TIIE ORECON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON 7 - 1 cljl8SrriJD ADVERTIgEMZJrtl ajt Tm Word o.. InaeTtiO 3 5 Tares i. i mix insertions) So On One contract, per wis ... i X! ?i th." Contract. per mo 12 jaiein lor an advertisement 25 iKORWiai UNION nUft IXSIUAXCK KOC'IKTY ! Thkbon Roland & IturRhardt nesklent Agent 371 State St. nfiONEY TO LOAN ' On Real Estate I T. K. FORD I (oTer Ladd ft Push Bank) r FARM LOANS : HAWKINS R, RORFRTS L2CM-207 Oregon Building I x OUR OFFERINGS of bom including some of the finest in the city. Our list of farms and acreage Is complete. LAFLAR LAFLAR 40C-7 Oregon Bids. Phno 1644 NEW TODAY i n$T FROM 90 BIU)AIWAT. LIGHT ' JimT rir. Phone 499. VODER! iS ROOM BUNGALOW FOB isle by iewner. Hss gas, electricity, sad besutiful lawn, paved atreet and cement wsiks: hslf block to State atreet rr. ImmedUt posses ion. 186 North 31st. retl ; CT NOOK BARBER SHOP 1 1266 Mat. I .ARflAlX-i-5 ROOM HOUSE IX GOOD rendition: garage, lot 75290. I,orated ir Yew Park arbovl. Price $2500. 't'rml. III! Orabenherst k Co. (375 State St. KEIIISUTOX CONFECTIONERY. HOME da caedie, eonfeetwina, cigars, mag a tnnu HOUSE. ELECTRIC LIGHTS. city water,; barn, lot 73X165. located a hnik Colter street. IV, block (ram Btaaoj Tbio place rente for 820 ner nlK land will aoon bo wsrebouse property for the Trade street switch. BfcCKE HENDRICKS L 8. Bank Bid. TRACY'S STORAGE OARAGE 311 ferry street. ; fOB BALE A HIGH GRADE PIANO at bsrgsin, nt "e aold tbia week, urn lravine citr. Don't overlook this J. W. Tillman. 121 H. Commercial. best to Ferry's Drag Store, -e run SALE 6 ROOM HOUSE, PAY r.H ini rmtent wa'ka. light, plumbtng ad cement baemeat. located 00 Union tree. lTtee f itWU. ran. mi ' aace 23 per month, interest 7r. W. li. Gratuttiborat 4 Co. 273 ftate ht. WE HAVE CTTY PROPERTY RANGING front $1600 to $2000. Berry lanoe aad email tract and large farm. One lrm, on Paeiiic Highway, 3H3 cre. $1W per acre. Thia ia an exceptionally food bnv. Sew Wet k Ealow. Room and 6, D'Arcy Bldg, Slat M. TOR SALE i ONE BEST BELGIAN - brood maro, with foal to imported horse. Weight 1000. AUo one cheap hore. : First houae from the pavement en the Macleayj road. Have no further e for them, will . aell cheap. ;- j - a ttoovt NEW. MODERN BUNGALOW: reseat basement, built-in kitchen, eaat freat. $2650. Eay term. mm cottage eloe in on Marion street $1750. BECKE & HENDRICKS 203 UiS. Bank Bldg. PARTY WHO TOOK COAT FROM atoa-.ebile atandin in Summer atreet Wedneday night, pleaae return aamf to 419 Oregon Bit-. No qneitio i I asxeo. f -..- I ARE NOW CONTllACTING STRING lc braa. Write- or call at the plant office it interested. Kings' Food Pto dncta Company. ' -. .... POB SALE 19 ACRE FARM, 7 ROOM ae and two large barns. 50 acres ' raltivated, balance pasture and timber, lasted south of , Corvallia. Price $u0. Terma. Will "consider reaid eart np to $500O a first paym.-nt and take mortgagei back for balance. W. If. rah-nbort Co. ' 273 State St. WE REPRESENT ONLY, STRONG EE liahle companies and ran give ou - sonnd protection at very low coat. We write tire, theft,: accident and sntomo fcile insurance. A genu for Oregon Fire Relief Am." a., tit and ley s Foley, Ana, -Roma ft, Bush Bank Bldg, I'nosa It 7, Salem, Or We WANT A FEW MORE LISTINGS f snail houses from $1200 to ::ooo. ' Wet Eslow; Rooms i and 6 D'Arcy Kaildiag, Stat street. . 1 ROOM BUNGAL0W, SOUTH HIGH ;; tireet. modem except basement, gerage, aire, built in kitchen, buffet in dining Mai beautiful . bsth. 3M00. BECKE A HENDRICKS 203 t; 8. Hank Bldg. 3 p g. iC4unt BrStOR ACC4M;NTANT WANTS IflSI- tiaa a bookkeeper i or general clerical rk. part tuitv- ton few months, then hole time. Address "I NolO" c'tares- n offM. 1 ,j - TWO " 4 ROOM SXAP BUNGALOWS aarinished and 17 lota for $1100. W, H. tirabenhorst ac Co. 273 State St. "H KALE BUGS, LARGE VICTU,. "age. dartre la-np. large rocker. - ulf, ga plate with srga Hnissei ; carpet. Phone busmrsa 'bra 7. j I ).!'.. WAJiTEJj TWt OK ! THREE YOUNG amen, preferably teacher or business aeien, to occupy with young woman aer a completely furnished live room anagalow one Dock from car lin and 'e ia. Moderate term. Wj ref ttT"''9 " d'lre "A-.W" No. 2'3 ,Tt6. Bldg.-, Sslcm, Oregon, or phone A KRT WWI)' ID ACRE TUMT. IM proved, a mile from limit, oifered t n P-eat below real Value for IS is week V.l M U "ot will borrow and ithorsw from market. tioo Wm. rlemIB. 3U Huu ,trPr. "fM WAXTED ONCE AGAIN 7"eS-are tvllin the nll twel. "J w"t to sell yours we will be i.u. 1 .1 : r " BECKK HKNDKICKS ' U S. Hsnk Bldg. ,vTr.D TO BUY 6 OR 7 ROOM Drice and sine of Int. "tiaa. Addreaa House, Statesman. Khil L" MIFF FUKXITUBK CO. FOR r0.lL?ALH 2 MONTHS OLD SETTER 13Q5 B. Coiinerr.ial. Pbone 3.19 SALESMAN THAtT" t'A X h Money to producer. 211 li'sh tireet. B"BrYSsi . , t 'm rnismerriii ir'i.i. an rai- InXlZ' Ut nf t"od h"rn- rh''k- aouw, A t x 1 4. with granary ttache.l: ".m rticken ranch. Only $275o if t once. .Tina ia close to snipping 10 erea. S K...i- k Tti . red: anap. $mm. Ten-i. ' 1 S're. m 1 L ,i , , 1 ; 1 i.l.S' """dem bonse, barn, garage. mi- "'. best of fruit land: 5 . iHI,b,r: close -in. $21000. $ lio . ince to suit. Srrea .11 .!.. . . i 1 . . llitHJ. ti.nuer. as sniuDinx station H $10tl rash.1 bslsuce percent. -e a it. ;. 1 , t'diiceof prlcea. i """"" " "d'lisV" "Ule- fH0 rCOMF8KY an state si. - - . ' NEW TODAY WANTED T.OMAN TO WORK IN country; one who understands plain sewing preferred. Mra. J. 11. W'rizht. Pbone 1KU. BlICK RIX FOR KALB FI VK PAH-' ener, in good runninc order: iuat orerhauled. At the nricc a bargain. Phone JB, II. O. White, 855 State ft FOR RENT XICKI.V FlUXISHKI apartment. S90 I a ton atreet. Phone RKAD CARKKI'l-l.T 102 model I ton Ford truck, f.. fi 19 1H model 3-t ton Republic truck ttilH 191 H model 1 ton Republic trurk .. t".V l3a tn.il. 3 t ton Oldmobi! truck 117. 1I9 Iodce Koadtter .1 75 lJO Chandler UiKpatch.. ; :.$17M 1919 ? 1 j ton Republic track fi250 1M Maxwell 1 ton truck...; HM 11 Maxwell 1 ton truck .V0 120 hethlrhera 2 ton truck ISIOO Ienhy 3 ton track $1200 W. It. 11 II.DF.BR AX IT 279 X. Commercial St. A BARGAIX 11 1 ST" B SOLD AT OXCE 10 acre, 6 cleared, about 400 rorda of wooa on nalauee; 2 room hnuae: good barn, garace, rhirken houte; 1 acre in prune, berriea. All the beat of aoil. On macadamised road 1 mile from Raletn. Worth more, but coinc at 3000. . .13000 eaab, balance to suit. SOCOIX)FSKT 841 State atreet EMPLOYMENT MALE WANTED F.XPERIEXCED LOOAN- berrr trainer. One block weat from Maaaolenm. L04JANREBHT THIIVKR WtVTfn . : mile beyond end of South Halem I ear line. Phono B4P3 A W Mix I I WANT TO EMPLOY A MAX WITH A caterpillar type of tractor to do diak inf and plowing. Phono 254 or 622. BOOKKEEPER AND OFFICER. MAX with three year experience, wis he poattion. Good reference. Addreaa A. J., c-o Ktateaman. rXUAXE OIRL. WANTED FOR HOUSEWORK fire in family. Call 493 X. Winter atreet MISCELLANEOUS WANTED MEJt AND WOMEV TO take farm piper aabacriptien. A good propoaitioa to the right people. Addreaa the Pacific Uoineatead. btateamaa Bldg. Salem. Ore. PERSONAL GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper pMihed. Free for tump. Cor rrtpoadent, Toledo, Ohio SEND BIRTH-DATE AND LEAKS YOUR future: Complete heroeevpo 25 eta. C lioldea, Koom 417. 1248 bo- Hope, IM Angelee. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL WALL TINTS. MANY new color. 10 pound and op. Mas O. Bnrcb. 179 'o. CommercUl St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CLOSING OUT BALE OF X. 8EU0'S store at Falls City now going on. If yea want s good business location in vestigate thia "pportnnity. for farther particulars inquire J ll Aianoa street or phno 15..6K. CANARY BIRDS rOR SALE CAXARY BIRDS, singer. Mrs. E, A. Bennett. 12fc . Irtao Chemeketa. POULTBT Night Pbone WHITE ROCK EGGS FOP lATClilXO Phone 1754J. FOR SALE LIGHT BARRED BOCK $1.00 for 13. Phone 134 W. FOR SALE RHODE ISLAND EGGS. C. E. Gibson, Ku 7, Bog 70, Salem, Oregon. FAYEROLLES ARB BUSIJiIrsS BIRDS. Price on application. Eugene T. rrecott. Salem. Ure. EGGS FOR HATCHING ANCOXA hens, the bens that lay you eggs. $1.50 for getting of 15. J. B Cooley Pbone 817, 1275 X. Church. EGGS FOR HATCHING, BARRED PLY muth Rock. O. A. C. egg laying strain; $1.50 per setting of 15, postpaid. Mrs. Erneat Werner, fi.Wertoft. Ore., R. 2. THE KORTHWEST POULTRY JOUR naL The biggest and best ia the weat. Tho live asagaxino for live pouitrymen. 75c a year; $1.00 in Salem. Send 5 cents for aamplo today. The Northwest Poultry Journal, Salem, " Oregon. Mention thia ad. mAXCXAX. WE HAVE SOME GOOD FARM MOST gage to aell. HAWKINS ROBERTS 203 Oregon Bldg.. Salem. Loans! Loans! If yon desire to build a new house or remodel the old one and need money, please call on us immediately: we can help yon. Laflar lflar. 406-7 Or eroa Bldg, Salem. Or. FARM PAPER IK YOU WANT TO GET TIIE BEST farm paper, send 15c to Tho Pacific . Homestead. Salem. Oregon, for a three month trial subscription. Mention this ad.. - BOUSES RKDIMADE HOUSE.T. $200 TO $700 Gsrages, $59. built in sections. Chaa bmith, 409 Oregon Bldg. ALADDIN READY - CUT HOUSES l-arae. 40 to 70 "percent redaction. Big aaving in cost Money loaneu for - buldiag purposes. 'Jhas. 8iu:-.h, 409 ttregon Hitg MISCELLANEOUS FOR SAI K TWO TONS LOOSE HAT. Call 105F13. B. C. Binegar. WALL PASTE IT STICKS :VEST thing. Mas O. Burra. 179 X. Corn's. FOR SALE A BRONZE TURKEY Otm liter, and strawberry plants, "121." Phono F12. FOR -SALE 1 TEAM AND HARNESS, weight 2 too Iba. Rt. 4, Bos 36. 1 'none 37FU1. "SPARK" MOST REMARKABLE moderate priced enamel rang on the market. Mas O. Buren. 179 X. Com'L FOR BALK POTATOES. ONIONS. orn. wheat, chopped feed, drill, wagon, aurreya. vetch and oat straw, alfalfa and ciov'er bay. at 251 8. Liberty. WANTED EVERY ONE TO TRY Nason paint and stains aold at the Capital Hardware Furniture Co. 285 N. Commercial St. Phono 917 STANDARD EXCHANGE. 342 NORTH Commercial atreet, Diamonds, watches, iriusical instrnmenis. guns, clothing, shoes, etc. Both new and need goods - tMwight. sold or exchanged. A "NEVEVRSPREAD' MATTRESS beats them all. Let me explaia them to yaa. . Mas O. Buren, 179 X. Com'l. CAPTIVITY OK THE OATMAN GIRLS This true story of western immigra tion has been earofully revised, making a handsome little book. It tella in graph it terma of the massacre of the Oatmaa family, of the escape of Lorea in. end the Centtvity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of sUrvstson and olive waa pnrrbased from the Indian five yeara later. The price is 20 rents, postpaid. Address. Oregon Teachers Monthly. ' Sslem. tlregnn. WOOD WOOD BUYERS AND SHIPPERS LIST your wood with us. Csrload shipment a specialty. Dock A XclVtoouh, 542 State, tUeet. i'bo 807J. FOR SALE WOOD TRY 135M FOB WOOD. DRY FIR. 4 FT. tio.oo; In INCH, fll.00 1230 Ferry Street. Phone 16 INCH OLD FIR WOOD FOR SALE Phone 1727. CALL. THE SALEM FUEi. TARDS FOR your wood and col; office 733 Irade atreet. Phone H9. FOR SALE DRY SECOND GROWTH fir. IS inch and 4 ft. Prompt delivery. Fred E. Wella, 303 S. Church atreet Phom 1 .42. FOR RENT HOUSES T. L. WOOD. S31 BTATE ST, REAL estate, remain. BOOMS FOR RENT FURNISHED SLEEPING room. Clooe to b uaineaa renter. Pbone 2(MtM after p.m. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Com foo FRX nttace Apartment, 160 Court St. none 739. RXISHED ROOMS FOR BUSINESS men. One block from poatoff ice. Phone 338. FOR RENT FURNISHED 1I0USE kceping room a, with aleepinc porch ; alo garage. Call 165 N. 25th. ROOM AXD BOARD FOR RENT LARGE STEAM HEATED room for two, alo aingle room : two meala day. 228 X. Capitol. Phone 1627. LOST AND FOUND LOST LO8T TWO BUTTER SPREADERS. Initial B.' .Leave at tbia office, reward. , WANTED MISCELLANEOUS OLD MATTRESSES MADE OYER Capital Citr Bedding Co. Pbone 19. WANTED MAX AND WIFE, BEST reference, want S or room modern honae, nnfurniabed. Call 631. WANTED A CHEAP RESIDENCE FOR f 400 raah. and about ti per month. Pbone 622. morniaga or erenin?. MISS GOODHUE TAKES SUBKCRIP tion for the Ladie' Home Journal and Hatorday Evening Pot. Call 2j1 South 17th or pbone 741M. J. W. MANLEY FOR CELLAR DIGGIXO grading, plowing, bebvy team work. Itione 199. Cherry enr warn. BUSINESS CARDS AUTOMOBILE 9IBXCT0BT SALEM AUTO RADIATOR 8II0P Houtk 12th. Pbone 28. -198 1919 MAXWELU LOOKS LIKE XEW: runs tike dw. Half price. Auburn Garage, S. CommercUl St. SPECIAL PRICES FORD REPAIRIX Service garage, 803 X. Liberty. Phene 1277J. HOFFMAN ft OKERBFRO TIRE REPAIR hop: vulcanizing, retreading. 311 . CommerciaL Pbone 60 4. FOR BROWN AXD GREEN LINOLEUM en your running boards come to Max O Barea, 179 N. Corn's street. Salem. FOR SALE OVERLAND 90. 1919 MOD el. driven 5500 miles, tires almost new, machine ia perfect condition. $750. Overland Garage. FOR SALE MAXWELL. 1920 MODEL, driven 3700 mile. $825. Overland Garage. OLESON MOTOR-CAR CO. 319 X. Commercial Si, Phone 666 Used Car Canter. Qoick Changs 1920 Oakland like new $ 975 1915 Chandler, a snap , $25 1919 Chandler. 7-panger ...... 12O0 1916 Maxwell 800 Four motorcycles ia good condition, cheap. 1914 Ford, Snap ; 100 1917 Reo Roadster 730 Many Other Good Buys REPAIRING IF INTENDING TO REPAINT YOUR car. have the body, fenders, or gsstank repaired. All denta and Sreaka made like new. Estimate gladly fnrwishcd Satiafaction guaranteed. Wrecks s specialty. Radiators repaired. 4. C. Bair. aoS X. Liberty. Phone 1277J. BEAUTY PARLORS ORF.GOXION BEAUTY SHOP MARCEL wiving, airdressing, 185 Sooth Com mercial Phone 477 CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 15a B. High St.. Phone 283. CHIROPODISTS FOR ACHING FEET TRY RACURE MES sur Parlors. 185 South Commercial street. DUX S3 MA KINO DKEJSSMAK1.NO PHONK 1678M. JOSEPHINE FAXON 1114 Mission street. DRESSMAKING LOTT1 K TOWNSEND DRESSMAKING. 2IO D street. TAYLOR AND FLTNN" DRESSMAK iag. 227 Oregon Bldg. ELITE GOWN SHOP 414-13 OREGON Bldg. Pbone 1125. RUTH MeADAMS DRESSM AKEU. 756 South 12th, Phone lo24M. . WANTED, SEWIXO. WILL WORK BY hour. Coll 1806-R. - ELKTHA rRUETT DRESSMAKING, 683 North Commercial. Phoaot 193IW. HAVE YOUR SPRING DRESSMAKING done at 758 North Commercial. LADIES' TAILORING. DRESSMAKING. Room 18. 265 Vj North CommercUl. Phoae 1031. CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING, -designing. Spencer corsets to-order. 2 McCormark Bldg. MRS. VARTY. DESIGNER AND MAKER Indies' Sort a and Gowns. 7 McCor mack Bldg. DRUG STORES BREWER DRUG CO. Phone int. 405 COURT; NURSING REGISTERED NURSE. SPFXIALIZES M honrl.T nursing. Phone 1713. HAT SHOPS HAT S1MP MEN'S AND WOMEN'S hats renovated and blocked 495 Court atreet. MUSICAL AI I IK CHANDLER North Collage. PIAXO. 331 JESSICA WII.LE PIAXO, 508 &ORT1I lth. Phone I55. T. 8. ROBERTS PIAXO. ORGAN. South 14th. Phene 770. !70 DAN F, LANG EN BERG. VOCAL Derby Bldg. Phone 2079. LENA WATERS PIANO. . Phone 1164M. 1473 MILL MOI.LLK STYLES VOICE, PIANO. Center, n Phono 2016R. ; 59 BUSINESS CARDS MUSICAL DOROTHY PEABCK PIAXO. 267 North Winter. Phone 345J. FRANKLIN" LAUNER PIANO. 268 Aorta iTta. rnone 1415. JULIA MILLS WEIGEU PIANO, i: 60 PKuin inurrn. fhone I3V1K. LUCILE BARTON VOICE. PIAXO. 147 .North Commercial. Phene 592. 1568. LEX A IHTTSON PIANO. 100 I'XIOX M. Phone 543. Ll'CILE ROSS-PIAXO. ORGAN. 499 -North I.itterty. Phone 1707. MARGARET FISHER PIANO. 90 North Church. Phone 20 MM. MATTIE GILBERT STRING 1NSTRU- ments, 1572 State. Phone 1156 R. WESTERN CONSERVATORY OK MUS ie of Chicago, Frank K. Churchill, rep reaentative. . Diplomaa granted. Odd fellow a bldg. SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC All branchea taught, diploma a granted. John K. Sites,, director, 1237 Court. Phone 626. TUNERS WENDELL HELM. -TUNING, KE?A1R- ing. Phone 492. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED piano tuner. Leave order ill a Music atore. NURSERY STOCK FOR SALE RED CLOVER SEED. Pbone 110F21. CHOICE LOGANBERRY PLANTS FOR apring delivery: any quantity. Ward K. Richardson, 2395 Front. fOR SALE , WILSON STRAWBERRY plant from young thrifty yards aum med ready to plant at $2 per UmiO. J. B. Peterson, Show, Or. Phone 22F21. VIGOROUS WELL ROOfED STRAW- berry plants. Any quantity. Beat varieties for this locality. State in spected. Prices interesting. Ward K. Richardson, 2393 Front. Pbone 494. ITALIAN PRU.fES A REDUCED prices, all grades; grafted wslnat. also other nursery stock. Pleaae call and see our stock. Fruitland nursery bas sales yard corner High aad Ferry streets. Sslem. Phone 1140M. .- ' 1 " LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 136 8. Liberty street. Theae 25. Oldest largest best. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY tonality work, prompt aervice. 1264 Broadway. 'ton WALL PAPER, FAINT WALL PAPER AND CEILING PAPER 20c and up. double roll. Mas O. Buret. 179 No. Commercial St. - SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS. WALL aper and Picture Framing. Good work men. 453 Court St. Pbone 485. FAINTING k FAFESHANQINO FOR TINTIXO AND PAPERHANGING Call Mag O. Barea. pbono 131. 179 . Commercial. I have gone east on a extended visit aad I recommend A. IL Clarke (pbone 1396J) a a competent workman, Gioaa Adams. CONTRACTOES DAVIS A STRA USB A CGH GENERAL contractors: paints, oil. wallpaper. 220 South Liberty. Phone POl. PLUMB INO PLUMBING. REPAIRING AXD COIL work. Phone 1517J. Shop, 127 Uaioa street. A. L. Godfrey. PRIVATE HOSPITALS WAXTED CONTINEMEXT CASES AT privste hospital I have beat of equip ment. Phone - 1959. SECOND HAND GOODS WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fitting, har ness, collars, collar psds, tool, and chains. Fred Schiadler, 238 Center street. REPAIRING AND SHARPENING CUTLERY GRIXDIXG, LAWX MOWERS .safety raror. etc. Stewart' Repair Shop. 347 Court street. BEX WHEELER EVERYTIUXO RE paired. General sharpening, chimney a weep. 1485 X. 17th at.. Phone 11V SCAVENGERS XEAL, SCAVENGER REFUSE OF ALL kinds removed, and plowing. Phone 17R. TRANSFER HAULING FRANK M. NEWTON GENERAL tranafer, local, long distance hauling. Office, stand, Shafer Harness store, rhone 411 741R. ' CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St, phone 933. Distributing, forwarding and storage our specialty. Get our rstes. STENOGRAPHER! PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 408 MAS onie Bldg. Phone 17. SPRAYXNO SPRAYING WITH POWER MACHINES Phone 1HO. Work guaranteed STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 year experience; Depot Ksttoaal fence, aiies 26 to 28 in, high. Paint oil and rarniabes, ete, loganberry snd hop hooks. Salem Fence aad Steve Worka. 250 Court street. Phono 124. WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT A POWER CO. Office. HOI South Com'l St. Ten per rent discount on domestic fist rates psid ia advance. Xo deductions for ab sence or sny causa Bales water in abut off yrnir premises. - WHERB TO EAT LOUIFS - DEPOT East Side. South RESTAURANT H ih Street. PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS AND, SURGEONS KATHERINK SCHLEF. M. D PHT- sicisn and Siargeon. Offices. Oregon building, rooms 41 1-1 1. Phone, 610. 204. Over Oregon Eleefrie Itepot. i Ul 'n 1 ' asCSssWj IT "" i 1' aXswasgaasaaswaawN CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. !.. SCOTT, P. K. C. CHIROPRAC- tor, sob 11 l . H Bank Bldg rhone. 87; Re. 82 aR. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL. U. S. National Bank Bldg. 606 DR. W. I MERCER. OSTEOPATHIC Physician and surgeon: Ktrkaville graduate. 4"4 403 U. S. National Bank Bldg. Phone, Office, 919; Res. 614. DR. JOHN" I- LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIC .. I nrctan nsd hitst. 403.404 Oregon B'd: Phone: oif,r. 3Pt: Re ,va-.-,. - -- T - DENTISTS G. T. WHITE. DENTIST. 408 OREGON funding REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY OWNER GOOD HOUSE and two Iota. Good local ion. one block I. from atreet car. sow price and terma reasonable, t all I'bose 2035 R. 56- ACRE POULTRY AND DAIRY ranch, well improved and fully equip , ed : horses ; machinery mi kens: all ready to go to work. .Will take Salem property for part easy terms. See as BARBER & PEARSON ; 200 Gray Bldg. REAL ESTATE , YOUR HOME IS HERE 100 Photographs Of Homes For Sale "'Those who postpone building or buy ing in the hope of materially lower price are apecnlating in the future mis fortune of the Nation." Folks: the worst ia over! Money ia becoming more available ever dav. Xo matter what happen, it will not e long tiefora Oregon ia the leading tat on the Pacific Coast. And Salem ia in the heart of the best in the state. ton cannot lose in buying real estate in Salem. All the following are first-class bays in Sslem homes. $2500. A splendid borne, with a barn; pice garden spot; good fruit. Light roomy rooms. Lot 90x115. In Englewood. $2700. Good 7 -room bungalow. corner lot. Convenient to S. P. depot. ! Garage. .ot 60x70. Excellent value. $3000. A fie borne for a Urge family. Jnat otf State atreet. Two large lots. Dsndy fruit. Nine rooms. Terms. $3000. Xj better buy ia Salem for the money. Two atory, 8 room home oa Front atreet. Good bara. Lot 50x117-4. ..ju. An s-room bungalow. Ua very good terma. A real sacrifice. Could not be replaced for lea than $5000. Garage. Oa Miller atreet. -Half block off 8. Com mercial atreet. $3750. See thia one. Tt ia a wonder for the money. Oa paved atreet. Attractive 7 -roe a bungalow. Newly painted. $1000. Eight-room bungalow. Large rooms with splendid, large closet. n Center street. Very conven iently located. Excellent terms. Aad a real buy. $1500. Strictly asodera 9 room baagatow. Paved street. Close in. Every modern coavenieaeo ave fjra- rlsce. A wonder of a basement, aaadry trays, gaa. etc. $1800. Sis-room bungalow. Nice fire- tlace; eellar; no furnace. Three edroome: garage: large barn: k splendid fruit. Lot 100x150. Oa rairmoont tl ill $5500. Very riose-ia 9 room borne. Good corner bit oa N. Commercial atreet. Only 4 block a to banks All modern, roaveateace except . furnace. $7000. A first-rate apartment propoaitioa. ery close ia. r.ievea airy raoma with closets. Almost completely furnished. A wonder buy for the money. Me thia. Good terms. $7000. Eight-room, strictly modera baa talow (except faraace). Five fiae t. Splendid fruit. Oarage. Brand new bnildiag. A lovely borne. Kitchen bas all built in features of latest type. My system of borne selling is the fsm oua "McGairo System" that sold over four million dollars worth of residence property in Portland in 120. CHAS. W. NIEMEYER i "Juat Real fcstate" 215 216 Masoaie Temple. Ptoses IOOO Sslem. 1011 FOR SALE 4 LARGE LOTS WITH 5 room cottage, modern: fireplace: lights wster, bath and toilet; ink I - apple trees, 6 different kinds of cher ries, 4 Urge English walnuts, grape, some prunes. logsns, blackberry, goose bemea, aad currants. Price gJ.300, fl.OOO down and terms. CsU at 818 . Liberty JSC TITS BEST FARM BUY IN MARION County 41 acres, all cultivated. $0 acres Beaver dam land. 1 Vt acre ever green blackberries. 9 scree planted to Iogans, 6 room modem houae, bath and toilet, water piped to all ba tidings, IV mile 'to R.K. atattoa on good auto ' road. Must aell. Worth double Price iked. Term. II. 8. Belle. 412 State St, Room 2. XEW MODERN FOUR ROOM BUXCA low. with breakfast alcove, fine elect ne light fixture and everything complete. Cost $2700. For ssle at $2000 pay able: Cssh $500 Assume mortgage .... 1500 $2000 Mortgage payable, principal and in terest, in ais years at $27.26 monthly. A. C Boh mated! 401. Masonic Temple Salem, Oregon 130 ACRES NEAR BEAVER ON GOOD rock road for tale or trade. Price $1100. 40 acrea aear Talbot, all ia cultivation. New 4-room honae: good bara; wira feace. $4nOO. Some terma. 33 acres, 23 ia enltivatioa: aew 6-room bnneslo -ood barn; fine chicken ranch, $1500. LOOSE & PATTON 876! State St. Phone 987 Loans Investments Real Estate WE REPRESENT THE UNION SAV inga and Loan Ass'a of Portland, Ore. and are now prepared to loaa yoa money oa easy payment plan, if you want n loan aeo us. Nice all modern 3 room bungalow, paved street, cement -alb. OB carline. Snap $3,250. Terma. 1 Good comer lot. sacrifice price. $300. lO sere 1 mile from carline btdga near Pacific highway. $2,7oO. Eeaay terms. Fiae 2 ' acre tract near Salem Id prunes login be trie and strawberries. Good buildings. For quick ssle. $2,5o0. Terms. See Perrine & Marsters 311 313 Grsy Bldg. A BARGAIN Must Be Sold At Once 10 acres. 6 cleared, alien! 4M rorda of wood on balance: 2 room houae: good turn, garagr. chicken houses: I acre in prunes, berrle. All the pest of soil. n macadsmiied" road I eile from Salem. Worth more, but going at $5000. 13000 raah, balance to suit. S0C0L0FSKY 311 STATE STREET L. A. HAYFORD Real Estate And him nsurance i 305 State Street V iw ni house, plastered, bath, toilet, elee trie lights, coiaer lot. Frie $2600 terms. $ room bouse and sb.ral 1 acre, nearly sJl fenced, chicken light: three blocks to street rsr. ia rity limits. Trice $1200; rssh $VM). 5 rnm bangtlow. new. plastered, fire place, bath, toilet, light, basement, fur nace, built in featurra and svhit ea smled. Price $10o. 6 room plastered. 1 story, bath, toilet, lights, fruit reilsr. fruit tree sad her nes. lot 66x132. Price $3800. Teems. 19 acres south of Sa.em. red soil, all lo cultivation; 7 acres prune. 1 Vi acres logsns.' 1 ncr raw heme ; mll bou and bar, evicted house, etc; all for $M00. Term. 10 acre east a Kalrm. rbsoe ia o gwd road, all la cultivation, black soil; fsm ily orchard, 1 acrea logaas. 1 acre atrawberi-a. 1 cow. horse, all poultry aod tools: good largo bouse, plastered, hot and cold water with bath. Price 97300. Term. L. A. HAYFORD 80S Stale Stroe Read The Classified Ads. t set 1 REAL ESTATE GOOD BERRY LAND TO LEASE SIX acre near ia for sale. Pbone 71ZK eveaiaga. FOR SALE TWO CORNER LOTH ON Norway aad Snmmer street, vOalJO, Price $850. Call 111K5. TWO HOUSES AND ONE FOURTH OF a block at the earner of 12th and State atrrets. will be aold at a act ton at the Court IIwm a the 5th day of March at 10 o'clock a.m. 80 ACRES. ALL CULTIVATED. 1 MILE from Sslem. 16 seres berriea: big dairy bara. new bungalow, modera eji.utw, terms. 7$ acres. 2- mile of good town la Marmn eouatv. good eoiL 9 room olas terod boaao; mast bo sold. Price $7i6C term. MAGEE Room 29, Corner State aad CommercUl. Over Basick a FRUIT TRACT aGARGAINS 21 ACRE TRACT 10 acres lO-y ear-old Italiaa pruae. ia excellent condition; 3 acre fall bear ing logaaa; IV acre cherries aad family orchard; 1 acre escelleat straw berries. Bslsar is new land and ia to bo pnt in fruit and berriea. Coed 4 room honae, etc; ail buildings well painted. No mud on this farm. This is n bargain at $11,000. About half ess, or will accept good Salem resi dence to $5,000 as first payment. Will take well secured paper aa 'irst pay ment. 40 ACRE -FARM 34 aeree full bearing ' pruae ; t acres large walauta: 4 acre apple; $ acres grain aad 7 acre fir timber. Fair 4 room houee, bam, fruit dryer, chicken bouse, etc. Spring 1 water. Do yea kaow that sack a place can be bought for. $14,000. with a payment of $3,000 down aad balance at 6. Will tako bouao ia Salem to $2,000 a first psyment. KINNEY &: SMITH 469 State St. Ground floor FOR SALE 19 AND A FRACTION acres; new 8-room modera bouao aad good bara aad out boose ; black loom land; all la cultivation; Just a mile from town on Oregon Electric Will eaenrice for $8,000.. Call at $18 X Liberty St. 16 ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE: FUR abed; cleoo ia; to sell cheep or trad tor -room souse; ass goo4 income. BARBER & PEARSON 300 Gray Bldg. FOR SALE T RUtr PLASTY. It ED boose, gsrsg. 1 lot Price $2300; $800 casa; Balance asu per moat. HART MULLER 30$ Oregoa Raiding FINE ALL MODERN HOUSE CL08E IN with all binda of fruit, with tbia place the owaer-will let a aew ant ga t half price. d acre half la fruit, with good buildings nd just outside the city limits, oa gooo t SQUARE DEAL CO. rbea 470. IF TOU WANT A CHEAP HOME HERE it is. 5 room cottage, a good barn, well and oat buildiag. $oo. $500 dowa aad essy terse. Seamster & Thomason JSi! STATE ST. . 2 ACRES. 3 ROOM HOUSE. GARAGE nd chicken bowse, 1 mil from Salem. Oa paved rood. $2100. 5 acres, 2 miles from Salem; email honae. good barn. $3500.. Will take trade. i 5 scree, 1 mile from Salem oa paved road. T k . . . -. -cw mmnm. rooms ana oaia; aew bara, $4500. bara. 84500. S sere, a room bowse: good bara, near city limit oa car line. vooo 13 acres ; 6 room boms ; good Vara $5500. 16 acre. 7 room ssoderu bust a lew. good out buildings, well located. $13,000 21 seres, 3 mile from court house; all building iu good condition. $12,000. House A eood A rqom plastered house oa 25th ct, uizvv. On Aorta Liberty street, 7 room bun gslow; 2 lots, some fruit. $400A. A fine strictly modera 7 room bungalow on viasningten atreet. jiOO. Another fine place oa Washiagtoa street at ju. LAFLAR & LAFLAR 406-7 Oregoa Buildiag ISO ACRES 35 MILES FROM PORT Uad, 31 mile from R.R. atation: 28 acres under caltivstion; urge family orchard: 7 room house, good bara: 30 acres o'd fir timber; some besverdsm land. Tbta l a bargain. Price $6000 Will take part Salem property, bataace long time 6'i. It yoa waat this act BARBER & PEARSON 200 Gray Bldg. WOODS BARGAINS Choice lot Kingwood Park, ewaer needa money, $125. Choice let oa South High, near Lincoln school. 730. lour lots ia East Salem. $123 each, or will rent. Five room houae. North Salem, $1050. 12 room ho a so close in, $4500. Apartment boose. 23 roams, income about $290 per month. $16owo. Nine acres one mile out. cheap. 1 ' acre with new houae, close in. price right. 320 acre farm about half bot tom Uad. good buildings snd running , wster. on main gravel road; leU of good timber. 0 per acre F. L. WOOD 1 311 State Ft. BEST BUYS 6 Acre. 3 in commercial fruit. oJI cul tivated, beat of soil, good bara. chkkea bouse 5411. with graaary attached: a fine chicken ranch, only $2730 if sold si once. Thia ia close to shipping point. 10 sere. 5 in besring prunes, l'i Iogans, two large chicken boose, good bowse and bara, rtose in.' well drained, oil personal property Sad poultry gwr. $10,000. Terma. ! 10 acres, 3 besring prunes, boose, bar, good road: a anap. $000. Term. 70 acres. 10 logsas II acrea bearing prunes, modern boose, bara. garage, drier, sheds; best of fruit land: 13 acre timber: close ia. $21000. $8000 cash, balance to ault. 6 acre all timber, at shippiag atatiea. 8I20O. $IOM rash, balance per cent. Hare n large list of honae at greatly reduced prices. loO seres near Jsa inner. Alts. Canada. Canada. to trade for Salens reside-. Ifto acre near HalbotU Sosk, to trade for Salem residence, too nrrr in Linn county. Oregon, lo trade for Salem r-assewce. Have I let oa real estate. $400, $ix aad $13oo S0C0L0FSKY Stl STATE STRT.ET GOOD BUYS 10 acres of besring Italian prunes. $ and lo years old., rock road. 4 milea out. price $Voo. 5 acrea, 4 acre logaas, 1 acre trw berries. Price $J50O. Well improved 13 acre tract eat good road, all cultivated, good bungalow, bar. 2 acres of btrsas 2 acres of prune. Price $7"0O. Well improved 31 sere fares oa paved road, good bungalow, barn, some tim ber. Price $295 per orre. bslf cash. ;1HJ acre farm., half rultivated. balance good timHer and pasture: boildinga. running uater and spring: good road. Prb- llOo per ero HOUSES 3 rora bus gslow - loeated l 8. lth street. Price $lwM. 6 moot boose aad large Pt. Weariag fruit. paved atreet. Price tJ-VW 5 room bwngaUw. bath. toilet, lighta. tern , furniture. Prsre $!. 7 room aod-m buugaUrw. large lot. gar age. paved street. Prte $H. Good a room modem - borne csswe to stale house. Prtco $63no. 4 room cottage. Urge lot. gars;. Price $22tHt. Term. If yoa ar look iag to bay. trade or lt, see . I W.'H.'Grabenhorst & Co. 27J Stt 6treet. ! REAL 4 ESTATE RESTAURANT WILL SELL CHEAP if taken soon. L. A. Hayford. real estate aad fire insurance. 805 State St, Salem, Oregon. WORTH WHILE 7'i Acres near. Salem, on paved aigb way. Car lino ia front of bouao. All ia bearing Irak. Goad 7 ream bouae with all modern eoavemietseea. A fin borne wv4l located. Price $9000, Term. 70 acre, well located. IS acre bearing Cune. 10 acre loganberries. Other aring fruit. Good room bouse, large barn. garage; other ositboildiaga. $2000 worth of personal properly goes with the place. Thia ie a money maker Price $100 per acre. Terma MILLS & COPLEY ? 331 Va State St. Pkoae 175 YOU OUGHT TO SEE THE FLATS I have for aale. Yoa would hare a teaatiful borne, also a aplestdid income, it you wouia mr tfei property. Would like to show row an eight rot ' honae, close in. on paved atreet. medi 1 n an everr detail, at 84&00. Those attractive lot on Chareh street. snd slso those on D street, csa bought at a reasonable price today. have a 60 acre tract ot Uad for tride for a bowse ia Salem. I have a five acre tract for trad for a bouao ia Salem. List year 5 room far is bed bowse with mo tor rent, also your sad room unfurnished house. I have portiee on my list who will take good care of your property. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 493 N. Cottage St. - Phoae 1186 DEPENDABLE That m oor aim aad purpose; snd oa that asaaraace wo solicit your baaiaea ia the purchasing of rity property, email acreage tracta aad orchard, farm aad raarhe. We recognise there is n duty incumbent to a buyer aa well a to the seller; eapecUlly a aeweeasvor. We have the eerrice of aa experienced Oregon farmer aa owr farm salesman, who ka , familiar with tho valley. We invite buyer to call on us. Oar listing i larr and eompreheaarv. THE FLEMING REALTY CO. $11 State St, Room 1 GOOD BUYS 6',i acre tract close to earlia. good ts room boose, electric lights, bora, t' acre of logaaa. family orchard, good rood. Trice $6800. Term. 10 acre ot good soil, good house -aad bara. $ acre of bearing legaa. $9300. 10 acre of good ooiL good seven room hoooo, bara. bearing fruit, good road. Price $3AO. $2 lOO down. boUaro 6 percent interest. . 63 acre of good hilt lead, near Moetray. Price $5oOO. $1000 dowa. baUace terma. 6 percent latereet. Well improved i acres close to eTsrttao. ft room buagalow, elortrae lights, hot and cold water, fsssilr atrew- berries aad logsas, gravel atreet. rrtco $800. 33 acre of good prairie aoil at! culti- rate rrtco izj per acre . HOUSES Large 9 room bouse, both, toilet aad light rrtco 1 too. 3 room modsra be gslow cload to elate bowse. Price 86500. 7 room modera home. Urg lot aad garage, paved atreet. Prtce $4A0O. 4 room cottage, bath, toilet, baermeat. garage. Prtce $22oo. 6 iia boaao. located north Sales, Wear- tag feuit. bora, rrtco 9325". Fine View lot eu Fairisant Hill, paved. eaat front. Price $900. T erase. A block of Uad. $00 by SOO feet rWee to ear liae. Frtro $600. $204 dowa, ha Is are 6 percent interest . We have some fuse lote on Fs it-moo at Hill, price range from $275 to $525, - $5 down, belaeee easy terms. If rem ore bsok iag to bay, trad a or sell, W. H. Grabenhorst i Co. 275 State Street. FOR SALE 4 room Hoaao. 3 block from poet office, $3,500. A aumber of city home well located aad priced right. 5-10-15 and 40-acr tract aear city, improved aad pa improved. 18-acro tract ad jo ia rag tho city, fiao for I rait, berriea or vegetable f boms. See oa aad talk that ewer. OREGON LAND CO. 4 42 KTATB ST. FUBXXO NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposal will bo received natit o'clock p.m. oa the Ifttb dar of March, 1921. and then opeaed for the coo a tract 10a (neating not taeladedl of a ooo storey fraato gymeaeram to bo erected at Independence. Oregon, .for school district No. 29. la accords a c with plass and speciTicatioaa. copies of which may bo had of F. A. Legg. ar chitect, Salem. Or, or C. O. Irvine. Clerk. I adepeadeace, Oregoa. A deposit of.8J.OV will be required ss s guarantee that the pUns snd specifies t ieos will bo returned in good order. The right to .reert auv aad all bid U reserved. C. O.- IRVINE. Clerk School Drat. No. 29. 1 adepeadeace, Oregoa. VOTH-K OK ASSESSMENT FOR THK (TKT OP niPROVIXO hFVEXTF.KXTH STREET IX ''THE CITY OK SALEM. FROM XJrRT STREET TO CHKMEK. ETA STREET. To Era Caranaujcn. Lenna E. Ha rm. Leila B. Witjclna. William Yarnell. Florence Yarnell. Eli zabeth Pettel. George F. Teed. Nancy O. Peed and Orrille Bal lon: Yon and each ot you. are here by not fied that the City of Sa lem. Oregon, bas by Ordinance No, ICO leYled aa assessment up on your respect Ire property here inafter described, and ia the amount hereinafter set forth, for snch property's proportionate share ot the cost of iraprov.af Sereuteenth street, from Court street to Chemeketa atreet. A de scription of each lot or part there- Jot or parcel ot land assessed, the owner thereof, and the amount anAessed and ley led upon It la aa follows, to-wit: .Lot Sixteen (IS) of Block One (1) Yaaduya's addition to the City of Salem, Oreson. Era Cara nauph. Lenna E. Ragaa and Le ila II. Wiggins. Coat lit. .50. Lot Three (3) of Block One (1). Vanduyn'a addition to the City of Salem. Oregon. W.tllam Yarnell Florence Yarnell and Eli rabeth Pettel. Cet f 12C.79. Ia Eight ft I of Block Two (2) Qneen Ann addition to the City of S.lwtn. Oregon, tieorge. F. Peed and Nancy O. Ped. Cost f 111.09. The East 1S.83 feet of Lot Fourteen (141 of Block One (1). Vand ujm'a addition to the City of Salem. Oregoa. Orrille Ballon. Cost 133.0$. Said ahaeaameata were entered in Volume 3. Dockett or Cityj Hens on the 21th day of January.; 1921. as a charge and lien againl t!te Mid rropft'ea. and are now 1ue and payable to the City Treas urer. Uy order ot the Common Cotn 'II. ;ie not let. i a-rved apa. )o and tJtrh ot you b publc$tl-'Hi thcrtof lor ten (101 days la 'he Daily Statesman, a; newspaper, of central circulation published la the City ot Salem, Oregon. Date ot - first publicat on hereof la March 2. 1921. EARL RACE. Recorder of the City ot Salem. Oregon. Classified Ads. In The Statesman, J3ring. Result? WHOLE MILK AND PRODUCE WANTED Marion Crutmery & Produce Co. Salem, Oregon Phoqe 2483 I SALEM MARKETS I BTJTTJrO FIICI Eggs aad Fouitry Egg. 21-2r. Ilea hewry. 34e. Hens, med ram. ZZe. Heaa. light. 29c. Old roes tor. lOe. Stags, la-lfr Fork. Itattoa aad Beef Fork, on foot. $10 $3. Lamb. 6 Sc. ' Live VesL 13c. Dressed hogs. 12c. Beef a leers, 6c. Cows. 4e. Top real, 17c. Clover hay. $17 to $26. Oat aad Vetch hav, $2u to $33. Cheat hay. $20 to $21. Orabl Wheat. $1-20 to flJ Oat 4 V. Mill Foods. Wholesalo Mill run. $37 tea. WaoUtaJe to Dealer Creamery butter 54 55c Bntterfat, &0c. rmt Orangee. $3.25 to $3.23. Banana. HSc lmoaa. $4.5v. lnin fn CaL $: ArU. $0; Florida 14.50. Ysfetahlon California cabbage, l,. Oregoa cabbage, 1U. Oaiooa. treoo, $1.25 Onioo, CaliioraU. $1.75. Tarnrpa, gj. Carrots, $13 aack. Green pewrs. JOc, Csuliflwwers, $2.35 dote. Lettaco. $3 83 to $3.73 crsU. Potatoes. $1 ewt. Sweet potatoes. $3.75 husbel. Radish aa. 40 doe. bsese. tomb honey rose, $8.00. Celery. $1.23 dooeo) bunches. Parsley. 50e doaoa boaches. Baets, 73c do tea bo near. Tomatoes $6 rrato. lioaey, extracted, toe lb. Rota Q Creoesery batter. oOc. Ffgs. t3-27c. Fjosir. herd wheat, f 3.3 fl.0. FUr. valWy. $23. agar. $8.75 $9. Jurors Are Drawn For March Term of Court The Jury for the Mareh term of . the cirtslt court, which will lH1a March 21. waa straws ree terday. Thoae tnclndrd la the Hat are- Edward Slacho. Elkhortu far mer; Theo Hi.hberr.fr, Snbllm Itr. farmer; C. E. Ilayra, Salem. No. . laborer: Brron , rjonar. East Starton. farmer: A. J. Tit. lor. Mill Citr. reMred; J. F. War-. bock. sSorth Silrertoa, fanner; A. At. Hanaed. Salem No. Z. mtii faetarer; Frank HottJnter. East Starton. fannr; Lt1 MeCrack ea. Salem No. 7. bean mom: Roy II. Campbell. Salem No. 4. salesman; George A. Boh lien. Enslewood". farmer; Pearl I. Lore. Eaat Wood barn, mechanic; A. T. Cline, North Ho well, far mer; H. D. Bondjr. Horeb. mer chant; U. B. Moorman. Salem No. 7. Uborer; Albert F.- Jans. Cen tral Howell, farmer; Glea C. Ca rot hem. Weat Habbard. labor er; La Fayette Lawrence. Eaat Wood burn, retired: Arnold Chris tea.. W4 Habbard. farmer; Earl H. Anderson. Salem No. 2, boot b'nder; DaTid HoTendea. Weat Hubbard, farmer; Frank Ee;an. Soufb 8ilrerton. farmer; M. K DeGnlre. Weat Silrerton. dairy roan; Charles C. Giebler. Brelten baah. farmer; E. J. Farahac Marion, farmer; William Folilt, Ftayton. carate; (3tto O. Hedrlek, Salem No. lg, teamster; W. P. Georjre. Salem 1, reaUurast; A. C. Libbr. Jefiersori. raraxe; J-f. feraoa Kiljrore. East Wodbura. merchant; Charles B, Lrtle. Tur ner, farmer. Million-Dollar Company Files Corporation Papers The International Mlniag ft. Milling company, a million-dollar corporation, filed articles yes terday at the ofrices of T. B. Handler, atate corporation com missioner. The offlcee of the company are located In Portland and the Incorporators are Will If. Bard. Thomas Weed aad M. W. Braner. Other articles were tiled as follows: McCoIIum ft Painter Aato Truck lines. North Bend; Incor porators. C. F. McCollam. W. II. Paiater. John C Kendalt; capi talization. S.eOO. Columbia Sales corporation ot Portland; Incorporator. John T. O'Brien. W, W. Wlleou. John J. Beckmaa; capitalization. f;e 000. ; ' Joeephlne. County Bulldfnc ft Loan association. Grants Paas; Incorporators. C. A. Fwope. Geo. P. Jester. R. E- Brat ton. W. W. Walker. C. II. Deaaray, Etanton Howell. R. K. Hackett; caplUll gallon. SlOd.Oeo. Resolutlona showing aa -la-crease in capitalization from $ie one to $23,000 were Tiled by the Finnish M-at market or Astoria, and from $23,000 to $73,000 by the Moore Packing company et Portland. The only ecllps of the present year amounting to much Is ransed by the growing shadow of the ia- comr tax collector. The Financial Outlook ior 1921 Xo an Aaaaol ReoVew. bwt a test, prob-avsive. rooarvatrve and caloabte bwok on obal tho master miad of America botsrvo I : I w!l wutotd. Aa mdwsMWoWle g-us to tho boot Peso nil aod fiaoocier alike. . FsrUal Sammary of Cowtmta A coasts He PVtoro of f inssyrtal aod b-ssiaea America as aea through Ibe ere of 3) A aver k a a laeders of ladwstrv. 'ock market avers ges foe 1 911. I year prWe range tooding stocks. Ebb - float prtco wave 93 rears. Mo-h swtcs da ring, after the war. ' 3 rov. and spec, op port a a tea. Copy free ass rvwesi McCall & Riley Co., Inc., Broad $4 root Srw Trrk t I I I l I t 3