The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 18, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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j 12 P7f 1
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Pages I to 8
j - T-
Senaie Postpones Hill I'rmidinz
For Developing Water
I . IUoiirces
Lownden Refuses to be Con
sijjered For Navy Port
folio Because of Private
Affairs. ': ,
Dau&herty and Harding In
; Conference Over New
Material .
AUGUSTINfe. Fla.i Feb. 17
Br Indefinite postponement in
adopting an adverse majority re
port of the committee on judic
iary, the senate yesterday killed
the hydro-electric power program
advocated by Senator Joseph as
far as any Immediate application
of funds is concerned. The meas
ure under discussion was the sen
ate Joint resolution Introduced by
Senators Joseph and Norblad and
Representatives Bean and Wood
son, caling for a constitutional
amendment to authorize a Don a
issue up to 4 per cent of tho
state's assessed property valua
tion to apply to power develop
Coast Counties Win on Mea
sure to Provide For Con
struction Of Roosevelt i
Military Road.
Virile Slanihiit and letermiiiatiin
Xot To Die- Enables
Singer to Uve
Improvises Raft After Two Day
Wandering and Floats
Down Kio Grande
Opposition of Joseph, Vint
on, Eddy, Ellis, Gill
The two Roosevelt highway I
' 1 enntro t n Mm rarnsn a few liain
- - . . i rr uuB&iuni l ica jl iuij u ai i ..... - i .--.' . . - " - - -
President-elect Harding cam- hn ' wp. . . .bout. 7 ncr biI1. known as senate bills o. and tl,rncd to leave. Mrs
Norblad signed a minority
recommending adoption of
the resolution.
Senator Joseph made a vigor
ous defense of the measure, de
claring that while other countries
and other states are developing
power resources, "old mossback
Oregon is doing nothing."
He said that Oregon, with pow- j
er possibilities oi ioriy minion
net problem developed anoiner ' 3-4 and 333. introduced by the
difficulty today Wnen .U. LOW' Senator Hanks interrtinted Jo-lnnt rrrrt m itit on marts and
considered longer for secretary oi :r'" .7.; mh terday afternoon after a sizzling
the navy, - t, tA a 1 debate. The first, a general meas-
Lowdcn Declines uuer 'ilITr "Z- -.- .. r
This declination left a Ulan it m ... ,, . v. .t,i Kal ..
the cabinet slate, which may not in talking three T weeks a eoUnly' an en"r COUDiy' , "7
be readily filed, .Although Low- "nSL I5w KtSS: of contiguous counties to
den had indicated betore tnai n wouldn't he-Von . organize a highway district as a
rfM not desire the appointment, piewouian i ne )ou. I , .
T -Ji-V Ma advisers had Sienaior iiare, one oi me sign- municipal corpurauou, uiu
, Mr. Harding and his advisers naa i .,ha mainPltv r-nort. term- Unt. m The secoiii bill.
counted on a change oi mina. li" r- "-, U , h, .m flf . rii.; ro9t counties.
Mrt Loowden. wirea in - . I r; a district, to
XKW YORK, Feb. 17. Fight
ing Tor lire. Enrico Caruso, world
famous tenor, remained conscious
and cheerful today.
It seemed tonight. 48 hours af
ter Caruso began his battle
against a severe heart attack fol-
lovrinK pleurisy, that he would be
victorious, attending physicians
announced improvement in his
temperature and plnso beat and
said his mind was becoming
Oxygen was administered fre
quently today and five physicians
. -., V. A V. I ... Ilia w I fa
(never left his side. There shu
ha.s maintained a sleepless vigil
tor two days and nights. Caruso's
baby girl and his 17-yr-old
boy visited him today
It wa. mostly his virile stamina
and his determination not to die.
doctors thought, that enabled the
tenor Jo carry on his light.
Ambassador Ricci of Italy vis
ited Caruso today. He called and
L.i mrlA it Imnnstif-I Joseph 3.
t Vim to enter ' the public "This measure is on the pro- take the place of the government
SiJMt Present Thus he re- gram as a quartet by Joseph. Nor- in matching the $2,500,000 Toted
moved himself also from the field blad. Bean and Woodson," said by the people In 1919 for the
iKnm.. fnr rtinlomatic an- Hare, "but it turns out to be Roosevelt highway, had a margin
Vl ...hmv. ... ,- T K V, I ! f Conoid nnh.rt.
nn ntmnM RIIH0IT wiu i'J umiu. 1 uiiij vum -
wtiatvpr inside story may have blad and Bean frankly say they son having Toted in the negative
been behind Mr Lowden's actions, don't care anything about It and on the latter.
K.i n nntward evidence at Woodson nossibly wouldn't know l Practically all the debate fol-
CI W " . I " - ... 1 . - . - . Ml A
Mr -Hardlnrt neaaquaners mi i a kllowat it ne raw u waismg i iowea imai reaumg ui iue mo
...iv... rotinn had develoned re- rinwn h ntreet.rt ; I measure. The second was not
f.rriinvtt. nie nresiaeni-eieci e-i Referring to similar lecisia-1 arenea
nressed regret, saying he held Mr. t cion once sponsored by I. X. Day, The iote on the general bill
. . , t . n hal I . . . . . , j i
iAnn in uiko resm i senator tiare sawi ne.couiuu v wu- i was
hnnAd to brine him into me Ko-Hrtnrf whr JoseDh. comlnif to For Hanks, lien, uennis. to-
w ! ... t I .- w 11 fl.ll
ernment. . ' ' Ithe senate presumaDiy to name ernara. tawaras. rarreu. n.
It! is known (hat some of the I sUte of j N Day and I. N. Day- Hate. Moser. Norblad, Patterson,
warmest Lowden supporters navelpm wag sing his ideas. Hare Robertson. Ryan, Smith, Staples.
Lowden's selection as secretary or develop the power as the demand Against Eddy, Ellis. Gill
UW treasury, r T I arose: Hume. Jones, josepn. Lacnmona
stood to be Tlrtually awaraea w senators Hume . Joseph. Nor- La Foll-tt. Nickelsen. Porter,
A. W. Mellon ot Pennsylvania, hIftJ, porter and Thomas voted Strayer. Thomas, Vinton.
poiBdexter . . acainst indefinite postponement. On the second measure the vote
It is coMioena iimii i"" i Eddy Robertson and Upton were was the same except that Robert
son switcned.
. In explaining the measures Sen
ator Hall said he had encountered
Death of Hon. W. H. Leeds
At Ashland Caused
By Paralysis
.v n- available man
for the navy portfolio. Mr. Hard- absent. ass . V M T n aa 1
ing will give 1 uenuout
--iti--in nt the southern Re
publicans. It is understood this
1 miit. wii discussed today
with A. T. Hert, national commlt
. I- . K-ntucky. who has
been recommended as cabinet ma
.T. Pacific coast represent
tlve. be qualifications of Senator
uiuJvninHTtPr of Washington to
be ?4retary of the nary
called to me Prc,uc"l' " , rt
ho io has received
m-nrf.ttnna tor several
member, of the , bouse naval com-
mlttee in tne ursi
the Iioowden declination however
therelwa. no evidence that either
r . -.. it- Tnlndexter was
nBfl-erlous consideration. Hon. W. H. Leeds. Oregon's
The navj rSblem and available 8tate printer from 1897 till 1901.
candidates for the portfollas of died at bis home in Ashland yes-
t.a labor, the only terdar morning.- r
-YuJ-L -iIk h.v. not been rlr- This news was transmitted by
tnall awaraded. were talked over wlre yesterday to A. O. Condlt of
OhloJ who is expected to be the ,niaw Df the deceased. The death
nextLattorney reneraL ' was sudden and unexpected, from
AiAn with the cabinet suua- -roke of paralysis
Hon Mr. Harding is giving atten- The (amiiy had been lir-
tlon to appointments for memner- lng for BeTeraj years In San Diego,
ship on the interstaote cm,me.r" Cal , where they went on account
-vmMi.-n and the Shipping m i nnr1itlnn rf th health
W1UIUWOIVU . . I 1111 .WM.fc-w
board., He has talked oTe of Mr. Leeds. They came back to
railroad problem wun P""--r tne 0& home at Ashland, now
rallroad men and today he hearo f wnere Mr Leeds
advlcei on the shipping tulua was ' pleased to be with his old
frnmll t vrlln. New York at-
" ' . . A I I lit" II US.
torney. A way to get tne Be8ides the widow there are
portatlon lines back to a noJa three sons, Howard W.. who Js an
earning basis has been the "ect engineer at Los Angeles,
discussed bv the. railroad men, el"c' . v hoth atu-
thongh it is understood few ""unford unlTersIty.
- l.M.Aiea in rBLCS I
Caruso informed her husband
that the ambassador had called,
and the singer asked to see him.
As the ambassador entered the
room he took a carnation inm
his buttonhole and, handing it to
Caruso. said:
"I bring you through this em
blem the hearts and good wishes
c! all Italy, including the king.
the cabinet and the people. In
their name 1 wish you the best
of health."
Caruso smiled feebly and ac
cepted the carnation, telling the
ambassador he was glad to see
Twenty-four years ago." said
the ambassador. "I heard you
sing 'Politeama' In Genoa.
"No," said Caruso, "it was
Carlo Felice "
"You are right. You hare a
better memory than I."
The singer closed his eyes and
talked slowly.
"i want to die I want to die"
he said.
The ambassador looked startled
as he replied: "No, no, you
don't mean that.
"No." said Caruso,"! wanjt toi
die In Italy.
The ambassador assured nlm
that time was many years hence.
The , fourth person to see Mr.
Caruso Yin ce his attack-was Gull
lo Gatti-Casazza, general mana
ger of the Metropolitan Opera
company, lie stayed out a lew
moments, and while there pinned
the medal of St. Antonio de Pa
in the lobby many familiar faces dua upon Caruso's pillow. The
among the timber Interests who
were opposing the measure ana
that he had advised them to con
sider the' welfare of some inter
ests other than their own.
Senator Norblad spoke briefly
in sunnort of the bills. inton
medal is that of a small church
In Padua. Italy.
Since 11 a. m. Bruno Zaratl
Caruso's secretary, said Caruso
has been improving although his
condition is still critical.
The tenor's bed is screened off
aaaaMaa aaaabamaaaaaaaaaa -
III si fin
denounced the measures, remind- from the rest of his room. At
in. tvio nai that the war men- lonigni ne wem io nitrrii.
ace on which the vote of the peo
ple was based in 1919 bad passed.
and decried the attempt to use
money produced by a direct tax
on all the people of the state for
the benefit of a particular local
ity. The use of the emergency
clause on the general bill was at
tacked br the senator.
Moser supported the bills ana
Eddy attacked thorn, denouncing
the use, of the emergency clause
ins anything to say as to whether W0 . Unilaren
thev shall become effective.
Spnatnr Dennis derendea tne
measures at length.
"Senator Hall and I." said Den
nis, "feel like adopted children
in this l!ri8lature. coming as we
Ho from remote narts of the state. News was received In Salem
Whpn wa uo the paved roads yesterday by wire, directed-to
running parallel through the Wil- Karl E. Hinges, announcing the
lamette valley while we have no death in San Francisco of Chas. H.
paved roads in our sections, we Hinges. The funeral was held in
tMnv otiftnt thA onlv value we ar San Francisco on Saturday, and
,t.u i. to heln Dar the was under the direction of the Ma
. i r. t v,a cKwnnrt tahlft 1 Sons
-hi- :.Mh."i. on Chas. II. Hinges was aged about
mwi- .7noorted the meas- 5 years. He came to Salem about
of Former
Salem Resident Live
In Salem
SAN ANTONIO. Texas. Feb. 17
Lieut. Alexander Pearson Jr.'s
airplane landed in Mexico, five
miles south of the Rio Grande
and directly east of the extreme
eastern part of Brewster county,
Texas, according to Maj. 11. C.
Pratt, eighth corps area air ser
vice officer. He returned this
afternoon from Sanderson, where
he directed the hunt tor Pearson.
who arrived there la?t night after
being missing six days. Major
Pratt said that Pearson wandered
two days in Mexico without know
ing he was outside of the United
Lieutenant Pearson flew to Ft.
IUIks from Sanderson, Texas, with
Lieut. E. D. Jones of Douglas.
Ariz., one of the fliers who had
gone to Sanderson to search for
"On account of engine trouble
which I had Wen having, f did
not follow the air line to San
Antonio, but kept as close to the
field, as possible." said Pearson.
"I m'as flying at alout S000 feet
when my engine stopped on me
and I was directly ver tho river.
I spiraled down, trying to find
some place to land, and being
unable to see a safe spot, had
decided to land in the river, but
because of the dead engine was
forced to take what was about
the worst spot in the entire coun
try. I
''I landed in a deep canyon and
don't know yet how I was able
to do it .without utterly wreck
ng the plane; Just 'plane' luck
I guess. The wings were not dis
abled at all and the plane could
be, flown out, I believe, after
clearance had been made in front
of It, if it were possible to get
new engine to it. A wagon could
net get into the canyon; nothing
that I ' know of except a pack
"At the time I landed I thought
I was on the American side some
where north of the river, and
staffed immediately to walk
south, thinking to reach the Rio
Grande and make my way on it
to some little place of habitation.
But as at' that spot the river runs
north, and south. I paralleled it
for two days and must have
walked about 30 miles.
At the end of the second day
I came to tire river and saw that
I had been getting as far away
from the place I wanted to go as
it was possible to get on foot, so
I rigged up a raft and started
back the way I had come. It
took me one day on the raft to
cover the distance I had come
on foot in two.
"Lite in the afternoon of that
day I saw the two beaver trap
pers who helped bring me into
Sanderson. They found me at al
most the same spot on the river
where I had been forced to come
down. I rode in on one of their
horses as far. as they weut. tried
to come part of, the way in an
automobile but. could not get it
started, and finally made by rn
try on a burro. Lieute;an. Wood
ruff was the first one I saw in
Sanderson that I knew. . His jaw
dropped about a Toot when he
caught sight of me. I think.
"I guess that just about covers
it. ( got. pretty hungry during
the latter part of my day on the
raft and the nichts In the Big
Rend country are jiit a bit chilly.
"The wort thing alwut it is
i? -st n Mirer
I u uiu nmiL-u i
DMumtmrnt of Exclusive Nation
al Woman' Party In
Members of congress who. she
said, had opposed appropriation
lor local community centers on
Sumnefs Attacks Colleague ;h""?i Means ICommit-
From Texas For False by mis Margaret wnson. daugh- tee Announces i enxauve
Allowances. For Various
State Departments,
False by Miss Margaret Wilson, daugh-
1 . a....fA In m v A A rot
Report Sent tO Papers Of today before the 'National Wo
man party convention, fane saia
there was no evidence to support
the charge, and that it was "not
the business of congress to sup-
State on Salaries.
ervise the activities of speech of I II TAT nM PYPFSS
thone they represent." "but the .....
business of the courts to try the
Individuals who have broken the
Addina- that there had also
exan Attacks Blanton Who J'.? &S2S1 ij Bills Making Special Appro
community center organizations pildUUIO Ml c MblCU Ull
tor dancing. Miss Wilson asked:
"Granting that we have a moral
right to use the school buildings.
Is it any of their business what
we do in them, whether we listen
Makes Many Wild
Hoots, catcalls and the word
"liar" were shouted in the house
today in the stormiest session !
years. The uproar started when
a.nd. supported by most members
of his own state, attacked .- his
colleague,. Representative Blanton.
Sumners At tack Blanton
Rumors had been circulated
that the Texans were preparing an
attack, but it was held off until
Mr. Sumners could direct it- When
he stepped forward, holding a
every member was on the floor.
Read by the clerk, the clipping
revealed that Mr. HIanton. in a I
Its labors
ways and
At the completion o
in sswialiat inches or whether I lt night the Joint
,,nr.T" I means committee announced that
Speaking as a representative of lit had reached an agreement ten
the National Community center tatlvely to recommend to the
- r i rini.n ifir. I lerlslatnre aBoroDriallona for
Representative Sumnera of Texas. E w mcc0mpllshed tate department and Institutions
JUow.d true ,elt-governmenPt and for the blennum of 11921-1. 1 Z
necessary social reforms by the loiaung im.jjlji. jius
organization of local groups Into amount is I142.C0S.02 above the
co-operative, thinking bodies than amount of money available ndr
through party organizations. She the C per cent tax limitation of
advised Immediate dUbandment constitution, but it la believed
or the National Woman party, sources to meet th exctsa amount
which she said wa not In a broad wlu appear. -
sense "nonpartisan." but "exclu- When the commltte began Its
slve" and organized to -build up wora ai iae opening oi me se-
v. wniffilsion it found 1C.524.725.9S avail-
faded newspaper clipping, nearly of ..mQn h(me8t or effectlTe ble for legislative appropriations
than a man's machine." aner accounting lor towage lev-
Prior to the address, however. lea and annual statntory appro-
tho executive committee had pnaiions wunm tne per ccai
letter to Texas newspapers, had , for. the convention a limitation and including unex-
charged members with a plan to
raid the treasury and obtain sal
ary Increases, which he bad al
one prevented heretofore.. The
press was asked to help, and
many papers responded with bit
ter assaults on those charged with
hacking the alleged' salary grab
recommendation that the organ- Pnaei balances mat did not ap
ization be continued, though r-lvr la Ue official budget.
organized under another name excess oi rep-
and with a new program and a rrKOU special appropnauu mea-
new executive board- Recom- ores apprrd by the ieommltte
mendatlons submitted also by the no included ln the budget asi
national advlsorr council and the also reotietU presented In persoa
state chairman agreed for the to the committee at its hearings
There was a tense moment as " . I,:: . I, "1 I hr th ri,r.w.niAilT. of various
the reading wM concluded - wmmltt. Xu ' three U'P-rtmenu or InsUtutlons..
Mr. Sumners. stepping close to B" WnIl6 lh.. ffcwt. ar. as yet
tLTuw."lm": mov. an remalnlnr leral and teaUtive. th. commlttw cay U
other' dlscrimlnaUon against thejle to avoid further redneUont.
women and for the protection of r h oeuevea sunicieni rev
political freedom already won ln
Individual countries under any In
ternational government that may
be established.
ak.' He U p
lair bub-1 LL
that he ill
hit 1 1 ma I U
In the Utter's face and shouted:
"And when you sent that state
ment to Texas, you knew it was
as false as hell."
Houar Goes Wild
The house broke into a wild
shout, half of the membership ris
ing. Blanton, jumping up and
trying to make himself beard, de
manded the right to speak. He
was howled down, the ch
taining a point of order
could heard at that time
on a question of personal privi
lege., Mr. Sumners. walking back and
forth, continued. " Dlantoa'4 eyes
following his every step.. The
speech was constantly interrupted
with shouting. Mr. Sdmners de
clared tho record showed no ef
fort had been made to slip
through a salary increase bill, and
that Mr. ulanton's claim that ho
was forced to remain constantly
on the floor to block it was ab
surd and a untrue. The question
tiarf mm, nn I mriro Mr Siimni.,'.
.aid. an.t it hik Laigely as a result of Senator
of order by Representative Hyrcs. "arc vigorous argument In de-
Speech Defeats Effort To
Amend Co-operative
Ass'n Bill
democrat. Tennessee and Repres
entative wood, republican.
Mr. HIanton, he asserted, was
not even "in on the wake."
tense of the measure and in oppo-
i-lsltlon to an amendment proposed
ny naior liume. senaie cm no.
2K, the co-operative marketing
measure Introduced by the com
The demonstration reached re- mlttee rn agriculture and fores-
thf fact that 1 lose my chance timarkable proportions when a .tap I try, paw?d the senate yesterday
try for the transcontinental rw-iof De Ravel marked the close cflby a very decisive majority.
tne time allotted for the spetxn. I The measure is one for the
Legislative Jam Catches
Senate Patched
Th funeral arrangements are
pending, awaiting the arrival of
at Ashland.
a,v . . at a
There are many irienas oi me
Leeds family in Salem, wno wouia
wish to be included In an expres
sion of sympathy to the widow and
Governor May Veto
Single Items of Bills
onnoinr Kddy vesterday intro
duced a Joint resolution calling
for a constitutional - araenamwm.
empowering the governor to veto
.i.,t ftomii In emergency cms
without effecting th remainder
viio measure. The governor
WASHINT.TOX Feb 17. The nn(h nower to veto single
Fnrriilav tariff hill with its sen-1 in a nnrnnriatlon bills with
- - .. j .. " - - . - HCIIIB "rr--! m
ate amendments got bacK 10 out effecting the omer parvs
nonsi today only to get snaggeu i nc measure.
in a legislative Jam. .
Soon after Chairman Fornney
otthe ways and means committee.
naa started for St. aukhsiihc.
Fla.. to consult rrepidcnt-eieci
F.Jf .1 aat a 1 MAaa - 4 1
nam ng anoui puiunR iuiuurh - i . vtt .i.u. the
second emergency tariff as a stop- The .Farrell bill giving Jhe
Cip Measure, acting Chairman slate cnna " ,;; ;
f.r-I . .nni. th iwiwer to supervise the care or
i house, formalities of sending tne cnuoren i
flr.t Km . Anr-rnn-A T.tct lf- I fplTinf Riaie am '-
tore Adjournment, he asked the to home- rnalntained kr1
houM to disagree with the senaie ai orEaniia. Ji,-
amendments and that a confer-
Fratcrnal Homes Not
Affected by Measure
ures, pleading for fair considera
tion. ...
Joseph tore the bills to pieces.
dPclaHne they would "make a
hodge-podge of the road building
program." The emergency clause,
h declared. Had been airacneu 10
one of the worst pieces of legis
lation ever attempted In the sen
ate of the state of Oregon
Uoton.-ln defending tn meas
ures. called attention to the pro
vision that a vote or a majority
of the people is necessary to form
the highway district. He attack
ed Joseph as being Inconsistent.
because of his tunnel aisinci imi
pffecting Portland which, he saia.
would make 330,000 people yield
to a petition signed by u persons.
Joseph attempted to interrupt
Cpton with a question. n
"I will not yieia to a qanuun,
shouted Upton. "You have had
vmir say."
Smator Kllis declared the gen
eral hill was dangerous to eastern
Drormi counties. tiilU reierring
tn a map on the wall, pointed out j
alt the roads leading irom nc
Pacifle highway into the coast
counties and declared Oregon al
ready had been five times as lib
eral with it coast counties as in?
ord. I believe that if I had had
my engine in good shape I could
have made the night in less than
21 hours as I expected to do. It
vas just hard luck, that's all.
There isn't a chance In the world
to get the plane out of Mexico
and continue the flight as per
enue Is in sight to meet tae ex
cess., . , ; . .. ;
Careful paring down here and s
there throughout the budget was '
necessary for the committee ta 1
keep within the neighborhood cf
the conitltutlontl limitation. an4
the members of the !comoittet
claim they endeavored to apply
business principles In all their de
Below are tabulated the tenta
tive appropriations for the de
partments and Institutions:
. Agents for the apprehension of
criminals, $10,000.
Oregon state fair. $171,010.
Blue book, $(200. i
Board of control. $20.S0.
Transportation of non-resident
Inrane. $25,000.
Fire protection. $10,000.
Itounty on wild animals, $100,-
Capitol and supreme cotfrt bull
dings and grounds. $104.071. SO.
Child labor board. $67S0.
Child welfare commission, $20,
ooo. !
Conciliation board. $1000.
Dairy and food commissioner.
$19,400. i
Desert land board. $1,500.
State Teachers' association.
$500. .
Superintendent of public ln-
24 vears aco. and he was a rest
dent of . this city continuously
thereafter till about eight years
ago. He was engaged in the Jew
elry business here most of the"
time of his residence In baiem.
and he was in the same business
in San Francisco at the time of
his death.
lie married Hallie Parrish In
Salem, but they were divorced sev
eral years .ago. About four years
ago, he was marnea to a secunu
wife, and there was born to that
union a daughter, so that there ia
left a widow and daughter in San
Karl E. Hinges and Miss Hallie
Hinges, in Salem, are sou and
daughter of the deceased.
"Charley" Hinges, as he was
known to his Intimates In Salem,
became a Mason in Salem, and he
was a member of the Portland No.
142 lodge of Elks. He was also a
Democrats, first on their feet, benefit nf the nroducera and to I tmtinn ?i fin ft
were Joined Instantly by every re- make binding contracts that arel Superintendent of public la
publican. ; There was a rush to entered Into with co-operaUre as-1 fctrnctlon. agricultural assisUnts,
me i run i as memoera Kiruggiea soclatlons by their members sol$i2.000. I
to shake Mr, Sumner's hand. they may not Jump the contracts I Superintendent of j public la
Su inner Congratulated ) 1 and sell their nrodnrt on the onen I i.n.iotn Hrvnl wnrrli atr .
-.-i.i. . fct..i imaraei. ... I1Z.500.
t .ill 1 L ii i a n 77 UlUllll
heard. As Mr. Sumners turned
toward his seat other members
started toward him to offer con-
Attorney General, Tax Com
missioner, State Engi
neer Affected
gratulations. Mr. HIanton. his
voice still pitched high, again at
tempted to gain a hearing. Again
be was howled down, as a dozen
republicans insisted on enforce
ment of the rule that he take his
After the hubbub had kept up
several minutes. Chairman Slemp
of the sub-committee ln charge
of the fortifications bill, which
was now before the hous". gave
the Texan three minutes to reply.
hut nobody could hear half he
said. At ithe start Mr. HIanton
caused a row by charging Repres-
ctative Campbell, democrat. Pen-
ins) Ivan ia. ha dasked him to keep
ti, i tin,,,. I,.. i aay when the salary bill was
. . .. called ud.
majority that the attorney Kener- -iK Mr umnin
I m asu itii is ' i . - ' a
When the bill came on for the I state board of vocational edu-
third reading Senator Hume I cation. $10,813.18.
moved that the senate go into I Hoard of higher
committee of the whole, explain-1 $200.
Ing that he wUhed to offer an I Oregon state school for the deaf
amendment providing that the as-1 $ 104.850.
soclatlons would be compelled to I Oregon state school for the
pay their members for the prod- blind, $4 4,500.
ucts delivered. 1 o. A. C. exoeriment station
Hare pounced upon Hume In I Home station. $50,000.
reply, declaring his proposed am- Experiment sUtion i branch in
endment was utterly useless and rreas Hfl 525-324; Sll 101-289,
was only an ttmpt to scuttle the I $27,000.
"And dlxenssion that arl.cs
within the co-operative organiza
tion Is due entirely to the inter
ference of concerns like Nestle'
Food Products eompany. Swift A
Co.. and rimilar concerns." Hare
Dairy Investigations. HB 210.
$15,000. j
Crop investigations, im 219,
Soil investigations; HB 183,
$15,000. I
Extension service. $55,087.
averred. "They have a habit of University of Oregon-U
that the attorney Kener
al. the state tax commissioner and jumped "P anl shouted an indig-
the stale engineer shall receive in
Bill Aimed at Sale .
Of Livestock Killed
fly indefinite postponement th'
senate yesterday killed Senator
rpton'a bill requiring certain
l . .... I rnlirlV
state of Washington has. to its , 'rprorrted. The bill was
coast counties.
ence (committee be named. Rep
Continued on page 2.)
ren or widows of members. Tuc
bill was; reconsidered and so
amended yesterday on motion of
Senator Ryan. . -
Friday, fair; fresh ea&terly winds.
designed primarily to apply to
conditional Rales contracts affect
ing livestock but brought down a
heavy lobby representing Portland
business establishments in oppo
sition. . . .
creases in the'r salaries, three sal
ary bills affecting those officials
having passed the upper bouse
Senate bill 112. introduced by
Hell, chairman of the special com
mittee appointed by the legisla
ture of 1310 to investigate the sal
aries of county and state officers,
proposes to increase the salary of
the attorney general from $380
to $4000 a year. On this measure;
the vote was:
For Ranks. Bell. Eberhard.
Eddy. Edwards. Hall, Hare. Jones.
Joseph. , Lashmund; Moser. Nor
blad. Porter, Robertson, Staples.
Upton. Rltner.
Against Ellis, Farrell. GUI.
Hume, LaFollett. Nickelsen. Pat-
( Continued on page 2.)
n-anl ilanlil twtarinir I hp rp m-aa
not a word of truth in the state
ment. Apparently unruffled, Mr.
HIanton turned toward the rcpub
I'can side, and charged that representative-Strong
of Kansas had
requested, him not to demand a
rollrall. j
Also angry. Mr. Strong walked
toward Mr. HIanton and told the
house the ' statement " as false.
In the last minute Mr. HIanton
declared Mr. Sumners wanted to
run for the senate from Texas
ad that this desire was the basis
of the atttck.
At this! the house again rose
with a mighty shout. Old mem
bers said It was the most remar
kable spectacle . they had seen.
Finally, when some semblance of
getting bold of unsuspecting pro
ducers, taking advantage of their
cupidity and offering tbem higher
prices only as a means to break
up the organization, and when
t'l- organization is disrupted tfTeir
method is to offer lower prices
than the prodncera would be able
to -receive through the associa
Hume's motion to go Into com
mittee of the whole failed and h?
oked unanimous consent to
emend. This was blocked by
Hare." When the bill went to final
paseape the vote was:
r or Hanks, Bell. Dennis. Eb
erhard, Eddy. Farrell. Gill. Hare.
Jones. Joseph. Eachmand, La
Follelt, Norblad. Patterson. Por-
(Contlnued on page 2.)
ter. Robertson, Smith. Staples. I tlon. $100
Medical school. $157,788.
Building. $113,269.50.
Eastern Oregon hospital. $50 4.
560. r
Oregon state hospital. $976,
Oregon state soldiers home,
tins ?n i
Orgon state tuberculosis hos-
I-ital. $135,750.
State Institution
minded. $339,200.
HB. 107. Babies
$11. 3 57.X 5.
Charapoeg park. $1500.
Florence Crittenden home,
Patton home for the friendless,
$12.0ft0. !
McEongblln Memorial assocla-
for feebie-dormitory.
Strayer. Thomas, Upton, Vinton.
Against Edwards. Ellis, Home,
Moser, Nickelsen.
Absent Hall, Ryan.
Orphans and foundlings. $150,.
000. i
Election expenses, $60,000.
(Continued on page 4)