ADVFETISEMESTS ' ,n,2,.U ; I - - - Tsree utt luerriyonsj. ........ ' . rttr"i jper mo l.'.c Pit '. ir (l, per uio ...l2 11 ",, JuT a.lymiaeuient 25tt aoitvYltll il'MON rtRK iXSrllANCK SOCIETY sTO LOAN On Rpal Estate T. K.jtuiti 'fOverLadtj & Bui- Bank) -mil I I nil no ..tutlMCi ft I RfiRFRTS Am 1A7 nriaann Rllllfiinpr yi 0 - . . . rir-r-r-rilklr"0 OUR OFFERINGS f liomincmitng some of the tTnthe y., Our lint of nd ncrCase a complete. UH-U I- I-4 FI-IK 401-7 Orgon Bldg Phono 1644 NEW TODAY 7ZHX V MWi'ER. 7 ROOM riJTEP FiU.XEKS.i CAR LEAVES ! 6:30 U Tcturns .m. Also mtt HAI.E xiOW PRI.JXES, lie J" Kit ,sBd. Any uuev.titlf. jK- Horlon, 15 M. tott?' LcTXT FOR PtlBtABliK IJAIt GKH FOR l.riee eenntyj Addr-s Ml, r- Jt.M )ststnucn. a. MIX A $HiIt (IRADK 1MAXO bold tlii week. rtf lr ing city. '"" t overlook thin. 8. Commercial J W. fllllDMl 131 tor. JTyrKIM- THK A(ilAINTAXCB OK 4 hrtllHSU wioow 'ft l""!" wnw na little ! seme ld nereis " 1 iirisiiew Wiper, k. Harrington, gt, PortlatHl. Oregon, aasrr need,; reply. 7511 Hh Ae.. J . Xo anf ton KKVT OXR I.AWiH KKO.VT ROOM viii ... :--- ' -- . - :ii .tan ma nn ai in xiev- Mr, luO hemetetB street. I'hone 129. . I i For RALf. XKAUliY iXKW MOI.IXK lit ( -i ;ihiiu(h iow, irni'K mil tiA riaiM 4'1hiaKl if fakn at tnrr Iju'ib orkin rxrrr Jay. K ti. lloaafa. any, vifrricon. mi-XB TREKSt-i-A fEtV' TIIOtrSAXU i I miri uft. ia ii aoia ai rvaa hte urirra. wniirt iaT iai. iincr (ml iratu, rftia ci(K rrui rnvap hr ml (. tlir' aeaiion. Xonhwtrrn Snry, Kt: 6j I'hoiw 1(1 ira. PAINT1X0. TINTIXOt ASD PAPERINtl Haaat linlM ij aqa pp. .mi iiinr, uf kr. Xo Job to larf or none M thill. Ibfcn W C. W. Smith it iure a t;x AtuR tkact fivk ilt aa. IVt arrea in truit, 2 Vs a pat frlcn lil. iooA inipravemeiit. Jnr I'xidO. :.( twill haaitl ar will Uke bouae wf jto lw aa tirat pay Bnt, Mil ' . IjEAMSTER jTtOMASOX . 331 Vil Htate nfcrret ill fl RH WAXTKI-WIM. BE IX TOWS Mir Sth t;ii( ohiy. Will buy ay kiad of tt t ;higlit -h jiriie. r Brartley all 3c.f wata atreet. MK R.U.K HOK.SK.Sl AXD MARKS, tifht from lawo tp imio, from 4 la 1 year ao; I aooUrt r I ""aTy Ironert; VViKky Wail. It yn 'lon'l aee hee Km. Krbaniet imiarantec wittt rtrrf bor. s ;Karmer( Keel Barn, lb(h atreet. s , i - A BAK'UIX t KOOM IIOlSK, HICK brre Wi. aonie fruit.! aravrl alreet. l:Jiio, tUA ilt an and it rnmuh. 1 (ami kaum tadrnAe' for I'ortlanit lirup- rty r farm fund. I Bf.AM.STKK ITIIOM A.SOX 831 I Hut nsr.-et 11UT WAS SlFnCIEXT IXKI RAXCE years i(o. Buy not naif rnouKb taaaf. Tk real value of your prop en ia kat it! would eont yon to ra puvre it. wdy. Think ill over, and bear in mint yaa eaa atill'ltby insuranre at f-r prireaL Hlad!ey Foley, Azii., Roata 3. Bmli Bauk Bids, l'bone UK HWm. Or , I1 ATkF.H, ;OOI llOl'KK axu bakx m ad raa4 adijainitis the rity, :7n. S areg Bear the eilr. fine land, sooil I raaia kmue, i bar ; on Rood road ; rW ia. 1.iiimj 1 I artm riib aotl; fairi liouae, good larn. eT the ry. j .!(MIO. II arrt real farm and home, eloaa In, waa roa, tnaat i lie aeen to appre 'Ule flmui i 1 arrei bei farm w.ll itnnrowxl alt fa rroa aa iuj -..-.I a i .. arr tr, t, well loeated, jui.1 inmj TOT XIXXl lion-ea. OREGON: LAND CO, 4U taf jatreet ' Bargains; artdln vestments "' taneh. one hour' dria lbibi - 49 ar-r-a in eultivaticn, fl aoilduit, ronninc water, 2 rail V, M (mm i aaa. timler .'and lota aad trmter. Will take Halera " nn aeari Kalerji. bearly alt in lar t araaet, lafaoberriea ami rherriea ; baiWino.i $ JM raraet lot only $$00. W ia4 . ,Ut lonejr to lun eeritr. ! 1 PERRINE k MARSTERS Cry Hide. RfMW VAXTKI .1 ktled Wdi will! be received by Mtoanty Court ct Marion Coun I'; ,r0n. Bp to 1 b'clock P. -M. !Lprir 6' 192 erushln a. ,wb, yard-of -rock at Wt. t"1' o. Specification, and I'n farms are1 on file In the JJ;Jr Clerk's ojflce. at Salem. .,.Ti right to reject any or nil - !' u. o. noYER. 1 i County Clerk. EMPLOYMENT IfALB 1t',Lt KPl.RtF.NCKl MH1AX . IrMaera. I w.. 1.1....1. t.M eai, J "W TRAIEUS WAXTF.n a tJ l7d end of South Faletn r-kone .34F3. A. W. lie. 'AmIS -AXD1 WKiCKK, MAX I pmmu. 1 r.,PmT lexperienre, wishes 1 A. ri reereneea. Address sr.xtna 1 WleiZ. '' to4 f'w mon-.h. then a,- Address "I XolO" Stales ri hi K' fr irnrri sj ir 1 . 01 1 fEMALE t lira j, FOR HOUSEWORK Mrt .. x an x, inter S"lSTer l rt. " TO WORK IX f Who t uaderslands plain tt s. S pHerrajl Xi t ti i . aajjjj Y'- p ' a. . II. n ruiil. cplassified Atls. In The 1 " ' A rs a-- . f gna, ... man tsnnrr kmh c cjjiaairia) Ml INr T in v TIIE ORECON ffTATIMAN. SALEM. OREGON EMPLOYMENT MISCELLAKEOUS WANTUl " 1IF.N AX1 WOMKN TO lk frm paiM-r auUM-rivtutaa. A fottd pruKMiiliuu- to th right pt-oplo. AiMnu li. I'arifir lloiitatrad, bUt'atuan HUt. XalrHi, Ora. PERSONAL ATtlOI.U'S WISIIINtj T WAIfKV i'urtMUlai, frw. Altrf limn flub 1. Ilu .rfl Hariil, Mi-h. GKT MAKKIlTlK-bK.ST MATKIMONHI. lPr uuUU-lird. Kira fr ttaaip. Cr--kM.adrut, Toledo, Ohio SKXll B1KTII IATF. AXIl I.EARX YolTR nu ii re: Complete lioro-opt 2i rta I" Huldeu, Kuoiu 417, 1J4 So, Hour, I At Ancrla. FOR SALE BEAl-TIFIl. WAHt. TINTS. MANY new rolora. Iiir ponnit and op. Mmx O. Ilnrei 17i Xo. t'oinmvreial St. BUSINESS OPPORTtrSITlES CLOSING OIT SALE OF S. SELIO S aiora at Valla City bow going oa. If yon waat a gMl tinaiaeaa loratiun ia aeatlgato tbia -pportuaity. For f uriber pamrulara mquira 1115 Uiriui atroet or pbuna I j5K. CANARY BIEDS FOR SALE CAN AKY BIRDS. Night aingers. Mrs. E. A. R.-nurtt. l'hona 12. K lODti ( bemeketa. POULTRY WHITE ROCK KliOS FOF '.lATI'HIXIi l'bone 17"4.l. FOR SAI.K I.KJHT BAKKKI KOtK l.Mi for 1". l'hona 1.I4M.I. r FOU SAI.K UHOIIK ISI.AXU KliOS. 11. ibson, Kt. 7, Box 7o, Salem, Oregon. FAVEHOI.I.KS AKK BrsiXPS BIRDS. Frieea ji appiiratioB. Eugene T. I'reaeott, Salrm, Ore. EOOS FOR HATCHIXO " AXfOXA hena. the hrna that lay you gg. for setting of MS. J. U 1'ooley l'bone ol7; 127S X. Oiurrb. EGGS FOR HATCHIXO. BARRED PLY awath Rock. 41. A. C. egg laying strain; Sl.aU per setting of 15, postpaid. Mrs. Ernest Werner, Silrerton. Or R. 2. THE NORTHWEST POULTRY JOCR naL The biggest and beat ia the west. Tha Iia magazine for lira ponRrymen. 7 year; Sl.00 in Salem. Send 5 rents for sample today. The Northwest Poultry Journal, Saleta, Oreeon. Mention tbia ad. FINANCIAL WE HAVE SOME GOOD FARM MORT cagea to aell. HAWKINS t ROBERTS 205 Oreeon Bldg., Salem. , Loans! Loans! If yon desire to build a new louse or remodel the old one and need money, 1leaserail on as immediately; we ran lelp you. 1-aflar Ijiflar. 4trf 7 Or m egon BUg.Salem. Or. FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send lSe to The Pacific Homestead,' Kalera. Oregon, for three months trial subscription. Mention this ad. HOUSES RKD1MADK HOrSK3, $200 TO $700. liaragea, built in aeetions. Chas. . Jmith, 40'J Oregon Bldg. ALADDIN READY - CLT HOUSES tarns. 40 to 70 percent rednetioa. Big saving in cost Money loaneo for bailding pnrpoaes. Cbaa. . Sm.'-Ji, 409 Oregon Bldg. ' ' LIVE STOCK FOR SALE ONE BEST BELGIAN . brood mare, ith foal to imported horse. Weight 1900. Alao one eheap , ,. horse. First bouse from the pavement on the Maclray road. Have no further use f"r them, wilt sell cheap. MISCELLAKEOUS REE II. L. STIFF Ft'RXITl RE CO. FOR awning. WALL. PASTE IT STICKS EVERY thing. .Max O. Bare a, 179 X. Corn's. FOR SALE A BUOX7.F. Tl'RKEY OOB hlcr. and strawberry plants, "121. " Phono 84F12. SPARK" MOST REMARKABLE moderate priced enamel range oa the market. Mas O. Burea. 179 N. Com'1. FOR SALE POTATOES. OXIOXS. rorn.. wheat, chopped feeU, drill, wagon. fcurr . vi-t h and oat straw,- alfalfa and clover bay, at 254 S. Liberty. WANTED EVERY ONE TO TRY Naaon paint and stains sold at the C apital Hardware urnitnre in. 5 X. Commercial St, l'bone 947 2H STANDARD KXCIIAXGr, 313 NORTH Commercial street. Diamonds, watches, muaical insirunientii. guns, riolhing. shoe, etc. Doth new and used 'goods bought. olJ or exrhangedL A XKVEVRSFREAD ' MATTRESS beat them all. Let me explain them to yoa, Mas O. Burea. 179 X. CoesX FOR SALE RI GS. LARGE VKTUOLA. lonnce, eleclr'e la np. 'large rocker, kitchen safe. g " k-lale with .ven. large Brussels carpet. 1 hone busieesa bouts 347. CAPTIVITY OF THK OATMAN GIRIS This true story of western Usmigra lion baa been carefully reviaed. making a handsome little book. It tells ia graphic terms of the massacre of the , Oatmaa family, of the escape of Leren xo, aad the Captivity of Mary and (Hive. Mary died of starvation aad Olive was purchased front the Indisns five yeara later. The price ia 20 - cent. postpaid. Addreaa. Oregon Teacher Monlblv. Salem. V"rnn FOR SALE WOOD TRY 15li5M FOR WOOD. DRY FIR. 4FT, $10.00; 16 INCH. $ll.oo. 1230 Ferry Street. Phone 4SS3. CALL THE SALEM FUEL YARDS FOR your wood and roal; office 752 Trade street. Phone 529. WOOD BUYERS AND SHIPPERS LIST your-wood with ua. Carload ahipmcnts a specialty. Bock A McDonoogh, 512 State Street. Phone 807J. FOR SALE DRY SECOND GROWTH fir. 18-inrh and 4 ft. Prompt delivery. Fred E. Wells, SO 5 8. Chorch atreet Phone 1542. FOR RENT HOUSES P. L. WOOD. 331 STATE ST estate, rentals. REAL ROOMS FOR RENT FURNISHED SLEEPING room. Close to business center. Phone 2HMiM after 6 p.m. FURXISHKD ROOMS FOR BUSINESS men. One block from postoffice. Phone S58 -ROOM AND BOARD FOR RENT LARGE ST EA M II EAT ED room for two, alo single room: two meal a clay. 228 X. Capitol. Phone 1027. - WANTED MI SCX LANE OU S OLD MATTRESSES MADE OVER Capital City Bedding Co. l'bone 19. WAXTED MAN AXD WIFE, BFST referenrea, want S or "f "odera house, unfurnished. Call &H. -r State-maas- ClAwained WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WAXTKIl TO H1Y 6 OR 7 KM4 houae. State prire and aie of t. loratiun. Addrea llauae. Statesman' MISS OiMil.H! K TAKES SI BSTKIF tina fur be l.adiea' Home Juurnal and Saturiijv KvruniK r'usl (ail "j.'il rUMtb 17th or Jilmne 7tM. J. W. MA M.Kir Ft IK (KI.I.AK IlltitilXU rrailiiiK. ptowuiK. beany tram work. I'liuue 19'l. t h-rry I'ifv" lirn. VK ARK XoV XTIt TIXi'. STKINti le Leans. Write or rail at tlie unt oftiee if intreatel. Kings' FmmI I i dm-ts t'omi.any. " business mm AUTOMOBILE DIBXCTOKY TKAC'Y'S :T'KAf.K C1ARACK 511 Ferry afreet. SAI.KM A I "TO KIIATIK SHOP 198 S0111U l'.'tU. I'liune VO. 1919 iUXWELU I.IHIK.H I. IKK XKW; run like tsew. Half pri.-a. Auburn (larage, S. ( oiniuer ial til. SPECIAL PRICKS FORD RKPA1RIXO Seri- garage, ru3 X. Liberty. Phone 1277J. HOFFMAN' & OKF.KBFKU TI RK REPAIR shop: vulraiiixitiK, retreading. 311 X. f onur.errial. Phone M)4. FOR BROWS AXI) GREEN LIXOLF.CM oa your running Wards com to Mas O Burro. 179 X. Com s street. Slm. FOR SALE OVERLAND 90. 1919 MOD el. driven 5"IO Biiles, tires almost Dew, luaihiiie ia erfert roodition. f7Su. Overland Oarage. FOR SALE MAXWKI.U 1920 NIODKI driven 37M1 miles, fH-.'j. Overland (arage. ItUICK SIX FOR SAI.K FIVE J'AS sender, in gfod runnirg order: just ovtThalrl. A I the nrice is a liarjcain. Phone lUi, H. 41. White. 235 Stale St. READ CAREFl'I.LY 1920 rnoilrl 1 ten Ford trm-k $fiMI lil model 3-1 ton Republic truck 'HI l!Hil mmlel 1 Ion Republic truck . U75 I920 mdl. 3-4 ton Olduobile truck $1175 IWl llodxe Koadater .... 7.1 IH'.'O handler Dispatrh $17mi 19l! 22 Ion Rtpulilie track f'J'J.Vi UM Matwrll 1 ton truck. - f tut Ittlli Maxwell 1 ton truck 550 1920 Bethlehem 2' , ion truck. 2Im 1918 IVnhr 3 ton truck 1JIX W. II. H1LDKBRAXDT 279 X. Commercial St. CLESON MOTOR CAR CO.I''Ynonl' 349 N. Commercial St. Phono 6 Used Car Csnur. Quick Cbaaga 4920 Oakland, like new $ 975 1915 Chandler, a anap 325 1919 Cnandler, 7-paaaeager 120 1916 Maxwell . . 300 Four aiotoreyeiea ia good condition. rbeap. 1914 Ford. Snap 100 1917 Keo Roadster , 750 Many Other Good Buys REPAIEIKO ' IF IXTKXDIXO Tt REPAINT , YOl It car, have the body, fenders, or gtstank repaired. All dents and Sreaks like new. Katimatrs gladly fnrnuthid. Satisfaction guaranteed. Wrecks a specially. Radiators repaired. J. Bair, to5 N. Lilrty. 1'beao 1277J. BARBERS COZY NOOK BARBER SHOP 12 State. BEAUTY PARLORS OREGOXION BEAUTY SHOP MARCEL waving, kairdreaaing, 185 South Com mercial Phono 477. CONrECTIONERY REMINGTON CONFECTIONERY. HOME made candt. confections, cigars, mag azine. 1272 State, CHINESE PHYSICIAJr DR. U M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWS disease. U.3 S "igb St..JPJioe2W3. CHIROPODISTS FOR ACHIXO FEET TRY RACURE MES- anra Parlors, 115 Soata Commercial street. DRESSMAKTSO DRESSMAKING PHONE 1678M. JOSEPHINE FAXON DRKSSMAK1NG 1414 Mission street. LOTTIE TOWNSEXD DRESSMAKING, 240 D street. TAYLOR AND FLYNN DRF.SSmA ing. 227 Oregon Bldg. ELITE GOWN SHOP 114 15 OREGON Bldg. Pbone 1125. UUTH McADAMS DRESSMAKER.. 756 Sonlh 12th. Phone 124M. WASTED. 8F.WIXO. WILL WORK BY hour. Call 1806-R. 1 1 1 " ELETIIA rRUETT DRESSMAKING, C82 North Commercial. Phone 1931 W. HAVE YOUR SPRING DRESSMAKING done at 758 North Commercial, LADIES' TAILORING. DRESSMAKING. Room 11. 265 j North Commercial, l'bone 1091. K CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING, designing.-- Spencer corsets to order. 2 MeCormaek Bldg. MRS. VARTY. DESIGNER AXD MAKER Ladies' Suits and CSowna. 7 MeCor maek Bldg. DRUG STORES BREWER DRUG Phone 184. CO. 405 COURT; HAT SHOPS II AT SHOP MEN'S AXD WOMEN'S hat renovated and blocked 495 Court street. ' ; NURSERY STOCK FOR SALE RED CLOVER SEED. Phone 1101-21. CHOICE LOGANBERRY PLANTS FOR spring deliver : any quantity. Ward K. Richardson. 2395 Front. FOR SALE V.-ILS41X STRAWBERRY plants from young thrifty jar slim med ready to plant at 2 per umo. J. II. Peterson. Shaw. Or. Phone 22F2I. VIGOROUS WELL ROOTED STRAW berry plants. Any onantily. Beat Varieties for this locality. Slate in aueeted. Prices interesting Ward K. Richardson, 2395 Front, Phone 491. ITALIAN PKCsES AT REDUCED prices, all grades; grafted walnuts, also other nursery stock. Plesse call and see our stock. Fruitland nursery has sales yard corner High aad Ferry street. Salem. Phone 1140M J LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 138 S, Liberty street. Phone 25. Oldest largest best. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY iuahrr work, prompt service, 1264 Broadway Phone 1 -"- WALL PAPER. PAINT WALL PAPER AXD CEII.IXO PAPER 20c aud np. double roil. Mas O. Buren. 179 No. Commercial St. SEK PORTER FOU PAINTS. WALL aper and Picinre Framing. Good work men. 455 Court St. Phone 485. PAINTING ft PAPERH ANQING F)R TIXTIXO AND PAPER HANG I NO Call Max O. Burea. phone 131. 179 X. ComnurtiaL I have gone east on as- extended visit and I recommend A. IL Clarke (phoae I39RJ) as a competent workman. Olcna L. Adams. BUSINESS CARDS MUSICAL AI.I.IK ClfAXIM.KR 1'IAXO. 211 North Cottage. BKATRICE SIIKI.TOX PIAXO STI'DIO I4. Marion. l'bone li9. I.II.I.IAX lUltTMUlKV PIXtl, 3'.M .North Churrh. l'bone 178. J ESS I c A WI I.I . K PIANO, ltb. Phone I St .. NORTH T. S. ROHKRTS PIAXO, ORCAX. South 14th. Phuue 7 71. 270 US F. I.AXOKX BIKfJ. YOCAI. Wrby Bidg. I'lione UU79. LEX A WATERS PI ANO, l'bone llilAM. U7i MILL MOI.l.IK STYLES VOIC t!. Center. Phono 'J'lHiR. PIANO. .-. IMIKOTIIY PEARCK PI XO. North 'Winter. l'bone 34VI. "ti. FR4XKI.1X I.AI XEK PIANO, V8 North 17th. l'bone 11 IX II I. IA MILLS WEH.KU rl ANO, llfi'l South Ihunli. I'boue 1391 R. LL'CILE BARTOX VOICE. PIAXO. 147 Xorlh Cotutoercial. 1'buna t, 1S8S. LENA lHITSOX PIANO. St. . l'bone 543. loov 1'Nlo.N Ll'CILK ROSS PIANO, OK(i AN. North Liberty. Phone 17u7. 4Jl MARGARET FISHER PIANO. 79u North Church. Phone 2J41M. M AIT IK GILBERT STRING IXsTKl menu. 1572 Mate, l'bone 1136 R. WESTERN COXSKRVATORY OF MI'S ic of Chicago. Frank K. Churchill, rep . reseulalive. Diploiuaa granted. M1 feltow'a bldg. SAI.KM COXSKRVATORY OF Mt'SIC Al hraui hea laught, diploma's granted. John R. Sites, director. 12J7 Court. Phone ti'.'tt. TUKERS WENDELL HELM TCNIXC, KEIWIK iug. Phone 42. EDVViKD WELP F.XPER1 KNCKD piano tuner. l-eae orders Will's Mna ic s tore. CONTRACTORS DAVIS A STRAlSBAmil CKXKKAL coatrartera: paints, oil. wallpaper. 22U South l.itrtv, phone PLUMBINO AND -JOIL Shop. 127 L'aioa Godfrey. PRIVATE HOSPITALS WAXTED COXFIXEMKXT CASKS AT private hospital I have best of equip ment. Phone 19. 9. SECOND HAND GOODS WE BUY -AND SELL SECOND IIAXD goods of all kind, pipe fittings, har ness, collar, collar Pads, tools, sod chains. Fred Schindler, 258 Center atreet. REPAIRINO AND SHARPENING CUTLERY GRIXDIXG, LAWN MOWERS ,aafey r aiora, etc. Stewart's Repair Shop, 347 Court street. BEX WHEELER EVERYTHING R Im paired. General sharpening, chimney aweep. 14 8S X. 17th at.. Phone 141 8 W SCAVENGERS NKAI, SCAVENGER REFUSK OF ALL kindk removed, and plowing. Pbone le7R. TRANSFER HAULINO FRANK M. NEWTOX GENERAL transfer, local, long distance hauling. Office, stand, Shafer Harness store. Phone 411 74 1R. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St.. phone 933. Distributing, forwarding aad atorage our apocialty. Irt-t our rates. oaa 11 STENOGRAPHER! PUBLIC STKNOGRAFHKR onic Bide. Phone 171. 108 MAS- SPRAYING SPRAYING WITH POWER MACHINES Phone IliO. Work guaranteed STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAtRED 40 years experience; Depot National fence, aixea Jo to 24 ins. nigh. Paints oil and varnishes, etc.. loganberry and hop hooka. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court street. Pbone 124. WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT At POWER CO. Office. 301 South Com 'I St, Tea per cent discount on domestic fist rales paid ia advance. No deductions for ab sence or any cause unless water is shut off your treni tses. WHERE TO EAT LOUIE'S DEPOT RESTAURANT Fast Side. Sonth High Street. PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS KATHERINK SCHLEP. M. D PHY sbian and Surgeon. Office. Oregon building, rooms 411-13. Phone. 540. 2tt4. liver Oregon Electric Depot CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. 1- SCOTT, P. S. C. CHIROPRAC tor. 309 13 1'. S Bank Bldg Phone, 87; Rea. 82HR. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DRS. WHITE AXD MARSHALL, 508 U. 8. National Bank Bids. DR. W. U MERCER. OSTEOPATHIC Physician and surgeon: Kirksville raduate. 404 405 U: S. National Bank idg. Phonea Office, 919; Ke. 614. DR. JOHN" I- I.YNCIL OSTEOPATHIC Physician nad So; geon. 4O3-404 Orevon Bldg: Phones: Office. 1394: Res. 5 j. DENTISTS 0. T. WHITE, DENTIST. 408 OREGON building t REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY OWNER GOOD HOUSE and two lota. Good location, one block from street car. low price and terms ressocable. Call Phone 2035-R. RESTAURANT WILL SELL CHEAP if taken soon. 1 A. II ay ford, real estate and fire insursnre, 305 State St Salem. Oregon. 58 ACRE POULTRY AXD DAIRY ranch, well improved and fully equip ped: horse: machinery: 811O hen; all ready to go to work. Will lake Salem property for part easy terms. See us BARBER & PEARSON 2tiO Gray Bldg. FOR SALE 1 83 ACRE FARM. 7 ROOM honse and two large barn. 50 acres cultivated, balance pasture and limber. I o'at ed sonth of Corvalhs. Price $8MM. Term. Will consider reid-em-e np lo $5imIO as first pavui.-nt and tke niortssge hack for slance. W. H. lirsenhorst k Co. 275 Slate St. A B4RGAIN MUST BE SOLD AT OXCK 10 acres, 6 cleared, about 400 cords of wood on balance : 2 room house; good barn, garage, chicken house: 1 acre in prune, berries. All the best of . soil. On macadamized road 1 mile from Salem. Worth more, but going at iMHi. $ Him Ml rash, balance to auit. SOCOLOFSKY 311 Stale street Read The Classified Ads. REAL ESTATE YOUR HOME IS HERE 100 Photographs Of Homes For Sale I hose who postpone bbilding or buy ing in the hope of materially lower are speculating in the future mis loriune of the Nation " (elks: the wrt ia over! Money is Ixcou-iiix uiore atai'able nerv day t No matter what haptens, it will not l.e lonx l.fore Oregon is the leading :.tie on tie Pacific CeaO. And Salem is in the heart of tbe l.e.f in the state. ou cannot U.e in buying real estate in Salem. All the follow'iag are first class buys in Salem borne. $25oo. A splendid Lome, with barn: nice garden spoil rood fruit' r-ighi roomy rooms. Lot 90x133. lu Fuglewoort. f 2700 l.ood 7 room bungalow. corner 'lot. Convenient to H. P. depot Gsrace. t t'.OxTO. Kxcelleal slue. $.1iliU. A home for a large faailv. Jt olf State street. Two large lots. Dandy fruit. Nine rooms. Terms. $3ii0. Sj better buy ia Salem for the money. Two atory. 8 room boms ou N Front street. l.oo4 bara Lot 50xllj. $3250. Aa 8 room bungalow. On very good terms. A real aacrifire. 4 ould not be replaced for less loan $.ilHiO. Garsge. On Miller street. "Half block off S. Com mercial street. $.17.".o. Sae tbia one. It ia a wonder for the money.. On paved street. Attractive 7-room bungalow. Newly painted. llfMiO. Kighi ruom bungalow. Iirge rooms with spleodid, large closets. On Center street. Very centra lenity located. Excellent terms. Autl a real buy. Strictly modern 9 room bungalow. Paved street. Close in. Kvery tl.KiO moaern convenience ssve fire place. A wonder of a basement. Laundry tray, gas. etc. $484HI. Six room bungalow. Xice fire- P'a e: cellar; no farnacr. Three bedrooms: garage; large bara; splendid fruit. lAt 100150. On lairaeoat. I!i!l $500. Very close-in 9 room borne. Good corner lot on N. Commercial street. Only 4 bbx-ka to baaka. All modern roaveaiencea except lurna e. $70O0. A first-rate apartment propositioa. Very close in. Eleven airy rooms with closets. Almost completely furnished. A wonder buy for tne money. See this. Good terms. $7000. Eight room, strictly modern bun galow (except furnace). Five fine lots. Spleodid fruit. Gsrage. Brand new building. A lovely home. Kitchen has all built in features of latest type. My system of home-selling is the fam ous "McOuire System ' that sold ever four million dollars worth of residence property in Portland in 192o. CHAS. W.NIEMEYER 1 West Real THtate" 215 210 Masonic Temple, Phone 10O0 Salem. 1014 FOR MALE 6 ROOM HOt'SK, PAVED atreet, cement walks, lights, plumniug and cement basement, located 00 fawn street. Price 82ou. $75o cash, bal ance $25 per month. interest 7'..---. W. It. Grabrnborst A Co. , 275 State St. BEST BUYS 6 acres, 3 in commercial fmit. all cul tivated, best of soil, good bara. chick en house 54x14, with granary attached; a fine chicken ranch. Only (275o if sold at once. This is close to shipping point. 10 a-res. 5 bearing prunes, house, bara, good road : a snap. $iOOO. Terms. 70 acres, 10 logans, 14 acres besring prunes, modern house, bsra, gsrage, drier, sheds: best of fruit laud: .5 'acre timbrr: close in. $21 (Kill, $8000 rash, balance to suit. 10 acres a:i timber, at shipping station $1200. $4iiO cash, balance p-r-ent. Have a large list of houses at (really reduced pricea. Have to let on real estate. $800, 14"0 and $15o0. SOCOI.OF8KY . 341 State St. FOR SALE 4 LARGE LOTS WITH 5 room cottage, modern; fireplace; lights water, bath and toilet; with 8 apple trees. C dtfi'errnl kinds of cbir ries, 4 large English wslnuts. grapes, some prone, logans, blackberry, goose berries, and currants. Price $3,2o0, tl.OOO down and term. Call at 618 N. Liberty St. THE BEST FARM BUT IX MARION County 41 acres, all cultivated. 30 acres Beaver dam land. 1 Si acre ever green blackberries, 9 acre planted to logans. U room snodera house, bath and toilet, water piped I all building. 1 Lt mile lo K.R. station oa good auto road. Must sell. Worth double prire asked. Terms. II. S. Belle, 412 Stste St.. Room 2. XKW MODERN FOUR ROOM BUNG A - low. with breskfast alcove, fine electric light fixture, and everything complete. Cost $27oo. For aal at $2000 pay able: Cash $500 Assume mortgage .... I5o0 $2000 Mortgage payable, principal and in terest, in a, I years st $27.26 monthly. A. C. Bohrnsledt 401 Mssonir Temple Kslem. Oregoa 130 ACRES NEAR BEAVER ON GOOD rock road for aale or trade. Price $1400. 40 arrra near Talbot, all in cultivation. New 4 room house: good bsra; wire frnce, $1HHI. Some terms. 25 acres, 23 in cultivation ; new 6 room bnujfalow: good barox fine chicken ranch. $4500. LOOSE & PATTON 370' State St. Phone 987 A BARGAIN Must Be Sold At Once 10 acres, 8 cleared, ahout 40 cords of wood on balance; 2 room ihouse; good barn, garage, rhieken hoifces: 1 acre in prune, berrie. All the' heal of soil. On raacadamired road I mle from Salem. Worth more, but goin; at f.'.ooti. $:;oiMi rash, balance to suit. SOCOLOFSKY 341 STATE STREET BEST BUYS 6 Acres. 3 in commercial fruit. lt cul tivated, best of soil, good barn, chicken house 5414. with granary attached: a fine chicken ranch, only $2750 if sold at once. Thia ia rlos to shipping poiat. 10 acres. 5 in besring prme. Hi logsns. two large rhickrn houses, good house and barn, close i:i. well drained, all personal property and poultry goes. $10,imk. Trrnis. 10 acre. 5 tie ring prune. house, ham, good road : n snap. t;miO. Terms. TO acres, 10 logans It seres hearing prunes, modern house, barn, garage. drier, sheds; best of fruit land: 15 acre timber: close in. $21000. $ntMK cash, balance to suit. 10 srrc sll timber, at shipping staticn. $12041, $400 rash, balance ti per cent. Have a large list of house at greatly reduced prices. I fii acre near Janner. Alta., Canada, to trade far Salem resilience, ino acre near llalhutt. Sask, Canada. to trade for Salem rexidence. 10O ares in I. inn county, Oregon, to trade lor Salem residence. Have t t-t on real estate. M(M1. g4i0 and $1500. SOCOLOFSKY Jilt STATE fiTRtFT Read-The Classified Ads. SATURDAY HORNING, REAL ESTATE GtMIIl BF.KKY LWIl TO I. EASE V1X aerea near in for sale. Phone 71VR even ins . FOR KAJ.K TWO (RNI.i: 1 OTS OX" Xorway aad uu.mrr streets, tint I in, Prire "'!. Ca'l 1IIF.V TWO HOI'SES AMI OXF. Fll RTH OF a bio. k at the eoruer of I'itb and Slat streeta, will l.r sold at aartiun at lue t ourt Hae um the .'.ih day of Marrh at IK o rhx k a tq. BARliAlX i ROOM HOI HK IX t.tNtll randitms; garage, lot 7 "ne"l. Lwated near VeW Park s-bool. Pri--e IJ.'uhi. Terms. W. H. Crabenhprot A Co. 27 Stale Xt. A VERY GOOD 10 ACRE TKKCT. IM proved. a mile from limit, offered u a percent below real value for 1 a is week only, as if nut sold will boriow and withdraw from market. See W m. Fleming. 341 State atreet. BO ACRES. ALL CULTIVATED. 1 MILK from Saleta, 16 acre berries; big dairy barn, new bungalow, modern $JI.)K)o. terms. 78 acres, 2 mile of good tewa ia Marion county, good soil, 9 room plas tered house; must bo sold. Price $75bC terSM. MA6EE Room 29, Corner State aad Commercial. Over Be sick 'a TWO 4 ROOM SNAP RUXGAI.OWS unfinished and 17 lot for 8IIOO. W. It. lirabenhorsl It Co. 275 Stale St. FRUIT TRACT SARGAINS 21 ACRE TRiCT 10 acres lu year-eld Italian prunes, ia exeelleat condition: 3 acres full bear ing Wgaas: 1 's acres cherries and family orchard: 1 are excellent straw berries. Balsnce ia aew land end is to be put m fruit sad berries. Coed 4 room bouse, etc; ail building weU painted. No mud on this farm. This I a bargain at tll.OtXi. About half rash, or will accept good Holrm resi dence 10 $5.UOO aa first pay neat. - Will lake well aecurrd paper aa Mrst pay ment. 40 ACRE FARM 21 acres full besring prunes: 3 acres large ws'nats; 4 acre apples; 3 acres grain and 7 acre fir timber. Fair 4 room kouae, barn, fruit dryer, chicken house, etc. Spring wsler. Do ) ea know that u-b a pla-a raa be bought for $14,000. with a payment of $2.iow dowa aad balance at 6. Will take bouse ia Salem to $2,000 as first payment. KINNEY SMITH 4C9 State St. Ground floor FIXE ALL MODERN HOUSE CIX1SE IX with all hinds of fruit, with this place tbe owner will let a aew auto go at half price. 4 acre half in fruit, with good build iag snd just OJlside the city limits, on gooJ terms. SQUARE DEAL CO. Phone 470. 2-ACRr;s. 3 room house, garage snd chicken house, 1 mile from Sales, On pa ceo road. I J1WI. 5 acres. 2 milea from Salem: small house. ood bara. $35H). Will take trade. 5 acres, I mile from Salem oa paved road. New house. 4 rooms and bath; aew barn, $15mj. barn. 84500. 5 s i res. room house; good barn, near city limits oa car line. $5boO 12 acres; 6 room house; good bsra. $5&Ou. 16 acres. 7 room modera bungs low. good out buildiags. well locsted. $12,000 21 acres. 3 mile from court house; all baildings in good condition. $12.00i. Houses A good 5 room plastered bouse oa 25tb St . $1200. On North Liberty street, 7 room hua- gslow; 2 bats, some fruit. $40o0. A fine strictly modera 7 room buagalew on Washiagtoa street. S55O0. Another fine place on Washington street " LAFLAR & LAFLAR 406-7 Oregoa Building 10.) . ACRES 33 MILES FROM PORT land. J-t miles from R.R. station: 26 acres under cultivation; large family orchard : 7 room, house, good barn; 30 acres old fir limber; some beaverdaas laad. This ia a bargain. Price $OIX)0. W ill take part Sa'em property, belanre long time t'. If you want thia act '"BARBER & PEARSON 200 Gray Bldg. WOODS BARGAINS Choice lot Kingwood Park, ewnar needs money, $125. Choice lot on South High, near Lincoln school. $750. Four lot in East Salem, $125 each, or will rent. Five room house. North Salem, $1050. 12 room bouse close in, $4,500. Apartment house. 23 rooms, income about 8290 per month. $1800. Nine acre one mile out, cheap. J ' acre with aew house, close in. price j right. 320 acre farm about half hot lem land, good building and running water, aa main gra.ei road; kits of good timber. S80 per acre. F. L. WOOD 311 State St. L A. HAYFORD Real Estate AncJ Fire Insurance 305 State Street 9 room bouse, plastered. Lath, toilet, elec tric lights, corner lot. Price $2800 !ei s. 3 room boase and about 1 acre, nearly aTl feared, chicken light: three blocks lo atreet car. in city limit. Price $1200; rash $500. 5 room bungalow, aew, plastered, fire place, bath, toilet, light, basement, far Bare, built la feature aad whit ea am led. Price $4000. o-reota plastered. 1 story, bath, toilet, lights, fruit cellar, fruit trees aad ber ries, lot 68x132. Price $36O0. Term. 10 acre south of Selem, red soil, all in raltivatioa; 7 seres prane. 11 acre legsas, 1 acre strawberries; small house aad barn, chicken boas, etc; ail for $5000. Terms. 10 acre east ef Salem, rlos ia oa good road, all ia raltivatioa. blark soil; Ism 11 y orchard. 1 V acre logaaa. 1 acr strswbenrs. 1 cow, 1 horse, all peallry aad tools: god large bouse, plastered hot and cold wtr with bath. Price $7500. Term. L. A. HAYFORD f AS State Rtre GOOD BUYS CVj acre tract close lo carlme, good six room bouse, electric lights, barn, 2 W acre of logans. familv orchard, good road. Price $eS0O. Terms 10 acres of good soil, good house and k.e. af l..riae loeana S9 MlO i lOeacre of good soil, good seven room house, barn, bearing frail, good road. Prire $ti:tt0, $2300 down, balance 6 percent interest. t 65 acres of good bill lsnd, near Macleay. Price .in(M, giooo doun. balance term. 6 percent interest. Well improved 5 acres r'.ose to rsrliae, 5 room bungalow, electric lights, bet and cold water, family '-wit. straw berries aad- lagans, gravel street. Price $80l0. 25 acre of good prairie sell all culti vated Prire 8125 per acre HOUSES Large 9 room house, bath, toilet anj lights Trice 1 3400. 5 room modera bungato close to state house. Price S6.iimi. 7 room modern home, large . lot and garage, paved atreet. Price SOrtiXl. 4 room cottage, bath, toilet, basement, garage. Price $2'.o0. A room house. located north Salem, bear ing fruit, tarn. Prne 3 '.'.' Fine view lot on Fairmount Hill, paved. east front. Price $9oo. Terme. A blork of laad. .20O by 200 feet close to car line. Price S6OO. $200 down. balance 8 percent interest We have some fine lots on Fairmount Hill, pricea range from $275 10 $525. $5i down, balance easy terms. If yea are looking to buy, trade or aell, see W. H, Grabenhorst & Co. 375 Stat Street. MARCH 5, 1921 REAL ESTATE If KuoM APARTMENT HocSFi.TCR ae4: rkw is to sell eheap or IraaW Ittt i rtn hoase: baa good iawoaao. BARBER i PEARSON 2i ra BUg. FOU SAI.F. 7R'w rLASTEKFD bowse, firs, I lot. Price 82l; $B4MJ Cash; balance 20 p., asosth. HART CLLl.ll 20S Oregon Buidiag FOR RI.E 19 AXD A FRACTION arr- : aew 8 room modera boose and freed barn aad out house; black loam and: ail in cultivation: lost 3 mile from town on Oregoa Electric. Will sacrifice for 48.VOO. Call at 618 X. Liberty St. DEPENDABLE Thai ia our aim and purpose ; aad oa that axsorance we solicit year Imsiaesa 10 the purchasing of ritv probert. small acreage tracts and orchards, farms aad ranches. W recogniie there ta a date incumbent lo a buyer a well a to the seller; esperially a newcomer. We have the services of sa experienced 4rego farmer ss our farm salesman, who is fsmiiiar with the valley. W laviie buyer ta rail on aa. Our listing ia large and re pr heaeive. THE FLEMING REALTY CO. 341 Slate St. WORTH WHILE ?U Acre near Salem, oa psvej high way. Car line in from of house. All ia bearing fruit. Good ' room house With all a-odera convenience A home wei located. Price gWuvK). Terms. 70 acres, well loeated. 15 acre he nag pmnra, 10 acre loganberries, other beariag fruit. Good a-rasas house, large bara. garage: other outboildiaga. worth of personal property gea with the place. Tbia is a ssoaey naker. Price tnmi per sere. Term MILLS & COPLEY 331 , State St. Phono 175 YOU OUGHT TO PEE THK FLATS 1 have for sale. In weald have a beaulial Lo sue. also a splendid income, if o would buy tbia property. Would like lo show yow aa eight room honse. close in, oa paved street, snodera ia every deta.1. at $45oO. Those attractive tots ea Charch atreet. and alao those on D at rest, can be bovgbt at a reasonable price lodav. I have a 4,0 acre tract of laad ' for trade for a boose ia Saleea. I have a five acre tract for trade for a house ia Halem. List year 5 rooas furnished house with me for real, alao your i aad 8 room nafaraiahed houses. f have parti I oa my list who will take good care of your property. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 X. Collage St. Phoae 1186 GOOD BUYS 10 sere of bearing Itallaa pre sex, and ! years o'd. reck road. 4 miles out. Price $5O00. 5 acre. 4 e-re legana. 1 acre atraw berrie. Price $3o0. improved 15 aero 'tract oa good road, all cultivated, good bungalow, barn. 2 acre of logana 2' acre f prune. Price $78-0. Well improved 51 acre farm oa paved road, good buagalew. bora, some tim ber. Price $si per ecre. half ease. 20O acre farm, half cultivated, balance good timber and pasture: buildings, running wster aad springs; good road. Price $100 per acre. HOUSES 5 room beagslew located 16 S. nth atreet. Price $1600. 6 room house and large lot. beariag fruit, paved atreet. Price tiJOO. 5 room buagalew, bath, toilet. lights, some furniture. Price SlvOO. T room modem bungalow, targe lot, gar age, paved street. Price $0800. Good si room modera homo close to State Price S6300. 4 room cottage, largo lot. garage. ' Trie Z2IHJ. irret. If you are looking to boy. trade or aell "V. H, Grabenhorst t Co. 27 State Street. PUBLIC MOTIC-J NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed pro posala will be received uaril 2 o'clock p.m. a the 18th day of March. 1921, and then opened for the ronat ruction (healing new iae-loded) of a one storey frame gymnasium to be erected at Independence, Oregoa. tor school district No. 29. ta accords ace with plana and specification, eooie of which mar bo had of F. A, I-gr, ar chitect, Salem, Or- or C. O. Irvine, Clerk, lade adeoee. Or row. A deposit of tl.OO ill bo re a 1 red guarantee that tbe plane and sneife tion will bo re la rued ia good order. Tbe right to reject sav a all bid ia reserved. C. O. IRVlXE, Clerk School Diet.. X. 9. ladepeadejiee. Oregoa. VOTIfK OK ASSEKSrEXT fYin THK COsT OP IMPROVING W:VK.TKKXTH KTRKET IX THK CITY OF SA LEM. FROM i orilT STRKCT TO ( HF-MKK. KTA VniEKT. To Eva Cavanaugh.' Lenna E. Ra gan. Leila B Wiggins. William Yarned. Floreree Yarnell. Eli zabeth Petzel. George Fl Peed. Kanty O. Peed and Onrille Bal lon:' You and each of yon. arc here by not fled that the City or Sa lem. Oregon, has by Ordinance No. 1SC9 levied an assensment up on your respective property here inafter descrtbed. and in the rmount hereinafter set forth, for sncn property's proportionate share of the cost of improving Seventeenth street, from Court street to Chemeketa atreet. A de scription of each lot or part there of or parcel of land as-eased, the owner thereof, and tbe amount assessed and levied upon It Is aa follows, to-wit: Lot Sixteen (IS) of Block One (1) Vanduyn's addition to the City of Salem. Oregon. Eva Cava naugh. Lenna E. Kagan and Le ila B. Wiggins. Cost I12C.59. Lot Three (3) of Block One (11, Vanduyn's addition to the City of Salem. Oregon. William Yarnell Florence Yarnell and Eli rabetb Petzel. Cost $12.7. Lot Kight (I) of Block Two (2) Queen Ann addition to tbe City of dl-m. Oregon. George F. Peed and Nancy O. Peed. Cost $111.09. The East IS. 13 feet of Lot Fourteen (14) of Block One (I). Vand urn's addition to the City of SaJem. Oregon, Orvllle Ballon. Cast $33.06. Said absessments were entered in Volume 3. Dockett , of City Liens on the 21th day of January. 1321. as a charge and lien agaln.l t! said rropert ea. and are now lue and -,ayble to the City Treas urer. Uy order of tbe Common Coin rtl. ;1l. notice I arved upon jon I gendeHnr er!; " "---nd each of yon by publlcaU fnJ 1 Ih.rt thereor tor ten (101 days In 'he Daily Statesman, a newspaper of zeneral circulation published in the City of S.letn, Oregon. Date of first publicat.on hereof Is March 2. 1921. EARL RACE. Recorder of the City of Salem, Oregon. CHCHEERSJILLS 4 a r e C SI ia lae s ! kssA V 1 . asd. wxsh ham In Hail ri La, tm a ii nn iwlejust,! S i w .503 u.scasimTuTnfi. 1i IwV fl lUDfl INVITO) SCALED PROPOSALS aJdrt- -ed to President J. 11. Arkermaa. wcretary of the Hoard of Kegeitt of Normal School of the Stat of Oreffon. will be received by laid Board of Regents at the of fice of C. L. Starr. No. 404 Sell injc building. Portland. Ore Ron. until 1:30 o'clc-ck p. tu. March S. 1931. for tbe furnifhins of all materials and the performance of, all labor required for the erec tion and completion of the addi tion to Girl's dormitory balldlnc. for the Oregon Normal School at Monmouth. Oregon. All bids to be endorsed "Pro posals for Addition to Girl's Dor itiitory Itniluinc" Sold propo sis to he opened npoa the above date Ly the said Hoard of Reg ents. All the work and materials mast conform to the plans and ' specifications therefor on file at the business office of Oregon Normal School. Monmouth. Ore con, and at the office of the arch itect. John V. Ilennes. 1040 Cham ber of Commerce Bailding. Port land. Oregon. WHOLE MILK- j AND PRODUCE WANTED Marion Creamery & Produce Co. j Salem. Oregon Phone 24S3 SALEM MARKETS J( BUTINO PRICR Egg aad PesJtry Fggs. It flene heavy. 5 4e. lieoa. mod mm. t ie. Heos. tight. 20e. Old rooster, 8 lOe. Htsgs, I-lev. Par. Marten sad Beef Perk, a foot. $10.85. Leasee. IS' Live Veal. 13e. Dressed begs. ISe. Beef steers, 6c. 'we. 4V. Top Veal 16c. - u- Oover bar. $17 to $29. Out aad kevea hay. 10 $22. theet hay. $20 t $3I. ursta Wheat. $1.20 to $1.35. Out 4V Um Pood. W U Mill raa. $37 loo. Woouaaio to Dealers Croamery bolter S4-55e. Butlerfst. 5xc. Pmtt Oraagee, $3.25 to $S 25. Kanakas. ll,e. I Boa. I4.&0."1 CaL $4; Aril. Florida I8.50. . VtrrUales Ctlifera. cabbage. Si-. Oregoa cabbage. 2i4. mns. Oregon. $1 55 Onion. Califeraas. $1.75. Tare ips, f2. fnrros. $1.23 ssck. ;reew ipeis. Xk-, Caaliflowers, $2.25 doaea. Lewnee. $3 35 to $3.74 crate. Petaloea. $ ret. Sweet potatoes, $3.75 buahel. Kadakea. 40e dea. boarbea. Comb beoey ease. $S.0O. Celery . $1.25 dosea boar be. Parsley. 50e doaea bum-be. Bee's. 75c doaea baacfee. Tomato $6 crate. Heaer. extracted. 20c ft. RotaU Creaase " butter. 5Ve. Fggs. 35 27. Flour, bard wheat. $2.65 $2.90. - Ft r. valley. 2 23 . Sugar. $8.75 $9.t THK U.MXG. The young wife met her hus band on the doorstep. Before he had taken off his overcoat she be gan: . "John, tbe cook has left "Now. Ethel.- said the man. re- proachfully, It right to meet me with such news when I re tor home late from the office, tired out and hungry ? "Bnt,Jobn. I merely want to aay the cook has left - ' -Yes; I know yon merely want to aay. And I merely want to say that It's a shame that this household Is always la a state of upset. Other women manage to keep their servants. Why can't yon? j -John. I will apeak. The cook knew yon would be late, so she left a cold chicken and custard pudding on the dining room tabic for yon.- , ' -Well. EtbeL why In tbe worid didn't you say that at first! ' ' . . . , 1 CDXFinKXCE. ; . Tbe regular horn player of a southern orchestra waa HI and the conductor reluctantly accept ed the services of a darkey who olayed In an amateor brass band, lie was naturally a little doubt ful, however, of the technical ability or the amatear. After the rirat performance the new player asked the conductor how he bad done. The conductor repi-d that he had done fairly well, but would do better, doubt less, with practice. Whereupon the newcomer exclaimed grate fully: "Rosy, the music was strange to me tonight, an I ain't jest shore of It yet: but Jest yon wait till tomorrow night and yo ain't W,n.?.!.0 hear ot theB Hddlea at all!" FIGHTlXa CDRX. TbT?! ,".0rr comei1 hat two Thanksgiving turkey gobblers v ere sent to President Wllao" one from Kentucky, the otter .k J Kntur gobbler licked the Texaa product. Nothing es pecially surprising. Kentucky gob blers are red on Kentucky corn and ICo--.w -, . v ,, : - raooil to aiap a bull dog. It has always been fighting corn and always will be. nd no Texas-fed rohhie- v.. - chance against IL Nashville Ban- . wr whfa the bljc Idea? Why are you bringing the prisoner oat to the gallows today! I know we have to hang him to morrow but why rub It In? Assistant Well, yon know, bosa. we've never had a hanging before and I knew you would want U to rnn smoothly. So I thought it would be wine to have a little rehearsal Just to show the prison er the ropea. i , j .O " WW Ml