THE Ont-CON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY MORNING. MARCH 25. 1921 5 GIT Y NEWS IN BRIEF .,K.h Reconknl A number of births? were re corded this wek, among them be ing a daughter born' to Mr. and Mrs. Karl j A." Lundenberg, who jjTa' one mile east ot Salem.' on March 22. ' She baa been given he name of Hope Karin. A daughter was born to Mr. and lira. Frank; T. Deein. route 8, on March 20. March 21 a son was born to Mj and Mrs. Paul Lip art, 1148 Norway street. Mr. tad Mr8. Roy Rae are the par ents of a girl born March 21. She nas been named Nina Loraine Rae ' A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs! Jesse F. Prince. 1980 North Liberty street, March 18. Welty Musical Trio r: At the Bligh today. Hippodrome attdeTille. (aav.) -.. The Iteftt' Style''- Are none too good for the Eas ier season, and we furnish yon tha best In cut and fabric. Mo- iner, the tailor, (adv.) Woodburn Ium1 Sold- ; -Mr. and Mrs. Bert J. Byers sold 10 acres of improved land near Woodburn for the sum of $6500, to Hans E. BJelland. Fme Vaudeville Four dandy acts at the Bligh to day and tomorrow, (adr.) State Buys Land The state has added to its hold ings 71 Jacres of land lying east of the Mate 'automobile shops near th penitentiary, from Rus sell Catlin. Twentv-two thous and five hundred dollars was the price paid by the state for the property. ' - Fritter Italtit lO Cents The Ace. 127 North High, (adv.) 1 Dance Tonight Old Company M dance, Dream land rink. (adv.) Divorce Complaint Filed An action for a divorce was filed yesterday in the circuit court by Anson V. Jacobs against Addle M. Jacobs. Desertion is cited as course for complaint, and Loganberry Growers Meeting will be held Commer-lalso that the sale of real estate cial club room March 26th, 2 p. m. I may take place, taav.j ; . . Jut. Arrived Car load of 7-foot split cedar fence posts. Spauldlng Logging Co. Adr. Women's Krlief I rj Will hold a rooked food sale Saturday at Davies Shop, 3H7 State street. All members are expected to contribute. Adr. w. n. ri win iicm cooki Food kale Saturday.; March 26. at Davies Shack and every member Is expected to, respond, (adv.) Legal Blanks Get them at Tne Statesman .of fice. Catalog on application. (Ad) Staley Buys Property- Mr. and Mrs. w. I. Staley have 1 sltion to furnish you the best of Easter Style Kaster is proverbially the time of new clothes. We are in a;t purchased lots 1 and 2 of block 19 in Falrniount Park addition. from Ri B. Fleming. The con sideration- was $1500. Buit-ft. the latest patterns. sber, the tailor, (adv.) Mo- Announcement i . ine work or remodeling 1 my new optical parlors lis now pro gressing rapidly. 1 expect to be ready to take care, of my practice again in a iew aays. iur. u. K. Hnrdette. New location 325 State street. (adT.) r Couple to Marry A license to wed was issued yeRterday in the office of the countycirk to Gladys Oddie and Charley K. altman. both of Ger vais. Wheel Broken A broken wheel on his automo bile was the result of a collision occnring yesterday when E. A. Aegerton. route 8. attempted to pull out from the curb on Court M reet. and was struck by an au tomobile driven by L. V. Polk, 234-" Myrtle street: In making a report .of the accident to the po lice department. Mr. Polk claimed that Aegerton failed to give a Flg PricJH Are SU11 Jxm ( ThereTihts been no advance in our pricWras th Easter season approaches. In fact they have dropped. Mosher, the tailor. (adv.) County Realty association at the Marion hotel. W. F. Gilliam, a .retired far mer of Portland, is in the city this week. W. Bishop, a i bop buyer, of Portland, is in the city. Fred llelding of Kstarada- is registered at the Argo hotel this week. Pete Freres of Stayton was In tne city yesterday in the inter ests of road business In district No. 33, of which he Is road pa trolman. John Porter, a retired farmer of Silverton. was in Salem yester day. Mike Clarget of Cbemawa was transacting business at the court bouse Thursday. Ralph Gilbert of Haiel Green was a visitor sln the city yester day from that section. If. It. Jones of Ankeny was in Salem yesterday. WOMEN GET Just Keceived a Carload - Of cedar fence posts. Are go ing fast- Falls City-Salem Lum ber Co.,1-349 8. 12th St. Phone 813. (adv.) Anto Rati Lai or Repairing Modern equipment, prompt ex pert service. Nelson Bros., 3"5- 359 Cbemeketa St Adv. Johnnon Divorce ase- Tbe Statesman of Wednesday contained a news item concerning the granting of a decree of di vorce in the case of Mary A. John- CERTIFICATES Red Cross Course in Home Nursing and First Aid .j. Completed f? i CARE OF CHILD TAUGHT from Medford to Butte Falls for the operation of a motor car for mall Carrying purposes. The rail road some time ago went Into the bands of a receiver atd re cently has b en old. Kdsall has been operating bta car for some time, bat has now been told to desist from the use of the tracks. It Is said the people along bis route have no other adequate fa cilities for mail service. Uruquay Considers . Credit For Germans WASHINGTON. March 24. Uruguay is considering an exten cion of credit to Germany to per mit the purchase of Uruguayan wool and other products, said report today to the state depart ment from Montevideo. 99 Eugene O'Brien : In "Worlds Apart Comedy "High and Dry" Coming Sunday "Forbidden Fruit" Final Account. Filed Final account of the estate of Peter Dasett, deceased, was filed yesterday In the county court, l&e court has set April 25 as the date for hearing of objections to Its approval. Saturday Story Hours Tho story hours for the little folks at the public library Satur day will be held at 9:30 and 10:20 o'clock. Miss Gibson will enter tain by telling the stories of "The Selfish Giant" and "How The Ele phant and The Whale Were Tricked.". BROCCOLI RUNS 111 CUDS Miss Shiach, Instructor, Finishes Work and Will Leave Today Forty-five women of Marlon and Polk counties who completed the classes In home nursing and emer gency care of injured or sick giv en under the direction of Miss Mary Shiach. Instructor nurse of the home service section of the f EGGS i i , Friday and Saturday we will pay ' ( 18c Cash 1 ; ' ; For fresh ranch eggs ROTH GROCERY CO. son and lliram Johnson. In which Season pr0ves Exceptional- Marion county Red Cross. hae ! TREES . 7r Bprlag FUmUn Order ttvm THE SALEM NURSERY CO. - 43 Owro Bnainf ' I i L 1 M :: O O O . t Fiona 1763 . A aamifled Ad , Will bring you a httjer. Dance Tonlsrht ; Old Company M dance. Dream-! land rink, (adr.) Easter Sale Special 10 per cent discount on all millinery until Saturday niht. Come and bny yonr new hat at Mrs. L. G. Curtis. Masonic Bldg. (adv.) Mrs. Johnson was awarded the custody of their adopted child. Leo Delbert Johnson, and $40 a month for the support of the child. That i the record, as far as the decree is concerned. But the findings make h much dif ferent tdiowin?. The case was tried before Judg-e II. II. Belt of Dallas, sitting at Salem. He found that the plaintiff. Mrs. Johnson, failed to sustain any of the allegations as to the cruel treatment of the defendant In fact, that she failed to; maintain any of bar allegations at all, al ly Favorable for Growers At Independence Administratrix Appointed- Clara.! L. Pike was appointed yesterday by the county' court as administratrix of the estate of Isaiah D. Pike, who died intestate March 1 0, 1 9 2 1 . The value of the property is estimated at 13760. Easter Liliefu-. All kinds of potted plants, cnt flowers will be sold at Fletcher & Byrd's Feed Store, 233 N. Com mercial I from Plants i Green Houses. (adv.) Two Are Arrested G.-C. Brundridge and Ernest Brundridee were arrested last night on a charge of disorderly conduct while in the Otto Wilson garage on South Commercial street yesterday. They were re leased after putting up bonds of $25 each for tbeir appearance be fore Judge Earl Race today at 2 o'clock. The broccoli crop of Independ ence will amount to nine car lots this season. Already, through the Oregon Growers Cooperative association, shipments by freight nave been made of four car lots to eastern points, and two car lou by express to Seattle. Spo kane and other northwestern points. There are three more ieging grounds for divorce; but I car lots to be shipped by the as been granted certificates as re ward for their work. Many mors ihan this number registered for the courses but either dropied out or were unable, on account of sickness or inclement weather, to attend a sufficient number of the classes to secure their certif icates. ' The coarse included, in addi tion to lessons on what to do in an emergency for a burn, cut or acute illness, valuable infotma- ti-m about the care of children. especially in the prevent!oa of communicable diseases, and more U. S. ARMY GOODS STORE 230 So. Commercial SL, (Marion Hotel Block) "Forbidden Fruit" - Prices will be, adults, 33 cents children. 20 cents: afternoon or evening, although it is In tbe 50c class. Adv. Dance Tonight Old Company M dance. Dream land rink, (adv.) Saltt awi , I . Service VALLEY II0TOR CO, !WltM. Divorce bjr Refaolt A decree of divorce was pr ant ed yesterday td Margaret Mont gomery from Samuel Montgom ery The defendant failed to ap pear and the case went by'jle faulL -T. r H 'f Ask your grocer for; ,;dixie doughnuts 23c dozen - 8ALEM BAKDtd COMPANY J3I Court SU , Phone 954 $TZ "WALLFELT" Cheaper and Better , Than Cloth 5Jj MAX 0. BUREN 179 N. commercial si. The Salem Sewer Pije Co. Has just finished the delivery of about S000 feet of sewer piie 'or sewers for the city of Salem. This. will practically wind np the sewer business for the city tnis winter. The plant expects to re sume, work on drain tile, sewer pipe, and reinforced road pipe about April the lOtu. (adv.j Two Autos Damaged Automobiles " driven by W. E. Compton. 1660 Fir street, and by an unidentified driver, were dam aged Wednesday night in a colli sion at the intersection ot Com mercial and Washington streets. 1 soclation td eastern twiint before I oartUularly in the warding off and defendant on October I. 1913.the season closes. Icare of the common cold. The This last season has been a fa-1 lectures, nuxber is. iiave coverea vorable one for tbe Independence I a period of about five n'onths. and had continued such desertion. Therefore a dere! of divorce was made in the case. The decree of divorce, therefore, trss really t ran ted to the defendant. Mr Johnson. , Alaska Pink Salmon (2 cans Tor 2-t Canned Peaches (large cans) 2c Canned Apricots (large. . cans) .....,13c Grape Preserves, per can 13c Men's O. D. Cotton Gloves, per . 10c Men's Heavy Leather Work Gloves, per pair 7Se Men's Good Leather Gaunt lets, per pair f 1. 10 Men's Reclaimed Khaki Pants :..$1.23 Men's Assorted Colors Dres Seeks.-per pair SOc Wool Suiting Blankets, each Best O. D. Wool Army Blan kets ai.i3 Men's Tan Army Shoes. p?r pair $-V0 lien's Tan Marching Shoes. per pair tCJhtt Our $9.00 Navy Black Shoes (now) MJtri Men's Good Army Work Shoes f-1.0. Men's Black Leather Auto Gloves 33 Men's Leather Puttees, per ' pair ai-K and Men's Good Blue Cnambray Work Shirts Oc Don't Mi Hearing Monte Austin. Grand. Sunday. Adv. More BnmKt Certified The state Irrigation securities commission yesterday certified an additional bond i'ie of $10,000 for the Talent Irrigation district of Jackson county. The money is to be used to complete con struction work. broccoli growers. According to Sloper brothers, the f heaviest shippers, the price this t year av erages 25 cents more a Crate than for that shipped last year, even when all food commodities were selKng at a top figure. Through the Oregon Growers association, the Independence growers have been receiving from $1.23 to $1.6a a crate, with an average of $1.30 a crate for car lot shipments made by the asso- elation. II.r Monte AuMir At the Grand Sunday. Adv. PERSONAL MENTION - 1 - I Salts Cleaned ...fUSO Suits Pressed. , . . . . ....... 60c Salem Cleaners & Dyers i 121S a. Com! 8L Phone 1S68 WHXH 29 SALEM. O&EQON up at 4 BLIGH HOTEL A Tloiti Away From IT am Strirtly Modrrn Sl.OO per dy 100 rooms of Solid Comfort Only Hotel in Buaineaa liiatrkt ninv 0 nATirrOCAV , CROCEIUXS 1 i III Court Street Phone 409. 18 lbs. Prunes......... ...f I-00 Onion Sets, oer Ih 1 package Cornflakes .... . . . . 9e i nickaee Post ToasUes. . .He No. 5 Lard .... . . . 5c mnnLiXD GROCERY 1 Tl V.mnM rn rnvr ar. 746 Highland Ave. Phone 496 . lbs i q.i.uiAAA vum r ' - - a AIM) p I CVHJLi cas f-'-'t 1 Better Goods For Less H. A. Keene Of Shaw was a vis itor in the city yesterday. j J." D. Henry. Raymond, Wash,, was in the city yesterday on bus iness with the state highway com mission. ' Henry C. Porter of Auraeville was transacting business in-tho citv Thursday. 1 M. EL Lee. a realty dealer of Portland, was in the city yester day in j attendance at the Thurs day tuncheon of the Marion During the. past two or three weeks Miss Shiach has substituted the longer course wit, out two- hour lecture in each of a numbet of surrounding towns, touching brictly on the topics covered more fully in the longer course. Amoni the places visited were Oak Crove, Siivertcn. Mahama. Mt. Angel. In dependence, and Jefferon. At the latter place 6he appeared before the Women's club and at Silver- ton about 15 towns cmen. high echoed and seventh and eigh'h rrade clrls heard her lecture. MLis Shitch is leaving today for PRTY TO RPVIPW fiASF her home in Seattle, having con. I w I to I to w w I . . . . i i t.A w i m pieiea iue Tim. uuu uc - sent to Salem by the Northwejt Division -of the Red Cross to ac compliofc. She has been in Salem for a little more than five moath. Following are the names of the women who received certificates for their wrk: Salem Mrs. Rose R. VorU, Mlis Dora Walker, MJss Louitej cu-hreider. ilUs Freda Beck. Miss raullne MtClintock, Miss Helen Hardy. Miss Marion Linn. mu Esther Roller. Miss Elsie Schulxe. Men's Hip Rubber Boots (first grades) per pair S35 Men's $12. SO Men's All Wool O. D. Long Pants 4.73 Men's and Boys New O. D. Wool Lace Breechers Men's Reclaimed O. D. Wool Lace Breechers.. .. .$3JV Plaid Mackl- naws. now $4.oo Toung Men's Wool O. D. Ar. my Coats f 1.T3 Men's Red and Blue Hand kerchiefs IOC DEBS VISITS DAUGH- (Continued from page 1) communicative, nor did he evince any desire to talk either before or after his conference. The attorney-general told news papermen that tbe calling of Debs here did not mean the adoption of a policy ot general amnesty to ward political prisoners, but was merely to facilitate the investiga tion of the Debs case. Just received a lot of Army tents, folding cots, trench, shoes, reclaimed hats, wrap leggings, mess kits, canteens. .Prices reduced en. maay articles. Come In and look througn. We can save you money on many things you need. U. S. ARMY GOODS STORE 230 South Commercial Street medal ! A. H. MOORE'S r' I I It Paye to Trede at The ? FARMERS CASH STORE Cc Burton Dnrdall 147North Commercial J 47 DANCING - ITnsiairs . - at NomkinsT Cafe, every Taesday. I Thursday and Saturday nignu. inriMB and ' Chinese aisnes. 162ft N. commercial u At The Electric SIfn "SHOES W. W. M00RE Furniture Store The Home ot the Vlctrola Xou get more for your money t ; - Moore ; . r WOOD WOOD Can O. H. Tracy Wood Co. r for all kinds of , j. dry wood !;--;' ; phone 620 We pay 2c above the market price for eggs and products PEOPLE'S CASH STORE Prompt delivery ELECTRIC MACHINE & ENGINEERING CO. for Thor Washing Machines and ; I , Electric Work and Supplies ' 117 Court St. ; Phone 488 HARTMAN BROS. CO. For Fine Jewelry ! i , . ' . : Jewelers and Optician . Newj Shoe Repairing Shop . JUST RECEIVED V arn perfect Llauld Paints Beasonable prices Capital fnmitore & Hardware Co. s Commercial Phone 947 WW. -w AUCTIONEER G. SATTERLEE 404 Ferry SU Salem, Oregon - Phones iht a , Talking Macnlnes ana Player rianoe ana ; j Investigate The Mutual Life of N. Y. Up-to-date policies. Lower net cost. J. F. HUTCHASON, District Mgr. 271 State St' Phone 99 Our mission in life is one of re sponsibility. Our professional wis a'om and our tact ful politeness is assurance of the superior charac ter of our services mimmiin il What jHave You? We buy, sell and exchange haw - - . m J ...t tare. Btnv.a nnrM. rncs. tool, etc I We will buy you OUt. , ! . : col. w. f. nucirr . Auctioneer 71 N. Com"! St Salem, Or. List your sales with M People's Furniture v Store ; "'t T 104T phone 784 J Do yon take TURKISH BATHS If not, why not? No other hatha or treatmenU can prodnce the permanent re lief to the person suffering from disagreeable cold or all menu of the flesh or body like the Turkish Baths wllL Open 8 a. m. until f p. m. , OREGON BATH HOUSE Lady , andGenUcmenj Iteixfr Stop! Look! Listen! Just as dozens'of people pay no attention to the sign at the railroad crossings, so are young men and women ev? ery day Ignoring the very plain warnings In the bus iness world. Success almost invariably comes through some partic ular knowledge. , some spe cial training. There are more marked successes made In the business world than In all other lines of endeavor. Give yourself a special bus iness training that will help you successwaxd. ' Write or call for lniormauon as how we can help you. I JiSfH 1 SUFFER E V FROM E ATLANTA. Ga.. March 24. The departure from the Atlanta penitentiary yesterday of Eugene V. Debs, who discussed his case with Attorney General Daugherty in Washington today, was shroud ed In secrecy. Tbe fact that Debs had left the prison was the subject of rumor here last night, but not even his attorney. S. M. Castleton, knew anything about it. according to his own statement. F. C. Zerbst. war den, avoided questioning by keep ing his whereabout concealed and late today when located for a few minutes, declined to discuss the matter. ' The unprecedented trip., as an nounced by the attorney-general. was the first time Debs had left the penitentiary since he was sent here in 1918. His trip to the sta tion was understood to have been under guid of department of Jus tice agents. It was understood tnls was a precaution to forestall pos sible interviewers. Debs was scheduled to return here Friday. He has been regard ed as a model prisoner, according to a recent statement of the war den and so far as known has only once been disciplined. That was on the occasion of his criticism of , President Wilson shortly before the latter retired from office. Mrs. Effic Ratcllffe. Miss. VeOna Williams. Mrs. L. W. Weber. Miss Lizzie Haines. Miss Mary Fake. Miss Alice Handle, Miss Francis Wlederkehr, Miss Ruby Wieder kehr. Miss Mina Riggs, Miss Hen rietta White. Woodburn Mrs. Molly Hunt. Mrs. Clara Bonn. Mrs. Ina Mills. Mrs. Minnie L. Trudlinger. Mrs. Nettie Simmons, Mrs. Dorothy Klant. Mrs. May Hawley. Marlon Mrs. Effle Barber. Mrs. Lee Smith, Mrs. Virginia Higby. Dallas Mrs. W. T. Hlbbard. Mrs.'C. O. Tennis. Mrs. H. M. Webb, Mrs. Ethel Mack. Mrs. LII lie Vaughan. Mrs. Blanche Eakin. Mrs. Clara Slngleterry Mrs. Min nie Trafxer, Mrs. R. G. Balderree. Mrs. Oscar Hayter and Mrs. Kate P. Boyd. Hubbard Miss Luclle St. Pier re. Mlsn Vesta Scholl. Miss Velma Scholl. Mrs. Charles Kinzer, Mrs. M. W. Mayger. to f r Capital Business College Do you suffer from eye headache? This is one symptom of eye trouble that should not be overlooked. Tbe brain in sensing the messages brought to it by the optic nerve Decomes overworked when such picture-message Is obfeureand causes brain-fag and head aches that nothing will re lieve except correct vision. Let our optometrist exam ine your eyes. Mayor of Bandon Files Application For Water George F. Topping, mayor or Bandon. has filed personally with the state engineer an application on behalf of the city of Bandon for the apprppriation ot 10-nec-ond feet of water from Willow creek for a' municipal power plant. It Is propowl to develon 795 horsepower, utilizing a head of 700 feet. The power plant will be located a short distance south of Bandon, necessitating the construction of a transmis sion line. It Is estimated that tbe development will cost S105.- 000. A small reservoir will be b.nllt on Willow creek for tbe purpose of equalizing the flow. Other applications have been filed as follows: By Edwin O Morse of Amity covering the ap propriation of water from an un named spring for domestic use and irrigation of a small tract In Yamhill county. By Louise Hoerlln i of Hood River, covering the waters of an nnnanied sorinr for domestic wa ter suddIv in Hood River county By Roy Conley of Buck i-ora. Oregon, covering the appropr.a tion of water from North -Myrtie creek and springs for Irrigation of a 10-acre tract and domestic supply In oDuglas county. Libel Filed Against San Francisco Walnuts Motor Car Owner Asks Right to Use Railroad Jed Edsall of Medford has ap plied to the public service com mission for an order allowing him to continue to mo the tracks ol he Pacific & Eastern railroad AUG TION Saturday, March 26th, 1921 at jny store, 404 Ferry street V New Mattress, not at any price, but at what you will pay ; dining chairs ; bed springs ; brooms ; a lot of dish es, new ones; rocking chairs, and a lot of other goods. This sale will start at 1:30 p. m. and close at 3 p. m. One hour and half of bargains at your price. I am clos ing out my new furniture. Come to this sale, be on time BBBWK. f'.il III 404 Ferry Street Salem, Oregon G. SATTERLEE, i i ' . Auctioneer Phone 1177 ' PORTLAND. March 24. A II- hel was filed in the federal court here today, against five cases of walnuts slflpped by a San Fran cisco firm to a local candy factory. The complaint alleged that the Walnuts were decomposed and un fit rnr human consumption. The nrveedfne was broaeht under lie federal pure food L -r,3 WOOL1 JERSEYgJACKETS $7J95 to $12.48 These jaunty jackets, in heather, blue and bright red, are proclaimed the great ne cessity of every sports outfit. We could not resist buying them nor will you be able to. PLAIN SKIRTS And to wear with them we have purchased a very desir able assortment of striped and checked skirts in wide and narrow pleated effects. The wide variety of , colors and styles gives you an ample choice. And the prices range from $9.75 to $19.75 f r -3T fir tT7 hi: i - : -i i " - - r h -. bt -km f 'F 'I! - -f-ra. T7 V U 1 A .. .