVtl ixm paid diinnx- the rear 1 5, 41 loa incurred during the year , , MICHKMN FIKK MARINE "ni BA.HB CO w 2 trTrr' Jr- wident. . . . " h ETWt Secretary. Stafntot-r resident atterr for srvi- T,-,TbT,t,M1- Wileoa Bids.. rertlaao, Oregea. " , Total admitted assets ....4,279.175.81 UsbUltiei Gross rlsims for losses un paid 409.399.55 Amount of unearned premi ums on all outstanding risks 1,885,717.16 Due for commission and brokerage 18.245.51 Ait other liabilities 67.286.77 Total liabilities, exclusive of rapital stock of 1,- 000.000.00 2,360.648.99 Basinets la Oregon for the Tear. t premiums received dur ing the year O lAsaes paid during the year Losses incurred during the year AMERICAN EAGLE FIRE IXS. CO. OF N. T. K. T. Robertson. President. Ernest Sturm, . Secretary, ptatutory resident attorney for service P. V. TV Bsnrs. 11.792.23 3,101.20 3.313.43 IMsatV Starting Today t One of New York's Greatest Stage Stars ' Marjorie Rambeau in her latest photoplay success "THE FORTUNE TELLER" Latest News Events Scenic Comedy - Sunday Clara Kim ball Young in Mid-Channel GRAND "Where the big ahows Play." SMI POPLIN Back to Pre-War Prices 36 Inches -Wide SilkfPoplin lj Yd. i A highly lustrous and durable fabric so popzb for ladies' and children's irettts, skirtj, etc Ccl ors are: White; black, navy, copen, Abnoi brown, taupe, plum, ecru, old rose, peacock, etc Oar Prices Always The Lowest GALE & CO. i Commercial and Court Streets !OBBb9BIb&bbbSSsbbSbbbbbbbbbbb Here's Borne Mews for You We've f priced our Sprbj clothe, very low. We Don't put it off. Be here today. Our ipacio are offering you exceptional values at $30, $35 4U, $45. and modern display rooms are the best in the city. TTie styles are smart, new and conforming to fash- Ft ?3' $45 Can ,how you bc -ions most recent Arii vaIuw yu nave seen for years. It Pays To Shop at BishopWhy? You take no chance to lose if you purchase here Salem Woolen Mills Store C P. Bishop, Prop. - ;', Every family in Marion and Polk Counties a Patron i:ae,eo---aV-V-