TTIE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON SUNDAY MORNING. MARCH fi. 1921 . vdsJ FLARES AND FLICKERS Strangely enotight. Tnurneur film-1 and so human that they ' ! the identical Rff nf on the 1 Oih attention throughout. demand Jul August, 1Z, and for a time Jit l.H,kt-t as if the calendar had; In (l.uili-. the Ms? elephant ! returned 'to dut-:, so real-; him an 1 input taut rl in , bite as th hie weiip. -The i;..v.tii t.r Tarn " which n nowr of liivine faith i I u. sday. edm-sda y and Thuir-! iliy affair, hut only -Coldwyn is distributing for the i.iij i in- very s.rougesi ol . r , . ... sappoit of. the piY-a and pulpit f TP ' m"' . '""d at the ; , muiaiiy found an ideal May 1st ; luiini. uf s,um,.i. -Moatraiiu. iii niuxiuu iiri when .rt-paring Tor j Frf-nt t ioral. s: t out trtiiri fan- juitsd.' Fifty tons of S wit! savu s -allies. U.- 'palm, banana tree- and various -!eet- I Uv I .- !,,-. ,l.i .....! t. " . ' r.inii o; :ouagt- v.t iraitioaiii- . . . "":' " I '. ! in.erai. t c.Pm. Man- .; i.. it-.n... t.. oliiam'.s of jolliers arid tin" if !. tun- ! ami I the et-eui;le tili. m-i-a-n boautl("U' Unmoi taliaed l '"Th Sera." (William Cbrhty Ca anne powerful story of the hunmniti. an elght-ret-l' Kobeti-.ra-Cole sapt r r.pecial. which wilt t at the! Grand' t'lfuter. ,Jr run ori three lay. the pi.-; phi,,,. j,,,, taltar tor their tunny 1 ro aid tho lure fc "tk" only a dramatic ; , M..,4, i:i s K;:iaPr is a ,,4. ians (, torf lul W3"' Ii'"1 U,JU slet: ri!ieune of ,fular sceuB. :r;m ;ill ov r the couutrv. .... The jtt?h Tm: t ' i - th. WilHani maitrpip film Christy Cahanne's "The Stealers.'' tin Pifht-reet pobertson role super- . . 4 ii. ...Ml 1 . .m t n ueclal which " i..--h Grand theater, heglnning today, rfprewnl tbe fruits of years of ork and txprienre on the part of th famous director who was one D. W. Griffith's chief of itaff. Mr. Cahanne wrote, diroc tfd produced the picture. .A - Lured Away," a ftory of true life. reat ",oral "ml olJert 's" on to youth and ape, with this picture you i will see the author in the picture and In person on tbe sUK and give a talk on the fltal iubjert. VTbis attraction romes to the nilgh theater for the I, nil. I- j "harl;e the d-l ni'i.i i.f the hau'.ine. He :u.-hil down tles with the a- of a h a in in r on a peanut vhell. .iiiiinr to V.- 1-iheity SOilll. An ; omeuy mucibf. tuSfciitit an J " u .l .;.. :.u dauc-lne are. all i:uh...d in their , a r It-lead "rusi. heuded i.v urh hru-f fun show. Al tSte l;jr, to- j v. ei I -known plajers as Wallace day- j liery. Albert i;: coe, Jo:ep!i Sin- : 'le;.n. Uarliarn Bedford. Lillian Charles Kay U a regular fa?h-1 ! and Henry Woodward, wit ion plate in his latent First Na- i an array of p:ayi r talent that U clevet tioual Marring vehicl'. Nineteen j capable of carrjiae a picture un-1 asemh and Phyllis." -which will onen an ' aided. 1 ParaiTir engagement of four days at the iwacK aim wntte. a pair puis. exponents of lemarkahle I lour days - beirinnine Wednesday ability. They are gymnasts of a , next. The cast includes some 20 hih order, balancers, acrobat prominent men and women play- Liberty, theater today. f!arly American h'siory is ghaph ical I. r represented on t lie scieen in Maurice To'jrneur's new spH-ial film. "The Iist ol tHe Mohicans' which shows at the Oregon thea ter soon. The actual event repeated, was f 'oal!t the horrible massacre of Fort William Henry, New York, which took place on August 10. 1757. exceptionally Urw tat of players has been ied in (i otm- Mel ford Tionnt picture irodnrtion. i "The Jiseklings." which will be of j shoxu at the ilrand theater for THE BIG SUNDAY SHOW 1 MURPHY AND LOCKMAR The I-tugh Trusr j OTIS MITCHELL , It's. AH for Fun' ' I BLACK AND WHITE "Lady Gymnasts" FRANK KEEN AN In a rcvcbtion of double character acting "BROTHERS DIVIDED" Ii A ' ' ' Piwi i ill m i. I and they can tumble about in a " ers. all well known to the screen comeily eccentric fashion. Top-'many of them having played Im notchers in the art t. physical f portant roles In the highest grade j culture ;'iid graceful athletic Paramount pictures produced in t the Hlith today. - J the Iat three years. Wonte P.lue who pcored s great Otis Mitchell, who just heamj I Uit ia "Something to Think with pleas ns personalitr. calls ! About." Cecil It. De Mllle master his inniij "It s All in Fun." He j h leading role. Ma- cleverlr! sings several songs of l,tI Julienne Scott, whose success the takins: kind. tells stories ln Heboid My Wife" and other glibly, dances and makes the ban- rhotoplays. as made her famous. jo ting tunefully in rendering ' Hays ir.e leaning leminme roie. popular and old time numbers. At the I'.ligh today. Then there are Hnth Keniek Charles Ogl", Winter Hall. Guy Oliver, J. M. Dumont. Fannie Midgley. Zell Cov;ngton. and others, all of whom ars well known to Paramount audiences. la Frank Keenan's newest Path?- picture, "Hrothers Divid ed." now showing at the P.ligh theater, we have one of those marvels of filmdom that so de Pght photoplay enthusiasts. That Is. two rols played by one per son and rhowing the one person In both roles at the same time on the screen. y - James Oliver Curwood has written a great nnmr t success ful stories of the North west.. Sev eral cf thts-e have been adapted o the screen. In a majority of cases they have made motion pic ture entertainment of an unusual nature and wholly worth. "Isohel or the Trail's End" Is of the latter class. Curwood con siders the story one of his best. Care we. in adapting it, has given something exceptional to the screen. The picture reaches a high mark In entertainment value. Its story if one of simplicity, at the same t time It oresents characters so real visitation." F'.oston Globe. it strange to what ex tremes a girl will go in order to vamp tome member of the whis kered sx. for whom t he has set her cap? When Constance Talmadse roes, ' Li Search ol a Sinner" her next . John Kmerson-Anita Loos production, distributed by First National Exhibitors' circuit which will he th? Liberty theater's at traction for next Thursday, Fri day and Saturday, she dons a typ ical "vamp" costume of the standing room only" variety and walks into her vict'm's apart ments with the insane intention of ut least being noticed. If If B8 ' 1 6 1 IT (CT i 117: . 111 II v II R1 111 V III ! Ill III ! STARTS TODAY JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD'S OB! RIU9 "Father, what is the difference between visit and visitation?" "Well, Sammy, when we go to grandma's it's a vLit. but when grandma comes to see us it's a TODAY TOMORROW TUESDAY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON or EVENING 35c and 10c Coming "The Last of the Mohicans" "THE TRAIL'S END" FEATURING HOUSE PETERS AND JANE NOVAK The Greatest Curwrod Story of them all! An epic of the Northland! A romance that will be enjoyed by every man, woman and child who sees it. KSEIlQalI mm STARTS- - "nrtRnv 1 1 " ' ; If ,:;. : :fKi9 Irf ' STARTING WDAY: - : m P ''' 0- 11 y " .k q O-o-ob ! (Intermiss.ion of ten minutes while the sigh J g 71 VtN. : " sZ comes up from boots) PHYLLIS!" . i I 1 I I V . - , JV Say, you bad old bald-heads remember when you Telt like . f I 1 "r S . that? v Continuous I 1 ll II vC4 ' Arthur S. Kane presents " Show I II I J Sk M IB F M!m I Wf It F J M M I - ft. - f i . tM i v - f IiV'l II :Srr- POWERFUL HUMAN 7. . A ' "1 . VV I 1 I W W V-UmU.IM I t , 'JCN' "Acclaimcd The World Over As One of the Biggest Pictures Ever Made :; - y i O QJAA W Other AttracUons Ullian McEIroy. Hunl-At The Orjan A Gambol of Lambs to the Lilt of Love! He only earned fit a wet, but still he had a girl, a dress unit, a $500 dollar engageme it ring, and a fat riTal. All on 18 It can't b done? Watch Charlie do It t HIS BEST! AND THAT S SAYING SOM Kl Hl.u A First National Attraction r i POWERFUL HUMAN DOCUMENT rrr-y graff"laImed woria Over As One of the Biggest Pictures Ever Made Sl!m Summerville in 'Mary's Little Lobster Other Attractions Latest News News Events Lillian McElroy, Hunt At The Orjan 4 Days Starting Wednesday "The Juckltns t Where The Big Shows TUy