THE WEATIIEIt The Statesman receives the leased Ire report of the Associated Ire?s. the greatest and most re liable press association la the world. Generally (air; moderate north westerly winds. SEVENTIETH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 5, 1921 PRICE: FIVE CENTS i 16 WILSON GLAD TO BE FREED OF BURDENS HIGH SCHOOL GRAPPLERS A Nf BOXERS ACQUITSELVES WELL AT FIRST SHOW OF NEW CLUB Caughill First to Get Decision Husky Young Islander Yields imiui nnen tie Trips on Mat Heavyweights Vie for Wrestling Honors and Turrtblers Put on Interlude Eight Storm - Tossed Years In the Presidency Ended; Spirits Are Dampened! By 1 Reference to Treaty. RIDES WITH HARDING 1 ON WAY TO CAPITOL Hundreds Gather at New Home to Greet Ex 1 i President WASHINGTON. March 4 ' Eicbt storm-tossed years In the presidency, filled with moments and scenes that will life forever CONGRESS TEAM T Salem high athletics accredited themselves well in the "smokeless smoker' staged last night by the high school Mat Club In the school gymnasium. The contests, which lasted for the greater part or three hours, gave evidence of careful training and practice. In the boxing bouts John Caughill was first to win a de cision, claiming bis victory over William Frazier. The bouts be tween Rex Adolph and Winston Hurris, Wilbur Dailey and Rex Gibson. Roy Glover and Don War den, Austin Frazier and Homer Richardson, all resulted in draws PEACEFULLY Adolph and Dailey both did splen-j Leonzo Perry and Arthur Mont- Gapuz staged a match, illustrat ing Filipino wrestling in which G"pJfa Mrrie,,,., I Usual Flurry Attendant Upon Much of the interest center2d j arouna me matcn or Kent more Haggot and Ellis White, content--ing for heavy weight honors. Tho match resulted in a draw, each man getting one tall. Those win ning their matches were: Mervin Stoltzheise over Alvin Lotion, Howard Post over Albert Blenken ship and William Wright over Harold Mclntyre. E. Jones and N'oeskc and Ellis White and Hag got drew for honors. The last contest, a boxing match between Inauguration Is Absent; New Senate Convenes Immediately. Revives Precedent of Con ferring With Senate In Executive Session; Hangs Up Hat and Goes to Work did work in their contests. Boxer Unfortunate 1 In a bout between Ringle and Mayo, a Filipino. Mayo, tripped upon a corner of the mat and fell, striking his head against the floor and was forced to yield the bout. Previous to the incident he gave a strong defense against the fierce attack of Ringle and la hnman history, ended todajrj landed general straight blows for Woodrow Wilson, "Just plain from tne -houlder. Between the boxing and wres- as he Woodrow Wilson now,' smlllngb asserted. - Under his own root again as- a private citizen, he rested tonight with his burden! of state trans ferred to other shoulders, . and the shouting and tumult of pub lic placed behind him. And through' a day that had taxed his broken physical powers greatly, he came smilingly with no hint at regret! in his retirement. ; There; was but one incident when that cheerful mood seemed to fall. 1 1 Mr. Wilson had been telling ! ! Senator Knox that he would not witness the inaugura tlon of! Vice President Coolidge, as he doubted his ability to ne gotiate the few steps be must climb, i "The senate) has thrown me down,! he said to the Pennsyl vania senator. In reference to bat tles of the past, and the peace treaty, "but I am not going to fall down." T. A moment later some one call cd his attention to the fact that Senator Lodge had arrived as head of the joint committee to Inform the president that tire 66th congress stood ready for adjourn ment. !: Mr. VIlson turned toward the ' man who led the fight against the treaty. His face lost its smile as he listened to the senator's formal report: and there was In his tone a touch of cool formality as he said: ! r ; "I have no further communi cation to make. . I appreciate your courtesy. Good morning. Yield to Physician. : Mr. 'Wilson's share In the cere monies-remained in doubt to thai last. It was not until he had fin ished the business that called him to the capitol that he made known his yielding to ths entreaties of his physician and Mrs. Wilson to spare himself the ordeal his phys ical condition would make of ad- - berence to precedent. ; From the moment he emerged from the White House to enter the automobile that carried them to the capitol, Mr. Wilson was . . shown 1 utmost courtesy "by Mr. Harding. As he started the pain- " ful descent of the White House steps, Mr. Wilson was aided by , secret service men. After he tank hack into his seat, Mr. Har ding stepped In and they rode side by side, neither in courtesy to the jj other, responding to the cheers 1 or salutes that greeted . ; them, : ! 1 Enter Capitol 'Alone. ' At the capitol the car drew up first at the senate wing entrance. tilng contests, Julian Burroughs and Howard Post gave a clever ex hibition of tumbling. During the latter part of the wrestling match es Edward Sebato and Alfonzo gomery resulted in a draw. Hub Xfw Enterprise This was the first undertaking of the mat club which is a new organization of the high school. It has as its purpose the introduc tion of wrestling and boxing into school activity and the further ance of knowledge and interest In mat work. This is probably one of the enterprises which the club has planned for this vcar and its success both as an athletic event and financial aid insures a broader Interest in that line ot work. Grosvenor refereed the contests last night. LAST SESSION DEVOID OF LEGISLATION Substitutions For Defeated Measures Planned at Early Date BOD 1 Y OF CLARK LIES INSTATE Services to be Held in House Chamber This Morning WASHINGTON. March 4. The body of Champ Clark lay in state tonight in the ball of the house of representatives, guarded by capitol police. In the chamber where the late democratic leader spent the greater part of An act lve political life, funeral services LUMBER INDUSTRY IN CRITICAL STATE cuss Ways of Rehabilitation PORTLAND. March 4. A call was issued today from the head quarters office of the Loyal Le gion of Loggers and Lumbermen tor a special session of the board of directors of that organization March 14 to consider and discuss ways and means ot rehabilitating lie jiuuiicm iii c, iuuci at eci ivca i v a suu uiaua v will be held tomorrow morning, jthe lumber industry. Speaker Gillette will preside. Eulogies will be delivered by Senator' Reed of MUsourl and Representative Mann of Illinois. A special train bearing the body and the congressional escort party will leave for Missouri At 3 o'clock. It is due to Arrive in St. Louis Sunday afternoon and the body will be taken to the city hall where it wilt lie in state until midnight. . Early Monday morn ing the train will leave tor Bowl ing Green, Mo., where funeral ser vices and burial will take place. (Continued on page 2.) Roseburg Has Promise Of Bumper Peach Crop ROSEBURG, Or., March ' 4. Peach trees are in full bloom in this section and there is every prospect that a bumper crop of the fruit will be grown here this year. Weather conditions are propitious, and according to Fruit Inspector C. E. Armstrong, who has just returned to Roseburg from an Inspection trip through out the northern part of the county, there is every indication of prosperous year for the fruit growers. Old and neglected orchards have in a number of instances been condemned by the inspector and will be destroyed. in order to protect the fruit industry of the county. WASHINGTON. March 4. The sixty-sixth congress passed peaces fully into history today with lit tle of the flurry usually attend ant to the hurley burley of an in auguration. Final gavels fell In the house at tl:."o o'clock and the senate about 12:30. Immediately the new jou-ite was called to order by Vice President Coolidce for the session requested by President itardinz. The final sessions were virtual ly devoid or lelslat ion. The principal bills which failed were the army and navy appropriation budgets, and the immigration r seclusion bill. The army and im migration measnres met a "pock et" veto by President Wilson, and tha naval bill failed in the senate. . . resident wnson, m epnrorm- L. L. L. L. DireCTOrS TO UIS-iance wl,b etistom. waited upon congress in us final hour In bis room off the senate chamber, signing a few last minute meas ures. Among these wers the sun dry civil appropriation bill, and the Langley bill appropriating $18,600,000 for hospitalization of of former service men. Finale in Tame j ' Republican leaders plan .to draft substitutes lor the army and navy bills as soon as the extra session is convened' by President xisruing ana rusn mem inrougn. The immigration restriction mea sure also will be one of the first measures considered. In addition to the Army and Immigration bills, President Wil son pocketed the Watson bill, amending the war insurance act. And a private claim bill. Little, speed marked the day's final proceeding, and It was a tame finale In- comparison with past congresses. There were many touching In-r cldents In retirement to private life of many seasoned veterans. :I2 Senators Sworn In , Swearing in of 32 senators was the first business of the new sen ate, which Is expected to continue Its session through next week and I PRESIDENT AND MRS. WARREN HARDING AT HOME INAUGURAL ' 1 CEREMONY I II I V-v , I .fill I WOOD TARIFFS GERMANS BUSY T M T T - T -WITT M r, T nnw nvnc p hfm T IIIIL. UU I UU II II INAUGURAL CEREMONY SIMPLE BUT IMPRESSIVE Executive Mansion is Open ed To Folks From Marion Order Issued by Service Board Yesterday Affects The Entire State Governor OIcoll Will Appoint Layman to Serve in Law yer's Place on Board ALL INCREASES DENIED The lumber industry is in a very critical condition, which re quires careful attention and Ac tion," declared the message call ing the meeting. Freight rates, market And demand, production and selling costs, unemployment and the nceislty of getting mill and camps started will be the chief items of discussion. The call said that approximate ly the normal production of the west coast mills is a week. About 40,000,000 feet Is being actually produced now. it Is said, and about 35.C00.000 feet is being sold. Drop is From 5 to 15 Per Cent Below Present Freight Charges HARDING'S INAUGURAL SPEECH LJ . . ; 1 r Following Is the complete text of President Harding's Inaugural ,addn:, ( fonnlrj-men, when oti nrrrv tl world about him ftrr ihe jrfat 1orm, the marks of detrurtnn n! yet trnu-int in the ragged need of the thing whirh. withitftod it. if he U n American brtathet the rlarified atmophere with ' ?,' minglinjr of regret and new hope. iY "n wor'( P'0 aperid ita f ur 'T', t i contemplat our republie. ua hken td Jtoid oar, rirUizatinn aeiir. 'Mftr Ewithin Ihe law and riviliiatioa r Uaeparsbla and though lxth were '"'Meiied wo find them now aeeure. and laera come to Ameriraat tho profonnd " that our representative gOTern M I ?th hVrtie.t exprTaaion and aret Standing In thin presenee, mimlful of . anleainitr of thta orea.ion. feeHnff th otin which no one mar know nnlil H' tho great weight if reaponiubil J for kinelf. I must utler my belief in ? '" inapiration of tho founding ' fLi!T, ' Sur3r there ointt he beon J Intent in the making of thia nw ' World tnl,lij ri( i. i. t but one ambiguity, and we taw awj"' in iPl''n fc-rifire and Vud. With MBMB -m&intAitierf flke MBttAM J"Wa and ita ron-ord tnaptring: " Wo ien the world riret it hopefnl ge T 'ho arreat tmtna on wbirh tho foon a wrought. We bare aeen eiil. human ad 'religiona lilterlr verified and rVnri. III the beginning Ihe old world arof 4 at our eaoeriment. todar nr faunda. . twaa of political and aorial Wlief stand , njiea, a prerioua inheritanre to our- J B inspiring eaamplo -of freedom d ciTilizatuin to all mankind. Let oa spre: Renewed and atranglhened dero- grateful reverence for the immortal "'(Inaiac, and utter our confidence in the sprem fulfillment. , -. !'?"tr Wtadonu" TS rocorded progress of ou republic Willamette Loses Game With Oregon 25 to 21 EUGENE. Ore., March 4. ITni rersity of Oregon won from Wil lamette university basketball play ers In a ivortnwesi conierence game here tonight by a score of 25 to 21. Oregon started with a number of substitutes . but the score became so close that they were yanked and regular players put in. Astoria Ad Club Sends Salmon to Harding ASTORIA, Or., March 4. The Astoria Ad club today expressed a case of Columbia river chinook salmon to President Harding for use on national canned fish day. jtnaterUlly and spiritual!? in ,'itself proves tho wisdom of the Inherited policy oi non invotvement in Old world affairs Confident of onr ability to" work" out our own destiny and jealously guarding our right to l so. we ask no part in rtirert- ing the dttinies of the Old World. V do not mean to lw entangled. We will ar erpt ho responsibility cxrept as onr own conscience and judstneat in each instance may determine. Our eves never will ! blinded to a developing menace, oar ear never deaf to the eH of civilization. e rerognize Ihe new order in the world with the closer contacts which progrnut has wrought. We mum tho feeling of the human heart for fellowship, fraternity and co-operation. Ki crave "friendship and harbor no hate. But America, onr America, tho America bu ikied on the foundation laid by the in spired fathers, can bit a party to no per tnanent military alliance. It can enter in to no political , commitments, nor assume any economic obligations or subject our decisions to any other than our own au thorite. I sin sore oar own people wilt not misunderstand nor will tho world muton stme, wo have thought to impede the patha to eWer relationship. We wish to promote understanding. We want to do our part in making offensive warfare so hateful that governments and peoples who resort to it must prove the righteonsnrs of their canse or stand aa outlaw a before the bar of civilization. "Association for CoonaeL" Wo are ready to associate ourselves with the watmn of the world. Brest, an.l smalt, for conference, for counsel. t; seek the espresaed views of world opinion, to ecommend a way to approximate disarm anient and relieve tho crushing burden of military and naval establishments. We elect - to participate in suggesting plan for mediation, conciliation and arbitration. nd. would gladly join in that expressed The Dalles Farmer Is Beaten and Robbed (Continued on mee 2.) SEATTLE, Wash., March 4. J. A. Debois. a farmer living near The Dalles, Ore., was beaten Into Insensibility and robbed of $4,470 in currency in the east side of the city early tonight, he told the po lice, and is in the city hospital in a serious condition. Debois said he carried the money in a belt. Railroads operating in Oregon, by an order Issued by the public service commission yesterday, are given until March 31. to re duce from 5 to 15 per cent their freight rates throughout the state cn all fuel wood, pulp wood, cord wood and wood bolts. The action was taken upon th3 initiation of the commission after an exhaust ive investigation following com plaints received relative to rates charged. A hearing was held on February 3. The railroads affected by thi order are the Croat Northern. Northern Pacific. Oregon Trunk. Oregon-Washington Railroad and Navigation company. Spokane. Portland & Seattle in Oregon, the Southern Pacific and the Oregon Electric. I nervate Irrnieri. Orieinally wood rates had been subjected to an Increase by the then adjourn until tho extra nes- director general whil. the roads sion of the 67th congress Is called. Only ona senator-elect, Peter Norbeck of South Dakota, failed to respond to his name to day. After the ceremonies attendant on the inauguration of President llardinz had ended, the new sen ate again assembled, received per sonally from the new chief execu tive his cabinet appointee and confirmed thpir nominations. The greatly increased Republican ma jority in the new s'-nate compelled rearrangement of seating. A dozen Republican, were a?fig-ned to seats across the aisle in the Democratic section, there reestab lishing the old "Cherokee strip." Meeting early fn their final ses sions. Iioth senate and house marked time for the inaugural ceremonies about noon. Iast speeches of retiring members and tributes to them and to senate and house officers mingled with transaction ot routine business. In the house adjournment came after two hours of speech-making. Kennnmy Claimed The resignation of John F. I- gati from membership on the state parole board is expected to reaCb Governor Olcott within a few days, and the governor doubtless will immediately appoint his ur eessor. In a letter to Senator Hanks of Multnomah county, which was read lief ore the judi ciary committee at the legislative session, Mr. Logan announced his intention to resign from the board about March 1. The letter was written as a re sult of a bill that was Introduced by Senatcr Hume, providing that no lawyer, sheriff, court clerk or other court offic?r be eligible to serve on the board. The bill failed to pas, but it was generally recognized as having merit in that it would prevent any person from serving on the board who might be personally Interested in some of the Inmates of the prison. Oppanents of the measure de clared It was directed personally at Mr. Logan, but thl Senator Hume ' emphatically denied though he stoutlv affirmed that no attorney should be a m?mber of the board. Governor Olcott. when apprised that Mr. Logan in tended to resign from the board, said he would appoint a layman, and if he adheres to the state ment the policy will serve tempo rarily the purpose of the Hume bill. Will Answer Arguments Used by Uoyd George In Ultimatum FEAR BRITISH PREMIER Believe New Propositions Will Be Laid Before Council irterv jcovei is xthfr Numerous xthfr cbanprs wero made from time to time, the re sult of which was the cancellation oT specific commodity ratcH and the establishment by th- railroad companies of higher distnc scales. Proposed advances wen? suspended by the commission. Exhibits of the carriers showed that th-y were contemplating fur ther increases ranging from 3 to IT. per cent. In its order lb commission not only denies these increases, but reduces existing dates from ." to 15 pr cent. In its preliminary statement the commission said: DECISION PEiS IN SCHOOL CASE WASHINGTON. March 4. The reins of presidential authority patsved from Woodrow Wilson to Warren G. Harding today In an inaugural ceremony At once the simplest And most dramatic of a generation. The drama centered About the retirement of Woodrow WlUon. Insistent to the last that be would carry out a retiring president's customary part in the ceremonies. Mr. Wilson finally yielded to the warning of his physician that he might endanger his life. And only Accompanied his successor to the capitol. i As he descended from the White House portico to enter the waiting automobile, secret service men placed his feet on each de scending step; when ha left the car to enter the capitol he was practically lifted np a short flight of steps by An attendant. After a few moments At the capitol Mr. Wilson west to his private home to become "plain Woodrow Wilson now, as he ex pressed It. Nominations Submitted. Before Mr. Harding had been president An hour he had revUed a precedent set by George Wash ington by conferring with the sen ate In executive session;, submit ting in person ' the nominations of his ten cabinet officers. Alt were immediately confirmed. Within Another honr he had goo to the White House to f hang uj his hat and go to work., as hi often had said. And unlocked th White House gates, for four years closed to the public. The pablic celebrated by Actually! overrun ning the grounds and peeping LONDON. March 4. Awaiting advices from Berlin as to whether new proposals are to b submitted to the allies on Monday, Dr. Si mons. German .foreign secretary, and the German experts ire busy preparing a reply to some Argu ments nsed by Premier Lloyd George In delivering the Allied ultimatum yesterday. The Ger mans strongly object to the yer dict of the allies that they were entirely responsible 'or .the war and the premier's argument that if they taxed themselves as France j through the windows to see the County Court is Soon To i Controversy I Mount Angel ihn vririratifa riivtrirt (ro in at -The issues herein presented t.mlam,e, urRinK respective involve increased revenue meas- , A total appropriation during j tation. nres under the guise of uniform ity and which of necessity resolve themselves into the question of a . proper rate basis in thr Matf of Oregon for ilie commodities af lected. Fuel wood '-iny a life necessity, practically everybody as a consumer is interested in the rates applicable to its transpor- 0. A. C. Loses in Game With Washington SEATTLE. Wash.. March 4 University of Washington defeated the Oregon Agricultural collece basketball team by a score of 29 to 24 in one of the most closely contested games of the conference series on the varsity floor here to night. The Washington quintet did not have the game safely won until the final whistle sounded. Seilk of Washington and Stinson of O. A. C. were the stars of the contest. IDAHO DEFEATS MONTANA. MISSOULA. Mont., March 4. University of Idaho defeated the Montana State university basket hall team here tonight. 42 to 22. riay wa3 all In Idaho's favor. the congress of about IS. 210.000 000 was shown of which $3.rO0. 000.000 was made during the last session. In the house wrangle over money records, the Republi cans claimed great economies a saving of three billions, accord ing to Representative Mondell. Republican floor leader but the Democrats asserted no real econ omy had been achieved. Prominent amonc the measures which died were the Knox peace resolution, the soldiers' bonus bill, tho Calder coal reeulation bill, and the packer control bill. The bill for government regula tion of coal storage also died in the house. Other imnorlant measures which failed inc. tided those pro viding for establishment of a bud get system: for reapportionment of congress: for leorganization of the patent office; for co-operative marketing; by farmers: for an ap- Again. under the title "Unifor- mitv.' the commission's, order teads: Fr Uniform Rates "From the trend of carrier tes timony submitted in these pro ceedings, the thoucht apparently never occurred, nor has been stu diously avoided, that adjustments involving cancellation after can cellation of commodity rates might properly be equalized through lowering the distance , scales substituted cor respond in ?r- ly. It is in this way that original basin rates established for the fostering of industries are Ig nored. The idea of supplying rate that will freely move the traffic seems to have grown an tiquated and obsolete. "The word 'uniformity" has tie come generally reropnied as the signal f,r advances The tariffs bear abundant evidence of tlK and England had done they would be able to pay what Is demanded o( them. With regard to the question of responsibility for the war. the Germans maintain the European powers were equally at fault And rit a recent speech by Mr. Lloyd George in which he is quoted as raying that the world drifted Into the war. "It I- hard to make a man who believes he Is innocent say he is Ftiiity." said a delegate today. "As for tiivfelf, I would rather toiiiinit suicide than admit Ger- pttli Hnntrnvprsv From I ,nany aIonr wai responsible. Any ieuit ivunuuvei5y riui.i j M) mhlch ma9 MCll aB admission would promptly be over thrown It is the opinion of Germans here that new propositions will lie laid befor" the supreme coun cil but they have no hope they will satisfy the allies. They now fear Premier Lloyd George, con sidering that he committed him self so far to the French rlew in his speech yesterday that It is impossible for him to recede. Ilsides. they hold the firm at litiide displayed In yesterday's speech was met with uch appro- tal In Britain that the pre iii'cr must realize he fallowed the popular view. i ney believe ap proval was particularly noticeable respecting the decision to occupy Dnisbiirg. Ruhrort and Dness?! dorf. which was taken. It Is tin derstood. with the Idea of bring ing pressure on the big Industrial enterprises The spokesman for the German delegation declared this evening that no reply was expected from ti.-it a - neriin oeiore uniay night, as the cabinet would take all the time possible to consider the sit uation arising from th allied ultimatum. Yesterday was the day set for the bearing of school boundary cases in the county court, and three petitions were presented. Iarge delegations of patrons from The boundary line dispute re lating to the Mt. Angel school district, which came liefore the county court at a former hearing, was again presented. Those in terested in changing the present school district boundary who were present were Father Dom inick. George May. Fred Schwab. Henry Saifeld. Joseph J. Keber. Fred Kline and John Windisher. The case was taken under advise ment and it is thought a decision will lie rendered in a day or two. The petition for a change in the boundary lines of the Scotts .Mills school district was thrown nit by the court owing to a defect in the petition. Floyd Davenport. C. D. Hartmann. Elija Smith and Joseph Zimmerman of Silverton and Charles Heinz and J. N. Amundson of Scotts Mills were present at the hearing. A third case brought to the at tention of the court was that of the Stayton districts and was tak en under advisement until March 1. By taking a slice off tjic Stayton. West Slayton. Sublimity and Aiimsvllle districts, the peti tion as presented proposed the creation of a new school district. However, after ihe hearing yes terday it was thought that by rut- cnell;itioi during recent years , Mnc U,M1 lR,. M,Undary line-? de- propriatlon of fino.nou.oon for of hundreds of commodity rates ; rrn-d in the petition th- ne federal good roads aid: to stop loans to allies: to prohibit future trading in foodstuffs: to prohibit strikes on railroads and other enirnr carriers; for civil ser vice reform; for creation of de ejirtnien of etiuoiion: for infant and maternity aid: for action on the Impeachment proceedings of Representative Welty, Democrat. Ohio, against Federal Judgr Lan dis: for punishment of criminal with higher class anrt instance f!j , ,;.. M-onie a nart of scales substituted therefor. I" the Stayton district, provided that tne cancellation or siecmc com modity rates, under the euis o uniformity schedules of Insuffic ient flexibility properlv care fr the traffic tinder the various con dition by which frequently sur rounded, often resuTt and so-called uniformity has brought timely protest in these cases, supported by the records as to the move- "ja means transportation for the! ipnpils is provided by the Stayton (Continuod oa page 2.) (Continued on page 2r) district. George Keefh. a prom inent business man of Stayton w as the chief spokesman in favor j of a change in the boundary lim itations. The next regular date for the hearing of school boundary line cases by the county court, is set fur April 3. Harding Receives Boots From 70 Shoe Factory Employes BROCKTON. Ma-s.. March I. "Did he wear Vm?" S-vnty employes of a h? Factory hre today eag eily canned newspaper ac counts of the inaugural cer emonies at Washington to find an answer to that ques tion They were solicitous about the fate of a p air of fine dree iMMit. size 10-D. with cloth tops and aeven fancy buttons each, which they had presented to Warren G. Harding to be worn at his inauguration. new president. i Mr. Harding took the oath of office at 1:18 p. m.. exactly eight years to the minute from the time Mr. Wilson took' his first oath. The Inaugural ceremonies were kept free from almost every show of the romp And cirmm- stance that usually surround the incoming of a chief j exective.. Thousands witnessed the oath and cheered the old and new pres idents but the crowd was only a fraction of the customary throngs. Return to Normalcy. Aim. On the Bible nsed by George Washington At his first Induction Into office, sad on a' verse of scripture extolling the 'virtues ot an humble faith In God, Mr. Har ding plighted bis best! Ability to the presidency. In his inaugural address he reaffirmed his rever ence for the traditions -of the fathers and reiterated j his belief that the supreme task Ahead was to bring thi country once more to normalcy. The inauguration cert mouy took place as usual on s stand erected Above the east steps or the capi tol. but in marked contrast to previous Inaugurations. when thousands of rats were provided, the company had to remain stand ing. Even the Inaugural stand was much smaller, and was erect ed to accommodate a; telephonic apparatus which carried Mr. Harding's voice so that for the first time thousands htard An in augural address. ; About the only features famil iar to inaugurals were the patri otic decorations that fluttered un der a bright sun Along renntyl- vania avenue and the usual escort ot cavalry acting as a presidential guard ot honor In the ride to and from the capitol. The only sem blance of a parade was presented by the llttl group of official mo tor car and the hollow square of troopers. J Before his own Inauguration began Mr. Harding attended that of his vice president. Calvin Cool idge. in the senate chamber. Apf.Ua4 l rievjue tt It was an hour past noon when the first of the Inaugural com pany began to file out on the plat form facing the east placa, mem bers of the senate and house reining first, followed ty the for eign diplomats in drees uniform and last of all by the! Justices of the supreme court and the president-elect. Chief Justice White end Mr. Harding walked to the front of the platform together, as th marine band played the national anthem. Then the oath was administered and tho new president began his Inaugural Ad dress, reading from manuscript, i ' ' i I Continued on pace S)