The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 17, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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PAGES 110 4
Society, Slogan, General News end Classified
;'.' t
"''' . - 1 " " ' " ,,aannnnajnanaaaannnBai
TUB presence : In the city of
t Mrs.' Ida I'm bach ot Laka-
view. Or., worthy grand ma
tron ot the Order of the Eastern
Star was the signal fur a num
ber of pleaant social courtesies
by members of Chadwjck chapter.
ArrivlDK Sunday and remaining
until! Wednesday, Mrs. Umtsach
was entertained as the house
ileal: of Mrs. Gertrude J. M. Page
Monday nlaht in "honor" tf , the
prominent visitor, Mrs. Fage en-
Salem School of Expression
Lulu Rosamond Walton, Director
i 14? N. Commercial
! Phone 592 1484 J
Special Course In Public Speaking
You Will Bay
I i '
Why not get the best at first
.The Store of Housewares
tcrtained with a pretti'.y appoint
ed . Valentine dinner.; bidding as
additional guests Mrs. Paul II.
HauHsr, Mrs. Ida Nilt Mr. V.
H.-Kuhn, Mrs. David Wright,
Mrs. F. E. Sharer, Mrs George
11. Burnett. Mrs. John R. Sites
and Mrs. W. V. dobnson. Follpw
ing the dinner all motored to
Woodburn. where Mrs. (?mbach
was received in, her official cap
acity. "
Before coming Jo Salem,. Mrs.
ITmbach made an official ?isit to,
Venus chapter, jDonaJd. where
Mrs. Page and ' Mrs.' Hanser were
invited to Join her. An elabor
ate banquet marked tire meeting,
and during their stay kf the city
Mrs. J. C. Moore, worthy matron.,
and Mrs. Fred Sexsnuth were
joint hostesses for Mrs. Urn bach'
at the residence ot Mrs. Earl .Car
ver, Mrs. Page also being a guest.
Mrs. Page accompanied Mrs. I'm
b.ach on her trip .to Can by, -
Pleasing incidents of Mrs. Ura
bach's visit in Salem was -a .call
from Miss Ethel Fltecher. "presi
dent of Oregon Rebekah assem
bly, a courtesy that had been
shown the latter when she was a
visitor in Mrs. Unibachs home;
latter and -Mrs, Urn bach, ."Mrs.
Paee entertained with a; break
fast, bidding besides, Mrs. James
E. Godfrey, and Mrs. George II.
Mrs. Umbach planned to meet
M,r,t'mbach in Sacramento, both
to go on to their home. On her
way south she is to visit Rose
Lurjc and Riddle. She will re
turn to( Salem again in April,
when she will make her head
quarters here, while visiting the
various adjacent towns.
Letters received from Mrs. W.
P.-Lord and Miss Elizabeth Lord
Mates that Mrs. Lord is. spending
this, week with LMrs. Florence
Hockenberry in Sew Jersey, after
which she will - again return to
Baltimore to be with the Judge
Harry family. Miss
Lord will spend a 'month with
friends in Boston.' later to join
her mother in Baltimore, from
which place ihey ' will leave for
their return trip home.
4 j
' Mr. ..and Mrs. I,ee q liber t. who
went seuth about a fortnight ago,
are not expected home for an
other,, two .weekp. Last Jord
from them reached Salem friends
from San Francisco.
-f -
Mrs. A. T. Wool pert .left yes
terday afternoon for Boise, Idaho,
where she goes to be the house
guest of ifrer eiater. Mrs. T. A.
Fujjate. She will also join her
the annual : Christian "Epdeavor
convention. I
The girls of the T. M. T. M. 1
class of the Jason Lee H E.
church give . delightful Valen
tine farewell parry In honor of
one of- their members. Miss
Georgia Albee, at the home of
Miss 4lulah Fanning. 1090 Les
lie street," Friday evening. The
rooms were beautifully decorated
with 'red and green streamers,
valentines taad red hearts. . Par
ing the evening games and muBlc
were, enjoyed by a large number
of guests. At a late hour re
freshments were served. A bas
ket ,of holly - . with red hearts
formed - a ' pretty centerpiece.
TLoe present were the Misses
Georgia Albee. Marion Roberts
Esther Davis. Josephine Seymour,
Doris Miller. .Vera. Kezer. Adille
Persons. Blanche Sutton. Beulah
Panning. 'Grace .Tyler. Catherine
Ppmberton. .Edith Haw ley. Leah
Fanhing. Inez Tyler, Martha
Hawley. Iois Tyler. Sybil Smith.
Irma Fanning, Mama Auman. and
the Messrs Cecil Shortwell. Harry
Scott, A Ivin Rook stool. Ed War
ten, Carl Miller, Vernon Tyler,
Albert Warren. Lyle Perrlne..
Sherwood Auman. Edgar Brock,
Keith Lyman. vVirgll Perrlne, Ed
win Edward and James Reed.
also the arriral in Salem Tuesday J mother. Mrs. E. N. Fugate, and
of Mrs. Alberta McMurphy, wor- her sister Miss Grace r ugate. wno
thy grand matron last year,-who have been spending the winter
came up from Eugene. remain- in Boise. Mrsr Woolpert will be
ing over until Wednesday. Pre- awa aooui a monin.
vious to the departure f the
-With All
Cheese. Dishes,
fZior lunches sappers; special
occasions.. For rarebit instead
of toast, because they're richer
and daintier and for toasted
cheese they're incomparable.
Snow Flakes, are truly a unique
, soda water, Jvfadcirorn finest
ingredients nv modern, sunny
bakeries. Their wnoiesome
k (ness nd .invarif ble iteshaest
I will delight you. '
At your grocers. 4 In ted pacli
- Mgcs and tunily tin- '
Friends , of Mrs. W. Al Jones
wiUv be .glad Jo know that both
she and her young daughter. Ro
salie, and, her .sister, Miss Mabel
Creighton "pi Portland. are ex
pected to be out of quarantine
this week, after their prolonged
--Miss Lillian Holdane, who baa-
been spending several months in I
'aiem leit yesteraay tor Atoeria.
Canada, where she has accepted
a rJosition. Previous to her de
parture Mrs. C.-W. Laflar enter
tained with a dinner for her
pleasure, arranging the affair for
Tuesday night.
Covers were laid for Miaa Hoi
dane, .Mr. and Mrs. Western
Houghton. Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Laflar. Mr. and ' Mrs.. Victor He
Kenzie, Archie Holt and Mr. and
Mrs. G. W. Lariar.
Ypu dn atop a common cold ,lt
you act ntttmptly at the first sign
of sneezln ; and chilliness, hoarse
ness, tickling throat or coughing.
Just, take a dose of Foley's Honey
and-Tar Compound. It is effect
ive and pleasant to take. Harry
IwNetf. Price. Hill, .Cincinnati. O..
knows' it is good for long-standing
coughs and' colds, too. He
writes: "I had a very bad cough
for almost two years. I have taken
bottles of Foley's Honey ana
Tar and am almost well. I
simply wonld not do without it In
the house.' Sold eyerywrhere. opitted
taaT-J ,
1 " " if V y hCygy
life !K"w7
! liailV - ill
Pie Story oi a Hcnsyxnoon
so they won't have any difficulty
in making it out."
The Secret In Madge's Keeping.
"But will they have "Time to
look at the thing carefully?" Dr.
Pettit quer'ed practically. "I
thought you meant to trap them
when they come for the paper."
We all looked at Lillian In
quiringly. "There are two women that I
.mean to account or," she said
grimly, "but I think it will be
wise to. let, one at least of the
others provided there are more
than the two women come im
agine he gets away clear. Of
coure, he will be followed, and It
is highly desirable that he take
this pretended copy along with
him. Whichever of them gets
this will., of course watch the
chance to slip It to some accom
pliee, and I. for one, shall be sure
the chance Is given, whether It be
the night we trap tbem or later
"I see," Mr. Drake's eyes
gleamed, and -I knew that he ap
proved Lyiian's scheme for lead
ing to plotter higher In author
ity, more securely concealed than
Grace Draper. But he made no
further comment, simply saying as
he held np the original paper
once more: v
"Now for the wind-up."
-lie. struck the match, lighted the
paper, and. dropping it Into a
samll ash receiver, watched it
burn, stirriag the- ashes that no
fragment of writing should re
main, i ' :
"Now. Mrs. Graham he
bowed to me half-mocklngly, half
eeriously "It is distinctly up to
"But.2 I protested, startled,
there are four, of .you who have
memorized the original formula."
"Yes. with no disparagement to
any of, us, I wouldn't be-afraid to
wager that no one of us can give
the absolutely correct rendition
with no fgure nor character
or transposed in a
wesk's time. We've done all we
humanly can do to safeguard It
in the .case . of any accident to
you. but please take care of your
self, for this momentous secret
rests almost entirely upon that
fortunately uncanny memory oi
We were all silent I awed to
breathlessness by the responsibil
ity thus thrust upon me. But as
he had silenced us. so . Allen
Drake roused us with his next
"Where did you pick up that
Malay naif-caste of your. Gor
don?" he asked with seeming
care! esn ess yet we all realized
there was a purpose behind the
apparently aimless question.
(To be continued)
Governor Returns Many
Bills With Approval
Governor Olcott has signed the
following bills:
H. B. IV, McFarland Great
ing a state game commission.
H. B. 7. Allen Relating to pe
titions for citation in sale of
property by; executors and admin
II. D. 11. Childs Relating to
collection ot taxes against certain
, personal property,
II. B. 20, Hyatt Relating to
power of court to obtain additio
nal jurors. I'
H. B. 87, Sloan Granting cer
tain powers to drainage districts
and declaring an emergency.
S. B. 3S, Hare Relating to ob
taining money or goods by false
pretenses. I
S. B. ll?,Fatterson Defining
elementary school and elementary
teschers training conrsea.
11. iMoaer Relating and
defining tne powers and untie
of the state; board of control and
declaring an emergency.
S. R. lSl.jLachmund and Stray-
er Making l tb state land ooara
custodian of securities in which
lis tunas a re. invested. .
- S. R. 16$. Hare Authorizing
the- warden of the state peniten
tiary und?r'the direction of the
governor." to employ paroled con
victs at the prison wood camp.
S. B. 200, Upton Relating to
tax levy for: school purposes.
S. B. 203. Edwards Relating
to powers and duties of public
library boards.
S. B. 94.. Joseph Fixing salar
ies of Multnomah county officials.
S. B. 167 Moser Relating to
S. B. 211: Norblad Providing
or capturing and killing seals
and sea lions.
')JEa1rLt0lUE,TOi ) I
MM) -
0 imaTAc7AaTOi co a f
1 !!!1bi i
" .... '
Dr. W. C Waldo will siire a free' lecture on
structural defects in children and their effects, at
; . . .. ,, t
2 p. m. today, Commercial Club Auditorium
W ... : '
' r 1- i l JRaciic Coast Biscuit Co.
. - ; iwJEMli .i 1-i.xiii---' .' TT
You 'cannot afford to miss this big, event
The two 'Headlrners" for tomorrow
Ladies' and Misses'
in tan and blue Polo
Cloth, i length," and Al
workmanship, f ,
Opportunity Daj
.You will aye at .least $5
. on these garments t
in, practically every department
Mrs.;Ellen Aipinwall of Brooks
Is spending the week in Salem as
a guest at .the home of Senator
ArM. La rollett.
Mrs. Olive Metcalf Hand, for
merly an instructor In the Salem
blah school, arrived the first of
the week from Berkeley. Cal..
where she has been visiting her
sod. Ray Metcalf. who la employ
ed as a research chemist. Mrs.
Hand .Is. Ming .eptettained for a
f&w tav n the ruest or Mrs.
uon t asa for cracrn p j Kuntz. Since leaving Sa
.uv SNOW FLAKE 1 lem she has made her home In
. 1 .a . i . lt ...
ABiona. wnere n i
retary to Rev. Mr. Heist, pastor
of the First Methodist Episcopal
The PJillodorians of Wlllam.
ette university will hold an open
meeting this afternoon In their
hall. Inviting as guests all the
alumni in the city. ' '
The. Capital ' Business conege
announces .another -number on
their1 aeries of dancing parties.
the affair to be .given in Cotillian
ball Friday night. This is the
third dance 4jl .winter, and is
for students,! faculty, alumni and
friends. ' -- -
At the annnal election of offi
cers of H)e,Wpmn'a Mission cir
cle' of the Flrst .Baptist cnurcn.
held the last of the . week, the
following were -ehQsen: Mrs. O.
B: Neptune,' president; Mrs. W.
T, -Milliken. viee president: Miss
Mina Gile. treasurer, and Mrs. H.
E. Hewitt aecretary.
The offlcUl vejiurch year does
not begin until April, the end of
the year being marked by an
open -meeting - March 11, which
will be in the nature of a mis
sion play put 'on In the evening
by the ,B.earan:i chapter oi me
World Wide guild.
Mrs. F. E. Jackson of Portland
returned o her home In Portland
yesterday after visiting at the
home of her sister. Mrs. Charles
F. Elgin.
Mrs. Everett. Craven went to
Portland .today to meet Mr. Cra
ven. who Is returning from a aev
etal weeks' tour . in .eastern pre
vcm and Waahinzton with the
Willamette 'University Glee club.
Mri and Mrs. Craven win vtsu
In Portland for a few days be
fore returning to Salem. -
Mr! and Mrs. W. H. Prunk spent
the. mid-week with Mrs. Prunk's
parents. Mr. and Mrs.: Charles C.
Cooler, at Concomiey. .
ir it ,- .
Mrs. H. Fordvee ; returned the
first of the week to ner nome in
vnrtiand after visiting at the
born of lra. H.' L. Clark. She
mt from Corrallls where she
had been the guest of her son
in-law and daughter. Mr. ana
Mrs. Edward L. Clark;' who ac
corn panted her to Salem, remain
Injs.untir Sunday nignt. ,
M las Florence Witham of Ever
ett. Wash., is the guest or aira
i. H. Com D ton ana airs. ti. v,
Compton. - '
- M
Donald Allison. Leonard Chad
wick and Miss Olive Barnard, ac
companied by Mrs. J. E. Allison
nent Friday and Saturday in
Corvaliu; going -as legates 4o
4 Wonderfal Roxmasoe of Married
life WondcrttdJi-ToM by
tYoiir M
Silk and Uuen ,
A heavy weight,. ; excel
lent quality, formerly
sold at $2.00 . per yard.
Opportunity Day
"Well. I think you're letter per
feet now. Are you ready for the
burnt offering?'
Allen Drake leaned back in his
chair.. and his keen eyes from -be
neath their long, womanish eye
lashes clayed over us qulxzically
Lillian, my father. Dr. Pettit and
I were seated before him use so
many pupils in a school room, and
I. for one. .was as glad as the av
erage -schoolboy la supposed to be
that the ..task of the evening was.
done. . - - '
. Wo had committed to memory
the seemingly meaningless code.
which yet held so much of mo
ment to the nation. -I, because
ot the unusual trained memory I
harDoned to j possess." had mas
tered It npon the first reading,
but-1 had through courtesy and
necessity -waited ,for the others.
Mr. Drake calling upon me ire
fluently to confirm or to correct
the other -recitations. Ostensibly
this was to heln them, but in real
ity I was sure it was intended io
test my memory again and again
for his own assurance.
"Not only ready, but eager to
AO the last of that bit of paper.
my father jreolied. VThe fear or
its .falling into the enemy hands
has obsessed me for many
Mr. Drake twisted the bit of rice
paper. Then-he took a match
from his ppeket. .
"Pardon me, . Lillian inter
posed, "but rethought you had
planned to- plant a decoy paper in
the other house. Shouidn t it
look as nearly like this one as
"By Jpvel" Alien orace ex
claimed ruefully, dropping the
match and smoothing out the nit
of paper, "I actually forgot all
about that. Any rice paper simi
lar to this arOund?" He turned to
mr father with the .query.
A Recipe for hop Suey.'
'Got the identical thing right
bAre." - my -father . - anawerea
DromoUr. -"Wlven my friend
handed me t&at written sneei jubi
before his was wrappea
In a number of similar pieces.
wnicn -i nave always preeru.
He took from the key,ring he
always .Ineeps .upon bis person
curiously shaped key, and cross
ing th room J) unlocked a neav-llv-bound
iron box. and from a
smaller box took the pieces of
rice spacer and -handed them to
Mr. Drake. .
"Good!" that eentleman re
sponded promptly, and than as. he
nread them out noon the lime
table before him a smile like that
of ft mischievous , boy overspreao
his face.-.
"I'd like to see their faces when
thev realise what this is." he said
Then .for a- few moments there
wan silence In the. room while we
watched his sure, skillful, almost
womanish fingers .transcribing
minute characters noon a blans;
niaoA nf rice naner.
"TW!" he ald. when he had
finished. "There's the best recl
ne for genuine Chinese chop suey
I -ever .knew, And the directions
fn. . matlnr it Ar described to
the minutest deUIL And
pherls an. old one of their own
'hit Time
$1,000,000- -8
Per Cent Five -Year Gold Notes
Portland Railway, Light and Power Company
' - Dattd March 1, 1J21 Due Slareh 1, 192G ' . . : ' '
List of Banks and Com
. pany Offices Where
Subscriptions May Be
Portland, Orafoa
I '. H. Nat tonal Bank.
jdd A Tilton Hank.
Narthwratrra Natiaaal Baak.
-Tint Naiiaaal Bank f
Bank at KrIHraad.
Oitixena Bank
Pminaula National Bank.
Kirat- National Bank of l.inntan.
llibrrnia Com. and Har. Bank.
Titla Troat Co.
Weodkara.. Oncoa.
Bank of Waadbarn.
SalaM. On
ltdd 4 Boah Bank.
Caaital National Bank.
Ralrm Bank of Comnrira.
I". 8. National Bank.
Vanconrtr, Waihlaftoa--
VanrooTrr National Bank.
Wankinrton Kxrhance Bank.
U. H. National Bank. .
Ortfoa. City. Oragoa
Bank Of Ceamrr.
Silvartoa. Oregon
Cooltdga Mcbaiaa.
Monitox, Oraf oo !
. Monitor Slata Bank.
Oraaaaav Or(oa
Baak of tire ham.
F.atarada. Orcon t
Eatacada Htaje Bank.
Mt. AMgtl Oracon
Bank of UL Angel.
coKPajrr omexs
Portiajad. Oraf as '
r.lrrlrk Bnilding. Broadway and ,
O. W. P. Station. Tlrat and
Sl Johna Office, 209 Vi North
Crntrr Ht. Office. E. 17lh and
Kellwood Car Bam Offi-e.
Ankeny Car Barn Offi.r, Haat
2Mth and Ankrny.
Pk-Jntaat Car Barn tffi-. k.l-
Ima-avertk and Mt-htca.
BaTH-r ar BaraMfire. 21th
and Sarirr Kireeta.
Salam, Oragoa) 237 V Liberty
VaacoOTtr. Waahlngtoa Tenth
and Main Htreeta.
Orogaa City, Oragoa filt Vain
Conditions are extremely favorable right now for good Bound invest
ment. ' .
Buy your future income while yields are high and before the country
enters the period, pn&icted by economists, of low interest rates and ad
vancing prices for sound investment securities. t I
' . t
Ve recommend these five-year Gold Notes as an unusdally at
tractive local investment to yield 8 per cent, and -suggest you
consult your banker as to their safety, both as to principal and
interest. ' ,
The Company conducts a most essential business. Because of
the great variety and number of its consumers, its operations
are not subject to the violent fluctuations frequently experienced
bv other lines of industry and business. Electricity and trans
portation are necessary in good times and bad.
Notes in Denominations of
$100, $500 and $1000
The investment is safe.
Thm Interest rat U nnusnaJlv hlirlL.
It is a local investment that will help the community.
The interest will be paid regularly and promptly every six months.
You may buy the notes for cash or on easy payments.
Come in and talk the matter over irith our
Securities Department or get the facts by
dipping and sending in the attached coupon
Portland Railway, Light and ,
Power Company
First Floor, Electric Bldg.. Portland, Or. Mar. 5100
Salem, Or.; Oregon Dty, Or.; Vancouver, Wash.
rortlaad aUttvay. Ught aa4 Ttrwn Co.
Plena sand farther tafaraaatioa a Wat yoor SCc W
Xotem. !
. -i-