The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 05, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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Department Of Education
Summarizes Enactments
. Of Late Session
1 1
-I i . - .
Favorable Consideration
i Given t6 Constructive
by the
iWate bill Xo. 39, by Moer. - amend
the present law that a school hoard in a
dintrif-t Jlflvine 2' rhililrrn of school
age or atiove, ha authority to establish
and man. tain- as many kindergarten as
it may deem n eee a r . Trie law. hereto
fore, ha been that til sc'to.! lioard
could maintain than five kindrr
ttartcusl. The law applies only 1 the rity
of . Portland at present.
Srit!r till No. ''1. It hdward. pro
villus for the amtitine of III" . taMtk nf
the rlt rk" of fa-h' school district, outstef
if cttNtirrvt uf thr first . Ij j. t.y inr di
triot boundary board. Tin1 book are to
be it tsl j t I'll t at h tear iK'mre August I;
Salary P-aiseid.
Semite hill No. Hume, amend
the law w !n-i'. prijvulei. liiat iLic-lor
shall (not have any pecuniary intere m j
the errction of school houses, furnishing i
tntitilit- nr miv r i ice remier- i u le.-iti I
l I... .t. l..... ... - . l .r
ea-rifr. the firtlt smf the school sitpeuri j
lrntmt. Neither the lrjr!ii-r n r si h. ol
rii fr-it"-t.i l aif. hen after., m h:.l )
sup-die to t'.f vjlu,J i j.tii.! l-tiringf
I lie V3' :iii..'t pe.-ift.t .i tea.ti'-r inav a. t a1
agenp fur tie sa'r of school nippl-i- in a ;
school t'istrirt wlctr he i not nop;.. rd 1
a ttacli r
-"-(( ate lii'l Xo 107. by TiVll. raise tl. 't
alary of ii.t n!. nt i.f -iil,.c in j
vii. urn. tit 'n.m f. :11ml to tf Iiiii.i anuurillv
: w.i... . l.i'i v., in i.v
... ...i... t.r. ... i 1. ', . j iiitrnJi-lit and f, hU salary.
than $.".0. TMi law n-oiir-iet the tan
dur.liiai iuii of rnal ihooU.
Couaty Unit Topnla.
I(nnsi No. 'Jt.'i, lir Shrldon, l
ia-t.l i Imt five voire atamM it in
th liiiiixf an.l im iii tlif M-niit. It if
ttiurfd i)iiiif a aifijais:ii or fihiratiun 1ir
iiK l!f finirf l ta.iv in unlrf that thf
uifiiil-frii .f ttif t-ri.lBtiirf uiiflit fully nil
(l-rslaliti I ti irnl tiiiii of 1 ht lilil. 'I'li.
a. i- .! i iit.IIv k im n s tin rouiity
iirut of adiiiituMr.itioit anil la?ioi Thf
l.lll, l:t avd. ;l'i.i-r, tllaf thf Ij W i
t-i l.--o.l- rtiV-M-- Until it tln liffrH
votfil iul a nmty liy a majorily vt!
ot ttif i-ii-iim .if that iiiimij. Tlif itKtiii
.m isi.,iiN .if Hu- IhiI urn a fnlioi!t:
Tln-rt" fan If l-.rf. (. f -i
itt t i'i.-1 . in :i .-i.uiit ; (in- 't'. tJ.- lowiij
r vilLjfcf, uii I tHf -.iiitr m:1uhI ill i
iirl.. A i! ilisin t niif i.mi' i; !.'!
i r iiiiii-f coit.tifii of ho... I a-. A t.imii :
villrttri- ilivtrii-t i iiiif Laving frtilfl I
.".Ml l liinii . lulilrfii of Sii hoi.l Ef I'.otti !
,f lhf iti-.tri! iii lijit Ih" Rartli- nr-
z.tii;ii i.ii ii1 at ! fi. r . '! ti.'ir
Ulil 14- uillliiliisl.'rt'il tiy lh ili-tlil-t V'ili' I
tM.yr.w 'l'ti' -onnty -t.-.iri-t, ti-.w ---r.
I'oinorN.- of " c it tfrrilory
no! eriilira'! in 'ii nr I .1 li-lrirtv
fu! fonlriliulion liy nampld ian prore
rfmllir" r;iiufity to fiHfrsf from thf
wifikacf of war. Wiulf tlif world" fm
liittfrfii did not li-avf us dfva
ta'.od l.iii nor dfnolaifd fitif. Iff! HO
-iint; wound fillfd milh half,
it i'id iiivnlvf iiv in tl.e dfliriiim of f
.n.f,li.i. in --4aiul'-i' iurr.'nr ami rrd
it, in u i: I t . : in' .1 imliivt ry, in inofak
jl!f ..sia and i!i-tiirlii "I ri-!:tl ion- ln.
Wit.'1 i; uiii-ijirriil o..r iwirtioo of o.iif
fill s-lf isluu- at Iumif. II al- T'- f:.lfi:
thf ln'arl of Anii-ii.-a a ...uid and f-ar
r. t iiM In a. in iii run fi.if n.-f iiniailirr.
Ao lit i! all f have rln lnl t'no Kae
of all i-iTiii itioii to thf oriM If ii-hiif i and
no- ii -In foil -uf si of ri-prv.iiialivf dfin
oi r.ii . ulu tf our fr'fd.iiu lo-vfr ha in ulf
..ft.iiv. warfiif. ii.-.r lii. vomkI'I ti-r-
ritOi a-jtrauilif iuf :t t!irini(ii ion f,
;i.n-r hi-. I.iiu.ii lo llif arliitiaimiil f
arinv tin:i! r.-avmi bad tif-
Wlini tin- . i ri.ini BI of tatlh -.hall
Into h :'d a fr.-dn.M likf oiiroWn
and I.j!I h.. .nu t .o'if.l tlif imtiit of
... ; ...'a'- f' ir.n nu ll i. i it .-
1 tin ia .oli! sun llif una .r-iiirw .11
iiiliT'i'i'nii. ! v arf.Tf it! haVf t-f.-i)
. i : t f Ti
Onr !i:-rfiiie Task.
is any dmirift l fiuj,;.,y tfafhfri
to lf know a as h.tmf tfartn-r. Thf-'
hi.iii l-ario in arf to work :n thf boittfi
ii idf bi;i-.U. iiistriiftmar rhilitrffi and I
adult in nsaiifrt rflmine t fio..) aH-n f
diirf; I. it i.ii f, naoiiatioii. tltf r.n if! i -1. Ian
i an
i iy
! t roiii iluv tcrritorv fivf m h ml h..n. ir ..i in if iv l'
mr-tiilif rv wilt !. rii-i tfd at l-r'.'f. Jio' n' 'i"" i..iril ii.iritial way
ii't have fitiitrol of and ill ir.-rt' ifif i linn, rr adjii-tii f nt. rftnat
vfhoiI affairH of U.i- disiro-t. Tin toiard
( will have i!if authority to aupoiut a (uifr
ii.:..y (ell.
Uf --.!.ary ai.tant
nrv iior. tfai'lifr.
uff rintt-ndf tit. a
janitma and aMs
lf-f ail lu 1-1 vihi.iiliniiivfi. ; to (-r-.arf
an ano. il bud-;.-! ajul ' 1 ! f y !ii v; In
ffifiMilidatif oKo-:i and to htc Hip tMi.ih
...I.-., .aiisiainiii, Hir Ullllin lail . . . , . ... ill.
...... v.... t I .-. .. .. s lUririi ol thf Ktit divirirt. A:l sfl.iol I fit iirfw-.
latf, nou-tfl:old nnif, tiif r oar alion I , , . ,' , , . . , . ,
vl ...f of food and an. in thf ?". ! ""w "ll 'f lT k"0 " ) , ,f' '-'....' . attnudf war . -!
.ndaui.i.t.1 t,ri,.f of ,t,. Amfriran! "'. "-. will t,-- l.ral .-I forrfl ..n t.a I farftly ho,, way
,!-, of -.orWnnJnt and thf right. a..d!'"srU " ''" ,r'I ,,v ":'"", f" Uu h w'11 " ,n
tif cf riiii-n'hi- i ' 'n-r ro,"''.v ;h-rf tin hf- diviil.ial ami roll.-ifivf nrftirth and imn
Numt-ronsibllls afro"tns th
rtate whool Isystem were
legislature at it rwent
Doibtless the most int-
iiortanti of the Is the muafure 4mi tf riiijfn hi-..
tutabllrihlrtK ithe founty unit tf I Per Captu Fed.
adminlitraiion and aHsessment. j ; s"," i -w i.y i t,Um. t.rvi i
One .rtfatturri that was W..tly ", "'"r'
1... t,A -.-.! Ir.tiiriml 4 I ! . .
ui m . .-....- rT rainla amount of . . l. v.-.l ..... ..i ...i i.
'Iiator i.Ityan'a. hill t elil'll- tn tiff roWnty li tln-, Sum, oij nMntr Wfinf it wtU Iw i .-n-il lf to n.!f
Inate tt paiment t the state of; fiiinnf of th mat.- hav n.t wvif.i t.i ,tie Vimn ,n doiiiiifa unU
royaltyToi. aind and KravH taken .-.- - '
from (the Jwd.4 Of IiaTIRahie j .,.,T !,vvi,lC i, in thf jfar ' Entity Not Destroyed
It has rut Ii"t Miio.ii. I. lirrf tof.irf,
rfvumjit ion
I.Vfuii ruf
i ail t ;n f
inn-t follow I uoiild likf to haifti ttif in.
If-it will liftm n thf m.irit and add lo thf
reMiliirwiii with who-h- -f tike up ttm
tak. Iff nif rfifat for our nation, wf
ijia.l j.'if no I'fotiU- just faiiv to iiiaLh
war tijii n u. linl.l mi iia'ioual r.jn
difr. Wf i ntf rtqin no virit of rfVnsf.
w do not lialf:. do not rnvi-t, w
drfarn of n.i ronEUf.t,. nor lo4ivt of arm
kft. opfn In thf world, maintain Anrri
ran of living and o..oi I unit t
and iliold our indutrial fiiitnfii-f in .i li
unftjiial roinx'titiin. Tlwr i a luring
falary in thf tlu--.ry of l.aiiishfd l.arrifr.
of Iradf. Imt irfMrv'd Anu-tifin -tan
dard r'iiiirf our hishfr I i'.'i nt
to l.r rf llf.'t-d in 'ur tariff on iii..ji!i.
Today a nfVfr lifforf. hf h rfolf arf
ffkin;: tradf rfvioralioti and rviMiii.m.
Wf niim: .nljo! our tarifi lo Hif low
urdfr. f iwK ..-irl ii i.a! i hi 1:1 i if
in !d s i-xrha iik'f . lf a.i-o thi rfin l.r
on- way lo idi-nid inf Imiuf and thf Iii
iiiii!ii of i.f a. f. Wf knot, full will '
l aimot 11 lu rn v i!u not : .ml r
..l liil II Kllfi r--f ully hrrf Wf iln IMt
rarry. lj.-.irtuiiity i ra'!.l.J n it a'.uif
fur tin rrvturai ion. Imt for a nr fia i i
irti.liiil iin. t roil aiid tradr. Vv'r
kliall II'IT It I'f-t h lllfftilig thf .!
mai.d of a iiri-ain li.iio- inarkt-f. I.
iroinoting rlf iri ao.-f in irw.liirt ion. .ind
in .i.ltlin- rntrri.i ivr. t fii.ii-. and rtfi
rii-rii'y In iarry oir ill Vim-rii aii
li. tloiilK to thf marl of thf world.
An Amrrica of Homt-s.
Wtt wu!d i-ot haf an Xinrrin livinf
within and for lirrtw-lf uloiif. I. i t iul.'
haf lifr f!f fi'lianf. itv-ti-.f mli 1. 1 ami
r.r iiolirr. iriiiiirrr a-iil tii'N r. It. tf-
ing in our liiglirr fSaiiiiari!-., rra'.-d
throui.'h ..nt il nl lonal Mtt am! m .in
t-ianffi tiin-ortunity. Wf tnviif ilo- .ir!.l
to thf alif l.fifhl. Itlit irid' in thn.i;.
wroiiflit i ii rrfift if a roin.lf ta.k
IVri'iimi wrlfarf i thr k.I f o:r na!iifi
l rndravor. Wraith i- not imi'iii'a! t.i
mrlfarr, it out-lit In l.r ii tri nd'iir-t
rirtii;y. Tlo-ri in-vi-r -an lo iiii.iliM m'
rrward or io-.o:i -o .ni; a thf I u
man iian rontain-- varird t.ilfiii and lif
frrifig di-tcrrr of imliivtrv and thrift, hut
based on. actual capacity of car
rack. le?s an allowance of l
inches Iri h-'ight of rack."
( t'niii intti ! n pat-f 7 I
a rnrntnittf-e wnt Inrltlo to pro- cru meat tfontract; for rhU...
(.out the ftrmer pr.hilnt with ;i in.ieiK-ndt-nce an 1 to eximd pro.
it fbiWtrs, lhoe uutMide j hibttifMi to the rhllippinen Cj
untied in a nol.v and enthusiastic! r P0 "f ,ht "51 road phy.Jc.j
pre.tln;:. - vain a lion law. j
The li'imiitralin contlnu"d J -
alntot until twiiiI.t ai.d Mf. ! W.WTS To li;:i.r JIOTIlHtS
V.ils.ft was lr.I t ipiii)'l e-. j, rs Win. TJfff. 3H NibolFt
tial litif-5. Ir. ;ras4n naid Mr. i 'r.i. N. Y.: "'I rlaJIv v.riteaT.
romr rftfi'livf. thr trrulrnry mill I-; to
rrntralif an' lir.til and, thf rrforr , rr
MiHiri Jiilitv. and it mill al-tt ru rUuii'i
aiii.r many of tlif raknrv
dislri.'i fo-iio'd oriraii.ati.ill
riralf all Ainrriia. lli.itf riall v and iirit
nalty. IniiIv and soul, to national drfftivr.
I ran vision th idt-al rftiuhlif, whr
ntnamti for tun on public works
The bill was vetoed by the gover
nor. )
A eummary of the enactments
effecting the; school system pre
pared by the department, of cdu
cat'on follow?:
Kffatf! Kill No- . Ky Kyan. rffM-al
Ihf auifiolnifnt givrn on .Bjfr l l'. mt
linrtj 4'iK!of thrt 1!I rdition of trrgon
arlosol law, lligfi rhoot ilirtrin throih
eat thf ltat Ki!l nwitiii.if to ororat
andfr thif atnr lidiif nt nntil tha fd of
thift .yraf. . Thla lar, do all
ihfr law. gifl Into rffrct t') day after
.djonmmrnt of thf Ifgilatiir . Xt Jffar,
hi,Wfi r. a hlglt crhuol will h Trim
liiirird oly forj non-reaidftit. oipil that
may attfttd lhat tnen arnoot. i
T Tltit I 87ea. .
IIon Still Nat by Itflknan. 'romU
rtinii 24.1, pa k 8i of thf 1919 f lition
of Ori-ron'. arhiKil law. Whrn thi law
gmi jnto l fflf erf 8U daya aftrr the ad
Jiinrnfmnt iot tle lrgihlature. dintrirt
may ronnolidatf i at any timf in th yrnr
and r not rrtiiiirrd lo wait until the
annual arhoor mrrtlng a hrrrtotoif.
, llouae bill Xd. 27. by Powell.' armrnd
an-trun 2, nage-11 of thf 1919 edition of
Oregon ikdol Itvwt, by rtianging the date
of; the lfgmning of the tearhrra' exain
iiiatioit from tin last Wediifday in Junr
bark to the iwvond Wednesday in June.
The teneher' Jexatn'mation next Juuf.
therefore, will tifgin on We'nfdar, June
8, 192 1'. i 5
Kenate bllt Ha. 117. by ratlfraon.
amenda the elementary trarhera' train
Ing law found on pnge la, arftion 'Jtl
nf the 1919 edition of Oregon aehool law.
The amendment doe not go into effert
Mil after Januwry 1. J!'-3- After that
lime the department rf ednration will not
b permitted to grant a rert if irate to any
tetrher until he ha cnmiltel an ele
mentary trarhrr' training rout.e or it
eriniTalunt, een' thongh nj nefetfally
pat.f the eaammation in all the tulijrrt
repaired for aurb rertifirate. An elemen
tary trarhera' training eonrae will then
require 2t wrrka of ork beyond the high
, arhWol. The lat i further amendrd ao
that after the )tr IK'i a trarber may
not bo granted g rertifirate until ahe ha
rontpleted nf wrrka of work beyond a
tta.dard high afttoot. awrnc'irrrit
rattra- the VI wfvk row reqnirrd to '1
f in 19K3 and to 3S week ia D'ii.
Pupils: Accommodated
?ent bill Xo. T, by Kddy. amnd
aeetioM 5071, Orrgoa laws which require
the board ol dirvrtor of any legally or
ganjxed rhenl 4itrirt, when authorized
by a majority Tta of the legal voter of
Ilia dintrirt. to forninh traunportatinn t
rioj from arhoollte all pupil liring more
than two mile from the arhool building.
1 hi bill authorizf fhe crhool Imard to
transport all pooii liyiug more than one
mile from the -hool I nililing. It alo
prorlili that wit-rr tlif traaportation i
b water, ill pntiil tha.ll be f ran ported
"' -
f ihr i-M I r-vrrv man and aiiian i rai'lrd nndrr thr
1 lull ir- ' f!.i2 f ir thr aij;niiirnt to dntv, for
wiistnrr -riii-, military or rivir, thr
imlividual i- Krt fitted, whrre we na',
.ill to uiuvi'ral rrvif every plant,
-.pnii'v or fai-iliiy. all in the tmblime sar-
riftcr f ir rHiunirv and not one prntiy
I of v..r profit shall inure to the benefit
to i i.f private ini : iridnal. raiimration or roin
' ji'fitroy t?if entirr of a si mm I iitrit. I.iiul nn. but aM ahovr the normal ahall
Srnate bill No. ,y I pt.m. appU-s 'n, itii-lrii-t l.o.indary t:iiKht ihangf thr! flo ii M,f drfrnse rhent of thf nation
Mr. Hanlinri amT oilier? in the
tar. -pfpl Mr. Vil:.n. ulii:hl'd
and ht'te Ihf rowd vailel Kvi
dftitly it had been pre-arraniM-d
lhat ilttre i-houlil In? no pnbii--
i (.iiip.tlis.ill lo b. dr.-; v ii In lf 'it
!!:. I Ah client:: f i -' tr of t w n'v
;.n sid nt am! I Ik r i ! !! frtn
vf ihf old. tor Mr. Wilson rodf
'mi ;ilone to n 111 1 1 nil door
where he had but two ffeps to
Mi. Wion v.-a" liftr-d out of
tin- car and up the two st pi by
Aithiir ISrooks. nepro rnstodiati
tif l!i Whitf llousf. At the top
h" pati.ved and then. piapini: bis
caiie but alone and una1d l. he
moved lhrou;;h llif door to plod
Hot. ly ver tli- 3mi anl of slo.te
flaj-frinj.' lo th- dvafor. II"
pa-hfil without he-d a bit; rolling
The rrnwtl at lite other door
WilMtj hj4 HoftJiindly tuch-! tr.inr; that belpt
liv Ibe tribute.
(fontinueu from pace 1)
rni.tber t:k
. h r l i"'ii.-n. My litib iclrl ui4
( AhtKiinc cotirh and 1 wan afraid
rar- oii:n riiohe. j rare tr f'&.
l.-y'.s Honey and Tar and it iu-lprd
it r tiinl rf -lily. She coubl
"tiMirt :!! n fM without coufhlait."
Tfeis ,-tMKl n.uplt syrup (berkt
ct.bls, slops couKbinr. tutg phleg,u
br.U ry; for an s'y to ,,,-,s. p : j -nd cot. . rat InrUmed mjai.
f.mvirittd uiuW r th- esplora e a Lahnt: eoatjnt.
1., .o nri.bibit ' co-t tdtis" n.v -SoM t re r wbcre. adv. ;
iiui oiiiht to l.r a roi.ntry fn-f from trral ul , fjn) , r Wi'mtdl. Tln-y
Idoti hr of distn-ss.-il jfivfrtv. r ouuti' . ...i.i. i i ... . v. i, ......
to M.,1 a way L. gnar.1 agaiu: fhf t -ril ! C'lUSht tip Willi hilll :.S he turned
131(1 rannot now redurr that per rnpila
omyi to r.i.inlif, ih arr wurkinz undf r t iHtttmlarir uf whool di-trn t. l.ut m ihr
thr county hish lim.l an. It prov idr 1 ,i-iH-rs. it wa imii pf rhiitrnl. uuorr tlif
inati a rti.iri.-i or union High .' )ia. not m, p, ulMilih rmir.-lv. a school ditritt.
I'Vrttipt from a ronnty hish erbnot tav. j'lti. pavs.-iir f vliousr Uill No. 241. bv
whiirh h iM'rn tandardi.fd by thr tatf ; jiknap. th- district t-oiindary
lioard of rdiicatt.n. "hall m-rivr thr same j .,srt. hH ..ll! i.nir.l s.. to du. to annex
r.mnuiit for i; avcrasr dally attrndanrr of j ,:trict nr ,.,rijwii of a dr.trict t.i our
impii rrviotTig in ttir county a tlic rot ; or inor adjoiniiw liktrtrt. mi. lhat thr
.1 mf nr'i.'r i"ny auriiuance in i,ir j dislri. t f... aii'iri
d or d:iilcil will 1..
rrnstr bill Xo. 27:1, by Klorhard.
c'langr partgrapH 2 of ii.ui 4'ti of thf
l!Itt mIiikiI lam ao that the arhool hoard
in union hijrh tea ml districl .-ompns.xt nl
n ore than five sf linr.cti shall con
it of fivre mrinl.rr.n rircrd at larte from
the onion high to linol ilist. irt.
Human Sttdy Eeqttirtd.
Pfrititf bill Xo. 20, bv tiill, provide,
for humane education-in the puhiir u ln.ols
of Urrion. Nut lrs than onr half an hour
of earli week during 111 whole of r-Kh
term of school liall be devoted to teach
ing the pupil kit.t'nes and justice i.i.
and humane treatment of. animal, and
the imoortan! part they fulfill in thr econ
omy of nature. It i to be optional with
tarh teacher whether it Khali be. a mn
ecntive half hour or shorter period
daily. Thi instruction shall be a part-of
the ciirri.-ulum of udy in all pf tise puli
li schoolc of the la e.
Senate bill Xo. 2!'J. by Klli, amend
.i-rlion .'.ft. pace 2". of the 1!I 9 arhmd
I- relating to ah'indnnment or lapsed
distrii t. The new law require that all
mouey in the band of the district clerk
or board of director of aaid district
thall be turned over to tne county treas
urcr. and make -it the dnty of the trea
nrere to hob' aaid ironey until urb a
time a the district boundary hoard a,ay
rloe ap t!ie affair. f the district.
Loyalty Oata t..nired.
Iloase bill Xn. by to.rdnn, provide
tlonsr l,i!l 'o. 21. liv Itclinaii.
ampml the law 'a to rrouin- a union
high fchoi.i tiistrii-1: to meet the reouiir
men! of thr iatr board ol education for
:andarOizatinn. - T
llous bill Xo.. '2 VI, by Hobrrt. pro-
it fur thf fieri ion of school director.
in district of the first class, and provides
that tue form of thr ballot l.r provided
' y till di.sirict school b iard: that a ramti
1ate for tli office of nrlioul ilirector can
not nave hi name placrd upon the hallo;
unlfS at least srvi n day 4irior to the
t!aie of the lection, hr file with the
rlerk of tne acbool district a rrrtifira'e
of nomination signrd by not less than
thrrr per lent of the number .( and in no
rase by lrs than ten iri-sint of the
. ... ti..j . ...'i .
ill. II I l. l KlfriH
sraool dirrrtor
eVrtion: that
an accrptanre
five days prior, to the date of tmrh ra
tion, providrd. however, that in districts,
having ti.ttoo ImI,Ii,:i uf hrhi.l age or
a'.Kive. the rcrtificatr of nomination shrill
be filed Itay and the acceptance of
the nomination filed 10 day prior to thr
tate o ttie election.
Certification Act Ct33ed.
House bill Xo. otU, by the joint com
mitter on wjjs and mean, anni.irUrs the
arrretary of stair, whenrvrr the funis
ansing under the rprration of the sol-
lier). . ,l!or. and marine' rduratinnal
Thrrr is something inherently wi ing.
Miiiuthin,; .nit i f accord with the tdeals i f
rmri .hi ativr drimtrrary whrn otif oir
tion of our . iii... n-l.ip tutu it actiailic
to privaif -:iin amid defrtisivr war while
ilmtl.rr is i' i li t i tt jr. su.-i i: n ing or d ing
for natii-nul preservation.'
I ' Unity of Spirit.
V't ' tinivrtsal servir wFH eomr
i ii w unity of spirit and piirp. a nr w
j -ovule cc .uiii consecration, which w.inld
make our itclrn-r iniprrgnaplr . our In
o in p 'i assnrr.!. Thrn wr should hare lit
tlr or u i iiis M-xauiralioii of our eronomir,
inditstiial and roriiinerrial system at
lioii:e, no ftuitgering war debts, no swol
Irn fort u i.e.. to flout thr sacrif icrs of otir
soldiers, ii- rxrusr for sedition, no pitia
lilr sla kei ism. no outrage of treaon.
Knvy and jealousy would have no for
their nit-na ing drve lopmrut and revtilu-li-in
wo ild be witnnpt the passion which
engenders it.
A ttg'rt for the mistake of yester-
i.ay must twit, bowrvrr, blind u In the
nnil p.-naliies -f iiiieiuploy lui'iit. v r want
an tinerica of bomes, iliuOunat -it wi:h
hope and happiiift. where nn.tli r.
freed from I lie oirissity of bins hours ol
toil' lo ioiiil Ificir oh u donr. may .ie-iili
.1 hef'it thf he irlhst.ilie .if Au.erliati
it ieiiship. c want the cruiie of .iueii
can oiiiliihood rocked under con. I it inn c
wholesome anil so hopeful that no I -light
may lourli it in ii ilrvrlopioent. and w
want lo provide :bat no nelfph int. res.
on nialrrial nrcessitv. no Ink nf
tunitv. stiall pitvent the cam
cdui-ation so essffjt.jil to hest I II lellsb IJ
There i no short cut to ! in .kirn: of
tbe.e ideal into glad r-abtir. The w.irlil
tias witticssrd again and again, thr fuiilit..
and ttif luichirf tif ill rnnsiilered reme
dies for social and economic liisorder
Mat wr arr mindful today ii. rit-vi-r t--fo'i
uf thr trillion of modern lnilu-iri:ilistti.
ami we must liarn it caii-m aiwl
It. evil collelln lit i s I.y Mfi-I r ;nill Irsteil
ilielhuil. Win rr genius ha made fm .oihi!it ir. justice a. id happiness J
must In reflected m
w etfarr.
One rannot stain! in this preen-r and
be uumintlfiil of the Ireineiolou teMusi
bility. 'The world upheaval has milled
heavily lo our task, lint with the reali
(atiflu cniiie the surgr t Inch rtsolvr,
and there is r.-ussn rwi.-r in belief in th
I. oil given destiny of our new r public.
If 1 frit that there i t be sole rrsMn
tilnlity in the rvn otiTf for ih. America
of loiunrrow. I shouii! shrink from
the l u in n . ISi.t licrr arc a hundred mil
iion. with common rnmrrn and ihatnl
I espousiliilit y, answirallf to tool and
rooutry. The rrpul-lir siiiiimon lliein to
task of today. War never left aurh an I (heir duty and 1 iuvite c. operation.
t n'tn math. There ha lieen
iiotii ieii Ol tlif t 4 i f ! ,
. .' ! .... , I' of life and measureless waste of
! 'Ct T " -ria! Nation are still groping f,.,
at the last annua school , , wav. Iii-..,, raging
be ,,!, ,l,r cb-rk ,,,..,. n. like all the
of the. at trat , . ... .i. it
il r re
, - - . - - ---- , - ....... . . ..... .I., ...
that every Pearlier fontrartm? to t ach j financial aid act become exhausted, to i
In the stale of Oregon, must, in her con
tract, iubacribe t.i an oath of allegiance
to support the rrnstiiut ion of Ih4 I'nitrd
State and th state of Oregon, to teach, !
by precept a-nd example, rrpr t for the ,
flag of the I'nitrd State, revesenc for
law and onler. and undivided allegiance
to the fcovrriiBient of our renntry. The art
further provide that every trarber ia a
private or parochial school, or in any
nthrr rfllegf, academy r lnsthrttoti of
learning in the state, shall, before enter
ing upon thi discharge of hi rr her iu
ties, tnke the me oath or affirmation of
allegiance a that to which public crhool
learners must tu I. serine,
Hons, bill 'o. 177, by Perry, amends
the law governing tbe distribution of the
rourtiy .school fund and where distriris
have been roni.soh.Uted. Fifty dollars wa
given to each one of the district in the
ronsolidation br tho ronntv siitierinreti'-
d'-nt at the time of the distribution, and !
for a period of five year. Hereafter one!
htmdred dollar will he given, rather
Established 18C3
! ' ' '
I -
- l '
General Hanking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. in.' to 3 p. m.
sue crtifirate of inilciit. dness, to lr re
ilm-niril from Ihr first money credited
under the annual levy of laxrs.
House' bill Xo. iiH. t.y landman,
amend tbe law regari'in the rr-rtifira
tion f teachers o that whrre a standard ,r university offer a normal
elMml course, eipnvalcril. to thnt .f a
standard normal school, those who have
treeu Lrad.tated from that standard col
li!; or viiivrri'y. ari'l have completed
thf standard -aoraial Vhonf course, will
he grunted certificate vnid to teach in
the eittiuentary grade. Win-re an appli
cant for a certificate has hern graduated
from a standard college r,r univr rsity and
ha completed fitt-en s-lnrsler hours ii
cih-rutioii, toil h.t not romph-ted a normnl
.rhxd nurse in a standard rHlege or
university, be will rreeiveia certificate
valid tor te n bins in the iiigh schools
Trnnre Bill SaiEmxrizrd
House Kill Xo. 349, provide for srvrn
in thr place of .five member tin the hoard
of Directors for thr school of Portland.
It f.unketr tirnMn that f ive .-f
j'fie U.ard may disniis a t-a-ln r. and! such a lion will not bels-ihiect .. 1
rrvirw be any ,.thrr commission If l. s I
'rlia: five: in-m tiers dismiss a teacher, she
n.. a pe-,1 thr coiiimission fr a hear
" ' i. - . V
(Continned from pape 1.)
As long as the Supply lasts!
. . i
Columbia Records
Dance. Song and Comic Selections
The supply is limited, so come early and look over
the list bf retired standard Columbia Records of popu
lar numbers. All made within the last eighteen months.
Including such artists as Al Jolson, Van and Schenck,
Harry Fox, Ted Le wis Jazz Band, Art Hickman'.s
Orchestra, etc.
! i
For a Limited Time Only
The time is limitetl. The supply is lim
ited Come while the supply lasis and get
.your favorite dance, song and comic selec
tions, i 1
r r rr . c BvWrT.
l s
e inf. riBi(i of progress, which seek to
clarify the law of intri national .-r'a-tionsbip,
r.t establish a world roitrt for
the iliiw,siion of such jil.ufical.le n.;ies
lion a nations are agreed to mtn;t
thnrto. in expressing a-.u ul ion. in seek
intf practical plans, in trans'aiinz hiiniuni-ty-
new .-oncept of righteoisiiess and
justice nnitjn hatred of war into rrrom
lrteiiiltd nit n.n. we are readv must h.i.t;
It to li nil e. imt evrrv i-oiini.l.M.ei.i t...
made in tbe e.errisr of our nationil s..v-
t ieiTiity. .si!u-r i'ttprlled ann in
drprndetiff inspired, thr nationality fr ill
ed, a world, super covertuncnt i rotittar'-
to rvrrytlung we rhelis.i and ran have
no sanction by our republic. Thi is not
selfishness, it is sanrtity. It is not aloof
ne, it is arrurity. It is not suspicion of
Other, it is lialriolif iilh.rani.. il...
I thing which made up what wr are.
lotlay, tiet e r than rver l.efoie, we
know the aspiri.tions of hnin.inkind. and
Bare lliein. We have come to a new reali
sation of our place in the world, and a
new ap-prw! of our natron by the world.
The unselfishness of these 1'niied Stalls
i a thing proven, our devotirn lo peace
for op r selves an, for the world is well
established, our concern for preserved
civilisation ha had it ininassinneii .n.l
hrroie expression There wa no American
...u. t irsisi me aTtenipreti reversion
i oi civiiuatiott, there will be no failure
today or tomorrow.
'Inr sin-res, of onr pcpular govrrrynrnt
rt's's whollv ujM.n tiir correct interpre
tation of the deliberate, intelligent, ile
IH-tlilalil. ,u.....l. .. . : 1 1 -. i ,
I , .... .... f i win .ii .viuerica. in a
"r:""ir quesiioning ol a suggested
change of nation-il policy where mterna
tionality wa to supersede nationality, wr
iiiriicn in inr retei'emlum-of the Amrriran
people. Thrre wa ample disrnaston and
thrre i a public mandate in manifest un
derstanding. Atnrrica i ready to encourage, eager
lo in'tiate, anxious to pirticipatc ij any
srenily program likrly to lessen the proli
abilrty of war and urmnotr thai
bend of R'anki'id wlwrb must be ttod's
hihrt coniepticn of human rrlationshi,..
Hecanse wp i ticri-'u i.ieal of justh-e and
prair. tM-rail-e we appraise internal mral y and bt -lpful rrlatin-hip no lr
hiirhtv than anv people of the world. w
aspire to a high place in thr mora! leader
ship of rivtiUation. and we hold a main
taint d Auierica. the provru repuhlir. too
anstiak.-n temple of representative demur
racy to !. imt onlv- an iiisi.irarHin ami rn-
j a.nple. hut i;,f Incites: agency of strnigtli
j rnins good will and promoting accord on
j imin rinttm. nl, . Mai.kin.l need a w r'd
j Wolf liri.edii-tioii of tttn'rrstan.ling. Ii is
heeled aiming Ihr among pro
j pit-, a i.oue g.ivr, ii .i;. i, Is. and it w ill i i
j aiiijrtratf tl era tif eood f.-Img to mark
i the l.ii.ii of a new ordrr. In sneli under
. lrtiliog nit ii will strive idrnt lv: for
the promotion of their better nip.
aos. lis In. i, s w II .r,.,iio'i inr conn lie. to
nsini:al t. race.
Trgae Ttcg Bind Clie!y.
Vi? ,!"'t P:i I. rsiaii-l thai lie of
Ir.n'.r bind cation in rlo.e.i intimacy
and none may receiv rvrrpl a hr give.
'Ve have not strt-ngtbrnrd our in accor
dance witk eor rtiri- or on r gentu. on our own erntinent. where
galaxy :f repnl,M reflrrt the glory of
new world ttrtitorrary, nut in .nr n.
ordtr of finance ai.d trade w in. an to
pr.motr enlarged activitir and srrk ex-
pa u.ira rontiocncr.
t'irn nilMins, am! thrse tblnration must
br provided for. Xo civilization can sur
vive repudiation. We must rrdnre the
abnormal cxpr nditurr and we will. We
ran strike at war taxation and we must.
v e miii fare tne grim necessity with
lull knowledge that the tasg i to be ol
vr. and Wr must procred with a full re
alisation t it at no statntr enacted by man
can repeal the ineMirahle laws of tiaturr. most d-iiitrr t trndeney i to Xrri
loo much of the govrmmenU-and at the
same lime do for it too little.
We contemplate the immediate task
'f ijiilti-i our houseliold in order.
Wr need a rigid and yet sanr economy,
roinbined with fiscut justice and it must
be attrndrd by individual pmdenre and
thrift, wbi. h arc so essential to this try
ing hour and reassu'inr for the future.
Reflection of Reaction.
"i'nc '.in icess world rt fleet the distnr-
Iii.kc of. war's rrar.ion. Ifrriin flow
tin- lit li!,o. of material existence.- The
ercnomic iiiecban ism it iittriiate
pari intrrdt-pendrnt and ha suffrred
the shorks and jar incident to abnormal
si etna utl. rrrdit ititlation and price up
heavais. 1 be normal balance have Ix-en
impaire.l. thr channel of distrihution
have l-e n i loirgreil. the relations of lalior
an 1 mariagrnirut have tteea strained. Wo
mn; seek thr readjustment with rare and
roiiragr. thir peiplr must give and take.
I'rii r must trflrct thr rrcrding fever of
war tic! ivit n s.
I'eritap we nrver shall know the old
leve'. of wage again. ticcaor war invari
uhly readjust ronittensat ion anil thr
litre SKarie of life will show their insep
arable r lati inslii. but we must strive
for mil tiiali y to reach Mali lily. All the
sena!ti.' ill uit If light nor evenly
There i no Way of making them so.
There is no instant steo from disorder to
order. We must facr a rnndition of. grim
rrubtv, charge off our loase and start
a.resli. It i the oldrst lesson nf riviliza
:;on. I would like gnvrriiuirnt to do all it
can to miti.ate tliern; in tinderstaiKling,
in nn. mailt v i f interest, 11 concern for
the couiiiH.n good our tasks will br sol
vnl. Xo altrred system will work a mira
cle Any w li t ' experiment will only add
10 'Ii foniust hi. (tor liest assurance lies
in efficient administration of our proven
S stent.
From Destruction to Production
The forward course of the butiues ey
rie is unmistakable . People are turning
iro.n tlestrnct urn to production, iuitiistty
ha nn, id the rltjneeil onler and our
own pri-pl are turning to rrsiime their
normal, onward way. The cad i lor prw
d'.irtive Amnira to go on. 1 know that
' ai,. the a.liniiiistcatroii will fa every wise -government )li.-y to aid
the resumption am! ennui lags'
t speak for administrative rfficiency,
for lightened tax burdens, lor sound com
mercial practice, for adequate credit fa
cilitie. for sympathetic concern for all
agricultural problrtiis, for the omission of
unnecessary intt rfetenre of eovrrninriit
with business, forjan end lo government
experimeni in liiisines-. and for more rffi
rimt biisines.t in gov eminent administra
nori. ii nn an ti mis must attenil a
mindit:! of the unman side of all nriiv
tie, so that social, industrial anil eco
nomic justice will br squared with the
purpose of a righteous people.
With the nation-wide induction of wo
niainnoi ino our political nf, we mav
count iiMiii her intuitions, her refine-m-nts.
hrr inieiiigrtue and hr irilluen.c
to the social order. Wf count npon
her exrrrisr of thr full privilege and the
performance of the tluiir of ritirnship
to speed the attainment uf thr highest
I wish for an America no less alert in
Liar. I in.; against danxi rs from within
than it is watchful against enemies from
without, tiur I Jiiilaiiiental law recog
tiies no rlas. no group, no section: therr
must br in I-k:sI itiou or adiinni
traiion. Thr supreme inspiration is com
mon wral. Humanity bungrrs for inlet na
tioiial peace and we crave it w ith all man
kind My reverent prayrr for Amrr
ica is for industrial pearr. with it re
ward, widely and item rally ilisl rilnited
amid the irijii!atori of equal opportun
ity. Xo onr can justly deny the equality
of npix.rlimily whiclr has- malr us what
w r are. Wr have mistaken unprepired
j ne to enibiace it to hr a hill, nue (,f the
reality, and due concern for making all
rttl.eii fit for participation will give ad
tied strength of citizenship and magnify
our a h evi'inenr.
If revi.'lutinn insist upon nvertnrning
-ist.lishe.t or.-.e-, , ther m ople inakr
t'iir tragic experiment. 'i'h.-.- is no placr
for il i.i America Whrn world war threat
cued civilization we puiltel our
res Rtol e " e tvt.,. o its iirr...rvO-mi e- I
whrn rrvolntion threaten we tin furl the
lias: of law ami orocr aoo r. ..ew o,.r r.,r
secrati4in Ours is c-nt it iitionsl tm. wh-re the will i. he law u- ami tne nmiorit ira are aarrraiv
piofectrtl. Our revisions, reformations and
evoi.itioii reilet t a deiihtratr judginrnl an orderly proxress. an I we uiean to
cue our ills, but never destroy or per
mit destruction I.y force.
I bad rather submit our industrial eon
liovei .irs to Ihr tunler. nre lahle ar ad
vance ihan 1 1 a srtt.etnrnt tablf aftrr
rotiMici it. nifitring. Thr ' earth is
thristiug for thr cup of g.)ot: will, under
s'anding i it foantain ss-utre. I would
Itkr to tcciaim an ir of good frtling
atnid tlcpe.idiible proprn;r and all lh.
tdrssing which attended
rrotctticn of Iadnttrie
tdwanl nn 'cvu r. There were
ii;ti rm ti is of i.jmpathy as th"
s I t;;tor;J tauuht j-i i' !i t of the
vt:.y Itaiixtl f i i, i r poitiK S'J slow
ly attl with such evidt-nco of
bodily poven; tirivn to I h.-ir
wurk only by a i;ri:.lci inj .'Xr-i'i:-
of will; but Mr. Wilson nod
ded and Ftnil.-d as Uf forced him-
!ng ..f ' that s,'l'"' on. Lifted onr floor u the
elfvator. .Mr. Wilson, Mill a!on,
made Iiis way to the president!,
rotiiu and the biuins before
bini. lie greeted th senator.s
Aiiitine; there. egrhaiiRrtl humor
ous quips tith t-ome, and ciKnd ,
or waved away bills laid before!
Ih ;i.vl to lay Ire.
i Ac 1... i i.... . li.
greater t ..miin.ii ; " ' "' . s.. . ... ... , ,
iison the iiiromtp.K prcrlacnt
again dis"p!ayed the sympathy he
felt for his stricken predee'-ssor.
They cl.ispid hands and Mr. Har
ding said:
"Cood bye, Mr. President. I
know you are glad to be relieved
of your, burden and worries. 1
want to tell you how lunch I ap
preciate the ctirtehi'.- you have
extended to rae.'
Mr. Wilson M-emed to agr?e
that he was glad to be free, for
be even gained in cheerfulness ai
he movtl out of the room, with
Senator Knox escorting him.
"I can't get aeeuatomed to this
- s. " . -
1 accept my part w;th siuitle mindrd-
nes of liurpnse and humility of spirit,
ami implore thr favor and guidance of
I ind ill heaven. With I lose I am unafraid
and ronfidriilly are the' future.
I have taktn the solemn oath of office
on lhat passage of Holy Writ whrreni
it i aed, "What doth.t!ie Lord rrquire sena! or
oi iorr inn to no justly, ani to Hivr iner
cy, and walk humbly with thy tiotl!" Thii
I piiglit to 4-iod and rnuuirj'.
(Continued from pago 1)
meet of tonnage, vhich it is nec
essary to consider, and the ad
justment as hereby proposed en
deavors to protect these commod
ities by just sufficient reductions
as we believe wil! prevent fur
ther retarding of movement and
ti the scab? toward the balance,
in favor of marketing as againbt
burning at the mill.
"It is a lamentable fact that
wood for fuel in a country pri
marily a timber belt t-hould cease
to be the cheap economic fuel of
such country and that the pr.pu
lace in nearby centers should pay
exorbitant ptices for fuel wood
when in sight of the, glow of in
cinerators which burn thousands
of cords annuall."
Xcv Scale Flrl
The scale of rates established
by the order follows:
Kate in Cent
llistanct per Cord
Xot ovrr ." mile on
Over f and not over ! miles .91
Over ! and not over l"i miles ln
Over 1 and not ovrr 2 mile In'i
Over 2' and not over 2"i mile 11(1
hrr 2" and not over '' ruilr 111
Over .'HI and nof ovrr "t nulr I2
Over anil riot ovrr 4u mile ... lttu
Ovrr 4n and not ovrr 4't milnt 1 !
Itvrr 4."t and riot ovrr ." rnilr .' I "ill
Over - and not oter -ri"i ntile Idn
Over and not over 7' mile 17"
Over - and imt.-over Mil mile Inn
Over il and not ovrr ! milrx lu
Over 'hi and not over lno miles 'Jini
Over loo ami not over 1 1 mile 'Jin
Over 111 and not over I mil.- 2"
Over ISO and rot over 111 nules 2t'.o
Over I I " and not over l.n i.ui.-, .ii
Over I CO arid not over 1 7 mile 2 .In
Ov.-r 1 7 "t and not over Itto iml.-s Vtio
O'er l'.'O and not ov.-r 2oo nubs . 27"
Over "'Ml and not r.vt-r 22"i miles Vi
Over '-'-" and not tiver 2 Ml miles :?ini
Over '2 ol nnd not over 27"i rml :ij"
Over 2e" and not over :!"" mill's ll.Mi
Ovrr sieo nnd not ovrr t2o mile-.. "7."
Over S12"i anil run over TSVi miles . loo
Over S!."itt and not ovrr 37 mdrs ... 4J",
Over 375 and not over 4otl niil.-s . 4."iO
Mr. Wilson said to the
"My feet feel so licht
In the elevator, the president
hung his cane by its curved han
dle from the breast pocket of his
ccat and stood with his right hand
on the shoulder of the operator.
"ttood-bye, sod," he said.
Again in the autoniobi'- with
Mrs Wilson. Admiral Grayson,
his physician, and Joseph I. Tu
multy, his private secretary. Mr.
Wilson seemed to have gained In
t heerfnlness through the) ordeal.
Il was whirled back over the
same route, raisin?? his hat In
answer to greeting, as be va
recognized by the waiting crowd.
IUt I . Friend at Home.
Passing the Whit-i House, the
machine raced, now without es
cort, and Mr. Wilson gave the
stately structure so long bis home
not a glance. lie was carried
swiftly to his new home on "S"
strt t, and there a few hundred
neighbors had gathered to cheer
him. unmindful of the ceremonies
nt the capitol where his successor
was taking his oath of office.
At homo at last. Mr. Wilson
stood with Mrs. Wilson to re
ceive the newspaper nien who had
accompanied him throurh the day
and most of whom had been long
at the White House. Ile granpl
their hands as they came forward,
presented by Mr. Tumulty, and
exchanged a word or two with
each. About him in tbe hotit I
a sror? of iutiiiiaie ;frinds p.ith-j
eretj in cio it i tn lienor on Ills re
tuin to private life, and it was to
Admir:il Grayson, who through
habit, had spoken t.i bin" as "Mr.
President!" that the cheerful cor
retiion was addressed.
"No. ju-J plain W'oodrow Wil
rort, now."
Sunn aft r ra hing his new
home. Mr. Wilson !iik a shoit
rest in the endeavor to recover
froitt the unusual fatigu? to which
he had been subjected.
if.. l ,...! . . 1. ... . .1 i
It is further ordered that stove ", """ i I
wood not exceeding approximate. Pr',nl? assembled outside th
lG-:nch lengths, block wood, mlil NN ,Non hnn,e as a ,art r "-
refuse, box v aste and edgings onstration organised by th
loaded loosely in racked flat cars league of Nations .-.r sot i ttion and
(racks to be irovided bv shin- the democratic central committee
pers) will be subject to charges ol the Histrict or Columbia. While i
iV; - v. " ".
! I!,
J t--w J
li. . V
, !! .!:( ' it, ' -f,
t i i lM i ' t
i'lii !!!';. 'j'-'i ii'iilUPliR C ev t,t I t!i.j; i.'ju
Where The Big Shows Tlay
Pure Lard, No. 5 Pail .75c!
This Lard is the very best Pure and sweet Ouri
own make. This is lower than wholesale prices.'
We are overstocked and are giving our patrons
the benefit I
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Dry Salt Pork for seasoning, I
per pound 17:e
Tender Beef Steak, per pound 172C
Veal Steak, per pound 25c
Pork Steak, per pound 20c
Loin Pork Chops, per pound. . .25c!
Sugar Cured Hams, per pound. . JOc:
77. ri rr t '
i-rficv jricnic nam, npr nmtnn zzci
M " J i" - f " I
F resh Sausage and Hamburger
per pound. . 15c
It pays to trade at the Market that is NOT IN THE
Originators of Low Prices
351 State St