The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 27, 1921, Page 12, Image 12

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Nftlirv. IlPnrv .nnrl ruir
w w J a udi
r , ' " vr r MIO
Amos Strong, will be honor guests
f a ihilij easier morning jariy
iponpored by Mrs. i Strong this
.ornlhg. An eg hunt will be
4ne of the principal features.
Everything, from I he dainty table
cjloth of figured bunnies to the
Numerous Raster J suggestions
ijboiit the rooms' and the yellow
(Sandres, with. which the rooms will
ie lighted, .-will be lit keeping
ylth the season. . Chiiflren iatlted
tjo share the pleasures with the
Honor gneata are Dorothy Llves-
ley, GwenMth t Edward. Hans
Thielsen, Carl Steiner, Tommy
Edwards and Gretcheu Thielsen.
Honoring Miss Haiel Downing,
bride-elect. Mrs. James Unn en
tertained with a beautifully ap
pointed luncheon at. Hotel Mar
ion yesterday afternoon. Sweet
peas in pastel shades were used
as an attractive centerpiece and
the same dainty colors were car
ried out In the Ttabh. appoint
ments. Covers were laid for Miss
Downing, Miss Aline Thompson,
Miss Catherine Carson. Mrs. Fred-
Popular Orchestra Director
Shoe Service
By Service we mean attention to the needs of
.our customers. Giving them the latest in
Style the best in Quality and the most eco
nomical in price
This store takes pride In the character and variety
,:? of its dine of- !
Maxine Shoes For Wonien v
Because we know these shoes . represent the ut-'
most in Style and the maximum in Values.
We have just received several new models direct
from the factory which we believe are the most
attractive assortment of Shoes ever offered in
this community.
Come in and . Learn From Experience Why So P.
v Many Women Are Wearing Maxine Shoes
Blister Birotm
125 N. Commercial St.
v ' In tht Fashionable Shades
v m. . T
- ;T.ff
Miss Martha Swart, director of the Philharmonic or
chestra of the First Christian Church, which will pre
sent ah special musical program this morning.
crick Thielsen, "Mrs. George E.
Waters. 'Mrs. JohTa J. Roberts.
Mrs. Allen Uynon. Mrs.- Melrin
Plimpton. Mrs. Hugh McCammon
and the hostess.
The Bridge Lnncbeon club was
entertained Wednesday by Mrs.
MeJvin Plimpton. Japanese cur
rent, daffodils and a profusion of
greenery were used about the
room. A novel feature of the
luncheon was the Individual waf
fle irons, on which each guest
prepared her own waffle. Ad
ditional guests were Mrs. William
Eldridge. Mm. Amos Strong. Mrs.
M. L. Meyers and Mrs. E. L. Ha-
. '.
Honoring Mrs. William Eld
ridge, house Kyest of Mrs. Wil
liam Brown. Mrs. S. C.' Dyer en
tertained informally Friday after
noon. Easter lilies were used
about the rooms, and art basketi
of Oregon rape. Cards were the
diversion of the afternoon Mrs.
John McXary receiving high hon
or. .The-hostess was assisted
during the luncheon hour by Mrs.
Conned Dyr. Mn. Harry Hawk
ins and Mrs. Samuel Stock urn.
The guests were Mrs. William
Eldridge. Mra. William Brown,
Mrs. C. H. Robertson. Mrs." T. U.
Kay, Mrs. R. E. Lee Steiner, Mrs.
F. U Griffith, Mrs. II. II. Theilsen.
Mrs. A. K. Bush, Mrs. Harry Haw
kins. Mrs. Connell Dyer. Mrs.
Samuel Stockum. Mrs. R. B.
Fleming. Mrs. John J. Roberts
and Mrs. T. A. Livesley.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Edwards
gave a dlelghttul birthday party
in honor of their daughter Mar-
veil's birthday recently. The af
ternoon was spent merrily ; with
games and music. A delirious
luncheon was served. .Those In
vited were Mildred Pugb. Faye
Wolz, Esther Lisle, Haiel Dela
plaln, Helen Race, Rovena Eyre,
Winifred Gamble.- May Hodge,
Minnie Shnxle. Dagmar Calson
and Miss Lillian Greene.
A bowl of yellow daffodils
formed, an' attractive centerpiece
for the hand.ooniely appointed, ta
ble over which" Mrs. K. T. Barues
presided Thursday honoring the
birthday - anniversary ' of .Mrs.
Warner- Utts Placen were ar
ranged for Mr. and Mrs. Ttts. Mr.
and Mrs. J. H.. liaker, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Power, Ml?s Florence
Power. Miss Rutti Barnes. Ralph
Barnes and Kenneth Power.
Teacher of Piano
TraascrlpUea, n&rmony inA Compoiltioa
. apacUlty.
Fint, Second, Ihiri n4 yoorta :
(rrd'. pr Iruoa . $1.0
Fifth Bad Sixth cradom, pr 1rsaa 1.50
Advanrwl itnH-iii. pr lni - 3.80
Edusitr Ajfcnls
for "
: "
!- '
.egal Slioes
ore yS&air Gfaoeo .
Because they're "all shoes." Stylish .
jesl But they don't depend upon-stylc only
trt sell them.
Tlie .real appeal of the Regal Sho is its
dollar for dollar Talne. Givinlyou all you
j ay for and, a great deal more. "
f t "'' ,' " - -" "f
Our stock of Regals is new and up-to-date.
See it and satisfy your footwear needs.
Uegals sell for
'At The Electric Sigh "SHOES''
Celebrating the twelfth birth
day anniversary of her little
daughter. Ruth, Mrs. Walter F.
Buckner entertained a coteiro of
Mttte friends with a delighttpl
birthday party yesterday. The ta
ble appointments were carried oat
in a -delicate color freheme of yel
low and white, accentuated by the
daffodils and greenery used about
the . rooms. In an amusing stunt
contest Maurine ' Styles won first
prize. The guest list for the pleas
ant affair consisted of the Misses
Rowena Eyre, Mauriue Styles. Mil
dred Gilbert, Lucile Pettijohn. Vi
olet Dnsenbury. Verle Couch, Mar
tha Hobson, Nettie Tibbets. Mar
garet Millard. Florence Powers,
Mary Cupper. - r
The many friends of Lillian Mc
Elroy Hunt will be sorry to hear
that she has resigned her position
at the Grand theater and accepted
a si'u iar one at the Majestic in
; Corvali. where she will operate
a ltope Jones W urlitzer. Mrs.
Hunt has held an angagement at
the Grand since the Installation of
the Wurlitier.
The management has secured
Miss Leah Way. of Boise, Idaho,
as organist. Miss Way has been
employed in thet leading theaters
or Salt Lake City and Boise, and
has held positions in Portland and
Seattle. She has proved to be a
drawing card wherever she has
been featured, and will undoubt
edly he a. favorite in Salem.
Miss Frances Richard, dean of
women at Willamette university
will leave the first of the week
for Spokane where she will at
tend the conference of Deans of
Women of the Pacific Northwest
which is held in that city annual
ly. Miss Richards will address
the conference on the subject:
"What Standards of Chaperonage
Shall be Maintained." This is
a subject that has caused a great
deal of comment throughout the
stabs. and at the annual national
conference in the east' recently
quite a furore was created by the
manner tn which It was handled
by the speaker choosing it ' as a
Thursday evening a group of
friends gathered at the home' of
Mrs. C. J. Greene to nJoy an eve
ning at cards. , A light luncheon
was served at the close of the
game to the following guests:
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Clark. Mr. and
Mrs. William McGIIchrist. Jr..
Mr. rl Mrs. E. T Bus.eile, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Srauldin. Mr.
and Mrs. Merlin Harding. Mr. and
Mrs. D. J. McKlnnon. Mr. and
Mrs. William Hamilton. Mr. and
Mrs. Roy H. Mills. Mrs. LeRoy
Leedy, and Mrs. Will T. Neill of
"Numerous Salem folk are
planning to go to Portland Wed
nesday to attend the concert giv
en by Charles W. Clark, baritone,
who will appear under the aus
pices of the Rainbow district. Na
tional Federation of Musical club
at the HelUg theater. There will
be a luncheon in his honor at
Multnomah hotel Tuesday .noon,
followed by a lecture. "Personal
Reminiscences - in Parti and
Abroad." in the grand bail room
of the hotel. He will be kecom
panied at the concert by Lillian
Jeffreys Petri, pianist.
.Among the Salem folk planning
to attend are Myrtle Knowland.
Lou Jennlson. Mr.' and Mrs. k-i
car B. Gingrich. Pauline Reming
ton, Evelyn DeLong. Gretchen
Brown. Myrtle Pelcher, Hilda
Anisler, Doris Allen. ,
. '
Tho n.in7htra nf the American
Revolution met at tbo . residence
of Mrs. S. C. Dyer yesterday af-
, ternoon for one cf,'the most .en
joyable meetings of . the season.
Messages were received from var
ious chapters represented at the
state conference here last week,
complimenting the Chemeketa
chapter on their rordjal and beau
tiful hOHpitality to Ihe visitors.
-The meaning -of Chemeketa
Our Home" had been exempli
fied, the message stated in the
treatment accorded the delegates
during their stay here.
Mr. and Mrs. wllBam J. Carl
ton were hosts for a very delight-
ful birthday dinner party on Sun
day. March 20, honoring Henry
Hockert on his eightieth birthday,
inviting a number of friends who
were all former residents of Gow
rie. la, the former home of the
hosts. Yellow spring flowers
were hsed to decorate the rooms
and table; the yellow scheme' o
ing carried out in the menu. A
large birthday cake bearing
yellow candles held an important
place on the table. The day was
spent In recalling to miud many
( old time friends and events o
past years. Besides the hosts
those invited for this affair were
the honor guest. Mr. Hockert and
daughter. Miss Altla Hockert,
Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Williams. Mr.
and Mrs. Harrison W. Elgin. Har
rison Elgin. Jr.. Robert Elgin, all
of this city, and Mr. and Mrs. K.
L. Martindale.. Helen Louise Mar
tlndale, Edward Martindale. Jr..
Mrs. Henry Hall. Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde J. Carlton, all or Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Peterson
entertained at their home on
Wednesday evening in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Noyes who are
leaving soon to make an extended
tour of Minnesota. -North, and
South Dakota, Illinois. New York,
Colorado and California.
Mr. and Mrs. Noyes expect to
be absent from their bome about
Bix- months visiting friends and
relatives and looking after busi
ness interests.
- -The guests. of the evening were
entertained at five hundred, Mrs.
Allison Bunn and Mr. R. A. Blev
ins receiving the high score for
the evening. A delicate luncheon
was served ny the hostess assist
ed by Mrs. William Hord and
Ivsn Putnam.
The) Invited guests were Mr.
find lira, William Howd, Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan Putnam. Mr. and Mrs.
Allison Bunn, Mr. and Mrs. Lee
M. Lane. Mr. and Mrs. II. Kratte
boll, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Noyes.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Blerina.
Complimenting the Elks lad
les Mrs. Miller Bevfer. Mrs. 0. 1
Fieher and Mrs. Clyde Johnson
were Joint hostesses at a social
evening Thursday., Suggestive of
taw,-Easter season,, yellow was
need as a' color 'motif In the dec
orations. Oregon grape being utll-
ized extensively, and yellow shad
ed candles accentuating, the
scheme. Five hundred was the
diversion of the evening. Mrs. LI
tner Daue and Mrs. W. Cravatt
carrying off the high honors. A
two course luncheon was served
by the hostesses at the close of
the evening.
"The guest list Included Mrs
Charles Knowland, Mrs. Frank
Ward, Mrs. E. Kapphahn. Mrs. Dr.
D. Burton. Mrs. E. Kartx. Mrs.
lee Canf ield. Mrs. W. Cravatt.
Mrs. Elmer Daue. Mrs. L. W.
Gleason. Mrs. Scott page, Mrs. E.
C. Quinn, Mrs. Dr. O. A. Olson,
Mrs. Lew Aldrich. Mrs. F. G. De
lano, Mrs. W. I. Needham, Mrs.
Paul Marnach. Mrs. E. G. Knhn.
i Mrs. Cary Martin. Mrtl C. A. Vlb-
bert. Mrs. Dr. John Sites. Mrs
J. C. Perry, Mrs. C. Inman. Mrs.
Cal Patton. Mrs. Harley White
Mrs. S. E. Loose. Mrs. L. Simon
and Mrs. O. J. Schel.
Heralding the advent of Easter
tide. Mrs. Walter Kirk and Mrs-
Tom Galloway will be joint host
esses at a dainty. Easter breakfast
this morning. Gay Easter flowers
and pretty seasonal favors will
add a touch of charm to the de
lightful affair. Places will be ar
ranged for Mr. and XI rs. Roy Bur
ton. Mr. and 'Mrs, Frank Myers.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Webb. Mr. and
Mrs. Armln. Steiner, Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Calloway and Mr. ahd Mrs
Walter Kirk. y.
Miss Dollye Morell. of Vancou
ver, and Miss Krma Becker, of
Portland are the house nesta o
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McElvaln dur
ing the Easter holidays. .
Mrs. Catherine A, f!ron, Is en
tertaining as her guests at her
homo on Bellevne street. Mr. and
Mrr. Capithorn. of Toronto. Can
ada, who are 'en route to Califor
nia for an extended sojourn. Mrs.
Brown and Mrs. Csplthorn are old
school mates.
, One of the charming hostesses
of the younger set who entertain
ed during the past week was Miss
fsonla llaldT. a of O. A.
C,"vho Is Jiiroe for the Easter
hoiuais. Miss ilald sv-i an at
tractive luncheon for her sorority
p sie",. mtnibfi of the lelta
Zfta fororl-r it the co':Ihs. on
TuevJay aftwiucon. s-c ehoae
the wild r?l currant for her de
oriMve motif about l! rooms.
Members of the . sororlt weie
Miss Doroiir Edwards. Miss
Liura GarnJcW, Mis Winifred
Hksen. Mis Glrade Leinkaeni
per and Miss Helen Moore. An
additional guest was Miss Luella
Patton. All the guesti are col
lege student, home for the Eas
ter vacation.
Mrs. John Hald opened her
home to members of the Monday
Afternoon Bridge rlnb last week.
and presided as charming hostess
over the, gathering. ' Mrs. Arthur
Moore was recipient or the hon
ors for highest score. Members
of the club are Mrs. R. B. Good in.
Mrs. Arthur Moore. Mrs. Frank
Bowersox, Mrs. Charles Murphy.
Mrs. Grace Eoff. Mrs. Ralph
Glover. Mrs. Otto Brandt and
Mrs. Hald. Additional guests for
the afternoon were Mrs. J. W.
Lewis. Mrs. II. S. Poltal and Mrs.
W. I. Staley. The next meeting
will be in two weeks at the home
of Mrs. Charles Murphy.
Mrs. S. E. Oliver entertained
with an Informal afternoon at
her home on South Winter street
Thursday in honor of her daugh
ter, Mrs. Lola O. Farsman of Se
attle, who Is her house truest
(arlag a visit of indefinite length
in Salem. The women wno rauea
to meet the visitors were Dr. Mary
I'urvine. Mrs. wfanioo mun.
Mrs.' M a ry Roogers. Mrs. iiacnei
Reeder, Mrs. H. II. Cory Mrs.
W. U Rosebrauah. Mrs. L. W.
Cooper. Mrs. Jim Shepherd. Mrs.
E. K. Fisher and Mrs. cilirora
Mrs. R. P. Jacobs wai hostess
at a pretty dinner on Tuesday,
Inviting, a few friends In, Infor
mally after the Shrine dance. Aa
ait vase or Japanese quince cen-
tered the prettily appointed tatle
around which, were seated -Mr.
SLd Mr. Borneo hoaley. Mr, a 4 .
Mrs. Z. J. Rlggs. Mitt Edaa Kg.
Ingfoa, Miss Eunsne Craig. Ctrvt
Roll a son sad fl. K. DeWlU.
- -
House guests of Mrs. J. a. La-
cock are Roderick FLb and Jtc
round, students at tte OrtfX
Agricultural eolg. wk are
itlng Mrs. , Laycock's m.,
Harold Laycock, dating the kvj.
(Coatlaaed on ptf T
Would you faint if your
file elerk produced a let
ter from, your filea in
less than ten seconds.
' Any service slower than
that is an exception in
offices that use thc-"
Sc E" Direet Name Filing
We can show you
scores of actual stop-watch
tests made in offi
ces of nationally known
firms in which three and
four second letter finding
is not unusual.
Let us show you how it
Salem . Oregon'
l J , r" "Tusi I it .
CJ) V '
-f A.- -
vt .y ' ''
f H E
. -
x Lalor. Sa?Ia -Dericcj .
w - . . . .
In consideration dLthe imdrchdhdlseAve. give
you, are much lower than you can get else
where. Our business for the last twenty-six
years, since it was founded, has always been
uuuuuuieu on znese lines. .n . .. 5 , r j
' - 1
is fast being recognized as. one. of the Best Sweepers that can be
bought. It is equipped with wenty-four feet of cord one-fifth
horsepower motor, The speed of the motor is 9,000 revolutions
per minute; brush revolves 1350 revolutions' per minute has a
, lever that cuts out the motor-driven brush if you do not desire
to use same. Let us demonstrate this Sweeper.
'Ask Abbtit The Western PlpeleiH Furnace
It is made in the West for Western people and for Western fuel
The firebox is oblong, thfis enabling yon to put in a long stick
of wood, flat, instead of standing on "end. It weighs More and
Trunks, Bags &nd Suit Cases f
Our showing in Trunks. Bags and Suit Cases is very complete. If you are thinking
of taking- a trip in the near future, come in, and let us show you our line.
EXTRA SPECIAL Genuine Leather Handbag in 16,. 17, or 18-lnchV Values op to
I mo : . y ' ' : ss
House Furnishers ; , 310 Court Street
Sales Representatives Sherman .Clay & Co. Pianos