TIIK WEATHER mm Tbe Statesman receive tbe leased wire report of the Associated Press, the great est and most re jllable press association la the worli. Fair east, probably rain west portion; fresh to, strong westerly winds. SEVENTIETH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 26,' 1021 PRICE: FIVE CENTS coin en FRACTURED 10 PLANE CRASH 2-YEAR-OLD IS LURED BY WIDE WORLD Aboard Ills Kiddy Kar, Utile Son of Ray Lewis Decided Jio Go a-Traveling Deciding that ' he would go traveling, the.'llttle 2 -year-old boy X-Ray Examination Shows If; Condition Of TranS-Con,- kiddy kar and Journeyed forth lineiUctl HVIdLUI OCMUUi -I noon. CHANGE MUST OCCUR BEFORE TRADE OPENED Clad In his coveralls and stock ing cap, the sturdy little fellow showed stains, of travel, when taken in custody by Police Officer Porter at the Oregon Electric de pot, having made the long journ- CAUSES ACCIDErTT bikiddy kar. UWUU S . . C W V t tf. WUX he was disagreeably muddy, he was undismayed and. full of cour age until taken into the police station, when his courage failed. His brown eyes filled with tears and he. lifted his voice in strong protest. A taxi was called Into service and the child was taken to his home. , Fever is Developing. ENGINE TROUBLE Flyer Says Will Make Trip Yet if Death Does Not ': , Stop Hint V Soviet Authorities in Russia Notified That U. S. Can not Consider Resumption Of Relations Yet. BODY OF CANAL REPOSES III STATE NATCHEZ. Miss.. March 25. Tbe following bulletin was issued it the hospital late tonight:. "Lieutenant Coney is suffering from fractures of the third, fourth fifth lumbar vertebrae. He a naralyzed irom tbe chest down; temperature 103. We regard bis condition as very, serious." NATCHEZ. Miss . March 25. t . -9 S SnaS'w, vrgZZ: uansonu: High Dignitaries From .Ail neatal aviator who en parts nf . S. to Go to irnvnTl 0 liH.. PLUUaT U1M.1U0CU I - , w . w . tonight that hir back was Ira,c .tured and that according to phy iciana attendine him. he has about one chance in ten of recov erlng. He- was brought here to- ntsht and is conscious and cheer ful. ' Physicians said, however. ' that a fever was. developing. Funeral BALTIMORE. Md.. March 25 The body of Cardinal Gibbons, dressed In the robes of his office, lay tonight in the upper room of MONROE. kA.. ,arch 25. I the arcbiepiscopai residence on Badly injured xhen. he fell with! North Charles street, which he his airplane after sxrising a occupied SQ many years. on the Mose Lanier farm near Crowville. 'ln the swampy, section of Franklin parish.' northeast Louisiana,, Lieutenant W. 'D. Coney trans-continental flyr, lau today was en route to. Nat chet, where he will be given mad Ical attention. Lieutenant Coney, who was at tempting 4 . return flif ht from Jacksonville. Fla., to San Diego. Christian brothers relieved members of the cardinal's house hold early this morning as watch ers and omy high dignitaries of the church and the cardinal' grand niece and grand 'nephew were allowed In the death cham ber. All others of the multitude who called at the residence were told SALEM JOINS i DEMAND FOR NEW HEARING City Attorney Smith! Directed to Act With Other, Towns; in Phone Rate Case j I DEBS AGAIN If ROUTINE ECONOMIC SYSTEM " , IS; DEALT WITH No Indictment Made Against Bolshevism as Politi cal Body Cat. attempted to land near Crow-j tnat tne cardinal's body could not vUle, when engine trouble aevei- Tiewed until it was placed In oped and la so doing, crashed into cathedral , Sunday night or -a tree. He tell about 75 feet. The earT Monday, It waa planned to lieutenant attributed, the cause to haTe guard of honor begin Its eaglaa. trouble. . first watch at 8 o'clock Monday Falls In Swam pjr Section. morning and continue until, 9 ' Crowville. 11 miles from a rail- o'clock Thursday morning, the road, and la the midst of a sparse- day of the funeral. Except for the ly Bottled, swampy section, gave announcement of. the cardinal's every assistance to the flyer. The death and requests for prayers two village physicians rendered for the repose of his soul the ser- first aid soon, after he was pulled vices in all the churches today from the wreckage, hy a farm- were unchanged. But at all the hand. Although not-prepared to masses tomorrow and until fur state definitely, ' the doctors exr ther notice, where rubrics permit pressed the belief that his spiae the prayer "pro de functo cardi wa either broken or severely in- nali" (for tbe dead cardinal) will Jured. An X-ray evaminattoa will be said by the. clergy in all the be. necessary, to J determine accur churches in the arch-diocese. Sim rately, they suted . ilar orders were expected to be In talking with physicians, issued by the bishops of the other Coney said he would yet make tbe diocese in America, transcontinental flight it death While the cardinal's last words does not stop him. He expressed were blessings upon those of his . the, conviction that he would have household, he sent a message to done so this time. If it had not the pope on Tuesday through been, for, the, fog banks. Monsignor John Bonzano, apos- "tf bad a fair flight until I tollc delegate to., the United struck the fog banks along the states. river he said, "and then L lost "please give to the pope my raj way to some extent and from I message of allegiance. Tell h:im the Mississippi river until I hit 1 1 am giad that it is not he who is the rronnd 1 was firing low. I was preparing to make a landing because ot engine trouble when I struck a tree and went down. I do not ! remember much about coins: intead of me.. He la needed bv his church." This message was sent to the pope at the same time that news of the cardinal's sudden turn for what occurred after I struck the! the worse was sent to the Vatican. tree until I found myself in the! Nearly all the archbishops and arms of Mose Lanier and bis good i bishops ot the United States nave wna, who; conveyed me to tnetr sent word that they expect. 10 at noma. I guess It Is all. over. I tend the funeral. Paralvsls Is Feared. I .ArchblsbOD Glennon or oi. Drs. C. M. Darrell and. W.I Louis will preach the funeral ser- Winn. who. attended ' the young mon. Further details of the fun- fiver throughout the dav were not I ral were not completed today. Prepared to sav tonight as to 1 Reverend W. Carroll MUbolland whether be would live or die. "If of St. Mary s. seminary will do he doesn't die," said Dr. Darrell, master of ceremonies. Messages "I fear he will" be crippled or 0f regret and sympathy continued paralyzed for, life." The pnysi-to pour in, throughout tne aay, Ciana lata lwliv tanned the fol- I lowing renort tf hla condition: BOSTON. March 2o. Tbe "Llentenant Coney Is Daralyzed fassachnsetts bouse of represen- ln his lower extremities, where tatives today initiated a Joint re- 'here; Is loss of sensation and mo- solution on the death of Cardinal tioa.' Hi temperature is 102 1-2. Gibbons. The resolution, which Pulse, 100, : respiration 26. He Is -m gQ before the senate Monday, conscious and cheerful but does "reads: not talk much." "Ordered, that the members ot The Injured man late this aft- tne senate and house ot represen- rnoon sent a telegram to Miss tatives pause in their duties to Siary. Morgan, San Diego. CaL, rec0rd their sense of the great aid to be his fiancee. The mes- iogs that as befallen the nation in was hrief, merely stating the death ot bis eminence, Cardi- 'ffly plane fell this morning and r.ihhonn. who for many years fcr spine was seriously Injured." has hen BO potent a. force in The -lieutenant's mother made everything that has made' for a i-antlc efforts to get in touch with nobier jus'ter and. purer national uer on by telephone this after- mmA reat dualities as toon, but was unsuccessful. Mrs. I unP-).m.n. citizen and patriot Brunswick. Ga., j ....i.-, o serve as an in- WASHINGTON. March 25. The -American gotTrnment noti- II ed tbe soviet authorities in Rus sia today that resumption of trade between Russia and the United States could, not be considered un til, fundamental changes had been made in the economic system un derlying the soviet regime. Safety of human life, guaran tee of property rights, free labor and observance of tbe sanctity ot contracts were, among the re quirements laid down in a note by Secretary Hughes as essential if trade relations are to be re newed. The communication add ed, that "convincing evidence ot the consummation of such hang es" must be furnished before this government even cared to discuss the subject. The commun'cation was made public at the state department in tbe form of a statement by Sec retary Hughes with the notation that a copy of.it should be sent to tbe American consul at Reval. Estbohia, to be handed to Litvin oft, soviet representative there. The note was in reply to tbe ap peal recently addressed by the so viet jegime to President Harding and congress asking that trade re lations, between the United States and Russia be restored and pro posing to send a delegation to tbe United States to negotiate. : "Whole . Administration Agreed Prior to making a, final decis ion, the Russian trade question was discussed by President Hard ing and his cabinet. In & state ment after tbe note had been made public. Secretary Hoover de clared the conclusion reached "shows the - complete agreement ot the views of tbe whole admin istration." Unlike official pronouncements of the American government's at titude toward the soviet regime. Secretary Hughes note dealt sole ly with the economic aspects or tbe. -problem and made no at tempt to discuss the. political short comings ot the unrecog nized Bolshevist government. It set forth, in a few words the rea son why the united States con aiders it poor business to trade with Russia under existing con ditions, but making no indict ment against boUhevism as a po litical system. x Wilson Xbt Yet Modified It was pointed out. however, that there was nothing in the note to reverse or modify the coramun nication to Italy in which the Wil son administration set forth last August the unwillingness ot the United States to enter into politi cal negotiations with a govern ment "based upon the negation ot every principle of honor and good faith. The manner In which today's note was made public had none ot the air of usual diplomatic ne gotiations, being contained in this official announcement from the state department: The secretary of state made the following statement today. copy of which, transmitted by cab bie to the American consul at Re val, will be handed by him to Lit- vinoff. "The government of the Unit ed States." says the communica tion, "views with deep sympathy and grave concern the plight Of the people of Russia and desires to aid by every appropriate means in promoting proper opportunities through which commerce can b established on a sound basis. It is manifest to this government that in existing circumstances there is no assurance for the de veloment of trade, as the sup plies which Russia might now be able to obtain would be wholly inadeauate to meet her needs and no lasting good can result as long ; Mayor George H. Halvorsen of Salem yisterdav directed City Attorney Ray L. Smith to pro ceed in. collaboration Iwlth -City Attorney Tomlinson of! Portland and the city legal advisors of about eight other Oregon cities and townsvln demanding a rehear ing of the-service rate case of the Pacific Telephone Tele graph company by the public ser vice commission. j The mayor's action was In re prnnse to a . telegram I received yesterday from Mayor" fceoxge L. Baker of Portland, asking that the action be taken if Ihs Salem authorities were so disposed. At the meeting of the Salem city council Monday night a epe-J rial committee was appointed to J inquire into tne xeasiDiuiy ot tak ing such action and the district attorny was instructed to work with the committee. I While the committed has! not yet made a report. Mayor Hal vorsen said yesterday tkat he-felt justified in instrnetingj the city attorney to co : ahead with! tae oth?r city attorneys and that, he felt sure the council wpuld bak him up. PRISON LIFE Socialist Leader Returns To Atlanta After Secret Jrip To Washington to Discuss Case With DaughertyJ LOWER CARLOAD MINIMUM IS FOR HOP SHIPMENTS SOUGHT BY SHIPPERS OF NORTHWEST Discrimination in Favor of California Exists and Public Serv ice Commission Puts Up Fifcht for Restoration in North west of Limit Prevailing Prior to Federal Control Urging the contention that dis-'U TOO or 750 bales. A bale BROCCOLI D ORGANIZED AT SESSION HERE crimination in favor of California now exists in regulations govern ing the shipment of bops, thf public service commission and representatives of the hop indus try of Oregon and Washington art attempting to have the carload minimum limit restored to 15.000 pounds. Instead of the 18.000 round limit that was fixed while the railroads were under federal control. California has the 15,- 000 pound minimum. , T. A. Livesley of Salem, repre senting th"9 growers, conferred with members nf'th errlro fnm. FeelS Department Of Justice m,S8lon yesterday relative to the cesirea cnange. The basis of the movement for a reduced minimum is tbe size ot the ordinary order ot hope, which CHANCES FOR PARD0PI BELIEVED' GOOD Forty Acres Actually Pledged To Launch Hew Industry And Figure May be Doub led in Few Days, Fair and Square With Him weichs about 200 poands. The result Is that when an Oregon or Washington shipper consigns an ordinary order of bops it is neces sary to pay freight on 3000 or more pounds in. excess of tbe act ual weight of the shipment. The soft ice commission, acting in behalf of the northwest grow ers, has docketed the case with the transcontinental freight board at Chicago, In addition, because of the number ot shippers ot hops whose Interests are common though they may be located In different sec tions the service commission is taking tbe case up with the can- Score of Farmers Sign An what action tbe California state cfficials will undertake in defenss of tbe lower minimum. RUSSEL ROUNDS UP GROWERS OF VALLEY Agreement to Devote Ground to Vegetable ATLANTA. Ga., March 23. Eu- eene V. Debs returned to the At lanta' federal penitentiary today to resume the routine of prison life after his trio to Washington where be discussed his case with Attorney General Daugherty ' The socialist leader, who ii serving a 10-year term on convlc- j tion of violating the war-time es- i ninnnro nri waa im in ni tr . - I l - ..... rUIDM MUST f?.y Large cheanul as he alighted from the A rM Dlr rB,a "a in me Drier ume oeiore Hiuuuiu iu raiicu ucuiisine met the warden and was whisked away to the prison, an SPHI BETS uiE coin Local Firm to Ship Lumber For Construction Near - Oroville, Calif. MEDFORD, ' Or., March 23.4 One of the largest money verdict ever rendered by a jury in Jack son county was that given at Jacksonville late today in a suit against Chester C. Kubli, a stock- swered, every question except those about his conference and his chances ot release. Appreciation of Confidence I appreciated 'the confidence shown in me by letting me go k) S man. tor $42,202.72 alleged to bet alone and on my honor to Wash- due on overdrafts, drafts and checks cashed by tbe Bank ot Jacksonville before it failed, the action being brought by F. C. Hramwell. state superintendent of banks. The verdict was tor the full amount sued for, and this will, now be made a part of, the assets of tbe defunct bank,, 'and I ington," said Mr. Debs, enjoyed the trip. "ies, i m going tack to be a good convict again." he said smil ingly a moment later in answer to a query as to whether he was go ing directly to the prison. The socialist leader feels that the department ot Justice has been "fair and square with him so far, no matter what the final decision Is." according to Samuer Castle- ton, attorney for Debs. LOS ANGELES. March 25. I Mr. Castleton joined him at Bu David Leffler, 65. and his nephew I ford. Ga., this morning and dls- KlfXE!) HY FALLING TREK. The Charles KJ Snaulding Log ging Company has been awarded ine contract ior lumber to be used in constrnction of the plant for the Hutchinson Lumber com pany near Oroville. Cal. Prelim Inary shipment of 4 00.000 feet of Douglas fir for the mill Is no being made. The plans o: the Hutchinson company Include a new townsite known as Adelaide to be located Just west of OroVUle. In addition to tbe various nn its ot the manufacturing plant. housing accommodations for em ployes will be built by the com pany at the new townsite. Frank J. Pearrlng, 33, were killed today when an eucalyptus tree. uprooted by a high wind, fell across an automobile in which they were riding. . H 0 f Week Awards Statesman Classified Ad Contest Each week the Statesman will give three cash rewards for the best "stories" about Statesman Classified Ads. The awards wilr be announc ed each Tuesday morning; 1st reward. $2.50; 2nd re ward, $1.50; 3rd reward, 1.00. Contestants must see that their "stories" reach the Statesman, office before Mon- day morning of each week in order to be considered. Last Veeks Awards. - A number of very Inter esting "stories" were receiv ed last week; and tbe judges have decided upon the fol? lowing as the winners: 1st reward. $2.50, Tearl Brown, Lynch. Neb. ( 2n.d reward Miss Gerald ine Davidson, Brownsville, IL F. D. 1, box 5, Or. 3rd reward. Leona Neal, 1055 South 12th. Out ot the large number of stories received, the Judg es have decided that the fol lowing should have compli mentary mention and will be published in future Issues. 1st. Eugene T. Prescott. 541 Mill street. 2nd. Miss Olive Smith, 1815 Trade street, 3rd. Ruby Jayne Allen, 290 South 21st street. The story winning second complimentary mention is published in full below; the others will be published In futre Issues of The States man. Watch for them. F 1 Til cussed tbe status of the case 'I think his chances are good. said Castleton. Deb" left here Wednesday morning, his departure shrouded la secrecy on orders from W ash ing ton, but there was no special effort to prevent his return be. coming unknown. warden ItPi-hiit declined to sar wbat train he would come m on but arter More nan 1UU Arrests Are ueos arrival ne maue no euun to prevent Debs talking to any one who cared to question mm. Tbe two shook hands In hearty fashion as Debs alighted from tbe train. Debs greeting the head of tti. minltpntlan r with "I'm mlKhtv rlad to see tou again, Mr. War den." ' Arowt-rs Few Question Immediately there was a pop fire of questions from newspaper men. -Oh, I can't talk to you about Made in Miland Dis aster , in is There waa a gathering of farm ers and fruit growers that com fortably filled the auditorium cf the Salem Commercial club roorss at 2:30 yesterday afternoon, re sponding to a call for a meeting to consider putUnr In motion a movement to establish the broc coli Industry la the Salem district. White Slave Case Originat- Organisation ot the Salem Broc- - - - -w-. .wvmt w w M Acaa4W Vfc tne meeting. - K. J. Hendricks was chosea as temporary chairman. and tterfe was a free dlseasston con cere In r all the matters concerned with tbe starting of the Industry. movJr from the point of view of securing me proper seed and psrsuinr ilm Branr mathvia nf a Federal Judj-e R. S. Bean la ' ,,,., An ' Portland that it . had hopelessly Tht, ,nv. t... disagreed, so the court discharged I around the information th. , ing in Salem May be Tried Second Time After an all night session, the Jury In the Charles J. Cameron hite slave ease announced to the Jurors, , Cameron was plact-d on trial Satirday . lasf on a charge of transporting 17-ycar-old Mary Al- vls, inmate of the feeble minded school at Salem,, from Oregon into Washington: Trial was con cluded last Wednesday, the Jury being given the case about 4 p. m. The government subpoenaed 27 witnesses and Cameron was al lowed to Call nice at the expense of the government, after he filed a pauper's oath. Witness fees and their mileage cost the gov ernment more than $1200. Tbe Jury could not agree as to whether Cameron took the girl across the state line for Im moral purposes or merely to aid her In escaping from- the state Institution. Assistant United States Attorney Flegel represent ed the government and James Slapleton the defense. Meanwhile Cameron will be held in the county Jail pending permission from Washington to retry the case. MILAN. March 23. The gov eronment has offered a reward of 20.000 lire, and the proprietor ot the Diana theater in which a bomb explosion caused the death ot 31 persons and the Injury of 100 others recently, has offered 1A AAA fftp Information mA. that." Debs said to ' almost ; every , R to the arrest of the bomb question regarding the conference ,hwer RECOVERS in Washington and tbe chances ot & pardon as a result of it. Motion picture cameras were erindinr awar as he passed down the station and for a time he would not pause to permit special pictures but he finally yielded and with a brief apology to the warden for his delay, faced the battery oi cameras. Warden Zerbst drove tho car in More than 100 anarchists al ready have been arreted In con nection with the outrage. After the explosion, according to the police, a cab containing four persons was seen driving in tbe direction of tbe office ot the socialist newspaper Avantl. A patrol of royal guards tried to halt the cab but the driver was ordered to whip up the horse ACUTE ATTACK Former President Suffers From Sudden Return . Of Indigestion . , I v. V. n .wl fVoKa and fastletnil went to the prison and passing by and the men .escaped the postoffice halted a rew min utes while Debs went In to mall some letters. Halt an hour later he was back In the prison again. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. March 23. "While I am heartily against allowing men who have been con victed of crime against the Unit ed States government sucn as Dehs is to wander about the country without escort as though they were free agents, i am not In favor of making a fuss over this particular case." said Iemuel Bowlse. national edjutani oi mw American legion, in commenting tonight on the protest of.the Geor- rla Heoartment of tne legion against liberties Known r.uene V. Debs by the government au- Self-Styled Jehovah , Goes to McNeil's tho fit ies. " t "I think It would be far better mtfwm Im ii rrv the CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Ueturn of th- traitor Bergdoll to the United States to siana iriai or When Ail In Need of Help a Classified in securing the release -of the two Will Solvo the Problem. . Americans who tried to him. and who are now being held Coney, waa at where she went from Jacksonville Wt morning after witnessing the eutenanfs hop off. splration come." for generations to . JACKSONVILLE, Fla., March 25. Mrs, E. F. Coney, accom panied by an elder son. left here tonight for Natchez, Miss., to be the bedside ot her son. Lieu tenant W. D. Coney, trans-conti- ontai aviator, seriously injured Emergency Tariff Bill Will Not Be Changed WASHINGTON. March 23.. rtoinpoH with requests for todav wh. hi. -hin rrashed rhanees in the emergency tantf Bcr Crowvin. Tj - The news of the accident 'al btOSL nrns.tratr.it' fra PVwiev but Jhe recovered sufficiently to start " trip after receiving news that probably, would .recover from bill te be put before a special ses sion cf congress, precisely as ve bv; President Wilson, house wars and means committee mem bers reiterated today that the moaanra would oe BUDmuiea without modification , as the present causes of progres-J slve Impoverishment continue to operate. It is only in tne produc tivity of Russia that mere is anv hope for the Russian people and it Is idle to expect resumption o trade until the economic bases of production are securely establish ed. Production is conditioned up on the safety of life, tne recog nition of firm guarantees ot pri vate property, the Eanetlty of con tract and the rights ot free labor. If fundamental changes are con templated, involving due regard for the protection of persons and property and the establishment of conditions essential to the main tenance of commerce, this gov ernment will be glad to have con vincing evidence of the consum mation of such changes, and until this evidence is supplied this gov ernment Is unable to perceive that there Is"any proper basis for considering trade relations." Five long days. Mr. Brown had passed in search ot a position, but all in vain. He bad almost given up in despair, when one morning his landlord addressed mm: "Well, my friend, haven t you found employment yetT" "No. Mr hv th Germans. - ... . 1 .1 mm Mr. Bowies stated empnaucaiu thai he was not expressing the opinions of his superiors In the, legion and that he did not Know what tbeir opinions were. Jones. I fcuess that I am out ot LandlOruS TeSllTy luck as no worit is to ixriouna. - a T.n.nie i Mn,,0 "Mr. Brown may I suggest the Daily Statesman as a refer ence. I know of several other men who have found great consolation i in times ot need by the reading of their want, ads. He then handed the morning Statesman to Mr. Brown, who turned quickly to page rive, where to his great joy h found . Just the position .he wished for. To make a long story short Mr. Brown Is now holding a good po sition ami feels greatly, Indebted to the Statesman. Miss OUve Smith. -1812 Trade Street, Salem, Ore.- SAN FRANCISCO, March 25. Joshua Sykes and A. M. Dean, the former the "self-appointed leader of the house of David." "Jeho vah" and the "ruler of Heaven and Earth." and the latter his sec retary, were started toniuht for tbe federal penitentiary on Mr Neil's island, where they will serve 18 months and a year and a day respectively, following their conviction of blocking the selec tive draft. Sykes was arrested in Denver after he had started twice for San Francisco, each time re turning to Denver on accoount of an alleged "vision" which he hald foretold of the end of the world. WASHINGTON. March 23. Former President Wilson was said tonight to be recovering satisfactorily from an acute at tack ot Indigestion which he suf fered shortly after noon today. Admiral Grayson, the former pres idents physician, said It probably would be another day or two be fore Mr. Wilson could be consld ered as entirely recovered. Mr. VSilson has been subject to nervous indigestion for a number ot years. Most of the afternoon was spent by th former presl dent In bed. Late In the after noon he was up tor a little. and soemed to feel much better. given by C. C. Rassell. of the Wa conda neighborhood, whose ad dress Is GervaU. root 2. who Ls been successfully growing brocco.l for six years, and who has bee a experimenUsg with seed growm. Mr. Rossell had vls.ted the Broccoli growers near Indrn dence and Oswego La the rit couple of days, and he was at'n to give the prospect! re growers vti were present a great deal ot prac tical information. . Ovtr0 Acres Aasxtred. After the discussion the foJlom lag men agreed to grow the ttaa ber of acres named this year: C. C. Russell. CervaJs, Route 2. 12 acres. K. B. Kngel. Salem, Route 2. three to five acres. M. C. Petteys, Salem. Route 2. three acres. II. E. Rideout. Independence. Route 1, three acres. gee. Salem. Route I. three acres. Savage Brothers, Salem. Gar den road, three or more acres. J. M. O'Nell. Salem. Route t. one acre. D. A. Hodge. Salem.. 1S8 North Twelfth street, one acre. Henry Lynch. Salem. Route 2. one acre. Albert Egan, Gervals, Route Z, one acre. U. J. Lehman. Salem. 217 Sonth Church street, one acre. Jacob Idlewlne, Salem. 212: North Broadway, ane and a ha'.; acre. C A. Dowd. Salem, Route . one acre. C. C. Armstrong. Sales. Roate C, one acre. P. W. Woelke. Salem. -Ronte 3. one and a half acre. J. It. Bedford, Salem. Route 2. one acre. . Ross Hammack. Salem, Ro-jto 8.. one acre, Q. W. McLaughlin, 2557 Leo sueet. 8alem. one acre. J. A. Crabb, Salem, Route I. two acres. The minimum tojal pledged, as above Indicated, was 4 0 acres. However, word was brought fcy men present, from their neigh bors, indicating that over 50 acres will be put to broccoli In the Sa- Burke, Nationally Known Evangelist, Passes Away ' GAINESVILLE Tex.. March 23. Joseph Steven Burke of Kansas City. Mo , nationally known evan gelist, died here tonight follow ing an operation. Apostolic Faith Sued by Wilbur Hughes Because, of Influence on Wife; $20,000 Damages Demanded OMAHA. Neb.. March 2. Landlords testifying . before the stale legislative committee Invest igating rent conditions In Omaha, declared they could not. knowing ly, rent an apartment to a mem ber of the Omaha Tenants leagun "not because he is a member of the league, but because ot the methods, the league used to com bat a tsitwation brought about solely by economic conditions. The i t t.rl.w Tnat r-nm- mlttee will reconvene next week .t Lincoln. DALLAS. Or.. March 23. (Special to The Statesman) One of the largest damage suits vver brought in this county was filed this wee by Wilbur Hughes of Dallas against the A posts lie Faith mission and various members of that organ ization. The suit is the outcome of alleged influences of members or the A postal ic Faith with Mrs. Hughes in causing her to Join their church against the peace and happiness of ber husband and family. Mr. Ilughn state In his complaint that although Mrs. Hughes Is III and In need of medical attention she refus es to have the services of a phy sician as it is strictly against the practices of her religious belief. Trouble has be-n brewing " between Hughes and the mem bers of the mission for some time. Not long ago he ap peared at services one Sunday morning and endeavored to in duce bf wife to leave the meet-. Ing. whereapon he claims he was put out of the hall by sev eral members and later on ar rested for diftnrbing a relig ious service. He was fined $10 and costs in a hearing before a justice of the peace. . The defendants named In the suit are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holman. lrs. Frank Splawn. Mrs, C. A. Rice and Clem Swan-son. Iera district this year; with over 75 acres as good as assured, an l much more than 100 acres likely all to be grown with the Idea ct developing the Industry on a com mercial scale, with shipments la car lota to the eastern markets. Another Meetiai; hootu There will be another meeting within a tew days, to be called by the temporary chairman, who was instructed to find a temporary secretary. One Is wanted who will be able to give some time to the work, and who may be easily lo cated by any one needing Infor mation or help of any kind. Oregon Agricultural college au thorities will be communicate! with, and a request made for help In several ways. , No time Is to be lost, for plant ing time la only a little over a month, away though Mr. Russell found one man. near Oswego, who put out broccoli in September of last year, and is now cutting a ery fine crop for the Portland market. The Salem Broccoli association.' was adopted temporarily as the name ot tbe new organisation. More Are later ated. Senator Alex La Follette was present, and be hopes to get one ot his sons Interested la the In dnsiry. Gideon Ftcli took part, and he may put out fUe acres or more on some nw orchard land. Mr. Hines. of I lines Brothers, Gervaia. is one of the men who entered into te discussion. Tfcf have been experimenting vli" .(Continued oa Pg I.) . usuries.