1 i L I 1 C F, i " ' i ii -in ' - E. 1 4 CLASSIFIED : ADVERTISEMENTS t r; ?! 'luto pr word 'i . Per insertion. Three insertions ......He tin Week (ill insert uns fe tin month ..: 20e .His month' contract, ler mo,..l&e , 12 montbt' contract. j-r mo 12c Kiliiaiim (nr any advertisement 23e ! I FtltR 1SKURAXCK MIOT I I "rrhlelMMi, Roland & liurRliitrdt lUsWWnt Agent 371 Stale St. . MONEY; TO LOAN On Real Estate ' I- T. K. FOIID ' Ojet Ladd & Bush rianlO J-Si i ' 1 FARM LOANS HAWKINS & ROBERTS ,204-207 Oregon Building ' ' OUR' OFFERINGS ot home including some of -the finest In the I city. Our lint of farnta .and .acreages complete. 1 LAFLAIt A LAFliAU J ' 4 oe-7 Oregon DIdg. Phone 1644 NEW'. TObAY IjlORR TtABT CHICKS -THURSDAY' ? " r. :. atnek. Priees -reasnnablej L. ;Brt Atofck. Priera .rasia iJeJliam. 65 out tpjoit Conaty I Court, Honse.? i i "It OK RA.LE- DRV FIR WOOD, .4 FOOT. , , ,'. . J'haae. XlSO. i .Call any aay out mi- (toWAVED-rA if MALL, WELL-IMPROV- J BeeU .Xaks; IL'fcank BMg. 1 vmtxeen mDE JHtlTKCTIOX IX THFJ Ii..1 .. Roiief- Aaa'n: and it need a-oodln-Ut and nunport. Patroaiio l '" Voar homo inatiiutiona aud help bnild I t p roor nwn atato and yoor own tor . J:. Sunk nd worfsr.;, Kundlar Foley, . . Agts., .Ualem, .or...i-aong i. i voOli FOR SALE 4 . FOOT J LE.VGTIL iff. Pknnn anl. , ' - - - : JiODERX HOUSE IK OOOto LOCATION' lo.tra.le as part paymenj oo ; tBeek A Hendrjeka. 20a U. & Bank Bldg.. .-WIHTEaROCK EOG8 FOR JIATCHIXfi. - 'OM 1754J.: ; i TOR SALE OR TRADE FOR DODGE .Tourinf. ror ' neoan, inatr '' A 1 oondiObn : i good, t irea ; foot throttle ; i w ataeriac wheel: shork absorbers; ' ' H..h nht: neelometer : myvm , r ' ' lifina. i V J before Jipe and aak for i larding. I llIOrSES WAXTED WE WANT LI8T- inrs on house that are: priced tn sell. I . Phone! Ml an we will do the rest. I . pBeck k Jlsnilrirks. 305 U. B. JUnh Bldc fi'XXtflVS -TAILOBING AXD DRESS . . makiner at reason able priren. All work I . ': guaranteed. Call at Room 18. 26514 V Ne.' CommereUL Phone 10L I" L'SrU -COLUMBIA GRAFOXOLA AT A i low trice for quick sale. 619 Out ... ! .atreeu, Phun 493. : r "rj.NE PLAYER PIAXO USED BUT A ' abort time; looks just like new; at a t. i. bargain price and low terma. The . -.Viley B. Allen Co. 519 Court FINE PIANO FOR AALE CHEAP. 319 r tConrt atrest, Phone 492. LENA POT80S, PIAXO. 10O9 UK10N r ' i oR SALE I FORD - T0UR1KO CAR cheap. uarton - Ante : vo. - M - o. -Com' I fit. L'hone 3b. TOR SAI.E OR TRADE ROOM PLA8 f. Wed hotiss and two Iota at Mt. Aagel; . , close la depot; a bargain. Owner, 408 -, oregen Biag.. eaieas. FAIXTIXQ, TIXTIXO AXD J'APERISG. . liooma tinted (3 and an. Any time. raone 100. C. W. Bmith. FOR SALE TWO PLYMOUTH ROCK , ( Ceekerels. Comallia laying atrain. raoae vviis " a . APTt-ES 91.0O AND S1.SO A BOX Drlfred. Spotted apple for. rooking! 23a box. ,- Ward X. Kichardaoa rstM 494. ' - - - t '-; ,1 1 IV ACRES. 1 1 ACRES BEARING WAL- , 11 uu, 24 acres besrine apples, 12 acres " , bearing pears, 30 . acre 5-year-old prases, 1 1-2 acres "Strawberries, 1-2 ' -acra bearing cherries: grsvej road 1-2 .ue oe acnani .ana .K.tf. suttant it- room house; large barn; windmill. water- tWoed tn. bouse. and bam. Will , eell on. easy terms ar will, take income .property ar well improved acreage near I Halea er Portland- l nert nivnkml 1 Beck A tllendrleks; Xt.3 tf. ' IA Bank BWg. : EMPLOYMENT - JTEMALE WAXTED A HOUSEKEEPER. MORE ; far - heme - than wages, v Call or ad- areas i Sloe brooks Ave-. Salem. . VAXJED A CAPABLE WOMAN FOR l- general housework, - K children in fsmllf Apv', Red -Cross, Post Office n it. J4ALE WANTED A POSITION BY A CHRIS- ;,-tn yeung tsss -with seed Christian .concern (not catholic J. Address "21" -. rare Statesman.- .-- e t .II B. I mi-s- I.I.M W s'.lllini - t I lE proposition t tnd richt people. Address the Pacific Homes tesd, Stateaaaa Bldg. imy. vre.--i CLERKS (MEN. WOMEN) OVER IT. far Postsl Mail Berrice. 9123 month. Experience . nneeesssrr. For : free " ..particulat. of. examinatieas. write J. I lyeenard- (former tCivtl Service Ess lner) 1091 Equitable Bldg Washing- t. t. ?. -- " x . . M,H, i ' j GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL! paper nnbliattad. Free for stamp. Cor - responoeai. isiedo. out FOR SALE I ' BEAUTIFUL WALL f. TINTS. MANY . new colors, toe ponad and tip. Max O. Bqraa. 179 No. Coasmercial St BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES icLoaia out; sale op n. seug-s j star ; st Falls City now going on. It yew want a coed boaiaeao rocatioa la- T. reatlgat this opportunity. : IW farther , partieuiaro ineoir 1115 Mario street I r pnns isann. CANARY BIRDS TOR SALE CANARIES AND BEE- , hivesi Phono 70F32. FOR SALE CANARY BIRDS. Night singers. Mrs. E. A. Bennett. Phono .'.llHO.' 103(1 Chemeket. rOULTRT - - low BALK BKOWS LEGHORN ROOS - , 'cesr-rrem good laying atrain. Phono 109M2. PAVEROLLES ARE B LSI NEKS BIRDS. i-rieoB on application. kntins T. - t reaceit, lialem, Ds. Jmat ivort hatctuxo. barbed ply- 2?VAh Rok' - C- 'a ta- rsin; t .pllth" of 15 P"Paid. .Mrs. -' -"st -Werner. 8ilerton, Ore R. 9. 8. p. BROWN LEGHORN COCKERELS . tnat will - make need .Peie et., Hatching egg. E. 1I tL,Mk,u, Coifas, iaaa. -.y-.t... 11IE OREGON STATCSMAN, SALKJf . fOTJLTBY TUB XoRTHWEKT .-POULTRY JOUR L Tin- biggeat and best in the nt. The live roagaiine Tor live pouitrymen. 75c a year; 8l.tW in HaleM. Head 5 cent for sample tudav. The Northwest Poultry Journal, haleia, l)iWil. -Mention tb i ad. - ' ' .FINANCIAL WE HAVE SOMr. GOOD FARM 1IUKT- tares to sell. Oregon RM , Salem. i' - -" 1 i P ARM PAPER IP VUI' WANT TO GET TI1K UK ST farm paier. send" 15c to The Pacific . Hwmetttead, r-atem. Oregon, for a three- months trial subscription. Mention this p4. ; ' LIVE STOCK. HORSES FOR SALE BEFORE yotr P.fV LOOK jpVKR OUR stork. titer 2tl head of young horses. Halem Hurse Exchange, U. H. Garage, 51 Ferry street. MISCELLANEOUS APPLE DELIVERED. .- IXQl'lRE 4F2. i, i ii ii - - FOR MALE CRESCA B ROOD EK, I.ARtJK Slie good as new. Phone t31J. WALL PASTE IT STICKS EVERY- tain. Max O. TJuren, 170 X. Coat's. k i i I i 'SPARK:' i MOST REMARKABLE modera'o priced enamel range on the market.- Mas . Bnren. 17 X. t orn I. . just aec i ved F C ll line kprixg ana auouner aamniea, areas romii. 'Ask to sen them. Mrs. M. F-aeh. Pbea 1471. STANDARD EXCHAXOE. 32 NORTH Commercial street. Diamonds, watehes. musical inatrmnenta, . g-una. rlothinc. shoe, rte. Both new and used goods liought, -soU or exchanged. FOR SALE JIAXDSOME BI.ACK AND whit Zetland pony, broSe to ride or or i e . narneu siwi rtioue. iirv .uuggy. Phoa J341 ii. A "EVEVRSPREAD, M AT T R ESS bcats (hem ail. Let me exp.ain them to yon. Mas Bnren, 179 tlom'l. ilISS GOODIU'E AYILL TAKE ORDERS for tho -'Bettef Sos" MiUs hoaierr. .Csll 2H 8. 17th a, or phono. 741 M. CAPTIVITY: OP THK OATMAX OlRf.S Ibis true story of western iminigra- tion has been rarefully revised, making handsomo. little book It tells in griphKT terms of the maaaaero of the Oatman family, of the escape of Iren . and the f.CaptiYttf ot Mar and Olire. . Msry dud of starvation a larv sirs of s Larval ion and ' Olito was pnrrhaaed from the Indiana fir years - later. - Th prire La 2t rents, postpaid. . Addresa, Oregon I eai'B era Monthly, alem. t n. WOOD TRY 1365M,rOB WOOD. J ; DRY - FIR $10.00 A CORD. 1230 FERRY t, . fhono . ti:i. -.-.-. i-' i CALL TIIR SALEM FUEL YARDS FOR r our i wood and coal; otliea 752 Trade a tree t. . Phone . 529. , BOCK MrOOXOl'.On Mood Bnyera aad Khippers . ,542" STATE STREET. . . -Salens, Oregon Carload Shipments a Hpertalty - LlS'f YOUK WOOD W1TU L"S FOR SALE IS, ISO! AXT FOUR FOOT 'SECOhI GROWTH IK WOOD. AXD rtlL K ,t OOT OAK., T PKOMIT DEL- FRED E. WELLS s 303 S. Choreh Street. . phone 1343 FOR .RENT. BOUSES: V ' ' F. L. WOOD, 331 STATE. ST. REAL estate, rentals.' ROOMS VU&X1SHED ROOMS FOH BUSINESS sen. One block from postoflict. Phena Bag. - - LOST AND! FOUND LOST LOST BLACK LEATHER PURSE," Monday- wfterneen. - Containa about $b.00 sad a key. . Reward, care States ''nsaa. - - " ' 4 - i ' LOST GOLD SORORITY. PI X. -WITH name Hate! C. Fish wood engraved en back. Reward; for return ta.373 Cowrt street ; I- !- . LOST A RUBBER PILLOW, COVERED witn cretonne, corner State and lath, Sunday afternoon. Finder pleas re tarn to 1484 State Kt. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WAXTED TWO TOXS OK BALED osta and retch bay. 4. tt. Chapman. Pbona 17F2. - - - GOOSEBEER&Y AND CURRANT CDT- ;n ...a n . . . . . - pCJn- iTISaf WAXTED -TO RENT A FIVE TO SEV- n room modern rarnished bouse. One with garage preferred. So children, office phone 21T. WAXTED FIRST CLASS LOGAN'BER- xi tip plants far later delivery. Cannot nsa sockers, Joiat plants nor spindliag tip.- SUIe quantity. Ward K. Rieh nrdson. Phnne 494. 23.' Front St. BUSINESS CARDS . AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY FOR, BROWN AND GREEN LIXOLEUM a yoor running beards com m Max O Bare. 179 S. Com a street, 8e.lm, " i OLESON MOTOR CAR CO. 1 149 Ji. CoBBStrcial 8t Phena 888 TJssd Csr Center. Quick Chances 1919 Frd Tearlnc 1915 Chandler, a .and 9 323 . 325 1200 1919 Chandler. 7 passenger cop, iwio Chevrolet 430 300 1 - jiW saovdrcydet U xood eendiUon, 191S Jlsxwell tueap. Many Other Good Buys BEAUTY PARLORS ! 0REGOXI0N BEAUTY 8HOP MARCEL reaving, bsirdressieg. 18 Sooth Com- serruii. i-noae 77. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN d mease. 133 8. High St.. Phone 283. CHIROPODISTS FOR ACHING FEET TRY RACURE MES sere fsrlors, 183 South Co mm ere is I ireei. - - DENTISTS G. T. WHITE, DENTIST. 409 OREGON nniiiing : ' ' DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING WORK GUARANTEED 738 8. 13th. I WANTED. SEW! NO UtIJ. TMr sv r"B" - - an lWfrK, -DRUG STORES I BREWER DRUO CO. 403 COURT; I J'none ut. HAT SHOPS HAT SHOP MEN'S AXT wnvrva mmim rsaevaied and blocked 495 On art niSr-sporw., , . lmm99Bmmmmtatmnmamawa Classified Ads. In The Statesman- Bring Results OREGON INSURANCE FROM THREE TO FIVE AUTO AC CIDENTS F.VEKY ltY. ASK I 'S FUR RATES ON COLLISION IN rU'KA.M E. A. C. ROHUXPTEDT 111 Mnie Teuitte Salem. Or. MUSICAL Lt'CULK BARTON VoICF, PIANO, 147 North t.'ommerrial. phone TjVJ, lifj. NURSERY STOCK tilt.H E I.OC1ANUERUV PLANTS Ft lit - spring" delivery ; anjr ((iianiny. Varl K. Kx-Iirailxon. S.'tM. Froi.l. CJIOICE STRAWBERRY PLANTS. ANY quantity: all leading rarietien. Prices interesting. Wart I X. KirhsnlsoD. K :;." Front Kt. 1'lioaa 4:14. ITALIAN PKCNES AT KEIlUCEU J.rura, all grades : ersf tii walnuts, also other nursery at-k. 11ra.se eall and . see onr stock. Fruiilsnd ourssry has sale jard corner Ilig-lr ; and Ferry streets. Salem. Phone 114011. LACK DRIES SALEM LAl'XDRY COMPANY. 16 S. Liberty etreet. Pbona--2.'i. . Oklest largest bra I.- EataMisbrd 1SKU. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Oualitr work, prompt st-rrice 1204 H road war- Phnne 1U.V - PAXXTIXO PAPEEHANOaa FOR TINTIXO AXD PAPERHAXOIXO Call Mas O. Buren, phone 131. 179. Cumnu-reial. I hare gone east on an extended Tisit and I rerunawiid A. It. Clarke (pkene 130ikJ) as n rompeirnt workman. Ulenn I .. Adams. PLUMBIXQ PLUMBIXO. REPAIRING A.TD CtHL work. Phone 15 17 J. Shop, 127 I n ion street. A. I ttodfrey. PRIVATE HOSPITALS WANTEIV COXFIXEMENT CASKS AT private hospital I hare beat of equip ment. " Phone lO.'O. PHYSICIANS AMD SUROE9NS KATHERIXE , SCHLEP. M. ., PHY sieisn and Surgeon. Offteea, Oregon t. bu tiding, 'rooms. 41 1-1 3. Phone, 510. 24. threr Oregon Electric ! pot. 8E00SD HAND FURNITURE W.AATED tiECOXD-ILAXD -FURXI- ; ture, rags, carpets, stoves, machinery and toela. Beat pricna paid. The I Capital Hardware Furniture Co 2S3 No. Cen L St. Phone, 947. . REPAIRIKO AND SHARPENIKO CUTLERY -GRINDING, LAWX MOW ERS gaiety . razors, etc. Stewart s Repair nnop, as i conr atreet. BRX WHEEI.ER EVERYTHING RE- paired. ' General sharpening, rhiranrv sweep. 143 X. 17th St., Phone 14tsW TRANSFER HAUXJXGI CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 22 KUte SU, phone - 933. Distributing, forwarding t and -storage ur. specialty. .Oet our rates. STOVE KEPAXRIKa STOVES REBUILT AXp REPAIRED 4ft years experience; Depot National fence, sizes 2o to 24 ins. high. Paints tl end varnmbes, etc.. loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Work's. -3Q Co-art street: Phone 124. SECOND HAND GOODS WE BfcY AXD SELL SECOXD HAXD I srooda of all kinds, pipe fittings, har nss. cpllsrs. -collar pads, tools, and mams. Tea acBindisr, ZiH Center Street. -WALL PAPER, PAINT WALL PAPER AXD CEILIXQ PAPER zie and np. double roll. Max O. wnren. 179 -No. Commercial St. 1-.E ' rOKrr.K - FOR PAINT. WALL . per ana rictnre t rsmmg. Good work- 1 Jnen. 433 Conrt Kt. Phone 483. - .WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT It POWER CO. Office. 301 south Com'! 8t Tea per yeni larHDi on aemestie flat rates para in savsnee. Ad deductions for ab sence or any cauaa unless water is anus oil year premises. PROFESSIONAL x CHIROPRACTORS DR. 0. U SCOTT, P. HC, CHIROPRAC tnr, R09-12 U. 8 Bsnk Bldg. Phone. .OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR8,. WHITE AND MARSHALL. 500 U. b. National Bank Jildg. IK. W. U MERCER. OSTEOPATHIC Physician and aurceon: Kirk. .ill. - graduate. O4-40 V. 8. National Baak Midg. Phones Office. 919; Res. 614. DR. JOHX . U LYNCH, OSTEOPATJIIC -""' mrimn, wj-4U4 irrrgon nmm: ronsei; uiiuf. I3s: Kes. 5HF3. REAL ESTATE FOR BALE 7-ROcr Vf.ASTTcTtrn hens, garage. 1 lot. Price 92300 ; 9800 m, ssunn fzv per month, . HART Si MITI.I rti 208 Oregon Balding - FOR SALE 5-room bnngslow oa nsvemant. SofiAA 23 acre, new bangalow, rooms. 94500. a mt on psvement, cheap. Build hsm na is . - - - - 40KfSL--. acw Uildiaga - 1 1 n juin LOOSE - rV PATTON " 3704 Suto 8treet riAE 7-room nousE. rn.L base. nil mooern. en pared street; a md rooming bonte of 20 rooms, well pw.cu, oargain. SQUARE DEAL CO. aaBsamanBamaBsssB3ZBsmBKsaaH M a.lLfi aa AL.KKS RI TT ivn enicaea rsncn; modern equipment; .miK iVuu, VIOSO IO ISC I tlC htgh- wsy snd shipping ststion: near Salem If sold soon will sell far below its aiue. .-woioikky, 341 fetal. r5 8ALE P,T. OWNER IMPROVED Willamette Valley ranch. 140 acres, st Tj , vrr, a j mues from fertlasd. Address owner. Jane Conner. 207 Tndor Arms Apts., Portland. Oregon. FOR 8ALI: (ROOM HOUSE: EI.EC trielights; east front. 9950.01; :Jr'..ch- nala,nee like rent. See Wax. i oweii. 341-N. Commercial. Phone 6. .List your property with me for nir aair. .... AN ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED. 93500. GERTRUDET M. PAGE 4z . cottage St. Phono 1186 WORTH WHILE BMr galem. Good buildings: 4 H -acre prune orchard; 1 aerea lo gaaberriea. Other small fruit. Price 9830O. s no land on paved road; new mfJcE1"- A P1"id buy. Prieo 5-room house, basement, bath, electric light. nly 4 blocks from court house. Price 92750. 1 7-room house, stricly modern, garage, wOOo!rW; Court ,rwt- Frico 0rj5e,mt ,t 8 tWk inm " liB: T$.T0' lolN 3 blocks from car lino; MILLS &. COPLEY ' 314 Stat. Street. Pboti. 173 REAL ESTATE FRUIT and STOCK RANCH OF . '.'.I"! seres of tillable land located 6 milex from Salem n paved road. Mil acres in fall grain. A fine 7 year-old, acre prnnti rtiard tproaluced 1Z ton if .Iric.l fruit in 10'jui. ".'U head of ttl--. A iM.d f b,r&ea 111 hea4 Mat. I Alut 1D l'iilir of ont. 4 tuns nt hay and 7l tone of silage, fully equip led with all kinds of machinery anil nils. An 4 room, fully modern lione, furnace, bath, ebrtrir light.ete., full cement basement. Ham and nut bui'd iliscs in first class condition, price, everything included. $10 per acre; a small payment down, your own time n the balance. This farm could be rnt lu two very nirely. 90tl acres of logged off land, guod pas ture, well fenced; - miles from Salem on paved and hard surfaced road - jo.ooo. 723 acre first rlais stuck ranch, f2.".f" iroud terma. LAFLAR & LAFLAR 400-407 Oregon Building. S ACRES. THREE MILES FROM SA- lem en paved mad, email house, good barn.: Price 30ol. seres, 2 .miles frum Salem, on paved road, new plastered bouse, 4 rooms and bath; 44-MKI. terms. 3 acre in city limits. 6 room honse, barn on csrline and paved street. Price S.'.OtMI. 3 acres, close in. 4 -room honse, IO acres, all in logana and prunes. 7 room plastered bouse, guod barn, paved road. naif mile from t-ar line and city liuut. ' f H jOO. 20 acres improvel. 9 miles from Salem on good road. bn0 for all, or will divide. Some good buys in tmitx r. close to Sulriu. Some good homes at l "iHi and np. We have aome of-the best located vacs it lots in the city. LAFLAR & LAFLAR 40C 7 Oreg-oa BW.S- Salem. Ore. WOOD'S BARGAINS Cbnice lot on South High street, corner Cross, priced right, iour kits in ISnr lington addition. Tine garden land, cheap or will rent. Small house anil two lots. 24!t North Fifth street, fsMi, easy terms or will rent. 3-room bun galow, 2349 Hines afreet. fl3V, easy terma or rent, 913. 8-room nuxleru house f:i.0U or trade for small house. F. L. WOOD 141 State Street. BEST BUYS' 96 seres. 90 cultivated, rood dairy barn. eilo, honse, water system, fine dairy herd, all machinery, hones and Imple ments; 927,000. This close to Salem snd Worth investigating. 50 acres, all cultivated, new house, barn and silo, will be on paved road, can ha irrigated, close to school snd cream ery. 6300. 31 acres, all cultivated, honse, bam. 6 acres logans, all bottom land; 18200. 35 seres. 30 cultivated, 3 timber, 8 bear ing prunes. 2 mixea orcnara. 1 ' lo gins, on Pscific highway, close to Sa lem. 13.000. 20 acre good second growth timber, close to Salem, on rock road.. S32QO; con tains about 1300 cords of stnmnage. 10 acres, all timber, en rock road; one mile from shipping station, 11200, 400 cash, balance o per cent. 8 rooms, modern, large lot, garage, wood ,nen. sjtjo, easy terms. 3 rooms, all furniture, chickens. $2,000. 9 rooms, strictttr modern, best of neisa- . nognood. fine corner lot, only 93000 verms. . Fine lot on pavement, close in, fCOO; naif cssn. Ffce lot, half Block of car. 250. S0C0L0FSKY 341 State Street i GOOD BUYS 231 acre farm nearly all under cultiva tion, good buildings, good road. Pries 826.000. Terms. 149 seres, 90 cultivated, balance pasture X I l. . : . . nu inu ucr, running water, rrtce flu-. wtHi. naif cash, balance o per cent, in terest. 320-scre .farm, 93 acre cultivated, plowed ana resay-to sow, nslsaco line second I growth, f ir timber; house, hare, spring wster. x-nco oj tier sere. 130-scro fsrm. 120 seres cnltirsted, 60 acres of fall wheat, balance p Towed and ready to sow to oats; good modern bouse, fine large barn, water "piped to all buildings, 10 acres timber and run ning water. Price 9150 ner acre. 320-arre farm on paved road. S-reom modern honse. large barn. 240 acres of plow land. Price 9133 Tver Acre. 40 acres of fin land. 5 miles from Salem. alt cultivated, good prairie soil. Price 8173 per acre. 23 acres of fine prairie soil, all culti vated, close to paved road. Price 9125 per acre. - 20-acre tract, all cultivated, paved read, honse aad bom. Price 95350. Well improved 40 scree, good building. good road, 7 miles from , Salem. Price 910,300. 6.67 aero tract 14 miles from rarline. seats of balem, 5-room house, largo chicken boose, well. Price 943O0 Terms. i 8 acres close to csr line. 2 seres oi 1esr. tag trees, cherries snd prune, small house and barn. Price S4ihhi Terms. - IS acres, all cnltirsted. good mad, four -- .... m ivaana. A - iriri ' prunes ; good 5 mem bnngslow. well! snd barn. Price 97MOO. .. HOUSES C-rodm plastered bangalow, eleetrie lights, ham, chicken boose. 2 blocks from csr line and paved street, three fine lots. 150x150 feet. Price 9'JIOO; 90OO down. Good 5-room bungalow located at 610 S. 19th street. Price 91t00. half cash;. vaiance ej per cent Interest. amiLTmll'Z. w "d Price 82000. Modern 6-room honse. located close to stato bouse. Price 96300. . 6 room boose located on Sootn Commer- eial street, hearing fruit. Price 92SOO. 910OO down. 8-room. boose located at 1345 B street. searing trait. I'nce 91 600. 11 y"u ,r Hf'" T. trade or seU. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. : 275 Ststo Street . WHY RENT7" 8600 down will hay a nice 7-room bouse close in. oa paved street; cement walk, large porch. 925 a month on balance. meed cheap. 93-00. BARBER k PEARSON 300 Gray Building. 90 ACRES, ALL CULTIVATED. 1 MILE from Salem, IS acres berries: big dairy barn, new bnaralow. nml.ra 12 1.0OO, terms. 79 aerea, 24 miles of good . town in Xsrtoa county, good soil. 9 room plas tered bout.; aiust bo sold. Price 97500 term.. MAGEE Room 29, Corner ettate and Commercial Wt tiasick a TRADE FOR SALEM Tiorsps A 93000 ennity in a 200-acre stock reach, I near Kiagtton. - A ISO-acre ranch near the coast. 815 an aero. A 210-dcro ranch near Menem a at 925 an I acr.. A 40-acre well improved ranch near Caah- ro, mean., at S4000. A 43-acro well improved Shelbum. Ore. Ad 4 a t a 9 ... - FLEMING REALTY CO. 941 8UU Street. REAL ESTATE JOB SALE ON EASY TERMS. TWO aeven-acre tract just ontside city limits or trade for city property. 5-room modern bouse, north, 9300.00 down. 925.00 per month, or trade for acreage. 5 acre two miles east: fair Improve ment; plenty of fruit; 94.OOO; good terms. We went listinr. of ehy nnd fsrm prop erty. HsveWjuyer for close in lot on paved atreet. IEO. TTIflMASOX , 331S STATE ST. Opposite Ladd of Bush Bank ) . THURSDAY REAL ESTATE st sstacsaj " . g.-.-s- L. A, HAYFORD .Real Estate And Fire Insurance 305 State Street 9 room hiHie, pli-.tcreil. bstli. tilef. elee ;rio,'.r,r ri . tne iighix. co terms. 3 room house and a!nt 1 a re. rearlv all fenced, rhicken tilflit: three M.-l:a lo street car, in tily limits. Price T1-IMI! cash $"ii. 3 ra IJ . buiiir.ilow, new. pla!ered. fire place, hath, toilet, liit'it, bxeiu-nt. fur. iae, built in features and while en amlcd. Price 9iMHI. 6-ro.nn platrel. l-'orv. bnlh, toilet, liKbts. fruit cellar, fruit trees and ber: rie. lot tii'-xISU. I'ri-e $ !-tn. Terms; 10 acre &oiith of Salent, red so t. all in cultivation; 7 acres prunes, li acres logans, 1 acre stranlurries; i.ma'1 houe and barn, cl.ii'k(U bou.c, etc; all for f Sotiti. Terms. 10 acres esst of Salem, r'oce in on gool road, all in cultivation, hiarl soil; fam ily orchard. 1V2 acres logans, 1 acre rtrawherie. 1 cow, 1 horc. all fxmitr and ton's; 2-od lart;e Iioukc. p!a hi-f and cold water with liatu. 47.10H. Terms. L A, HAYFORD 303 Sute Stre" SEVERAL Ool FARMS One a - 1 ""-acre highly improved, :.nd in crop at IMl near railroad end town. Aunt her 4't a'-re. cood bnildjng, cnl- I iv ate.! ,t f I :"i- essv teriins. A "J acre on paved hilihv. r. and a 34 acre al i 1 .. All r places FLEMING REALTY Co First Class Investments Choice 19 acre tract r!o.e f Sa'em; ;nol set farm bnildincs, orrhatd. gixMl J emu. wagon, machinery, tools. Snap, f-0 tenns. Clioice :!0-acre river hottom tract all In liijrh state cultivation, farm tniildin-k; H acres loganlerries. goMl location. Price i42)ii, a.-tiMio will handle. Well improved H.O acres near Calgary to exchange for valley property. Oood M-riKim plastered hMe, barn, two fine lots and fruit, near canine. tiAap 2iOtf. For bargains in houses, farms, aereaze See Perrine & Marstcrs 212 Oray Bl.le. ' FOR RENT FARMS SMALL FARMS TO RENT SEE WM. Fleming. 341 State atreet. PUBLIC NOTICES .NOTICK OK SALE OF 11KAL ritOFEItTV o. 1502 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for. Marion County Department No. 2. Clara D. Uoucham. Plaintiff, vs. Ida J. Henderson, Jessie M. Mc- Cormick, Marie M. Meagher jiow f Iarie it. Tibbets. and J. J. Mc . Cormick, Defendants. ' By.Tirtue of an order issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Mari on, on the first day of February," 1921, wherein it' was ordered and decreed that F. N. Derby, L. P. Al drich and E. F. Smith be. and they are hereby appointed referees to sell the following described prem ises, to-wit: Tho southwest one-quarter fJ4 ) MOST COMPLETE COLLECTION OF SONGS IN THE WORLD : Collectioh of old and new songs ever compiled. Get one OP A THOUSAND SONGS and whatever the occasion provided with the proper music. Darkey Lullabys, Love song you want or desire. SONG BOOK COUPON This coupon good for the Great Book of 1000 Songs. two other coupons (Three in all) and $1.50 in cash. STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO. 215 R. Commercial St., Salem, Ore. My name and address is: Name Address MORNlNOr'FKnitirAnV'17 - of Illurk No.'twi (2) In Koberts Addition to thtt City-ot,Hlcnw in lite County of Marion a sfiown and dslfinatti on thf rM'onle'd jiUt aud juapH'of raid, addition ti I he City of Sab-sn now On fle in the UKrordfr-s;ornre for Mid Ma rlon Cotinfy. Have and except 50 f' I anl 4 inches off the north side' of said trrmf-trs. hcrPtofori i, KHzbe.h j. antt r.niiiy r.. nmiin ") . " ' dated Juno 15. IRS'i, rerorded in Uo-k of Deoda, Vol.' 2'J. page C5" of said Alarion -County records. Said r-rt;reB will soil at public auction jho above described prem ises on the Sth day of Marth. 1921. at 10 o'clock of said day, at the Court House door in Marion County and. State of Oregon, all the rlpht, title and 'interest which the said Clara U. Houxham. Ida J. . Ht-rulerson, Jessie M. McCor mick. Marie M. Meagher and J. J. McCormlck. plaintiff and defend ariUt. had. or may now have in said, premises. Terms of sale cash unit": l.iil In hv thirties to the ' """alMive entitld,caue. Dated at Sulem. Orepon. this first day of iVhruary,- 1921. P. N. DKRRY. 1j. V. ALimiCH. K. l SMITH. ltoferees. NOTICf-:. Notice is hereby tlven that I have impounded the following, de Bcrlhed dos in compliance with Ordinance No. 144 to-wit: One lont-haired. black doj; with a little white on breast, weight about 50 pounds. Thelxive described dog will lo filled it not redH-mend by owner, on or Wore February 20. 1921, !as providcrin said ordi nance. W. S. LOW, Street Commissioner. ' WHOLE. MILK AND PRODUCE WANTED Marion Creamery & Produce I Co. f Salem, Oregon Phone 2488 f SALEM MARKETS "l : ; iiTjYtXO .rrtiCE ' Eggs nl FotiTtry Eggs,' 2 1-2 3c. Hens, heavy, 2 2-2 4c. Hens, light, 18-20c Old roosters. 8-1 Oc. -Stags. 18-20c. Pork. Mutton and TVef Pork, on foot, $10.75. Lambs, 6c Pressed hogs, 14-142. Deet stetrs, 6c. Cows, 4c. 'Top real. 17 c. Hay Clover bay, $17-$ 20. . Oat and vetch bar. "per ton ACTUALLY CONTAINING MORE THAN A THOUSAND. STANDARD SONGS OLDANDNBV OFEVERY" DESCRIPTION ARRANGED FOR PLAYING OR SINGING .-,- t. - '.- COUPON ; '.......' ld21 121,22. - r t Cht har.-21-$23. r' . Crala Wheat.' 11.20- 1.25. Oats, 4ie. . Still I'eetN. Whole! MUAriiu, $37 ton. ,- . t VlKjleHa! to Dealern Creamery butler, 52-S3c. Ilntterfat, 4fr, i-"ruU Oranges. $5. .. Ih;nanas. 122C Lemons. S4.o0.' Orape frnit. Cal.. 4: Arli, ; Florida. fs. . Vi-CeLleii j Cabbase. J1.k;v ; Onlonn. Orepwn," Onions. California, $1.?S. Turnips. 2. Ca.rrot.ij. 115 pack. Green pepjiera. 3de. - . - Cauliflower, J 2 dox. Dates, 22 l-25 lb. Lettuce, 13.25 ?3.75 crate. Spuds. $1 ewt. Sweei. otatoes. $7.50 J8. Uadishes, 4 oc 'do Lunches. Conib "honejy case. iS8. Celery $1.25 dozen liunches. -Paisley. 50c dozen bunches. Heets. 7'e doz. hunchea. Tomatoes, $C crate. ' . Honey, extracted 20o lb. uan " - Creamery Dmter, 59-fi0e. -Krps. 28-30C. Flour, hart wheat. $2.6 5-f 2.90, Flour, vallv, $2.40. Sugar, $8.75. Sf t TTS 31 1 1 AM MiTrS. SCOTT3. MILI. Or.. Feb. 15. (Special to The SUtesrnan-1 Mr. and Mrs. E. .Oiger "and Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Mice were Salem visitors Wednesday. . .-' Joe Taylor returned home last we"k from the east where he has been the last three months' In the Interest pf the rrpnes. Miss Leona Gray of Salem vis ited relatives Irere over the week endrf . V - ' -J. Syron, of Forttand Is' Tlslt ing his sou', Guy Syron, and family- ' . 'S. D. Adkins returned to Port land Wednesday after vlJltlng here several days. . 1 ' , ,Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson were . Salsm visitors Wednesday. -.11. "E. Magee and children of Salem . visited relatives here on Sunday. - - . , . Allan; . Bellinger and mother Mrs. Lena Ilelllner. were Silver ton visitors Saturday. W. "T. Hogg was visiting relai-. tlves' in Salem- over, the week end. " - WillH Lawrence was In Silver ton Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Georfe-IJaynes werej Silverton visitors Monday.. Miss Ruth NeiU of 43'lverton is visiting MLzs Grayson at Crooked Finger. " .. ' Very' Inf cuinaL Joan was to nave birthday party. .having 'atUlned the eaor enormous ineof ( years. She was 3 . ' is of these larrre books you will always be Songs, any kind of ly If presented with I very inxiou$ Indeed toco heirlf correctly aud aji fcer' mother with que.vtionj -Well, dear." -aij hrim0 Ii. aiuwer-to one conferaln,' BMiisanimj oi raying rtkr t fore the meal, "for sue a, formal little party, I harjlyt- i ycu need." ' I Acyordingly , when "all tt. i lie rnit were seated ' round al table,' Joan from the, hsy n jounced soh-fiinlr: Mother this W nuch an infernal litu,T. ty .we neeU not ay graCe."V tMnge. Read The Classified: Air I TIME TABLES .OUTHXEjr PACTTT3 rn EXfrcttv Senday. Vereatase ii -. .. and tagtJJt4s - - ' aTarthWuc - ' K". S4 Orer ealaa I . (No. imreron Erpre. . . !. rT- j.2S Wiluissetie Liau'ted I Z m K. la Portlaad Pasacagw "" Ns.tfcsM Bar rrr.v: No- 14 P.rtl.ad Erprei V"V' Trsi. Ko. 12 fThe uYli! T Ka. 59 OrceaaUa . .7777. ' i. .V. 1 3 California Eipres, . K. If Ros.be rg PaeaengW ' ' Trmln ' Kot 11 (Tae Sk.Vu)-' 4. Kd.TW,IUn.ettd Lim'T I " KVllSan Fraacisc. lZ. JJ -VS4VXXM-0EAX ttrx K. Tt Arrive at Salsaa . . a.T4Lc.v. Baleas ...r""" 141 Arrived at Salem I ll 164 Arrive, at S.Um .....I.",!.!;" lAirife. at S.lem I.. '. g 179 Arrive, at Salem "j ' OSZOOV XXECTXX9 ' aW.UVwad 'J tdard ' ' Arrfrt ' . - Pertlsnd . Ealem l-i, a ... i as maa - an . , . .... 9:05 pm 4:19 am st IS Ltd. 4:45 pi slsSpi : "p-teiVr If :30pm , HA3pmttn Karth Baak Statlea fleirV Snw trtet IS aad 90 ssiastes Utar), ' . - arttawmaw ' . Isgmtd a sm ' pr-1! .' , T :15 am ; n . 10 Ud. f0 9:4 umI ' 11:1! am . . i r 14 ....11:15am 1:11 pa 9 45 . 1 Ltd. l:iJ. d.Odm j i neiens t:?rn Tt, 92 ....5:25 m -Tisa ! Korth Baak Station (arrive street ta miaate aruer. 'Leata C vsiii d:io. 1 j '." " VertkheuA ; Leavs OsrralSs Arrtr Ea.'ca - 9 JO ana 9:43 am 9t40pm ''4:10pm . ;23pm Leav. Sal em 9 :33 am 10:15am - 13:54 pm 4:19 pm ' - aWOtHB - d :00 am - 9:Msi- tdsadtrad Arrfv Com: 9:53 pat ll:lSaa t :20p - 5:4lpn - . n-et rw SAXXX. FALLS CITT tr Wit, I 101 Indeed He less, sswter"... V.' K 163 Leave. EaUas . asotwr:..'; f j Tkrosgh ear to M.aaw7 "J I ' m of i SONGS , WoTildn't you enjoy havic; til - the rang, y0a love, songs of every description, . love onf, boss tongs, operatic ajid colleg crst, hymns and Sacred tongs, all til National and Patriotic .toc-ss Children 'a tonga, Folk Songi e.rJ Southern Melodies, jast the kiai of a collection of songs that .EV ERYBODY WANTS. Whetber J'ou uie thij book for tinging er .playing for your own personal en joyment, or whether you ni i in the family circle, it is abtolste ly the best book that money cas buy the ideal home song boo. There are 1,004 songs withia Uj covers everything good in oJ Und. The home vhich. has a copy of this book on its piano is a lost where good cheer will always per ' meate the atmosphere. ContAint 536 pages, bcaatifully boond-l NOW U your chance to take id Taatage of one of the BEST pre mium offers ever made-. We ttte now on hand a number of copies of this book of the most up-to-cUt and the largest collection, j Send WHIe The SenrUsi Ii Good our. tupply is limited. SPECIAL Get tis one new subscribe!: to the Daily Statesman, paid J one, year in advance, or three new sub scribers paid three months id ad vance, and we will present tyoa with this beautiful book absolute free, including postage. Statesman Publishing Companly SALEM, OREGON 0 - -:- i- ' ' ' - - " -; : . ':