The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 06, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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' ' I ...
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! 11 In .
iegxm Statesman
r- Istaed DallT Excfnr lfnnAav h
.-'. 21S S. Commercial B e.i.. -t .......
(Portland Ofnce, 704 Spalding Building. Phone Main 1116)
Tu Associated P resa la iriiiiviv nim h n t h
ixtloiof all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited
I ""gaper and ala o the local news publl abed herein.
- i
. J. HjMrtcka....,
pepbefti A.JBtone. .
jUph Glover. .....
link iaskoskl...
Managing Editor
vVlLTi.TATESMAN. atmed by carrier in Salem and suburbs. 15
' cent wek, 05 e'it month.
aiLY;jjSTATE8MAN. by mill. In adTance. $6 a year. $3 for six
i " tnCSitba. 11. GO fO! fill mnntlil In Uarlnn nnl POIr rmintloa-
$7 X year.;3.60 fo t,i mcnthi, 11.75 for three months, out
ld of these cuunUis Wbea not paid in adrance. 50 centa a
yaa additional.
rE PACIFIC HOMES JKAI, the great western weekly farm paper.
' Wilt be Sent a Tear lu ant oj uarinr a rcir In advanrn to the
t Dafly Statesman. , , - '
awai BiAiwMAN, a ye r; 75 tents for six months: 40
; cents for three month
UEKtiT STATESMAN. UhuimI in tno six-Daze sections. Tuesdays
muii mamy, ll year (H noi paid in adrance, $1.26); 60 centa
ior.;six montna; Z cents foi th ee months.
- f t- t
-L'v- .
Businefa Office. 23.
Circulation Department. 683.
Job Department. 583.
Society Editor. 106.
ft tered' at the Postof f Ice in Salem. Oregon as second class matter.
liitor Statesman: ..
- ' lit your leading editorial of March 30. 1921. bearintr upon
dustHal conditions in this city, permit the writer to quote
fom ft paragraph w and there has been only one refusal
submit to arbitration by the board, and in that one case
Violation of written contract."
Ill your second leading editorial of March 31 following.
pu say, "The above paragraph in the leading article on this
age jf yesterday's Statesman did not refer to the labor
oubl at the Spaulding mill, as was made plain by a careful
: ading of the last sentence." "It referred to the adjus'tment
I thescale of printers in Salem, last September."
! A" dissection of the above quotations would leave the
verae reader withhe choice of only one conclusion that
:e printers of Salem had repudiated a written contract. And
l usiiig thet words "printers of Salem" you have directly
passed the buck" to Capital Typographical Union No. 210 to
if firm? your remarks by silence or repudiate them by asking
bu fos give this communication a place in your columns.
I On the 8th of September,. 1919, Capital Typographical
Union Ko 210, through its accredited officers, signed an ar
.trati(?n agreement with the Statesman Publishing Company
: id th Capital Journal Printing Company to arbitrate a
age stale. The first section or paragraph of the agreement
includes 5 in relation to the scale of wages to be paid
a menibers of said union employed by said publishers, and
3 hours of labor to be performed by said members of said
nion from the 15th day of September, 1919, to the 31st day
l August, 1920, both dates inclusive."
Incorporated in this agreement was the clause to submit
ur differences to the local board of arbitration, composed
uallyjof members of the Commercial Club and the Trades
nd La1xr Council -of Salem.
But this agreement,, as the "contract" plainly shows,
as a suDmission oi our wage controversy lor the period
nly ending August 31, 1920. Capital Typographical. Union
o. 21$ has violated no wage agreements nor arbitration
reenients. The membership being dissatisfied with results
',tainei3 from the local arbitration board, simply refused to
ubmitjjheir differences to that body at subsequent times.
; Ana the' refusal to submit their case to the local board
?ince I19 .was not, actuated by a spirit of pique or animosity,
t ut from ithe fact that a member of the board at that time
buld'nt 'distinguish the difference between a skilled crafts
pan, vrhose organization requires an apprenticeship of at
! ast fifel years before drawing journeyman's pay, and that
: f a tr&ie which could be mastered in as many months,
i Ou;i)f a spirit of fairness, we ask you to give this the
public! you gave your own version of the affair.
f 1 1 M. D. PILKENTON, President
ft Vr j i C G. GRAY, Secretary.
(The Above Is gladly printed in equal prominence with
the article mentioned. . The only quibble is on the words,
writtea contract."
Th editor of The Statesman was evidently wrong in
aying here was a "written contract." c
AtLihe time the conciliation board was proposed by the
'alem Commercial club, a written contract or agreement was
resent fi to the Statesman Publishing Co., as it was to other
mploy,es, and it was signed by the Statesman Publishing
JXt contracting to submit all labor disputes that might arise
a this proposed board of conciliation, consisting of three bus
iness men and three representatives of organized labor.
f Atfthat time it was represented to the Statesman Pub-
Vi?nr-Jnv that tVw rrintr worn amnnor iha aaAora in Via
.iovemnt and a printer was on the conciliation board all
,he tlni until the last few months. A printer sat with the
xjard as a member in 1919, and a printer sat in the same way
ist year, in arbitration proceedings with the pressmen ; even
after the printers hid refused to have their own differences
arbitrated by the local board
And the writer understands that the vote of representa
tives of all the organized labor bodies, in the Salem Trades
and Labor council, when the local board of conciliation was
fnrmHl was unanimous: that organized labor in Salem was
a unit in favor of the local arbitration board; that the repre
sentative of the printers on that council toox a leaaing jwrt m
the formation of the local conciliation board.
That is all. The printers did not violate a 'written
agreement" in refusing to arbitrate through the local board
last year; unless their assistance in organizing the local
board, through the Salem Trades and Labor Council, and the
minutes of the proceedings in reference thereto, could be
considered a "written contract."
But that is not worth arguing over
Though the employees were bound by a written contract,
and the Statesman Publishing Co. would have violated its
written contract if it had refused to arbitrate through the
local board.
The Statesman has no quarrel with the printers. It
would not intentially misrepresent them.
The Salem printers have never refused to arbitrate their
differences ; they only took the stand, last year, that if there
was to be arbitration, it should be carried on Dy men selected
by both sides, with a neutral person as a member.
It is always hard to get an entirely neutral persori to act
in such capacity; one whose mind is absolutely open. There
are few such men. (Is there one?)
t The Statesman wishes the guarantee of industrial peace
in Salem as nearly as such a thing can be guaranteed by
wise provision in advance.
The writer believes the local board of conciliation is cal
culated to give such a guarantee if every one would insist
absolutely tn standing by it.
The writer believes in this so strongly that he would be
glad to have new agreements in writing" on an siaes, wnn
the understanding that they be made binding.
From the remarks of Otto Hartwig, president of the
State Federation of Labor, in Salem last Thursday evening,
he evidently believes the local conciliation council or arbitra
tion board is an ideal instrument for the preservation and
guarantee of industrial peace in this community.)
wonderfully. It stems as cheer
ful and hospitable aa tbe cosy
corner in tbe old home. ,t.
Salem, the City of Peace, ought
to be tbe city of Industrial peace.
Ex-Governor Cox fays he is
till a Democrat and a high pri
vate in tbe rear ranks. He knowj
where tbe party needs reinforce
It does not seem to be so much
ot a question of what Germany
owes as what she has in the way
of coin to settle the indemnity of
tbe allies.
The chances are that President
Obregon heard the American de
mand for the capture of the mur
derers ot those two Americans
without the aid of the audlphone.
"pHE modern farmer needs no educa
tion on the utility of time and labor
; JL
is: saving devices. Yet this year, like the
: ftp merchant who permits his stocks to be
I : come" depleted, the farmer may be in-
5 dined to allow his equipment to become
r-, . or remain dilapidated.
On the other hand, good operation means
Kuuu 4uipuieui ana me unitea states
national Manic looks upon the providing
of such things as necessary.
It would please a lot ot Califor-
clans if President Harding. should
lve Hiram Johnson some foreign
post the. foreigner the better.
How wpuld the consulship at Yap
do? Los Angelas Times.
When the Los Angeles collector
of customs insisted that be had
about three years of his unex
pired term to serve the office was
placed in the hands of the chief
clerk, who had orders not to pay
a cent of salary to the official
who thought he ought to be al
lowed to finish his tjrm. That
ended the argument. Los Ange
les Times.
Still the broccoli growers come.
If It keeps np tbia way till plant
ing time, Salem will harfe five
care of broccoli a day to ship
oext February and March, if all
goes well.
Silo-, the slogan subject to
morrow. What do you know
about tbe advantages of silos?
The slogan editor ba3 hisj ears
open for Information. .
There is an outbreak of big ad
vertising all over the world. With
in the past month a. London
newspaper received 2090 for a
Ingle advertisement of a sale
from a leading firm of London
merchants. It is said to bt a
world's record. The advertise
ment filled four pages and the
rate was 500 a page. The world
is awakening to the tremendous
force of publicity.
Figures on the distribution of
automobiles in this country af
ford some interesting data. It ha
been ascertained that two-thirds
of all the cars went to users in
agricultural districts. In other
words, the farmers bought them.
More than half of the cars went
to towns of less than 5000 inhabi
tants, indicating that tbe small
town folk are investing In these
means of comfort and pleasure.
The people in the south bava
greatly Increased their registration.
Are our girls emotional? We
had hardly thought so. Had In
fact fancied that they were hard
boiled and impervious to the or
dinary hazards and tragedies of
life. Supposed that they were
delightfully sophisticated, so that
not even an eloping grandmother
could surprise . or shock . them.
But Dr. Mary Ross Potter, dean
ot the women's department of
Northwestern university, says
that. cur girls are frivolous and
emotional. She admits, howsver,
that she loves them for it and says
further .that they do but reflect
tbe times and their upbringing.
There are more, delinquencies in
tbe juvenile courts than ever, but
at bottom our girls are good,
wholesome And natural . The lady
says that America need not worry
ever her women, but tbe men of
America probably will continue to
worry over , them and about them.
It is somewhat reassuring, how
ier. to find that our girls turn
out safe and sane, even if they
are frivolous and emotional for,
the time being. If we had better
parents we would have still bet
ter girls. Some of our maidens
have been singularly unfortunate
in the selection of their ancestors.
Postmaster General Hays has
already lifted out the most of the
Democratic high officials in his
department. Civil service rules
and the new idea of allowing
Democrats to serve out started
terms do not seem to worry the
postmaster general. He Is one of
the MeAdoo brand of politicians.
April 7. Tkunili'' Marion riotr
Vrtrss" Auoriatien. matting ( VTeo4
Vora. April, a. rri4arIaf Wmnoit's att
Hwn W. ft. C. mnA Witlaatatta
April S. .. and 10 Cmxntr HnnAur
u-Hoa' convention at Tirvt UmWui
-nrh. '
April 14. VrinHr iWi ram
to-tia of Comatorrial rlub.
April IS, FrMar B..ball. WilUm-
ot! V. of O. at Baikal
April i. Saturday-BasobsIL WUlaa-
att r. V. ,t O at Vngrw.
April 17. Hundar Rloaamn lay
April l and 17. Satvntar aa! 8 no
ar Baseball. Salem Seaatora tsL Ra-
. 7
. Apri' ; !"! rM,!a b
un4 Whitman.
4 - Wedoewlay. Apollo rlut hi
Artery Vir''" R"- pranc at
-.VV9 ' '?;--A bbh.I confer
m - E""I"-i Asaoeiation.
May 7. Katnrdar Marina Conatr
"7' fco-boll tm.m.-. '
t Wail. Wtla
' " - - O. Cw-
Tkrr!Ti!lT! J4i Tfcnr.4aT t,V.ii.o J.
niniiwWkii 4.T,. n ...
Hysterical Greeks are crazy
about their Constantine. Since
their king staged his comeback
they have become all swelled up
over him. They won't be satis
fied until they get even with the
Turks and they are- now dream
ing that their Constantine will
lead them into Constantinople
and make that famous capital a
city of Constantine In fact as it
la in name. It was founded by a
Constantine 1$ centuries ago; was
lost by another Constantine in
1453, and now the Jl reamers and
visionaries think that this pres
ent Constantine of Greece is the
hero to restore It as the seat of
a Christian empire. Constanti
nople for the Constantines is the
cry, and it is time, for the Turk
to take his midnight shudder In
his guarded tent.
Almost half the population of
the country Is of voting afe. In
at least two of tbe southern states
the men and women above 21 re
present more than 48 per cent of
the total population, and other
stales are not vastly different. It
would possible to round up
neariy 50. 000.000 votes If every
body ot voting ace was registered.
So it can be seen that a few got
away from Harding, after all.
Former President Taft has
dropped in at the While House
to visit on two occasions recently.
It was the first be had 6e?n of
the place for many a day. al
though It was once tolerably fa
miliar. Since, the White House
has been made safe for Republi
Quite a nuiuoer of Chicago sa
loons that were ordered padlocked
for a year for violation of the
prohibition law are now being
opened by permission of the
court as quarters for the families
of the poor and homeless. This
is a pleasing version of the sur
vival of the fittest.
All of a sudden Senator Borah
has come out strongly for disarm
ament. If the senator would give
a concrete example in bis own
personality it might help. If bo
will disarm maybe the rest of tbe
world can be persuaded to do soJ
But when there is constant firing
from the Borah camp the country
is justifiably suspicious. I
Winter still lingers
Still lingers in the lap of spring.
Let's have industrial peace inj
the cify of peace
And work at fair wages for ev
ery one who wants to work.
There's no doubt whatever that
a number of building projects are
wage scales in the building trades
some of them held up till next
year or longer.
Whatever the wage scalp of the
building trades are to be, they
should be definitely announced.
in order that there may be a com
plete understanding all around.
If the $10,000,000 cannery
merger for Oregon and Washing
ton is put over quickly, and put
over big, as there is every pros
pect, k will have a powerful in
fluence on the disposition of the
fruit crop of the Salem district,
and of the two states. " It will all
but guarantee the sale of all of
our fruit at some price, and likely
at remunerative figures to the
growers: though bonanza prices
are likely a thing of the past for
soma timo.
If you want to join the broc
coli movement, get your name in
early. The Statesman will take
all names offered, and turn them
over to the Salem Broccoli association
Feminine Treasurer is
Puzzled fin Linn County
Ignore Powell, Linn county
treasurer, inquires of Attornoy
General Van Winkle if she would
be held liable for tbe money if
the were to pay void outstanding
warrants on the general county
fund of $131,532.01 and on the
vifrnl i rnart fund nf til ttt
with the'exception of $4000. Tbnt
latter amount It appears is all
that is payable under the per
cent tax limitation amendment ot
thej constitution of the state. l
the warrants are void the attorney
general holds that she would be
uuble. 1
Cse Statesman tfaftftlflrxl Ad)
for -every Crop and 8oll require
North Portland, Ore,
Por Easy Terms and Prices see of
1044 .Marlon St. Phone ICS
, ,o.. ,nT"
so u J si v-
II ifr' . r V M0rrr- v ll
III s'm J V V
411 r-f laT , : if V. II ,
l tmS.l A 1 riirr-
an vrfirifloffii
d(JI TriiUiIilDiKSi
,MMoooanoaoiMMMaMi n i i "ooa ii'iiiiia. a auMtaCTeJW
Coming to The Oregon Theatre Sunday for an Indefinite Run
Sffl j "
! 'iiiii
' j I' - i i
Refihish Yoors YrMir!self
with paint or varnish. We tel! how
IT'S a simple matter, if you cannot get
a painter, to rcfinish any floor fun, in
fact, to do the work yourself.
We make the finest finishes. They dry
over night, so you can walk on thenj in the
They are made for laymen's use as well
s painter's they flow and spread easily
and cover well The result is a smooth
and lustrous finish just the one you want
to get, although you an amateur do -the
Women can apply these products as well
as men.
I'uller makes a famous floor paint
Rubber Cement Floor Paint and two fa
mous varnishes called "Fiftecn-for-Fioorj"
and "Fullerwear." ..
Th' are Fuller's Specifications for home
. . floors ach for a particular effect.
We make also a special line of paints,
arnishes,' enamels, etc.. for all kinds of
. interior decorating. And we maintain a
Free Advice Department that will tell you
in detail how to use them. You simply
describe the article, how finished now, and
the effect you want to get.
We've specified these materials and meth
ods foryou after 72 years' experience with
paints and painting practice. We are one
'Homo SarvieoTainfs
VornUhvs - Enamels
Robber Cement Floor Paint a sani
tary, waterproof and durable paint
for noors of kitchen, closets. Attrac-
uve in color and glots.
Dries hard over night. Made
in 12 colors.
Also mjkajs of Home Paint, 'All
purpose garnishes, Silkcnwhite Enam!
Fifteen - for - Floor. Washable Wail
Finish, Auto Enamel, Barn and Roof
Paint, Porrh and Strp Paint and Tio
ner White Lead.
of the largest pamt manufacturers in the
United States. j
Don't think you can't dj-work like this
surely because ydu Hlvenf ever done it.
'f ollow Iullrr Spkififttionk and you'll get
lilt lltlll CUCCt. t?i f!
- ' ; . ' j k
Where to Biiv 1
Important that jnoiil get Ithe.
.e,... niKi u tn- SU:rc to, go
to the right store! for Fuller
rroaucts. ut out the coufon
below as a memo o direct vbu.
1 it'-j. V:
W. P. FullaV A to.
Dpt I,; SaFraaeiaco
Pioneer Paint Manufa'cturera for 7J Ytara
Eitablih 184ft
Branch in l Cittn In Sha Weit
Dealers Etywhe
(Cat thi out and euiNjt in jrtmr pocket book or
hand bag as a memo.) M iff
Fulier-t "Home Srvii Pai ProducU art sold
py ta lollowuig in youtitity:
R. D. Gilbert & Cos
llumaby tash otore
- V -
vs., .1 Sslai. "
cans the atmosphere has changed