The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 05, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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    Extra Salesforce to take care of
enormous crowds
Coffee served free during entire
Double coupons! in Dry Goods De
partment Saturday only
Grand opening of our Economy
Basement Store
Never before has Spring Merchandise been
cut so deeply m the midst of a season.
Buy VJltfo Qomfideince
litaTiiiii . n n,1-5 -"" -w-r-' in, - n , , , .. mm,,- m,,,,,,- mmi iSKf-Sm
This Sale will bring tremendous criwds to
the store. A tip--
Back from Market with good news Prices are now as seven years ago. Quality goods are once more at your disposal for prices so far below what
you've been accustomed to paying that you will find it hard to believe them.
Now, when market prices were down we bought heavily, and besides we've "cleaned house." The result, "You'll be the gainer."
Come early Saturday ready to expect surprises at what you'll find here. Prices have finally been readjusted and it means, we hope, that we shall
never have to go back to the extreme high prices of the last few years.
It's our "Back from Market" sale. It is proof that at all times we have your interest at heart. This sale will be further proof.
Just at this time, the "Season" for most merchants to reap large profits, we make the supreme sacrifice. ,
We are here to serve you and this community. . f
jln one Chicago house we bought over 4,500 yards
for cash of the best
to be found , at an astonishingly low price.
say so, too
Oilcloth, dark colors; yard
3$ ijich genuine Hope Muslin; 4 yards.
72-in. Table Damask, yard.
....... .20c
4-in. Tablel Damask . . . . 41c
60-ln. Mercerized Table Damask, pretty flowered designs,
yard . . i it 5
35- in. Curtain Scrim, beautiful borders, also flowered,
fyard ....12c
36- in. medium weight Flannel. ...... . ... 22c
2?-ln. heavy; weight White Flannel; 4 yards 50c
8jx90 Moclips Seamless Sheets fl.49
32-in. heavy art crash, bleached, yard 10c
3Mn. Best grade Nainsook, yard 2c
36-in. Best grade India Ijlnen, yard '. 19c
36-in. linen finish Indian Head, yard. 29c
20-In. Huck Toweling, yard.. 1-V
Brown crash linen Weft, yard.'. 1
Cbt ton Crash Toweling, yard 9c
lSx36 .Huck Towels, red border. ............... .lc
18x30 Huck Towels, red borders: 2 for 2-c
22x42 Honeycomb Bath Towels 39c
20x30 Turkish Bath Towels 25c
36-in. LL Sheeting, yard 12c
i 1
Ladies' Ready-to-Wear
1 From Eastern markets at Eastern Prices
i . I Ladies and Children's Furnishings
beautiful hemstitched and cmboidered night gowns,
white and pink .......... J .. wc
Muslin Underskirts." 12-inch embroidered ruf......4c
Fine Muslin Chemise,: lace trimmed. ............ .49c
White embroidered combination suits, trimmed ruf . .98c
Ladies' Bungalow Aprons, Ginghams and Percale, dark
j and light; sizes 36-50
Children's Gingham Dresses, nicely trimmed, from 6 to
i 14 years i . ... .......
Ladies' Gingham and Percale House Dresses, sizes 36
to 50... ......'. $1.29
Bearbraad Hose, boys and girls; all sizes. ....... -29c
Ladies' Burson Hose. , . ..................... 29c
Ladies Heavy Cotton Hose. . . . .V
Fine mercerized child's hose; black and brown; all
i sizes 10c
!Crepe de Chine and Georgette. Waists. . .... ... . .$1.98
Fine Voile Waists, beautifully embroidered; size 50 93c
Ladies' Fine Mercerized Union Suits. .... .49c to He
Ladies' Vests; all sizes. .............. . .25c and 49c
Ladies' heavy weight Union Suits ..98c
Ladies' Mercerized vests and pants.. . . . . ....... -49c
Silk Thread Hosiery; all colors and sizes, pair. ...fl.OO
Grand Opening of
Our Economy basement has been remodeled to take cars of the growing patronage. We have also add
ed a lunch counter. BARGAINS GALORE.
Ladies' Shoes, high and low heel; gray, black, brn, $2.95
Men's dress and work Shoes . .$3.95
Girls and Boys" Dress Shoes; black and
browi $1.9S & $2.49
Ladies' White Canvas button and lace Shoes; military
heel and high; all sizes ..$1.49
'White Tennis Shoes, ladies', boys and girls'. ... . .59c
Children's White Canvas Shoes and Slippers 59c
Rubbers, consisting of men's, ladies' and children's 19c
Ladies' and Girls' Oxfords; sizes from 2 to 4; black
and brown 49c
10 quart Galvanized Pails ..35c
14 quart Granite Dish Pan 5c
17 quart Granite Dish Pan 75c
Cups and Saucers 25c
Curtain Scrim, white and tan ....9c
Fine Mercerized Marquesette. 36 inch... 19c
Best Quality Ind. Linen and Lawn ......... .... 19c
33 inch Indian head.. 25c
Children's Bloomers, black, white, pink, sizes 6 to 14, 49c
Boys Shirts .49c
Children's Union Suits ...,39c
Ladies' Union Suits 49c
Men's summer weights shirts and drawers 49c
Ladies' Vests and children's Underwear lOc
Child's rompers and Coveralls, heavy weight 49c
Ladies' and Men's Night Gowns 98c
Men's and Ladies' Cotton Hose lOc
Girls' fine ribbed Hose and Boys' heavy stockings; black
and Brown 19c
Very heavy grade Men's Hose 15c
Boudoir Caps, flowered and plain Organdie... 9c
Heavy Fleece Lined Caps 9c
Men's blue and red Handkerchiefs; 2 for. 15c
Sewing Thread; all sizes and colors 5c
Heavy weight .Overalls 85c
Children's Heavy Bathrobes; size 12-16 $1.08
Men's heavy cptton Pants. $1.C5
Bathrobe Blankets; pink, tan and gray; beautifully
flowered ;..$1.79
Cotton Blankets. 60x76 $1.39
Boys' hats and caps. . . . '. 49c
Boy Scout Suits pants, coat, leggings and hat 95c
Leather faced gloves 39c
Market baskets I 9c
2 quart Aluminum Percolators .$1.10
Big assortment Remnants go at Half Price consisting of Dress Voiles, Ginghams, White Goods, Percales and
Woolen goods.
Men' Work Shirt 59c
United Quantities
Meni heaT) weight Glove. Be
Limited Quantities
HTjr Cotton, black and brown
&W e
Limited Quantities
Oilcloth, dark colore, yd 2e
LiaUted Qnantitiea
36 inch genuine Hope Muslin,
4 yard ........ . 60c
Limited Quantitiee
18x30 Huck Towel. rd bor-d-r,
2 for 25e
Limited Quantities
I)rrs Ginfhama. in brantifnt
llaulx, jrard .....UC
Limited Quantities
Fin Maalin Cheniar,
trimmed 49c
Limited Quantities
Children's Gingham nreasrs,
uieel; trimmed, from ft to
14 yearn ...., ...98c
Limited Quantities
IKntirc stork of Me&aaline.
'rpe d Chin en and Taf
fetas: lMst quality; new
shades, yard tl.49
Limited Quantities
Martet Daaketa
Limited Quantities
Two quart Aluminas. Perco
Limited Quantities
Will Go At Back-From-Market Prices
Hard Wheat Flour, our own brand $2.15
Victory Family Flour $1jko
20 pounds White Beans $1.00
10 pounds Rolled Oats .....flOc
10 pounds Macaroni. . esc
S cans Standard Tomatoes, No. 2 1-2 4&e
5 cans Sugar Peas s$c
5 cans- Standard Corn ,53c
6 cans lobby's Milk..
S cans Borden's or Carnation Milk......' ...62c
1 can Cling Peaches, No. 2 1-2 soc
5 cans Clams. ............ ; ...63c
5 cans Pineapple asc
11 cans Pork and Beans $1j0O
10 cans Salmon, tall $l.O0
2 cans Oysters. tall 85c
1 bottle Catsup ..: lOc
Bulk Coffee. SOc value, 6 1-2 lbs $1.00
40c Peaberry Coffee, 4 pounds.. .$1.00
6 lbs. M. J. B. Coffee, per lb.. .40
3 lbs. M. J. B. Coffee, per lb 41c
5 lbs. Diamond W. Coffee. 60c value, per lb SOc
' One pound Cocoa' Free With Every 5 lbs.
3 pounds Diamond W. Coffee, per lb .ZGc
Half Pound Cocoa Free With Every 3 lba.
Cocoa in bulk .15c
60c Gunpowder Tea. 3 pounds .....80c
5 ounces Pepper. 25c vevlue " .....10
2 ounces Extract. Vanilla or Lemon SO
10 lbs. Petite or split Prunes....... ....OOc
We have 500 sacks Sugar at Wholesale Coat
9 pounds Crisco 4 ................. .$1.70
6 pounds Crisco ; $120
5 pounds pure Lard. In bulk $1.00
5 pounds Shortening .....70
4 pounds Cottolene k. ..SOc
5 pounds Peanut Butter ...,43c
No. 10 Karo Syrup, dark..... 63c
No. 10 Marsh mallow Syrup SI. IS
S 1-2 pounds Best Strained Honey . .$1.00
3 pounds Nucoa Butter.... eoc
Soda or Oyster Crackers, per pound ..13c
U. S. tJovernment Bacon, Net 12 pounds, cn....$2JM
18 bars Crystal White Soap. .$1.00
witn raekas Wanning Powder Free
6 boxes Matches, large .....80
Picnic Hams, per lb 23c
Bacon Squares, per pound tZe
Olympic Pancake Flour, large package 23e
Albers Rolled Oats, large package: i. '....:...... S3c
Mustard, per pint Jar ...22c
Toilet Paper, special. C for .23
Jiffy Jelly Powder. 2 for 23c
Tobacco. Star. Horshoe. Climax. 1 plug ...83c
& cans. No. 2 1-2 Apricots $1jOO
3 cans American Sardines ..,25c
3 cans Shad, tall aoc
Arm and Hammer Soda .Sc
No. 10 Lard, per pall ....$1.50
i Astonishingly Low Prices On
Dress Goods Material
At these prices don't put off longer that new Waist
ur ures3
Bt mialitT irnsrantd rolor
Calico and Apron limghama:
yard ......r.12c
Dress Gingham, beautiful plda..
jard .j. . ..... c
3t2-iiuDr Ginghams, yd..25c
r're""h Prcl, light and dark;
J yard ...i.;.,...... .....24e
M ni. Percale 15c
ilt in. Bungalow Cretonnra. In
I Wautiful ' draigna ....19c
aii-in. iifdiiim weight Twking;
J yard .j.-.j. 16e
32 In. Romper Cloth, all rolora:
1 yard .J..L. sac
27 in. flowered Flannels or
Iiree, fiiowna, etc, yd 12c
4'-in. l'laid Voilea, dark and
J light. 1 lower ,U,... 9c
'in. Cotton Voilea, dark and
J light . . 2&c
Sjfi in. liarred and Htriped Iim-
J ity e
?7 in. Barred and Striped litn-
I ity i 1
Xew Flowered Mereeriied Ilreaa
Voilea. dark and light ec
16-in. All Wool Kerge, yard, 98c
fi in. Mixed Wool Kerge, yd. 6e
i-in. Mised Wool Sheuherd
Chek. yard - - 'c
AM wool Skirt Tlaid, yard. S1.9S
Cotton Plaid .....;., ....i..4c
All Wool Heavy Jerge:
I'reneh Herge, yard ... $1.29
"U'aoI IreKa (ioods. ill i
ihffereat ahjdea 69c
Kntire Stoek Mescaline. Crepe
de Chine and Taffetas: Heat
quality: new ahades; yd.fl.9
Newly arrived. 3f-in. Silk Pop-
Charmeuae. htark and
brows: yard ....S2.98
27 in. imported ilkt atriped and
rheekered Voilea -39C
Fine Jlerreriied Striped
Shirtinc: yard 29e
30-to. line imported Lawn,
54 in
36 in.
We have received our purchase of over 5,000 pair of shoes from Boston. If only to see the quality for the money
Come. Shoes at 7 years ago prices.
Indies Oxfords, military ami hijrh heels.... $1.98
2 eyelet Slippers, latest style; high heel $2.98
2 eyelet hlaek, military heel Slipper .$2.49
Ladies' Kid Shoes, high tops; hrown and hlaek; military
and high heels . $3.98
Latest style Children's Shoes; wide and narrow toes;
hlaek and hrown 1 $1.98
Mary Janes for Children 98c
(Jirls Brown and Blaek Shoes; all sizes " $2.49
Boys' Brown and Black Shoes, narrow and wide
lasts ....$2.49
Men's heavy, full double sole, work Shoes $2.95
Men's hlaek Blueher Dress Shoes... $3.98
Men's tan and hlaek Oxfords, wide and narrow lasts, $3.98
Entire stock of Connolly 8hoes, consisting of fine kid
and calf leather; in 5 different shapes; black and tan;
all will go at one price $4.98
Entire stock of Peters High Grade Shoes greatly reduced.
NOTE Every article in our shoe department has been reduced to the very
lowest levels. We have put shoe prices back on an old fashioned basis.
Men's and Boys' Furnishings
Has Dees Greatly Redored
Men's Order Made closa weave serge Salts, different
tries and colors ...flO.OO
Young Men's plain and belted Wool Suits IZJW t 917.30
Boys' Wool Suits, latest models 44kM a4 4.&a
Boys, 2 pants, good weave. Cotton Salts. ...... .SIJ3
Men's all Wool Serge Panta. fall cut 9iStS
Children's Suits, sites 2 to ... $2JtS
Men's Woolen Overcoats M-VJ
$2.20 Denim Bib Overalls fc
Boys Overalls, up from 63c
Children's Coveralls, heavy Blue and Khaki ?9r
.Men's Work Shirts c
Men's Dress Shirts..., ...9c A 91.49
Oar Entire Stock of Felt Hats, some aa high as 14. SS.
all -go at one price 91.93
Men's 10c Handkerchiefs Sc
Men's heavyweight' Gloves 9c
Heavy cotton Black and Brown Sox 9c
Men's Heavy Khaki Coveralls 92.19
Boys' Heavy Khaki Coveralls 91.49
Every Sale Must Be Final No refunds, ex
changes made after sale on all purchases marked
approval only.
FIVE POUNDS Beit Granulated
Sugar to the first 500 Customers,
D on Saturday only for
We will not sell to merchants at these Prices. We
reserve the right to limit quantities to all.
Don't come the next day. Come today. Don't fail to see our Economy
Basement store. Don't come late, you'll be disappointed. Don't come if
you don't want bargains. Don't miss our Daily Super specials.
and extra salespeople employed for quick service. SHOP EARLY TO