The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 17, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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Mr and Mrsv Harry E. Wllte of
nk street sre the proud parent
of a little f Irl born to them Wed
nesday morning at their home. She
bM given the name of Mar
jorle Alice. )
f-ltJlria(lnr College Dancer
At Cotillion hall, Friday, Febru-
II. students. Alumni and their
friends. Music by Mlstland orches
tra De Luxe. Admission 50c. Re
IreibnienU. j (AdT.)
Blcrd I !"t
Carlton Roth ' reported yester
day the loss of a bicycle from the
Roth grocery. The police are
liked to assist in an investigation.
H anteJ A lioan of f 9000
On good farm security; will pay
f per cent. Oregon Land Co., 442,
SUte street.! (AdT.)
Tha lMiflodoAtan "Literary
" Society of Willamette Univer
sity will hold an 'open "meeting
Friday afternoon at 4 o'cllfck. All
alumni and former members of the
society are invited to come. ,
Final Account Filed
The final account of the estata
of Henry Miller, deceased, was
filed yesterday by the executrix
of the estate, Celine Miller.
tr. E. S Tillinaha
And small son, Edward, and
Mrs. Tillingbast's mother, Mrs. Ce
cilia Watson, have gone to Los An
geles to visit for several weeks.
; ntted at.Tyler'a Dm store, by
In expert la tne business. -iaqt.)
- i M i
f Trunk
Mrs., Edwin Sherwood and fam
ily wl&h to extend their neartfeit
thanks to their many friends for
ih kindly sympathy, the tender
treetlngs, and helpful mlnlstra
tions . during the trying days of
their recent bereavement. .iaqv.)
Plaintiff Wins Decree .-" t was a- business visitor in the city
A? decree was issued in the Wednesday,
circuit court yesterday by rJdge -Mr. and Mrs. Y. B. liayford, of
u. ti.' itinsnam in -which J was SDokane visited . at the ; home 01
granted to the plaintiff in the L. A..rilaford ! thleJ week, .en
case of George - May vs. Math
uerscnem- ana Mary uerscneid a
Judgment against the defendants.
They will be required to reconvey!
rtam property consisting of; an
elevator and storage located In
Alberta, valued' at. about $8000,
and the plaintiff will deed back
to the defendants certain lota lo-
route to California. They re
sumea their Journey Tuesday. :
L. Gunderson of Sil.erton is &
Salem i visitor in the city this
Mr. Mary L. Fulkerson, coun
ty school superintendent' of Mar
lon county, was in Silrerton yes
terday visiting schools.
R. D. Gray, a banker of Turn-
business in
Magazine Clab Rate
The Ace, 127 N. High. (AdT.)
Cliildrvn Adopted i
Adoption papers were granted
yesterday by Judge W. M. Uush
ey of the county court to lr. and
Mrs. Joel A. Grover of Wood burn.
who adopted an infant child of
Bertha Grover of Portland named
Harold LeRoy Grbver.' The fath
er of the child Is dead. Eldorln
Alexia Taylor Is a little 11-month-old
girl who was adopted, by Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Olson. The
mother of the child is dead and
papers were given by the father,
James' Oliver T Taylor "
Wood For Kale ,
A car-load of second growth fir
wood at $8.50 per cord, if taken
immediately. Phone 520. Tracy
Wood Co. (adTi) '
cated at. Mt. Angel. Misrepre
sentation was claimed In the coni-1 er. was transacting
piaim. tne city yesterday.
John Schwab of Mt. Ancel was
Wood For Sale attending circuit court yesterday
A car-load of second growth fir 1 A- Oswald and Ben Watson
wood at. $8.50 per'cord. if taken were among the vlsltr yesterday
immediately, mone 520 Tracy in the city.
VfpoH Co. (adv.)
A. O. Condit Sells Property
Mr. and Mrs. A. O.. Condit have
sold lot 1 and the north half of
lot 2, block 7, of Boise's second
addition ' to . Salem, to Hattie F.
Houghton for a consideration, of
Frank Lick of Quinaby was In
Salem Wednesday.
Dr. H. Bauchamp of Stayton
was a business visitor In Salem
yesterday. , 1
for the murder of -Jacob Charles
Denton. ' Superior Judge Frank
Rj Willis pronounced ? 'sentence
arterhe had 'denied a motion for
new trlal.. Counsel' tor 'Mrs.
Peete announced they wluld ap
peal to-the appellate court for a
n?w trial and a ten day stay of
execution was granted.
will b held from the Rigdon chap
el Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Ber, Blaine Krrkpatrielt witt of II
clate. The local W. O.. W. lodge
fof which Mr. Mosher was a mem
ber, will officiate at the grave, in
terment will be in City View cemetery.
Game -is Esy Victory For LIGHT ls CI
Red and Black Quintet
Score is 43 to 17
The red and black quintet of
the Salem high school last night
added one more to their long list
of victories for this -season when
they ; defeated the.McMinville ag
gregation by a score of 43 to 17.
Delanos Are , Apprised
- Of Finding of Pearson
F. O.. Delano last night receiv
ed a telephone mesvage from
setting forth certain views on is- Alexander Pearson. Srv f Port
sues confronting the next admin-1 land shortly after Mr. Pearson
istration. -Mr. Vlereck in a state- had received a telegram from bis
(Continued from page 1)
raent said that the committee had
been received In the most cordial
manrierand had gone away satis-
fled-lhat there would be a lust and
equitable, peace: . with Germany.
After the first fifteen minutes oft The statement also, predicted Mr.
nlav th mmA went eaeiiv tn th,, I naming woaia aff everyming in
Salem men. Durine the last few ni power iw njr nunw uaircua
son. Aiexanaer t'earson, jr., id
aviator who has been lost for sev
eral days In the Texas desert.
The Delano and Pearson families
have been Trlends for mauy years
and Mr. Pearson had pr-rMl to
communicate with Mr.-Delano ar
soon aa he had any word at ail
minutes an entire substitute team 'ni .prejudices created y the war. B regard to his son.
Victor Records Just Arrii
, The records you have been. try
ing to get for. years are here.
Your record may be among them.
Stif,f Furniture Co. (Adv.)
Pearson Purrhaiies Acreage-
Mr, and Mrs. M. O. Pearson
have purchased 50 acres ot land
near Turner for the sum of
$3900 from John Palmer and
wife. '
(Continued from page 1)
Licensed to W
Marriage licenses were issued
yesterday, in the office 'of - the
county clerk to Eva K- Larson
of Shaw and Roy. S. Scofield- ot
Turner, and to Alma'F' Larson'
and Jacob F.-Young- ot-Shaw.
i I -
i helps m .
Wood For Sale ,
A car-load of second growth fir
wood at $8.50 per cord, it taken
immeiliately. v Phone &40, Tracy
Wood Co. (adv.)
Victor Record Just" Arrived
The -records you have been try
ing to get. for years, are here.
Your record may be among them.
Stiff Furniture Co. (adv.)
Bicycle Taken From V. L C. A.
A bicycle Is reported as mtsslqg
from the Y. M. C. A. building,
said to have - been taken some
time Tuesday night. The police
department have been notified.
For Sprinc PUatinr Orer Trom
' - '42S Oregoa Bnildlnr
' Pkoaa' 1783 '
Loam! Loans! Loans
It you. desire to; build, a- new
house or remodel the old one-and
need money, please call on us im
mediately, we can help youi Laf
lar ; Laflar, 406-7 Oregon; Bldg.,
Salem, Or. AdT. j ,
'V.I rt'Vy-x?
Ask your grocer lor
. 23c; dozen . . j
8ALm ij-uaxa cosrpAjfr
431 Court St. Phone 9S4
10 r Ctttfl WklU Soap: S
br of Crm Oil 8op; lrr
pckf WMhing pvder-fl.00
It bar f Crm Oil gotp . ', ,. .. 1-00
I muI Critm .
IS Un Lauadry 6op : - "
moBXJuro oxoozmV-
141 EifclM4 Arttu. -1 ' Pltma
i - -
. Groceries
"' ! ' i 'I' '
IS3 Court Street I Phone 409!
TaSdfiir Iladdnej' tad Heoordi
PUxerPUnos nnxl PUyer XoUa
manzT psxct paid, '
StoreC Carpeta ;and;Toou
Capital Hard war Furniture Co.
28a ri, oommereiai ex. -raon.
: T. vw, uaquE
I ruraltarfBtoTt
tri ui nor tor rowe womtje. tit
. LOOK!.
Car not hitting right? Brine it
to ns. A Dlaee to get tires, tubes,
spot UghU, ekld chaini and tlra
pumps. ' ,
Great Western Garage
Phone. 4 4. Oppotlte Court Honae
fill Xorth
tood wood;
Can a. IL Tracy Wood Co,
. Tr lor all kinds of U
' 'dry wood
frompt deUTsry. . Plxofe 120
for Thor Washing Uachinei nd
ClKtrlo Work and Soppuaa,
ItT Court Bt, Pnoiio 411
. ; TerTt&t Jewelry
Jeweleri and OptldasJ
.Do ypn take -
" If notwhyn6t?-
No other. batha; or i treatmenU
ran prodnee the perpia?ent re
lief to the.? personr
from , disagrees! coW. or; aU-
ments of the iiesit or ooar Aae
the Tnrkun uatna. wuv i
Open 8 a. m. until 9 pxdl
Lidy. and. Gentlemen t aiieoar
- "ants "-' - -
Woman Injured by Ant
Mrs. Chamberlain, 695 Court
street, -was slightly, injured on
Tuesday night - when she ' was
struck by an automobile as she
was crossing 'the street at Court
and. Liberty street "The automo
bile was said, to belong to R. G.
Slrk, 104 North Fourteenth street
Police Officer Victor reported the
accident Id the station.
Get them, at The. Eta teaman of
fice. Catalog on application, (Ad)
Automobile Damaged
N, 3L' Finkbiner; 1083 Marion
street, while: turning his auto
mobile around on State street' be
tween Twelfth and Thirteenth
streets, -was struck5 by "an auto
mobile driven by O. D. Knight.
208$ Marion, and both machines
were damaged. ' ; ... -
mittee from the house late tomor
row. While the senate was debating
the house van and means com
mittee was concluding open hear
ings on revision cf tbe permanent
law. rwith that work finished.
Chairman Fordney will leave late
tomorrowforanothe r conference
with President-elect Harding at
St. Augustine. It Is . understood
he will ask for a definite expres
sion as to his views on the legis
lative program outlined by Repub
lican leaders and whether be fav
ors: consideration . by congress ot
tarif r legislation aheado f . taxa
tion. The speech by. Senator Moses
was filled with caustic shots at
his republican colleague. ' He de
clared every senator knew that the
bill. It it, should become a law,
would avail 'nothing- and' he chal
lenged denial by any senator that
It was "unscientific and designed
to fool the farmer rather than, aid
him."! . : ' ;
"The republican party , cannot
go before tbe country with Bitch a
measure," he declared. "It can
only give to President" Wilson, who
was: so thoroughly, repudiated in
November, an opportunity to ex
orciate . the republican- party ; and
believe me, he will do it.
"Why. this bill is lopsided. It's
blind and, it's deaf and it has the
rickets. It's a combination be
tween, the rice, paddies, the cane
brakes, the cattle ranges, the
sheep runs and the wheat fields
As the bill passed, the senate, it
carried the: following; import du
ties: ' ....
Wheat, 40 cents a bushel: flax
seed 30 - cents per bushel; wheat
flour and. semolina 20 per cent ad
valorm; corn and maize, 15 cents
per bushel ; ' ' beans - 2 cents per
pound; potatoes 25 cents per bu-
snei; peanuts or ground beans ' z
cents per pound; onions, 40 cents
per bushel; rice 2 cents a pound;
lemons Z cents - per pound ;' ' pea
nut oil 26 cents per gallon; cotton
seed, cocoannt and soya bean oil;
20 cents per gallon; cattle (except
tor breeding purposes) 30 per cent
ad valorm; sheep; over one year'
old. two dollars per head;' sheep
under one year , one dollar - per
Rex Adolph. the . new center.
started the game, and proved him
self to be a valuable man. Capt.
Asbby and "Bill" Gosser worked
creditably throughout the entire
game and with Staley were-large
ly responsible for the high score.
Jones and Agee played a "fast
game for the visitors.
During the first few minutes
of play Salem piled up 8 points
in rapid succession. For a period
of 1 about ten minutes the play
was fast and close, and the Salem
men were unable to stand off the
fierce attack ot the visitors, who
raa their score up to seven. For
the first 15 minutes the play was
undecisive, and it looked as if Sal
em, would have to put up a stiff
Memorial to Pioneers
The young aviator has visited
in Salem many times.
r i
The, senate yesterday adopted
Representative - Frank Davey's
house joint resolution No. 1, Init
iating a, movement to hare busts
of Jasou Lee and Dr. John Mc
Laughlin , placed ; In - tbe Oregon
niches in the hall ot fame at
Washington. j
' Jacob Alexander Schwabauer.
45 years old. died at his home 60S.
South Twenty-first : street yester
day afternoon. ' Besides his wife
EL PASO. Tex.. Feb. 1C. Lieu
tenant Alexander Pearson, army
aviator for whom a state-wide
search baa been conducted for sev
eral days, since his departure from
here for the east to begin a trans
continental night, haa arrived
safely at Sanderson, Texas, ac
cording to a railroad teiegrapn
message received here tonight. '
" .
A orison paper hack east, runs
the list of deaths by electrocution
under "Current News
"The FatloL
Our Country "
whose birthday, we celebrate
this month, established
name .for trnthtnlnexi.that
serves as an example for ev
ery ad. we write.. -
Purchasing Jewelry. . If,
largely a matter of confi
dence. ' Every article we sell,
Is guaranteed to, be exactly.
as represented every. stater.
ment we make is careiuuy
considered before being giv
en out to ron j
Buy Jewelry from , the.,
store that stands ready . to
say. "I Cut the Cherry
Tree," if your purchase Is
not list exactly right- If wa
make a mistake we will own .
np; and It's your money hack
If you want it. -
Call and see the new addi
tions to our watch stock.
Pcaeroy ficKecne;
Jewelers and ' Opticians
Liberty and State Street
-"-- . . a J -
fight if they were to hold their - ? -f
recora oi no aeieais auring me
season. - The first halt, ended
with a score ot 21 to 10 in favor
of Salem.
In the beginning of the second
half the visitors showed signs of
weariness, while the Salem men
came back even- stronger. ' Salem
then began her strong, steady at
tack, which she maintained until
the end of the game.: The local
men were superior in their machine-like
team work, while the vis
itors held a strong defensive.
Ia the wrestling matches which
were stagdd between the halves.
White and Baggot tied for honors,
while .Post won his f match over
Blenkenstop.- ' !
The armory was filled with
spectators, . a large , part of. whom
were townspeople. The success
of the game financially will prob
ably, insure the playing or. high
school games in the "armory for
the remainder of-the season.
The: lineup follows:
ei.m ' Vmiti.ii1i
Staley F Robbins
Gosser F Agee
Adolph C , McCart
Asbby, Capt. G Jones
Substitutes for Salem: Scbrie-
ber. i Socolofsky, Randall, Patter-
nest.' Alden and ! Kenneth; two
brothers.' John ' Schwabauer Of
Portland. William. Schwabauer of
Oregon' City: and four sisters.
Mrs. Molly Roche of Oregon City,
Mrs. Hurb Miller of Oregon' City.
Mrs. Emma 'Johnson of Pendleton
and Mr.' Anna Shaer ot Idaho.
Mr.' Schwabauer Vaa a member
of tb local? chapter of the I.- O.
O. F. . The remains are In charge
of Rigdon. tSon.' . Faneral : an
nouncement wilL be made later.
Hear Dr. Waldo
At the armory. Thursday night.
at X:1Q em "Health ' From, the
Standpoint , ot, the New . school.- l.head? fresh and frozen. meats; 25
per cent ad valorem; long staple
cotton (one and three-eights in
ches), 7 cents per pound; , cotton
manufacturers, 7 cents per pound;
unwashed wool. 15 cents ' per
pound; washed wool, 30 cents per
pound; scoured wool 4 5. cents per
pound; sugar, 1 cent per pound. In
addition -to the. present tariff ot
1 cent: butter and . substitutes 8
Mrs. MargaretlV. Jones, age 60
year died In "Portland ' Tuesday.
The' remains will arrive in Salem
today at 4 :1 5' at which time a
procession will be formed which
will proceed to Clagrett cemetery
where. interment, will take place.
Mrs. Jones is a sister-in-law ot T.
B. Jones of.: Salem. Rigdon - fc
Son have charge of the remains.
Real Estate Deals
Involve Large Sums
Real estate transactions record
ed recently in the orfice of the
county recorder gives Information
son. Tucker, is. Jones tas acting of tbe sale ot 3 ft acres oi una
captain for Ashby), Caugall. Sub- near Woodburn purchased by Olaf
stitutes for McMinviue; Merchant, stocker and wtre;rromr iir. ana
(Continued from, page 1).
Mrs. H. Bang for a consideration
of S4500. ! f .
G. H. Croslan and wife have
sold about 20 acres-of land near
Hairs Ferrr to Mr. and Mrs. L. o
Bui gin. ' The purchase 'price was
14SA0.- ' ! i ; . i
1 Panera were placed on file this
week, wherein Mary Ellen Palmer
deeded to ,Bertna k.. x?uven. a
acres ot land lying west; or. wooa
Ashby Is Wanted :
A : letter was -receivea; yester
day by Chief of : Police. MoffUt
asking, assistance la locating J.
Kit Ashby. An. important com
municatlon is awaiting him from
his home a t . police : headquarters
Anv Information leading to .his
whereabouts will ber appreciated cents per pound; cheese and sub-
by". Mr.' Moffat. . - - i stitutes Z3 per cent aa valorem;
i ret a miia, z cents per gaiion;
Hear Dr, Waldo - iTresb cream, & cents per gallon:
. - ... I - m - M t m
At th irmorr Tnrsdav nirnL I CBBueuoea or prvscrvea )mu, a
at 8:20 on "Health. 'From- the! cents per? pound, 'and sugar oi
st.ninftimftf tha KivehooU. milk, 5 cents-per-pound; 'mixed
(adr) " 4 I wrapped and tiller tobacco. It
i rum iwo or more counuiw v""-
stemmed)' $2.8 'per pound: stem
med, 13.50 per pound; hides, ;1&
per cant ad valorem; apples. 3 u
cents per bushel: cherries, 4 cents
per pound; olives, in solution, 25
cents, per gallon: not. in solution.
& cents "per pound ad valorem; in
bulk 60 cents per gallon.
paid prior to completion, of! the
job, . but giving, the commission
authority to adopt a uniform rule JDorn.for consideration .of $7100
in retaining percentages, wiu sui . ...
to third reading, a majority report, vftnV.wpp ofl"l ehan6n
fasses xp nis nwtuu
Wi riiam Crawford lof. Zena was
here; yesterday. - '.' '
' Edward Rid gstac of ML Angel
Suits .Cleaned, ........... if 1 J50
Suit, Pressed. .,50c ARMY AVIATOR
Salexa Cleanen & Dyeri
1215 6. Com'rsV ' Phone 1868
(Con tinned from page 1)
' Better Cfcoda. For. Less
rival there, but giving no details
of his experience. .
It Is a tremendous reiiei,'
said Mr. Pearson, after listening
to -The Associated Press bulletins
giving the news ot his son's safe
ty, "We had never abandoned
lh. his telegram Lieutenant
Pearson . said: "Just arrived here
safe, unhurt Was forced to make
Guthrie rear son, brother, ot tne
lieutenant and who also formerly
n in th ariatlon coros. . said
ITw fl; Rnrpn that Sanderson was 80, miles
179 N. CO mlSt 1 where the lieuteaaot had last
been seen.
verse minority report.
. .House bill 313, providing, that
the state highway commission may
retain, zo per cent-oi me -contract
price ot Improvements, and
at Its 1 discretion accept personal
security or other satisfactory in
demnity of contractors to protect
the state against, claims tor labor
and materials against contractors,
was tabled. At present the state
is patlng out about 8450 a mile
in premiums on surety bonds.
Appointment of Regents
' y: a a a I
; uomirmea Dy senate
The senate yesterdsy afternoon
confirmed Governor Olcotfs re
cent appointment of members for
the : board of regents of Oregon
Agricultural college. They are
H. Von der Hellen of Wellen,
Or.. George W. Cornwall of
Portland and Walter M. Pierce of
La: ' Grande, all reappointments
and all made for a period of nine
Tav.Yroalier..2&: Tears- oi age
' died at his home in Lebanon. Tues
dsy. February 15. He is survived
by his wire. Anna aiosner. ana oub
mi Jar Mosher. Jr.. of Lebanon.
and a brother. D.H. Mosher, a lo-
1 tailor.
Th rtmi ni, will - be, orougni
here today and Ihe fffherar service
Classified Ads, In The ?
Statesman. Bring Results
" . - 1
Msn't necessary "to' prove onf
kind's snperiority. Only a short-
trial will convince yon that our
'. coal burns betier and cleaner
and lasts longer' than ordinary'
grades. When yon have'hal
'' this proven, to your ow satis
1 faction wa shall expect the orV.
, t. der far your entire supply, j
PHONE, 139,
. - .. i
tt-pvO unto others as you "would tave
-J others do unto you" is 'particu
larly applicable to the subject of buying
Oregon and Salem made and TOwn
products. i . .
Undoubtedly "YOUR Interests are de- .
pendent uponlhe people here at home.'
srv n f;ffv-fiftw nrorvniit 5nn and J
.both , YOURS and the ; OTHER FEL-
5 1AJ W75 account ai tne unuea ouiw.iw -itional
will benefit tlfereby. : i ' '.
r i
Surprising How the Crowds Meet at Our '
F-i.BR til -A R.Y
Mrs. Louise L. Peete today .was
sentenced to Imprisonment for
life, in San Quentln penitentiary
1M HT-ii. r 1 eif
IX tit Electric Sign "SHOES"
for etery Crop and SoU require
ment , -
North Portland, Ore.
For Easy Terms and Prices see or
inn f.rlon St. Phone 353
?1 -
What Have You?
We buy, sell and exchange
new and Isecond-hand furni
ture, stores, ranges, rugs,
tools, etc. Wa will buy you
out ;
' Auctioneer
271 N. Cnm'l St., Salem, Or.
List your sales with us
People's Furniture
f Klrht pTione 1047 phone 734
of all kinds such as tnnltM
stoves, ranges, machinery, ot
all kinds see tho :
211 tJentet J!i !
An untrained man ,las reached
his best at the, age of : thirty. A
trained man ls Just beginning
to. grow at th-age-of thirty.
Vast ; 'opportunities: lie Tefore
him. The dlllerence la la; the
training. f ' ' :
Let us telt yonrhow. easily this
tralalng can be, obtained.. oth
day and nlsht school; '
Capital Bujineti Ccllee
DOUGLAS, Ariz., Feb, 16.'
"Arrived at Sanaderson o. k. See
Vou soon. "rffO
Thia message sent Dy uieuiep-
ant Alexander Pearson jr., from
Sanaderson,' Tex., was received
here tonight by Miss Slargaret
Shannon, a friend ot the mis-sing
aviator. nfWlI
Brigadier General Malin-Craig,
commander ot Camp Harry J.
Jones here., tonight received a tel
egram j irom ueiieBani r.. u
Jones ot tne local iirina iieia, ow
of the searchers for-Lieutenant 'Al
exander Pearson -Jr., saying that
Pearson made m, forced landing in
the Bis: "Bend country of Texas
and, rode. into Sanderson; tonight.
The . message.' sent - from Sander-
.son,, said the airplanes irora ner?
wil return to Douglas tomorrow.
! . STANFORD- IlEHT; W. S, C, ;
PULLMAN. Wash.. Feb.' 16.
Stanford university's i basketball
Muid won - their second victory
over Washington State . college
here tonight by score .of-3 6 to
n niehtoand Davis. Stanford
forwards, were - the' individual
tra of i the came. Tbe -score at
tbe end of the first half stood If
: j ,Thi3 Sign for Good
l 'amusement
' Salem's Best and Biggest
Bi)C nrw fkhow
. Friday ,
. Saturday .
Business is good here. Why? Because the values are goodthe scrrice u
good and ahove all the Merchandise is good. And then again the bargains
coining in daily from the East are attracting much attention.
JUsta Fjew Grocery Specials "i'
Diamond W. Coffee, 50c tafyi, ,5 Ibcan at per pound.....::.:r .....;.35c
Three pound' can at' pen p 0110. - ...35c
One pound can atjperpoundi......h.Vju..K...A...;.t..... -- 1
Peaherry Coffee, 4 pounds for..... .r..:.i.::...;....:..l.?1.0p
65c Gunpowder Tea... ..:. i2c !
C.nnA trmnrtA Cli oc"ola.ter-in hnlk.L -i. Z5c ,
rMM. Ir. r,nTV .
vvvua u wmmb.
Just receWed a shipment of M. J. B. Coffee direct from the factory