The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 19, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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he Statesman retires the leased
wire report or the Associated
Iter, the greatest and most re
liable press association In tbe
the wkatiikk
v CLERKING; fresh southwester
ly wlndj.
MRS. JAMES A. STILLMAN, whose husband, presi
dent of the National City bank of New York, the
largest bank in the United States, is suing her for di
vorce. She was formerly Miss Anne Urquart Potter,
grandniece of the late Bishop Potter.
MLLE. YVONNE RECLU, who by popular vote has
been pronounced the most beautiful girl in Paris.
The brunette reigns in the French capital this year and
she was chosen as the reigning beauty at the 13th Aron
dissement.l She is 21 years old and a typist.
Mrs! Patterson, Addressing
0. A. R. Deplores Failure
Of Legislature to Pass
Anti-Orjental Laws.
Eiahth Annual Conference
" Of Patriotic Society j
Swings Into Action
From the . address of
John A. Keating.
' Americanization is still
oar greatest Held of endeav
or, s
OrcgonKzatlon as well as
Americanization r should be
our motto.
Moving pictures speak a
universal language.
Americanism is too often
considered a substance to be
pumped, I by force 41 neces
sary, down the throat of the
passive land submissive im
migrant.! From the address of Mrs. l.
U. Patterson:
No nation is better than
its mothers. -
A white America, and a
determination to keep It so.
Every child has a right to
be well born.
keep jAmerica for Ameri
cans lest the dark clouds of
Asiatic I usurpation. now
thickening on the horizon,
become a whirlwind.
I? - - V
!. - ' :l
! ... ,-41
II !l I
1 :$mMimmmmtm n
j;f r ' ' - - v Ij!
ill . jf v... ;''. i . 4 j:'
1 1 iinn n nrhi nromr
nur mt i.utant
Leaders Throw Open Re
cords of Railway Associa
tion Fight Dominated
By Few Officials Shown.
Workinq Man Would Not
Have Clause Before
Board Belief !
Workers in Chicago Packing
Plant Are For Walkout
Unless Eight Hour Day
Question is Settled.
Wage Scale and Time Under
War-time Agreement
i Demanded
Tha eiAts annnal Oregoncon
of Daufeuters of tne Am-
California Growers Favor
Assessment s Send Del
egate to Capital
lVUVW w. ' CJ ,i
ertcan Revolution opened at tne
tatA house yesterday morning.
Mrs. John A: Keating, state re
gent, called the meeting to order,
and the Official program was be
gun by a prayer by Mrs. W. A.
Smick, state chaplain. There fol
lowed the song "America." led by
Miss Ruth Johns, and tbe flag
salute byl Mrs. William De Yongh
Field, of Boston, Mass., after
which the regular order of busi
ness was taken np. -
The zenith of the morning's
program jwas a speech by. Mrs.
Keating, lin which she enumerated
the aims 'and endeavors of the or
ganization, outlined the program
for the coming year,, and encour
aged the! delegates in that unity
of action which had made the
past yea one of such worth-while
activity. !Mrs. Keating included in
her speech the report of her at-
tendance at the national continen
tal congress of the D. A. K.
Delegates Banqquet Guests
With the readinr by Miss Edith
Benedict: recording secretary, of
a summary of the minutes of the
1920 conference in Albany, ana
the adoption of various committee
reports, !the rmeetln adjourned
and thei women repaired to the
First Methodist church where they
were guests.' at a luncheon given
by the patriotic women's organi
sation of Salem. Rev. Thomas
Jenkins was a distinguished guest
at the lincheon, and spoke on the
near east and China relief.
Miss Johns led the singing of
"Colombia" at the convening of
the afternoon session. This was
followed by Washington's prayer.
oy Mrs j Smick. and the memorial
ervlcei A delieatelv beautiful
olo by Miss Johns preceded tbe
three-minute reports of the cor
responding secretary, recording
eretay, treasurer, registrar,
Information has reached Salem
that California hop growers, at
a meeting in the Travelers hotel
in Sacramento recently voted to
assess themselves at the rate of
1 an acre to send a representa
tive to Washington to represent
the growers "before the tariff
The purpose is to induce con
gress to put a higher duty on for
eien hODS.
Sonoma county growers wm
assist in the movement.
(Continued on page 2.)
Schoor Board Asked to Es
tablish Junior High Grades
By September
Found Guilty of Burglaries
And Auto Thefts In
; Lane County
EUGENE, Or., March 18.
Stanley 11. Thompson and wife,
and Varren Wilkins, young peo
ple of Eugene, all under 25 years
of age, 'today were sentfcnced to
the state penitentiary for burg
lary and larceny. Thompson and
Wilkins received a sentence of
four years each and Mrs. Thomp-i
son two years. They were takep
to Salem this afternoon. Thon
scn and Wilkins admitted tat
the trio, in company with another
woman who is not yet in cusody.
committed a number of bufglar
is In Eugene and other S Lane
laRt fall anJ stole
at least four automobiles.
Petitions are in circulation
among the patrons of the Rich
mond school calling upon the ba
lem school board to establish the
junior high grades in that school
with the beginning of the next
school year in September.
The initial action was taken at
a very enthusiastic meeting of
the Richmond Improvement club
at the school building last night
when the people voted unani
mously to petition the board to
establish the grades. Petitions
were prepared at the. meeting apd
were signed by a large number of
signatures before the gathering
dispersed. .
Absence of the junior high
school grades at Richmond school
results in a great inconvenience
to the pupils of that section who
have reached junior high school
rank. They now find it necessary
to walk past their own scnooi
building to other schools of the
city, making the distance they
have to go to attend school great
rr than that of the pupils in any
other part tf Salem.
George W. Hug, superintendent
of the Saleni schools, attended
the meeting and explained con
dition.' declaring himself in fa
vor of any action for the best in-
terts of the schools of the city.
The persons attending the
mating voiced a unanimous pro
tff t against the increased tele
phone rates and agreed without
iisfnt to co-operate in any move-
rnent for relief.
A 'musical program was given.
CHICAGO, March IS. Union
lalAr leaders drlv-d inio tli r
onls or the in of railway
executives today lfore the rail
road labor hoard l:i an -iid';ioi
to show that the railroad's figh'
against national agreements was
not unanimous. Ij m t was dominat
ed by a few officials.
An underlying purpose to es
tablish the open shop and
labor organizations was declureu
to be behind the fight against na
tional boards o.' adjustment.
The controversy over these
boards in the association's labor
committee was 'brought out by
cross examination of T. DeWitt
Cuyler. chairman of the associa
tion, and his assistant. Robert S.
Hmkerd. and the introduction of
voluminous correspondence and
reports of the committee.
Today's proceedings marked the
beginning of labor's main fight
for continuance of -the -national
rules and working agreement.
now in effect, the justness of
which the board is now trying to
decide in hearings which began
January 10.
A basic program of all points
on which labor would be willing
to negotiate national agreements
was laid before the board bv B.
M. Jewell, president of the rail
way employes department of the
American Federation of Labor.
Frank P. Walsh, counsel for th
onions, followed with aifexbaust-
ive cross 'examination of Mr.
Binkerd and Mr. Cuyler. He read
(Continued on page 2.)
Week Awards
Statesman Classified
Ad Contest
Women Who Earn Big Wagejs
Xo. 11.
Tlieatrical Scenic Director Who
Karns Over $23,00 a ear.
(By International Xws Service)
There is a splenid field for
women in the line of theatrical
scenic director. ilUan .Trimble
Bradley more tharf proved its pos
sibilities, for as a theatrical scenic
director she eirns more than 125 -000
a year. Shfe la amoirg those
who plan and Revise the settings
t.ih m.v tJ American stage so
attractive to tMe eye. Present day
theatergoers demana unusual
stage settings.' Fortunes are spent
on scenery dnd effects nowadays
t6 provide f he proper "atmos
phere." LilHAn Trimble Bradley is
. . mnater artist in her profession
y- and ranks afnong the most famous
of scenic directors in the country.
All Autos Look Alike
To Independence Citizen
Evidently all automobiles looked
alik- to T. J. Kiraberling of Inde
pendence Thursday noon, when
he deposited his groceries which
he had purchased into another
man's automobile. Later, when
he went to his home, missing his
purchase and thinking they were
stolen, he appealed to the police
The man to whom he had made
the donation, hearing of his re
gret, left tbe parcels with Bish
op s wooien Aims siore wnere
they await the owner.
Hoeber of University
Wins Forensio Contest
EUGENE. Or., March 18.
Ralph Hoeber, -senior in econo
mics at tha University of Oregon,
won the state intercollegiate ora
torical contest here tonight. There
were eight other speakers repre
sentins: the same number of
Mr. Hoeber spoke on Ths New
Second place was taken by W.
B. Black of Oregon Agricultural
college, speaking on "Tottering
Civilization." John Carter of Eu
gene Bible university, speaking on
"Our Unrealised Hope, won
third place, and Ruth Knrvin of
Albany college, "From -Mars to
Master," won fourth place.
Each week the Statesman
will give three cash rewards m
for the best ""stories" about "
Statesman Classified Ads.
The awards will be announc
ed each Tuesday morning;
lt reward. $2.50; 2nd re
ward. $1.50; 3rd reward,
Contestants must see that
their "stories" reach the
Statesman office before Mon
day morning of each week
in order to be considered,
list Week Award.
A number of very Inter
esting "stories" were receiv
ed last week, and the judges
have decided upon the fol
lowing as the winners:
1st reward. $2.50. J. II.
Nlckerson. 685 South Win
ter street.
2nd reward. $1.50. Fern
Purdy, 1550 Waller street.
3rd reward $1.00. Miss
Lois Allen, 625 North Win
ter street. -4
Stories of complimentary
1st. Eugene T. Prescott,
541 Mill street.
2nd. Miss Anna' Stine,
1647 N. Front street.
3rd, Delbert Gearhart, p.
o. box 182, Salem.
Out of the number of stor
ies that were received three
deserved to be complimen
tarily mentioned. The story
that wins first place as com
plimentary mention si pub
lished in full below; the
others will be published in
future issues of The States
man. Watch for them.
CHICAGO. March 18. By a
vote of 21.482 to 27 union work
ers in (.'liiruuo packing plants went
on record today in favor of a
strike if they are "unable to iu
duce the packers to maintain the
eight hour work day." Telegraphic
reports at union headquarters
were said to mdlcate - similar
strike majorities In other packing
houtit; centers throughout the
The exact wording of the ballot
on which the workers voted follows:
"Do you favor and authorize
a strike in the event t:ial the gov
emmeut or our organization. is un
able to induce the packers to
maintain the eight hour work day
and compliance with the agree
ment entered into with the United
States department of labor?"
The agreement referred to was
war-time rulinr which submit
ted all wage and hour disputes be-I
tween the packers and their em
ployes to a federal arbitrator.
Judge Samuel Alscbuler having
occupied the position during the
war period. The packers withdrew
from the agreement on February
26 on tbe ground that the war was
over. Tbe agreement specified
that it was to remain in force un
til one year after the end of the
war. ,Tbe anions claim that war
has not officially ended. v
After wtihdrawlng from the
agreement,-the packers announced
wage reductions of from 12 1-2 to
15 per cent and changed the work
day from eight hours to ten hours
before overtime was paid. They
also announced plans by which the
workers would participate in the
control of plant affairs. Armour
and company having held an elec
tion this week at which their men
elected representatives to an "in
dustrial democracy." The plan was
assailed by Samuel Gompers.
president of the American Feder
ation of Labor, and union leaders
as an effort to divert attention
from an attack designed to destroy
tbe unions. This was denied by
tbe packers. -''
Tbe present strike ballot, it was
said by union leaders, is worded
in such a way as to make it possi
ble for the strike to be averted at
the packer-labor conference called
by Secretary of Labor Davis to
meet in Washington on Monday.
The union leaders take the posi
tion that If the packers refuse
either to restore the former wage
scale and hours or to submit the
whole disagreement to the federal
arbitrator, the officials of the un
ions will be forced to order a
I ' t
r I '
! ' - I ' . 1
i , t .....
Miles Concern to Manufac
ture Building Materia!
For Five Counties
Salem Made Center in Turn
ing Out Leading Con
struction Article
Salem Man Named Trustee
In Proposed Trust Agree
ment $1,000,000 Cap
italization Planned.
Two Sums Amounting To
$125,000 Alleged Taken
In Indictments
Man Answering Description
Of Slayer is Arrested
At Oregon' City
Prisoner Gives Name of Flet
chel, But Believed to
Be Guettel .
u ra
Classified Ads. Assist
Building Up Poultry
Party Returning to Spokane
From Dance Collide
With Street Car .
When feed prices began to soar
several years ago many people
were discouraged from raising
chickens. Fearing I would not
have the usual demand for my
eggs for hatching purposes I gave
the Northwestern Poultry Journal
a small classified ad In which I
(Continued on page 2.)
SPOKANE. Wash.. March 18
El wood Raclcot. aged 22 of Spo
kane, seriously injured when a
speeding automobile in which he
was riding crashed into a street
car on Northwest boulevard here,
shortly before 6 o'clock this morn
ing. -
One young woman, identified as
Miss Sophie Losh. 18. of Priest
River. Idaho, was killed, two wo
ven perhaps fatally injured, and
one man and one woman were
slightly injured. Howard Mc
grath of Ellensburg. Wash- was
the only member of the party of
seven to -escape injury.
The party was returning to
Spokane from a St. Patrick's day
dance at; a road house near Spo
kane. The machine which was
driven by P. Clive Heddle. of Spo
kane, is alleged by the police to
have been racing with another
high powered automobile at the
time of the crash. Heddle was but
slightly injured,
j County authorities tonight were
said to be considering step to
closo the road house where the
party had been dancing. Several
members of the party, including
Heddle. driver of the wrecked
machine, are declared by the po
lice to have bee'ndrinklng. Police
have announced their intention to
hold under arrest all members of
the party pending full investiga
Salem is to be cement brick
headquarters for the five counties
of, Marion. Polk. Yamhill. Linn
and Kenton. anT the material will
be made here.
It. C. and Ross C. Miles, own
ers of the property, plant and
operations of the Oregon Gravel
company, with their ofiice at 140.",
Front street, the plant on the
bank of the Willamette rier. and
on whose property I3 Marion
county' paving plant: and also
owners of the island in the Wil
lamette river comprising 2." or 30
acres of gravel, have secured from
the Simp- itrtck company of
Portland the rights for the flv"
rounties named
(in to Work at Once.
Part of the machinery is now
on the ground, j The ties for the
Oregon Klectrlcj track that Is to
run alongside the we-tt sid of
the brick plaut and the sand and
gravel plant arrived yesterday,
and work will go forward at once
on the buildings tor me cement
brick plant. 1
Cement brick is the best brick
mad-. It is stronger than clay
brick, and it wU last as long as
the world stands, and prow
stronger with the years, and the
brick made under the Shope pat
ents will take on Its face any de
sired color, so it is suitable for
the walls of the finest buildings,
insid? or outside, and it Is 11-ed
also in tiling for floor?.
The coloiing not rut on with
paint. It is a part of the brick
itself, and is put in when the
bririi is manufactured.
lirkk in ineral I'm.
The Shope cement brick are
coming into very general use. In
the construction of the new
Montgomery Ward & Co. bui'.ding
in Portland about a million com
mon and 150,000 face cement
bricks were used, and the engin
eer of that .company Is more
pleased with the fact that he put
them in than he was wh?n he
adVtpted them In th
OREGON CITY. Or.. March 18.
A man believed to be Albert
Guettel was arrested here today
on suspicion of connection with
the murder of Mmor. J. Yoder.
a Wood burn. Or., garage owner
who was killed March 6.
The prisoner gave the name of
Fletchel. but papers found upon
him indicated bis Identity as
PORTLAND. Ore.. March It
Plans of a group of holders of an- -secured
Interim certificate and
owners of preferred shares of tbe
bankrupt bouse of Morris Broth
ers. Inc.. to reorganlie the insti
tution were announced today by a -voluntary
committee of creditors.
Those designated as tntstes In
the proposed trnst agreement were
A. M. Fanning of Salem. Charles
Cleveland of Uresbam and LcRoy
Chambers, Dr. J. D. Duback. 8.
C. Gaggar. V. A. McGntn and Dr.
M. H. Lake of Portland.
The plans propose forming a
new corporation with cap! La! ra
tion of f 1.000.000 based on claims
of creditor and provides for con
tinulag tne bonding bnsineas pend
nig liquidation of claims or per
manently, as stockholders may de
termine. Earl C. Bronaagh. trattee la
bankruptcy of Morris Brothers,
Inc.. said today It la desirable that
creditors work oat a plan to make
a complete salvage bat ae declined
to recommend this plan or any
other antil at least It is demon
strated to be feasible.
Fred 8. Morris waa arraigned
today before Presiding Judge J. P.
Kavanaugh In the circuit court on
two indictments charglnr larceny
ji by embezzlement. The indictments
1 cnarge mat atoms nniawimiy
took the sums of 12$. 000 and
$100,900 respectively at about the
time when his connection with tha
company waa terminated. Tho
first Item represents the alleged
valae of 500 shares of stock In
tbe Rogue River Water corpora
tion alleged to have been voted to
him by himself, John L. E;hertJte
president, and Forbes B. Pratt,
secretary of the eotnpany. The sec
ond item purports to be tne sum
withdrawn from various accounts
of the bond, house m Portland
banks and tamed over to Morris.
Hearing was set for next Tuesday.
( Continued on page 2.)
Minnesota Prohibits
Grain Speculating
ST. PAUL. Minn.. March II.
Governor Pre us today signed the
bill prohibit In g dealing la grain
futures, except legitimate hedging,
which becomes effective Aagast 1
Grade Pupils of MUs Mabel Temple Display Clerer Handi
work and EUworlh Martin is Awarded First Prtie on
Tiny Replica of Abraham Lincoln's Former Home
Do you remember the time
hack In your school days when
teacher, in that beloved early
morning hour, red to you of "Red
ruff, the beautiful ring-nocked
1 pheasant, and his shy mate; how
you breathlessly followed bis tra
roatlc career, and how the lu.up
that would neither come up nor
go ttovn tome Into your
throat when the hunter
started into the fields and
"Kedruff"' met his tragic end?
Or that other time when mother
read to you of th Kentucky car
dinal, how the tears coureJ
frankly down your chubby little
girl or boy cheek, as the tale end
ed with bis life olood forming a
pool as rritn-on iz bis breat, his
body bruised and maimed in the
bottom of the prison, where he
had been placed to please a ca
pricious made?
Ilinl IJfe Mud til
I'arhin. von havo fnrf nlten the
fPlHra- time, place anl brief emotional
j tumult, but th love of the feail;-
H. E. Plumnier. Portland in-, er,.rt foik of ,h wod. then ea
f-pector of buildings, says the
Shope brick hate been used in
fortland lor something over ten
years and have
"The brick is!
given very . good
a cement brick.
and is manufactured under a pat
ent covering the face." he says,
"and this face can be treated in
colors with a variety of surfaces."
He also says: 'The ue of Shope
brick is generally recognized in
Portland as brick of high charac
ter, and architects who some time
ago did not specify Shope brick
(Continued on page 2.)
gendered still lives, for It in in
childhood that one forms a last
ing attitude towards -little and
helpless things.
All of which in by way of tell
ing of the work that Is being done
by Miss Mabel .Temple, a teacher
out at Lincoln grade school, who
beginning ber activities formed a
bird study club several years ago
at the school, a club that whlH
not always meeting in a formal
way. has continued, with Interest
growing all the time.
lrtse Ares Awarded
Every year the club makes an
annual exhibit In connection with
this work, this year's which at
present Is being: held in the
school building, taking on the na
ture of a birdhouse display. The
srork has all been done nnder the
supervision of Miss Temple,
grades represented being the
third, fourth, fifth and sixth.
Three prizes have been award
ed, based on art. adaptability and
originality. The first was given
to El worth Martin, who made
tiny replica of the home of Abra
ham Lincoln. Drew Michaels and
Delbert Vlesko tied for second,
and James Falrcblld was given
Clever Idea Revealed
There are houses of every de
scription houses for the prole
tariat and the bourgeoisie. Some
reveal a good deal of clever eraf ts
raanship. and emphasize the fact
that It is not necessary to spend
money to make. a dwelling suit
able for Mrs. Robin Redbreast or
Miss Jenny Wren.
Here sre the names of the girls
and boys represented In the dis
play: Lew Lewis. Clifford Elgin.
Lloyd Davenport, Virgil Holley.
Austin Gardner, Loleta and Lo
retta Robinson. Harriet Kenton.
Hans Thielsen, Gretchen Thlelsen.
Douglas Millard. Drew Michaels.
Klswortb Martin, Donald Foster.
Keene Wain. Tony Joints. Bur
ton Randall. Daniel Hardy. TUth
Halvorsen. Henrietta . Bishop.
Marion Shaw. Delbert Viesko.
Lark la Williams. Louis Snook.
Clara Cntnmlngs. Marguerite
Bloomlngberc. Duane Kirk. Ro
berta Yarley. James Falrcblld.
Freeman Drake. Paul Runda.
Dorothy White, Eldon Jory. Fran
cis Payton. Frederick Edmnndson,
Julia Elvln and Vera Wells.