The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 05, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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Mid Weather and Frosts
Cause Less Damage
Than Thought
little Harm Reported To
II Crdn Prosnects in
This State
85 to 90 per cent of the straw
berry crop.
Peaches, pears and apricots
were reported as probably a lotal
loss In southern Illinois, white
one-halt of thiK crop was reported
destroyed in the central blt.
Arizona and New Mexico Haid the
fruit crop prospects weie Rood.
The "hard freezes in Oklahoma
were said to have "'greatly in
jured" all fruits, alfalfa, gardens
and. early corn.
Texas declared considerable
damage was done to peaches and
apricots in the Panhandle 'ttectioii
Nebraska reported "few ' laches.
Dears and plums a a result of the
cold and a partial crop of apples)
and cherries. Iowa said the clam
age was light.
Ultimatum Delivered to Hun
gary Threatens Sever
ance of Relations
Washington. April 4. ap-
$h arrently suffered les from
IHe Easter cold and front whWU
'uvept through the central part. of
t4 country than was first Indicat
ed, It was said today at the de
partment of agriculture. Reports
imm state agents, it was said.
sJ)ow that the fruit surplus was
iM materially affected.
Southern sections of Pennsyl
vania, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois
ftftiJ Delaware, Maryland, Virgin
ia.!! Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkan
sas3," Missouri, Oklahoma. Kansas
aill the Panhandle section of Tex
however, reported considera
bly damage. In Missouri the fruit
cSfoip was said to have been "hard
lflt" wh'.Ie Kansas reported all
Ijhfllt- destroyed except some late
Ulcjoming apples. Arkansas said
fiet'm,65 to 0 per cent of the
p4ch crop was expected and from
PORTLAND. Or.. April 4.
While continued cold weather,
with frosts, was reported tonight
from Homl of the Oregon fruit
districts. It was declared there hid
as yet been no serious damage to
the crop prospects. Hood River
apple growers were uneasy but
unharmed so far. In nouthern
Oregon, both Med ford and Rose-burg-
districts reported only small
damage to trees in bloom.
SEATTLE. April 4. Fult trees
of this section of the state suf
fered no damage from last night's
frost, according to local experts
who said the frost in this imme
diate vicinity was hardly severe
enough to cause damage and that
the fruit was' not far enough de
veloped to be In serious danger
at this time.
hie positions with several western
railroads. He was born at Council
Blufis. la.
Investigation of Peonage
. Charges is Continued
ATLANTA. Oa . April 4. The
Inderal irratid jury investigating
into alleged peonage conditions In
Jasper county will continue as
I rapidly as possible without rv
! taril to the trial of John S. Wil-
Mams in the stale couit at Cov
I in k i on . starting tomorrow, lis
tiict Attorney Alexander an
' nounct-d tonight. It had been
! stated the jury would postpone
j its iiuiultis until the William?'
i ( ase bad l.een ilisposfj of.
Switzerland May Withdraw ! Lasker's Chances For
Permission to Reenter
PRAfll'K. Secho-Slovak a. April
4. -In an ultimatum delivered to
Hungary yesterday, the Jugo-Slav.
Szerho-Slovak and Kussian go
California Anti-Japanese
Exclusion League Pre
sents Policy
Winning Thought Poor
HAVANA. April 4. Although
Kmautiel Lasker. the German
t.hess master, seemed to have an
advantage over lose R. Capa
blaina. Cuban expert, when the
eiehth game in the International
Representative Will Appear
Before State Department
And Congress
ter base at Ouantanamo, Secretary
Denby inspected the fleet from an
airplane. He said he had no com
ment to make on the possibility of
a foreign cruise this tummer. or
any change in the system of keep
ing separate fleets in me aiiuiihv
aud Paciric. He had not changed
his conylction that the 1916 build
ing program should be completed,
be said.
Idaho Girl Awarded
Firestone Scholarship
ernments are understood to have 1 chess match was adjourned thh
' 1 -
C Burton Durdall
247 No. Com'L Salem
Specials for Tuesday
and Wednesday
is-. ' -. .
r-t a il- r v
i au jos. rancy rtavy
Beans :.,.54c
10 bars Crystal White
Soap. .......58c
I! .v
Old Dutch Cleanser,
each . ....-9c
j5 cans Corn....
35c Pineapple...;. 29c
5. pounds Peanut Hut-
yi vocoa in
I English Breakfast Tea
per pound 18c
BOISE. Idaho. April 4. Apri
cots, early cherries and peaches
in the Boise valley were damaged
by the earl- frost this morning,
butthere has been no damage to
apples or prunes, according to
fruit men. Several Inches of snow
tell but the weather has greatly
moderated tonight.
(American Legion and K,
Cr Unable to Reach
5 Cascade Lard
......... ...78c
1 ...
H - ,
25 bars White Navy
Soap $1.00
nouncement that the- American
legion and the Knighta of Colum
bus had been unable to reach an
agreement for the erection here
of a great war memorial for which
the Utter organisation -was to
furnish the funds, was made to
night at a meeting of the supreme
board of directors of the knights.
The legion, it was Mid. had in
formed the Knights or Colunrbnjff
that It could not accept tha offer
of $5,000,000 because of certaih
stipulations ana tne KDignis later
had decided, jigalDf UlttOjdjrjcatlpn
of its original offer.
Coincident with the announce
ment, the board announced that
the knights had made plans for t
wld extension of hospitalization
work for disabled reterans which
was not expected to reach its peak
until 1928.
threatened the severance of rela
tions and commencement of mili
tary operations against Hungary.
They are determined to require
Hungary to settle definitely the
dynastic question, giving adequate
guarantees to surrender immedi
ately western Hungary to Austr.u
and to suppress irregular troops
KERNE. Switzerland. April 4.
Return of Former Emperor
Charles to Switzerland has be n
postponed bwause of illness said
to be pneumonia in both Iuiikm.
says an official message today.
The government has determined
to withdraw its permission to
Charles to re-enter Switzerland if
th. delay continues unduly.
morning after four hours of play,
the local expert as well as Lasker
today expressed doubt whether
his advantage would suffice to re
turn hint victor ous when play Is
resumed Tuesday night.
LONDON. Apr 1 4. A Renter
dispatch from Paris says former
Kmperor Charles will leave Stein
amanger for Switzrland at 9:30 a.
in. Tuesday. The intormat'on, the
dispatch adds, is contained in a
Steinamanger dispatch received in
A dispatch to the Daily Mail
from Ste namanger quotes two
physicians as saying both lungs of
former Emperor Charles are in
flamed and that it is out of the
question for him to travel for a
Two Japanese Are
Rescued From Launch
Tw.i Japanese fishermen were
ui.ii turn the '.Hunch Ijckawna
n Monterey bay and brough here
today bv the steamer Eldorado.
According to the Eldorado's offi
cers, the. launch had been disabled
and rendered helpless by the 90
mile gale that swept this coast.
One of the Japanese had been
washed overboard and was cllng
ine to a lifeline when rescued, the
officers said.
have oressed his contentions, ex
pressed to the president last week
in a" telegram, that the war-time
wage agreement had not been au
tomatically abrogated by th re
turn of the roads to private ;Con
trol. v ,
Mr. Garretson said he had: also
discussed the w;e question tu
connection with a review of the
transportation question.
Read Trie Classified Ads.
Svnopsis of the Annual Stateroenit' of
The Preferred Accident
Insurance Co. of New York
of New York, in the Stale of New York,
on ttie 81t day of December. 1920. made
to the Insurance C'ommiaaionr of tli
itate of Oregon, puriuaot to law:
Amount of capital atock paid
up 9 7 UO, 000. 00
ri nremiuma received dur-
year t,o( j,vi;.
IH DAI'EST, April 4 A dis
patch from Steinamanger to the
Korr bureau, semi-official Aus
tlan news agency, savs former
Emperor Charles will leave at
9: SO a. m. Tuesday for Switzerland.
PORTLAND. April . 4 Less
than half as many automobiles
were stolen during the year end
ing April 1. 1921, than were stol
en during the preceding 12
months, and the percentage of
those not recovered during the
current year just ended Is only
half the percentage of those not
recovered during the previous
year, according to a report of
Lieut. H. A. Thatcher covering
the first year's work of the po
lice auto theft department, filed
with Chief of Police Jenkins this
VIENNA. Apr I 4. A comprom
ise has been reached belt ween ex
Einperor Charles and the Hungar
ian government, accord in sr to Hud-
tapest advices, whereby the former
rmer will issue a proclamation
maintaining his claim to the
Dr. Fitzwilliams. the English
physician whq yesterday v sited
former Emperor Charles, at Stein
amanger today told The Associat
ed Press that Charles had a tem
perature and a hard cough, and
that he thought it would be un
wise for the former monarch to
attempt to travel until his condi
tion had improved.
Continued Low Tempera
tures Promised Oregon
And Washington
Heavy to killing frosts through
out the Pacific coast states will
com tomorrow morning, the
United States weather bureau
here predicted tonight.
Oregon and Washington were
promised continued low tempera
ture. A ttiff northwetern wind
will continue throughout th"
coast, probably necessitating the
continuation of storm warning
posted Sunday, the bureau said.
Purchase of Kentucky
Mansion House Wanted
FRANKFORT. Ky., April 2.
Governor Edwin P. Morrow today
issued a proclamation calling
upon "fond expatriates from the
Kentucky soil that gave them
birth" to contribute to a fund for
the purchase and preservation of
Federal hill. the ante-bellum
Kentucky mansion where Stephen
Foster wrote "My Old Kentucky
Heme, Goodnight."
Federal Hill lies about a mile
from Hardstown, which is 39
miles south of Louisville
The governor's proclamation
was said to be unique among
state documents, both because of
its subject, now almost a national
anthem, and Its exira-territorlal
Certain Aliens Who Served
In Military Forces
WASHINGTON. April 4. Jap
anese, Chinese and other aliens
not eligible to citizenship in the
United Ftates were held today
by the department of labor to be
excluded from the privileges
granted men who served in the
military forces during the war of
taking out full citizenship papers
after two years residence in the
Thf Japanese Exclusion league of
California has outlined a declar
ation of policy for protection of
American interests in connection !
with the subject of Japanese im
migration, on which it will urge
action by the federal administra
tion, it was announced here to
day. The principles outlined by the
league have been formally en
dorsed by the affiliated organiza
tions, the Los Angeles County
anti-Asiatic association and the
Japanese Exclusion league of
The representative of the Calk
fornia league, V. S. McClatthy.
left tonight for Washington. D.
C. to present the matter to the
state department and to congress.
The four points of the league's
declaration of policy are:
First: Absolute exclusion of
all Japanese immigration. Per
mission for temporary residence
only for tourists, students, artists,
commercial men. teachers, etc.
Second: Such exclusion to be
endorsed by United States offic
ials under United States laws and
regulations, as is done with Im
migration, admitted or excluded,
from all other countries, and not,
as at present, under an arrange
ment whereby control and regu
lation is surrendered by us to
Third: Compliance on the
part of all departments of the fed
eral government with the consti
tution and the abandonment of
the threat or attempt to take ad
vantage of certain phrasing of
that document as to treaties,
which. It is claimed, gives the
treaty making power authority to
violate plain provisions of the
constitution in the following mat
ters: (a) To nullify state rights and
etate laws for control of lands
and other matters plainly within
the state's Jurisdiction.
(b) To grant American citizen
ship to races of yellow color
which are made ineligible for
such citizenship.
" Fourth: For the Japanese le
gally entitled to residence in Cal
ifornia, fair treatment, protection
In property rights legally acquired
and the privileges of engaging in
any business desired except such
as may be now or hereafter de
nied by law to all aliens or to
aliens Ineligible to citizenship,
provided particularly that they
may not hereafter buy or lease
agricultural lands.
WASHINGTON. April 4. The
annual II. S. Firestone scholar
ship, carrying provision for a four
year university course was pre
sented today to Miss Katherine
Hutterfield, 17-year-old school
girl of Weiser. Idaho, by Dr. P.
H. Claxton. federal commissioner
of education. Miss Butterflelds
ef.8flv on eood roads was chosen as
the best subm!Hed In the national I J hM' i.d.i.
COntst in Which 225.000 high rr.iT,d durtn the rr 231.802. 48
school children participated. aa
Net loanea paid during the
rear including adjustment
exurnaea 2,134,2.3
Dividemla paid on capital
atock during the year 17.5,000.00
C'omtnieaiona and aalariea
paid during the rear 1,229.?1 11
Taiea, licenaea and feea paid
during the year l&l.7i.Ji
Amount of all other eipendi-
turea Ql.oan.ati
'. The brand new gob had taada
several trips ovet sunlit seta
without once having heard a shot
tired or spied a hostile craft of
any kind. Then suddenly
"Submarine oft the labb'd
:bow:" yelled the lookout.
Panic stricken the - recruit
rushed up to the C. P. O..
"1 want to go home rlgut away "
Put me ashore right away," h
bellowed. ,;
Wasser matter you?" aik4
the C.P.O. disgustedly.
'Nobody told me the navy WBt
at war, too." Unidentified. ? -
Many Growers Enter Grain
Cooperative Association
THE DALLES, April 4. With
the greater part of the 1920 Was
co county wheat crop still unsold,
local mills and export buyers to
day reported that 93 and cents
a bushel is the maximum price
which they will pay. No sales
were reported at these quotations.
This year's low wheat prices, are
having the efect of causing
largenumbers of growers to enter
the Oregon Cooperative Grain
Growers' association. More than
190,000 bushels of wheat for mar-
lrotlnir In 1921 bv the state coop
erative association hare already
been signed up in Wasca county,
according to L. Ludwlk, organiza
tion director. The stale quota
calls for 7.500.000 bushels to be
signed up by July 1.
Total expenditure $4,341, 523.07
Vtliia nf atarlta and nonda
owned (market Value) . $5,341,277.40
tua on morteacea ana col
lateral, ftr 81.00000
Cub in banka and on hand 281,221.3
I'remiumi in rourae of rol-
1.M.I inn written fcinr HD-
tember .'10, 1920 882,419.34
Intereat and rent! due and
trued 49.645.21
Total admitted aaaeta f 8,635,303.20
nui I k im far IntkPi on
paid .$1,497,775.24
Amount of unearned premi
uma on all outatandine
riaka I 2,251, 695.0S
Due for commiaaion and
brokerage 227.434.04
All other liabilitiea 1.918,658 0
Kvnatiaia of the Annual .Statement f rtl -
01viVk4o Tntiva.TiA Pmm.k
vuiuiuuMi vvmuanj
of Jeraejr City, in tie State of Jiaw Jar..
t an the Slat dav of Ieeenitu 1 bn.
bade to the Insurance CommiaawBar a '
me mate oi wrr, t to law;
Amount of capital atock paid
up - 4O0.000.P0
Net premiuma received dur-
in the Tear $1,702,0204 '
Intereat. dmdetide and renta
received dunn the ar.. 74.144 II
la route from other aourcee
received during the year.. H 1 j ,
Total inrome $1,74,402.14 '
Net loaaea paid during the
year mcludiag adjuatment
eknenaea t 724 11 la '
l)ividenda paid on capital
atock during the year .... 60.006 Aa ' ;
-foiumiatione end talaries
paid during the year -. 451.11161 ,
I lira, urrnin uu I r-rm jjkau i
daring the year 1 1.5(0 JS
Amouut of all other expend!-
luree 146.171
loiai eipenaiturea '.S,e77.M
Value of etocka and bondt
owned I market value) ... 81 SM JM ta
Caah in bank and on hand ll.lul u -.
rreraluma in courae , of col
lection written aince Hep-
. teaber au. mv tl
. . , . 1 .-
intereat ana renta due ana
" accroed 30.178J1 .
Other aaaeta 8MM.ll
Shipping Board Steamship
Completes Maiden
SEATTLE, April 4. Scores of
whistles of factories and the Pu
get sound "Mosquito" fleet and
thousands of spectators welcomed
the shipping board steamship
Wenatchee. the big new passen
ger liner to be allocated to the
Seattle-Far East service, when
the vessel steamed Into Elliott
bay late today, completing her
maiden voyage from New York.
A delegation of 100 residents
of Wenatchee. Wash.! and scores
fiom other cities in the state,
were among the visitors for the
Total liabilitiea, excluaive
of capital atock of
$700,000 $0,835,563.26
soainett in ortfoa for tas Tear.
Net Dremiuma received dur
ing the year 9 25. 390.23
Loeere paid during the year 4,541.91
l.oaaea incurred during the
year 12.902.27
Kimball C. Atwood, President.
Wilfrid C. Potter. Secretary.
Statutory reaident attorney for eerviee
II. K. Wit ham, Portland.
Synopcia of the Annnal Statement of the
International Indemnity
of iOt Angelei, in the State of California,
on the 31 at day of December. 1920. made
to the Imurance Commiaaioner of the
State of Oregon, pursuant to law:
Amount of capital atock paid
up $ 600,000.00
Net premiuma received dor- -
ing the year $1,235,742.30
Intereat, dividenda and renta
received durina the year 47,503.11
Income from other aourcea
received during the year 27,570.1$
Total income $1,810,815.59
Net loaaea paid daring the
year including adjuatment
expenaea $
Total admitted aaaeta $2.1Ot,lt4.08
UaMUttss. - -..
Croaa claim for loaaea ua- ' - ' ,'
- paid - $ .'
Amount of unearned premi. v .
uma on all outatandine
L 7tt.TSS.0l
uui lur rwuiroiaeroa ana ' .
- brokerage 52,000.09
All other liabilitiea B2,T0.l
of capital ateck ...$ 1,709,114.01
Bnalneaa la Oregon for the Teat. .
Ket premiuma received dnr-
ing the year . .. I7.TI5 II
liosaea paid during the year &.176.7I
Iwae incurred daring .the
;; year 10.0S4SI
tteo. T. Crane,. President. , ' ;
H. W. Spli.-er, Secretary.
Etatntorr reaident attorney for service ,
-. Richard M. Carr, Portland v
p j nop ib oi tne Annual statement m tst
American National Fin T
Insurance Co.
Of Cotumbna. in the State of Ohia, n the
Slat day of December, 1920, made te the
Inanranee Commiaaioner of the kata al
Oreron, puraoaat te law; i ..
. capital.
Amount of capital atock paid
'.(. P -
In co tne.
Ket premium received dur-
::. ing the year $
Intereat, dividends and renta
received during, the year
income from other aourcea
6 received daring the year -
f "
Dividends . paid on capital
atock during the year . . -
Commiaaiona and nalariee
paid duriifg the year
Taxes, licenaea and fee paid
daring the year
Amount of all other expendi
TOPEKA. Kansas. April 4
Annlea nrarntlv were not badly
J damac-d by the Kaster freeze.
but it Is belipved pearhes, cher
ries and plums, as well as pears,
were almost entirely dstroyd.
says the Kansas weekly crop report.
60cC-B-D Coffee ...44c
2 oz. Vanilla or Lemon
Extract.....! 19c
50c Tiger Moon Cof
fee ....... 36c
.3 pounds $1.00
45c Silver Kin Cof
fee.... 29c
4 pounds $1.00
1 30c Special Blend Cof-
5 pounds. ...$1.00
i prink Silver King Tea,
j 40c can.......33c
i 1 ' . ' .
4. IH-riduous fruit growers fear
that sarlous frost damage may
follow the clearing of last night's
storm which left from four Inches
to a foot of snow in the San Ber
nardino mountains. Tempera
ture dropped to 24 this morning
in the Oak Clen region and did
serionti damage to the young ap
ple crop.
Girard S?ys Rumor
Lie of German Origin
RONTON. April 4 James V
f-erard. former ambassador to
Cermanv. tonight characterizedas
a '"lie" of German origin a rumor
that he had btraved Sir Roger
Casement. Irish pr. who was
executed bv the Hritish povern
ment in 1916 on charges of trea
son. He soke at a meft'ng In
aid of the Irish relief fund.
Woman is Charged
With Manslaughter
SEATTI.t. April 4. Charge of
manslaughter was filed at the re
quest of Oounty Coronor W'IM n H.
Corzon today against Mrs. Cladvs
rrlmeai. whose 1 4-months-old
son. Trenton Primeau, died today
of po son which he drank Sunday
wuii ien locaea in the bouse wth
two brothers, aged three and five
years. The mother could not in
located tonight, police said.
Ross Company to Hold
Meetings in Silverton
SILVERTOX. 0r.. April 3
(Special to The Statesman. ) -The
Silverton Christian church,
known as Friendly church. U
making preparations for a series
of revival meetings to begin April
The meetings will he under the
management of the Ross Evange
list:c comrany. which has reeent
'y closed a "eries of meetings a
Lwiston. Idaho, and is now at
Pasco, Wash. The company Is
composed of Floyd A. Ross, a
eospel preacher and violinist;
Mrs Flovd Robjs. cellist, and Miss
Ida Shelton. a pianist. A concert
will he jrive-n at the opening T
each meeting. "
California and Oregon Own
ers Confer With Govern
ment Officials
4. Organization ot Oregon and
California timber men to combat
western pine bark beetle is the
aim of a conference of timber
owners, state and federal forest
officials and entomologists which
opened here today. Field demon
strations in a heavily beetle-in test
ed area occupied the day.
Among the score or more of
est and entomological experts here
are Protesser J. W. Chamberlain,
Oregon state entomologist: J. E.
Patterson, l.'nited Stales bureau of
entomology; K. F. Elliott, Oregon
state lorester; Colonel C. S. Chap
man of the Western Forestry
and Conservation assoc!ation. and
Donald Bruce. University of Cali
fornia entomologist.
Daily Trips Will Begin May
1; Eugene Will Be
Field Base
San Diego. Cal.. April 4. Com
prehensive plans for the aerial pa.
trol of national forests in Wash
ington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana
and California will be put Into ef
fect on May 1, when fliers from
the ninth and ninety-first aero
squadrons w.ll begin daily trips
over the forests, according to an
nouncement made today Dy Major
S. W. Fitzgerald, commander of
Rockwell field. He received orders
today to sh.p 20 more de Haviland
airplanes from Rockwell field to
Mather field, Secramento, for use
of the forestry patrol. The work
will be under supervision of Major
Henry H. Arnold, air officer of the
ninth Corps area.
Field bases will be established
at Eugene. Ore.; sKed Bluff and
Fresno. Cal., and probably Walla
Walla, Wash.
New Expose Is Uncovered
In Baseball Series
" 29.204.40
expenditure $831,494 98
Value of real eatate owned
(market value) ........ 117.042.80
Value of atock a and hoiula
owned (market valae) .... S37.152.76
Ioane on mortgafoa and col
lateral, etc 4SS.610.S0
Caah in banka and on hand 17S.2S4.SS
Premiuma in courae of rol
led ion written ain Hep-
tember 80, 1920 329,647. 70
Intereat and renta due and
acrrued 16,108.80
Total admitted aaaeta $1,630,847.50
Groaa rlaima for loaaea un
paid $ 212.158.39
Amount of unearned premi
uma on all outatanding
Due for rotnmi&aion and
brokerage 93.937.92
All other liabilitiea (i2. 950.47
Three Boys Thouqht
Lo?t in Blizzard
BI'TTK. Mont, Anrll 4
Searching parties today were
scourine the mountain." in th
vicinity of Butte for trace of three
Butte boys who left early Sun
day on a h'Ve and have not re
turned. A httTsrd has been rac
ing since Sunday afternoon. The
Esmonde, Republican, Held
At Astoria on Charge
Of Sedition
Former Army Colnnel
VWCOUVKR. U. C . April 4
m . . . i w - i . v i ai i (i it iiuuuur, a iicuu
IS HdllrOad Manager! Ir sh republican agent was arrest-
mi here today on a charge of sedi
tion, by order of Mayor R. H.
ijaie. 'I lie charge js a;d to have
resuled from a reoo't of a secret
P'TTSBITRGH. April 4 Henry
f Niitt, former colonel in the
t'n-ted States armv. who had
charge of transportation offices of ! meeting held here last week at i
Secretary Denby Returns
From Tour of Navy
the American army of occupation
r. t Coblenz. Germany, today was
elected pres dent and general
maneeer of the Monongahela rail
way and the Pittsburgh. Chartlers
and Yourhiaehenv railwav. The
properties are owned jointly bv
sesreners rerort that in some 'the Pennsylvania railroad and the
places the snow has reached a: Pittsburgh anad Lake Erie rail-
'U or from eieht to twelve 1 rosd.
2 !
V- MEJE1 Colonel Nutt has held responsl-
wnich rmondt; is alleged to have
delivered an anti-Hi itisli address.
Lsmonoe was detained on board
the steamship Makura on its ar
rival here last week, until immi
gration author. ties had Investi
gated into the refusal of Austral
ian authorities to permit blm to
land. He was finally allowed to
debark here on cond.tlon thathe
proceed at once to Engalnd.
WASHINGTON'. April 4. Upon
stepping ashore from the destroy
er Pruitt at the Washington navy
yard today after a two-weeks tour
of the' fleet and navy shore estab
lishments in Cuba. Haiti and the
Dominican republic. Secretary
Denby said that ' the Atlantic
fleet is In fine shape."
The secretary came home in rec
ord time, the destroyer making
the 1600 miles non-stop run Trom
the Dominican republic in r5
hours at a 25-knot clip.
Mr. Denby aaid he studied the
situation in Haiti and found the
marine posts well conducted with
a spirit of cordiality existing be
tween them and the natives. He
was Impressed with the use of air
planes by the marines In Haiti to
.carry mail, transport the aick and
maintain communications.
While at the Atlantic fleet win.
CHICAGO. April 4. Promises
of a new expose In the baseball
scandal came from an unexpected
quarter when attorneys defend
ing the eight Chicago White Sox
players indicted with ten others
for conspiracy in the alleged
throwing of the 1919 world ser
ies announced they had uncovered
a "real scandal" In which men
hitherto not mentioned, had won
more than $300,000.
The statements were made by
the attornaa-s whn they made a
morion before Judge McDonald
for reduction in ball. Judge Mc
Donald reduced the bail for Eddie
Cicotte, Claude Williams. Buck
Weaver. Swede Risberg, Oscar
Felsch. Frd McMullin and Joe
Jackson. White Sox players, from
$48,000 each to $7,500, but an
nounced he would permit no re
duction in the cases of the al
leged gamblers. The attorneys
refuted to go into details con
cerning their charges, but prom
ised full particulars would be
made public when the case is
brought to trial.
Railway Leaders Assist
Inquiry Into Road
Total liabilitiea, exduaiee
of capital atork of
f .100,000.00 ....$ 973,403 59
Baalaaaa la Orefoa for U Tear.
Net premiuma received dur
ing the year S 3,833.03
lor paid during the year 179.94
Loaaea inrarred durinf toe
fear 239.91
X. BlakaUx-k, Preeid-nt.
Kmil Johnaon. Rm-reiar
Htatotory reaident attorney for arvioe
Inauranre Cooimikaioner, State of
Total income ..J 70I.8SS.59
3fet loaaea paid dnriag the '
year laciadlng atjjuaunent . -
Afnn,M e ove at M
r - - 4iVi.if
Commiaaiona and aalariea - ' .
, paua mmrifB vmw rar ......... . z,eeT.T(
Tasea, licenaea and feea Paid ''
1 darinr the veer .. to Met
Amount of all other expendi
ture ...... tt.liSM
Total expeaditarea ...
Depoeit with Philadelphia
Underwriter Aaan $
vaiue ot atocka and boada
owned (market value) .... 1,040.199.11
Koane on mortfacea and rol-
. lateral, etc.
Caah ia banka and on hand
Premiuma ia coarse of eel-
, lection written ameo 8ep-
! tomber 30, 1920 10I.4CU4
lotereat and rest da and
aTrued 7.04S.44
Helnanranee recoverable on
paid loaaea 5,582.01
..$ 5lS.S7T.7i
Total admitted aaaeU....$l,2(3.90J0
Uroea claima for loaaea aa-
Pid 4 54.060.04
Amount of unearned promt-
urns n all outaUoding
rtaka 45S.S$I.70
Puo for rommiaaioa . and
brokerare 1,500 00
111 other liabilities .. 10,409.91
y. Total liabilities, oielwiv
vi vapiiai aioca e bzi.iivji
Boataaoa ta Otogoa for Ua Tom,
jtet premiuma received dar- '
mi tne Tear .. . .m
loae paid during the year 961. 5S
oaaea incurred durinf the '
; year i 1.SS4.0S
t Jotia W. Zuber, Preaideat f
j- John A. Dodd. Secretary. . '
Statutory reaidmt attorney for aerviee
Wm. A. Liaton, 404 Court Bt V
Ina. Orecoa.
ftynopeia of the 'Annual Statement of the
Northwestern Fire and Marine
Insurance Company
of Minneapolis, in the Stale of Minne
M.ta. on, the 3 1 at day cf December, 1920,
made te the Inauranre Commiaaioner of
the State ot Oreron. pursuant to law:
Amount of capital atock paid
up - $ 400,000.00
Net premiuma received d ur
ine the year t 602.557.24
Interest, dividenda and renta
received durinf the year 60,905.32
Income from other sources
received during the year . 3.331. 472. SS
Total income $3,4.935.24
Net losses paid durinf the
year including adjustment
expenses $ 23IJ.989 02
Dividenda paid on capital
atock during the year 40.000,00
Commiaaiona and aalariea
paid durinc the year 313.833.20
Taxes, licenses and feea paid
durinf the year 138,424.69
Amount of all other expendi-
Total expenditures $4,252,133.39
Value of atocka and bonds
owned (market value) .. $ 234,995.49
Loans on mortgages and col
lateral, etc 815.274 9ft
Cash in banka and on hand . 530,482 38
Premiums in course of col
lection written since Sep
tember 30, X920 . 149,525.48
Intereat and renta due and
President Hardin In continuing
h's Inquiry into the railroad sit
uation heard today th views of
labor, which were presented by A.
B. (Jarretson former head of the
Order of Railway Conductors, and
B. M. Jewell, president of the
railway department of the Amer
ican Federation of Labor. Both
men. who had come at the presi
dent's request, said they receiTed
no indication from the president
as to his attitude.
Air. Jewell la understood to
Total admitted aasets . . $1,754 982 25
Orosa claims for losses un
paid t 92 233 27
Amount of unearned premi
uma on all outHtandinf
risks n8..4no.ri2
All other liabilities ... 048,423.75
Total liabilities, exclusive
of rapital stork of
ino.nnooo l.l2fi.o87.3t
Bnalneaa la Orefon for the Year.
Xet, premiuma received dur-
inc the year $ 9.9:V2
Loksps paid dnrlnv. the yer 3.904.82
I.okps incurred durinf the
year 3.881 95
C. T. .Taffrav. President.
John H. Oriffin. Secretary."
Ptatntorv reaident attorney for aervjee
W. W. Oieav.
Bet-ke k HendHcka. Reaident A cent a. 20.5
. r. S. National Bank Bldf Salem,
Synopsia of the Annual Statement of tta
: Utah Home Tire Insurance ;
a Comoanr
f fait Lake City, in the Htate of Vuk
on the Slat day of December. 1920. mUi
t the Insurance Comas iasioaer of to
titate of Oregon, nnrsnaat to law:
'I- Capital.
Amount of capital atock paid '
: u $ 40!,O0fl.0
Set premiums received dur-. .
inf the year $1,3ZS.$99J
laterest. dividenda and renta
received durinf the year.. 1M.0M.M,
Income from other aourcea
. received durinf the year 98.$3l.9l
t Total inrome
j.- Dlaburaementa.
Net loaaea paid durinf the
- year including adjuatment
expenses f 393.3I4J
Dividends paid on capital '
atock durinf the year "90.000.dS
wommieaiona and aalariea '
' "paid durinf the year 466,51944
Ttxea, license and feea paid .
durinf the year 26,598.11
Aount of all other expendi- ' . -T '
it urea H6.4J7JS
Total expenditure. ...f 1,108,8S.7S
.B Aiaott.
lue of real estate owned '
market value) $ 298.907 3
rolue of atocks and bonds . . -
. Owned (market value) . ... 1.J3I.900.1O ,
l.oiini on mortf agea and col- .1
lateral, etrr 839.6'
Cash in banka and on hand 126,7t-V
Premiums in course of col-
-lection written aince Sep- .
em her 30, 1820 82.370J8
Interest and renta due and . ,- .
accrued 29.040.4"
Total admitted assets
0rpK rlaima for loaaea Bit-
.tihoiitit of unearned premi-
'fiiT's on all oatstanding
'riaka 891,500.48
Diie for coiuDiihsion ami
brokerage .2fia1
At other liabilities 27,8O0.
,'Totst liabilitiea, evrlnaire
V; of capital atock of . ... .m
i; $400,000.00 1.209,4SL4
: Bualaeaa In Oregon for the Tear.
Xe4 premiuma received dur- .
Inf the year 'AVJV
r.odMcs paid during the year 4,4-
lyosaes incurred durinf the 4448' '
Si Heber J. Grant, Preeideat.
I U Oeorfe J. Cannon. SeaetwT
Statutory reaident attorney for f"!
CheaUr A. Wagner, rortifc , ,
f 282.820.4S
4T W-Wi &