The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 01, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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u-.hlturtoD Enact I-nw
Hxrvln Chase, hydraulic engi
neer ne Btat' -' Washington.
bt Informed the Oregon state
engineering department that the
recent Washington legislature en
acted 1W Identical with exist
i.. tii in Oregon and Califor-
whereby the citizens of other
fUtes are allowed to appropriate
fater from Washington streams
lor Ufi outside the state.
frhGrpy Rover
f Musical comedy, high school
,'iuditorium tonight at :15. (flv)
j ,
Tonight,. Adm. 1; ladles free.
Coorge Rright
Mra. W. C. Tweedale. who was
taken to Salem for medical treat
ment yesterday, received a meg
Uie' U yesterday to th effect
tnat her brother-in-law, George
Brfcbt, 62. died Monday at Sac
ramento, Cal., from nervous pros
tration.' Mr. Bright, a banker
and iapitanst, was wen Known
Ja Albany, and he and his two
daofnteri and two song had vis
ited here frequently. Mrs. Twee-
' 'dale formerly resided with Mr.
er-ErljU1 and family. Albany Her
ald..; , ...
Forfeala 16-Inch Mill Wood
t gren lengths, 2.7.r per load.
prompt delivery. Phone ozo.
Jrxej Wood Co. (adv.)
Offfc Wh-
' SUrts today at The Liberty.
For Sate 16-fcnch .Mill Wood
- Even lengths, $3.75 per load.
Prompt delivery. Phone 520.
Tricf Wood! Co. (adf.)
Wurlitzer Night
"Straight Is The
' "T Way" n
Matt Moore
- Gladys Leslie
Coming Sunday
- T tprtaf ttaattag Order Tnm
438 OrMP'BandiBr-rr
ill :t OHIO OI
TUaa nil
... ! ..".' -
r""""" Service
M tout grocerf or
SSe dozen
J3 Coprt 8U FfcOM 54
The iVaccua Cnpi hilt ar
, ; medat
' " It Pays to Trade at The
' t ; a Bartoa Dnrdall
247 North Commercial 2 47
t W. W. EI00RE
. Fornltnre Store
Tt Horn of the Vlctrola
Ira jet more tor jour money at
i r . Ifoore'e .
Can G. H. Tracy Wood Co.
. i tor. all kind of
. dry . wood
fxttmpt delivery Phone 620
fwThor Waaulng Mtchlnee and
uectrle Work and Supplies
tlT Court St. Phone 4B8
t ; Pot Fine Jewelry
I 'welere and ' Optlclane
Whit Have Yoa?
e bay, tell and exchange
Jew and eecond-hand furni
ture, tlartt, ranges, rugs,
wola, etc We will buy yon
eut. ,
M Anctioneer
71 N. ComT Be, Balem. Or.
I your sales with ns
csple't Fcrnitiire
jr''-: Store
rrH ionti 1047 pbon, 7 j4
Story Hons
The children will ,havp the
pleasure of heating Miss Alice
Waldron tell the story of ' Jim
Crow" and -Natalie's Wish" Sat
urday "morning at 10:30 at the
"library. i This is a special treat
for the children.
American IiO&on Dani
Dreamland rink. Kiidav even
ing, Apnl 1. Admission $1, Includ
ing war tax. Ladies-free. rublic
cordially invited, (adv.)
Four acts at
(adv. )
Rligh today.
Three Planes Pa
Two of the airplanes that
passed ovr Salem yesterday were
driven by Major Smith and Lieu
tenant K. (5. Kiel, two aviators
who were amonc the air patrol
men who operated in Oregon last
summer for forest protect ion. The
three flyers were recently detailed
to duty in Wa-hineton anfl when
they passed here yesterday were
returning to California. It is pre
sumed the planes stopped at Eu
gene for fuel.
Music Victor Records ,
Music that you wi!li enjoy
Victor April records at Moore's
furniture store. Adv.
Legal Blanks.
Get them at Tne Stateaman of
fice. Catalog on application. (Ad)
Bicycle Misting
Fred Carmlcal, of the Cottle
apartments'. , reports the loss of a
bicycle, which he says was taken
from the apartments Wednesday
MK'omiar k ami Kreisler Records
Hear McCormack and Kreisler
Victor records at Moore's Furni
ture store. Adv.
American Legion Dance
Dreamland rink, Friday evening
April 1. Admission $1. ladies free,
Will 8peak at The Dalles
Prof. J. T, Matthews will go to
The Dalles . tomorrow to speak
twice in the Methodist church on
Sunday. In the morning he will
occupy the pulpit for the usual
Sunday morning service and at
night he will address the men's
organization of the church.
April Record!
A complete line of Victor April
records at Moore's Furniture
store. Adv.
at Nomking Cafe, every Tuesday,
Thursday and -; Saturday nights.
American and Chinese dishes. !
M2Va Commercial St.!
Salts Cleaned .f 1.50
Stilts Pressed....... KOc
Salem Cleaners & Dyers
1216 S. Coml St. Phone 1868
16 lbs. Prunes. . . . , .$1.00
Onion Sets, pet- lb.. 10c
package Cornflakes 9c
package Prst Toastles. . .11c
No. 6 Lard 05c
741 Highland Are. Phone 496
At The Electric Sign "SHOES
New Shoe Repairing' Shop
Nasons Perfect Liquid Paints
; Reasonable prices
Capital. Furniture & Hardware Co.
285 N, Commercial rnone v i
404 Ferry St., Salem, Oregon.
Phones 11771211
Talking Machines ana itecoras
Player rianos ana 1'iayer jvous
I want a loan or 16500 at 7
per cent on a good well' im
proved 100 acre, ranch. Want
a loan of $7000 at 8 per
;ent on a good well improved
102 acre ranch. See me
bjut the above loans at
341 State St. Phone 970
Do you take
If not, why not?
No other baths or treatments
can prodnce the permanent re
lief to the person suffering
from disagreeable cold or ail
ments of the flesh or body Uie
the Turkish Baths will.
. Open 8 a. m. vatil p. m.
Lady and Gentlemen attend
Mize Rues Ills Wife
A complaint was tiled yesterday
ijn the circuit court in an action
brought by A. V. .Mize against his
Wife. Pauline A. Mize, in which
the former asks the couit to grant
a decree declaring -him sole owner
of Gl acres of laud Jyir.g south of
Silverton and to restore to him the
title of the land. The complaint
alleges that Mrs. Mize refused to
live with the plaintiff, unless he
would consent to a joint title to
the land, ant- rnai though this was
done she failed to live up to her
part of the contract in bring a kind
and dutiful wife atrl therefore lie
alleges he U entitle,: have the
land restored to him.
The fi)wy Cover
Musical comedy, hitrh
auditorium tonight at S : l ."
. I adv I
11m li.irge Is Filed
Adam J. Garren f led r,n honor
able discharge from the 1'nited
States army yesterday in the of
fice of the county cleik. Mr. flar
ren enlisted March 2ft. lft IT. at
Wood burn and received his dis
charge October 2?,, 1918.
Our Xw Suit
At $(. each ate the best values
that your money will p-irchase
tor you.. Mosher, the tailor to
men and women. Adv.
Final Account Affirmed
Orders were filed yesterday in
the county court, confirming the
final account of the estate of Alice
M. Dalrymple. deceased, and of
Arthur G. Dalrymple, deceased.
Alice M. Goodsell was the admin
istratrix of the estate.
The Gypsy Kover
Musical comedy, - hieh school
auditorium tonisht at 8:15. (adv)
Will Probate!
The will or Eliza A. Helm, de
ceased, was submitted yesterday
to probate in the countv eo'irt.
The estimated value of the estate
is said to be $2500.
Experienced cashier and candy
salesgirl. Experienced person only
need apply. The Spa. Adv.
Hearing; Iate Fixed
An order fixing the time for the
hearing of objections to the final
account Of the estate of Marilla A
Shaw, deceased, was set by the
court yesterday for May !). At the
same time a hearing will be given
the account of Margaret M. Rus
sell, deceased.
Councilman Complains
councilman A. V. Marcus re-
top it
A rtonie Aw.jr From Horn.
Strictly Modern 9100 per Aj
10a roorm of Solid Comfort
Only Hotel in Butiorti District
Better Goods For Lee
Call at
We buy and sell every
thing '215 Center St. Phone 398
We pay 2c above the
.market price for eggs
and products
The Mutual Life
of N, Y.
' Up-to-date policies.
Lower net cost.
District Mgr.
271 State St. Phone 99
Our mission In
life is one of re
sponsibility. Our.
professional wis
dom and our tact
ful politeness is
assurance of the
superior charac
ter of our serv
ices. r- ill
ported to the police department
yesterday that C. Ackjey, 159
North Front street, was exceeding
the speed limit while driving an
automobile north on South Corn
mere. al street. He was said to he
traveling t the rate of 'M miles
an hour.
Auto Radiator Repairing
Modern equipment, prompt ex
pert service. Nelson Bros., 355
359 Chemeketa St. Adv.
I'. of O. Student Si Mt'ial Train
Sunday, April 3. leaving Salem
':.'." p. m.. arrive Eugene 8:LT p.
in. Oregon Klectric Ry., J. W.
Ritchie, Agt. Adv.
Kxperienced cashier and candy
salesgirl. Experienced person only
need apply. The Spa. Adv.
California) Arrtel
I). J. Fletcher of Marysville,
Cal.. was arrested yesterday for
exceeding the city speed limit
while driving an automobile in
North Capitol street. He was re
ported to be traveling at the rate
of P,.r. miles an hour. Cited to ap
pear yesterday afternoon, and fail
ing to do so, he forfeited a $10
A Limited (uantily
Of re-cleaned Red Fife spring
wheat, choice quality: must be?
veen to be appreciated. Chas. It.
Arc-herd Implement Co. Adv.
Clothing Stolen
Several articles of clothing be
longing to Henry Fournier. a cook
were reported to the police yes
terday as having been taken from
his room at the White House res
taurant. A reward of S10 is of
fered by Mr. Fournier for the re
covery of the stolen goods.
The Virtor Iteorli
Victor April records at Moore's
Furniture stor" Adv.
Corner Is Shaved
Fred Steusloff was arrested yes
terday by Traffic Police Officer
Hayden for violating the traffic
regulations of the city in cutting
a corner at Liberty and State
streets while driving an automo
bile. Sixty IMIars Will Buy
One of the b"st suits in Salem.
We have all the late designs in
fabrics. Mosher. the tailor to men
tnd women. Adv.
V Classified Ad
Will bring you a buyer.
Mrs. Maye Smith and L. Rogner,
both of Silverton. submitted to
major operations yesterday at the
Salem Deaconess hospital.
Mrs. Florence Ristine was able
to be removed to her home yester
day, after being confined for some
time by illness, in the Salem Dea
coness hospital.
W. J. Jefferson of North Howell
Prairie was In the city yesterday.
' J. T. Hunt, county commission
er, was looking after road interests
yesterday in Sublimity, Macleay
and Shaw. He reports the roads
drying up rapidly and that road
work had commenced.
Dorsey B. Smith, manager of the
tourist agency travel bureau, was
in attendance yesterday at the
regular Thursday luncheon of the
Marion County Realty association.
Frank Davey returned Wednes
day night from a trip in the north
ern part of the state.
G. W. Robfer:s was a visitor in
Silverton yesterday.
Dan Johnson was here yester
day from Albany.
I. R. Wyatt of AJbany was a Sa
lem visitor yesterday.
Senator Jay Upton was here yes
terday from Prineville.
N. O. Wallace, county judge' of
Crook county, was here yesterday
from Prineville.
Mrs. Estelle Cheffings of Aums
ville is spending several days with
friends in Salem.
Miss Daisy McPeak returned to
her home In Eugene yesterday aft
er passing the winter with rela
tives here.
Mrs. Shurl R. Pearson under
went an operation at the Salem
hospital last Friday. Mrs. Pear
sin is recovering and expects to be
able to return to hcrhome at 280
Richmond avenue in about a week.
Linden Martin, a University of
Oregon student, is spending the
Easter vacation with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Martin.
A. C. Houser of Roseburg stop
ped off yesterday on his way home
Irom Portland to visit at the home
of his sister, Mrs. H. L. Marsters.
O. E. Lewis of Trade street has
purchased the service station at
Eighteenth and State street from
B. E. Edwards.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Miller of
Portland, are returning home aft
er several days visit at the O. E.
Lewis home.
RUSSELL At the family home
near Waconda. Wednesday eve
ning. March 30. Charlotte T.
Russell, aee 21, beloved' dai'Rh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Rus
sell, loyinp sister of Ward C..
Miles J.. Otto. Charles and Hazel
Russell, hethothed ot B. Frank
Felton. Funeral today at 2
o'clock from Rigdon's, interment
following in City View cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Marian
C.atchell. who died in Eugene on
Wednesday, will be held in that
city Friday after which the re
mains will be brought to Salem,
arriving on the 9:40 Oregon Elec
tric, intermsnt following at Hope
well. Polk county, under the di
rection of Rigdon's.
Booth Reappointed on
State Highway Board
Robert A. Booth of Eugene was
yesterday reappointed by c.over
nor Olcott as a member of the
atate hiRhwav commission to
serve three years.
Mr. Booth was, first aPiejrffcy.y
Youthful Widower of Aged
Woman Wins and Action
May be. Appealed
.. That it was through undue in
fluence and threats on th- rart
Of hr VOUthful husband. that
Margaret V. Hoffman, aged 72. j
who died January . 1921. failed
to make provision for her foui
children, in a will dated December
26. 1920. were causes furnished
as grounds for contesiinK th i'A
in the County court this week.
The children failed to furnish
auimieiu evidence to secure a
verdict in their favor yesterday,
but . it is thought the case win
be appealed to a higher court
According to the complaint the
real and personal property is val
ued at $6,000. and the four daugh
ters. Alma Anderson. Ellen Hutts.
Pearl Martin, and Nora March, j
and Joseph R. Hoffman are the I
heirs of the estate. It further!
states that at the time of the ex
ecution of the will and for some,
time prior the mother was acting!
under the In-'uenc ofhe step-!
father and that through fear, I
misrepresentation and fraud she I
was induced to make the will. j
Joseph R. Hoffman, husband
of the deceased, was alleged to
be 39 years old at the time of
the marriage to the woman of 7 0,
and it appeared from the. evid
ence that the two years of mar
ried life were spent by Hoffman
with the purpose of reaping the
benefits derived from the estate.
Two Oil Companies Are
Organized in Oregon
Two oil companies, newly form
in Oregon, filed articles of incor
poration yesterday at the offices
of T. B. Handley, state corporation
commissioner. The larger of the
two is the Lost River Oil & Gas
company of Klamath Falls, capi
talized at $1, 00ft. 000. The incor
porators are G. A. Bellman, Fred
R. Goddard, and G. A. McCarthy.
The other company is the Mid
Coast Oil company of Portland,
capitalized at $1000.080. The in
corporators are E. J. Blaser, C. M.
Kiggins and C. . InskeepA.
Other new corporations filing
their papers yesterday were:
Service. Drug company. The
Several varieties now on
558 State Street
Opposite County Courthouse
I Dalles; incorporators, A. K. Cros
by, Augusta P. Crosby, Donald W.
Yantis. Mildred P. Yantis; capital
ization. $.".0,000.
Otis Cooperative Cheese factory,
Otis, Lincoln county; incorpora
tors. G. H. Church, Richard Mil
ler. 1.. R. Church. H. F. Curl. 1.
Logan. J. A. West. A. . K. ( amp
bell, t;. I. Kiiig. A. Haymowviz. J.
B. P.chette; capitalization,. jlO'Mi.,
Girls Baseball Teams
Will Play Next Friday
The girls of the state industrial
acridtml lvp;ii t nif nt hjive organ
ized a basShall tram and iinv
"li u'lli'iied the girls of the state
department. The latter have ac
cepted the clialletme and the gsime
Will be played a week from today.
Fred ( Seftou of the stafe print
ing department, a veteran Itia time
umpire, has volunteered to be the
eoat for the oerasion and will ref
eree the match.
"The storm burst upon us so
suddenly we had no warning of !
its approach," related the tornado
victim. "In an instant the house
was demolished and scattered to
Beautiful Soft Pillow
TL -f
Popular Prices
179 N. Com'I - Salem
Ml 1 11 h V.
Ladies' Pumps and Oxfords, sale
price $2.25 to $8.33
Ladies' Shoes sale price $3.63 to $9.93
Men's Dress Shoes, sale price
$4.63 to $9.33
Save immz0!& I
100 dozen Men's Dress Shirts, uNew Spring Assortments." In plain and fancy
patterns. The materials are the best of percales and madras. The product of
exclusive manufactures. They make a very elaborate showing of stylish khirts.
We feel sure that when you see these shirts
you will purchase your season's supply.
Salem Woolen SWIills
C P. BISHOP, Prop.
the four winds. How I escaped
being torn to pieces 1 do not
know "
"Goodness Gracious!" ejaculat
ed little Mr. Meek. "That reminds
me. I almost forgot to do an er
Viand for my wife."
New and
Spring Fashions have nor'
overlooks blouses in the.--creation
of new and beau
tiful variations. We truly
lelieve that you have never
seen sjcL blouses as we nov
can show you for we nev
er hac $&98 to $lfV75
For The New
Suit or Old
ou are assured of looking
your best when the blouse
that you choose is fash
ioned along the new lines of
fine Georgette, crepe de
chine or Organdie. Won't
you come in and .see these
for yourselves?
"Pay As You Go" and your
income-tax payments will
be ready in the bank
The Electric Sign "SHOES"
: i . -t
While the newspapers are pn& ..
lishing! statistics vbout the long1
career f of Uncle Joe Cannon -in
congris it would be of interest
to know how far those longt .
black iigars in which the Illinois
man adulges would reach- if
placedend to end?
Men's Work Shoes, sale prjee
I ! $2.85 to $130.
Itoys' Shoes, sate price $3.19 to $4.60
Child rens Shoes,' sale price
83c to $4.85
Don't V
Miss, . .
This ' :
I i
i :
'1 u .
An the commlsaum Apru i, iis. w :