1 THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON SATURDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 19; '1021- CITY NEWS IN BRIEF urure Marrlago license . ,W,ona K. Herman of Salem .nd Robert Wersckul of Portland Lr muted a marriage license ye,terdf " ", of the couatr derk- Wanted A Ixan of fiOOOO On good farm security; will pay orego Land Co.. 442 8 per cent. State street (Adr.) Young m' " " .r for teady vork. at the Cray jtelle. Apply afternoon or even Inf.lidT.) .. Automobile Ihunaged While driving an automobile ... on State street yesterday. M- X inrin. 1246 South Liberty treet 'ran into an automobile which stopped suddenly in front of him causing damane to both cars aecordimc to a police report made by Mr. Irwin. He claimed there was no signal by the driver of his Intention to Btop. Birth Is Announced Mr. and Mrs. John Franklin Mohoney of II. 3 ar the parents of a girl born to them a: their home February 12. The little one has been given the name of Mary Alice Mohoney. Money To lientl nn real estate. Any amount tar any time. Klmo S. White, Ma- i tonic Dldgr (adv.) ' ; FnlMoB' Car IanwUSel The bumper was mm on an au tomobile belonging to P. E. Ful lerton. 1535 State street yester day. While backUig" out of Har ton'i battery shop, he ran Into the Wells-Fargo express wagon. The wagon' was not damaged. Virlor Itreords Just Arrived The records you have been try ing to get for years are here. Your record may be among them. Stiff Furniture Co. (Adr.l mawa, was reported for driving an automobile at the rate of 36 miles an hour on Capitol street. Both men appeared yesterday be fore Judge Earl Race and plead ed guilty to the charge. Both were given fines of -$10. Infant ltanghtrr lio A telegram was received yes terday by Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Boy er announcing the death Friday morning of one of the twin girls born this week to Mr. and Mrs. Hartjr E. Rice of Chicago. Mrs. Rice was formerly Miss Ruth Boyer. The message states that the mother and surviving baby are doing ntcely. We ;ive You Ileal Service When Mosber tailors your suit you may be confident that you will g?t your money's worth. Adv. "The IiriIe Whom Jesu? Loved.' and "The Way to God" will be the sermon subjects at the First Congrega tional church tomorrow. A cor dial invitation to all Adv. Overland Owner 1'huimI An Overland automobile, found in the alley between Seventeenth and Eighteenth street and taken In custody by the police Thursday Is the projerty of F. B. Farjro of Aurora, according- to " automobile records. A message was urn!. Mr. Fargo from the police office ac quainting him of the find'r.g cf the car. Legal Blanks Get them at The Statesman of fice. Catalog oo application. (Ad) Maeaxlne Clob Kate , Tha Ace. 127 N. High.. (Adf. Tandy Have Son . j- On February 16 a son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Guy E. Tandy of this city. " ' Victor Record Jnwt Arrived The records you have been try ing to get for years are here. Your record may be among them. Stiff Furniture Co. (adv.) Birth of fliild Announced Mr. and Mrs. William Whiting of Antlgo. Wis., are" rejoicing over the arrival of a -Vt pound boy born to them February 2. Mrs. Whiting was formerly Miss Bea trice Hale of this city. Spring Woolen Arrive We are now displaying a won derful assortment of new spring woolens. Mosher, the tailor. Adv. "S.ci;il Life in WrMern Canada In motion pictures of the real finality kind, at the First Con gregational church Sunday eve ning. Adv. so no doubt some things are be ing said that would better be left unsaid. Th drought was broken last night, and w are promised morr rain, when our larmers nerd more fair weather. Hut a time will come, some day. when they will ! crying for rain, strange as the prediction now sounds. The Willamette Valley Trune association has bven selling sev eral cars of i-runes in the Eng lien and other markets lately. The surrlus will no douot dwindle trom now on t 111 the next prune harvest. nerves are worn to a frazzle, anj tee and the Willamette valley las utterly been forgotten. Hume's motion to make the qnestlon a special order for today was lost, and the report adopted. The senate Is at high tension and a more spectacular battle is look ed for today wha when the bill conies on for final passage. The vote on Hume's motion tJ defer action until today was: For Eddy. Gill. Hare. Hume. Jones. Joseph I.arhmiind. I-a-Fllett. Nickelson. Porter. Ryan. Strayer. Thomas. Vinton. Against Banks. Bell. Dennis. F.berhard. Edwards. Ellis. Farrell. Hall. Moser. Noriilad. Fatterson. Robertson. Staples. I'pton, Ritner. PERSONAL MENTION Lower House Passes Many Senate 3ills Xcw Style Arrive All the new styles and summer are now played by Mother, the men-and-women. Adv. for spring being dis- tailor-to- Girl Horn Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Jens L. Teterspn are the parents of a girl born to them on February 17, Dwf llin-z to IT lluilt W. F. Shank ha3 secured a per mit for the erection of a dwelling at 14."i0 South Church street, the estimated cost of which Is $3r.OO. The house will be an Aladdin ready cut house. Mann MARY MILES M1NTER "ALL SOUL'S EVE" "HAM" In "APRIL FOOL Loans! Loans! Loans- It you desire to build a new house or- remodel the old one and need money, please call on us im mediately; we can help you. Lar lar & Laflar, 406-7 Oregon Bldg.. Salem, Or. Adr. lUfc lanre Tonight - For Elks and their ladies. Good floor, good music. Jolly time. Adv. Editor Kohen of the Polk Coun-1 ty Observer was in the city yes terday. George Keech of Stayton was among the visitors yesterday from that community. E. I). King of Monitor was In Salem yesterday. , .1. S. Smith was in the city yes terday from St. Faul. J. M. Poor man was in Salem Friday from Woodburn. Arrested For Speeding1 Two arrests were made Thurs day night by Traffic Officer Hay- den for speeding C. R. Jacfcson 1418 Court street, was reported as exceeding the speed limit of the city in driving an automobile with the cut-out open at the rate of 32 miles an hour, on Capitol street. E. A. Jaqulns of the Unit ed States training school of Che- Calavan in CVrvallis J. A. Caravan, field worker from the ofHce of J. A. Churchill, state school superint?ndent. was in Corvallis. Tuesday, preparing with II. C. Seymour, state club leader, the list of, premiums to be given for boys' and girls' club exhibits at the state fair. County Judge Asa B. Robinson i of Independence was a visitor in Salem yesterday. Cleave Robin son, a brother, accompanied him and will make his home here, having accepted a position In the Loveil barber shop. Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Meyers of Salem have been in Portland this week, stopping at the Mult nomah. Mr. and Mr. E-. II. Craven of Salem are in Portland for a few days. MEMBERS OF SENATE HURL ACCUSATIONS (Continued from page 1.) i vote for reconsideration, but was unable to do o. Sine; then he 1 as been a soured man. In the fight of yesterday It de veloped that Patterson's main de linquency relative to the reappor tionment bill was in his nglect of Benton county, one of the counties he is uppo?ed to repre sent In the senate. As the bill was drawn Benton county was linked up with Lane as the fourth senatorial district and the two counties were to le accorded one BITS FOR BREAKFAST I ! All Elks Invited Visitors made especially wel- Icome at the Elks temple tonight. I Dancing to good music on an ex cellent floor. Adv. ! Aik your grocer for DIXIE DOUGHNUTS , - 25c dozen ". SALEM BAKING COMPANY '411 Court St. ' Paone 954 10 Tsn f Crystal WMU Soap; tsrs ! Crm Oil 8op; rf. TREES Tr Sprinf FUotin Order Trom THE SALEM NURSERY CO. 429 Oregon Bnildinr Silt M .O aEQOH Tfcona 1763 SI VALLEY MOTOR CO. Talking Machines and Secordi Plajer Piano and Player Soils " ' . 'J j - t IWI yscksc DioaiB wwi . . u . on Soa - 1-00 1 V i . w Mui esa Crtse UUrf Lauadry Sosp 1.25! 100 t vrnnt.ivn OS.OCCXT tia'TriviiiuA Ifwii. raaaa o CARL & BOWERSOX Groceries i - i Phone 409 Revival Services to lleuii Evangelist Frank L. Stevens of Los Angeles will start a series of I revival meetings February 2o at the United Evangelical church which will continue until March 13. Rev. Mr. Stevens is said to be one of the most fearless and powerful preachers of the west. Arrangement! Are Perfect For a rousing good time at tne Elks' temple tonight. All Elks are expected to bring a lady. Adv. T "Ireland" In 35 beautifully colored pic tures. Everybody is reading about Ireland in these days. See Ireland in these pictures, at the First Congregational church. Adv.' .- - No sine die yet . ! S Legislators still here S m And they may get through to day, and they may stay over till Tuesday. That was no Jitney meeting of tho Ford Dooole in Salem last night. ! The great Ford organization is out after orders and a full pro duction, and this means, a lot to the business of the whole coun try, for they make about half of all the buzz wacons and tractors manufactured in the United. States. S They are a tlr?d bunch, up under the brown dome, and their HIGHEST PRICE PAID For SECOND HAND PTJENITTJW5 Store. CaxceU and Tools Capital Hard war Fnmltar Co. 2 Si N. Commercial at- Phone S4T DANCING at Nomking Cafe, every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday nights. American and Chinese dishes 162 N. Commercial St. THE STORE FOR QUALITY Kitchenware Dinnerware . ; j Glass Ware Wm. Gahlsdorf The Store of Housewares 135 N. Liberty "St. 183 Court Street Great Weslera Garage ri. Vrrmn flTTl h&YC ET- ati-nmbarr Carhuretor -Skid 16 iavi.-. w-r XJ:." t cnnnllo. Tires I fired at and Tube rvmoalte Court House. Phone 44 a ItnrtDC'C WE NEVER SLEEP A. n. iiiuwiv u AUCTIONEER, G. SATTERLEE 404 Ferry SL. Salem. Oregon Phones 1177 1211 V7. W. M00RE rnraltur Btori Th4 Hem t tt TUtrsU ot tt or tor your momtt at , aaoviw ft Par to Trad fARUERS CASH STORE 1 a Baxtom Dnaaa CiT Vorth WOOD WOOD Call G. H., Tracy Wood Co. for all kinds ol j t , dry -wood ;. homit delivery Pne 110 I i ELECTRIC MACHINE & j ENGINEERING CO. for Thor Waahlnf Macnlnee and Eectrte Work and Supplies. I1T Court St. . Paone 4tl Do yon take TURKISH BATHS If not. why notT No other baths or treatments can produce the permanent re lief to the person suffering from disagreeable cold or ail ments of the flesh or body like the Turkish Baths will. Open 8 a.m. until 9 p.m. OREGON BATH HOUSE Lady and Gentlemen attend ants ' Salem School of Expression Lnlu Rosamond Walton, Director 1 4 7 N. Commercial v Phone 692 1484J Special Course In Public Speaking Suits Cleaned $1.50 Suits Pressed . . : SOc Salem Cleaners & Dyers 1215 S. Com'l St. Phone 1S68 ONE NIGHT Wed., FEB. 23 THE TAMOUS COXEDIAKS it KOLB AND DILL IS HARBIAN BROS. CO. V I Por Plat Jewelry ?l Jewelers and OpticUni 167 North Commereial Bi It tts Electric Sign "SHOES What Have You? We buy. sell and exchanRfl aew and second-hand furni ture, stoves, ranitcs. ruK. tools, etc. We will buy you out. j col. w. f. wmcnT ' ! Auctioneer 271 N. Com! St. Salem. Or. List your sales with ns People's Furniture S Store Klht phonw 1017 rhonw 734 HIGHEST PRICES Psidfor Walnuts and'White Beans PEOPLE'S CASH STORE Better Goods For Less REX tAOC DRY PASTE Reliable and Economical Max 0. Buren 179 N.Coml St "The High Cost of Loving" SmcUI 10 Pifc. 3 tit Orcb.itra Uiw.r Floor 2.00 rtrrt tare. row. fcileony $2.00 Last 2 rows baleony GaUery ot revived)-. IJ0 War Tax 10',!: Extra MAII. OEDEES HOW SEAT SALE MONDAY 9:30 GRAND Wfccrt Tha Blf Shovt Play renator Jointly, lne to have one casoltne senator of its own besides, but ! not fo with Henton. This cause I the pec pie of H?nton county to put on the war paint. They ob- iected to becoming linked up with the state universitr county with the advantage all for the latter. Their shafts wers directed at Pat terson and they sent telegrams to other members of the senate asking-protection, declaring they had no one .to help them. This threw a Ecare into the members of the special commit tee and led to a fight early yes terday afternoon about two hours , before the main battle took place. The measure was slated to come up as a special order at 3 o'clock. Thomas. Lachmund and Eddy voiced their objections to the bill in unniinced words. Dennis, a member of. the reapportionment committee, then moved that it be re-referred to th committee for amendment and that the commit tee be allowed to retire to pre pare the amendments. At this. Lachmund took the floor again, branding the tactics as unfair. '"This measure.'" said Lach in una. "was deferred from yes terday because the gang didn't have enough, vot"s to iaf it. Now it is one of the henchmen of the gang who has made the motion to re-refer. The motion is not made in good faith." The motion to re-refer carrle-l by a vote of 16 to 14. When the bill was taken up again with its amendments about two hours later it had been changed so that Lane -and Linn counties were linked for a Joint dlstiict. - Polk and Benton were linked, Linn was accorded two in stead of three representatives I elk and Lincoln instead of Tilla mook and Lincoln, were joined and Tillamook was designated as the 29th district with one repre sentative, but the Jackfion-Josf phine senatorial union was not changed. Hume moved to aniend the re port D)r striking out Josephine from the proposed district and leaving Jatkon separate as at present. This wan ridden down by a ruling of Hanks that a re port could not be amended, over a vehement protect by Eddy, who referred to Cushlng's parliamen tary rules, an authority used when rules of the house do not cover a point. Though Eddy proved his point, he was ridden down. Ritner citing a senate .rule which be claimed covered the Isxue. Eddy shouted a protest that the rule read by Ritner did r.ot refer to reports, but the op position retused to recognize him. Eddy charged unfairness in at tempting to vote with Smith, a pivotal member, absent. Eddy had previously made the motion that Ihe bill be taken up for con sideration, and I'pton. following Eddy's charge of unfairness, ac cused him of being unfair in call ing up the subject whn he knew Smith was absent. Hanks attempted to put a mo Thf following senate bills were 'pai's-v! by the house yesterday: i S It. If", by Karrell Kelat I ing to state aid Institutions for ! lh care and welfare of children. 1 II. 2"T. by Hare Itelatlnu In will. S. H. by Staples Relating 'lo owration of branch banks. S. It. 217. by Ellis Changing thf present law which allows the owners of shep. goats and swine to brand their animals. S. H. by Hall Limiting b ans on real estate by banks. S B. 1C. by Hare Repealing thoo ectlons of the law relat ing to manufacture and sale of having specific gravity of less than 60 degrees. S. B. 109. by Iiell Increasing the salary of the corporation commissioner from $3000 to ft.- 000 per year. S. II. 107. by Bell Increasing the salary of the superintendent of public instruction from $3000 to $400" per annum. S. B. 14 4, by Thomas To can cel all claims against the sheriff and clerk of Jackson county on account of failure of bank. S. B. 291. by Moser Prescrib ing undertaking in appeal from iudgment In action for forcible entry or wrongful detainer. S. B. 233. by Moser To regu late the business of disposing of dead bodi?s of animals in cities nd towns. S. B. 239. by Upton Providing for the appointment by the gov ernor of a commissioner for the co-operative marketing of meats. S. B. 231. by Banks Relating o notes taken in payment oi in surance premiums. S. B. 238. by UmatKia county delegation Providing mileage for county judge and county com missioners of Umatilla county. S. B. 2."0. by Porter Provid ing for the method of voting a special tax in road districts. ri- tining the .duty of the county clerk and assessor, etc. ' talned or accruing from the fill' ing Of Kwamn or overflowed lands. 70. Moer. Staples. Banks. Far rell Providing for consolidation of property of port of Portland and Portland dock commission. 133. Moser. Ftaples. Banks Relating to laws nacted by legis lature relating-only to any county.! district, port or municipal corpor ation other than a city or town. 73, Moser. Staples. Banks. Far rell Limiting authority of ports i organized or created under any general or special law with re spect to purchase of land for purposes other tlian channel im provement. 7 4 Mosr. Stap'cs. Banks. Far rell Providing for a pi ointment of commi.in rs of pert of I ort land. 110. Ebrhard Relating to rarnishnicnts of debt to bocome due. 14. Norblad Providing for organuat on ' r T logged off land Improvement districts. 4 Kill Relating to employ ment and payment of assistant water masters. ir iiffii Kmnowerlnr secre tary" of rtate to Inereas pay of superintendent of capitol building and grounds. by the owner or which the asset aor has so knowledge of as result ot the passage ot senate bill No. 100 by the house yesterday. "The Father of Our Country," whose birthday we eejehrat this month, established a name for truthfulness that serves as an example for ev ery ad. we write. j Purchasing Jewelry U largely matter oC confi dence. Every artlcle'we sell Is guaranteed to be exactly as represented every state ment we make Is carefully considered before being civ- en out to yoo. Standard Bushel Set at 58 Pounds The house yesterday afternoon pased senate bill No. 272 placing the standard bushel for grains at 58 pounds and providing a niaim differential between grades of garlns on the percentage rather than on a named amount. The county assessor snan, upon sworn statement of any taxpayer. place on the tax roil any xaxaoie property wnicn na m-r-n Buy Jewelry frorJ the tore that stands ready to way. I Cut the I Cherry Tree." if your purrtiase Is not Just exactly right. If we make a mUtake we will own up. and It's your money back It yoa want lu Call and see the sew addi tions to our watch stock. Pomeroj & Keene Reliable I Jewelers aad OpUdaaa Liberty and State Streets SALEM. OREGON Read The Classified Ads. Horseback Rider Is Injured by Automobile M. Putman. 2357 State street. wa. slightly Injured and a hors which he was riding was hurt in a collision with an automobile driven by It. K. Bates of the Leonard hotel, yesterday. The accident occurred on State ftreet tear Twenty-second. Both m?n reported the collision to the po lice station but differed some what as to who was at fault in the matter. Mr. Putman claimed that Mr. Bates was driving fast and Mr. Bates gave as his opin ion that the horse which Mr. Putman wax tiding had become frishtened at another automobile and was unmanageable. Many House Bills Are Signed by Governor The following house bills have been signed by Governor Olcott: 234. Powell Providing for the eradication and control of bovine tuberculosis and creating oHice of county meat and herd inspector in Polk countr. Zti, Kay Repealing section 2. chapter .r9. Oregon laws. 184. Beals Retulatingthe use of roads by county courts outside of their respective counties. 276. Miller Relating to acqui sition of toll roads by counties. 96. Stone Creating a state game bird .reservation In Umatilla countv. 200 Bennett Authorirnr the proof of a will ex parte by affida vits. n9. Davev Regulating the .. 1 . ..f nlunirrirln anrl Other tion for adoption of the report, j lllltal,on dairy product.. The governor has signea me FERTILIZERS for eTery Crop and Soil require-j mem SWIFT & COMPANY North Portland. Ore. For Easy Terms and Prices see or write CLARENCE S. B0WNE 1044 Marlon St. Thone 3 S3 FOR BARGAINS of all kinds' inch as furniture, stoves, ranges, machinery, ot all kinds see tbe CAPITOL JUNK & BARGAIN HOUSE 215 Center Pkone Ml Permanent lliRh-Oawi AUTO BUS LINE TO PORTLAND Schedule 3:1.1 Lrve rrtlMl- : J-JM1 3:4.", Arri I'orllantl It :!H 3:' Arrive alcu II :'' .T :tw O.f.iO Cars are special Cadillac 8's. heated for comfort. Rear seat is partitioned off for pmokers. Start from Hotel Marion: ar Hvn and leave Portland from the Journal building. IUies $1.7.1 Krh Way (iatluditis War T) For information telephone op erator Hotel Marion 2010 The Grey Car MCDOWELL'S MARKET Where a Dollar Does Its Duty Phone 1421 173 So. Commercial St. Quality Meats For Less Beef to Roast 10c to 12c Beef to Boil 8c Choice Roast of Beef off Loin or round 13c Fresh ground Hamburg er Steak 15c Choice Swiss Steaks 15c Our own pure Lard, in bulk 20c Bring your empty pails Our own Pure Lard in No. 5s. 9-c Our own sugar cured Ba con, per lb.- 30c Quality Meats for Less Open Until 8 p. m. MCDOWELL'S- 173 South Commercial St I nomas called tne cbair ana ts acknowledged reluctantly by Banks after he had shouted for recognition. He moved a call of the senate. When Smith coulfi not be found Thomas read hU ex- ' cariation of the Josephine county senator and asked that it go into the record. Pressed to the ropes Ritner of fered the explanation that Strith had been excused to go to his brother's home. He asserted that Smith's presence would make no difference in the vote. Thomas reiterated his statement that Smith was the pivotal memer. Hume moved, so that Smith might he given the benefit of a doubt, that the question be de ferred until 10 o'clock today. Itltner rejoined with th- a r t'on that this was a parliamentary trick to beat Ihe bill. This Hume jienied. repeating that he wanfJ to give Smith an opportunity to w present. He dec"ir.rl the mo tion could not le hel l a trick to defeat the bill because no time had been set for the final ad journment and It . was probabl the legislature would be In fes fcion several days next week. He averted that the commlftci's re port was not a square ueai. I.afhm"nd. int.-ns'ely angry, thundered th absurdity of anv excuse granted Smith by the j.rtsi- dent. 'If the president of this senat does not want to be convct.l of sharp practice." Ijfrhnmnd de clared, "this maMer will b in ferred until tomorrow. Th"? president has bceM unfair and un grateful. At the beginning of thU clnn when it WSS Kai 1U PIO- t'ves had been impnned. those nr whn were aerused hepHt ban quets and floral wreaths aoiiT hM chair and roadehi m lily-whie. What do we get in return for It. No representation on the commit' following senate bills: 132. Moser. Staples. J. Hanks. Karrell Authorizing port of Portland to provide by erdlnance for assessment ot damages aua- Watch This Sign for Good AMUSEMENT Salem's Best and Biggest SHOW THE WAX DORA 5" Athletic K entity DOAII Mt ADAM" Scotch Eatar--- TAnt.F WD KAMONA" ladtan Nor It y ICOLE KOMEDT TRIO" A lto" 4 Two Ten MKf I3C THE CHEAT ACCIDEMT" in "TUB LOST CITT" watch roE. SWDAT'S BILL Do not miss, the March Delineator The grcatestof all maga zines in its many service departments. Remarkable special fea tures this month. . Exceptional fiction. Spring fashions. As al ways, the greatest fashion authority in the world. . Get The Delineator MILLER ROT 1 PBT1NF.S PRUNES PKUNUH i a w ' While Prune Week has been very successful herejTor the past week we would suggest keeping up the good work by sending boxes of prunes to your eastern friends. Put up in nine pound net S"ltJ sent express prepaid to any part of the United Slates for $2.15 for the 50-60s. $2.10 for the 30-40s. 60-70s in bulk, 3 pounds for 25c; 40-50s in bulk, two pounds for 25c. Prune Cakes 50c; Prune Bread 10c PHEZ JELLIES Just received a large lot of Phez Jellies and Jams and to move them quickly we will sell the 6 oz. glasses Si .33 per dozen, all flavors; 2 glasses 25c. Orington Jam in No. 10 tins $1.50 each; No. 5 tins 85c i Quality Goods at Reduced Prices IL & R. Chicken Soup. 2 Preferred Stock Catsup, pints 28c Gem Blend 40c Coffee, 3 pounds $1.00 Crisco, 3 pounds 65c 6 pounds $1-23 Crisco. 9 pounds .51.85 Dark Karo. gallon size 75c Light Karo, gallon size 95c Curtis IUpe Olives 25c tins '3 for : 65c Palace Car Mas lard, bot tle 1 10c Van Camp's Vegetable Soup, 3 for 25c Hollv Milk and Bice. 3 for : 23c for Bob White Soap, 19 bars .$1.00 Crerne Oil Soap, 3 for 25c Palm Olive Soap, 3 for 25c Crepe Toilet Paper, 3 for 25c Blair Corn. 2 for 35c Del Monte Tomatoes, 2 for 35c Del Monte Peas, 2 for 45c Del Monte Spinach, 2 for 45c Aloha Pineapple, 3 for $1 Mission Peach, 3 for $1.00 Mission Apricols, 3 for $1 HERSHErS BULK COCOA, 25c PER POUND FRUITS No better oranies are grown in California than in the Kedlands district. Owing to a large crop of the smaller Hzcs they are being offered at very moderate prices. ywo sies 15c and 20c per dozen. Florida Grape Fruit. 2 for 25c and 2 for 33c. Bananas 2 pounds for 33c. Rome Beauty and Winter Banana Apples. ' v VEGETABLES Cauliflower. Head Ullucc. Celery. CIrcen Onions. Spin ach and Mustard Greens. Rhuharh, Artichokes. Toma toes, Cabbage, Beets, Turnips Carrots, Rutabagas. Roth Grocery Co. rilONETOCR ORDERS EARLY. FREE DELIVERY Phones 1SS5-6-7 o