Rats P Ward i Per lasertieB Three iaeertieae . r l" insertions). ou we .no 'ms vnmncn USIOX WB 1XSURAXCK SOCIKTT jiuLat Ant 71 State St. MONEY TO LOAN On Real Etmt j T. K. FORD n (Orer Ladd tt Daa Bank) IawkinsT"roberts S04-2O7 Oregon Building t oUR OFFERINGS ft aoma lac!ndln aoma of the Smc in tha city. Onr lUt of fan! and acreajt i complete. f UUTLAR LAFLAR -7 Ofton Bide- Pana 1644 I" NEW TODAY ' L'giLE ""AM BLOCKT BUILD n4 gftta. it i.m JL" -..ifH'T a tCKEfl CLOSE K ."."'larril. Laater-aa. Ar,o HT".. writ. Burn jekhet fiat will "- . ' fa r will trad for U U ;arrlBfc roaW 1. Vol 5. 8ATVRDAT ONLY -A PISB 22 rT . ..k a touar locaa tV untWriM : balaaca la ,UWtd aad ntlyi i atfh. Aa MUal tract aa an own n7.drtW. A aartalo al ; MtS p-r lUk o ataio ot K0 MARRIED MEN WANT WORK o ig Klitr Iftl. city iimtt"- T of aernca mca ot a baa ilttmA lama. tM at !7 llm' Uii. Kraatw. 09 Orfo udiag. - ' TrE TOUR COBDWOOD WITH iai Also roar pruna dryara. ntoao Wt alao writ wiadatorai io airaofa. Ajaaia for Oratoa iro Hr-ttAU-n it MeMiaiUa Room t S.i.1' Bide. 47- fit'Bdir a li SALE SEVERAL RESIDENCES. is ppertiaa at a barf am. itbb w. ar- jtaaoaic unipie. I MatBK Teiplo. 7n STREET GARAGE MILLER (, aceasaortea. f earrai repairms. S10 rarry. 1 tut v ai n rm oarIjOAT LOTS Afiifered. Brewatar aUtioa. T. 4. Mal- 1, LabaBoa. Ura. jR IALE ONE A SO. 1 MILCH Cr. 1780 Wallor Bt Batata. met THE OREGON TAXI AND iTMfar Co. baa aiorod thair fffica U Ulah Stablra. 19. B. Uborty. -Uad V4 dirt for talo. 10URNI8HED TWO ROOM MODERN purtownt. 104 Laalio Bt. - - IWANTEOf AT ONCE L atodara aoma la vklaity of capital Milno aiaat bo toot "i" fo to aboat i titl lirtO eahia. ' . 4fta jriot about a 10 ara trat whh tr 8 acre eal tira ted and with kijdiaffa; located wbera eleetrieity la TKilabla; prafer aooth. Hat aboat 10 aerrs witboat baild injjft ia Polk coaaty, withia 9 aailea of aw laaa Koaaaaaaa tfau aKeMI A fttjM ! POT WI r7 awtwrv- Cmm nd Mill struts, up t 12,000 rw catoairt wttitxnf for propei- 1 KINNEY & SMITH t'.ltata 6t. ' : ' 1 ' Oraaad Floor f v; GOOD BUYS I llfVf tood sail ; all ealtieated,- road inM'At 4 a ilea oot. Price 9I.80O, 30 i taya, -balaaeo 9200 par year, 9 par I mit iBteroat. '-4e tract af fiao pralrio ' aoll; all j rqfeivxtea,. 4 roots plaatarad koaac. jtjx. well, faally orchard; food read. iFUfO 8i,S50. Teraia. 'Te (rait fans. 8 room banaalow. Wt. bet and cold water, (ood barn, t (hirkea koatea, family orchard aad Hfrlea, 1$ acres of Italian pranea, 11 "res bearini-r 8 acres af ksgaaborriea, ly acres bearing; two acres timber; mm grsia, good team and all farm BMlearnta ao. Price Slannn tfre e geod aoU, 18 acres rahi jTV . acres pastare, . threo-room Xsa, pars, chickea hoosa, family r ttatrd. Prica 94.000; half cask, i .V ksrlng Italiaa praao orchard Mat from Balem. Price 9420 par -fairan, acres Bearing legsna, one trawberr.es; Price 93,500, half HOUSES i jt .""saiow Baa two tine lots oa 'J H'et. Pries 93.650. Terms. 1 ! la. psssd iarfTf. wi n- r . Ttl? ''. located la Booth t 93oV - taitot, lights. Prico tS J.!" "4 5 Wta located la Booth iT? T,'" ,,' .000; oasy terms. m H, Grabenhorst &. Co. JjPts Btfact , .Pkoa SIS - -" i L.. . EMPLOYMENT FEMALE 1 COMPETENT HOUSE I JStTV T'9 or writo Mrs. Jgrr Baxtoa. Corrallis. Oragoa. .iT IXFERIEN'CED CASHIER i a.J4T mU ffrt Expericaeod JSf 'F apply. The Spa. U' - VMAL8 I wL2JE1 Warm to work in ilM ' MCELLAJTEOUS ' i far."": WOMEN TO ' ririVfV'ri-Bs. A rood f IklKS rtfHt peopla. Adreas PERSONAL a -5f- ! HARRiE,Dr?l!:8T MATRIMONIAL - eieoo. utw, . T?!!!""e"aaaa Jt FOR SALE CAEART BHDS alii CAWlWt arvna Itra. Mr v . ,"'" ?" : ; U ' ! . . .... .- ' , ' - . 1 I - ' "' ' ' - ' - ' ' I m mi i r - - THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON ' I WEDNESDAY MORNING. APRIL 6. 1921 7 FUR SALE l rODLTBT faVCBOLLrS ARC BU8nt8S BIRDS. Pr0tl. Balaiu. Ot. THE NORTHWEST FOCLTRT JOt'B "' Tk , fr lia Kltr7Bka. 7i jr; 91.00 U S.fMU tr mb1 UxUr. Th Ntnkwwl Poultry JurBl, SoUui, f.OANS, LOANS. IXJAXP WE CAJ fmraiah muy to build you Mw bo or to fl np tho old ao if BOTaaary. i.ariar a Laflar, U WE HAVE BOME OOOO FARM MORT acaa i HAWKINS ROBERTS Orajoa Bid.. Balanu FAEJC rAPEB IP TOO WANT TO GET THE BEST ipapar. aaaa lae to Taa racifia HamMlMd. BaloBL Orfoa, for a tarao awataa trial aabocriptkMk Aloatloa tliia ad. HOUSES ALADDIN READY CUT HOUSES, karaa at Fartor prirat. 40 U 70 Pr east r4urtioa Maaty Wan for laildlag parpoaaa. Ckaa.. Btaita. 40 Oracoa BUlg. .. LIVE STOCK W)R HAI.K THREE YOCNO HOLBTE1X ralrra. Btato School for lf. FOR SALE 1 TEAM MARES, WEIOHT ahoat B3O0. 1 mila taat ( Waconda. R O. McKay. aaSCBIXAJTEOUS a10 WILI-VMETTE DOXKET WITH Baia Una 91200. TRY PEOPLE'S CASH STORE HOME nado pia. 5-coat luach. coffao frva BABT JUMPERS, 99 MAX O. BURXN, 1T9 No. CommriaL WAIXBOARD SEVERAL KINDS Low or pric. Max O. Baraa. WIRE HOP, LOGANBERRY, CHICKEN wire. b lain bock. 879 Court atroot. ill COMGOLECM RUGS 910 AND UP. Mas OL Baraa. 1,9 N. Coa l atraot. LEATHER BRIEP CASES 95.00 AND ap. Mas O. Baraa. 179 N. Coa l. OFFICES AND STORES A BIG LOT of aawi booaa for aala at half price. Htaiahocha. BEAUTIFUL WALL TINTS. MANT aew oelora. 10 poaad aad ap. Mas O. Bona.. 179 No. Uoaiasoreial BC GOOD TRUNKS 812.4 AND UP. MAX O. Baraa.. 179 V. Cots' I. WANTED Naaoaa : EVERT ONE TO TRY paiata aad atalal aoU at tha Capital Hardware a raratturo Co. I 28S N. CooiBMrrial Sl Phoaa 947 STANDARD EXCHANGE. 941 NORTH Coaiaioraial atreev. Diajooada. waf bee, Jaateal iaatraBaonta, (-a a a. elorbiax, aboea, ata. Both sow aad aaad tooda boot ht. , aold or axehanfad. JTEVERSPREAD "MATTRESSES" yieeet poaaiblo. Ezaaaiao thoaa here. Mas O. Baraa. 179 N. Coat l. CAPTIVITY Or THE O ATM AN GIRLS -This traa atory of weetera imaii(-ra-tioa baa booa earafally reriaed, aaahiaf haadaotaa llttla Book. It Ulla ia rrapbie taraa of tha BBBaaare of the Oataua family, of tho eacapo of Lorea to. aad tha CaptiTlty of Mary aad Olira. I Mary diad at atarratioa aad OIWo waa pnrckaaod fraaa tha ladiaaa flea . raara later. The prleo la 90 rwata, poetpaid. Addroaa, Orocoa Taaebars Moathly. Salaea. Oreroa. WOOD WOOD FOR SALE NIC E IRT SE4 and fir. Phooa 922. PHONE 1565M FOR WOOD. 8ATUB day xeoptea. WOOD sawing ani o-ood for bale at roaooaablo prices. Fhthors Brothers 91FU. H - CALL THE SALEM FUEL YARDS FOR your wood aad coal; of fie 748 Trade street. Pkoa S29. FOR BALE DRY SECOND GROWTH fir, 18-lock aad 4 ft. Prompt delivery. Fred E. Wells, SOS 8. Charek street. Pboaa lS4r FOR SALE 4 rOOT SECOND GROWTH fir, 98.30 per card delivered. 16-in.h old fir. 1910, delivered; dry. Phone 1467. FOR RENT BOOMS FURNISHED ROOM GENTLEMAN preferred., Phone 485W. rOR . RENT A BEDROOM WITH sleeping porch. Modern and eloee in. Phono 02 4R. FOR RENT TWO WELL FURNISHED booaekerping rooms. 730 N. Fraat . street. . "-I ' . EOUSEB " F. U WOOD. 991 STATE BT, REAL stale, reatala. FOR RENTi OOOD 7 ROOM HOUSE, . close In, modera except f ura see. Phoaa POO or 678. LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST A STRING OF PEARL BEADS, Monday afternooa. Pkoae 1977J. THE CNDEBBIONED IA)8T A LARGE foontaia pea oa Saturday, prooaoiy aboat the poetoffice. It ia apcewlly p riled because it belonged to the aea who died lia France. W. C. Ksntner, 440 Ccatrr 8t.. Salem. Pbdae 591W. WANTED MnaCELLABEOUS CHILDREN CARED FOR BT THE DAY r hour. Pbeae 1814. CLEAN MOSS WANTED WARD K. Ricbsrdsoat, 238a rroat. rnone ee. OLD MATTRESSES MADE OVER Cspitsl City Beading Co. raoao ia. RHUBARB PLANTS WANTED WARD K. Richardsow, 239S front. rnone 491. WANTED TO RENT FOUR OR FIVE room boaoe, fally modem, farnianes or anfaraished. Addrtsa Bos "I 22" car BlSlesmsn. BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory DEALERS FOR SALE OR TRADE LATE 1920 Chandler car. Phone 99". FOR BALE NEW LEXINGTON 8JX. 1620 model, driven ooly 3,500 mi lea Price. 91.700. Will, give terms. Pbone 1IF24 or write J. A. Freatrcas. Kalem, Ore, Rt. 2. - FINE MAXWELL, ltlf. LOOKS AND runs like aew, extra tiro. sjiui. mirror, wind shield rai oraaer. bum per, cwtooti new battery, chain, etc. Only 9575.' Boo owner, Btateamaa of fice. . USED CAR SXAP3 Ovrrtaad 9), Al condition, food rubber ... so Btadebaker Bis. 7-pasaooger 825 . . J t .. 19tA tola i-paaarngrr v oonai-i ... ..... . Late anode! Harley motorcycle r 2SO 1921 Ford touriag. almoot sew SOO 0LES0N AUTO EXCHANGE SO 5. CeMuasrclal BL - rhoao C BUSINESS cards BiMi Auto Directory auto tofb Al'TO TOPS W. C. WKIQHT. 171 Kouth Hth. Al'TO TOPS. CPHOLSTERIXO. AITO QfjiJii"? mi Tf ?i'?t, "Y" BIJ' I ! TIRXS ABD ACCESSORIES CM VERBAL TreE PIU.V.R SERVICE aiatton. Kat yxu tira troubl. 420 South riomcrrial. TONNEAU CARPET MAX O. BURKN. 17" N. Coml. 8MITH-WATKIXS, 147 NORTH HIOH. Kik. Bilrtoa Cord, Hood axtra ply tirea. Krytbiig fur auto. EOR BROWN AND GREEN LINOLEUM oa year maniac hoards , earaa to Max O Bura, 17t Si. Com't atroot, Balam. HOPFMAN 4 OKERBERO TIRE REPAIR ahop; TBleaauinc. r'troadiag. 811 N. Coomarctal. Phoaa 804. AUTO ROBES REDUCED TO CLOSE oat: real ralua: (ood atoch Mas O Bnraa. 179 N. Com 'I OARAOES AJIO REPAIR K0 SOUTH CO VM KRCI Al J A RAO E. Ackaa a Wood. Phoaa 278. TRACY'S tmRAGE OARAGE Parry atrt. 844 LIBBY'3 AUTO REPAIR SHOP 220 South Liberty. Phono 901. AUTO REPAIR SHOP L. MILLER, 24S Center. Phone 690. STANDARD AUTO REPAIR BHOP acroaa from Argo, Chcmoketa atreet. Phone 12U0. SALEM AUTO RADIATOR BHOP 199 South 12th. Pboao 28. SPECIAL PRICES FORD REPAIRING Service garage, 809 N. Liberty. Pboao 1277J. J O. BAIR, RADIATORS. FENDERS, Bodies repaired. H05 ftor i-arty, Phoaa 1277J. FAIR GROUNDS GARAGE TIKES. AC ceaaoriea, aaed cars. Oar work auar anteod. 2641 Portland Road. Phoaa SOI. TRACTORS FOR SALE OR TRADE FORD SON tractor sod plows ia good coadition. W ill take good milk cows as part pay meat. Phone 44P2. Address No. 23, Statesman: TRUCKS O.M.C. 1TON; REPL'BUC 3-TON; everhaaled and good tire, (let a price oa three. See Steiner, Mack Track representative, 258 State street. Phone 793. DRESS OOODS FULL LINE SPRING, BUMMER DRESS goods. Mrs. Each. Phese 1471. KEXBTiTCHnra SALEM ELITE I1EM8T1TCH1NO, chainstitchlng. pleating, kottoas. 429 Court. Phone 95H UktmaiEB . SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 199 8. Liberty street. Pkoae 25. Oldest largest beat. Eatablisbed 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Qoality work, prompt service, 1284 Broadway. Pboao 165. 00BTECTX0TCST REMINGTON CONFECTIONERY, HOME made eaadioa. roafectiona, cigara. asag aainea. 1379 Btate. OHXJtXSB PHY9TCIAJI DR. L. M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN .-disease. 159 & Hick Be Phoaa 999. DBUO STOKES BREWER DRUG CO. ' 406 COURT; Phone 164. PRIVATE HOSPITALS WANTED CONFINEMENT CA8RS AT private koapital I have beet of eqaip- mont. ' Pboao 1959. aBaKBHaBBaBaBwaanMBKajaaaBaBBBBBBaBamaBBBBaasaaBt BEAUTY PABLO KB 0REGONION BEAUTY SHOP MARCEL wariag, ksirdreaslsr, 183 South Com mercial. Pkoae 477. BUILDZXa MATERIAL WALLFELT BETTER THAN CLOTH sad mack cheaper. Mas O. Bursa, 179 V. Com l. CHIROPODISTS FOOT CORRECTIONAL SPECIALIST Appliaaeos from iadividoal tap reea ions Batisfactioa gaaraateed. Cbaa. E. Tatro. Masonic Bldg. , Phone 442. HAT SHOTS HAT 8HOP MEN'S AND WOMEN'S bate . renovated and blocked 495 Court Street. . DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING, TAILORING, 2720 Cherry. Phone 1678M. DRESSMAKING AND PLAIN SEWING. -745 Bellcvae. Phono 1620 W. JOSEPHINES FAXON DRESSMAKING 1414 Mission street. LOTTIE TOWN8END DRESSMAKING. 240 D street, TATLOR AND FLYNN DRESSMAK ing. 227 Oregon Bldg. RUTH McADAMB DRESSMAKER, 756 South 12th. Pbone 1824M. HATTIE WILLIAMS DRESSMAKING. 348 North Cottage. Phone 1552W. ELETHA PRUETT DRESSMAKING. 682 North Commercial. Pboao 1931W. HAVE YOUR BPR1NO DRESSMAKING dons at 758 North Commercial. LADIES' TAILORING. DRESSMAKING. Koom 18. 265 ft North Commercial. Phone 1091. CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING, designing. Spencer corsets to order. 3 McCormack Bldg. MRS. VARTY. DESIGNER AND MAKER Ladies' Suits sad Gowns. 7 McCor- mack Bldg. . saBawaaaaBaaaBBaaBBaaaaaaaaBBaBB BABBEBS COZY NOOK BARBEB SHOP 1398 Btste. BBBBBaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBaBnUBBaBBaaBBSBBanBBnBBB WALL PAPER, PAUTT WALL PASTE IT STICKS EVERY tbiag. Max 0. Bars a. 179 N. Cam's. WALL . PAPER AND CEILING PAPER 20e aad up, double roll. Mas O. Bnrea 179 No. Commercial 8t IVORY. PAINT FOR INTERIOR W0Or work. Correct up to date shade. Max O. Bores. 179 N. Com' I. 8EE PORTER FOR PAINTS. WALL aper and Picture Framing Good work men. 455 Court ft. Phone 485. FAINT CONTRACTORS DAVIS B STBAvmBArOH GENERAL contractors : paiata. oil. wallpaper. 220 rienth ltiertv. rnone i PLUMBIVO PLUMBING. REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phono 1517J. Shop, 127 Uaioa street, A. U Godfrey. FEBX0SICAXS MISS GOODHUE TAKES 81TB SCRIP tioaa for all magasinea. 351 Bo. 17th stre-t Phone 74 1M. i Classified "Ads. In The Statesman Bring Results business cards MUSICAL A 1.1. IE CHANDLER PIANO. 851 North Cotta- BEATRICE BH ELTON PIANO STUDIO 345 Marina. Pboba 1SV9. LILLIAN HARTSHORN PIANO. 994 North Cburr. Pbvoa ITS. JESSICA WILLE PIANO, 17o SOUTH 15th. Ptioaa llitW. T. 8. ROBERTS PIANO. ORGAN. 270 South 14in. Phono 770. DAN t I.ANOENBERG. VOCAL Darby BUf. Pkuaa 079. LENA WATERS PIANO. 1472 MILL Phone 11B4M. MOI.LIE 8TYLE8 VOICE, PIANO. 5K Caatcr. Pbosa 2UISR DOROTHY PEAMCE PIANO. 267 North Winter. Pboao 34J FRANKLIN LAt'NER PIANO. 68 North 17th. Phone 1415. JULIA MILLS WKIGKl., PIANO. 1500 booth Church. Phoaa US IK. LUCILE BARTON VOICE. PIANO. 147 North Commercial. rboaa UBS. LUCILE K08S PIANO, OKU AN. 4i North Liberty. Phone 1707. HAKdlKKT KIHHr.R PIAXO. 70 North CUunh. Phone 2041 M. MATTIE GILBERT STRING INBTRU menu. 1572 Stale. Phono 1158 R. WE8TERN CONSERVATORY OF MLS ic of Chicago, Prank E. Cburrbill, reu reaentative. Diplomas grauled. Odd fellow a bldg. SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC AH branches taught, diploma's granted. John R. Bites, director. 12J7 Court. Phone 6S6. TOTtXEa WENDEI.L HELM TUNTNG. REPAIR ing, Phoaa 492. EDWARD WKLP EXPERIENCED piane toner. Leave ordera Will 'a Music store. PiAJros PIANOS, PLATER PIANOS; NEW, used. J W. Tsllman. 121 Bo. Oom'l. PAXBTTNG a PAPERHAXODrO FOR TINTING AND PAPERHANGING Call Mas O. Barea, pbone 131. 179 N. Commercial. C. W. SMITH PAINTING, PAPER baaging, tinting. Contract day work. Latimales cheerfully furnished. Phone 100. I have gone east oa aa extended viait and I recommead A. H. Clarke (phone 1896J) aa a competent workman. Gleaa L. Adams. SURSERY STOCK GOOD LOGANBERRY TIPS. 81 6 PER thousand. Phoaa 81F2. STRAWBERRY PLANTS WILSON VA rietv, 91 per tbouaand. you dig them; 92 already dug Pbone 2dK14. ITALIAN PRC.VE s-r REDUCED prurea. all gra4ea; grafted wabxata, aloe other naraery stack. Ploaae call aad seo our atock. Praitlaad aaraory has sales yard corner High sad Ferry streets, Salem. Pkoae 1140M. CHOICE STRAWBERRY PLANTS strong, vigorous, well rooted. Best va rieties. State inspected. Prices, city delivery or postpaid: Per 100 250 Progioaaive Everbearing 9 1 -SO 9-1-75 Treola, yields moat 1.00 2.25 Mageon, table berry K0 175 Marahall. New Oregon 60 1.75 Ettersborg No. 80 .80 1 75 E. No. 121. WiUon 75 1.50 Gold Dollar, earliest 75 1.50 leea at H0 rate; 250 may ee assorted . Loganberry tips each 5c 10 lor 40c Cnthbert Raspberry ,.'tV -25 or 50c St. Regis, everbearing &o -10 for 40c Black Capa 6e -10 for aOe Currant, Gooseberry.. . 15e -10 for 11.40 Pbone or msil your order. Quantity prices interesting. Ward K. Rieasrdsoa. 2395 Pront. faone 494. . SECOKD HARD POOPS WB BUY AND BELL SECOND HAND goods of alt tinda, pipe fittings, har aeaa, collars, collar pads, tools, and cham a. Fred oVkindler, 359 Center stree 1j1lJIM BEPAIBINa AND 8HARPEJHB0 CUTLERY GRINDING. LAWN MOWERS .aaety raaora. etc. Stewart's Ropsir Shop, 847 Court street. BEN WHEELER EVERYTHING RB psirod. General sharpening, chimney sweep. 1485 ft. 17th sU Pheae 1418W TAXI DIRECTORY. LAN HAM TAXI COMPANY PHONE 540 SCAVENGERS BALEM SCAVENGER GARBAGE. REF ase . of oil kiada removed. Ooeapoola eteaaed. Phone 107. TRAVSFEB HAULXBa CHAS CHANDLER GENERAL TRANS for; off ice, stand, Clark's Tiro Hoaae, Phono 74. MERCHANTS COOPERATIVE DELFT ery, meaaeager aervice, baggage, par eel delivery, trunks to or from depot SOcts. 179 South High. Phoaa 230. FRANK M. NEWTON GENERAL trsnsfer, local, long diataaee hanliag. Office, stand, Shafer Haraeas store. Phone 411 741 R. CAPITAL CI TRAlrSFER CO. 926 Bute 8t, phone 939. Disxributtag. forwarding aad storage oar specialty. Oet our ratea. STOVES STOVE REPAIECTO "SPARK" MOST REMARKABLE I moderate priced enamel range oa the market, Alas O. Bursa. 179 N. Oom'l. STOVE REPAIRING. REBUILT, COIIA connections. Will call and ctena. pol ish at house. 271 North Commercial. Phoaa 734. STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years experience; Depot National fence, sixes 36 to 26 ins. high. Paints oil sad varnishes, etc., logsnberry aad bop hooka. Salem Pence aad 6 love works. 7M court street. Phone ins. BTEBOO RAPHE BE PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER-408 MAS obc Bide. Phone 178. WHERE TO EAT TRY ONR PIF, COFFEE. CHERRY City Chop House. WHITE CLOUD TEA HOUSE CHINA dishes, noodles, free dancing Op-a 9 era I at niffct. IIO'A N. Com' I. WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT A POWER CO. Office. 301 South Com 'I 8L Tea per reat dteeeuat aa domestic flat ratea paid ia advsaee. No deductions for sk- aeacs or any csnse oaleas water is ahnt off your premises. PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS ABD SUBOEONS KATHERIXE RCHLEF. M. D- PHY sx-iaa and Surgeon. Officea. Oregon building, rooms 411-13. Pbone. S40. 244 Over Oregon Electric Depot. . CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. U SCOTT. V. 8. C, CHIROPRAC tor. 80 11 V. S Bank Bldg Phooa 7: Rea. S2BW. OSTEOPATHIC FHYCCTAKS DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, 506 ' U. 8. National Baak Bldg. DR. W. L. MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC Phyaiciaa and - sargeoa : Kirksville graduate. 404-405 U. 8. National Bank Bldr. Phoeea Office, 919; Res. 614. DR. JOHN L. I.TSCH, OSTFJOPATHIO Faysiciaa asd Siuzmx, 403 404 Oregon BUlg; PhoaeoJ Offersv 1S941 Re. All A. PROFESSIONAL VtUSOLOOIST OR. ALICE BANCROFT. EYES, NERVES ""im oiQ2 riaui a-a PHYSICAL CULTURE PHTSICAI. CULTURE THE GOITRE kiag. Rhruuiatutui, paralysia. atux-u-lux outractiOD. norroua brrakdvwa, Wtiatiou, aatboka c'aiuit t( whra ny la in Ofj. 3adA .urth jliSjL-lTt! Pboaf aofii. DEMTISTB O. T. WHITE. DENTIST. 40S OREUUN baildiBf LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS, camp 5. Armory. First. Third Mondays. REAL ESTATE Ott SALE 6 ROOM PLASTERED h..n.c. barn with rive lota, located on PairBioaot street Price 930O0, term W. II. GKABKXHOK8T A CO 275 Histe Street. WE HAE SOME OF THE M08T IE siretile lots in Salem at prices ranging from I3j0 to l,'JiO, with good lertnx. We ess build )u s home aad sell it on payment. We rav several firat claaa busineaa lorationa tar aala. 1-aflar A lflar. Agia 406 7 Oregon Bldg . Kalem, Ore. 6 ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE. ALL on one floor, with basement and mod ern, for sale for 82,150. Terms, 8.173 down, balance 825 monthly, one block to car. W have many other won derful buys. Barber A Pearson, 00 Gray Bldg. TO SELL YOUK HOUSE, LOTS OR farm orchard, see Persey's Lead Office, Room 5, ever Oslo A Co. store. FOR SALE 5 ROOM MODERN BL'XGA lew in good condition, fine fireplace, two large lots oa psved street. Price 63'0; 9550 down, baisBre monthly psrmeatae. V TT. Graoeuurst A Co., 273 Stats street. On SOUTH COMMERCIAL 8TRKKT 9 room boose and two corner lota, choice location, to be aold at the low Srire of 2.oOO Terms. 91,000 down arber A Pearson. 200 Gray Bldg. FOR" SALE AT BARGAIN PRICE small bousa partly modern, 4 rooms, by ownor at 675 8. lth street. REAL EST ATe" WE HAVE90MK . good buyers in city on country prop erty. Terms to suit you. We want to list soma good farms aad fruit tract. Seamster & Thomason 381 Vi State St. FOR SALE GOOD HOUSE. GARAGE and two lots, 8800; ritr water. Call Hi S. Winter street. Csll Sunday il you can. A REAL BARGAIN 21 acre south of Salem oa rock toad, all la cultivation, all fenced.. 10 crea prune. 1 acre family orchard, 1 acre strawberries, 3 acres" logins, balance ia mixed crops; sll (arm implement on place: 4 room hoaae. aew barn, gran ary, etr. This ia an nooaually first claaa place for tha price, 411,000.. very easy terms. L. A, HAYFORD 90S Stats Street INVESTMENTS Fine 2 1-4 sere tract close in, good house, bam; prunes, logins, straw berries ; good horse, will exchanc for house and lot in Salem. 7 room bouse, 3 fine lota, paved street near school and carliae, 83,200. Pine 100 acre farm, 2 barns, large bun galow, horse, cows, fowls, machinery, crops. Soap. lost listed, severs! good exchanges. See our lists for bargain prices. PERRINE & MARSTERS 211212 Gray Bldg. FARMS WANTED WE ARE RECEIV ing lanniries from barer sod would be glsd to list year farm, orchard, tract and acreage : homes with u for result. Peraey a Land Office, , Room 5, ever tkile A Co.'s store. 6 ROOM TLASTEREje HO HOUSE: BATH. toilet cement basement, fouadatioa sad wslk; 8-4 sere of land planted te bearing fruit; 1 block to paved atreet; 3 blocks te rxr. 93.250. 61.000 rssh, balance percent. H. 8. Belle, 443 State . streev FARMS If you are in the market for one we hsve them from 95 to 9350 per acre. Improved orchards sad small tracts. close in at attractive prices. Some good buys ia timber. A Urge list of homes from 91.900 pp. Some realty sttrsctive pieces from 94,000 to 97,500. " LAFLAR h LAFLAR Arts- Salem, Ore. 400-7 Oregea Bldg. SEE PHOTOORAPHS-r-IN MY OFFICE of a dandy 10-acre rural home; modern 7 room house, large barn and chicken house. Two acres of oak timber, one of mixed fruit, 2 1 of strawberries and 4Vi if hay. If sold snon will give in addition t half iottrrst in s rented crop of 8 seres of whest. 7 of bsy. 2 of strawberries. All for 94000, on easy terms. 4 room modern bungalow, ' small lot, for 92000 9700 cash. Will help you make first payment if you haven't enough cash. See Robinson. 229 Oregon Bldr. FOB SALE 6 ROOM PLASTERED . bouse, bath, toik-t. cement baseb.ee t and walks, five large lots. Located on Fainnount street. Price 93000. kalf cash, balance 6 per cent Interest. W. II. Grabenhorst k Co.. 275 Stats street. WORTH WHILE S room bouse, near car line. 91,200. 7 room house, strictly modern, close in 96.600. 3 room house, modern conveniences: garsge. 92,000. 3 room bouse, gsrage, city water. 9800. 7 room house, modern, I sere ground, 93.800. 3 acres. 1 mile from Salem, sin sll house. 91,600. 10 sere prune orchard, 4 room houw. J.300. 20 acres nesr electric ar line, 100 per sere. Joo sere. 135 ia cultivation; nesr Sale a. 918,000. MILLS & COPLEY Members of Mxrioo County Realty Board 3314 Stat St. Phone 15 10 ACRES, 2 ACRES PRUNES; SOME other fruit: 6 rr-om house, bungalow, forth, outbuildings. 93,200. Good ay. 150 acres or less, 73 acre under rut tivstion: spring water; 6,000 cords of standing timber; 7 mile from Sutem. 950 an acre. SQUARE DEAL CO. Phone 470 L. A. HAYFORD REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSURANCE 80S STATE STREET 10 acre 5 miles aonth oi' Sslem on good road nesr KotetUi school. All in cul tivation. 9 acre prune. 1 an logana, 18 trees of cherry snd apple, conditio, good. A there sr no building we can make a very low price of $4:iOO. Her th; and yon will lis.e it. 10 acre 3 mile southwest of Turner, sit in cultivation and fenced, 7', acre prune, 6 year old in fine condition: 4 room house, small baia, good well. Price it sold soon. 93.00, terms. 13 scre i miles south of Balem oa -paved and travel road, all ia prunes, large trees Vearit g, und in first rlast condition. Pnce 7.ft00, and very easy terms of 91000 doun, balanee crop payment. A good house in North Patent, t room ease in fine condition, with a. good i garage, fruit, lot 50x110. al the low price el 93200 V0 cash. I L. A, HAYFORD af ember of MrW Connty Realty Board. SOS State atreet - - - REAL EST ATI: YOUR HOME IS HERE 100 Photographs of Horned For Sale -sir NOWHERE IX THE ENTIRE CITY will you find such a wonderful display of HOMES FOR SALE. Every dis trivt. every kind of home. PRICES YOU CAN PAY. Every home before being listed with me is first perseja ally INSPECTED AXD APPRAISED. If necessary. I'll help you make your dowa payment. This i the famous "McQuire System." The beit for buyer and seller. 92000. Neat little bungalow home; two bedrooms; large living room: bath, kitchen, built in features: laundry room; woodshed. Sever si rvtiof fruit I rees; berries; two lots 100x130. Very easy terms to reliable party. 82500. our room bungalow; cosy place. One bedroom; liv in groom; dining room; kitchen; full basement ; furnsce. Nice lot; east front 9500 rash. 91800. Five room bungalow on llaial avenue. 9500 cash. 915 month ly. 93000. tine 8 room bouse; Urge lot; barn. Splendid buy. Walking diatanca. 83250. Eight auom bungalow. Riverside drive. Garsge: excellent value. 1900 cssh. 925 monthly. 94000. Keren-room bungalow. 1780 Cra ter atreot. Good terms. 94800. Now 7 room bungalow. All modern conveaiescea except fur nace. Good terms. 94800. Six-room, modern bungalow. Fine home. Ha two good lots; gar age; barn; lota of fruit. No basesneat. Half rash. For your home, whether la town or eooa try. I raa help yoa. Many fine buye ia acreage. Some fine Canada tradea. CHAS. W. NIEMEYER "Joat Real Estate' 215 210 Masonic Temple. Phones iroo Salem. Ore. 1014 FOR SALE TWO CORNER LOTS OS Norway sod Summer streets, 60x120. Price 6850 Call I HPS. FOR SALE 225-ACHE FARM. IXCLUD lDg Improvements, stork and imple meats. For particulars write L. Belch el, owner, Sslem, Route 7. SNAP 5 ACRES ALL CULTIVATED, located Bear fair grounds. Price 91500 eisy terms st 6 per cent. W. H, Ors benhorst A Co., 27 4 3;at street. FOR RENT 5 ROOM COTTAGE, $20 per month. For sale 4 room bungslow, 2 fine lots W. Kalem. 6800, :,00 raah, balance 7 percent.. 4 room bungslow, 2 good lots, la good district 850. Cukh sod term. 6 acre. 1 sere in cultivation, balance timber, stump and pasture. 9600 cash and terms. , 1 1 acres, o acrea in 6 year old prunes, 2 aere c-Jierrie and strawberries, bslsnie in i-ult. snd pasture. 5 room house snd bsrn. net completed. 94.000, cash and terms. 23 s.rea, nearly all ia cultivation, good black soil, good 6 room house. 94,500 cash sad tenna. 29 acrea, 4 acrea ia prunes ; fair build ings, best of soil, rinse to good town. 95,500 cash and term. 6 acrea. mostly in bearing fruit, fair buildings. 63.600. Inspection invited for all kinda of farm and city proper! v. PUTNAM A McLAREN 180 N. Com'l Tbone 430 BEST BUY SPECIALS 9 acres, all cultivated, 6 room heats family orchard, good bsra, chicket koaao, cloee is oa Gardea road; t splendid homo for the pric. 94,750; terms on part. . 10 acrea, 6 ia bearing prune, 1 eber ries, 9-4 togsns. 6 room bsra, sheds coops. 5 mile from court . house, 67.000. half cash. 36' acres, 12 eukivsled, 5 timber, bal snce cut over, sll the best of soil; 100 cord cot wood, etomp puller, 6 room bungalow with built-ia feature, new barn, shed, how houae, ruaoins water; feces oa two rock roads; 4 miles from Salem, only 911.600. Term. 5 acre timber, 4 mile from Balem Center. 9600; half. cash. IS acre. 4 logana, 3 years old: 2 gar den land. 9 limber, good sell, 1 mile, from aution; all fenced; only 94.500. Half cash. 56 acre. 20 cultivated, 26 timber pas ture, jsew 9 room bungslow;' good' bsra. coops, etr. Oa paved road, 1 . mile from town. A dsady buy at 910,000; kalf rash, .balance 9 percent. 64 acres, 37 cleared, 97 timber, 4 teem house; barn, woven wire fenced; 3 avilea from Amity,: 96,500; half cash, or, will trade oa larger farm. 20 acre. A ia fruit: house, bam. 6 garden land; 10 timber, 6 mile from Salem. 97.0O0. Will aell oa eaay terms or take 93.000 residence la Salem as first psymwnt. Hsve the Isrgest fiat of good Falem residence for sale now that I ever had. S0C0L0FSKY 341 State St. Phone 970 GOLDEN RULE REAL ESTATE I have a beautiful bungalow for sale. GERTRUDE JVM. PAGE 492 N. Cottage 30 ACRES BANDY LOAM, RIVER BOT torn lend, best soil for gardening, ber ries, fruit or nuts: new bungalo, barn, granary, etc. 6 acres logins. tome other berries. Price for a quick sale within 10 days. 98,200 on eaay terms. Tou can't brat this. 20 minute drivs from Sslem. Barber A Pearson, 200 Grsy Bldg. FOR SALE 10 ACRE TRACT. GOOD buildings, all planted, mile to town. 9500 below value for a few dars. See owner. Koom 39, Salem Lodging House. WOOD'S BARGAINS 10 acre tracts, several of them, right j price aaa easy terms, four room house, (wo let on corner, 81.S00: half rash, immediate possession. Pine stock or dairy farm, well located, 330 acres at S0 per acre. Choice tea acre trs-t close to Salem, 93,750. Pour room house for rent April 8th. F. L, WOOD 341 Stste Ht. LISTEN 10 aces, half in logtns, Cuthbert rsn Kerrie. strawberries and prunes: iv room house, burn.- poultry house, half mile from good town at il'iO. Owner leaving the stste snd mn.t sell it, FLEMING 341 Ststs Street. 130 ACRES NEAR BEAVER ON GOOD rock resd for ssle or trsde. Price 8 1 too. 40 sere aesr Talbot, all in cultivation. .New 4 room bouse: good bsra: wire feure. 9 400. Some term. 25 acre. 23 in ctiltirstioo : new A roam bongalow: good barn; fine chickea - ranch 84 '.Oft LOOSE &. PATTON 87014 State St. Phone 987 TRADING Is becoming active again. We have tev rl fid farm ik" re hex where s twa proposition will go a part pay aienr. FLEMING REALTY CO. 341 Stat Street. Classified Ads. In The Statesman . Bring Results Hi PUBLIC NOTICES ! H CITATION No. 0097 I lj In the County Court of the) State of Uieuu for. Lhe County of AlAFiOn. In tho matter of the estate Flora Daniel, deceased. ' : Of To Donald CurrZe, Annie Axllng. J. E. Currie, Elmer Carrie, Edith J. Daniel: ; Whereas, Application hay'ng been made in due form to the above named court on the 29th day of March, 1921, by J. E. Cur r.e aa administrator of the above named estate for an order and li cense authorizing; end empowering bald adm nistrator to sell at pri vate sale the real property belong ing to the above named estate and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a pornt on the sec tion line and 8.13 chains N, 89 degrees, -12 minutes W. from the quarter-sectton corner on the north line of section 3 in T. 10 S., R 2 W of tha Willamette Meridian. Marlon County. Oregon; thence south 17.3? chains; thence north 89 degrees 4 5 minutes W. 10.71 chains to the N. W. corner C, S. Page's land; thence south 12.16 chains; thence N. 89 degrees 4 5 minutes W. 15.65 chains, to the E. line of H. E. Brown's land; thence north 12.15 chains to the N. E. corner of H. E. Brown's land; thence south 89 degrees 45 min utes E, 9.14 chains, to the S. E. corner o' N.A.Olson's land; thence north 12.24 chains to the middle of a alough; thence up the middle of sa d slough, to tha north line of section 3 in T. 10 8., R, 2 W,; thence south 89 degrees 12, min utes E. 14.01 chains to the place of beginning and containing 48 acres of land, more or leas; Alao the right to use tor road purposes a strip of Iand40 feet In width along the weet line of land heretofore deeded to A. O. Sher rln; Also, a 9' rip of land 30 feet wide,.' beginn.ng at the southeast corner of the Jesse H. Adams D. L. C, running thence south 89 de grees 43 minutea ea8t 12.5 chaina, the same to be used for open road purposes, situated In section 3, T. 10 S. R. 2 west; ' i i Except a strip of, land 30 feet wide: Beginning at a point 15,2 chains south 89 degrees 4 3 min utes east of the southeast corner of the Jesse H. Adama D. L. C. running thence north 72 degrees east to the east line of the 4 8 -acre tract descr bed above. The same to be used for open road purposes. Situated in section 3. T. 10 S., It. 2 west. And whereas, said Court fixed on May 9, 1921, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. in the court room of this court in the court bouse in Marion county and State of Ore gon, as the time and place for hearing any and all objections to said petition and the grant ng of (aid order and license of sale. Therefore. In the name of the State of Oregon, You and each of you are hereby cited and requ'red to appear at said time and. place then and there to show cause. If any you have, or if any exist, why : an order of sale should not be made as In the petition prayed for and. why said pet tlon should not be granted, and "d order and 11 cen should not issue. Witness the Honorable W. L Bushey. Judge of said Court wlh the seal of said Court affixed this 29th day or March. 1921. i TJ. O. BOYER. C!eki WHOLE MILK t AND PRODUCE WANTED Marion Creamery & Product Co. Salem, Oreg-on Phone 2488 I SALEM MARKETS BVYXVO PRICE . Efgs aad Pool try Egg. 16-1 9c. Ileaa, heavy, 22c. Heaa, medium, 18a, liens, light, 17c. Old roosters, 8-10e. Pork, Mattes and Beef Top hoga. 610.75. 1920 Lambs. 4c. 1921 Milk Ismb. 6c. Live Veal, 10c. Dressed Hoga. I4H Beef steers. 0 1-2 to 7 12c. Cows, 4e to 6 ta Bulls, 4e to Sc. Top veal, on foot, 9 to 10c. Hay Clover bar. 917 to 920. Oat aad Vetch bay, 920 to 922. Cbeet bay. 920 to 921. Orala Wheat, 81.20, Oat 4.V. Mill Feeds, Wkalasale Mill run, 967 tea. Whale ai te Dealer Creamery bolter, 41 to 42c. it utter-fat, 85c. Frutt Oranges, 63.30 to 95.50. bananas, lltfct- Lemona. 93.50 to 94.50. Grape frnit, Cel. 94; Aril. Florida 88.50 . Tag stables Califsraia csbbtge, 94. Onions, - Oregoa, 91 25 Onion. California, 61-75. Turnip. 93. CarroU. 81 25 sck. Oreea peppers. 80e. Cauliflowers, 11.50 doiea. Lettuce, 94.25 ersts. Potato, 91 ewt. Sweat potatoes. 93.75 bushsL Radishes, 45e dot. bunches. Comb honey, case. 89.23. Celery, 91.73 doses buackes. Asparagus, 15e. Rhubarb, lie. Parsley, 50c doxen bunches. Beets. 75c doiea hwni-be. Tomstoe, 64.75 crate. Hooey, extracted. SOecb. Revatr Creamery Butter. 44-43e. Egg. 25c. Eiour, hard whest, ft 65-92 OS. Creamery Butter, 44c and 45r. Kgg. 25c. 86.50: "The Germans." said Senator William, "frankly perrued for 40 years a policy that had a fatal flaw in it. "The Germans were like the chap who said in a sanctimonious tone one evening to hi wife: " 'How happy I am this eve ning, dear!. I have done three Kood deeds today.' " 'What were they?' asked the wife. " 'On the way to business,' said he, 'I saw a young woman .weep ing on a church atep with a baby on her knee. .1 asked her what tha trouble- waa and 9b tald that she bad walked seven miles to have her baby ' Christened ' and now found that 6&e had loet hr money on the way;-' ' - - t" -1 I told her ; to cheer P.; handed her a f 5 bill and bade her have the child christened and ' bring the change to me. She did so she did) bo fratefally-r-and thus, my dear 1 did three good deeds, t i" 'tllperformed, first an act of charity; I started, second,' a lit tie child in the way it should go and i got, third, four dollare for a bad Xive-spot.' " Synopsis of the Annual Statement' of the Minneapolis Fire and Marine f l Insurance Co. of Minneapolis, in the State M in Besets, an the Mtst day of December, 1920, made to the Insurant Commissioner of the State of Oregon, ntrtiaat to low: CapitaL Amount of capital stock paid Up 9 200.000.00 iBcoms. Net premiums received dur ing the year .. 61.121,619 03 Interest, dividenda and rents -received during the year 41,747.16 loco ice from other source received during the ysar 9l.l9 Total income .Al, 14,354 47 - Disbursements. Net . ' losses psid daring the year iaciuding adjusuaeat eipente 584.945.99 Dividend paid on capital atock during the year ..X. 20,000 .00 Commission sad sslsries psid daring the yesr........ 326,417.54 - Tskes, litenea sad fees psid during the year 77.756.86 Amount of aU other expendi ture i, 55,440.80 Total expenditure ... Aasat 91.064.461.25 Value of atoeke end Bonds owned (market valua) .a. 9 Loans oar mortgages sad col lateral, etc. , Cash ia banks and oa band Premiums in course of col lection written aiaco Sep tember 30, 1920 Interest Ind reat due and accrued 562,243.00 217.250.00 154,902.04 ' 150.923.14 15.556.05 Total admitted asset ... 61,100,876 23" Liabilities. Cross claim for losses un paid ii 9 Amount of onesrurd premi um! on all outstanding risks a. Dad for- commission and brokerage , All other liabilities 70,605.60 641,732.91 7,500 OO . 98,600.00 ' Total liabilities, exels!t I. of cspiul stock T80.83S.51 Baalaaas la Orogoa for Ue Year. net prewiuma received dsr wig the yesr ..9 ; 9,435.71 Losses psid during tks year , 8.769 87 Leasee incurred during tha year .s.- 8.629 9T MINNEAPOLIS EIRE AND MARINE ! ; ISL'HANCE COMPANY f . , " ;rf c-V Dusea, Presldeat. o..i . ,,f!r C' Sscmsry. .,.,.r i rnnrii Biiomey tor aervi ; veiwwsfr oi jasuraaco Syaopi,r the Annual St stem en I of the Milwaukee Mechanic! Insurance Cbmpanj of .Milwaukee, la ' then -Slate af Wia ?tVB' ,b 8, f Doco-ber. h"d0U M"ree Commmaio.! r 8ut of Oregoa, pureuaet te ' S . ' CspfUL , ... :y Amount of cspful stock paid "P " M -v 91,230,000.00 " i v laooma. Net premium received dur i tag the year ,... 94.438 S76 57 Interval, dividend, and .j'',38.J7-57 in!!"4 "'" Tear 919.942.14 Income from other sources 'fwved. during the year 9.538.91 Total iacome ...........94,759,778.82 v' , ' DlskerseaMBta. ,' " Net losses paid during the - yrar including adjustment 1 rT r"m capitsj rwTu r"r,B ,h - 1 8 7. 500.00 Commnisien and . salaries . paid during the year. 1,969.365 21 Taxea, licee.e Sndieespakl- ' ' during vth .yoag.. ;.. 248.011 71 Amount oi all other expendi- ,. . i,url rrr-' rr'""' rt2.78i.t4 1 "iiMAaaBta ,3',30-5' Valao of 'real estate 0 Waed - . i Va'iT :'? ' v -v-i 14.800.00 Slue ot stocks and bonds owned (market value).... 3,087.912.43 Los as oa mortgages sad cot- ,.- ralJL' 'k?-' " i '-- -j 1.249.560.00 Caah m banks aad en hand 262.414 44 Premiums m course of , eel- lss.r-9 Less. saVs.:e i, V . ' ;. "w "s.o -we g toargf BJIIlCsf rev Umber AO 1920 jJT Interest aad rest due snd accrued 4 Rerovsrabie for reiasursnce PSid losses ,., .... 917,396.48 6l,163!2 .. . r 15.924.24 j 97.511,472.99 Total admitted asiiet .. - - . Usbilttiaa Gross rlaitn fog-loss, un paid 49 Amouat of anearued. premi- ... 491,902.03 tuna, os all outsiaadiag Mrui f 4,139.180.47 All ether liabilitie ...j.. 22oTi.'11 Total lisbilitie. exclusjv Of cspitsl stock ..: ....J4,847.101 29 Baslasss la Oregan the Year. Net premium received dur ing t year ....... 65 821 99 IOase paid during (he year 21.96 31 leases . mcurred daring the MWAUkEE MEC INS CO ' ".V I?.V.Y"k,& lresileBt. C H. W irbon, Berretary. Statutory resident attorney for service V ..A. Llston, 484 Court Bt, Sslem. , Oregon. Synopji of the Annual Statement of the Montana Life Insurance Company a He en a. 'la the Stele af Montana, on .i'1. ay ' Member, 1920, made 2.A 'B"cs Commissioner of tha' State of Oregon, parsosnt to law: , Capital. Amount of capital atock paid ? 8 250,000.00 ' income, rotal premium income for lat'eVU received during the year 166,243 78 Income from ether source received during the year . 124.017 49 Total im-ome 91.307.074.43 -V- Dla ha rum . . Paid for losses, endowments! . .m,.,i,rn sna surrender I vlne .1 . . I Coupon paid to polii-y hold I erg during lb year or credited o them I Dividends paid on repitsl . stock during the year 182,820.73 129,570.09 33.000.00 414.670.99 99,661, IS . 101,346.11 "T. en salaries paid during the year .. ""a. Hcenae and fees paid daring tb yr ,........... . Amount of all other expendi ture . ..i. ; Total expend iture I A . - -..9 993,099.04 I Slue, of yeal estate owned (market lue a slue of. bond owned. (mar ket or amort uA 33.769.79 Usns on mortgage aad eol- lateral, et.- Premium note nd policy i losns, less sgent s cr. bsl- snce . Cssh in banAs and on h snd Net uncounted and deferred premium:': Interest and rents due and accrued 1 738,0597 1.617,183.60 426,095.39 434,911.33 90.218.33 54.044.36 Totsl aduiitted sssets .... 3,403,121.34 Liabilities. et reserves. line 7. 8. of Anonal fisieroen! Paid "acs oa- AlfetherMthuiV Totil HaWlilles. atelusiv" I -f csp.tal itock -43.403.02134 U astaos9 to Orsfoa far th, Yaig. Crass premium received 1 during the rear . ... ... 9 6 905 10 MONTANA LITE INSURANCE ; j. .;. I COMPANY A ?1 "4 f.'Masoiw Pregident. ! - ( Carl E. Herfarth, Secret, rr tW2 VM !f .forar7tcw--,N i . 1 , Iws, A C. Baxber. , t 9 -il" r. i : l if. ;il u 1 t t I- t f h 6 It tt le h h t h & t n i ft - I1 f r- (- -. t v e t 't e P. I SB ' a a fO .... & - n id V- r r o ' n I. r t- . i . ie ts "p - " Id. " B. X ' I fa t. ' r. II : ': tr .. tt r- 81 l! ie ' 9t : 1 : n r ,8- - . - fk tt . 'a. fcf It :" If 1.-