The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 05, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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si -
The Statesman receives the leased I
wire report of the Associated
Press, the greatest and most re
liable press association iif the
world. ;
Tuesday, fair and continued cold;
. Killing frost in the morning;
moderate northwesterly
i - wlnda.
if 8.
U. S. Holds Germany "Mor
ally Bound to Pay"; Hopes
Renewed Negotiations
Rehabilitation of Devastated
Regions Proposed by
i. .
WASHINGTON'. April 4. Para
phrases of the Informal exchanges
between the German and Ameri
can governments on reparations,
la which the United States holds
Germany "morally bound to. make
reparation, so far as may be pos
sible. were made public today.
Describing the German commu
nication as an "uneqnlcoral ex
pression of the recognition of
that obligation, the American re
ply expresses- the hope that re
newed negotiations which Ger
many says It plans to initiate
"may lead to a prompt settlement
which will satisfy the just claims
of the allies and permit Germany
hopefully to renew- It produttiYe
The German communication
suggests that the only solution of
the reparations problem Is in an
International loan, in favor of
which the allied and associated
powers would waive the general
mortgage on German' assets creat
ed by the treaty of Versailles.
Germany says It "would not be un
willing to assume the obligation
of the Interest and the amortisa
tion of the. foreign debt of the al
lied and associated powers, within
her capacity."
M ill Meet Frasfble Demands
Germany says she stands ready
to meet any proposal wnlcn ap
pears feasible. , ,
' The American reply makes; no
relet wee ejther to thr proposed
consolidation ot allied debts as a
German obligation or the sugges
tion for the determination by un
biased experts of the ability of
Germany to pay.
Another consideration on repar
ations presented by Germany is re
habilitation of derastated regions.
'The German government says it
stands ready to offer to France
good offices and resources. It as-
. sorts that for the Immediate re
habilitation it has "repeatedly,
proffered labor,' technical advice
and material assistance." but that
these offers hare not been, accep
ted. ; ;
Germany declares there exists
In France only a nm;te n..gree of
concern for the rehabilitation of
the devastated regions, because
advance indemnities have been
given former occupants who haive
settled in other parts of France,
and the work of clearing the war
"areas "has been undertaken by in
fluential groups of promoters who
are maklnr no effort in evnedlte
lH their , contracts."
.rj The German communication is
ti in the form of a memorandum of
Dr. Walter Simons, minister for
.foreign affairs, dated March 23.
The. American reply is officially
termed a 'statement . sent to
Commissioner Dresel for commu
nication to Or. Simon. It is dated
March 29.
; Separate Peace Not Harried
t Although the resolution declar
ing a separate peace with Germany
1s to be re-introduced at the spe
cial session of congress, plans of
republican leaders as they shape
I T i r "r conierences, ao not
J M i"r'uae hurrying the measure to a
In quarters close to the adminis
tration, it was believed tonight
'. ik. . . . .. . .
1 i . HT. peace aeciaraiion. veioea
f "j rrcsiqeni - wiison, might rest
e calendar of dererred ousi
bws for 90 days or more while
president Harding tries oat his
I preliminary ideas for establlsh
j,meBt of an association of nations.
i How far the nresldent mar hare
ifJCT,rrd ,n 8Uch a program was
. n " revealed, but it was pointed
I'vont that with the resolution hang
I lt "re In congress the admlnls-
ratios might be able to exert an
llarged influence in securing ac
!!?tnca Its peace plans by
pother- nations. Technically this
aorrnaent still would be at war
IjjjUh Germany, exercising full
j ntement of a final peace, and
'0 !rrnagemeiit of a final peace, and
H Mtoa,lr associated wffh the
Hi Alternate Pear IIana Vrrl
1 n such circumstance, it was
3gJe8ted the nosaihUltv nt n Pn-
Piirt Peace, might be used.diplo-
r: 'ncauy mono with the foreign
R iwtt L.,tuatJon a leverage to se
' i heceptance to Mr. Harding's
I ? t?for b,s PeaPe Proposal.
j? if is known that the subject of
I ft peace decin
f pterest of administration officials
r ecentljr, and that alternate plans
t ! urged 6n the purpose.
Ii,l"lar h conferred with Sona
Kn,. republican, author ot
Hir- S01 "Darate peace meas
SjlTl nf tody h talked with Scn
, .dge. ; republican senate
Padef.0d Senatora Watson of In-
i (Continued on page 4.)
Fine Quality of Lightweight
Turned Out and Fifteen Ad
ditional Men Employed
Machine No. 2. That Is what
they call the new paper makinR
machine at Salem's big paper mill.
It went to work yesterday morn
ing, arter a tryout on Saturday,
and it works like it had been go
ing since the woods were burned.
The Oregon PuId & Paper com
pany, when its main machinery
building was erected, provided in
the third story at the west end for
this machine that is at last irejing.
It sets norfh and south, and it
has a paper trim of 1.10 inches
The new machine makes light
weight papers, such as fruit wrap
pers and tissue specialties. It
turns out seven tons a day. Dif
fering from machine No. 1. it is
a cylinder machine, in which tne
sheet gets its formation on a re
volving cylinder instead ot on Hat
There is a good market for the
kinds of paper the new machine is
turning out.
The starling of machine No. -gives
steady employment to 15 ad
ditional men. As the quality
turned out is in especial demand,
there will be no lct-up in the op
eration of-that part of the big
mill. The whole mill is running
six days a week, and the present
outlook is for a steady run of all
President of New Local As
sociation Buys Enough
For 150 Acres
C. C. Russell, president of the
newly organized Salem Broccoli
association, phoned last night to
U. J. Lehman, its secretary, that
be had secured 19 pounds of first
class broccoli seed for members of
(he association. Mr. Rnsseli was
commissioned .t the meeting or
the association Saturday night to
proceed to Portland, or elsewhere,
to secure sufficient seed, if possi
ble. He was very fortunate in his
quest, for good broccoli seed is
scarce in this country and growing
J. D. Hartwell came to the of
fice of The Statesman early yes
terday morning to enroll his name
as a member of the new associa
tion. He wants to put out two
acres. His address is Gervais.
Frank C. Strong, Hubbard,
route 1, wrote to The Statesman,
wishing to enroll himself as a
member, to plant an aere of broc
coli. These men will be enrolled with
their three additional acres.
There U a neighborhood in
which are farmers considering the
planting of 20 more acres, and
this will be reported upon in the
next day or two.
No doubt a number of others
will be heard from.
The 19 pounds of seed should
be sufficient Tor about 150 acres
of broccoli. There will likely be
more than 150 acres in the Salem
district, counting the Independ
ence neighborhood. Probably a
good deal more than 200 acres in
all. from present appearances.
But some growers have their
seed, or have arranged for It, so
that it may De mai me i
secured by Mr. Russell will be
enough. Hut if prospective new
growers continue to come forward
as they have done in the past
week, it will behoove the men
who are helping to get the indus
try started in a 'arge commercial
way to secure stilt more seed, if
VIENNA, April 4, -Jewish Tele
graphic Agency-Reports from
Budapest establish the fact that
during the first six months of 190
ten thousand Jews in Hungary
adopted the Christian faith.
Sixteen More Farmers Modernize
Homes on Glad Tidings Road By
Adding Electrical Illumination
Sixteen farmers living on
Glad Tidings road, running
east from Monitor recently,
had electric llsht and power
service Installed in their res
idences and barns. The
power is being supplied by
the Portland Railway Light
& Power company, which in
stalled the two-miles of line
required to supply the farm
ers under the company's reg
ular itne extension agree
ment. The farmers ordered the
extension made last Decem
ber but considerable delay
was experienced in receiving
th& wire, which is of a spe
cial 'kind known as steel re
enforced aluminum wir.
This wire is particularly
adapted to extension ot far
mer lines, as it has a steel
wire In the center of the ca
ble to give it 'strength, and
Rumnrs Sav Ennlanri Mnv
J ZJ .j . j
Decide pn Military Steps, A calf '.vas; born at Indepf-nd-
Tn PrPC Atinn - Fmpp. i :nc -,?rda "mom ns that elect-
IU nc&i Mwliun Cfliei-jed anotlor gol.l mHal .Jersey
gency Regulations Strict. tx,u- thu Drought t Oregon
; the honor ot having produced halt
i th K'!d modal Jersey bulls in the
i world. Twvlvo in all have heeii
RAILWAY MEN STRONGLY J irducl. Oregon has produced
IN FAVOR OF STRIKE!is til? name of the newly quall-
I 'ied old medal Imi'I.
Lloyd-George Accused By
Press of Attempting to
Maneuver Labor Party
IONDOX, April 4. Signs to-
nisht point to the dispute between farm of S. .1. MrKc. of Inriepend
the coal miners and the govern- ! 'i-ce. completes the r,waHrict ions
. ., , ,i 'or Rinda Lad of R. H.
ment drifting toward the most Tnis bu wajJ ownr.( durir? nis
serious industrial crisis .n recent j useful life by O. G. Hewit? of
They ate rumors that the gov
ernment has decided on certain
military steps which are likely to
inflame the miners still more
while further emergency regula
tions wU be issued Kiving kov
erntnentjal headquarters almost
unlimited powers to take posses
sion of mlne.4, lands, buildings,
works, gas. eleetric and water sup
plies, horses, food and forage and
to requisition transport, close
ports, control shipping and car
goes, fix prices ot coal and pro
hibit or regulate sale and supply
of motor spirit.
Much may depend on the atti
tude of the government as reveal
ed by the debate in the house of
commons tomorrow, and Wednes
day will be the critical day, decid
ing whether other sections or the
triple alliance, the railwayraen and
transport workers, will strike in
support of the miners.
Changed Time Limit Asked
Railway men strongly favor a
Moderate opinion is concentrat
ing In favor of the suggestion of
fered by Alfred Bigland. coalition
unionists, that the so-called decon
trol bill should be rescinded and
the time limit for control fixed for
May 30. instead of March 31, giv
ing time for discussios and the ed
ucation of the miners to the real
industrial position.
It is believed the government
will refuse ,to accept this sugges
tion and that the premier will base
his opinion en the proposition that
it is impossible for the country be
cause of. its finances to bear any
further burden in the shape ot a
subsidy to the miners.
The anti-gdvernmental press ac
cuses Premier Lloyd-George of
trying to maneuver the labor party ;
Into a false position, whereby he
could appeal to the country
against the labor policy of ' direct
action and bolshevlsm." The Brit
ish government is most anxious to
probe every suggestion to see if a
solution of the coal strike might
be found. Premier Lloyd-George
told the house of commons today
in answer to a question. He de
clared he was alive to the im
portance of giving every assistance
possible .
Mr. Lloyd-George presided at a
cabinet committee meeting tonight
held to discuss the situation.
The balance of opinion tonight
I that the triple alliance wilt re
frain from the declaration of a
general strike until it is certain
attempts at a peaceful settlement
are hopeless. It is announced that
the admiralty has cancelled all
Soldiers' Bonus Ball
Passes in Michigan
DKTROIT. Mich.. April 4.
Passage' by three to one of a con
stitutional amendment providing
for a bond issue of J30.000,00
for a state soldier' bonus was
Indicated by returns late tonight
from the statewide election to
day. is covered with several
strands of aluminum wire
which gives the necessary
electrical conductivity to the
Due to the combined char
acteristics of strength and
conductivity, it is possible to
set the poles farther apart,
thus keeping down the cost,
of poles per mils and there
by making the over-all cost
of the line less than with the
ordinary copper wire.
Following is the list of
persons who are now using
electric liKbt and power on
Glad Tidings road: K. J.
Anderson, Henry J. Ander
son. V, C. Calvin. O. B. Han
son. Maurice Johnson, R. II.
Lima, John C. Lee. M. S.
Lien. L. IX Lenon. P. J. Ol
ren, H. Rogan, Scandinavian
church O. P. Rkel, C. F.
Straw. A. M. Lor in g and P.
If, WornidahL- . . .
Birth of Calf at Independence
Completes Qualification
of Hinds Lad of S. B.
I'p to yesterday morniiii; there
1 had ben produced in all til';
! world U poUl medal Jfjsev hulls
! ?rpKn 1,aJ produced rue of the i
A hull in order to qualify for
a gold men a I.' acc irdinr: to the
rui's of the Amer'can jersey t'at
tU club. mu;-;t have sired three
tiauKhterB that have olliclally pro-
liifed not U ss than TOO pounds
of lnitterl'at in oiif year and eur
r'fil it living: calf not less than
ir." 1tvs durinr the. test.
, The ralf bom yesterday on the
.donmouth, Oregon.
G, Ed, Ross Elected Leadjr
Of Brotherhood Organ
izations of City
IlepresentativoH of the men'
brotherliood of the churches df
the city having such bodies met
last night and effected a perma
nent organization.
Officers elected vere:
President, (i. Ed Ross of the
Baptist Ilrotherhood and secre-
Kry, C. I). Ross of the Central
Congregational church.
Th? organization will be known
as "The Federation of Men s Bro
therhoods of Salem." The next
regular meeting of the federation
will be at the Central Congrega
tional church on .April 12.
Provision is made for represen
tation in the tederation by new
brotherhoods as soon as organi
zation in their local churches has
been accomplished, and if desired,
the federation will assist in such
Federations of this kind hare
bean very successfully operated in
other cities and it is believed
there will be found a large range
of activities for this one in Sa
lem. President Ross and Secretary
Ross are not relatives.
Week Awards
Statesman Classified
Ad Contest
Each week the Statesman
will ;;ive three ca?h rewards
for the best "stories" about
Statesman Classified Ads.
The awards will be announc
ed each Tuesday morning;
1st reward. $2.50; 2nd re
ward. ? 1.50; 3rd reward,
Contestants must see that
their "stories" reach the
Statesman office before Mon
day morning of each week
in order to bo considered.
Lnht Week's Awards.
A number of very inter
esting "stories" were receiv-
jy ed last week, and the judges
have decided upon tne ioi
lowing as the winners:
1st reward. Kvelyn White,
box 412. Newport, Or.
t'nd reward, Miss Esther
T. Thwmpson. route box
C7. Salem. Or:
:'iil fewarrl Mis KLiucIm'
Rowle. 107 fhemsketa
street. Salem.
Several very good stories
were received and will be
montion'd in future issnes
of Th?' Statesman.
The story winning Trst
reward is published in full
below; the others will be
published in future issues of
The Statesman. Watch for
How 11 Classified .VI llelw-(! a
.Man Who lived hit of Tvn
"What is the us of takinn The
Statesman now that we don't livo
in Salem?' a?ked Mary. "We
will finish thff subscription and
then Ftop." said Jim.
It happened that Jim was out
of a position. One night as ho
was reading The Statesman lie
tinned to the classified ads. for
be had found no position in his
town paper at first; he found
nothing but advertisements for
positions for men in Salem, but
rn closer inspection found u ad
ci -tisement for a position in bis
iwn town. He received this po
sition and has decided not to quit
The Statesman.
Evelyn White,
. IJox 412, Newport. Or.
THIS dim
Former Premier Also In
formed That Program
Does Not Contemplate
Entrance into League.
Senators Pledge That No
Action Will Be Taken
"Helpful" to Enemy
WASHINOTN. April 4. The
Hard up administration intends to
terminate the war between the
United States and Germany by
congressional resolution. M. Vivi
an!, -French envoy extraordinary,
i.i understood to have been in
i'ormed tonight at a dinner at the
home of Senator McCormick of
The former premier was also in
formed, it was said by senators
present, that the program of the
administration does not contem
plate entrance of the I'nited States
into the league of nation-.
Prominent Men Present.
Those at the dinner statecflM.
A'iviani had been told frankly that
it was useless to discuss the possi
bility of American membership iu
the league of nations. Most of the
republican members of the senate
foreign relation:; committee and
Colonel George Harvey, prospec
tive ambassador at the court of St.
James were among those present.
The French envoy, who was ac
companied by Ambassador Jusser
and, was said to have been inform
ed that sentiment ot republican
leaders was virtually unanimous
for adoption of the Knox separate
peace resolution, subject only to
possible amendment from lts or
iginal form, early In the special
session of congress.
M." Vivianl was described as i
appearing "reconciled" to the
At the same time the senators
made it clear that the United
States would take no action which
could be in arfyway considered as
"helpful" . to Germany, especially
in the matter of reparations and
fulfilling other obligations involv
ed in the peace setlement.
In discussing the proposed sepa
rate peace resolution the senators.
It is understood, asserted their in
tention to introduce it immediate
ly upon the convening of con
gress and urge its prompt adop
tion. However, they added, that
if President Harding should re
quest a delay in the matter of a
vote, this undoubtedly would bo
Committee of Members Dis
poses of $20,000 Mar
ket Road Securities
A committee representing the
Illahee Country club has succeed
ed in sellinK $20,000 of the Salem
road district's $80,ooo q'tota of
market road bonds, T. I!. Kay of
the market road committee report
ed in an address to the members
of the Salem Commercial club at
the noon luncheon yesterday.
Salem minks have promised that
if 000 of the quota is taken I
by the public they will guarante I
the disposal of the remaining 'MK
00(1. Kvery other district in thetinue inrcupii wnee ua;.-,
countv has taken its quota, while' included in the routine business
in Salem not a
chape ha been
voluntary pur
made. Yesterday
was the date tor tim second open-tii. saiini'ins .as wem i''"'w.h,i
inp of bids, but there were no bids I live of 1 1 i - Or-zon employment in
tn nncn and now it is nronosed to ; t it n t ion for the biind. the new
advertise the third time.
The market road bond question 1
will be discussed at the April open.;
forum meetine of the Commercial !
rlnK .-hi-h he n week frrim 1
tomorrow night.
Power Company Will
Discuss Wage Scale
PORTLAND. Ore., April i.
The wape scale and Working con
ditions of the car men -finplnyed
by the Portland Railway. Lieht
and Power company, will le. con
sidered April a cording to no
tice issued by the company. The
wage agreement in force the last
two years will expire then and 'to
days notice of changes desired has
lceii given. " Neither off 'Hals of
the company nor of the car men's
union will discuss what changes,
if any. in wage scales are contem
plated. A year ago an increase in
street railway fares was obtained
which eliminated the necessity of
the company seeking to reduce the
pay oX the carmen.
GENERAL PEYTON V. MARCH, who will retire as
J chief of staff and whose successor will soon be an
nounced by Secretary of War Weeks. The term of Gen
eral March has less than a year to run, but he has actu
ally gone out of office automatically with former Secre
tary Baker. v I
t.. JTZ&r? wUT T
Three-Day Convention Will
Be Held at Local School
Early in July
Association For Social and
Economic Welfare Will
Be Organized
A convention of the adult deaf
population of Oregon vilj be held
early this summer ,at the Oregon
school for th d:'af here. Au
thority to allow the convention to
be held in the state deaf school
building was granted H. S. Til
linghast, the siinerinteniient. by
the state hoard of control yester
day. A state association of the
deaf will be organized.
Mr. Tillinghast explained
the idea was not original
that !
him and that he had beijn ap
proached by representatives of
the deaf people nifh the request
that the proposal !e taken up
ivith the board.
IHuhp IScncfit PoMfI
Mr. Tillinghast further sai't
that th' custom of allowing an
nual conventions of the deaf a'
the state t-chools is iK-ing followed
mi a number of other states. The
Oregon convention will he made
an annual affair.
The p.inwse of 1 he "cut borings
will be the benefit socially and
economically of the state's deaf
popula'ion. Committee; will be
appointed to work in their various
interests, an done committee will
be for the purpose f assisting
deal persons in p'-oeurin:; em-ploj-iii'iit
and removing the nhjortion
that i requently are made to
employment of daf persons.
Kill ynn i;oiiyel
Tip' ci-ivfition r'T'-haOiy
early in .lul and will con
of I he state board of control yes
terday was the employment of O.
institution loentcd in I'ort-
is im
Bulk is Given to Cathol
t enders and Education
. al Fund
i:I.TJMORK. M. I. April l.i
The will of (Cardinal C.ibbons.
fitted today, dispos-s of a personal
e.-tate of about- $ I m. (.
To llishop O I',. oriian. ad
ministrator of the lialtimore dio
eesc, the Rev. L. R. Stickrey. rec
tor of the cathedral, and the Rev.
E. J. Connelly, chancellor- ot the
dio;es, is left the bulk of the
late prelate's ettate.
i'v '. -t ,
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-t'r 1 :-4,.;. fjS'-rr; - "i.,-!iJ.
l ;!'
Jam and Jelly Plant Planned
Here by Oregpn-V)fash-;"
ington Company
Oregon Berries Go Back Into
Nation's Pies, Officials
Declare I
The Orj?ani?ation of the Ore-Kon-W'ashington
Canning;: & Pre
berving company; a merger Cf
some of the big interest! of the
two states, will have a direct bear
ng upon that industry if( Salem,
and on the demand for and the
prices of fruits of all kinds in the
Salem district. U
W. CR. Scott, manager of th
Patilhamus interests in Oregohy
in Salem yesterday from Al
bany, where the Puyallup ii Sum
liitr Fruit Growers Canning com
pany iiaa a cannery. ; :p
Mr. Scott says the merger is
bound to be a success, with thW
I'aulhamus interests active In its
formation and that all thi
strength of that organization i
now at woik to take caro of thu
loming fruit crop. J"
l-'nm Well Known Here.
1 Mr. Scott said the merger will
! reod a cannery atrd jam arid jelly
I plant in Salem sooner or later in
I order tt be in the center of the
great fruit district. The Paulha
Rius interests have been Jn the
Salem market as buyers for a lon
time, as is well known. K
A. C. Schmitt, Presitlent of the
Tirst National bank of Albany, hai
been appointed one of the (Oregon
directors of the Oregon-Washing-ton
Cnnning and Preserving com
panv. the new $ lOOO.OOO.OViO cor
poration ineriicr of the lare can
ning interests of the t wo i, states'
l'nder the articles of inejM'porai
turn Orgon and Wa'shingjion are
entitled to eight director eachi:
Ml of the Washington d free tors
have been named, but only Mr
Schmidt hat thus far hfen ap-
pointed by the Oregon section. TIiq'
other seven will be named: noon f
Mr. Seott retu tned home Friday
niuht from Portland. wherei'"he at-
tended a three-day conTerencef
with those interested in the new
organization. He is enthusiastic
over ihe prospects of the merger
and predicts that it will be t,he salt'
vat 'on of the berry industry In thtf;
! northwest. He cited the Califor
i nia situation to show what limited"
elfott will do for the fruitiigrow-;
its. H-fire tiie organization ofj
the California association. b said,;
conditions were much the saiine as
they have been in Oregon and"
Washington. with insufficient:
marketing facilities and heavy
overhead expenses which deprived;
both growers and canners of; their
just profts. ;j
Firm Financing bje-tK
Coder the management 0f the
California merger of canning In
terests. Mr. Seott said, the Indus
try has been put on a firm finan
rial footing, market problemii have
been solved and the fruit industry
is growing by leaps and bounds.
He believes that the same results
will be obtained In Oregon and
Continued on pace 4.)
CIaIa C I 4 R I A.aU n I A .Jill A AA I
it" l a r .
uiy oouncii 1 10 nemove
Shacks on South High
And Other Streets.
Utter and Vandervort Clasti
When Former Criticises
City Officers
'? ...
Active co-operation with Mayor
George E. Halvorsen was pledged
last night by the city council la
lessening tne lire nazaras oi ta
lem. and in making a' reneral
cleanup of the clty.j Under just
what department of .the city gov
ernment the actual work "properly
belonged was a matter of con
siderable controversy.
A report or the state nre mar
shal, read before the councilmen .
last night, declared that it is TeTy1
advisable to have some of the
frame buildings occupied by Chin- -e&e
on South High street remored
and moss removed from th roof a '
of others. t
AVirlng Ifazjtrdoos.
Many of the houses In Ibis sec
tion of, the city are found to bare
electrical wiring that iff not stan
dard. Improper wiring is said to
cause a great percentage of seri
ous fir?B. The report also called
attention to sbCUs ' and small
frame buildings In various parts '
jof the business section of the city
which it was pointed out were de
cidedly a fire menace, and should
be removed. .
Dr. F. L, Utter holy attacked
the business methods of the city
officers, citing Instances -of . re
ports which he claimed were Ira-
properly filled . ont and handed.
Into the council. The accusation
met with resentment on the part
of Alderman H. H Vandervort -
and others as being unjust. In
nis remarks Mr. Vanderrort said
that he regarded the city treasu-
ler and the recorder as Terr ef
ficient. An itemized account war
requested by the council current
expense committee for the, next
meeting of the council. In ard -
that an Intelligent working basis
may oe maintained.
Roads Ordered to Pave.
The city attorney was instruct- ,
ed to notify the Southern Pacific
Railroad company to par South
Feiry street, between Commercial
and Trade, and also the fOreaon
Electric company to renair thu
pavement in front, of the depot oa,'
eiate street. , ,
The city recorder was request- '
ed to notify the parte board that
(he council had officially taken
over the automobile nark. A;
caretaker will be hired and the
park put In readiness to receive '
the summer tourists. ' An appro
priation of $1500 was allowed la
the budget of 1921 for IU main
tenance. Oment Walk Question Vp
Whether or not property own
ers outside xthe city limits Can be
compelled to put in cement side
walks was a matter which came
up before the council last night.
The city attorney was asked to as
certain to what extent the coun
cil bad power to act in such cases.
Publication of Paper Will
Not Be Interrupted
This Week
DALLAS. Or.. April 4. The
building occupied by Polk County
Observer, newspaper, was badly
gutted by fife today. Loss, on
the printing plant, owned by E.
A. Koen, was confined principally
to water damage andwill amount
to several hundred dollars." Tho
building is owned by J. C. Hay
ter, fornTer publisher of the Ob
server, whose loss will be about
$HMo. Hoth Mr, Koen and Mr.
Hayter carried some insurance.
The fire Btarted from a defec
tive chimney.
According to word received
last night the publication of the
Observer will not be interrupted
this week by the fire.
ASTORIA, Ore.! April 4. Mrs.
W. C. Walters, 36, wife of a Ich
comotive ngineer on the logging
road of the Saddle Mountain Lag
ging company, was fatally burned
Saturday whn she attempted to
start a fire In a stove with coal
oil, according to word brought
here today. ,