The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 25, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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HE Girl Reserves of Salem, be hostess for the Woodburn R-
T wm entertain the Girl Re
,rti of VVoodbura in the
r.oiUl City orer the week-end.
SI - rUltors will arrive this
worstni and be ! houseguests at
!h. homes of local Reserves. A
iVmbtr of informal social affairs
be given honoring them and
iYie weather permits tbero will
u ' a lift d Plcnlc Saturday;
TTiif noon the Salem girls will
Cjjta SeHool of Exprwion
ta Botwxond yalton, Director
147 If. commercial
phonB-p 184 J
Ipeclal Court ia Public Speakln
serves - at a .luncheon In the Y.
W - C. A. Saturday moraine irom
10 to 12 a, con vocational confer
ence will, be held.; a number of
business. and professional women
giving talks on vocational . train
ing. Among the speakers will
be , Miss ' Godsey. county - health
nurse. , who will address the girls
on physical welfare; Mrs. Alice
H. Dodd. who will speak on eti
quette; Dr. Mary Rowland, who
will talk about the medical pro
fession; Mrs. William Fleming.
who .will explain - the teaching
profession rand Miss Laura Ham
mer who will speak on "The com
parative advantages of , French
and American Girls. An effort
is being made to obtain the ter
vices of Mrs. R. Monroe Gilbert,
who will speak on the subject oi .
The social meeting of the Lad-1
Ear your Dlnnenrare In Open
. ; at
us K Uberfy St. Phone 67
accompanied by Mrs. Allc E.
Caldwell, is spending bis spring
vacation visiting in Mc.Minnv lie.
Portland. Tillamook and other
coast cities. They expeet to re
turn the latter part of the week.
Mrs. Z. J. Rites Is enjoying a
Short visit with friends in Port-
Mr. and Mrs. GUy Frink. of
Corvallls . have returned home af
ter a brief visit at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rowe. Mr.
and Mrs. Frink were accompanied
by their son and daughter-in-law
of Tillamook.
Adele Garrison's New Phase Of
Peak Js .Reacted In
Population of .Prison
SALEM, Ore.. March. 24. (Spe
cial) The peak of state prison
population for some years was
reached at the penitentiary yester
day when 345 prisoners were on
tne records.
The low water mark was Sep
tember 1Z, 1919, when the popu-
a -.
Miss Cornelia Marvin, state li
brarian, will return today front
Astoria where she went on a
short business and pleasure trip.
U '
Miss Zoe Stockton has returned
home from a week's visit in
Portland where - she was the
guest of Mrs. R. S. Farrell.
Mrs. E. E. Waters left last
evening for California where she
REVELATIONS OF A WIFE ltUm numbered only 243
The latest arrivals at the prison
are lee Guck, -Suey . Fong and
Won ,Vn Tnnir: f'hfriM hn
IHArTCK ZU I were convicted of ia toar mnn!r
" ,"r.yVJ,D JB"e for life.
LiiLLiiA. f nun nunni.
"What absolute idiocy, Lil
lian." I made the protest far more
emphatic than my own feelings
upon the subject of the mystery
of Robert Savarin's collapse at
Lillian's feet at the very moment
of his return from France. .There
.was a substratum, of horror
stricken uneasiness in my own
plans to remain ever the Easter Jther from excitement or the ef;
holidays. . .
will visit with friends for about I mind as to the very question Lil
two months. v I Han had voiced, but it was no
I part of my plan to let her guest
Mrs. William Mott is In Port-1 my doubt.
land as the house ruest of .her I "But. Madge!" A faint color
, t7r :Lnl sister, Mrs. J. R. Gerber. She was creeping into her face, wae-
public will be held with Mrs. La-
Follett at the W. C. T. U. hall.
on the corner of Ferry and Com
mercial street, Saturday, March
23. . -
Mr. and Mrs. Frank lleatv of
Portland, and daughters, Helen
and Ruth, were week-end visitors
of Mr. and Mrs. 11 any Rowe.
H. M. Caldwell, statistician for
the state accident commission.
Crandntother Recipe
Ilring Back Color and
Lutre to llalr
That beautiful, even shade of
dark, glossy hair had
O. A. C. Student's Special Tral
Oregon Electric Railway Com
pany. -
fjJ lZ7
JThis is the Big Day at the Big Store
Ladies? Taffeta and Canton Crepe
; ' Dresses : ;'
Sizes 16 years to size 4S.egular $27.50 values today
"rv '""n ; ' $1865 : ; : y r i
1 Unbleached Muslin ,
0xBO .Count; A regular 25c Muslin, today, 6 yards
6 yards $1.00
Bar Pins, Vanity Purses, Necklaces, Beauty -Pins,
Rings, Bracelets, Everyone worth from $1.00 to $1.75,
looay ; .
Metfs Ties
Brand New Shipment and some bargain today
1 ! 49c ' '
For the accommodation of stu
dents, the Oregon Electric rail
way will run special train Easter
Sunday, leaving Portland North
Bank station 4:35 p. m., Jefferson
street. 4:50 p. m., Salem 6:35 p.
m.. Albany 7:15 p. m., arrive Cor
vallls 7:40.
Passengers will be received for
Corvallls only.
J. W. Ritchie.
Extensive Development
Announced For . Oregon
fects of the hot draft she. had I by brewing a mixture of Sage
wallowed. "Didn't von hear him "a ana buiptiur. Your nair is
say, "I have come to tell yeu that our charm. It makes or mars
f hir f ' Tha- must mean 'I the face. When It fades, turns
have finished what I had to do gray or streaked. Just an appli
or 'I have found him. Don't you tation or two of .Sage and sulphur
think so?". enhances jts appearance a'hun-
"Why not, I have failed?" I drtdfo)d-v .v 4V
answered quietly, snatching at .Don't bother to prepare the
,ilT. n mixture; you can get thls.famons
m. ' ikhough in rial ttf i Telr recipe Improvedjy the addl
that her Interpretation of Robert "n t other indent. M a -Savarin's
unfinished sentence was f" 5,t- .5 Tm " "
tar more apt to be cprrect thaa Z,.
n'h mv dMr no von really wayf be depended upon to bring
. ?h m.T dear! 00 vou r 7 back the natural color and lustre
wins: soi , of your hair.
A"nh lVtfIA Sulphur Compound" now be-
b f . "t i- .n-l"" darkens so naturally and
But they drened. ,n.l.n evenly that nobody can:tell It has
other moment, and the ahadow . ' . -imw dm.
crept over her face again.
You no. doubt have heard by now '
that our women's store was destroyed
by fire, early yesterday morning. .We
will, however, for the time being, xe
sume business in our men's store, 416
State. Street. New goods yill be arriv
ing daily. 1 , V . ,
"I must not let myself berieve
been applied.' -You simply damp
en a sponge or soft brush with
it and draw this through the hair.
In a letter to the public service
commission the California-Oregon
Power company of San Fran
cisco announces an extensive Im
provement and construction pro
gram in Oregon, mainly In the
neighborhood of Klamath Falls.
The letter says that the com
pany will Issue $1.00.000 In
bonds and that most of the ex
penditure of the resulting funds
will be in this state. - The com
munication is in response to a
letter sent out by Commissioner
Fred G. Buchtel to the leading
Oregon utilities suggesting that
mediately on any contemplated
Improvements or extensions so
that their operations may aid in
forestalling any . serious unem
ployment condition In Oregon.
h1'. A,w!lK- '.rif taking one small strand at a time;
E? y gy hir h.
rLK,r Tv.: .a k,n- appeared., and after another ap
plication it becomes .beautifully
dark and appears, glossy and lus
trous. (adv.)
for svery Crop and Boll require-1
meat f
North Portland Or
. t -
For Easy Terms and Prices sea ox
1Q44 laxlon .6L ' Phone til
horrible thing had hap
pened " . , , .
Her eyes widened: with fear. .1
saw that she was incapable of
thinking clearly, of forming any
sane judgment. I put my .hands
upon her shoulders and gently put
her back amour her niuows.
-Do you know what I think?"
I said with .as severe a tone as I
could master. "I .think . you're
exciting . yourself unnecessarily,
and also doing an Injustice to
Robert. Wnen be rouses to con-
as far as possible they begin im- J seiousness, and you have a chance
to talk with him. you wilPthen
be able to find out the truth.. He
Is as transparent as a child." -"Robert
Harry.". "
craw and ploy
Hben Health, is
mahes gleeful
bobies.Since 105
Condensed Milk
i -
I " . TV.:,
We have been fortunate in re
ceiving a new shipment of Hats
for Easter, and they surely are
the latest creations. Priced
from '
$1.98 TO $4.98
Very interesting news besides the usual array of Bargains.
Ill !
Shop Where The Crowds Buy
a 111 I I i MM -mmm I 1 1 I I i f 1 1 I f
BUM ssb a a m w v m m
I II H St"' fl I a II 1 1 1 1 III, I 111 m
"I know." she said. -and I saw
tears on her eyelashes. Then she
began to cry. weakly, and I knew
part of my battle was won.
"Shut your eyes," I command
ed, "and forget everything- for
awhile. I'll, hold your bands
tight like -this until you're asleep.
And I'll attend to Mrs. Cosgrove
and everything else. ' You must
get some strength and sleep, for
you - don't know what moment
Robert. will need you."
"She obeyed me as a little child
would have done, and for a half
hour I sat by - her. motionless
save for the returning pressure 1
I gave from time to time to the
hands clinging to mine.
' She spoke but once, and I had
to bend my ear to catch the. mur
mured words, t
"Robert Harry." she whis
pered mournfully, and I knew
that her tortured brain was still
busy with the. awful problem the
artist's unexpected return - had
brought to her.
Mrs. Cosgrove Arrives.
Dut at last she 6lept. and ,1 re
solved that nothing save an Im
perative call from the sick room
should be allowed to disturb her.
Qpenlng the window to the apol
ogy for fresh air. which is all a
city ever possesses, and reassur
ing: myself that she was warmly
covered, I went eoftly out of the
room, shutting noiselessly behind
me the.heavy doors which insured
qqlet for, Lillian at her work.
Then . I went swiftly below
stairs, cautioning Betty about the
sleeper, receiving am angry toss of
the head for my pains.
"If she ain't disturbed till I
does It. she'll sleep all aright."
she muttered, and I was glad to
flee to the rose-hued room, where
Marion; adorable sprite that she
is. was just stretching her sleepy
little self and beginning to won
der where her mother was.
She listened gravely and quiet-
ly while I explained that her mo
ther was asleep after watching by
frUncle Robert" and must not be
disturbed. By great good luck
we had been able to keep from
the child the night before all de
tails of the arrival of her beloved
Uncle Robert", excest that he
had come back, very ill.
"I'll be as quiet as a mouse.
she promised seriously.
Then I'll tell you something:
nice," I returned. "Your Auntie
Cosgrove Is coming this morn
"Oh, goody!" she exclaimed.
jumping up. The next moment
her expressive face shadowed.
"But I mustn't bother her. for
she'll feel so bad over Uncle Rob
"I think she'll l!ke you to both
er her. honey." I said, thinking
how the child's thoughtfulness re
sembled that of her mother.
And Indeed when Mrs. Cos
grove, white-faced; anguished, ar
rived two hours later, sne seemea
to find her chief solace in hold
ing Marion closely to her. To
eether we watched outside the
sick room the ncrse had al
lowed the artist's sister but one
glimpse of his motionless form
until after hours that seemea a
century, the nurse came to the
door, snoke quietly to me. -
"I promised Mrs. Underwood 4to
call her if there was any sign of
hi wakinsr. Will you do It? I
r r . x '
Only Two More Day;
3 U iltil
You will find us with a Complete Stock of
Ready -to
. Women aid CMMrea
We will not only give you the latest aridbest in style, color and mateir
ials but will save you money onihem as well.
Silk Dresses.
...$1.93 to $6.50
-$2.98 to $12.50
.SoJdO to $34.50
Wool Dresses $9.90 to $29.50
Ladies' Coats $8.90 to $32.50
Ladies' Suits $12.90 to $49.50
".Vi -V ) SHOES i v.-
We can save you a good deal on Shoes (or the jen-:
tire family. JVou should look them over.
Ladies' Mahogany KJd Shoes vith military heels,'
imitation tips. These are exceptionally' pood
at I.J... . $&S0
i i
Girls' Shoes.
.$28 to.IG.90
$19.50 to $420
98c to $3-98
A complete line of Gents' Furnishincs at lowest
Children's Shoe?.-
Boys Shoes
to $13
42.49 to $4is -
Men's Dress Shoes...
.43.98 to $90
cA rNjxtionVidLc JrL&titvctioll
think he will rouse soon."
(To be continued); V'J