The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 05, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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birds. Interest was also centered 1 he violins were heard in numbers
in the occasional remarKs of a 1 of much charm ami musicau.qual-
droll narrot of nay plumage. it v.- the performers an-uuuiiug
rril' bright sunshine or Sunday
J which prevailed throughout
tho day In Salem, with the
Exception of a brief moment or
two. lured country clubbers south
"lathe Mahee golf links, who
found the higher country en
shrouded In an atmosphere a bit
colder than that of tne valley.
But with the meadowlark singing
h a gayest; the sun consenting to
shine ntfully. and the greens in
excellent condition. Rolf enthusi
asU'COuld not hare been p'eisnad
ed to retire to the comforts of the
clubhouse, even during tho several
flurries of snow and hall.
, The clubhouse, however, furn
ished a pleasant rendezvous dur
ing the midday hour, when the
weilders of mid-Irons, brassies and
nibltnks. ceased activities Ions
partake of a basket
Salexn School of Expression
Loll Rosamond Walton, Director
147 If. Commercial
" Phone 592 1484 J
Special Course la Public Speaking
The Store For Dinner
Sets Glass Kitchenware
The t Store of Housewares
T l35 N.-Liberty. St.
1. ; j. ; , i i '..
if ,'- I
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I: (Sm 1
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V SSrtawSs:V'frft,
5?! . tUm, mi ..
t ' aty a4 vaM N
1 1
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r it
enough to
At leat 75 were playing, with
lare number motorins out to be
Two of the usual players were
missing. Mrs. Kdwln L. Itaker and
Mrs. Edward (Sillingliara going
down to Portland to play on the
municipal links. "
Tournaments also opened at the
Waverly Country club Sunday.
Word comes that Mrs. Earl
Flegcl (Barbara Steinerl. left El
Paso. Tex.. Friday, and is on her
way to Salem where she will spend
two months with her parents. Dr.
and Mrs. It. E. Lee Steiner. Cap
tain Flegel. who was. statroned In
Texas recently, win join her later.
Mrs. Flesel will enjoy a trip
through the Grand Canyon on her
way north, and will also Mop off
in San Francisco, where she will
be entertained by Mrs. Charles 1
Crocker and Mrs. Warren Booth, j
who waa formerely Miss Carolyn
Dick of. Salem.
The following, taken, from the
Albany Democrat of Sunday, will
be of interest:
Miss Salome Cusick, a charming
debutante, was the motif for one
of the most brilliant baits of the
season when her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Cusick. entertained
Friday evening In observance of
her eighteenth birthday. This
event was marked by the artistic
decorations used and for many
other features which contributed
toward the pleasure of more than
one hundred and fifty guests whd
The Moose hall was g.rbed in
quantities of cherry blossoms and
greenery against which fluffy tulle
bows of rose color showed to good
advantage, creating a striking and
nnusnal effect. Masses of 'the frag
rant blossoms were suspended
from the ceiling In French bas
kets, and adorned high pedestals.
Several rose shaded floor lamps
glowed prettily while the lightts
from the ceiling were maae to re
semble clusters of huge LaFrance
roses with delicate foliage. The
summer garden effect was en
hanced by the twittering: of canary
Uixro- ,'
xnilZi scaled
xax cons
life sJa
HrilT Mil fT
Grand Theatre, Saturday, April 9
r.:. i.; ; ; Bfitinee 2:30. Night 8:45
Matinee 50c to $1.00. Children 50c
Nfeht 50c to $10
Mail Orders Now
The World's Funniest
Bringing Up Father
A t The Seashore
An Entire New Show
AH Fun and Pretty Girls
Special Ladies' and Children's Mati
nee. Bring the Kiddies
No Seats Reserved for Matinee
p. m. at 730 N. Winter Street .
i .
lam going to Canada and rnust sell all of my fur--niture
to; the highest bidder:
1 phonograph, nearly new; 1 chiffonier; 1 white enamel
range stove; rugs; rockers; heater; library table; oak
office chairs; 3 beds; 2 coil springs; 1 woven wire
. Pring; 3 mattresses; 10 dining room chairs; 1 dining
table; sanitary cot; 2 small mirrors; 2 oak dressers
with large beveled mirror; 1 sewing machine; 1 set
! new dishes lot of white dishes; 1 dozen phonograph
, records; lot of canned fruit; some garden tools.
This is practically all new furniture just used four
or five months. Come and get these bargains at 1
P. nu .
l'he ilet'oraiions made an attrao-
I i v foil for the rereiviiiK line in
which were Mr. and Mrs. CusU-k.
Miss t'usick and he.r escort. The
honor wore a lovely frock
of tulle over pink satin, witli
horlk'K of silver lare.
A four-piece orchestra partially
concealed behind branches of ap
ple blossoms furnished splendid
music for dancing. Punch was
served during the evening at a
prettily decked table. During an
intermission Miss Helen Poling
gave two vocal solos, and later fa
vors were distributed. Each lady
received a gay vanity Tag. and
each man was provided with a
Cassock hat. The high hats when
worn were most amusing.
Before midnight a group of
dainty maids appeared with tea
carls and supper was served. Mrs.
Joseph Ralston. Mrs. R. u. Steel
qi'ist and Mrs. Charles Stewart
presided at the urns, and those
serving were the Misses Louise
Mason. Josephine Ralston, Mary
and Henrietta Davis, Doris Dow
lin, Elizabeth Beam. Georgia
Wright, Mary Wood. Helen Pugh,
and Anna Kathertno Barrett. In
timate friends of Miss Cusick as
slated In cutting the birthday cako
which l.oro eighteen lighted can
dles. Dancing was later resumed and
the chord? o! the last waltz were
not struck until 1 o'clock.
Among the out-of-town guests
were' Mr. and Mrs. George Hoteh
kiss Street, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Thomas, Dr. V. F. Smith, all of
Portland; Mr. and Mrs. John Rob
erts. Mr. and Mrs. Mary Haw
kins, of Salem: Mr. and Mrs,
Charles Fortniiller. Miss Ada Ml
chelson of Lebanon; Messrs. Nash
Taylor. Jack Hixon. Bob, Glenn.
Warren Slover and Jack Peterson,
all of Corvallls.
Mrs. Frank Benson of Eugene
btopped off In Salem Saturday
night on her way home from Port
land, and is spending severs I days
as the guest of Mrs. R. E. Lee
Mrs. W. M. Smllh returned
home Sunday from a ten nays' ab
sence, the time being spent in
Walla Walla, and Touchet, Wash
where she was entertained by rel
atives. Mn. ilay Smith will open her
home to members of the North
Salem Woman's club thts after
noon, an interesting program be
ing arranged, to begin at half past
two o clock.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. McDougal
and Miss Mildred Blaker of Van
couver. Wash., have returned to
their homes, after beinx entertain
ed as the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
C. D. Gabrielaon and Carl Gabriel
son. Joined by James Young and
Charles Kay Bishop, all motored
out to the Country club yesterday,
where golfing was enjoyed.
Dr. Mary Rowland and her
daughter. Mill Nellie Rowland re
turned home Sunday night from
Portland, where they spent several
days, coming home they drove
their new Oldsmobile coupe.
Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. Rlggs motor.
ed to Eugene the laat of the week,
returning home Sunday night.
A most artlstie and enjoyable
musicale wag given in the studio
of Miss Beatrice Shelton Saturday
night, when Miss Shelton and Wil
liam Wallace Graham presented a
number of their pupils in a pro
gram or unusual excellence
throughout. The painstaking
work was distinguished by its
technical perfection, individuality
and splenttld interpretative ability
being also displayed. Miss Ruth
Bedford lent fine support, as the
accompanist of the evening, and
also, appeared In solo numbers.
themselves most creditably.
Parents and friend of. the par
ticipants were present. The pro
gram was as follows:
lende t Wienlawski ) . Delhert
Klt-gie. C minor (NollettJ. Hel
en Pollock.
Romance. F major (Beethoven)
Iva Claire Love.
To the Rising Sun (Torgussen).
To the Sea ( MacDoweil I . Ro
mance (LaKorge), Lois Nye.
Recitative and Adagio (Spohr).
from concerto No. , Marion Em
mons. Castiilian Dance. allegretto
(Schcrzaiido). Ruth Bedford.
Caprice tGada). Scire liuell.
Caprice de concert (Satter).
Robert Ronson.
Concert duet in E minor (De Ber
iot), a moderato con spirito, b An
dante, Marion Emmons.
Novelette (Schumann). Shadow
dane (MacDoweil), Gretchen
Adele Garrison's New Phase Of
MAPTEll 29
Miss Beatrice Shelton and Miss
Ada Miller , will be hostesses on
Thursday evening at 8:30 o'clock
to the Salem district of the O. S.
M. T. A., at their studio in the
Derby building. The program oh
this occasion will take the form
of an April party.
Mrs. J. S. Smith and her
danghers Mildred and Roberta
have gone on to their home In
Clatskitie, after visiting at the
home of Mrss. H. H. Vendervort.
They were returning from v. win
ter's sojourn In southern Califor
nia. Mrs. Ray Farmer will open her
home to members of the Home
Missionary society of the First
Methodist church, tomorrow aft
ernoon. Mrs. Claire V'ibbert and Mrs. L.
A. Williamson will be jo'nt hos
tesses Wednesday night, entertain
ing members of the La Area club
at the home of the former.
Mrs. W. F. Fargo and Mis A
dred Bunch will entertain mem
bers of the Modern Writer's sec-'
tion of the Salem Arts league this
evening, at the home of the for
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get
at the Cause and Remove It
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub
stitute for calomel, act gently on the
bowels and positively do the work.
People afflicted with bad breath find
quick relief through Dr. Edwards' Olive
Tablets. The pleasant, sugar-coated
tablets are taken for bad breath by
all who know them.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act gen
tly. but firmly on the bowels and liver,
stimulatine them to natural action.
clearing the blood and gently purifying
the entire system, l my oo tnai wrucn
dangerous calomel does without any
of the bad after effects.
All the benefits of nasty, sickening,
griping cathartics are derived from
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets without
griping, pain or any disagreeable effects.
Dr. F. M. Edwards discovered the
. formula after seventeen years of prac
tice among patients afiiicted with
bowel and liver complain ti with the
attendant bad breath.
Olive Tablets are purely a vegetable
compound mixed with olive oil; you
will know them bv their olive color.
Take one or two every night for a week
and note the effect. 15car.dKte.
Miss Lillian Hout of Corvallia
spent the week-end with her sis
ter Miss Franke Hout of the state
Classes started a bit ago by
Mrs. F. ET. Barker; under the
Smith-Hughes vocational act, have
been progressing amazingly. Two
day classes have been working.
assembling at the high school each
day in the week, with the excep
tion of Tuesday, between the hours
of 10 and 12.
A meeting has been called for
7;45 tonight at the Y. W. C. A.,
which is open to all those who de
sire to enter classes in sewing and
millinery. Night sessions will bed
organized at this time, with a
number already signifying their
intention of taking up the work
at this latter period.
Friday night Englewood Home
Social circle met in regular session
at the home of Mrs. Albert Fuest
man, Mrs. G. O. Ausman serving as
assistant hostess. This being the
alternate meeting, husbands were
invited. Reminiscences of earlier
days by several of the older folk,
music and informal entertainment
and still later refreshments,
rounded out a pleasant evening.
Twenty-one were present. Mrs.
Waldo Marsters wHT be the next
hostess for the circle, entertain
ing on April 14.
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Vanco enter
tained as their week-end guests
Miss Lena Vance and Fletcher
Saucerman of Portland. -
Mrs. C. J. Greene and her chil
dren are planning to leave the
first of the week for Roseburg,
where they will spend the four
summer months on their home
stead. For the pleasure of Mr. and
Mrs. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Percy
Cupper entertained with a small
dinner last week.
Children, grandchildren, and
great grandchildren assembled at
the home of Mrs. John Barker,
corner Thirteenth and Nebraska
avenue last Tuesday to assist her
in celebrating her 75th birthday.
The following daughters and sons
were present: Mrs. E. E. Ray
mond, Miss E. Claxton. John.
Charles, Earnest, Fred, William
and James Darker, all of Salem.
Nineteen grandchildren and three
great grandchildren were also in
The Misses Maude. Mary and
Edna Largent of Silverton. stop
ped off in Salem yesterday on
their return to Eugene where they
will re-enter the University of
Oregon, following the Easter va
It is not in Dicky's nature to
receive a challenge of any sort
without in his turn flinging down
a gage. f saw his eyes glisten
with michievous interest at Hess
Dean's audacious words. As she
finished he swept her an elabor
ate bow.
"There is, in us hope a pit 'die
library bulidine i. myview?" he
said insinuatingly.
Lnfortunately. no." Miss Dean
t-retorted unabashed, out We
wight build one."
She offered him a mocking sa
lute and tripped awav. i saw her
reason :n -.'ie next second. Miss
llolcimle and Mr. Siackbridge
were advancing toward us. it
was no part of her h'. o n:t- to be
unduly ohthisiv. She w.hed
simply to leave r-'rtied upon
Dicky's i.iiii I u. impr:sion f .i
pretty, sparKIiiig flu tiitious and
daring girl That shi had suc
ceeded I saw in i he aiutiscl inter,
esled gl-t.'ce he n; aft'.'r her.
To my amazement . iY.u:u! my
self trembling vi:h ge at Bess
Dean. I ci uld noi believe that 1
had fa1.?.'i to the lvel of Mrs.
Stnrkbridv . was ready to be Po
tently je.-:nu.4 of .my no d-lookinj; ,
woman who fpoke twic io my I
hushanJ. Then I realized ihat It
was uot her rath?r cuds jest
concerning the kiss Dicky hnd
given me. u H even her f.c
nonnced push tst of herself Into
Dicky's notice that .had angeired
me, but ihs fact that she had dis
turbed t o'1;i moment, one of
the rare ones that somcttn-cs
come to a mm and wife, who
each othor. There was nit'tr
tanding, lorgivenets and n P-
for pardon iu my husband's kiss
I felt de.iMUda! that its memory
should l spoiled by Boss Iran's
flamboyant gibe concerning t
last and what will happen when
they are exhausted.
Petroleum for 90 years Is his
prediction; coal in Kjngland for
2U years, iu continental Europe
tor 1 ooo years, in the L'nlted
States for 2000 years.
Water "power? The t'nlted
States is well supplied, but Eur
ope and Asia are poor In this kind
of euergy. They will have less
than one-tlrth of a horse' power
per human being.
Europe will become a.entle pas
toral country for lack of energy
to make the wheels turn. Down
in te hot regions the Sahara,
Mesopotamia, the Mojave Desert
and the like people will crowd
to work in the sun mills. Sun
shine will supply twenty-two
times the power that coal now can
supply. Back again into Egypt
and Babylonia, into the land of
the Aztecs, into Arabia, where
the varieties of civilization began
we shall crowd to work in the
sun mills.
Four thousand years hence,
says Svanle August Arrhenius
but there are plenty of things to
rations in th county af' invited
to attend. In tho morning there
will tie business ineeUi!Sj at noou
a basket luncheon, and in the aft
ernoon a program prepared by the
Wood burn people.
Nestle's Food Company
To Resume Milk Buying
NEW YORK, April 4t Grad
ual resumption of milk manufac
ture for domestic und export trade
is in immediate prospect; for the
Nestle's Food company, accord in tc
to a statement given Out from
headquarters here today.
Already orders have foejjin Issued
for placing a number of jplants in
operation. These includftthe Nes
tle's Food company's plants at
New Merlin, Mt. Upton, UVValton.
Middleville. Oneonta. Cnadilla.
Ithaca and South Dayton, all in
the state of New York and others.
Other plants are being consid
ered until one-third of the total
will be buying milk. It Is under-
worry about that are considerably stood that the selection of the
nearer In point of lime. Chicago plants to be opened wilt; depend
Daily News.
err "this out it is worth
Cut out this slip, enclose with
Dc and mail it to Foley & Co.,
2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111.,
writing your name and address
clearly. You will receive in re
turn a trial package containing
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound
for coughs, colds and croup; Fol
ey Kidney Pills for. pains in sides
and back; rheumatism, backache,
kidney and bladder ailments; and
Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole
some and thoroughly cleansing
cathartic for constipation, bilious
ness, headaches, and sluggish
bowels. Sold everywhere. (adv
on the availability of tlajd milk
In their vicinity and the'prlce at
which it can be secured. The com
pany has plants thaoughout
the country. ?
Classified Ads, In The
Statesman Bring Results
L3 - U ZS
Kansas City Broker Pays
Tribute to Oregon and
Washington Product
( -
'07 You are always behind in
623 Well, you see, sir. It gives
me a ehance to pursue them.
Collegiate World.
! V
Starting Next Bnndaj Tfoe Grand'
Any breaking out of the skin,
even fiery. Itching eczema, can
be quickly overcome by applying
a little Mentho-Sulphur, says a
noted specialist. Because of its
perm d'estroying properties, this
sulphur preparation instantly
brings ease from skin irritation,
soothes and heals the eczema
right np and leaves the skin clear
and Smooth.
It seldom falls to relieve the
torment and disfigurement. Snf
fercrs from skin trouble should
get a little Jar of llentho-Snlphtrr
from any good druggist ana use
U like a cold cream.
"And Now '
With tie departure of .the pn
pils had vanlshe j the schoolmasev
attitude o: Mr. Stockbrldfo. nei
ther was titers any trace t (he
brusque manner which be invar
iably used toward the teachers. It
vas a most courtly man of the
world who cam up to us. wi'h
Just enough boyish excitement in
his manner to reveal how ur.ich
this unusual social expe: n tut
meant in his married and circum
scribed life. - -
"And now, 'f yoa av itady.
ht said deferc atially, "t will tun
you down to tho tjouse. Mrr.
Stockbridge so regretted that
that she could not be here this
afternoon, but some foolish de
tails concerning the dinner not go-
ing exactly to rait her. sne ieu
that she must stay at home to at
tend them. You, perhaps, know
what hostesses are," be smiled at
"Do I?" Dicky grinned broadly.
"When we're giving dinner I
hide under the bed until Mrs. Gra
ham gives the word Tor me to
come out and get Into my moon
lights." M
Mr, Stockbridge laughed heart
ily and boyishly..
I don't believe we'll hare to
do that." he said, "hut I think
we'd better start, for she Will be
wondering what has become of
us. You're going to dress at our
house, aren't you, Alice?"
On The Way.
Yes. she replied. "Milly
thoughtfully planned to have me
come so that Mrs. Graham woulft
not be alone In dressing,"
Her tone expressed warm ap
preciation of her hostess, and l
saw Mr. Stockbridge's thin face
flush with gTatitnde. The old
fellng of pity tot both him and
ib wnman next came over me.
How staunchly, they were playing
the rame of honor and truth in
ntsitinn f a pitiable creature
not worthy to Ue th shoestrings
of either of them,
seated in the tonneau of Mr
Stockbridge's ear a few minutes
later, with Dicky and the princi
pal engrossed in conversation in
th front seat. Alice Holcombe
glaneed inquiringly at the Mac
brocaded "oDera bag" I carried.
"i know the new styles are
.k. fowled mischievously, "bat.
surely, you have not your entire
evening cosium i m .
"tndAAd no." I returned laugh
f - Mrs stockbridge was kind
enough to send me word that she
wnuM hanr ud my gown and
Cloak to prevent their crushing, so
I nut them in a uress case
morning and sent tnem over
ka. hnms hv tL hoy."
"What?" She sat up In her
seat as if she had been suddenly
electrified. Bat ner exciamauoi.
though intense was guardedly low
"Say that again."
I repeated my statement, won'
at her attitation. and al
lowing a feeling of uneasiness to
mm mr ma.
"Well"' she relaxed into ber
former nose. "Well just make
It our business to examine those
things thoroughly the minute we
e'Why, you don't think" 1
stammereo. .. ... don't think. 1 PfW
aearlv know." uh2 retorted. But
luckily, being forewarned, well
get our 'forearms' In working or
der." (To be continued)
R. II. McManns. a prominent
fresh fruit broker of Kansas City,
was In Salem yesterday, a caller
a l the office of the Oregon
Growers' Co-operative association.
Mr. McManus Is on a tour of
the northwest looking for a bus
iness connection with some good
cannine concern. He says the
trade in the central states recog
nizes the superiority of. Oregon
and Washington canned goods, on
account of their Tine flavor and
better quality. This Is especially
true of the Oregon cherries.
Dears and berries.
Speaking of general Industrial
conditions. Mr. McManus sain:
"Business conditions are get
ting better in the east, but it will
be some time yet before they are
on a normal trading basis. Busi
ness will be better when products
t which the farmer has to buy are
on the same basis as those which
he sells.
"Before this happens, there
must be a general readjustment
of prices all around. It is taking
place only gradually ana it seems i
it will be several months yet De-
fore everything is back to a nor
mal hauls "
Oreron berries, cherries ana
pears are growing in iui
throughout the east, Mr. McManus
aid. and that Is one or me reas
ons he was visiting in uregon.
His firm is one of the largest
brokerage bouses in Kansas City.
7 Every Meal- -lIllItlllllllllllHIIIIIIirT
'Next time you
want ; to concen
trate on a piece
of iWork Just slip
4 a stick of WRtGLEVS - 5
between your teefb.
mmm ii MsV
It's a wonderful help.
in daily teste and
sports as well. " " 5
m m in r nr m v t-
and Hard
Places come ea$y,
gives you comfort
and pdlse-lt adds
the zest that
means success.
A great deal
for 5c -
Veterans' Association
At Woodburn Thursday i
The Marion County Veterans'
association will hold a meeting at
Woodburn Thursday, this being
one of the three yearly meetings l
held The other two are at Salem
and Silverton. the next one sched
uled for December.
Members of all patriotic organi-
hi em
Take Tablenpoonful of Walts If
Back Hart or Blanner
- Bother.
Svante August Arrhenins.
Scandinavian scientist, bas stud
ied the raw energies of the earth.
Petroleum, coal, water, sunlight
are the sources of power from
which mad gets hit inppUes.
Svante Augnst Arrhenlua knows
how long petroleum and coal will
We are a nation of meat eaters
and our blood Is filled with uric
acid, says a well-known authority,
who warns us to be constantly on
guard against kidney trouble.
The kidneys do their utmost to
free the blood of this irritating
acid, but become weak from the
overwork; they get sluggish; the
eliminative tissues clog and thus
the waste is retained in the blood
to poison the entire system.
When your kidneys ache and
feel like lumDs of lead, and you
hv stineinr nains In the back or
the- urine is cloudy, full of sedi
ment, or the bladder Is Irritable,
obliging you to seek relief during
the night; when you have severe
headaches, nervous and dlziy
spells, sleeplessness, acid stomach
or rheumatism in bad weatner. get
from your pharmacist about four
ounces of Jad Salts; tae a table
spoonful in a glass of water before
breakfast each morning and in a
few days your kidneys will act
fine. This famous salts is made
from the acid of grapes and lemon
juice, combined with lithia, and
has been used for generations to
flush and stimulate clogged kid
neys, to neutralize the acids in
nrlne so it. Is no longer a source of
irritation, thus ending urinary and
bladder disorders.
Jad Salts is inexpensive and
cannot injure; makes a dellehtfnl
effervescent lithla-water drink,
and nobody can make a mistake by
taking a little occasionally to keep
the kidneys-clean and active.
1900 jly j f ; rt?
Always the leader
every yenenacion
Entering into the making of every BON TON corset
is the skill and experience of over a half century
of corset designing. : j
And in 1921, as in years ago, Bon Ton corsets ex
press the utmost in style, comfort and quality.
Our Corset Department is showing the new styles
in a variety of models from which any figure can
be properly fitted. . . '