THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 16. 1921 SALEM BUSINESS GHA 11 CASH REWARD $10.00 EACH WEEK PRKES-1st,$5.00; 2d, $2.00; $3d, $1.50; 4tb, $1.00; 5th, 50c HOW TO COMPETE Study the advertisements and thej map of Salem's Business District on this page. Then mark accurately on the map where each of the following phones are located, by plac ing dots on the map and drawing a line from each dot to the advertisement where phone number is printed. THEN brirtg, or send, this page marked with your answer to The Statesman office on or before Saturday. AWARDS will be made for accuracy and neatness. If your sense of lo cation is highly developed, chances are that you will wtn. CONTEST OPEN TO ALI-YOUNG AND OLD Phone 1300 Phone 1S1 Phone 87 Phone 311 Phone 1659 Phone SO'J Phone 737 Phone 411 Phone 991 Phone 120 Phone 1126 Phone 15S8 LIBRARY U)ANS 7,60S books i;i 1 AUTO TOPS ATTHTfa TUT NCV.ilreV ubleSeal More Than One Third Pop ulation of City Are Patrons AUCTIONEERS ART GOODS BAKERY NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIAN wa-snw ctaic rat wit i ITheoe Piston Sings ere for sale it aO rint Class Aato Repair Shone. BULL'S Tnp g H O 111 X. Commercial St. raoaa SO MUSICAL INSTRUCTION AUCTION SALE and COMMISSION HOUSE W sell yoar Fornltnre, Implements, Stock Firm Product, or anything t Talus on straight commission basis. PUBLIC AUCTION i Each Saturday Phones 998 and 1177 Ceo. Satterlee, Auctloncer, B. G. Patterson, Sales Manager 854 South Liberty Bt. YOU ARE IN VITED To Visit oar storo and see ths many beautiful Art Pictures on display. PICTURE FRAMING ART SUPPLIES W. J. PORTER Phono 465 455 Court St. BAKE-R1TE BREAD Is made wiiu the very best floor, piiro lard and plenty of milk. By expert bakers in onr lint. well ectilated and scrupulously clean bake-snop. Bake-Rite Sanitary Bakery Phono 28 457 State St NATUROPATHY is THE Drugless WAY timet WELL. Naturo pathy teaches you how to keep well. It you are sick, consult a Naturopath. Do It Now. DR. A. SLAUGHTER NATUROPATH Phono 110 210 V. 8. Rational Sank Baildini MISS LUCILE BARTON Voice, Piano, Harmoay 147 K. Commercial St. Phono 1511 Residence Studio Phono 592. TRUCKS TRACTORS BREAD DENTISTRY HARNESS AND LEATHER NURSERY STOCK PIANOS The FAGF.Ot, TRACTOR fires snre traction with power and durability. The FAGEOL. Compound 7-speed TrsnamissioB Trucks give 36 per coot mora track speed and 91 per rent mora palling power than others. -FAQEOL TKUCK It TRACTOR CO. IBS 8. High St. ! ACETYLENE WELDING-MACHINE SHOP EAT QUALITY Therefore PEERLESS BREAD Baked by Electricity at 170 North Commercial St. Phono 217 DR. ALF SWENNES DENTIST 201-205 Gray Building OTf r Hartman Broa. Jewelry Store Phone 1500. Itonrs: 9 A.M.- P.M. PR RELLVniLITY Always Character Izcs Everything V Sell Harness. . 4 Gloves, Auto Robes. F. E. S H A P E R (Establiohed 1891) Phono 411 170 8. Commercial St STRICTLY High Grade Stock Superior Quality Reasonable Prices SALEM NURSERY CO. Phono 1763 42s Oregon Bid. BREAD DRUG STORE JEWELERS OFTOMETRIST-OPTICIAN ir-wO -'1 P'TT Pianos, Wt fPiaooe. Phoaoi fj VA J Pianos Rebmili a. m Phonographs, RebsilL Toned, Etc. 121 8. Commercial Phoao 1450. JeV.lALLr.lAIJ SALEM MACHINE AND WELDING CO. General Machine Work Wo Sneelsliae la Cylinder Grinding, Crank Shaft Turning. Welding. Tractoi Woifc Large Stock of QtLh PISTON KIN OS la all else a. No Job too largt or too wub 145 TIBET STREET TELEPHONE 493 DIXIE BREAD IS AS GOOD AS EVER -IT ALWATS WAS THE BEST. SALEM BAKING CO. Phono 954 4S9 Court Street WE WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN AND AGAIN So we maintain our store on a piano of serrico thst nowhere ele will J on find more CAREFT'LLY PRKPARPT) PRESCRIPTION'S. PROPRIETARY ARTICLES and SUNDRIES. BREWER DRUG CO. Phono 1S4. Court and Liberty Sta. LOVE The Jeweler It37 State Street Take Care of Your Eyes We Will Do It DRi ALBERT R. MILLER ' Optometrist-Optician 610-612 V. sJ Bank Bldg. Phono 341 j AUTOS AND TRUCKS Batteries, Garages, Electrical, Painting, Repairs, Retreading, Tires, j I Tops, Vulcanizing, Etc.! CHIROPRACTIC TIRES SilTertowna, Bmnowiek, Fink Stromberg Carborotor. Ignition Sup plies, GUI Piston Kings. ' "Ths Gang That Sever Sleeps' GREAT WESTERN GARAGE ' HIGH STREET OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE , CFXERAL AUTO REPAIRIXO. AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLIES, ACETYLKXE ; WELDIXO. i PHOXE 44 A. JUNK REAL ESTATE ARE YOU WELL? II not, here is health for the sufferer, aente or chronic DR. 0. L SCOTT Chiropractor P. 8. C. OrsdoaU Class 1911. On of the largest and W euiped Chiro practic Offices on the Pacific Coast. Honrs 10 to 12 AX. 8 to fM. Rooms 309-10-11-12 U. S. National Bank Bnilding. Phoao 7 DONT WASTE YOUR TIMK Us. We aiwsrs par the MARKET PRICE for sfmibinr of value. Looking for BARGAIN? Ateo aee as. CAPITAL JUNK & BARGAIN HOUSE 21S Center Street. Phone 399 TELEPHONE SIS W. H. GRABENH0RST & CO. Farms and Frnlt Lands i Satan Tracts sad IsTestsaenU 373 Stato Street. YINNERS The selection of the winners for last week's business chart problem r-as a difficult Uik. Ths Judges had a very large number of solutions to pass upon many of them rery accurately and neat ly done. As the awards were to be made (or neatness as well as accuracy the foil owing hare ben decided as the winning; solution: First Reward. . 15. Mrs. A. H, i.k e. JaauaT report of tha city librarian, read Monday night at the regular monthly board meet ing, showed material increase In the work of the library; 708 books were loaned out to patrons during the month, of which 2404 were children's books and 221 were circulated through the North Salem branch. These figures in dicate a growth in service of 30 per cent OTer the corresponding season of previous years. The total number of regular pa trons registered for the use of the library has reached CCCC. more than one-third of the population. The collection of books on the shelves for use numbers 15550 volumes. In a teat mnm Z538 books were actually out la me homes on- that particular day. or about 22 per cent of the t tf:cUon, ion. 7 hi per cent of the adult non-fiction. 17 per cent of the children's fiction book, lit ?.,Pr Cnl of children's non-flctlon. i-Tb.1Ibrary u lortusate In be 5.t . to "W'mwt IU col lection from other libraries. For' ?Ue,'.t wh!.ch lhe nbr can r.ifn,-v loan fs "kea tr ?t tJ'ti.'VV wWben th is not to be had there, and when the pstron wishes to bear the actual exoense of nonta-. Ia.. . . asked from the University of Ore ton library and from the Portland library. During this month 101 books and pamphlets were bor rowed from the state library. The report, of Miss Alice M. aldron. the school librarian, for .?JLionth of 'Masry Indicates significant Trogress in dereloclnz library work with the children nd students. Seven hundred nt ninety-two books were loaned Berg. 555 Marlon street. Salem. Second Reward. S2. Helen Rich ardson. 1972 N. Commercial street! from the hlch school iihr. tit Salem. I trom G'nt junior high school 79 Third Reward. 11.50. Robert! from Lincoln Innlor hf.k to war . - m . - as ... . s vis riaiTorsen. ittv souia lligu St.. I 'rora Washington. TLnr. t L C. JARMAN Rich Grade Workmanship . . . .. " -" ' IBS S. 12th Street In- DEGGE& BURRELL AXTTOMOBHX E1XCTBI CLASS 1 SSS . High Street ' ' Phono 209. ; a o a QtD CD CD CD SD r-yi L-J uuiuu ajUjyg WniT i i rinlnn trrnll SU UUIUU CAPITOL a a eg QUO UJ a 3T. At Toir Serviee Call tX. S. L. BATTBRT XXECT&ICAI. WOBXS Phone 1I0S 41S Conrt St Others Sato Tire Costa 'J WHY NOT YOTJ? Br - iavrstigatios onr Uodern Metboda of pro longing the life of Tires. Salem Tire A Vulcanizing Co. Phone 42S ! 15 Cosaaiercinl St, WINTCff I M II fTB 5T. - FIPTM I BROADWAY- OlB B Bf I ED HIHB a APS" I I WW I I fWl. 13 DD. lasvcajiTTl rOURTM Onr good work is the only cheap work. Do your geara stork! Try Gear life grease. ... AUTO REPAIR SHOP I K. Millar Basil Car Specialist. Anto Aeressoriea Phones! Dsy'SnOsKight 1363W. ili Center St East End of Bridge) V EXIDE SERVICE K.P. KAKTOX Phono 1107 171 S. Cocs'l St TT I V I t wni i CO KM CR UAL 1 t i r i t m -w a a l7t5iTY Si - nans eassnnnnsBBBaiaBsssssss m oHHycilc3- c3 o a -LIBERTY t , , 71 11 1 lid I I iPrPi i i i-ri B s m - sksaaaaBBBSBsaF - iri iTF-T i itrnfc CD IHIOI to r WATER Salem. Ore Fourth' Reward. $1.00. Ronald CraTen, 1529 A. street. Salem. Ore. . . . . Fifth Reward. 50c Connell Ward, 1487 Broadway. Oro. There were many other solu tions, praiseworthlly done, also some which were reasonably ac curate but lacked neatness. T these we say: better luck next time. Don't forget that neatness and cleYerness count as well as accuracy. Try again this week and next week and erery week -bat don't forget neatness. the books oat in the grade school are nerer comjftetely araJlable un til June. In figures this Is the best report from the school de partment in two rears anf .- Salem.) i reason to bellsre that the lig- rr are an indication of real progress. Darid Eyre, the newly-elected president of the board, presided orer the meeting. Other mem bers present were Mrs. J. W. Har bison, rice president; W. H. Burg hardf. Jr.. secretary and treasur er; Mrs. r. II. Spears. A. A. Lr. Dr. H. H. Olinger. and Dr. R-.D. Byrd. Attempt to Postpone . Farrell Bill Failure Senate bill 241. by Farrell. which would require all chlld caring Institutions to furnish re ports to the child welfare com mission on demand, goes to third reading. An attempt was made to postpone it by substitution of a minority adverse report yester day but this failed. Prune Week Is Observed ' On Campus At 0. A. C asaaasaaaBisBaBBBsasBSt Oregon Agricultural tollers t. gclng la strong for Prune week, according to Ara B. Milam, deaa I of the school of home economies. The regular food and cookery classes of O. A, c. will empbaaixe toe Taiue of p nines in the diet, and will demonstrate the proper coos rag ana me preparation of prune dishes. The college tea room where The. following senate bills were passed by the senate yester- I 35 to 50 persona art aerred dafly day: I by a group of home economic 329. Smith Relating to feeble-1 teachers. Is serving prunes la as minaea persons CARPENTER AND REPAIR DRUG STORE KODAK FINISHING AUTOS AND BUGGIES PAINTED and FINISHED W. J. ANIBAL rWse t0$ 1160 Mill Strret ' AUTO F. W. BUSS 233 Commercial Street (0r Marion1 Garage) Pone 362 IF IT IS WOOD We Slake and Repair It THE NOVELTY WORKS V. A. Boddy, Mgr. 23 Conrt Street. WM. NEIMEYER Fbarmadst Pkono 167 414 State Street Kodak Pintaaing Tinting Framing Copying Enlarging 54S State St.. Opposite Conrt Hon so Phone 1774 'see L A. HAYF0RD for Real f$tate and Ininrance 305 StaU SUooU Psoas 737 CHINESE MEDICINES FOOT SPECIALIST MACHINE SHOP SHOES PHILADELPHIA r.u.r.n.l T)C.CXEXZID Two Years ttoMt gnaranire of two years backed kjr erery Philadelphia aerie atatiun ia the U. S. This is yonr insnraace i u....t .n.n.hla service ana prwol of oar faith In our vroourv. " slo repsir sad rechsrr- aoy hsMere aied. WATHE QUATIJB 343 K. Com'l St- Salem Phene 413 3-IN-l AtTO REPAIRING AUTTO R. W. DAVIS Top Maker Painter Machinist 220 South liberty Street L M. HUM Care of ' YICK HO TOXG Chinese Medicine and Tea Co.. ha medirine whirh will enro aay know, disease. Open 8uadare from 10 am. until S p.m. Phono 283 153 Sonth High Street. Salem. Oregon CHAS. L TATft0f Foot Correctional SpeclaliNt Maker of Tatro'a Famous Feath weight Areh Snpporti f rom Inditidnsl Impressions. Keientifie Trestment lor all lorangements of the 1'eet. A Safe Place to . Leave an Ante ts CHERRY CITY , GARAGE (Coletu Bros.) When needing the services of first class mechanics, or storage, phone 4j9 170 Sonth 12th Street AUTO IGNITION, STARTING IJGIIING A. 0. SCHUMACHER Auto Electrical Expert Phone 203. S3S V. High Street CIDER AND VINEGAR Toa'n Like Onr Apple Cider and Vinegar Tor Their OOODSXSS and PTTETTT Commercial Cider Workf A. r. Besrdaley. Prop, phono 394 1010 Commercial St. 404 Masonic Bnilding Liberty Machine Shop E. M. BOriOHTUVOEB Manager and Machinist Ilrpairs on Aato. Marine and Thresh ins Kngtoea and all Farm Machinery a sperislty. , Work done en shortest notice at low en rates. 17S South Liberty Street. FULLERTON'S Home of LADIES' SHOES 41S State Street 114 Liberty Street I'hono 578 . FUNERAL DIRECTORS MEAT MARKET TAILOR PU NEB AXi DIBXCTOBB WEBB & CL0UGH CO. PnneraU fez Less Phone 120. Conrt St. at High MIDGET MARKET Oriciastora of IOW PEICE3. Not in the Combine. 351 State Street Phone 176 JOHN SUNDIN Tailor Pbone 282 i 347 BUte Street BAKE SHOP BOWLING ALLEY CLEANERS AND DYERS FUEL AND TRANSFER MEAT MARKET UNDERTAKER ; WE MAKE TO OBDEB - Cakes For Parties BETTER. YET . BBEAD HOME-MADE CANDIES ; MISTLAND BAKERY 1097 Chemsketa Street. Phone 611 FOR HEALTH" AND FUN Come to tlo CLUB BOWLING ALLEY 123 N. Commercial Street Pbone 1701 mm FPENCH ad dry m CLEABTNO PBESSISO SWISS TJYE WORKS Jack aayes 514 State St. Oppoite Coart Honso Phone 195 for Tromjit tall EMPEY TRANSFER Sc FUEL CO. 251 S. Liberty Phone 993 Night Phones C79J 1778J Cash Is King Moro Moat of Better Quality for Yoir Money. , Oar Coupon Books eae v en Your Meat Dill. PEOPLE'S MARKET Thone 3 155 Korth Liberty Street. -r- k r 4 our services ore require ore aaeertaVe to arrro with ponpt aa sysspsthetie digaily. , Terwilliger Funeral Home Eieonae4 Eashalasara r anaral Directors 258. Kills ProTidinr exoeajsei for Harney county jadge and herift. ' . 107. Dell increasing- salary of state rperintecdent of keboola from $3090 to 14000 a year. 157, Upton and-Representative Rurdirk and Orcrtnrf Relating to salaries of Klamath connty of ficials. 238. Umatilla conaty delega tion Providing mileage for connty jndge and ' commissioners of Umatilla connty. 236. Bell To provide for leas tag and parchase by board of re gents of certain property of Unl' Yer1y of Oregon. 109. Bell To increase the sal ary of the state corporation com missioner from $3000 to $3602 a year. 27. Thomas (by reqnestl Relating to rights of incorporated cities to appropriate land for the purpose of building parks and playaronnds. giving the tight to purchase land for. aviation fields and camo grounds. 2S1. Umatilla delegation To Increase salaries of Umatilla county officials. Referred to the people of the county 238. Umatilla delegation Pro viding mileage for countr Judre and commissioners of L matin county, at 10 rents a mile for au tomobile maintenance. 23. fnils Increasing the sal ary of the county Jndge and com MKlrners nd other officials In Grant county and decreasing clerk's salary. 23. Thomas tby request Relating to board of park com missioners. 14 4. Thomas, fby request) To cancel all claim acainst the sheriff and clerk of Jackson county on account of failure of Hank of Jacksonville many ways as the guests will ac cept. , The nutrition dinle. conducted la the public schools by the bo use- cold science department of O. A. C. is discussing better desserts trith the children and telling of me ways prunes can be made into deeserta. - - . , The food and meal Dlannlnr class for the women of Corrallla ill discuss recipes, as - well as food values of the prune in the preparation of meals. . The men's cookery class which meets one night each week wilt cook and eat prunes and talk of the diet value. President Bovard of the U. d. C. waa addressing a class of goang ladies, bis topic being "The seri ous side of life. Suddenly be turned on a nicely dressed girl and remarked: "I auppose you consid er the most serious, thing la life to be the observation of the man dates of fashion." "I've got one for every sight this week." replied the fair young thiag promptly. : 1 OLD RECIPE : TO DJIEII 111 i IT MHillT IIAVK BKKX THUK. Phone 721 770 Chemsketa Street BOTTLERS BUILDING, ETC. CREAMERY GROCERS MEATS VETERINARIAN Weil's Club ' I GINGER ALE "Makes Tea Clad You're Thirsty" (tee in Ssletn. P-M by All Leading 4 IValers. fhone 1428 TA BOTTLXVa W0KK8. "GoodlWood Work" . . . . t -' ' Bnileing Hei'Bite Cabinet Making Kurniiure Heparing Hrj rtin. Et. , Oenersl Jobbing POTTER BROS. 1175 Stale -SUtet ' SWKKT CKEAM MILK AM) IJUTTKK.MILK rhone 209 137 8. Commerciil St CAPITAL C1TT COOPEEAT1VE CREAMXBT Ton Aro Saro to Get BZUABIX OBOCEBIES, LEB0LD & CO. Tnr eotiBoel pafmnaffe and g4 will is r first -onMleretioe. Xew Castomers will find thia a coon place to trade. ThAfiea 49 and 610 1211 Cast Stale Street. ffTbolesele Retail XJy Tonr Mesla By Marhettnc at Edward's Market rrrah. Clesa. tt'holesoae Meats HIS Stat St. Phone irS DH A. R. ANDREWS Veterinarian rhone. 7 CLUB STABLES IJS.Soalh Liberty StieeS Calls answered at all honra. I Senator Tenrose Is an optimist, indeed. hU reputation in that re gard is so great that some friends of his tried him out one day. .Senator." said one. "I dream ed the other night that you were dead." "That so? Oh. weil. it misht have ln worse. "Hut I dreamed you went to hell." "NCell. it might have been worse- than that. declared the senator. . " "Jiow could It have worre?" "Jt might hare been true, torted I'enrose. b?en re Sage Tea and Kelpher : Tama iray. Faded Hair Iark mad Cjlonay Almost everyone knows ' that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compounded.' brings back the nat ural color and lustre to the hair whan faded atreakad or gray. Years ago the only way to get thia mliture was to make it home. which la mussy and troublesome. Nowadays we simply ask at any drug store for "Wyet&'s Sage and Sulphur Compound. Yoa will get a large bottle of this old-time recipe improved by the addition of other IngTcdfcnts, at very little cost. Kverybody uses this pr ep nration now. beeause no one can possibly tell that yoa darkened your hair, as It does it sr natur ally and evenly. Yoa dampen sponge of soft brush with and and draw this through your balr. tak ing one. small strand at a time: ty morn la 3 the gray hair disappear, and after another application or two. ynmr hair becomes beautiful ly dark, thick and !oesy and you look years younger, (adv.) i