THK ORF.fWN STATESMAN, SAIEXf, OBF.fiOM WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 16, 1921 1 W ftw.kl- XIL-a Holn pe1r,. Mi M nai lors IUUIUIIV.W . BY MOLLY BBUNK I ''l " " ' i f ' . - i. -t-HE mothers of the city will bo ygIy1 the Hrst Bteps of the "Rea-; VJL pleased to know that Salem in con System" or that ot phom-i.c5 to he favoreil with a kinder- reading used in the primary. Earten. MiHs Loraine Parsons an-j grades of our Salem schools. She; nounces the opening or a kinder-j will thus prepare the small child ! garten on February 28 at the Kp-jfor a more rapid advancement on ; worth halt ot the Methodist ) entering school. "Bradley's ltusy i . church. J Work" will also be perxued con- ' MIhh Parson has ;ot returned status of papr folding weaving. f tfrr.m nrhonl nenr San rFanrlsco. I ruling and pasting as well as the; HardiHR. Miss Helen Hantia, AIM Alice Ilol man and Dean France M. Richards. Sunday Mia Holman and IVan; Richards were hostesses, enter-; t .tin in-.; rcr the pleasure of Dr. and j Mrs. John II. Sites. Valentines will ho utilize! in decorating the table toniplit for the second faculty dinner at l.aii- saitane hall. The following will; W guests: Dr. and Mrs. Carl! Crejrs Doney. Ian and Mrs.; George 11. Alden. Prof, anil Mrs.; (Jnstav Khsen. Prof, and Mrs. j Charles I-. Sherman. Prof, and Mrs. J. T. Matthews and Prof, and : lesses to be. Mrs. Amos Isarer, Mr. W. K. Neptune, Mrs. li. i Deacon, Mrs. Harry Koss and Mia. I Nt-lli.' Adelhart. hating taken her training both there and at Walla Walla Wash. Bhe has had charge of as many as 150 little tots at one time. The course which Mlsa Parsons proposes using Is one which In- Salem School of Expression Lulu Rosamond Walton, Director 147 N. Commercial Phone 692 1484J Special Coarse In Tubllc Speaking EVENTUALLY You Will Buy tra I.'rljlfnn interesting litle sewing cards - TV more dinners will compete ! I u rr-ti i n tr urn! nutinnal nr.llL'S Wills . . , p"-"4 '.: t i the scries. Itv taught with music. ; . i " The mothers of little folks from! Mr? ,, n Fleming and Mrs. the ages of three to six may be re-j H xVeidm r are leaving for lievea n ine auernoon jrom - p. ; Portland lhi, m0rning. where they m. to 4:30 p. m., which sttch lit-. WVerl days as the tie folks are being hot n insiruciea . - ..niiin m Ward ! THE SUCTION SWEEPER Why not get the best at first WM GAHLSDORF, The Store of Housewares and entertained. The kindergar ten will be held every afternoon except Saturday. Children will be called for and returned to their homes. '' ' V Mrs. A. II. Marsh, wn'e of P rosentative Marsh of Douglas leountv and small daughter Mary 1 Elizabeth, are visiting friends in ! the city during the remainder or th session. iBoth Representative 1 and Mrs. Marsh are former Will ! amette university students and have many friends ,here among the alumni. Beginning a series of dinners in honor of the faculty of Willamette university; the girls of Lausanne hall entertained in their attrac tive new dining room Friday night., covers being laid for Mrs. Alice H. Dodd. Miss Lyda Fake. Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Findl. y n tertaineil the members of the Mar ion Lawrence Ilible class of the J First .Methodist rlnirrll Monday j "MistlanU" prunes furn ished the chief feature oT the ie- freshments, being served in var- J ious ways. About !." men and ; v.omen enj lyed the hospitality of j the evening. .jr. . Miss Honor Z-ll entertained a few of her friends at her home Saturday night. A luncheon was served carrying out a valentine motif. Those present were Louise Poujade. Iris Hrant. Lena Spauld ing. Kunice Robertson. De Ixdso Hill. Mary Hassler, Helen Yarnll. Klsie llaymoud. Vivian rtter and the hostess. ly, "that while' )ou may flatter yourself you bare a' remarkable memory and It is remarkable yet almost any Asiatic you ee could beat you all hollow on mem- J 1 ory feats, tr you t'liiy unuermoou ; in each other's language. He. of ; i course, couldn't have any Idea of j ' the meaning of the figures, but , he would have stored them away t dsDite his it-norance of even Salem Girl Dietitian I In Eastern Hospita Miss Crnevleve Potter of Sa lem, graduate of the school of home economics in 191-, Is head dietitian at Dr. Marvin Smith's sanitarium at Jacksonville, Fla.. the sounds of our language like I according to a letter received from so much cordwood. and when tie got a chance to deliver them to some person who could use them, there wouldn't have been a Bin gle stray figure missing." "I see." I said humbly. "But welfare cllnlos.'and as manager of catetirlas and tea rooms. Constant demand for exper ienced workers in snch line are being made on O. A. C. and other home economic departments schools over the country. O. A. has graduates In such work In i Kansas. Florida. New York. Ore i gon. California. Alaska. Montana and other states. the doughboys. "It rri going to be a'long time ( , fore you'll ever "Hand at Beautiful Hair Bow Ribbons Special This is an opportunity indeed. The girls are always in need of hairbow ribbons, they can never have too many. These ribbons are also suitable for fancy work. They come in plaids, stripes, moire and flowered de signs. , Mail orders. We pay the postage or express on all mail orders. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back Bowles. , I i II- . I. 1 .1 1 f TMi r ' CCS iliSS llirui II) riv'iuru ui Dalles is In the city, the guest of her sister Miss Myrtle Harden, who Is here during the legisla ture. Mrs. J. II. (larnjohst is enter taining her mother. Mrs. Charles ltiestad of Silverton, who arrived Sunday night and will remain through the week. Accompanvlng her was her little granddaughter. Ruth Jean Garnjohst who had been with her for several wopks. . Mrs. Ronald Glover and Mrs. Alpheus Gillette will he joint hos tesses tomorrow afternoon, enter taining the members of the Rap- heterian society, at the residence of the former. Miss May Moore and Miss Fran- Elliott have returned from Newberg where they spent the we-k-eiid. The Salem O. A. C. elnh will participate in an old-rashioned taffy-pull tomorrow night, the af fair taking the place of the regu lar monthly assembly why didn't you open the door and confront him? He ought to be gotten rid of at once don't you think?" "Indeed I don't." Lillian re torted. "I want to give him and Grace Draper, too. rope enough to hang them. If they'll only tangle themselves up In It." "That's the reason you kept me telling trradiddles all during the visit, is it?" I asked reproachful ly. "Of course." Lillian replied, unashamed. "I tell you. my dear. If we Just manage things ' right, we'll hag the biggest lot of ene my rples their master, the devil, ever let lnflfe. And to do that I'll move heaven and earth, and her. Misa Potter has had exten sive and valuable service In insti tutional work since her gradua In ll.o ni-.ttltlnn nf dietitian at the Presbyterian hospital of New j r"n" -ur a b"tlB J f I m i ovum. NOT I.N 3lr,Ii Some of the returned poldiers The Kaiser whool parent-teach- J I give yon fair warning I'm going to consider neither nerves, feelings nor personality until this thing Is over. I'm going to land Grace Draper and that Allls nut this trip, or throw up my hands and go to washing dishein some body's kitchen for a living!" To be continued) . I . ' - - A ; r - . - - ' I j 466 State Street . " Phone 877 j Arrived this morning l Chicago's Greatest Foot Doctor M l he. rnce Shoe Company Wednesday arid i Examination Free! ; Bring Your Foot Troubles To afi!l;ri; . Him Vtiieprice 1 WSKOL FmPmip . MRjatffloett . II ; PiBa0a fxMstiaaas The Modern Writer's section of the Salem Art league will meet in the Monroe Gilbert studio over the Bootery, tomorrow night. The various circles of the La dies' Aid society of the First Meth odist church will meet at the fol lowing places at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon: East Central. Mrs. E. T. Barnes. 325 North Capifal; West Central. Mrs. J. A. Patterson C7D North High: South East. E. J. Swtfford. 1500 Ferry; Lucy Anna Lee. Mrs. Benjamin Blatch ford. 1745 State: Yew Park. Mrs. Shade, 1168 Leslie. Miss Lena Belle Tartar returned the first of the week from Corval lis. where she was a week-end guefct cf her mother, Mrs. N, Tar tar. 'J The Sihalo corps of the Girl Re serves of the Washington school entertained with pretty Valentine tea Monday afternoon at the home of Miss Eva Scott, girls' work sec retary of the Y. W. C. A. Pre ceeding the program of enter tainment, a brief business meet ing was held, at which time plans were made for a tea to be given the girls mothers next Monday In the Y. W. C. A. Tooms. Those present Monday were Crystal Mills. Mary Cupper, Ro salie Bnren. Veryl Krentz. Flor ence Powers. Mildred Gilbert. Irene Greenbaum. Viola Meyer, Gladys White, Angela Sundin. Geneva Sundin, Helen Breiten stein, Margaret Millard, Marcla Fustman. Janet Plimpton. Leona Geer, Orma Mclntyre and Mildred Ssndberg. The members of the TIHIcum club enjoyed one of their monthly dancing parties in Moose hall last night. - Several motor loads of Salem folk went over to Silverton Mon day night to attend the dance which the Silverton's Woman's club sponsored for the benefit of the Silverton library. The arfalr was held in the armory, and was attended by a crowd that com pletely filled the big room. Miss Mariaret White was featured In two solo numbers. "The Fields" aHe. and a Spanish dance, both in costume. Among those attending fr-"m satem were: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph w-hlte Me. and Mrs. William J. Kaerth. Mr. and -Mrs. Fred'Dra eer Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McEl vain. Miss Mildred Stringham. Miss Margaret W hite. Veru and Glen Drager. Mrs. F. W. Selee will entertain the ladies of the south central circle of the First Methodist Epis copal church Wednesday after noon at 2:30 at her home, corner of Liberty road and Hanson ave nue. Following the business ses sion Mrs. Frank Myers will give a paper on "Oregon Wild Flowers and Birds." " The meeting of the Naomi cir cla -of the First Methodist church which was to meet this afternoon he residence of Mrs. R. V. Hollenberg, 292 North Twentieth ". hp- heen postponed until Friday afternoon. Miss Nina Kitts. clever young rtlo dancer, was featured in a Russian toe dance at the enter tainment which the Salem lodge of Elks gave in McMinnville Sat urday night. x ' . The Ladles Aid society of the Central Congregational chnrfih will give a tea in the church pat- er association held Its regular monthly meeting last Friday nlsht with a larf attendance recorded. The entertainment of the evening was put on by the pupils or Miss Pearl Eyre's room. AIout $-'." was realized from the sale of can dy, which will be used for athlet ic equipment Tor the play grounds. The school "boasts a six-piece or chestra, and selections by it with readings, featured the program. The ladies' Aid tociety of the Kaiser district is planning a Mar tha Washington tea. to be f,iven on the night of the 22nd. a pro gram of appropriate numbers to be given at the time. Thf Parent-teacher association plans to furnish an auditorium and playshed to be built next sum mer. V REVELATIONS OF A WIFE The Story oi a Honeymoon k Wonderfal Romance off Married Lire Wonderfully Told by ADELE GARRISON Orleans. This hospital' Is the largest In the country. Miss Potter t only one- of the graduates of home economics who Is Hlling positions as dietitians in hospitals, sanitariums, and child "Wen. Doyi aid the rancher, "do you like this work better than army life?" "In some ways. It's better and In some it ain't." spoke up one of 4 ri I II IHlllllltl Wl 0 kerose:p ill fed AVOID THE WASTE And the wear and tear caused b7 undigested food that exhausts your digestive organs, does not nourish your blood, and weakens instead of giving strength. Hood's sarsaparilla fs a splen did tonic for the blood, stomach, kidneys and liver. It creates an appetltie. perfects digestion and assimilation, secures 100 per cent nourishment from your food. More than thin, it purifies, vi tal, zes and enriches the blood, which is the life of the body, elim inates catarrh, .scrofula, rheuma tism, that tired feeling and other diseases, the poisons of diphthe ria, scarlet and typhoid fevers and influenza. . Take Hood's Pills for a rentle laxative (small dose) or an active cathartic (large dose.) Adv. CHAPTER 823 WHY LILLIAN MADG THE DECLARATION LIFE. MADE TO STRONGEST OF HER 1 v LADIES' NEW ORES of taffetas, canton crepes and silk combinations just received direct from the Eastern Fashion cen , ters $20.00 TO $37.50 rv iU mm Our Prices Always The Lowest GALE & COMPANY Court and Commercial Streets Ready xsrlion. you. want it- and more economical In the hall of Mrs. Durkee's house, for the last few weeks, "the house of mystery, there la a large closet diagonally .across from the library. Toward this Lillian moved swiftly, noiseless ly, while I, toiling after her. felt my breath coming unevenly in wonder as to the thing she meant to do. She paused at the door, bent her ear to the keyholebeing careful, however, not to obstruct the light and listened. Then she beckoned me to do likewise. As I did so. I distinctly heard the so""d of suonressed breathing. She gripped my arm. and ffc, r yp a hea.vv cloth reeking of floor oil, shut in the crack of the door. And then, indicating by a gesture that I was to hurry on. she inserted the key which she held into the lock and turned it. The following minute she was by my side hurrying toward the door and the next we were both .woon the side veranda, exchang ing careless, perfunctory noth ings with Dr. Pettit, It wasn't until we were en--t'rely within our own ground3 that I ventured a question. "Kato?" I asked. "Kato, of course," she an swered "And that doddering old idiot I beg your pardon. Madge, I really can't help my adjectives vrnt hear a word against him. I doubt If he would be convinced even at the sight or hli faithful one doubled up In the closot where he dodged when I opened the door." 'How did he ever get there' so quickly?" 1 asked. Lillian Knew the Oriental. "My dear child." Lillian replied, dldacticallv. "no cat in the world ever had it on an Asiatic when it comes to a quick and noiseless shift of position. But. fortunate ly, knowing the configuration of the hall and closet and a little about the Oriental mind, although no occidental ever sees more than a tiny comer of their mental workings. I figured that he would do exactly the stunt he did. As I opened the door I sent my eyes directly to the closet door, wast ing no time upon looking up and down the hall. And I was re warded by seeing the door close, with the oiled Tag hanging out of it. It was child's play to. turn the kev. take it out and be as sured that he wouldn't have the onnortnnlty to steal those fig ures." : "It was a wonderful thing to catch him that way and !ock him up." I said sincerely, "but how could he possibly maka head or t-U ou. or those figures?" Lillian looked at me commls eratiTjsiy. , "You're a nice child. Madge." ehe said ironically, "and you don't swear and you're kind to your poor old mother-in-law, and sometimes vou're most awfully clever and aealn you're the big gest dunce going " "Thanks awfully, for the pos ies." I retorted pertly, for Lil lian's persiflage neither n'fends nor grieves me. "hot I think vou'H have to elucidate a bit. I still don't see." Playing ForThe Biggest Stake. "Well. then. know. oh. Ignorant I one!" began Lillian bombastical- Your Qp.pprtuaity.tQ levest Safely I $1,000,000 8 Per Cent Five-Year Gold Notes Portland Railway, Light and Power Company Dated March 1, 1921 Due March 1, 1926 TITLE & TRUST COMPANY, PORTLAND, OREGON, TRUSTEE These Cold Notes are the direct obligation of this Company and they come ahead of the $10,000,000 of pre ferred and $15,000,000 of common stock, so that in reality the rights of the owners of these notes take prior ity over the rights of the actual owners of the Company property. v ' . The actual cost of the Company property over and above the entire debt is more than twenty times the total amount of this issue of Gold Notes. : ASK YOUR RANKER. We recommend these five-year Gold Notes as an unusually attractive local investment to yield 8 per cent, and suggest you consult your banker as to their safety, both as to principal and interest. STARILITY. I The Company conducts a most essential business. Because of the great variety and number of its con sumers, its operations are not subject to the violent fluctuations frequently experienced by other lines of industry and business. Electricity and transportation are necessary in good times and bad! Notes in Denominations of $100, $500 and $1000 POINTS TO REMEMBER The investment is safe. The interest rate is unusually high. It is a local investment that will help the community. The interest will be paid regularly and promptly every six months. lou may buy the notes for cash or on easy payments. LIST OF BANKS AND COMPANY OFFICES WHERE SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BE MADE Fortland. Orejon I". S: National Rank. I.add Tiiton Bank. Nortliwratrra National Bank. Kirtt National Bank Bank of K. Ilwood. Citizrna Ban IVuimala National Bank. Kirat National Bank of l.innton. Ililirml Com. and Ha. Bank. Title A Troat Co. Woodbnrn, Oragon. Bank of Woodburn. Salem. Ortfon I.add Boah Bank. Capital National Bank. HaUra Bank of Commerce. I". a National Bank, i Vancoavtr, Waahlnrton Vancouver National Bank. Waahinrton Kxrhance Bank, t". H. National Bank. Oretoa City. Orejoa Bank of Comnrrrt. Stfrvrtoa. Oregon Coolidte ft MrLaine. Monitor. Or(on Eatarada. Orr Monitor Stale Bank. Katacada Slate Bank. . C re all am, Oregon MX Angel. Orfe Bank of Ureaaana. Bank of ML An get CO MP AST OITICES Portland. Oregon Mrv-trir Itnildinc. Broadway at Aider: O. W. V. Pt alien. Iirat and .liner : St. John Office. 209 North Jere: Center ht. Of tire. K. l"tb ant Center; Hritvood Car Bart Office: Ankrnr Car Bin Wfie. SUth and Ankenri Pied mont Car Bant OffU-e. Klllinrworth and Michigan; Rer Car Barn Offwe. 24th and Haeter street. Halem. Oregon 21? North l.ib-rtr atreet. Vancouver. Washington Tenth and Mam atreeia. Oregon Cltr. Oregoo 619 Main a tree t. Come In and talk the matter over with our Securities Department or get the facts by clipping-and sending in the attached coupon. SECURITIES DEPARTMENT Portland Railway, Light and Power Company First Floor, Electric Rldg Portland, Or. Mar. 5100 DIVISION OFFICES Salem, Or.; Oregon City, Or.; Vancouver, Wash. INQUIRY COUPON ! - - 12 I Fortland KaOvav. Light and Power Co. PUanc aend me further information about roof o ote. Name 8lreet Tite Ptie S "J. v.