THE QBEGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY MORNING APRIL 1.1921 I wis n TOURNEY Volleyball Honors Settled! ' And New Teams Are . - Selected I - The aggregation under Captain loe H. Albert captured Ihe mnnih ly iroMejrbaU tournament of thu JjuslneHS isen's class of the Y, M.C.A. las night, leading it p jonenU "under -Captain John Ilayne by a acore of 264 to 232. The contest or the last month w ia - kccoinpanled by more than usual jdiaplay of enthusiasm and t,he in terest reach the highest point ped Pepper Stops f Rheumatic Pains Rub It on Sore, Stiff Joints and Muscles, and Rheumatism, ;.H Lumbago and Pain Vanish Try (t and See! ri jjed Pepper Rub takes the; 'ouch" from sore, stiff, aching , Joints. It cannot hurt you, and It, certainly end that old rheuma tism torture at once. When you are suffering so you tan.hardlv eet around: limt trv &R1 Pepper Rub," and you will have the quickest rei ef known. Koth'ng has such concentrated. 'if STARTING TODAY We can't invite you to have a smile with us, but how would a good, big hearty laugh go? Tom Moore has an unlimited supply of 100 proof humor to share with you, guaranteed to kick away all your troubles. i ' ' ' TOM MOORE COMEDY NEWS TOPICS LIBERTY . Where The Public Knows It Sees Good Shows Little Talks About Investment of Savings Savings vs: Speculating The future power and financial stability - of our country is undoubtedly stored in the savings of the people. Speculating investments and ventures attest the gambling spirit pf the individual and sometimes make a big winning. -' But stocks anil high-interest-bearing se curities issued under foreign financiers and promoters do not always pan. The state and county and city where you live and where you know those in charge of government offer better security. Artful and unscrupulous promoters make misrepresentations which state antf county officials dare not make to their neighbors. Nest-eggs and savings of hard-working honest people are swallowed up and there is no recourse after the money is gone. It would be a great deal better to con sult with a home investment house that is also responsible to the people of the com munity. - We will gladly give frank and unbiased service on investment matters to.all wheth er customers of ours or not as to sound and profitable investments. Wc would appreciate an opportunity to show you the advantage of placing your Savings in a first class real estate mort gage in your home community. It is the . safest investment in the world and reacts to the benefit of the locality where you Iiyc. Interest and principle is paid you on tle day it is due. Our securities are sold in denominations to suit purchaser and guarantee safety with profit. ? 1 J HAWKINS Second Floor Oregon Building v ' MBM I since the beginning; of the month ly tournaments last fall. At the monthly meeting Wed nesday, night a challenge was Is sued to the business men's team of the Portland Y.M.C.A. to Bend its crack tram heredar a conies' some thne in the near future. At the banquet Wednesday night. W I' Walter and John McCorinai k were chosen to lead the two t earns for the coming contest. Kach' ide is divided in to three groups each under the ku per'ision of a lieutenant. The men under Walters assumed the title of "Water Bugs' while their opponents termed themselves the "Land I.iibhrrs." The two teams are lined up as follows: Land Lubbers John McCor niack, captain; "The Lions." C. K. Knickerbocker, lieutenant; Ceo. W. Hug. M. ). Evans. A K. Mcflaln. A Kafotiry. I). X. Heechler. George 1). Alderin. Cur tis Cross. Kric Hutler. W. T. Mil liken. C. A. Downs. J 1 McCor- penetrating heat a3 red peppers. Just as Boon as you apply Red Pepper Rub you will feel the ting ling heat. In three minutes it warms the sore spot through and through. Pain and soreness are gone. Ask any druggist for a jar of Rowles Red Pepper Rub. It costs but little. In OFFICER (ESS) S ROBERTS Salem, Oregon Phone 1427 SEASON CLOSED BY GLEE CLUB Willamette Sinsers Win Way Into Salem Heaits In Concert Last NMit The illametto I niver ity ;!' Huh season closed l.isi n nht with the annual Salem concert at the (irand theater. It is the custom lor Hie formal home appearance of- the club to end the active sea sail, which this year included a tour through northern Oregon and southern Washington. On this- trip th.? club sang in .0 dil ferent places. The Willamette club lias long ranked as one of I he test men's choral organizations in the slate and last night's performance filled every expectation. They were as sisted by Miss Evelyn DeLong. pianist, and the- Willamette or chestra. Professor K. W. Mobson. dean of the school of music at Willamette, is director. "The Hunting Song.' by Do. Kovery was one of the most ap plauded numbers, the sone being mad; more realistic by hunting! Dorsey B. Smith. manager of rostuilies worn by all of the mem-! the tourist agency travel bureau, bers rtf the club. P. p.lenkinsop i was the principal speaker yester sang the incidental solo. The day before; the Marion County "eiro sn'riMial .songs and melodies Realtv association at its regular from Shelley and Hurleigh were also popular. Other features on the program were a reading hy Fred Mctlrew, a comedy, "Squirrel Food," hy Herald Kmmel and Raymond Itarey. and "Nonsense" hy Kd wiii Pocolofbky and Herald Km mel. Six men were awarded pins hy the club for completion of a four year membership with the club. They were Loren Masler, Edwin Socolofsky, Ivan Corner. Lawrence Davies J. Fred Mctirew and Her ald Kmmel. Members of the cluh are: First tenors, Edwin Socolofsky. Herald Emmel. Raymond Rarey. Leon Setteni. Second tenors. Loren Basler. Ivan Corner. Noble Moodhe and Byran Arnold. Baritones, Everett Craven, Paul Day. Lawrence Davies, Benjamin Rickli. Elmer Strevey. Basses. J. Fred McGrew. Waldo Kelso. Vernon Sackett, P. Blen- kin'-op. Members of ihe orchestra who ass'steu were Clifford Berry, ban- to- Wayne Allen, piano;- Delbert Moore, violin: Hande Durch, cor nef;' Avery Hick, cello: Frank Zinn, tromlone: Ttoland Ftesart. clarinet; Lamont Bullock, drums. mack. 'Tigers," William J, Ln iress, lieutenant; G. B.; Paulu. L. R. Condo, Lawrence Gale, R. L. Putnam. J. Balch. H. E. Morris. W. C. Dyer, Fplrich. C. I. Lewis, Cadwell, Edward Liv ingston. "Cubs," H. E Kirkpat rick. lieutenant; Roy K. Shields, W." M. Hertzog, Bob Paulas, E. C. Hickman. Carle Aorams, c F. Franklin. P. V. Byrd, Joe H. Albert. F. L. Utter, John M. Clif ford. W. T. Jenks. W. S. Moore Water Dogs W. P. Walters. captain; "Star Fish," Lloyd Rig don, lieutenant; Bill Paulus, M. C. Findley, H. M. Sechler, , S. Kafoury, C. W. Southworth. Geo. Frye. T. W. Davies, A. C. Bohrn stedt. C. J Green. Frank A. Bak er. John Bayne, C. A. Kells, W. P. Walters. "Whales," Samuel Stokurri. lieutenant; Harold Eak in, Allen Bynon. R. G. Hoffman. Croisan, J. O. Mathis, Tinkham Gilbert. G. E. F'rime. F. W. Young. J. M. Sehon. C. N. Need ham, W. N Byars. "Sharks" Olaf )le n, lieutenant; N. W. Flilllior'.i. F. M. BoI)!?lle. B. H. Whit-, C. Smithers, John Dertleson, C M. Cox,. James Marr. R. B. Duncan. WV B. Minier. T. M. Hick;. K. E. Elliott. The new teams will stage tht 'r first contest tomorrow. Willamette Women Meet MrMirwillp Tnninht IIIVIIHIIIHIV I VIII JHI 1 Tonight at 7:30 in Waller Hall the Willamejte university wom en's affirmative debate team will meetiu negative team from Mc Minnville on the question: "Re solved: that Great Britain should give Ireland complete independ ence." The Willamette team is composed of Lorelei Blatchford TODAY HIPPODROME VAUDEVILLE WEBER THE WIZARD And BOBEY ROGERS In Laugh-o-Magic i Rica Duo Samples of Variety James and Shaw That's My Hound E. J. Apply by Musical Itanjoisl Mabel Normand In The Slim Princess 2TMABEL V BUGH THEATRE land Lucile Tucker. Myrtle Mason and Ruby Rosencrantz, the neg ative team, will go to 1'acitic University on the sa'me subject. Judges for the local debate are Reverand Evans of the Christian Church Supreme Justice Chas. A Johns and T. K. Bergman. Thirty Babies Examined At Xlinic Yesterday Thirty, liabies were examined yesterday at the March clinic at the Commercial club rooms. The physicians assisting were Drs.' L. H. Steeves, M. L. Findley, eye, ear. nose nnl throat; I). F. M. Pound, dentist; and Or. W Ft. Molt. I'r. J. (). Mathis and Dr. Purvine. T Dorsey B. Smith Outlines . Plan to Attract Travelers To Oregon Thursday lunchjeon at the Marion hotel. That Salem will be vis. ted by hundreds, of visitors from the eastern states this summer was. In the opinion of the speaker, a cer tainty. Therefore., it was pointed out. it was to the advantage ot the city that a right impression should be made and in order that this in ght be brought about, he advo cated outlining a program for the entertainment ot t:ie guests to be paid for when purchasing their fare from Portland, or upon arri val here. Several sightseeing trips are being planned by the com mittee in charge, with a view to giving the tourist, who so fre quently is a proapective settler, tho very best that Salem has t'to offer from a scenic standpoint as well as in giving them 4he oppor tunity of inspecting the sate insti tutions. Charles Knowlapd, as chairman of the tourist and publicity com mittee of the commercial club was present and spoke on behalf of that organization, Jn favor of com plying w;ith the proposition as pre sented by Mr. Smith. .1. H. Mills, as chairman ot the committee appointed to draw up a protest against the telephone rate raise, read a resolution sub mitecl by the committee voicing the disapproval of the associatian in the raise. The resolution was adopted and ordered spread on the minutes and a copy forwarded to the public service commission. It is the concensus of opinion that a second hearing may be given the case by th public service com mission. It is understood that in. Portland many telephonex are beiflg removed because of the ad vanced rates.. RELIEF APPEAL ' E Men of Note Throughout Nation Accept Honorary Vice .Chairmanships PORTLAND. March SI. Mor can J. O'Brien of New York, na tional chairman of the American committee for relief in Ireland which is now conducting a nation wide campaign to rais $10,210. 000. Is in receipt of the following telegram from President Hard ing: "I wish ou the fullest measure not only in the great benefit -performance at the Met ropolitan Opera house on April 3. hut in every worthy effort to make a becoming contribution on 'he part of our people to relieve distress among th- women and children in Ireland. The people of America will never be deaf to the call for relief in behalf of suffering humanity. and the knowldte of dislr-ss in Ireland make dp appeal to the more fortunate of our land, where so many of our citizens trace kin :hip to the Emerald isle." M.d'n -f"t . Th following additional ac--e)tancK to invitations to liecome honorary vice chairman have been ; rueived by ('apt. .1 F. Lucey, : national ditectoi : William Gibbs McAiloo. former secretary of the treasury and di ! rector general of railroads, tel-i- -rapho: "I 'L'la'dly accept tho invitation "x tended to m' to hecotm honor nry vice chairman of the Ameri "an coiii'mittee for relief in Ire ' land, and place my services un reservedly at the disposal of the "onnnittee. America has made rtoble response to th ca'ise of 'suffering humanity in eery land , ii Enroiie and she will not fail to iiiror Ireland whose people are : ' ur kin and need our help in their j extremity Ani"rica cannot re 1 xipt the cry of the destitute ami ; distressed women and children iti , Ireland.' j Leonard Wood, major general j I" S A I recejwii o.ii I'lctram i "M nest inc lo-operatioii in aiding jtho-c in Ireland suffering lor lack if food and the necessities of life. ' I just l.avnm for Hw Philip i pines m cannot take any active Mi', but lies: to assure you that I the movement js ,,,v Kvuiriathv in.l trust ou mill be vry suc-s.-ful in relieving existing dis- !fe.-s. I ujsh o,i lartest nos- -ible measure of success in this worthy eifort It is my belief that we Americans must do what we can to aid suffering nonles i. mil normal conditions are once more established. Kvrrtior (Hi I .int.- Henry Watterson, publisher o! REILTOS HUE OUR ST PROGRAM RESPONS the Louisville Courier-Journal.- Touching the proposed organiza tion for the relief of Ireland. If my name he of any use. it is at your service. W' Albert J. Ceveridge. former Fnited States (senator. On my re turn find telegram March 13. re questing use my fiame as honor ary vice chairman national com nittee for relief in Ireland: Ac cept with pleasure, consider it an honor and a duty to aid this hu mane cause. Hest wishes. Fifteen I'nited States governors are now serving on the national executive committee and associ ated wish them are churchmen of ail denominations. Congress Petitioned to Allow Beer in Hawaii HONOLULU, T. H., Mar. 31 A resolution petitioning congress to sanction the manufacture and sale in Hawaii of beer containing 414 percent and wine containing 15 percent of alcohol was intro duced in the territorial house to day by Representative Evan Da Silva of Hilo. The resolution said that the people of Hawaii had no chance to express their convic tions on prohibition and that drunkenness has increased in the territory since prohibition became operative. SEATTLE PHI BIDS FOB FIGHT ionaire Theatrical Own- ner Offers $850,000 For Match SPOKANE, Wash.. March 31. Alexander Pantages, of Seattle. mill onaire theatrical man. has wired Tex Rickard an offer of $8 50,000 for the Dempsey-Carpen-tier . championship match, accord ing to word received here tonight by E. G. Milne of Seattle, an agent oi Mr. Pantages. MrS Pantages. in a telegram to Mr. Milne stated if his offer were accepted by Mr. Rickard and Washington authorities would not allow the contest to be held in the state, he would next look to Van couver, B. C, as a possible site. LOS ANGELES. Cal.. March 31. The Dempsey-Carpentier fight may be held at Tijuana.' Lower Califir nia. if an offer of $850,000 for the fight made by Alexander Pan tages, theatrical man, to Tex Rick ard is accepted, it was stated to1 night by Edward J. Fisher, repre senting the Pantages interests in Los Angeles. Mr. Fisher said he did not know if the offer had been accepted. Mr. Pantages is in New York at present, Mr. Fisher said. A.MKKICANS AT PCTIWXiltAD . LONDON, March 30. A new party of workers, consisting of 613 men have arrived in F'etrograd from America, says a Moscow dis patch. At a meeting in the palace of labor these men greeted the Petrograd workers. The American workers fuUy recognized the difficult economic situation in Rnsia. says the dis patch, and have resolved to de Vote all their fresh forces and energy to overcome the present difficulties and to establish com munism. YOl'XG PITCH EU DIES. TIM MONSVILLE. S. C. March 31. Kire White, 18, who was hit on the head by a pitched ball in a baseball game yesterday, died to day. MILE REFUSES TO FILE RECALL Charges Insufficient to Con stitute Malfeasance Against Hart OLYMPIA, Wash.. March 31. Secretary of State J. Grant Hinkle today re I used to file a petition for th- recall of (iovernur Louis K. Hart, on the ground of malfeas ance in office in signing the poll tax measures passed by the last legislature, presented hy Joseph Manning and Mrs. Ueoree Mc Laughlin, of Seattle. The refusal was on th ground that the changes made wre insuf ficient to constitute malfeasance, under an op nion by Attorney Gen eral L. L. Thompson.5 to whom the communication was referred by Secretary Hinkle. for investiga tion. Attorney General Thompson de clared in his statement that the "recall provisions of the constitu tion do not extend to mere mis takes or errors in judgment." Campbell is Urged For Commerce Commission WASHINGTON, March 3 1. Apiiointment of .1. U Campbell of Fpokane as a member of the in terstate commerce lommission wa- it reed today by Senator Poin det t of Washington during a conterence with President Hard in. Grecnleaf Sets New Pocket Billiard Record YOIJK. Pa . March 31. -Kalph GreenJeaf. champion pocket bil liard player. entablished a new world's record long run in an ex hibition here tonicht when he pocketed Ifi balls before he miss ed. The previous record high run was l;",t5 made by Greenleaf in Danbury. Conn. I'se Statesman ClMlflcd Ads, E TO 01 LEAD Intel class .Contests at High Scnool Will be Renewed At. Assembly Seniors of the liigh school will make a strong fight today to re gain the lead in the interclass dec lamatory contests which they lost by a margin of one point to the juniors in the extemporaneous and impromptu contests Wednesday, when the three classes clash in. a sinht reading contest in assembly this morning. Percy Hammond is to uphold the honors for the seniors, Krancis Ward the juniors and Margret Louis the sophomores. Hammond and Miss Ward also met in the impromptu contest Wednesday in winch Miss Ward captured first place and Hammond second place. The contest this morning, which is slated for 10:30.. will no boubt call forth even more enthusiasm and interest than did the initial contest Wednesday. The fact that tho two contestants who Tan a very close race for first in those contests will agfin meet insures a lively meet. Salem high school enjoys the distinction of being the only school in, the etate where inter class contests are carried to uch a fine point. In the eight decla matory contests between 3 and 3 5 students receive training in pub? lie speaking while interest in school is intensified throughout the entire student body. The suc cess with which the contests have met in the past and the material for school teams which has been developed by these contests has called fbrth much praise from members of the school and visiting faculties. The Gates of the re maining contests and the person nel of the contesting teams are as follows: Sight reading. April 1 Percy Hammond representing the seni ors: Francis Ward the juniors; Margret I-ouis the sophomores. First debate, juniors vs sopho mores, April C Juniors, Arthur Montgomery, leader, Donald War den. Charles Nunn: sophomores, R'lssell Pratt leader, Henrietta White, Walter Iliff. Oratorical, April 14 Ralph Bailey representing the seniors, Gladys Itenge the juniors, Louis Fellows, the sophpmores. Second debate. April 27 Win ner of the first debate vs the sen ior team composed of Joe Albrich. Alfred Montgomery and Lelieth Kuhn. Dramatics. Majr 9 at 8 p. m. Elinor Houik representing the sen iors. Hattyi Martin the juniors, aand FFelen Selig the sophomores. Humorous, May 9 at 8 p. m. ' Julia Gromoff representing the seniors, Florence Dell the juniors, and Thelma Peed the sophomores. TO BE SETTLED Date to Be Obtained From Warner Valley by Assis tant Engineer In anticipation of a settlement of the question or water rights in Warne valley, Lake county, dur ing the coming summer or fall. Charles K. Stricklin. assistant state engineer, has left for that district tomake investigation for the adjudication of all the rights to the use of th? waters of the chain of lakes known as Warner, Hart. Crump. Flagstaff and oth ers, 'and Warner or Deep creek. Honey creek arjd their tributar ies. To have charge of field work A. C. F. Perry, an engineer of the department, accompanied Mr. Stricklin. The question was referred to the state water board for adjudi cation last December by Judge G G. Ringlim of J?alem. who, in. holding court at Iakeview. rnard the case of the Lake County Land Livestock company vs. J. P. L'gan et al. Water rights are in volved in the case and it was held that a determination of all the rights to the use of water in the several lakes and streams was necessary to determine the rights of the parties to the , ontroversy. It is believed that th work of obtaining the stream How data, measurements of ditches, survey ing' the area of irrigation and other information neces:-aty to tl findings of the board will be completed during the summer and after this the users will have an opportunity to file on their re spective claims. F)uritiK his trip Kngit.eer Strick lin will inspect the Summer lake irrigation district project which contemplates th" irrigation . of about i'pOOii acres of land from the waters of Ana river. Scliieman Wins All-Event Title; Trod Smith Indi vidual Champion HVfFALO. MarchVl. - The largest tournament in Olie history of tho American Ilowlingcongress closed today. Otto Kallm h and Archie Schientan of Fvochester. with, 1.114 won t he two-man) cham pionship, taking $500 and gold medals. Sche man also carried off tht all-event tltlo with 1393 pins. 1 no WATER HIS AMERICAN BOlU TOURip ENDS The prize is $125. The individual championship goes to Fred Smith ; of. Detroit with. a total of 702 pins, ! wiuning a piize .i f J3w. ' I ""There were fi40 teams. in the five-man competition. 2133 pairs' In the two-man and 4 22'J perform ers in the singles Low scores to i win prizes were 2689 in the five- ! man events, 1121 iu. the doubles. 575 in the singles, and 1777 for all etntf?. - League to Investigate. Relief Need in Austria PARIS, March ::i. The finan cial commission o' tht? league ot nations today decided to send a commission of three to -Austria to investigate for relief plans. PRICE OF LKAD RISKS NF;Y YORK. March 31. The; tmerican Smelting and Refining1 utompany today advanced the price ot lead troni t.iv to 4.-'- cents -per pound. I THE BRANDED WOMAN" STARTS SUNDAY LIBERTY In The more yon smoke them - Be better yonH Eke them Write for onr Premium Cat -Jo No. 4 1. 1 EWIS CIGAR MFG. CO, NEWARJC N. J. Largest Independent Cigar Factory in the World. LADD & BUSH, BANKERS Established 1868 -.'-.':!. i Hi j General Banking Business Office Hours from Today and Dtama of love Story and Scenario Direction bj iimimji,. ii i.i u i iij ij-if Double Show Sunday TOM MIX in "The Road Demon' CLYDK.-COOK in "All Wrong' iVhere The Over Stocked Sale Vfe Must Reduce Our Stock Regardless of Cost 16 lbs. of Prunes $1.00 , 10 cans of Salmon $1.00 10 cans of Peas . .. ..$1.00 10 cans oS Tomatoes $1 5; No. 2Vz cans of Peaches... .....$1.00. 3iNo. 2Vi cans of : Pineapple....... $1.00 12 boxes of Matches 60c ' No. 2 Pure Lard 77c , No. 10 pail of Shorten ! ing $1.25- No. 5 pail of Vegetole 85c 30c can of Instant - : 1 Postunt ...25c ' 1 i package of Post . 'Toasties , lie 1 packet je of Kellogg'g ; I Cornflakes ...lie .' 1 1 package of Krinkle ' Corn Flakes 9c 1; package Shredded j Wheat Biscuit U5c I 10c Toilet Paper 8c ' I 100 lbs. of Potatoes $1.00 I 100 lbs. Onions . 75c j Wheat, per 100 lbs. $3.00; 6 :5-cent Candy bars 25c: 7 packages Gum 25c No. 10 Karo ..80c ' . - I HIGHLAND GROCERY JO a. hi. to 3 p. m 3-1 Tomorrow and! Revenge amid by Julius G.Furllmum. fnunott J. flunii o"-- itf m Our Comedy "Puppy Love" With "The Kid" and Big Dg and Latest News Events Big Shows Play J&9 pi.