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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1921)
8 THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH -3, 1921 ry moij y rniu.vic tomorrow night holds the center of the week-end stage. Nothing in years baa aroused i-qual Interest in musle locally, and it la exited that her aplarance here will draw many out-of-town music Iot ei Salem-ward. . Appearing with Parlow will 1k Fred Alelson Uee. ax accompanist, whose art. iiowerer, would make consistent his being programed alone. Thus far nothing haa been said about him in these columns. FRIENDS old and newly-made which appeared in the club notes were aaylng rood-bye to of the Telegram this week said: , Mrs.; W. S; Kinney yester-j "Mrs. W. ri. Kinney, member of so the following bit of information A 9 V Hf tl rt Vr a a lua vtn rr f ti i r. . V ,k n i t t . i . ! k It1nnt tiA a ii i u j ' - -" v u utri, iiuii.c mC uregon legislature iroui v.iai ln Astoria, after spending nearly gop county, presided over the two months .In Salenr during and 'sion Wednesday forenoon and did since the session of the legisla- j it with as much dignity and with lure, wntie here she has been . a much knowledge of nurliamen- fctopping wjth Mrs. Ada Strong. A number of social courtesies marked the final days of her stay, all being delightfully informal. An Interview with Mrs. Edith Tozler Weatherred, who was in Salem during the legislature, Salem School of Expression Lulu Rosamond Walton, Director 147 N. Commercial Phone 592 H84J Special Course In Public Speaking tary law as any man would have done. The ''boys tried to confuse Mrs. Kinney, but she was too quick for them. Mrs. Kinney was alert to all measures that came up and she gate them all keen con sideration. She endcarea herself to all members of the bouse and served with much credit to the women of Oregon." Mrs. Kinney held the floor of the senate while speaking in favor of women serving' on Oregon Juries. The Kathleen Parlow concert Si ill II i T1 111 , Pi ill! USE FEE It Has The Flavor C. Burton Durdall Three Busy Stores, Salem Silvcrton Independence of Bar gains Are Arriving Dairy to make this a successful - j v Money-Saving Event ;jplAY ";TWQc- fi0ilE" DAS - : and you will see for yourself the might we have put forth to make this i j A Sp OF SALES Our Back From Market Sale, Saturday, March 5th Shop Where The! Crowds Buy - - x i -. " . Shop Where The Crowds Buy i With Salads Snow Flakes are just the thing to serve with all kinds of salads. To make sandwiches for lunches and suppers. With soups and bouillons, of course. In fact, there are so many ways you can use this dainty member of the P.C.R family, you'll want to keep a generous supply on hand. i Buy them from your grocer in tel packages or family tins. Don't ask tor crackers SKOiV FLAKES mem ; f- PK33UCT f.2r ' r say nTVW ir?TM few T? WW P. C B. PANAMA CREAMS Antkmr P.C. 8. prodoct i A clMcaUt Saara4 eras mmi Vt gncrn am Myply rm Pacific Gout Biscuit Co. will not be amiss "He was born in Cardiff. Wales, and is of English nationality. He studied at Cardiff, under h fa ther. Melsou Oee. who is one of the best-known organists and ac companists in the west of England. Mr. Gee came to Canada when 19 years of age and located In Winni peg, which Is still his home. He has appeared as accampanist for many of the big artists of this country, including Anna Fitziu, Carolina Lazzari. Emma Roberts, Lucile Stevenson, Lucy Gates. Gre ta Maason. Charles W. Clark. Da vid Bispham, Arthur Middleton, Lambert Murphy, Richard Czer wonky. Louis I'erslnger, Corneli us Van Vliet. Craig Campbell, and others. Mr. Cee has often appear ed on the American concert plat form, and last season made a three-week's tour with Lucy Gates through Montaua, Dakota and Minnesota. He was for some years organist at St. Stephens church in Winnipeg, of which the wcll k no wit? novelist "Ralph Conner" (Dr. C. W. Gordon) is pastor. He Is now organist of Augustine church in that city. Mrs. Edward Schunke opened her residence to the members of the North Salem Womans' club on Tuesday afternoon, decorating her home for the occasion with bright hued spring flowers. - An interesting phaze of the aft ernoon was the showing of num erous pictures taken by . L. I'ur vine during his recent visit to I'almeto del Verde Island. Mexico. Civic betterment subjects were considered and two members from the club, Mrs. Mason Bishop, pres ident and Mrs. V. L. Purvine. past president, were named to repre- j sent the club at the forthcoming reception under the auspices of the Commercial cjub. Mrs. Guy Smith will be a club hostess In April. A most successful and entertain ing session of the Salem branch of the Oregon Music Teachers' convention was- held Tuesday night at the , residence of Miss Dorothy Pearce. Among the pro gramed numbers given were the following: Waltz (Tscbaikowsky ) by Miss Pearce and Miss Lucile Ross; "Love's Sunlight" Cad man) and "Joy of the Morning" (Harriett Ware), by Miss Ada Mil ler; "Maytlme" (Ole Speaks), by Miss Ruth Johns and "Water Lily" (McDowns), by Franklin Launer. Mrs. H. S. Poisal's home on South Commercial street will be the meeting plaee of the mission ary society of the First Congrega tional church, tomorrow after noon. Assisting Mrs. Polsal as hostesses on the occasion, will be Mrs. E. A. Miller and Mrs. Edwin Hotnell. Miss Edith Hazard is la charge of the program. ' St. Patrick's day was drawn up on to furnish inspiration for the regular monthly meeting of the Yomarco Bible class of the First Methodist church, held at the home of Professor and Mrs. W. II. Hertzog Tuesday night. Deco rations in yellow and green, with daffodilla much In evidence bright ened the rooms, where an Informal entertainment program was enjoy ed, featuring Irish Jokes, stories. and diversions. Green caps which each guest wat given upon arriving added to the festive spirit of the evening. Refreshments also re flected the date. Thirty-six were In attendance. Assistant hostesses were Mrs. J. N. Devers, Mrs. R. L. Van Orsdal and Mrs. II. II. Klocp-ping. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Collins and their young daughter Max- ine are being welcomed back to Oregon after spending several years in California. They have takn up their residence at the Collins residence near Indepen dence. Mrs. E. E. Upmeyer was a din ner hostess last night, entertain ing with 18 covers, the guest list being made up of members of her Sunday school class in the First Methodist church. A yellow color scheme was employed with tulips and candles being the principal decorative details. Places were arranged for th following: Miss Esther Wheeler. Miss Harriet Lien, Miss Amy Martin. Miss Jessie Martin, Miss Laura Hale. Miss May Hale. Miss Maude Simmons. Miss Mildred Simmons. Miss Adona Cochrane, Miss Grace Taylor, Miss Laura Hsibt, Miss Gladys Humphreys, Miss Alma Poble. Miss Grace Smith. Miss Adella Chapter. Miss Elsie White, Mrs. Tripp and Mrs. Cpmeyer. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Peters, who are here from Hoquiam, Wash., are much-feted visitors. Tuesday evening Mr. and Mn. Lester Mos ber entertained In ther honor. giving a nine-cover dinner. Later on the same date Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Watson arranged a small card party for their pleas ure, inviting besides the honor guests Mr. and Mrs. William H. Prunk nd Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Townsend. Two tables were ar ranged for 500, Mrs. Townsend winning high score. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Town send entertained with an evening of cards last night for Mr. and Mrs. Peters., three tables were arranged, the following being bidden as guests: Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Hubbard. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Cot ternian and Miss Hazel Price. Mr. Kdwrd Charlton an,d Mrs. Winnie Brown were hostess es at a children's party Saturday ternoon. entertaining for the Inter-social. ; 4Mrs. Gcorga Weller and Miss, Marie Churchill entertained with j prettily aiinted dinner Mon day evening in compliment to Miss Tora Mortenson, who was celebrating a 'birthday. Decora tions were potfectod In yellow, spring flowers being utilized. Covers were placed for Miss Mor ten won. Miss Esther Busch, Miss Helen King. Miss Churchill, Mrs. Weller and J. A. Churchill. Members of the choir of the Firft Methodist church were en tertained with a banquet in the church parlors Tuesday night, the affair being given by the Lucy J Anna Iee circle of the Ladies' Aid society. The tables displayed an attractive decorative scheme perfected with daffodils and viol ets. Mrs. Edward Charlton and Mrs. Winni Brown were hostesses at a children's party Saturday af ternoon, entertaining for the in teresting young sons. Marshal and Meynalt. of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Teters, who are visiting here from Hoquiam. Wash. Miss Emma Kramer, principal of th Highland school, will tell of the work of tbs ungraded room in that school, and the children will demonstrate their work at the Highland Mother's club meet ing this afternoon In the school building. A wedding which carse u n Fiirprise to their friends was that of Mi. "s Ethl Mae Hoadley of Al bany and Lester Wilbur Laut of Salem. The bride has lived .in Albany since childhood and has a wide circle of friends. Mr. Laut l a veteran of the world war and saw action in the Argonne. The young folk will make their home In Eugene. Members of the Rebecca lodce from GervaH, Turner, Aumsville, and various other nearby towns were present at the. session of the local lodge Monday night. Forming a committee In chare e of the details of the gathering were Mrs. Carl O. Kngstrom. Mrs. Geo. Viesco and Mrs. Fred Swanson. Thf writer's section of the Sa lem Arts league will meet at the residence of Mrs. F. R. Barton on North Capital strift tonight ut 7:2 o'clock. , is Mrs. W. R. i'.eaiuer was a hos ier last Wednesday, entertaining in farewell to Mrs. rrank Far-1 lowe. Additional guets ere Mrs. George Smith, Mrs. II. 11. Davis. Mrs. I. D. Hutchinson and Miss IMna Iiury of Yakima, Wash. Last One Hundred Bills Fare Better Than Others The adare. familiar to legisla tor s. I hat Mi.- last I " bill in troduced fare better than tho first loO was confirmed by the senate In the recent legislative session, according to John P. Hunt, chief clerk. The record Show that of the fltst 100 measures iatrodaen o were passed; of the second u, - - . a t . . . uiiu ww, t were fat4t ti of the fourth 100. 52 were III r vrjTTTu'r: 1 " " I t 1 t 1 A Small Town Guy Wilh Hig Ideas 4 LIBERTY SUNDAY THE STORE FOR QUALITY Kitchenware DInnerware Glass Ware Wm.Gahlsdori The Store of Housewares 135 N. Liberty St. LAST DAY "THE FRIDAY SATURDAY SILVER LINING" "A A 7 LIBERTY Where The Big Pictures Show Z5-Yt SESi. feci eaii Ladies, New mm m NEW SUITS modlslily tailored and nandsoaelj embroidered and trimmed. That smart, smecti irreproachable tailored effect so really difficult U find in tbe ordinary ready-to-wear costume Lis been ultimately attained in our modish sprcr, suits. $19.75 to $55 Our display of the new season's millinery is such thai lhi mncl nnrrimljir litrvr will have little or no trouble in getting just the hat wanted here. J$3.98 to $8.75 Oar Prices Always The Lowest GALE & CO. Commercial and Court Streets 2 Kellogg's Corn Flakes .23c 2 Post Toasties 2oe 2 Grape Nuts . 35c Roman Meal . 33c Uncle Sam's Food 33c Large pkg. Wheat Hearts 28c Large pkg. Pancake 28c Puffed WTieat 15c Shredded Wheal Large pkg. Oats. .15c .30c 10 pounds Cream Rolled Oats ; 53c 10 pounds Wheat CereaL63c 10 pounds Graham 55c Ralston's Bran 19c Kellogg's Bran 19c Swan's Down Cake Flour 50c Swan's Instant Cake Flour 40c '2 -gallon Monopole Cane and Maple - 80c Large Log Cabin. $1.33 Table Size Log Cabin 39c Uncle John's ..-$1.33 Table size - 39c 1 gallon Maple Karo.....$1.07 Yi gallon Maple Karo 60c Yz gallon Amber Karo 43c 1 gallon Amber Karo 70c 1 gallon Crystal White... 89c Yz gallon Crystal White....48c CRACKERS Fresh Crisp Sodas, lb. 15c Fresh, Crisp Grahams 21c Snow Flake Sodas, pkg. 43c Large N. B. C. Sodas 45c Small N. B. C. Sodas .20c Small S. F. Sodas 20c S.S. Batter Crackers .25c 4 pounds Net Cotto1ene....84c 8 pounds Net Cottolene $1.59 4 pounds Snowdrift 83c 8 pounds Snowdrift $1.60 9 pounds Crisco $1.85 6 pounds Crisco $1.30 3 pounds Crisco 65c IaSo. 5 Cascade Lard 95c No. 10 Cascad Lard..$1.85 No. 5 Compound..! 75c 1 L i VIM DISTRIBUTORS SALEM - ALBANY - WOODBURN $15 Broom-. $1.10 Broom. tSLOO Broom. 65c Broom Mop Stklc COFFEE 1 pound M. J. B. 45c 3 lbs. M. J. IL, lb 44c 5 lbs. M. J. R, lb 43c 1 lb. Golden West 46c 3 lbs. Golden West, lb. 44c American Club 33c 3 lbs. American Club, a lb. 33c 5 lbs. American Club, a lb. 32c Hills' Bros., red can 46c 2Yz lbs.- Hills' Bros, red can, lb. 44C Royal Club, 1 lb. 44c 3 lbs. Royal Club, a lb. .. 43c Fancy Bulk .Coffee .25c Very Best Bulk 1 31c TEA Gun Powder bulk, pound. ...30c English Breakfast 30c Tree Tea, black, Yz lb. 31c Tree Tea, green, Yz 33c Liplon's Tea, Yz lb. r 40c Lipton's Tea, 1 lb 79c 10 lbs. While Beans 50c 10 lbs. Fancy Head Ricc..65c 5 lbs. Split Peas 49c 5 lbs. Macaroni i.39c 5 lbs. Prunes 50c 10 lbs. Prunes 95c 100 lbs. Prunes, a lb. 8c Fancy Walnuts '. 33c Bakers' Fresh Cocoanut.17c Shredded .....10c, 20c, 40c Jell-O, package 10c Jiffy-Jell .... 10c Knox Gelatine . .20c CANNED FRUIT Large Pineapple, 2 for73c I No. 2 Pineapple, 2 for 63c 5 large cans Peach es.$ 1.00 5 large cans Aprieol3$1.00 Libby's Apple Butter25c 1 gallon can Prunes 50c 1 gallon Pumpkin 50c SALAD Pint of Wesson's. Quart of Wesson's. Yz gallon Wesson's Pint of Blazola Quart of Mazola. 3Sc .73c $1.40 37c -70c Yz gallon Mazola. $L35 1 gallon Mazola. -$2J5 We believe now is the time to buy Sugar focanning. We have a limited supply, order early, BAKING POWDER 3 40c-ize RoyaL ZYz lbs. RoyaL 5 lbs. Royal 25c K. O 15c K. r 10c K. 0 $LC7 $Lts 4UI Mi BROOLIS 4UJ 4LC3 Sit CANNED GOODS 5 cans Sugar Peas '. 5 cans Iowa Corn . ,, 13c 5 cans Standard Tomatoes S3e 5 cans Clams.: STc 5 cans Oysters. 3 cans Shrimp. 5 cans Oregon Red Salmon 5 Medium Red. 5 cans Pink SIX -$H5 fx 5 cans Campbell's Soup C3 2 cans Llbby Mnv a 12 cans Ubby MHkJL4S 3 large cans Hominy ic CHOCOLATE 1 lb. Ghlrardellis - 3 lbs. Ghlrardellis- Hershey Cocoa, In bulk, IbutOc Baker's Chocolate, eake-53c CaUfornla Star Yz lb, Cocoa 2 1 pound Cocoa 40c pkg. Nabisco Wafers, Special 20c pkg. ; XC SOAP 22 Bars R. White. 22 White Wonder-. 10 Ivory 5 Clean-Easy. 5 Creme OLL. 5 Palmolive Citrus Powder- Old D. Cleanser. JW3 SW 43c 23c