The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 25, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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M RT1 III rT"l Tl T rVTi a' V TkT V M I I Ml IL&.'I'II fVi
ltiHi uttEAiUix oiiicOiUvj.-M, ovLx..Ji, uikuuwi , ,
f , Issued Dally Except Monday by
--. 215 S. Commercial St.. Salem, Oregon
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lication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited
In this paper and als o the. local news published herein.
U. J. Hendricks. .
Btephen A. Stone.
Ralph Glorer. . . .
Frank Jaskoskl . .
...... .Managing Editor
. . . . . Manager Job- Dept.
DAILY STATESMAN, served by carrier in Salem and suburbs, 13
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DAILY STATESMAN, by mall. In advance, $6 a year, $3 for six
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Entered at the Postotflce In Salem. Oregon, as second class matter.
We leara from the esteemed Statesman that Coneress
man Hawley has wired that he is working for the resubmis
sion of the Fordney tariff bill with the items unchanged and
that therefore a tariff on cherries is assured and the pros
perity of Oregon growers thereby certified.
. "All of which is tidings of great joy. If it wasn't for
Mr. Hawley's occasional telegrams to the Statesman, we
wouldn't know we had a Congressman i for we never hear of
him otherwise. It is a source of great satisfaction to know
.that Mr. Hawley is still in the land of the living. Although
in Congress for many years, no law bears his name and no
i one. has heard of him except through his own wires since
the good old days when Uncle Joe Cannon ruled the roost
and commended him as a 'Me-too Congressman.
' ','Of course there is a fly in the ointment the Fordney
bill only places a three cent a pound tariff on cherries when
it might jusut as well have been thirty cents or three dol
lars, as far as effect on the price received by the grower is
, concerned. But the intelligent reader must understand this
; is not Mr. Hawley's fault and the defeat will probably be
remedied later when the real thing in the way of a tariff is
" ''America must not become the dumping ground for the
cherries of a war ruined Europe. Germany might pay her in
demnity with cherries and devastated France might be re-
habilitated by shipping us cherries -and Bolshevik Russia
might re-establish her departed commerce with cherries i
J the emergency is a great one. but we can rest easy, for a wise
Congressman stands like Horatia at the bridge to check the
'. therry invasion. t , :r
r...rrui course last year, without -a tariff -to save ourcher-
a pound. ..This year,-the outlook is that, no matter how high
the tariff, the cherry crop will not bring half of last yeaPs
.figure. It will be remembered that when there was a high
v tariff on prunes under the Payne-Aldnch act, prunes sold a
4 less than half the tariff duty. But there is nothing like puil
Ing yourself up by the bootstraps and that is what! the
; Fordney tariff attempts. Even the stand-pat Oregonian pro-
; "It Is just as well for Mr. Hawley. to srold-brick the or-
chardist along with the farmer, for as Barnum says, peopl
; - like tot be humbugged. Moreover by-throwing a sop to the
I producer, his support is secured for a tariff to enrich the
trusts and that is the milk in the cocoanut."
profit ; providing there is the proper marketing arrangement
made in advance. ....
Talking of enriching the trusts: The trust that nas Deen
enriched at the expense of our cherry growers is the maras
chino trust ...
And surely our own producers should be considered oe
Italv. SDain or anv other country; surely it
will not help the Italian growers to allow both themselves and
our own growers to be impoverished by the maraschino
trust - . : . . ,
Ar.fl surplv the oeoDle of the United States will be bet-
m vt oil Vioinppflv wnHH bv beine truaranted pros
perity through a protective tariff than if fret trade were
continued and our producers and manufacturers and labor
ers allowed to be dragged down to the Oriental and European
evels. ,
This is no iokinsr matter, if you are a cherry grower, or
any other kind of a grower or dependent upon the growers;
and we all are; for theirs is the foundation industry upon
which our whole commercial structure must be Duiiaea.
There is onlv one way under heaven by which our in
dustries in this country must be saved: our laborers kept
from being impoverished; our whole country Kept irom De-
.. . . . . i i i ; i i 1
ing pulled down to a lower level in every material aim muiai
- - . . . .. . . 19 M 1
And that is through the protective tarni, wnicn, inanK
heaven, n now assured first through the fordney emer
gency bill to be spread on the statute books in a little over
two weeks. nd. second, by the main tariff bill, to become a
law a short time thereafter; and to the work of Mr. Hawley,
espaciaily in the latter regard, the whole country will fce in
The prune story of the esteemed Capital Journal is also
a lemon; a joke. The duty on prunes under the Payne-Al-drich
act was 2 cents a pound. The idea that during the
vears when it was the law prunes sold for less than a cent a
pound is a pipe dream. It was in force from August 5, 1909,
till October 3. 1913. when the present Underwood Democratic
free trade law took its place. Even under the present law,
there is a duty of one cent a pound on prunes.
and there was no profit under
he sun.
'Therefore I hated life; because
he work! that is wrought under
the sun is grievous unto me; for
all is vanity and vexation of
"Yva. I hated all lahor which
I had taken under the pun; Ins-
cause I should leave it unto th
man that bhall be alter me.
"And who knoweth whether he
shall be a wise man or a fool?
yet phall he have the rule over
all my labor wherein I have labor
ed, and wherein 1 have showed
myself wise under the sun. This
is also vanity.
For what bath a man of all
his labor, and of the vexation of
his heart, wherein he hath la
bored under the sun?
For all his days are 'sorrows.
and his travail grief; yea, bis
heart taketh not rest in the night.
This is also-vanitv." ")
Get into
you can.
the broccoli band
Boost, and grow some, if
A' bank in North Dakota was
entered by thieves the other night
but they only got 8440. The Non
partisan League bad been there
Funny things we read in the
news or the day: "British law
maker declares England prefers
to pay war debta and does not
want the United States to cancel
loan." 'Rah. 'rah!
Broccoli Is the slogan subject
for next week. There will be a,
lot of Information on the indus
try one of the most Important.
right now, for the Salem district
to take up J
Former Attorney General Pal
mer admits that his beer ruling
"may mean beer at the soda foun
tain." If so, will the not sundae
devotees continue their patronage
in the strange new company? -
other time, it should be started
against the Republican legislatbrs
of Oregon, for that political bunch
have for years .misrepresented the
common people of Oregon.
Why didn't the last legislature
do something along the line of
curbing the profiteers, instead of
raising salaries? The fact of the
matter is, that when a person is
elected to office and they dare
to stand out for what is right,
and to "hew to the line and let
the chips fall where they may.'
that the ring will start a recall
In this case a' few telephones were
ordered out. but, mark you, the
telephone company will continue
to do business at their old stand,
and those who are hollering their
heads off at this time, or many
of them at least. If their financial
income was looked up, and their
investments deducted from the
same, it would be round, in my
opinion, that their profits would
be enormous, and there would be
no good public service as an asset,
The Kansas act which the gov
ernor has announced that he in
tends to sign, for-putting con
demned persons to death with gas
Is plainly a product of the war.
It isn't very much to put down
to its credit.
per cent are chargeable to wars
and preparation for vtar. It that
could be eliminated, th federal
overhead charges would be a small
matter, .otJ&..jfciX
No one can come to Salem with
a capital of 37 cents and an abun
dance of Kail and build an $80,000
apartment bouse. But there is
room for the man here with J80.
ooo to build the $80,000 apart
ment bouse. Several of them.
, "Leon'das!" exllaimej Mrs.
Meekton. "are you aware that I
was reading my essay on politics
aloud to you?"
"Yes. my dear."
"But you went to sleep."
"Why not? You removed every
doubt so thoroughly and solved
every problem so completely that
I saw no necessity for retaining a
personal consciousness." I'tica
Stop Rheumatism
With Red Pepper
Rheumatism, lumbago, neuritis. 'minutes It warms the sore rpot
backache, btiff neck, sore muscles.
i trains, aching joints. When you
are suffering so you can hardly
get around. Just try "Red Pepper
Icub' and you will have the quick
est relief known.
Nothing has such concentrated,
penetrating beat as red peppers.
Instant relief. Just as soon as
you apply Red Pepper Rub you
teel the tingling heat. In three
through and through. Pree t
Mood circulation, breaks up
congestion and pain Is gone
Howies Red Pepper Rub, mii,
from red peppers, costs litti t
any drug store. Get a-Jr at
onre. Almost instani relief
you. lse It for cold is eh.
No matter what you bavs ne4
pain or congestion, don't fsQ u
try Red Pepper Rub. Adv.
From the Preacher to Purdy
there is a long span of years, but
the spirit is the same; -all was
then and is now' vanity and vex
ation of spirit. ! 1
But Mr. Purdy might perk up
the.wortt is yet'tocome;. for
Democratic hopes nave gone
where the woodbine twineth and
the whangdoodle moumeth and
the wild lion suckleth her young;
and they have gone to that far
country to make a long, long
y- ) ... 1V:
Gone to stay and sport with the
gimplecutes of thai forest place
primeval till a hew generation of
voters shall grow up, having no
memory of the days
from 1913 to 1921. !
'v 1 "The above ebullitions from the spirit of mirth and scin
tillations from the shades of cynicism, by the esteemed Capi
tal Journal, will no doubt pass for humor in the free trade
camp if there are members of that camp still in the land
of the living;. The Statesman has not heard of any lately.
' Daniel Webster was a srreat and useful national fizure:
and no law bears his name. The same may besaid of a long
list of the truly great in our national councils.
But a great many lawgjtear the impress of the industry
and ability of Congressman Hawley y . j a
Laws redounding to the benefit of his district, his state
and thenation at large. r
Mr. Hawley is a large figure in Washington; he is among
the fifty, yea, the dozen leaders of the House, and he is so
recognized by the best authorities. About the first of the
year, for instance, the New York Journal of Commerce, sym
pathetic with the importers (the free traders) of the coun
try, interviewed a number of the Members of Congress and
'Senators on the prospects for a protective tariff bill and in
.quoting Mr. Hawley that paper gave him the credit of fore
shadowing the result of the hearings and labors of the House
Ways and Means Committee- , - ;
i As speaking as one having authority
( j 'Of knowing whereof he spoke "
' ; ; And th etastimate of Mr. Hawley is well carried out by
the fact that he is nowj made the chairman of the sub-committee
of the House Ways and Means Committep havinor in
charge the agricultural schedule; the most important Dlace
neta uy any man urine united orates at this moment, so far
j as the agricultural interests of this country are concerne.
i ? The fact is, Mr. Hawley Istands next to Chairman Ford
- ney himself in the great! task that has fallen to that commit
tee, in the framing of a hew tarif f bill. Mr. Hawley deserves
peat praise from all our people in sympathy with him in his
4 hard labors, instead of humorous quips and satirical knocks,
i . TheFordrey emergency tariff is only a makeshift, as
everybody knows; merely a way to protect our farmers and
fruit growers from dumping while the main tariff bill is be
f.. Ing enacted; and it should last for only a few weeks
ui., even ior inose lew weeks, it will serve the wool
- ? . ' men Iru" growers and various other producers
from a ruinous competition. No doubt Mr. Hawley is in
t- sympathy with this bill -wiMi -m i ili fT-tzfj.V:
new tariff hill
nnr rw?I emere.ncy law will at least make a sale for
' SJrSffS0me1,rlce-- About S200'000 h of our
v byeSdWrK the maraschtaJ
JSuSLlS? n i 0 .e mt0 thls market even after thev had
I. dStfra 7 we ttmg them from Italy and Spain,
The Fordney emergency tariff will make the foreimi
, cherries cost the maraschino manufacturernouirh f
, antee a sale of our product at mJfi$&
least, to save our growers from ruin ' n enoun a
' And Te sttesraa believes the main tariff bill will car
ry at least 6 cents a pound duty on cherries, and that i wS
be on the statute books in April or May '
- : - --h Stiarantea the sale of att' W cherries ata
Be careful, Mr. Editor of the
Oregon Statesman, Mr. Citizen
and Mr. Politician of Oregon.
Tour neighbors and acquaintan
ces are watching you and listen
ing just' now to what you say
relative to this recall proposition
and they know whether you live
in a glass house or not; when it
comes to overcharging and profi
teering, your throwing stones and
starting a recall on the public
service commission will get such
people nowhere.
You will claim that yon are
going to put a real public servant
up for the place of those now in
effice In t tie event they are re
called, and do you. know that If
you are succesful that the new
public service commission would
no doubt allow the telephone com
pany another raise in rates above
those now allowed by the present
commission. The probabilities
are that they would, as the tele
phone company are not getting as
rich as they should, considering
the money invested and the serv
ices given the public, as compared
wnn some or those who are de
manding a recall at this time.
. The fact of the matter is that
the public service commission has
done in this matter Just what the
law, as enacted by the Republican
state legislature, authorized them
to do, and I contend that if there
Is any recall at. this time, or any
.w.,rrh Trid.r. AnWerry
bra t ia. A r ir '
city, lows, and Willamctto.
TbZtX Glf Cloh. Gnm4
hJ?i wTrZ I!i,,tw,?-M,'
jV-Buftall, Sale. 8emtor r. K-
tllriWMi FridT 10, nt w
.',"m- wh w.n..
Hj . AZC. lt
l KuiLaouaJk, at Cklao, W ifliiatlH
(Like the preacher of old, all
is vanity for Brother Purdy; ex
cepting only Democratic victories
and they seem a long, long way
off.' He is referred for reflection
to the following, from a man who
tcok his pen . in hand 3000-odd
years ago. along the same strain:
''Vonltr nf wo n It Ian aalth t.
Preacher, vanity of vanities; all
is vanity.
"I have seen all the works that
are done under the sun; and, be
hold, all Is vanity and vexation of
spirit. 7
"That which Is crdoked cannot
be made straight; and that which
is wanting cannot be numbered.
And I gave my heart to know
wisdom, and to know madness
and folly: I perceived that this
also is vexation of spirit.
"For in much wisdom is much
grief; and he that increaseth
knowledge increaseth sorrow.
"Then j looked cn all the
works that my hands had wrought
and on the labor that I had la
bored to do; and, behold, all was
vanity and vexation of spirit.
r " 1
Broccoli meeting, 2:30,
At the Salem Commercial club
Go and help this industry get a
start here bn the carload scale.
Dr. C. H. Bailey of Roesburg.
started something when he start
ed the broccoli industry a few
years ago.
S -
Broccoli of the wanted kind In
the frozen east in the winter time
can be grown only n western Ore
gon; because It will not stand
freezing weather, and It does not
reach perfection in the south. The
Salem district can grow it as suc
cessfully as the Roseburr district
cut It has to be learned, and the
matter of seed selection and Im
provement and acclimatization
are all important. And ther big
market Is in the big cities beyond
me Kociues; so it must go In car
tots. The marketing question has
been solved. It remains only for
our farmers to perfect and pro
Of all the vast expenditures of
the United States government, 80
Is the Firm's New Name
The Capital Junk and Bargain House has divided its operations into two
separate and distinct departments. Each department will occupy a sep
arate part of their place of business. 215 Center street The front of
the building will be devoted to buying and selling all kinds of merchan
dise, and will be known as the Capital Bargain house t l.
This department which will buy and sell furniture, machinery, plumb
ing supplies, tools, implements, has already a large supply of these goods
on hand at bargain prices. 1
If you need anything in this line, it will pay you to come and look oyer
our slock and ask our prices.
'. y ...
House builders will find our stock of plumbing supplies very complete.
Oapitall Bargain
215 Center Street
Phone 393
Stops Pain Instantly Removes
Corns Completely
EtVrrbod.T, rrrrywherr nrrd to ka.w
"""ion f folk haw alrradr l.rn4
abut Cm-it. ' th guaranty' paiuleas
Is G G3
ron and rallaa rrmovrr. Any corn. na
matter how drp rvolr4. drprt aairklT
tirta-it arriTM Van4n-falI
"ipl. ,rt aiatpl vMidrrfnt. Iktmm all
orraraa atom villi ta firt aoDliratiaa.
"H nt of Toor r.rn and koa tkaX.
fit. Big aaoea amply mmkr mrx grow I
7 ,r" , "V M'k if ,iota-itV
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a inn rrrrrr. Mfd. f K 1 aw 1
-. .hiae. Ktd ia Kmm ,rf
New Styles Now on Display
Every Pair, Reduced!
An opportunity to buy high grade Shoes
at low prices. We are exclusive agents for
high grade Shoes carried in Salem
Ladies' Pumps and Oxfords--brown
and white r
$12 grades at... SO.O
Ladies' Pumps and Oxfords
black, $1Q and rfc
$11 grades at.... i) ( .yO
Men's Oxfords both black and brown, $10
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50c Rubber Heels Put On Every Wednesday, 25c
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Hanan Show
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Witch ElH Boob
IbotApplftrej 4
326 :Sthtea-Tfet6Xa!jd$ui;
t '