I I lid ' - x" ' "- ' , . , BASH IK f RIZES-lst, $5.00; 2d, $2.00; $3d, $1.50; 4th, $1.00; 5th, 50c 0W,T0 COMPETE-Study the advertisements and the map of Salem's Kusiness District on this wa;;e. Then mark accurately on the map where each of the following phones are located, by plac Jjii dojs on the map an4 drawing a line from each dot to the advertisement where phone number i printed. THEN brin;, or send, this page marked with your answer to The Statesman office on fr before Saturday. -. . . i - AUCTIONEERS T EMISSION SALES ROOM I W$ sell anything and everything r commission. We have wag otia, Vclover and alfalfa hay, cHlcl&n feed, ground feed, we wnt good work horses, good-f cows, pigs harrows, plows, household furniture and auto- f mobiles. Anything you might !, hnve. Open from 9 a. m. to S :0 P. m. I ' B. C PATTERSON, Pjipne 1177. Sales Manager I MACHINE SHOP SLEM MACHINE & 1 WELDING CO. Crfnder Grinding, Cank Shaft Turn- ng, neiuiog, iractor Work, etc. it Platan ftinra ' all iara Phone 493 , AUTOS.AND TRUCKS Ilatjjfries, Garages, Electrical, PaiaUng, Repairs, Retreading, Tires, Tops, Valcanlzlng, Etc 3. MRCfl-8ilTrrtow, Brnntwick, Tak Stromberg Carburetor. IfnitiOB Bop ' hi , plira, Gill Platoa Kmc. "Th Oaac That Htt Slatps" GREAT: WESTERN GARAGE v - , HIGH ( STREET OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE I tfFVKRATj AUTO REPAIRIXO. AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLIES; ACKTTLKVE JARMANa HlchOrade Workawaahip JIMS. I2U StrMt U.' ti L. ATTEST k ELSCTRXCAL WOSJLS g ' Tarrla Braa. Fwpa.. Phoii 10S ,41S CUl4l too worli.; bo K4 work l tka oafy cheap Tatar KMr ataek t Trv Omt AlrO REPAIR SHOP l :. IV. H. MUiat Smalf Car Spacialiat. Aato Aeeaaaorlea Faaa: Day 0; Nitht 1SS3W. . 24S rntar St. (Eaat Ead at Brldfe) AtTTOS AND BrfiGIES . r.lINTED and FINISHED m r amid aw raaaapsa. . Iieo Mitt Stntt 4- .PHILADELPHIA , Ga.rant.e4 ri$0(5G3E) Twa Years iV!fnlTTfDV--sl locil bat -V--tM I m factory and a tional'rjraaraatea of two yeara backed by eistrjr Philadelphia aerrire atatiea In thU. 8. This It yoar tntnraore af e(iltaBt deprndablo aerrira and proof rf ear faith la oar prodact. W. alao ripalr aad rerharr any make of batter,, Biade. WATNB QUATLE 203 Coa'I St, Salaa Fkana 41S A SatflFUea to . . Aata ia CHlihltY CITY -aw""' i ,' (CiraU Sxaa.) . Bcdf tka aervicea ftfJrnt claaa SechaBi, ar aiorace. pho4re 45S "jl70 Sauta 12U Street r BAKE SHOP - H'WB RM IO ORDER ' Tr V Cakci For Partiei ! I BETTER?. TET BREAIt HOMBMADB CAHDIxg MISTLAND BAKERY W BOTTLERS a : pfcif; 0 Club- . ' i GINGER ALE ' "T" raifrWn Tkiratr' . BTABBOTTLIjra WORKS. ' - 1 "r - ' IPAIIK Hit c ' .,v i ; :' lt . i jil n.i i i m i m i n nai u : a i .1. ri 11 iri - - eaaaaaaaaaa.eeeeeeewn.s i-.- R E WAR D $1 0. OOlE AC H , W E ART GOODS YOC AHK INVITED To Titil oar store anil ee the many beautiful Art pictures on display. PICTURE FRAMING AICt'SUPI'UES W.J.PORTER Phono 465 455 Court St. TRUCKS TRACTORS The KAGEGL TRACTOR five sure traction I with power and durability. The iKAUKOt, Compound 7 iJ Trsnsmisaion Tmrki g ive M per rent niore track speed and 91 per rent more pulling power than oihtrs. -TAOEOZ. TRUCK TRACTOR CO. IBS 8. High St. Phone 80S MUSICAL INSTRUCTION MISS LUCILE BARTON Voice, Piano, Harmony 147 V. OoauMrdal SU . Phone 151 Eaaldenco stadia Phone S92. - DEGGE& BURRELL AUTOMOBILE EXXCTXICXAVS .' SIS X;Bigk fftml .Paoaa SQ1, Others Save Tire Costa ri WHY NOT-XOU? By lDTatIaUac Madera Methods of pra loaciac ta Ufa at Tiraa. Salem Tiro A Vulcanizing Co. Pkaaa 42S 1S4 Caawaictal Bt. EXIDB SERV ICE R. D. BARTON rhoa. 1107 171 8. Cm'1 St. F. W. BUSS 33 Commercial Street (Over Mario a Oarage) Faone 362 AUTO IGNITION, 8TARTINQ LIOUIINO A. 0. SCHUMACHER Aito Electrical Expert Phona 203. 238 N. Bigk Street PIANOS fr" 1111 t Player Pianoi, iE VV-ri . iPiaaoa, Phono, Phonocrapha, lazdal J.V.IALLMAH BOWLING ALLEY FOB HEALTH AM) FUN Come to the CLUB BOWLINQ ALLEY 122 N. Commercial Street Phone 1704 BUILDING, ETC. u Good Wood Work" BaUdiaf Repaite Cahanet Makia Fnimitura Repairtag Saar TtUng. Kta, Oaarral Jobkiag POTTER BROS. 1I7S State Street , r i yiMi,,iih V BAKERY ! BREAD EAT QI AUTr Therefore PEERLESS BREAD Baked ay Electricity at 170 Kortk Commercial St. Phone 27 BREAD DIXIE BREAD 19 AS OOOD AS KVEK IT ALWAYS WA8 TUB BEST. SALEM BAKING CO. Phooa S5 439 Court Street CHIROPRACTIC ARE YOU If sot, a era U fcsalta tor tha, sufferer, acuta or chronic DR. 0. L SCOTT Chiropractor F. 8. C. Graduate Class 1911. Ona of the largest and best equipped Chiro practic Offices on the Pacific Coast. Honrs 10 to 12 A.M. 2 to 6 P.M. Koema 309-10-11-lg U. 8. National Bank Buildia Phooa 87 uu o a o LA' H DD CD lu CZ3 CZ3 CAfn CAPITOL BD CZD 0 CUBED B X i.i ITTH I BROADWAY I rousTM i I I JnC3 U J a rn1?! r"j CARPENTER AND REPAIR IF IT IS WOOD We Make and Repair It THE NOVELTY WORKS W. A. Roddy, Mgr. 239 Court Street. CHINESE MEDICINES L M. HUM Care of YICK SO TOXG Chinese Medicine and Tea Co.. has mediriae which will core any knowa dieemee. Open Sunders from 10 a-m. until 8 p.m. Phona 283 153 Sooth High Street. Salem, Oregon CIDER AND VINEGAR Toa'O Like Our Apple Cider and Vinegar For Their QOODITES3 and PUBITT Commercial Cider Works A. F. Beardaley. Prop. Phona 394 1010 Commercial 8t. CLEANERS AND DYERS FRENCH Da i m CLEANING amf jTjFBXSSIKO SWISS DTE WOKZS Jack Hsyea 544 State 'St.. Opposite Court TToase Phone 11)5 for Prompt Call CREAMERY SWEET CREAM MILK AXI BUTTEIUIILK Fkeaa 29 137 8. Commercial St fliamr. CITT CO OPEEATIVE C1XAMXET OTTAOC ' ""MTt"MM" I rzD a v FW rm t BBS 77 0 AWARDS will be made for accuracy and neatness. If your sense of lo cation is highly developed, chances are that you will win. E K Phone Phone I'hone BAKE-RITE BREAD ia mxde with the very brat flour, pnre lard and pN-nty of inillt. By expert baltera ia oor lifht, well Trntilatvd aad arrupuluualy rlaaa Lake ntiop. Hake-Rite Sanitary Bakery Pheoe 268 457 BtaU St. DENTISTRY DR. ALF SWENNES DENTIST 20-205 Gray Balldln Oti r Iiartotaa Broa.' Jewelry Store rbone 1500. Hoars : 9 A.M. 5 P.M. DRUG STORE WE WANT TO SEE TOO AGAIN AND AGAIN So we maintaio oar store on a plana of eervire that nowhere elite will J on find Xkwrf CARKKPIXY PKF.PARIUt FItES C KIPTIONS. PHOPRIETABY AUT10L.EH aad BUNDKIkS. BREWER DRUG CO. Phone 184. Coart and liberty SU. WELL? ii ri j i ij UUIUU : i I I H I : l I I 1 1 U lULJ I I UU U 3 I 1 I I r7n 1' f i ZZ1 Q CD 4 -5ummc:r 77 I V liH t 1 1 1 1 1 VI I COTTAGE CHURCH . 1 -UBCBTY ? f-B- faaaasBaaaa aiBaasBBB -l in I I JUI l JSCDCZl CDUI-J JT L lrl lil rj n r i.i w lit i i iai ii i i i :j a n i -r from T4Tt. -j--t: - H Bun HHh ware h DRUG STORE WM. NEIMEYER Pharmacist Phone 167 444 Ststa Street FOOT SPECIALIST CHAS. E. TATRO Foot Correctional Specialist Maker of Tatro'e Famous Feather weight Arch Support from Individual Imprraaiona. Scientific Treatment for all Uersogements of the Feet. 404 Masonic Bailding i'hone i'.l'J FUNERAL DIRECTORS FtTNEKAX DIRECT0E8 WEBB & CL0UGH CO. Fanerala for Leas Fhona 120. Court St at High FUEL AND TRANSFER E&IPEY TRANSFER & FUEL CO. 254 S. Liberty Phone 998 Night Phones 679J 1778J GROCERS Ton Are Sore te Oat EELIA3LE QS0CXS1XS LEB0LD & CO. Toar fontinned patmaare and gaol will is oor first consideration. New Cuttomers will find thia a rood plaee to trade. Phones 649 and 650 1244 East Stato Street. C ONTEST OPEN TO ALLYOUNG AND OLD 905 Phone 619 Phone 110 Phone 282 193 Phone 428 , Phone 398 Phone 167 413 Phone 1774 Phone 44 Phone 439 NATUROPATHIC NATUROPATHY ia THE Drugless WAY to get WELL. Naturo pathy teaches you how to keep well. If you are sick, consult a Naturopath.-Do It Now. DR. A. SLAUGHTER HATUSOFATH Phone 110 219 U. S. National Bank Buildlnt HARNESS AND LEATHER RELIABII . Alway Charactrr- v Izen Kverylfhing We Sell Ilirnesd, tiloTea, Auto Kobea. F. E. 8 II A JP E R (EataLlinbod 891) Phoaa 411 170 8. mmercial at. JEWELERS LOVE The Jeweler 337 State Street JUNK DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME See Ua. We alwaya pay tha MARKET PRICK for eTerrtainr of raise. Looking for RAROAIN? Also sea us. CAPITAL JUNK & BARGAIN HOUSE 215 Centar Street. Phone 39S I 1- 1 1 XT. I o: ! MSBaaBaa fH I I I I 1 a J I II I i I LJ I 1q . . i . ev 1 1 ii S lr- KODAK FINISHING Kodak Finishing Tinting Framing Copying Enlarging 648 State St.. Opposite Court Soaaa Phona 1774 MACHINE SHOP Liberty Machine Shop E. M. KNIOHTUNOEB Maaagu and KaChioiat Repairs on A a to. Marine and Thresh ing Knpines and all Farm Machinery a specialty. Work dune on shortest notice at- low est rates. 178 South Liberty Street. MEAT MARKET MIDGET MARKET Originators of LOW PRICtS. Kot in tha Combine. 3S1 State Street Fhona 176 MEAT MARKET Cash Is King More Meat of Better Qaality for Your Money. Oar Coupon Booke Bare 5 on Yoor Meat BUL PEOPLE'S MARKET Phona 094 -165 North Liberty 8treet. MEATS Wholesale Retail Enjoy You Meals By Marketing at Edward's Market Fresh. Clean, Wholesome Vests 1ISS StaU St, Fhaoa 199S jTy u uu r-n. J m-iriinn nn t I I I . . at. w m l i J I I II RrKC cd era pie Of i I j ii iriri jj. j --A PHYSICIAN NURSERY STOCK STRICTLY High Grade Stock Superior Quality Reasonable Prices SALEM NURSERY CO. Phone 1763 428 Orefon Bids. OPTOMETRIST-OPTICIAN We hare Ultra er Dr. Albert R. Miller's Kalcra " optical bueineaa and will be glad to meet hie friends and patrons. M0BXI8 OPTICAL CO. Eyesight SpadsUsU Phone 239 204-211 Salem Bk. of Commsrca Bids. REAL ESTATE TEIXFHOZTB 615 W. H. GRABENH0RST & CO. Farna and Fruit Lands Small Tracts aad InTastaanta 275 State Street.. REAL ESTATE SETB L A. HAYF0RD for Real Estate and Insurance 305 Stat Street. Phona 737 SHOES FULLERTON'S Horn of LADIES' SHOES 415 StaU Street 114 liberty Street rboaa 578 TAILOR JOHN SUNDIN Tailor Phone 282 347 State Street - I UNDERTAKER Whn onr aerrieea are required we andertaka to eerre with, pompt aad sympathetic dignity. Terwilliger Funeral Home I4oansed Eabalmera Pan era! Directors Phona 724 770 Caeaukata Itrttt VETERINARIAN DR. A. R. ANDREWS Veterinarian Phone 7 CLUB STABLES 196 Soata Ltbarty Straw! Oalla aaawered at all hemra. ri z: - v LULhdJ.JI nr AUTO TOPS HULL'S AUTO TOPS . UPHOLSTERING PAINTING HULL'S TOP SHOP! 311 H. CoaunarOM BU, , PAe.809( WINNERS . . - - ii, The unusually large number ot solutions of the bualnoaa chart page received, this week and their unusual cleverness . and oriRlnal ity have made the task, of aeleet Inr; the winners r. Terr diffleilU one. M The winners of the five awards are as follows: First reward. $5, Raymond Pedwel!. &24 South Fourteenth street, Salem. ! Second reward, $2, A. L. Brown, Dox 283, Newport. Ore. j Third reward, $1.50, Mrs. A J. Smith, Route. 1, Ho, 24, Salem. Fourth reward, fl, OeoTge Daily, 1807 Broadway, Salem, r Fifth reward. 50 cents, Web ster Ross, 14&3 Court street; Sar lent, Oregon. . TRIBUTE Pi I; TO U. S. LOYALTY . . i j i,- Briand Serves Notice Tbt France Will Lay Hand On. Germany PARIS, April 5. Premier BrJ and paid tribute to the loyalty I of the United States in resisting 'In sidious overtures by Germany"! In tha senate today- and -served I no Uce that if Germany continues to resist payment of reparations after May 1, France will layr a etrcng hand on her neck. Henry de , Jouvenel, chief editor ot the Matin, who preceded M. Briand, declared that it President Wilson ha4 intervened at the end of July, 1914. he would hava. prevented the war. - He pleaded with the premier to ask, the United. States that in case it decided later to consider a -re sumption of business, relations 8ynopais of the Annual Statement of the Ajasociation- 11 H of Bnttetille, in the State- of Oryeon, en the Slot day of December, 1920, made to tha Insmranee Commissioner ojllhe State; of Orefon, parsuant to law: Zaaoaia. Net premiums reeeivad .dur ing; the year , , . 8,70.08 Xet aesesassenta an4 expeasej feea reeeived dorinc year ' 20,977,70 Interest, dividends and rents received darin in yea.. 1,014.60 Inrorae from other aoureea received durinf the year 68.04 Total income f 80,775.42 Die bo rse mania. Xet losaee paid dnrina the expenses .. 11,047.99 Commissiona and aalariea 1 paid during the year 1 6,805.17 Taxes, liceneee and feea Da Id durinf the year 85.50 amount of all other expendi tures 1.234.01 Total expenditure .. liuli . 19,033,67 aloe of real eaUte owned 1 (market value) Value of atorks snd bonds owned (market value) .... Cash in banks and on hand Interest and rents doe and accrued 600.00 . 1.012.M 45.764,70 62 45 Total admitted assets S 47,939 05 " Bncinan n Amii va T . Not piniiuma received dur- inK the yesr f ' 8,576.70 Ijoases paid dnrlnc the year 10,840 27 osaes incurred durina tha year 10S40 57 FARMERS' FIRK RKUE ASHOClA TlOX, Of BUTTEVIU.E; OREUON ! Jas P. Keller, President. ! L. lopr, Secretary, j KTDopsia 01 tn Annnal Statement of the American Equitable Assurance Company of Kew York, in the State of ?few Torli on the Slat dav of December. lao, made to the Inenranre Commiaaioner of the Hate of Oreron. pursuant to law; Capital. ' Amount of capital stock paid P - v 500,000.00 Income. Net preminms received dur- lBj"f J,h ?e.r --J2.197jBSl.3J intere-t. dividrndo and rrrvu received durini the yeai: 118,742 29 Income from other sources received during the year 471 35g " Toul doom S2.787,oxi.?f Diabarsaaaenta. et losaea paid daring the year includinr sdjustment Tl.'!tPn' -:; . 81,276,135.57 Dividends paid on capital stock dorinir the rear ..... 108,00000 lommiaetona and salaries paid ) darinK thear .....7 810.54l.S6 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year 65.319.73 Amount of all other expendi- turea 259,040.40 Total expenditurca 82.519.087 00 AffTets. Value of etocka and bonda owned (market value). 82,314,238.29 v uiuiigeicra ana col lateral, - tU Cash in banka and on hand I'rcminma in eonrae of rU lection written ainea 8ep-tcmb-r no, 1920... Interest snd rents, dae and accrued Loaaca dnc from reinauring coiapanies 32.250.00 206,749.33 808,845.93 16,829.58. Total admitted assets 82,904,674 78 LiabllitUi. Gross clsims for loases un- . Pid. -- 1476.115.00 Amount af unearned premi- nma on all oatataoding riaka l,17g,OH 30 All other liabilities ...... '112,759.99 Total liabilities, exclusive of capital a tack of 8500.O00.OO 8l.766.B60 88 in wegon lor Ut Xsr. ct premiums received dur- Ing the yesr $ 24.007.98 Losecs naia dnrin .hj. e jnc a Loaaca inenrred . during tha AM KR1CAN KOI' IT ABLK "aSSURA.NCB co, op n. r. Richard A. Corroon. Preaideat. Thomas Ar Dutfey. Secretary, marotory resident attorney, for aerrko ..I. .il. V imams, rartUBd, Or'gtnt th niissla. " Pratcelba-adinllteA: as a imrij ip.iBB:jisvim?'V" protect ihe Intei'eata of the Freacn BtJannot Af. Vlvlanl "(who Is In Wiiihintton noWl-ABlt fresiaeni IMrdln? whrthr It would not b prer to consider the status of thFreneh debts ta the United States as debts contracted for the common Interest." - ; 1"he premier. In his spepch, said nejtotlatlons optned by the Oer mana with the United Statea re garding -repeat Jons constituted their last resrt In resistance to the payment pr; mir- oousa4.ota. The Germans have tried every way, to divide the allies, he said. ffvnoptia Qf tha Aaaaal Statement of iha Tljo Home) Insurance Company, of New York, in the State of New Terk,. on the 81st day of December, 19,0, made to -the Insurance "Commiaaioner of the Ktatn of Oregon, naraoaoA-iO lawf ? . Capital. . Amount of capital stock paid m u..L............j6)ofl,ooo.oo :! . Iaooato, Net premlnma received, dor- , in the year ......... 848,602.899.62 Interest, dividenda and rent roeeived daring tha. year 2,600,602.7 Income from other' aonyeea received daring the yeee 184,501.49 Total income '. 8 48,05803.79- Zrlsbttrsratata. Net leasts paid daring the ' year including, a4joat meat expenses .- :...J19t867,174.7r Dividends;; psid oa capital stock daring the year 1,504,000.00 Coromissioas , and aalariea paid during tha year 13.228,343.89- Tsxea, Ueenaea aad feea pai4 during the year .. ..... l,8go,V5.46 Amount of: all other expendit turea . . .... 8,870,079.68 , Total expend it area S 40,385,465.74 ! AistU.' - Vahi of stocks aad bonda owned (market value);.. S5t.220.44? 61 Recoverable for reinaaranro. on fld losses 459,652.00 Cash in banka and on hand 5,316,671.63 Premiuraa In course of col lection written since Sep tember 80. 1SI20 4,474.058.61 Interest and rente dua ami - aeeraod'ii L 544.30SJ)0, T AT Sil 'Ststtalil taat aaoiaia4as - tS4 Alt 9 A at C . UabUttMa. 1 0ro clsiois for loases na ps w ...;i.u.....; 86,342.779.00 Amount of unearned premi- vma on,; aM ouutaadinS ' ' risks . ..v.....a-. 88,050,818 OO All other, liabilities 2.170.2971 ' ' 1 --" " i .i - t Total libiliUear exclusive "- ;.i v'i Joalness lavOrefaa fas- Ua Toar i Net premiuma roeoivod dur- .,- 1 -. ing; the ear-.. .-.-....S .299.761.86 ." r"" aunog iaa year . SB.saa "lu- LAssea. incurred '.daring, tha .' ' year .V 100.467 96 TUS IIOME INSPBANCB COalPANY f JSte'' 8. PrMioVnt. WIlfredKnrth. Sorreury, Sutntory resident attaraey, for, aarvieo Helen lonlly. TjeJaen,RolandA Hargltardt. A rests. " - ; l - '' 1 Synopsis oti tha -Atutf Statement of the United States Fire Ins. Co. of Sow York fcltr, m St.ta of Kew iork, on the Slat day of December. 19S0, made ; to the Iirsnrsoca.CommJasionor.f lue state of Oreroa, purauatu, to law- . Capital. Amount of Capital atock paid ' UT -.-J 1.400.000.00 -.- r - ----- ,...i,m, tt, - - ing the year -S8.350 282JS Interest, dividends and renu ' ' received during the year 501.757.69 Iacorae from other aoureea' . ' ' ( received during the, year ,403.521,20 Total-toee ..... .:. .:. 8,955,561.84 .. - f Disbommontt. et lossea paid during tho year including adjnausant' ' atncS- llnri. . .. m . ... . ComWaai...--., '4. ". T.?eLd. Jth rns A013.684.2I. AmoViii: tarf 823,86.H Total exponditnreo 81 Ajaota, Talue of.real eatata owned (market , value) B value of atacka. and. bonda .008,1813,: 44,400.00 owned (market valBa777. 9,509,96443, Losas on mortgsjes and col- "" . 1st ami, eta, 611,43 74 Caalt to banka and on band 926,8S8i76 Premiuma in 'coarse of rot. lection written ainea Sep tember SO 19S0 -,i -. 1.480.0i3 7T Reinauranee due edlaSaJO, Interest and. renu dua aad accrued ..4. j., 33,003.87 Total admitted assets J13,589,53t.97 . . IlaballUoa. Cross- Claima. for lossea - aJ!'. " : 31.184,390.00 Amount of an earned preaai- " ms : on all outsUnding .i - ,r e;: V 6,882.778.36 All other lUbiliOea - 832,831.64, Total liabilities, exaluaira ' of capital atock ... l6.S9O,983.0O Business la Oragoa for tho Tear. et premiuma. received dur- mg the year .... ,100,10.78 M psid during tha year 37,209.01 Loaaea inenrred daring tho ysr. u 1B14S01 tXfTKD STATES FIRE IK I cO t.V RV Bmob, President-t,..-.-i-I'K 0 r'"e Swetary. SHatotory resident attorney for aervic- A. C, Barber, Insaruca Commiaaion er, Salem, Oregon. Synopsis of the Annnal Sutesaent ot Ue. Britisli American Assurance Company of Toronto. Province of Ontario, In the Dominion of Canada, on, the. Slat day of Deeember. 1920, made ta tno Insurinco CoBim.ssioner of the State of Oregon, nor sna.nj to laajtc y Capital. Amoant of capital atock paid ap, deposit capital S 200,000.00 income. Net premium received dor- t.." !hJ?'V :i Si,641,51.BO Intereat. dividends and rents received dnrine' the year 96,768.35 income from :otber sources rereiyed during the year, 521.164.49 Total, income 82,259 449 44 DlsBursementi. loaf Pt puld during the yejir tnrlndine adiuatmenL expenaea .A...... 3 Cowniiaiona "and salaries paid during tha year ...... Taxes, license, and ffs said during the year Amount of all Other expendi tures - 794,761.17 417,051.84 106,879.31 975.831. Total expArujitares .....32,298 533 w3 aUle of atorks.. and honds ,892.819.70 182.457.3.1 101,820.01 31,813.18 128.61 CshU in .hanks, and on band tremiumi in course of col lection written aince Sep- Iiuereet. nd' rents due and . u rM . All other ssseti Total admitted assets 82,309 08 8 8S Liabilities. Orosa rlaima Tor losses nn- i -- $ 247,081.79 Amount of unearned premi i uma On all. ontatanilnir risks i, Pne for co mis iaa ion and ; brokerage, contingents .... All ether liabilities DePOoit canitar ... " 1,394,200.45 2. ROO.OO S2.34t.Tt ' 200,000.00 333.008.88 Surplus ,i.....4,. " . Total liabilities, excluaive of capitar ateck $3,200,038.83 Bailneaa Ul Orum far Iha w. Set prrmiutni received dur- ing the year, net 8 13.391.14 l-omu-s paid during the year, i' net. ... 3-.164.74 Losses incurred, during the pRITlSII AMKRICAM ASSfRAKCB CO. t. It. Meikle, FreaidenS. . Statutory resident attorney Sot service dtw m. Dunne, Chamber of US aieree, Portlsa.d, Or(oa , !!. 1