The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 05, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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Hrcia Sleeting
Salem lodge No. 4, A. F.
ft A. M. at 1:30 p. m
tndiT to attend the fun
I eral of Brother John V. UaggetL
B order of Will Hennett. master.
I (adv.)
w .
II fr- Lunton Dead
1 Newt of the death of Mrs. Mary
1 ii Lopton of Manteco, Call'., haa
si been received her;, her death ce
ll carrta suddenly March 13. She
Ilta survived by a daughter. Mrs.
11a J. Catelllno. (Alice Lupton)
lint Sao Francisco, and one son
a who urea in jmuictw.
lived Jn Salem ror several years,
jad is well known.
street. Harriet Crawford la the
name Riven the child. On March
31. a girl wan born to Mr. and
Mrs. Charles A. Kobow. who live
about seven miles north of Sale in.
lj Attention O. A. H.
If . Funeral of Comrade John Zlm
imer at Webb & Clough parlors
i ADT11 O. IV . in.
jfrtert Loughridge. commander.
tnfMMr Mat tlx wt. SHk
I Prof. James T. Matthews oc-
Icnplwl the pulpit of the Congrega
ytnnai church in The Dalles Sun-
Hjuv morning. In the evening!ir under the auspices of the
Men club.
11 Marlon County Veterans
rS AMociation will meet at Wood-
!r - ifirli 1 Arimlo-
I Hon veil filled lunch basket.
SNorm N. Terwilliger, Sec. (adv.)
Marion County Veteran
Association will meet at Wood-
burn Thursday, April 7. Admis
sion a well filled lunch basket.
syrma X. Terwilliger, Sec. (adv.)
in September, 1919. having seen
active service in France. The lat
ter enlisted at Baker in March.
1918. and received his discharge
February 20, 1919.
Auto Radiator Repairing
Modern equipment, prompt ex
pert service. Nelson Bros., 355
359 Chemeketa St. Adv.
Urnol to Iity .
Marriage licenses were granted
yesterday in the office of the
county clerk, to llattie A. Hani-
melman of Woodburn and Frank
J. Stark of Portland, and to Floy-
Van Huren of Je'ferson and Frank
Ilea I Not tioJltv
A. Wilson pleaded not guilty of McLlfresh of Tenina, Wash
the charge of non-support of his
wife. In the justice court yester
day before Judge G. E. Lnruh.
He will stand trial Friday Trt 2
p. m.
where be is arranging the state
fortstry forces for service during
the coming fire season. It is be
lieved fire losses will again be
small in the state this season be
cause of more adequate organiza
tion to combat them, particularly
if generosity is shown by the war
department in detailing an air pa
trol squadron to the state.
Phone 520
Fof that pood
wood while It lasts.
lC-lnch mill
G. 11. Tracy.
The Klks I ax Ice
At Salem, Oregon, will receive
sealed bids separately for the !
dwelling and barn on its property
at Cottage and State streets.
known as the Breyman property.
The bids will be closed at 6 p. m.
Monday. April 11. For further
particulars can on Charles K.
Archerd, 210 State street, (adv.)
Will Itecome Otize
Einar Jacob&en Dahle, a sub
ject of Hoaken VII. king of Nor
way, declared his intention yes
terday of becoming a citizen of
1'nited State, before I". G.
Boyer, county clerk.
The Fli-M Rose of the SeaLson
Mrs. E. L. Wade of Knappa.
Clatsop county, writes: "I have
a perfect rose in bloom on a
climber this morning. April t. I
will be glad to know if anyone In
northwestern Oregon has anything
earlier. I don't know the name
of this rose, it being from a
chance cutting. It is pale yellow.
turning to white, very sweet,
flowers in clusters. has Bmatl
shiny foliape and slim stems. Can
you name it?"
Final Account Filed
Final accounts of the estates of
Alice Smith, deceased, and oi
Luella Darby, deceased, were
heard and allowed yesterday by
the county court. W. 1. Need-
ham was executor of the latter
Phone r20
For that good lC-inch mill
wood while it lasts. G. 11. Tracy.
BMcent births placed on record
with Dr. Ray E. Pomeroy, health
fir Include the birth of a son
Psora, April 3o Mr. and Mrs. El
fwynXestef Pence. Ha hat been
InuBftd Gailord Ray Pence. Mr.
imi Mrs. Chester R. Rldgeway of
fcroatai J-are the parents of a son
Ibornr April 2 A daughter was
mnf April 3. to Mr. and Mrs.
f Hsnry R- Crawford. 1340 Court
Ilex all
One cent aale Thursday, FH-
dav. Saturday. Anril 7. 8. 9. Per
ry's Drug store. Adv.
Two Round (her
E. R. Chaffer and John New
ton waived examination yesterday
In th justice court and were
bound over to tho, grand jury on
a charge of breaking down a fence
belonging to another. The charge
was brought by Charles W . Aie-meyer.
Stickney Accuses Emery
D. Stieknev. 4 49 North Twenty
fourth street, has asked the as
sistance of the police in appre
hending W, Emery, who is ac
cused bv Stickney of taking cloth-
ine from the Stickney home.
where he had been rooming. Mr.
Stickney said he also thought
about $100 had been collected by
Emery, which was owing the two
on a wood-cutting contract. A
32-calibre Harrington & Richard,
son revolver was also missing, he
said. According to information
given friends, Emery was headed
for Portland or Seattle.
Powell Granted Divorce
Thomas E. Powell was granted
a. decree of divorce Yesterday from
Flora Powell, in department No.
2 of the circuit court by Judge
O. G. Bingham. Desertion, cruel
nit inhuman treatment were
causes for divorce.
Legal Blank
Get them at The Statesman or-
flce. Catalog on application. (Ad)
V. In
"Don't Miss
"Small Town Idol"
Experienced cashier and candy
salesgirl. Experienced person only
need apply. The Spa. Adv.
Automobile Stolen
A Ford automobile, the pro-
periy oi itazei ausner. u
rejorted as missing from where U
was parked Sunday night on Court
street. Portland and Eugene po
lice departments have been noti
fied of the theft.
A Classified Ad
Will bring you a buyer.
Hotel Ha Small Pi
A email blaze occurred yester
day morning about fi o'clock in
the basement of the Marion hotel
thought to have been caused by
spontaneous combustion in a lock
er room where rags for cleaning
purposes were kept. Though the
lire department was called Into
service the flames were extin
guished before arrival of the de
partment by rheniical apparatus
shortly after the discovery of the
fire. As the basement of the ho
tel is of cement, little damage
was done and such as there was
is covered by insurance.
ecutive committee of the State
Teachers association of which she
is president.
A. L. Bents of Aurora was a
business visitor in Salem yester
day. O. B. Meyers of Stavton was in
the city Monday.
Paul Vehlen of Stayton wa?
among the callera in Salem yes
terday from that section of the
r. M. Cook of Marlon was In
the city yesterday.
I-rank Bowers was a business
visitor at the court house Monday.
John Tox was among the Mt.
Angel folk who visited yesterday
in the city.
T. J. Ware of Stayton was in
Salem yesterday.
T. D. Trout of Hubbard was
conferring with the county court
Phillip Fisher of Victor Point
was In the city yesterday.
David Back was in the city yes
terday from Mt. Angel.
11. H. Corey, member or the
public service commission, C. J
Green, an engineer with the com
mission, left yesterday for Boise,
Ida., to attend a hearing relative
to valuation of the properties of
the Idaho Power company. The
company operates both in Oregon
and Idaho.
L. P. Bartholomew and his
house guest. Ellsworth Lucas, stu
dents at University of Oregon
have returned to Eugene after
spending the week-end at the for
mer's home at 795 North Capitol
street. Mr. Bartholomew is m me
department of architecture.
Joint Portland and Salem
Program May Bring
Many Visitors
one other relative, a nephew; who
survives bira.
No inquest will be held, accord
ing to Coroner Lloyd Rigdoit.
The funeral will be Wednesday
afternodn at 2 o'clock from the
Webb & Clough chapel, with in
ternment in City View cemetery.
Rev. H. N. Aldrich will oe m
Dorsey Smith Is Coming
In Few Days to Survey
Proposed Route
ill WEEK
man or woman who is kind to an -
animal is apt to be kind to nu or
her neighbor or children. The in
fluence of such a week should be
splendid. Indeed, and I trust to see
it observed generally In all com
munities and all sections of the
-Oregon, through the recem
legislature, responded to the ap
peal of the dumb animal when a
bill was enacted into law requir
ing study in the schools of the
state of humane problems, aa they
relate to such animals. Passage of
this law is indicative of the senti
ment which exists among our peo
nie tt shows tho deep, underly-
" .. . 1
ing Interest we an navj in ue
promotion of kindness and the fin
er sentiments of humanity."
--4 I
Governor Olcott Approves
Special Observance De
clared by Society
Teachers To Meet
The Salem Music Teachers as
sociation will meet with Miss Ada
Miller at her studio in the neroy
Diarhanrei Filed
Klrbv T. Arnold and Everett H.
Arnold yesterday filed honorable
dischargesjrom the United State. Jlng tonight at 8 o'clock
arm 7 iu iuc uni.c -v - i
clerk. The rormer ennsiea in
March. 1917 and was discharged
Experienced cashier and candy
salesgirl. Experienced person only
need apply. The Spa. Adv.
, lVi torteC FUatlaf OrAar Tr
U. ill Oioa BsIMt .
SV- Am 1763
in . .
. .
Iiost Fountain Pen
"The undersigned lost a large
fountain pen on Saturday, proba
bly about the postof'lce. It is
snectally prized because It be-
rmiu tt belonged to the son who
died in France. VV. C. Kantner
fl-50 1 The foregoing notice was sent to
The Statesman last night. Of
course the finder will return this
T-l Vontnor wrhra Itl oaSLOr
Dyen of the First Congregational
ir c B Phona ltd cnurcn. and may ue iuuuu at
11 w a. wwu 1 a-rt t r. that church.
1H1uujo -v '
Elliott On Trio
P. X. Elliott, state forester, left
vesterdav for Klamath Falls
at Nomklng Cafe, every Tuesday.
Thursday and Saturday nights.
American and Chinese dishes.
162 N. Commercial St.
I Suits Cleaned
Suits Pressed 60c
At The Electrle Sign "SHOES
niL:'- Sales
iiT-T-v'i Service
Aik yoor trocer f or
25c doxea' '
;&t Court SU
New Shoe Repairing Shop
Nasona Perfect Liquid Paints
Reasonable prices
Canltal Farnitare & Hardware Co.
9RS M. Commercial Phone 847
v"1 J i e
Children need all their strength
for growing. A lingering cold
weakens them so that the system
is made open to attack by more
serious sickness. Mrs. Amanda
Flint. Route 4. New Philadelphia,
O.. writes: "Foley's Honey and
Tar cured my little girl of the
worst tickling cough. 1 had tried
many things and found nothing
to help until I got Foley s nonev
and Tar." Gives immediate re
lief from distressing, racking,
tearing coughs. Sold everywhere.
Charles Heater and family of
T,ewisburg were in the city yester
S. H. Brown of Gervats was a
visitor In the city yesterday.
Fred Messing of Mt. Angel was
in Salem yesterday on business.
Mrs. Mary L. Fulkerson re
turned Sunday from Spokane
where she attended the Inland
Rmnire Teachers association. En
route home she stopped in Port
land to hold a meeting of the ex-
Max 0. Baren
179 N. Com. St.
1)1 KI)
RAGGETT At the home. North
Howell. April 3. John Watson
Rurntt at th nee of 77 years.
He is survived by his wife nd
three children, Ingelow of beat
tie, Fennimore and Mrs. Audrey
Crowder of Salem. He was a
member of Salem lodge No. 4. A
F. & A. M. and c Civil War vet7
eran. Conn any E. 11th regiment
rr ohin volunteer. Funeral ser
PVices will be from the Terwilliger
home today at 2 p. m.. Rev. J. W.
Warrell o'ficiating and burial will
be in Lee Mission cemetery with
Masonic lodge in charge.
April 17 Instead of April 10
Time Fixed For Rural
Phone ftSt
She Vacwua Cups Have ar-
. nred at
404 Ferry St. Slem. Oregon
Phones 1177 121
Talking Machines mnd Records
Player Pianos and Player Rolls
It Para to Trade at The I
A c Bortos) iraruu
'S4T-47ortk Commercial 247
Two and three room apartments,
furnished or unfurnished
Phone T. G. Bligh, 743
Medium Uncle John Syrup.. 6.V
fl.OO Brooms i 69
50 lbs. Dairy Salt. : 75c
25 bars Laundry Soap $1XU
8 cans Milk
M'GEE At the family residence,
163 South Thirteenth street.
Saturday. April 2. 1921. Mrs.
Ruby P. McGee, at the age oi
68 years".
She was the mother of Freder
ick of Macleav. Richard
McGee of Grand Ronde. Mrs. Ruby
Reinke of Oregon City. Mrs. Stev
ens of Portland, Mrs. Maud Bik
ing and Miss Lora McGee of Sa
lem: sister of Frank Countryman
of Colton. and Anson B. Country
man of Raymond." Wash., and
grandmother of 16. The funeral
will be held Wednesday at 3:30
o'clock from the family home un
der the direction of Rigdon
Son. Interment will be made in
the Odd Fellows cemetery, Rev.
H. M. Aldrich officiating.
Tentative plans for I.Uossom
day. Salem's annual festival dur-
promoted by the Chenians. were mercial club
laid aside yesteraay ana me uaie ;
for this event made April l in
stead of April 10, as previously
considered. A trip to the or
chards about Salem led to the
change, for most of the trees
'were found to be late in bloom
ing this season and postponement
of the date one week was con
sidered enough time to allow the
blossoms to mature.
The route to be covsred this
year will follow practically the
same as that covered last year,
fl,rst through the Rosedale dis
trict and thence to Polk county.
Cherrians and prominent business
men in automobiles will take the
groups of out-of-town visitors who
arrive bv train over the territory.
Krery train will be met by com
mittees from the Cherrians and
..,.mkon frrtm this same organi-
lliruiut '
"A wopk in Portland for every
tourist. " the slogan of Portland
for the coming season, may bring
to Salem thousands of tourists
Bummer if nlans which are
nearly completed by the Salem
Commercial club, with the co-op
eration of the Cherrians and the
Marion County Realty association
are successfully carried out.
Plans for including Salem In
the itinerary of a -week of sight
seeing in and around I ortiana
have been laid before (he business
men by Dorsey R. Smith of the
King-Smith company, which oper
ates an automobile bus line be
tween Portland and Salem. Mr.
Smith's plan in turn was taken
up with the Marion County Realty
association, from which a special
committee was appointed to meet
with the tourist publicity and
conventions deDartment of the
Commercial club and Mr. Smith
given a hearing.
According to present agree
ment reached in the committee,
the tourists will be met upon
reaching Salem by touring cars
ond conducted over a sight-seeing
trio of the state institutions, tak
ing in the beautiful fruit district
surrounding Salem and various
places of interest fn the county
the trin to cover from two and
one half to three hours, at
nominal sum to the tourist. Trips
over the Columbia highway and
to other places out from Portland
are planned by the Portland Cora
mercial club.
Mr. Smith has arranged to
come to Salem in a few days and
co over the proposed route with
the ioint committee. He will
make suggestions as to lengthen
ing or shortening of the present
route, and assist in completing
details now being worked out by
the realtors' committer and the
representatives from the Com-
in a letter addressed to the peo
pie of Oregon Governor Olcott has
endorsed Ihe "Re kind to annnais
week." which has been set apart
for April 11 to 1". The governor's
lot tor fnlloWK!
"It irives me pleasure to endorse
the movement of the Humane so- j
cieties oi tne tn.iea oiaies m op
ting apart the week from April 1 1
to April 17, inclusive, to be: known
'Be kind to animals weea.,
The highest kind of character
eveloDment is found tn tne spirn.
which causes the strong to be gen
tle toward the weak. Humane so-
lptiea throughout the i Ln.tea
stales have had a vast influence
n decreasing the amount of bru
tality to animals and children.. The
FREE from
Hundreds of people are as
tonished and delighted with
the quick and PERMANENT
relief, they have received
from the use or our wonder
ful new discovery, Asthma
Sera. :
Asthma and Hay-Fever, with
all their tortures, may nOw
Tear out this announcement
and send at once to n ; .
821 Alaska Bdg.. Seattle, Wn
:j '.. -
t' Furniture Store
. i The Home ot the Vlctrola
fan get more for your money at
9 Iffh
PIERTIER At a local hospital
Sunday. April 3. Michael Pier
tier. 83 years old. He was a na
tive of Canada and had uvea in
the ITnited States 50 year and
even months. The remains
were sent to Portland yesterday
afternoon by Webb & Clough.
Do we want Salem on the map
as one of the clean towns of the
United States, or do we not? It
means something for a town to be
known as clean, live, progressive.
Such towns belong to the select
circle. They are the towns where
the death rate is low. and loss of
wages from sickness is at a mini
mum. This affects everybody. It
is not a question of beauty alone,
though that is big enough all by
itself to make us get busy, but it
is a question of health, of econo
my, of steady worK, oi increasea
output, of more money in the
bank, of the safety of property
from fire and depreciation, and of
a reputation which we need not be
ashamed of. Let's all get together
and put our town on that map
Read the mayor's call for a
zation will be stationed about the meeting tonight. A meeting to
streets and along the road to ai- . organize for a clean-up campaign
rect the automobiles on the route.
Many Traffic Mishaps
Are Reported to Police
for Salem.
Better Goods For Lees
Call CI. TT. Trar Wood CO.
'lj for all kinds of
dry wood
-frompt delivery
Phone 620
Do you tale
If not, why notl
K other baths or treatments
can produce the permanent re-
itt tn the verson unw"
frnm disagreeable cold or ail
ments of the flesa or ooay ua
the Turkish, Batns wiu.
Open 8 a. m. until 9 p. m.
Lady and uenuemeu uwu"
1 ants
Call at
We buy and sell every
thing 215 Center St. Fhone 398
JORGENSEN At his farm four
and one-hair miles north of Sa
lem. Sunday, April Niels Jor
gensen. 68 years old. He was a
native ot Denmark. The funeral
service will be held at the Webb
Clough chapel Wednesday at
2 o'clock p. m.. with Interment
in City View cemetery.
Niels Christian Jorgensen
Believed to Have Com
mitted Suicide
fy Tkor Washing Machines and
j?; auecine wore ana oupw
IfcT Court St. Phone S8
'Foe Fine Jewelry
Jewelers and Opticians
We pay 2c above the
market price for eggs
and products
A N D E R S At 136 Superior
street. Monday. April 4. at 10
o'clock a. m.. Stephen Morgan
Sanders. 56 years old. The death
was at the home of his son-in-law
with whom he had lived
only seven days, coming to Sa
lem from another c6unty. The
funeral will be held at the
Webb Clough rhanel Wednes
day. April 6. at 11 o'clock a. m..
trilh intorment in I. O. O. F.
remeterv. Rev. H. N. Aldrich of
A number of traffic accidents
and irregularities have been re
ported in the city during the pap;
4 hours. With the exception
of on- none of these was a seri-
mi -nature.
The little daughter of Hop Iee
sustained a broken arm Saturday
niht when she was struck down
bv an automobile driven on State -
street by D A Donovan of Falls Niels Christian Jorgensen. aged
sireei o u. fcnown farmer of the Cne-
In making his report to the po- mawa district, met his death Sun
lice deDartnipnt. Mr. Donovan J day by drowning, apparently by
v,o tho nhUA ran out on suicide, in a stream which runs
the street in front of his car. He across one corner of his farm. He
took the child to her home near was 68 years old.
j,y Mr. Jprgensen was missing early
A collision occurred Sunday on in the morning and friends organ-
the Hubbard-Woodbtirn road be- ized a searching party which kept
tween automobile? driven by I), up the search until tne oooy a
n rnnW TtO Market street, and ' located at ihe bottom of four feet
a Mrs. Day of Portland. In re- i nf water about 4 o'clock in the
porting the accident. Mr. Cooler j atiornoon. He had. to all ap- I
spid the other automobile at- j pearaiicet!, been dead for some j
tempted to pass him and in so no- time.
ing struck his car. i ne running
board and fender were somewhat
What Have You?
rWe buy, sell and exchange
jaew and second-hand furni
ture, stoves, ranges, rugs,
'tools, etc We will buy you
2T1 K. Coml Rt . Balam. Or.
' V I.A . ..W
sj.; your aaiea wiiu
People's Furniture
5 "'Store -
jNlrlit phone 1047 phone 7 14
? 1 I isaWMaaaHM-MMaaMBBBMM
The Mutual Life
Up-to-date policies.
Lower net cost.
District Mgr.
271 State-Str-Phtme 93
Our diplomatic,
polite services
neet with pub
lic approval. The
beautiful dignity
lhat character
izes the accom
plishment of this
organization is a
symbol of re
spectful regard.
ZIMMKIl At 2358 North Fourth
street. Sunday. April 3. at 11
o'clock p. m.. John Zimmer. 7
years. 4 months and 8 days old.
He was a veteran of the Civil
war and had l.ved four years in
Salem. The funeral service will
b he'd at the WVbb & Clough
chapel, Tuesday. April 5. at 10
o'clock a. m . the remains to be
sent to Hailey. Ida. Sarah K.
Zimmer . the widow, will accom
pany the body.
I.AFANTAIN At Hopmere Tues
day, April 4. at ' o'clock a. m .
Knnis Lafantain. 3 yearn. 11
months and 26 days old. The
funeral will be at Claggatt Wed
nesday. April 8. at 10 o'clock
a. m.. with interment in Clag
gatt cemetery.
Choree K. Rolhwell. who was
n irted for speeding on Saturday 1
Tailed lo appear yesterdav to an-';
swer to thf charge and forfeited .
a bond of $10 j
While riding a McyH.i yester-
dav on Twelfth street. Aioeri
Rutlr. 13!ti Walh r Fit et. wa.
struck by a cultivator being!
trained by T 1.. Daldon of In-!
riian Mill farm, and the bicvele .
handle-hnr r"st broken. Rutt'-r
was uninjured.
Mr. Jorgensen bad been ill for
several days, according lo resi
dents near his home. His wife
died last August and he had but
Last Time Today
(Jreatest Sensational
Auto Itace Story Ever
"Vnn Mat,,ews. n. Han a A "THE ROAD
treet. reported to Ihe police de- jLj .,,,
artment v-sterdav that an auto- I DEMON
tuobile said to !long lo r ren J .
Carter of the Lenox hotel. Por- ,
land, passed a street car which j
stopped to receive and un- 1
load passenger0 on Monday. j
Leading Morticians
Mrs. Josie ?Reed. 217 X. Exit T
St.. Tulsa. Okla.. writes: "I was
'n bd three days with niy hack.
1 took Foley Kidney Pills and in
two days was at my work again j
I cannot praise your medicine too,
much." Foley KMney Pills stop!
hladdor irregularities and streng
then the kidneys. They help
Iminate from the system the
poisons that cause backache,
rheumatic psins. stiff joints, sore
muscles, swollen hands and feet,
puffiness under the eyes. Sold
everywhere. (adv )
With Tom Mix
Clyde Cook in "All
Flarting Tomorrow
'The Fortune Teller"
Another Super
the big
Do Not Delay
Thrip Spray
The thrip is showing
in various orchards in
Marion and Polk counties
and it would be well for
you to examine your
trees very carefully ana
see if your trees are in
fected. In case tney are,
you will have to spray at
once in order to save your
We have the proper
spray to use; Misicible
Oil No. 2 and the Black
Leaf 40. All size pack
' Remember the damage
is all done within a few
days, so look at once.
D. A.White &
Phone 160 255 State St
While attending the Mining Convention, at the
Auditorium in Portland, this week, do not fail to
visit the booth ol BRACKNEY & COMPANY apd
see specimens of the raw material of which Comb
Carbon Paper and Ribbons are made. Ask the
attendant. for samples of the paper for testing and
give him your order for a supply. i
us you mam And atpwh wi wax mas, you ouj ...
tou. school Ewoasu ST thklascsst wrwpAma. macjutmi
Comnpoodenc tortrucuoa imwu". -1
n I ITTB AIUTL. - sUUAi-inSi W '
a ff rri s "rm a ut i i i m n
A SS. .1 M B BlA- u a Ml LMSW
1 I
Established 1868 .
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
You will find that this is the year to seed your
land to clover and grasses. The grain market is un
settled and will from present indications be a weak
market with a chance of not paying the cost of pro
duction. Your land needs a' rest as nearly every farm
er has grown grain for at least four or five years with
out change.
Seed your land down and get it in shape so that
you can make some money as there is nothing that you.
cun do that will build your land up like a good clover
crotf : . .
We have some very fancy seed and at the right
Coot seed corn is scarce this season as we find
from tests that there are very few lots that will grow.
We have secured a very good lot but it will not last
long and would advise you to place your order early and
he sure of getting good seedJ Also, have some fine Silo
corn that produces those big crops of fodder.
Phone 160
' 255 State Street