THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON THURSDAY MORNING. MARCH 3. 1921 l Issued Daily Except Monday by . ; THE STATESMAN PCUUSUIXO COMPANY i 215 S. Commercial St.. Salem, Oregon (Portland Office. 704 Spalding Building. Phone Main 1111) 11KMOEK OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for repub lication of all sews dispatches eredlted to It or not otherwise credited la this paper and also the local news published herein. R. J. Hendricks JtUnager Stephen A. Stone .Managing Editor Ralph Glover Cashier Frank Jaskbskl . .Manager Job Dept. DAILT STATESMAN, served by carrier In Salem and suburbs, IS cents a week, CS cents a monJO. DAILY STATESMAN, by mail, U advance, IS a year, $3 for six months, $1.60 for three months, In Marlon and Polk counties: $7 a year. 13.60 for six months. $1.76 for three months, out side of these counties. When not paid In advance, SO cents a year additional. . .: , ) TUB PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the great western weekly farm paper, wlU be rent a year to any one paying a year In advance to the Daily Statesman. . . .A SUNDAY i STATESMAN. $1.S0 a year; 78 eenU for six months; 40 cents for three months. WEEKLY STATESMAN, issued In two six-page sections, Tuesdays and Fridays. $1 a year (11 not paid In advance, $1.26); 60 cents ' for six months; 2S cents for three months. KNIGHTS BRING LECTURER HERE David Goldstein of Boston to Expose Bolshevism In Address SPEAKER WIDELY KNOWN TELEPHONES; Business Office, 23. Circulation Department, (S3. Job Department, 633. - , Society Editor 10 1. Entered at the Postofflce In Salem, Oregon, as second class matter. Former Socialist Leader Now Defends Christian Civilization An interesting and instructive explanation of that perplexing problem "Bolshevism" will be given at the armory, Saturday night, March 5. by David Gold stein of Boston, under the aus pices of the supreme council. Knights of Columbus. Mr. Gold stein is a lecturer of national reputation, having several times .WHEN SALEM WILL BE A MINING CENTER The! lime when Salem will be a mining center is drawing nearHundreds of millions of dollars in mineral wealth are un derneath the mountains in the Santiam region, and there will likely bej commercial ore shipments from at least two of the mining properties in that district during this year From the Lotz-Larsen property and the prospect of the Silver King Mining company And there will be a survey of the district this year by the Bureau of Mines and Geology, State of Oregon, this with a view to giving accurate information to men able to enter the field and get out the ores under approved modern meth ods. .--'!' 4 This is good news for Salem Wonderfully good news. From the time -when, forty to fifty years ago, there be gan to be mining excitements in the Santiam district, and the whole of the Little North Fork of the Santiam from Elkhorn to the mouth of . Gold Creek, and above, was staked out in placer claims, some gold has been coming out of that dis . trict -considerable sums in the early days from the placer claims K . ' And there have been many rushes and excitements. Bat a great deal more money has been put in than has 1 ever oeen taicen out - By prospectors, companies that have done development work, and have built roads and erected mills, etc. , But the companies that operated in those days were fore doomed to failure. , V t The reader may find the reasons in the' article in this is sue of Arthur M. Swartly. consulting mining -engineer of the ! Oregon Bureau of Mines and Geology. Mining on a large scale could not be successful under the methods known to the pioneers in .that .district., , . There have been later discoveries, however, as explained by Mr. Swartly, in the ways to treat such ores as are found in the Santiam district; ' And now large capital may be employed there with an assurance that it will yield good returns. The gold is there, and the silver and lead and copDer and zinc. It has all along been only a question of getting out the mineral wealth. So Salem is now on the very eve of becoming a mining center. ! The sure beginnings will be made this year, and it is reasonably certain now that there wilV be progress every year, hereafter in the constructive work that will render this city more and more, a center and supply point of a great min ing district, pouring out increasing millions of wealth annu ally as time passes. And mining development in the Santiam will be sure to bring other great things for that district and for Salem and ,the Salem section one of the most important of which will be the use of the great and comparatively cheaply developed water powers of that region. - hi 0 HIS TKOUBU3 IS ALL GONE "I was affected with pains all over my baric and kidneys." writes Chrrles McAllister, 1 Clark Ave., Kearney, N. J., "After three or four dozes of Foley Kidney Pills I became all right and my pain is all gone." Foley Kidney Pills relieve backache, urinary ir regularities, rheumatic pains, stiff joints, swollen muscles and other symptoms of kidney trouble. It is a splendid medicine, prompt In paction, and always helps. Con tains no habit forming drugs. Sold everywhere, (adv.) DAVID GOLDSTEIN out the country, free of charge, hundreds of thousands of pam phlets giving the Christian-American view of sociological prob lems that vex the national life. Muiral Prelude Arranged The Knights of Columbus is thoroughly committed to this line of and enlightenment. Kvery man seeking admission in to the order is obligated to s!gra an application pledging his atti tude of Socialism to be that taken by the Catholic church expressed in the Kneyclicals of Pope Leo XIII and Pope Pius X. As a prelude to the lecture sev eral musical numbers featuring a harp solo, will .be given by the girls string orchestra of Sacied Heart Academy. Mr. Goldstein's lectnre "Bol shevism What It Is The Reme dy For It," will be entirely free to everyone, there being no ad mission charged, nor any collec tion taken up among the audience. 1 E DECIDES DIFFEliL LEAD Captain Kirkpatrick Victor Over Rigdon.For Com pleted Series Killtfhat ColdxWith ! yi QUININE . A. TA.-..r- I roa yAWrty AND I, . - , Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for tb first an. j Breaks up a cold In 24 hoora RIirc9 'I' Gripp in 3 days ExclU&t for Hadach i Quinine la this form does not affect the head Caacara la bast Tonic ALL DR U GGIS TS rSELL 1 IT ! r - '. i I 1 jj i ' If I 1 I w THE WEALTH OF A NATION THE bank deposits of the country measure the wealth of the people in dollars and cents. From 20 to 41 bil lions has been the increase in the past six years. This doeat not include other assets indicative of the growth of pros perity, either. Does YOUR account at the United States National Bank seem to be going ahead in like proportionor backward? traversed the - United States, speaking upon subjects relating to the maintenance and perpetuation of the American ideals of home. Industry, labor and patriotism. The Knights of Columbus as an order has been fighting radical Ism, and socialism for many years, before the war. during the war and since the war. High tribute has been paid to the Knights of Columbus during the war by the leaders of thought not only in the United States but in the Euro pean countries. There is yet another feature 01 its work, distinct from its efforts in war and after war, and yet ly ing at the very foundation of Am erican progress in social Justice, that marks of the Knights of Co lumbus as being in the fotefront of America's sociological organi zations. Christianity Defended ' This public activity was estab lished years before the war, for it was quite natural that this organ ization of Catholic American citi zens should be more sensitive to assaults, from whatsoever quar ter upon the foundation and the fabric of Christian civilization. The Knights of Columbus was not found napping, and It took the best means of practical de fense against the open and secret propaganda to turn over the na tional Inheritance to Socialists whose world-wide movement Is now popularly designated by its Russian nick-name Bolshevism. Tears ago when the danger of Socialist activity vas noi so evi dent as it is today, the Knights of toiamoai resoivea 10 iconaaci free lecture courses on the fornm plan to exhibit the fallacies, Ir rationality, injustice and i immor ality of Socialist principles and practices. . Campaign Begun To members of the order ex perts on the subject were selt-ct-ed to tour the country over, set ting before public audiences the true sociological doctrines in con trast with the false teachings of the enemies of God and country, and thus meeting the exponent of socialism face to face in Intel lectual combat. Peter W. Collins then international secretary ot the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, a fearless fighter for the cause of wase- rarners and a strenuous opponent i ot socialism and . David Golc steln once a leader in the ranks of the socialists, who quit the movement in 1903 when- it re fnsed to repudiate its advocacy ot violence, irrellgion and free-lov were selected to conduct this educational campaign. Beside the work of these men. which has won international commendation. the order has distributed through- FUTURE DATES Mr-k 4 ni1 S. Frulay ant PtnrdT BaKkMtxIl, WUlnnrtte t . U. of O. mi Eutuf. March 10. 1! and 12 Iatrrx-bolastK basketball toarnament. March 12. Saturday Trianete 4rat monK illanwtl. JicMinnvil'e aaj l ac - ilarrk IS Herbert Lean Cape, lecturer at Sateut Armory. March 13 and 19. Friday and Saturday State rMr,niB af D. A. R. kail ot reorvaentatiTea. March 20, Wednesday Dual i'hur hiwccn Uorn':nrwe College f hieoi Cite, Iowa, and W illametie. March 27. Sandac Eaater THy. April, ft. Friday THfal Wotaea'a debate between W. H. C. and Willatnctt. April 15. Friday Baseball, Willam ette ti. I", ef O. at Salem. April IS, Saturday Baseball, Willam ette s. l . of v. at toirne. April 22. Friday lsl Debate be tween Willamette and Whitman. May 5 to 8 inclasiTe Annual confer en'e ef Evangelical Association. I May 2ft. 21 and 28 Baseball. Willam ette vs. w Bitiraa, at Walla Walla. October 1. Katartlar (teatatieet Feetball, WUlameu vs. O. A. C tt Cor-vallia. NoTerober 24. Thnndae (tent at ire) inanrivine aay, toot ball, WilUme.U m ine monthly contest of the Business men's class at the Y. M C. A. ended last night with one of the stlffest biffball games of ine season. The game was won uapiain Klrkpatrick's team, which put him far In the lead and gave him the victory of the series. It was a hard fought contest irom start to finish, and Captain 1. t f a . ... n.trKyairicK ana ills men were greatly elated over their victory. Captain Rigdon of the opposing team put up a hard fight, and was In the lead for a considerable portion of the series. The final contest last night was necessarily to aeciae me aeries. The captains chosen for the next series, beginning on Friday night, are two of the veteran nlayers, John Bayne and Joseph H. Albert. Following the game me men garnered tor a chicken I Pie feed and an hour of good fel iuwbuij), uurms wmcn Time me new captains were chosen and other business transacted. O. J. Hull, the new physical di rector, has been in charge for sev eral eveninjrs and is proving very popular with the men. Mr. Hull served a portion ot last year as physical director, and knows the game thoroughly. He Is especial ly stronr in conducting .the class in calisthenics, and each evening has the floor filled to capacity with men. During the feed last night Mr. Hull reported that he had learned that the business men's class of the Eugene Y. M. C. A. would like to pla7 a series of vol leyball games with the local team. The suggestion was enthusiasti cally received by the members of the class, and by vote Mr. Hull was directed to negotiate with the Eugene men and endeavor to se cure a series ot three games with them, at least one of which would be played on the local kfloor, and be open to the public. WEATHER GOOD FOR QRGHARDS Fruit Growers Sy Condi tions Ideal For Both Old And New Trees FROST DANGER PRESENT Nursery Stock Supply Once More is Catching Up With Demand Fruit growers In Oregon say that weather conditions in the west and northwest have been ideal for orchards for both old and newly planted trees. As a result the bearing trees have an unusual number of fruit buds. The coming spring will de termine the size of the 1921 crop as the danger from late frosts will be more serious this year than In winters when it has been cold and blossoming not so early. The supply of nursery stock n now beginning to overtake the demand, following several years of shortage. California will plant 12S.000 acre of fruit this year, compaied to 150, out) acres last year. According to j the estimate mad by the federal reserve bank of San Franrlwo. apple, pear and .rherry storks an t oiaparatlvely scarce in the northwest and pros pective planting will use all the atock produced within the next year or fo. Peach, prune and plum storks will be more plenti ful next year. A Warn Ins to feel tired be fore exertion Is not laziness it'l a sign that the system lacks vital ity. and needs the tonic effect ot Hood's Sarsaparilla. Sufferers rhould not delay. Get rid of that tired feeling by beginning to takt Hood's Sarsaparilla today. fiult Interests not only in Oregon but la tlie east as well. The secretary of the Interna tional Apple Shlrrs' a'socla tion of Rochester, N. Y., who i one of the movt Influential men In the fruit industry of. the east, writes the Oregon Growers Co operative association' as follows: "We are indeed fortunate In having such a close relationship as eiists between yoar people t., Senator McN'ary. We bars ways found him very ymptkrjj and a real friend of the frslt at vegetable industry. I have tti and be has Interested him-If j, every iiieasur which affected tie fruit Industry." Read The Classified Ads. McNary Friend of Fruit Men All! Over Country Senator Charles L. McNary Is known as a champion of the FERTILIZERS for every Crop and Soil' requlre- ment , SWIFT & COMPANY North Portland, Ore. i For Easy Terms and Prices see or write clarence; s. bowne ; 1044 Marlon SU Phone 353 it WANTS TO IIKLF MOTHERS Mrs. Wm. Sager. Sol Nlchol St., Utlca, N. Y.: "I gladly write any thing that helps a mother with her children. My little girl had whooping cough and I was afraid she would choke. 1 gave her Fo ley's Honey and Tar and It helped her wonderfully. She could sleep 'most all night without coughing." This good cough syrup checks colds, stops coughing, cuts phlegm and covers raw, Inflamed mem branes with a healing coating. Sold everywhere, (adv.) D Mother is Arrested On Charge of Mayhem QU1NCY. "llT. March 2. Claiming she was trying to teach her nine-year-old daughter to tell the truth. Mrs. Effie Syrkel was arrested here today for applying a red hot stove poker to the child's tongue. The humane so ciety has preferred a charge of mayhem against the mother. PllViPLY? VELLDONTBE People Notice It Drive Them Off with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets A pimply face will not embarrass you much kxiirer if you get a parkace of Dr. Edwards Olive latleta. The akin should begin to dear alter you have taken the tablets a few nights. Cleanse the blood, bowel and Brer with Dr. EdwanU' Olive Tablet, the successful substitute far calomel; there's do sickness or pain after t&kinz them, Dr. Edward Clivs TsblcU do that which calomel does, and jut as c.7ec tively. but their action b gentle and safe instead of severe and irritating. No one who tak Ohve lablcu w ever cursed with a "Asrk tro n taste." a bad breath, a duH, listes, "no good feeling, constipation, torpid fiver, ted dispositioT or pimply face. Otive Tablets are a purely vecetable compound mixed with ciive oil: you will know them by thdr olive colcr. . Dr. Edwards spent years amoo; pa tients afflicted with Lvcr ?nrf hnift complaints, and Olive Tablets are the immensely elective result. Take one or two nightly for a week. See how mud better you tel aad kxJL. 15c and 30c Wariteil 80-90; 50-60 Prunes can use about ! 5 tons. Immediate delivery. Call PEOPLE'S CASH STORE Hack hurt you? Can't straight en up without feeling rudden pains, sharp ath?s and twinges? Now listen! That's lumbago, sciatica or mayb, from a strain, and you'll pet btessed relief the moment you rub your back with soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil." Nothing else takes out soreness, lameness and stiffness so quickly. .You simply rub it on and out comes the fain. It tt perfectly harmless and doti&i bum or discolor the skin. , Limber up! Don't suffer! Get a small trial bottle from any 4rr store, and after using It Jort one you'll forget that you ever kii backache, lumbago or.sclatxa. fc. cause your back will never kert or cause any more misery. It utt er disappoints and has been rec ommended for 0 years. (4t) FURNITURE FRIDAY; MARCH 4TH.1 P.M. 1773 State Street, 1 Estey orcan; new Colonial white enamel polished top C bole steel range with nickle trimming and base, this sure is a swell range; heater; store board; 2 Vernus Martin beds; 2 steel springs; 2 mattresses; birds eye msple Princess dresser; large oak dresser; fir dresser; oak library table; kitchen cabinet with top; golden oak extension table, round; f 6 diners; china cabinet and buffet to match; oak rockers; mahogany stand table; baby's rocker; sanitary coach and pad; high chair; 8 day clock; 7 pictures; 6 window shades; nursery chair; vacuum carpet sweeper; 3 new 35 pound silk floss mattress; 2 new 40 pound cotton mattress; 3 new fibre rugs; 3 used rugs; baby's bed; drop head sewing ma chine; dishes; kitchen utensils; half cord dry wood; garden hoes; boy's wagon; washing machine; clothes basket; broom; 4 large crocks; 2 wash tubs; wringer; empty fruit Jars; wheel barrow; 344 quarts home canned fruit; copper boiler; spade; rake; 2 forks; sad irons; wash board; baby's cart; 2 axes; lawn mower; shirt waist box; 3 small rags; and many other articles. TERMS CASH. J. F. NADV0RNICK, Owner F. N. WOODSY, The Auctioneer "Don't Forget Dig Horse Auction, Club Stable on Saturday, 10:30 a. sa" YjRi 0 Nil T o n i g h t T o m o r r o w a t u r d a y . MLUAM FAVERSHAM In "THE SIN THAT WAS HIS" An Epic of The Screen Portrayed by America's Most. Dutlnguished Actor in which is Shown the Mental and Spiritual Transformation of "Two Ace Artie' Card Shark. Bad Man and Unbeliever. Into Raymond Cha-1 pelle, the Devout tONIGHTIS WURIJTZER' NIGHT Special Oran iand Vocal Concert by MR, HOMER llacDONALD Accompanied by Misa Giles VOCAI 1 "111 Build k World In The Heart of a Rose" 2 "Sands of the Desert" ORGAN 3 "Spirit of the West" 4 "Love's Old Sweet Song" Blngham-Molloy f Light Cavalry Overture Von Supp 'I r re -r h.l . Concert at 7:45 p. m. . 4 0 4P ji. rmy b" NOTE . . lif ; .! ' f "SNOOKY" - : P'S' " ; R'. The Humanzee nlYv iv ' E "You'll Be Surprised? ifiki ' : v V On Friday and Saturday Only 4 tfr' ' ,f i l ' . : h . v ; yh; K I III W3f!i JWt 'III lo " . j r v. r-.JV i. iv iv Ti II 3 - c c o - I - I II II . I II. ' "" " " . . . Ill -