THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON SATURDAY MORNING MARCTI 19, 1921 5 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Price KeUUiwo Vick Bros, receive wire rrom famuon factory (announcing a big reduction In prlfe of tractor. You can now buy a rnodor "M" Samson iractor for $ 1 01 .V. " former prlc $129". Reduction of $2X0, ami back to pre-war prices. Wart rriy ' The first hhow starts of Char lie Chaplin in "The Kid" at 12 noon at - the -Liberty Sunday, (adv.) . Qua Fatality Reported Only one fatal accident wan re ported to the state Industrial ac cident commission among a total of 397 Industrial casualties for be week ndlng March 17. Tha fatal case was that of Steve Ba ker, a t,mbf,r falier of Hoskins, Or.' Of the total number of- ae ' ridenta reported. 372 were sub ' ject to the provisions of the work men's compensation act. 24 were fmm flrmB and corporations that hate reJt0 th act ana" one wa . ...Ml.. - . t from a puoiic uumj iuiuraiiuu not subject to the act. Shell ftntany Report The Shell company of California ha3 filed .with the secretary of state a memorandum showing that during the 'month of Febru ary the company sold in Oregon 1 3f.,03 4.." gallons of gasoHn0. on which It paid a tax of $13.35. iiuuiey tuapiin . In -The Kid" starts the first Htmvr at 12 noon tomorrow at the Liberty, (adv.) Martin and Samn?l Rundlett were appointed administrators. Palm Sunday With address at 11 a. m. on "Fome Appointments Jsus Makes With IV will be observed at First Congregational church. Ad ward Stewart, while the car as parked In front of Dreamland rink. A IJmitcl Number Of harmonicas at 2Te. Knowlahd. 415 Court St. S..2. Adv. Myrtle Phone Auto 1h Damagcil C.eorge Martin. 1190 South Fourteenth street, reported to the police department that whil his automobile was parked on North Commercial street veterday an automobile driven by Theodore Coenberg of Dallas, backed into hts car. causing corideraole damage. Stover I SM-ttl.r Rev. If. 'C. Stover, pasto- of the Central Congressional church, addressed the siod-i( of Willamette university yt rbajn-l Thursday morninc- on "Proper hell-Appreciation ' "Tliis. t!u Iay of Judgment First of a serif of vital themes for Passion week, at the First Christian church. Kach evening, 7:30. Adv. Coming. The Willamette University Glee Club concert. Grand theater, Thursday night,! March 21. (ad 7.) .lust What the Kbhlie Have open wanting: harmoni cas at 2c while they last. Myril" Knowland. 415 Court St. Phone 352. Adv. Legal Blanks Uet them at'Tne Statesman of fice. Catalog on application. (Ad) Auto Truk - A collision occurred yesterday on South Capitol street, when an automobile driven by Paul Sil vers. 1730 North Commercial street, collided with a truck of the Gideon Stolz company, driven bv Walter Lenon. The Silvers automobile . was considerably damaged bv th accident, but no one was Injured. 1 Vena re To Serine Your Tickets For the Salm concert of the Willamette University Glee Club Thursday. March 31. (adv.) Toniicht, at. Brooks -The pie social: good pies; Rood iroeram:-Kood time; Rood crowd. ! . ml 1..A" will t,o IWa- Te iiu .ii uiu Wbo is the? The school marm. Come and have a good time. Pro gram l 8 o'clock, given by the Christian Endeavor society. Adv "The C;reat OuHiule' In which great armii of Chris tian enthusiasts joined In the ef fort to rescue the sacred places of Christianity from the hands of the Moslem foe. have always en listed our interest. See the cru sades in pictures at Congregation al church.--Adv, x.a. Man'. Miss Mary Shiach. home ser-j vice nurse ot me j;ea c ross, win deliver a lecture this afternoon ut Mt. Ansel on first aid and home nursing. Yesfrday she talked to a group of Silverton women and to the students of Silverton high school. A Classified Ad Will bring you a buyer. Last Times "The Last of The Mohicans" Tomorrow Thos. HInceV "LyiNG LIPS" final Account Filed The final account of the estate of Flora Daniel, deceased, was filed yesterday by the adminis trator of the estate, J. E. Currie, in the county court. April IS was set by the court for the hear ing of objections. A Limited Number Of harmonicas at 25c. Knowland. 415 Court St. 352. -Adv. Myrtle Phone Children Notice The story hour children are to have a treat at the library this morning. Miss Vivian Hargrove will be the story. teller, and her storie will be -How th Rhinoc eros Got His Wrinkly Skin" and The Chimera" which H the story of Pegasus the winged horse. There will be only one storv hour at this time and that will be at 10: 0. Sn'rit I)emonirat The Junior State Chamber of Commerce, organized among th students of th high schools of the state, is demonstrating its l-nblir by endorsing the "Buy in Oreuon" movement. It is sug testing that all kish school grad- i uating classes place their orders for pins, rings and commence ment invitations with Oregon manufacturers. The proposahas the support of the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce which H co-operating with the Junior state chamber in putting over the movement. Aotontohile Found A Ford automobile reported stolen from Miles Bradford March 5 has bt-en located f Woodburn, according to word re ceived yesterday by Judge G. K l nruh from the chief of police of that place. Coming; The- Willamette University Glee Club concert. Grand theater. Thursday night. March 31. ladv.) PERSHING HITS PR0PAGAKD1STS Moore at I-ausani-e hall. Willam ette university, over th weekend. Denounces Foreign Who Would Weaken U. S. ?nd Allies Bids on Bonds Wilf Be Opened in Ne?r Future Bids will be op-nd by the state board of control on April at 1 1 o'clock on a bond i-ue of BOm1 l.u0.0oo for post road in struction. I ioaru at u -idling Wednesday dcidl npou the is.u which i to match immJ available rrom the gov-rnmt. Bh-ycle llama Paul llevers. 5 SO North Sum mer street, reported to th police department yesterday that an au tomobile, said to belong to F. F. Hodges. Portland, had been driv en over his bicycle, badly dam aging it. The. wheel was park"d In front of the Hauser brothers store, and tn some manner got twneath the automobile as it was driven off. AMERICA AN INSPIRATION ether trade connections In many eitle whre thre are markets for produce raised here. Just now ilr. Solof can take all the prune offered. He ex rects through the new company to b able of ral ervlcv to the producer of thil section, in giving them markets for what they have to selL . Coming: The Willamette .University Glee Club concert. Grand theater. Thursday night, March 21. (adv.) Chinese Life Termers Will Enter Penitentiary At Mass Meet (Against 'Horror on Rhinp" The supreme ourt yestor l.ij Commander-in-Chief Talks! :T;ttL county jail to th -late pr.iten tiarj' of She Fong. Yee Kiifr, and Wong Wti Tung, who two yea: ago wtre convicel pf ki!!iug a countryman because cf tong trou bles. They were &entenred to srve lif and apiale.l to the su preme court which affirmed the! lower court. I Auto Hadiator Repairing Modern eouipment. prompt ex pert service. Nelson Bros., 355 359 Chemeketa SL Adv. "Wlvat Must I lo to be Saved' Will be Dr. Kantner's sermon subject Sunday evening. Pictures of the crusades following this ad dress. Adv. TREES Appraiser Appointed A petition was granted In the county court yesterday "for the appointment - of Thomas Isaac James as administrator of he estate of the late Charlea Edward James, who was killed March 6 in a collision between an automo bile and the Oregon Electric pas senger train south of this city. The value of the estate is estimate ed at $7600. J. V. tnman. Ivan Taylor Will Build T. K. Taylor secured at permit yesteday" from the office of the city recorder for the erection of a dwelling at 14 96 Commercial street, the estimated cost of which is $2500. The Grand Theatet lloe-s Not Hold very many people. If yon wish to hear the Willamette Glee Club prepare early, (adv.) Ked Crosn to Move Within the nxt ten days Wll iamette chapter of the American Red Cross will be transferred from its present location on the reeond floor of the federal build- 1 .. A .1 ...III 1 . ...ii ri In IT t H residence just eart of the First Methodist church parsonage on State street. In addition to tne regular offices and work rooms there will be a rest room ritted up. Court CaCH Set Yesterday was taken up !n de partment No. 1 of the circuit court, by Judge Percy It. Kelly, in hearing motions and demurrers and in setting cases for the March term. On Monday, the cases of the Find State bank of Bay f By vs. John Peyeee, of Ackerman vs. Faught, and Credit Service com pany vs. Boggs will be heard. The cases of J. B. Kennedy vs. Frank Sibley ana of Oeder vs Watt will be given hearings. Tuesday Fiti- hngh vs. Stoner. Fahey vs. Mich adek and Powell vs. lturfleld will le given hearings Wednesday. The hearines on Monday. Tues day and Wednesday, have been transferred to Judge G. G. im5 ham in department No. 2. Pre-Kaster Program At the First Christian church, Center and High streets, continue through the week, 7:30. Hear th? sermon Sunday night on "This, the Day of"; Judgment." Adv. Willamette Cnlversity Holds Its Salem concert Thursday, March. 3 1st. (adv.) Just What the Kiddie Have been wanting: harmoni cas, at 25c while they last. Myrtle Knowland. 415 Court St. Fhonc 352. Adv. Tot String PUating OrAtr TVom j TUB SALEM. NURSERY CO. 428 iOrfoa Bulldlnc :: OHJC00V Pon 17S3 i " 1 - Sales ""r-.; v Service YALLEY HOTOR W ' i ' ". ; .-A , Ask your grocer for DIXIE DOUGHNUTS ' . . ' 23c dozen 8ALEM ILUaXQ COMPANY Salt! Cleaned .flSO Suits Pressed .60c Salem Cleaners & Dyers 1215 S. Com! St. Phono 1868 1 6 lbs. Prunes ......... . -. f 1.00 Onion Sets, per lb.. . , ...10c 1 package Cornflakes., ..... .Oc 1 package Post Toastles. . . .11c" No. 5 Lard...... ...... 3C HIGHLAND GROCERY 74 Highland Ave. Phone 496 3I Court St. Phone 854 DANCING Upstairs at Nomking Cafe, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights. American and Chinese aisnes. 162 N. Commercial St, CARL & BOWERSOX GROCERIES III Cour i Street Phone 409 At The Electric Sign "SHOES The Vacuum Cups have ar rived at . A. H. MOORE'S i New Shoe Repairing Shop Thief Still lUisy An automobile pilferer has been busy on the streets A blue lap robe was taken Thursday niht from the automobile of J. II. Baker, while it was narked 5n front of the Klett pool hall. Th same night an army coat was re ported to have been taken from an automobile belonging to t-u- Ilog Is Ist Iester Wiles ol tne state nos- tal has reported to the police de partment the loss of a whit Spitz dog. A collar engraved with the name "Trixie V.liea , was worn by the dog. FOR RENT Two and three room apartments, furnished or unfurnished Phone T. G. Bllgh. 743 The Grand Tlieater I Not Hold very many people. If you wish to hear the Willamette Glee Club prepare early, (adv.) . Nine Get Lodging Nine, men were given a nlgru s lodging in the city Jail Thurr.lay night. Patrick Funeral Today Th funeral of William Patrick who died Thursday night at n lo cal hospital, will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon from HiR don's chapel Re;. II. N. Aldrich in charge. Burial will bo in City Visw cemetery. FflESHMAH GLEE . IS BIG EM I NEW YORK. March IK. Gen eral John J. Pershing, speaking before a crowd which, packed Mad ison Square Garden tonight at one of the greatest patriotic demon strations here sincel the signing of the armistlcet bitterly de nounced persons of foreign birth who seek the freedom of this country to spread "fjolitical and warlike propaganda' to weaken the ties of friendship between the I'nited States and her allies in the late war. The meeting was held" under the auspices of the Ameri can legion and otherj patriotic so cieties as a protest! against the recent mass meeting arranged to voice objection to the presence of French colonial troops In occu pied Germany described as the "horror on the Rhine." Colonel Frank Galbraith. Jr . national commander lof the Amer ican legion, presided! Pay Tribute to Soldiers General Pershing, paying trib ute to foreign-born citizens who served under him in the Philip pines. Mexico and France, de clared it wa entirely proper that foreigners should cling to . the folklore of literature and mns'.c of the native land, but he assailed those who seek to dictate Ameri can questions and political poli cies by- the standards of their own countries. "We have no quarrel with the American of foreirrt birth." he said. ' "We want them to know that America Is anj Inspiration But we do object to the Xt reign born citizen who attempts to de cide an American question for a foreign reason, whether he Le of German lineage and! proposes to determine an American h liey because of German 'prejudice or whether he be Irish, jltalian. Hun garian or Russian, who seeks for similar reasons to decide Ameri can questions. I bitterly resent the abuse of American citizenship or residence for the purpose of po litical or warlike propaganda In Further Market Provided By Produce Corporation The People's Produce company, incorporated, on Thursday, by M. Solof. N. Silverman and G. Gen-s-er. will enable Mr. Solof. who U at the head of the Peopls'a Cah store in Salem, to do a larg er business in farm produce, and to pay the farmers and fruit growers of this section in trade or la cash for everything they have to sell. The head office of the new company is tn . I'omana. oai there will be selling agencies and arraneement and jobbing and McDOWELL'S MARKET Where a Dollar Does IU Duty Phone 1421 173 S. Commercial St. Mutton Lejjs Mutton to Roast.. Mutton Chops. Mutton Stew Choice Corned Beef 13c Hamburg Steak 15c Veal Stew 12Jc Our own Pure Lard, No. 5s 75c 20c 15c 13. 8c In Hulk.. .17c Quality Meats lor Less Open Till 8 p. m. LADD & BUSH, BANKERS Established 18C3 General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. 'Y'rrrrrr Better Good For Lesa Prepare To Secure Yonr Tickets For the Salem concert of the Willamette University Glee Club- Thursday. March 31. (adv.) Home Barfclarizod The home ot Mr. and Mrs. Pa- vls Rees of Route 4. was entered Thursday night, and a woman's vld watch engraved witn ne in itials C. B. R. taken. Mr. uees who Is at present crippled, hard someone In the rouse ana suc ceeded In frightening the Intrud er away. According to reports the man drove off in a t-ord au tomobile. The police have ween notified of the theft. Hopp UInntnfT TnnlorriT Will foreign countries. kjiuoo I1IHM.I.& ivu.fc,..i ..,n Amer,ca thre ran lie no Salem School of Expression r nin PMimnnA Walton. Director I Prenare To Secure Your Tickets I . . . i Kor me taiem ronci-n ui i"-- 1 I uumuicii-iu Phone 692 1484 J Special Conrae in Puhllc SpeaUng JUST RECEIVED Nasons Perfect TJqald Paints It raja to Trade at The j Reasonable prices FARMERS CASH STORE Capital Famitnre & Hardware Co. 241 North Commercial 247 W.W.MOORE Farnltnre Store Tne Home of the Vlctrolt, Tott ret more for your money at i Moore s ' WOOD WOOD, Call G. H. Tracy Wood Co. - for all kinds of 1 dry wood AUCTIONEER G. SATTERLEE 404 Ferry St., Salem. Oregoa Phones 11771211 a- Talking Machine a " Ilaycr Planoe auia a iayer Proinjt delivery Phone 620 ELECTRIC MACHINE & ENGINEERING CO. For Thor Wasalng Machines and j Electric work and Suppues '17 Court St. Phone 488 HARTMAN BROS. CO. For Fine Jewelry . 'ewelers and Opticians Do yon take TURKISH BATHS If not. why notT No other Mini or can produce the permanent re- lief to the person from disagreeable cold or ail ments of the flesh or body like the Turktah Baths wilL nnen 8 a. m. until 9 p.m. OREGON BATH HOUSE Lady ana uenum ants -- THE STORE FOR QUALITY Kitchenware Dinnerware Glass Ware Wm.Gahlsdori The Store of Housewares 135 N. Liberty St. Baby Comfort i Sturgis Carts Willairrette University Glee Club. Thursday, March 31. (adv.) fnlh Investigate fTnmnlaints have been made of rubbish being- piled In the street at Feventeenth and Oak sireem. It Is said the street has been used more or less as a storage uurir.g th nat three months. Th. mat ter is being investigated by :he police. Any Seat in the Grand Theater- Is good when it comes to listen ing to the Willamette Glee club: but make sure you get some sort of a seat, (adv.) I Itoliertn A rrestetl W. A. Roberta. 1337 North Winter street, was arrested yes terday by Police OfMcer Porter for a violation of the traffic rules of fhe city in cutting a corner on Church and Chemeketa streets. After depositing $10 bail, he was cited to appear for a hearing be fore Judge Earl Race Saturday morning. I Be Presented With An Appropriate Trophy while claim itb us and MAX O. BUREN 179 North Commercial St. We pay 2c above tne market price for eggs and products PEOPLE'S CASH STORE Watch This Sign for Good AMUSEMENT Salem's Best and Biggest SHOW 1 What Have You? buy, sell and exchange, new and second-hand furni ture, stoves, ranges, rugs, xU, etc We will buy you OUt. t : COL. W. F. TTRIGHT ' Auctioneer 7l N, ComT St.; Salem, Or. ."t your sales with us People's Furniture . Store JrMphone 1047 phone 734 FOR BARGAINS of all kinds such-as furniture, stores, ranges, machinery, of all kinds see the CAPITOL JUNK & BARGAIN HOUSE 216 Center Phone 398 Investigate The Mutual Life 1 otN.Y. Up-to-date policies. Lower net cost. J. F. HUTCHASON. District Mgr. 271 State St. Phone 99 a ; b - n U ACTS nn H,ppo- Ji GUI p""5 n The 13th annual Freaman glee will be g.ven tonight at 8:15 in the armory. The glee is a custom that originated in Willamette and has given W. U. its best songs. It is a contest, managed by the freshmen with all the classes par ticipating. Each class produces words and music for a specified type of school song and all the class members participate in the rendition of the song on the night of the contest. Judges grade the classes on music, words, adapta bility and rendition. Tonight the class receiving the highest average will be presented with a beautiful cardinal and gold pennant. In previous years, vari ous styles of banners have been made for glee prizes, but this year a permanent pennant has been adopted. The record of winners will be placed on the banner on silver clasps. The leaders who have been drilling the classes In order to perfect the rendition are: For the seniors. Edwin Socoiofsky; Jun iors. Benjamin Pickle: sopho mores, Verne Ferguson; freshmen, Avery Hicks. The f.rst part of the evening Is spent in singing all of the popular W. U. songs and the rlasw songs. The, program flllows with the seniors knaking an impressive ap pearance in their'eap aad gowns and the; members of other classes wearing their respective class col ors. The short program which Is given while the judges are pre paring tkeir decis.ons intensifies the suspense which reaches its cli max when the presentation speech is being made. Dr. Carl G. Doney will present the pennant to - the winning class. Class parties will be in oraer after the program The people of Salem will be very welcome at the sonK test. The program of tonight fol lows: Foreword Albert Ceyer, presi dent class of '24. Senior song "Bend the Knee." Words by Maurice Lawson; music by I.oren Basler. Junior song "Hail Willam ette." Worda by Emma Shanafelt and Lester Day; music by Eva Roberts. s Sophomore song "Willamette FlxbL" .Words and music by Hrnco Patnam. Freshman song "Cheer Wil laractte, Cheer." Worda by And red Bunch; music by Bynon Ar nold. . Reading Caroline Stoblcr. Presentation of pennant Dr. Carl G. Doney. Falls City Has Case Of Sleeping Sickness place for those who. Ing equal citizenship enjoying its privileffs under our flag, yet continue thflr allegiance to another country all those who honestly desire to become American citizens ann adopt America as their own. but we abhor the Intriguer, who at the same time wouldl secretly plot against our interests lrlnclpl Are Itnmntanie "Two years havel passed and what of today? Arel we to forget the vows of yesterday? Is the wanton destruction in France and Belgium and on the seas to be condoned? Shall subtle propa ganda lift Its poisonous head to weaken our friendships? Are those who made the (supreme sac rifice no longer to bei remembered among us? The answer f tkat the nr- c'ples for which America fought are immutao.e. and the allies. be- s'.d whom we fouSht are our friends. America aban remain steadfast In her attitude against aggression and insist that outlaw nations be held to full responsi bility and pay the full penalty for their misdeeds to the end. that in the future, all nations may snow the cost of such miseeoS 2galnst civilization." Senator James W Wadsworth and Major General Leonard Wood had been Invited to pak at the meeting but both. sent letters re gretting that them jwere unable to attend. Letters mdorslng the BUY YOUR SEEDS NOW. You know about what you arc going to need and we would advise you to buy now while we can wait on you as the late season will bring the business in one big rush and it may be hard to get the service we would like to give you. We are not going to tell you that . prices will be higher or that you cannot get. what you may want but we like to give service with our seeds and we know that during the rush it is going to be4 hard to handle the trade. Please send in your orders now. Our stock is complete and the quality is the best on the market and our prices are as low as High Grade Seeds can be sold for. - D. A. WHITE & SONS Phone 160 255 State Street meeting were received from President Harding arid American legion posts and slate headquar ters all over the Oountry and from the G. A. R. and the I'nited Confederate veterans PERSONAL MENTION J. B. Peterson of Victor Toint was in the city yesterday. John Datenport of Si'ver'.on was among visitor I in the city yesieraay from that section. Jndre Percy It. Kijy wa hre yesterday from Albany attending to duties in the r'.tctiit court. Henry Van Buren Was In Saler.i Friday from Aumville. Mrs. Sarah Mulkejy cr L:n . county is in the city vrs:t ng eor granddaughters. Mrs S. A. St :!? and Miss Hazel Mulkey. Former ly her home Va !n near McCoy. Miss Genevieve Mt. Aneel Is a gu"s Polk county Com pea !i ol t of Miss Ina New Arri valsB oys' Wo ol UIT With Extra Pair of Pants They are cut In the new models just like the well-dressed men wear. BELTED NORFOLK COATS The mixtures are brown, blue and green, and both pairs of pants are full-lined. They have been marked at the New Low Price 0nOU Cood Goods. ft J T mi.I.AS Ore. March 18. Cniwil n TYia Statesman) ! County Health Officer Dr. B. H. McCallon reports that there Is one case of sleeping sickness In this county, the case being in Falls City. Mrs. John Truax of that com munity has been ill with the mal ir frvr the oast several days. The ease Is completely Isolated. to keep the disease from spread-1 ing. Is the Book of Revelation a Sealed Book? Can it be understood? Let the Book itself, and the events It discloses, answer the Question Hear EVANGELIST BELL Tomorrow Evening 7:30 UNION HALL, COURT STREET NEAR HIGH ' V