The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 16, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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The Statesman Tecelves the lasad
wire report of the Associated
Press, the greatest and moit re
liable press association la . the
J Wednesday cloudy; moderate
easterly winds.
uArciiiKinrv I hlatf.d for
.tt(hi!:v general
Iamont Kjs n Trulli 11 Sloiles
Of Agreement to Wipe War
t iH-bt From Rook
Neither Irish Unity Nor.Self
! Government Can Be At
1 tained by Violence As It
I Is Practiced.
Hope of Eastern Europe Is
Economic Arrangement
I Is Belief
LONDOX. Feb. 15. The reas
sembling of parliament today with
all the ceremony and brilliance, of
pre-war days attracted thousands
of persons Who gathered- In the
streets early for a glimpse of the
pageant. : In the upper chamber
members of the commons and the
house of lords were1 crowded, to
gether with as many of the peers
and peeresses and other distin
guished personages as could crowd
Into the building.
Klhjc tmlemn Violence,
King George and Queen Mary
occupied the throne, while to the
right of the king was the Prince
of Wales. In his , message the
king touched on , some problems
with which the British empire is
faced unemployment, Ireland,
India and the Near East.
Chief among these, he put un
employment, whivn - ascribed as
' due to a world-wide restriction of
trade, but" the solution of which
did not lay entirely with parlia
ment. """" :
Violence in Ireland was strong
ly condemned by the king, who
declared 'neither Irish unity nor
Irish self-goTernment can be at
tained by this means."
Referring to the arrangements
for making effectiTe the govern
ment's Irish act. which he said
were well adTanced. the king ex
pressed the hope that the major!
tr of the Irish people would re
pudiate violence and co-operate
in a measure cbnferrlng self-government,'
leading to Irish unity
by constitutional means.
Unemployment I Problem
Unemployment, he character
ized as the -most pressing prob
lem." It could not be cured by
legislative means, tut the minis
ters were striving to revive trade
and prosperity and the govern
ment was ' endeavoring to assist
those ont of employment. tie
called for co-operation by labor
and capital, employers and em
ployes. In the debate in the house of
commons, former Premier Asnuith
. - tttrkl the government's Irish,
Mesopotamlan and financial poli
Premier Lloyd George contend
ed that the Irish rebellion was be
ing effectively dealt with. He al
bo announced that the much-discussed
report of Major General
Strickland- commander of. the
troops in Ireland, would not be
published, although he admitted
one company or discs, ana u.. j
had been dissolved because of the
part tlhey took In the burning-and
looUtfg of Cor!;. - '
: In the house of lords the Prince
of Vle .vV th nath. being
present for the first time as a
member. Lord Curzon. secretary
for foreign affairs, spoke on con
ditions in Europe, which he de
clared were brighter and more
hopeful than a year ago. With
reference to trade with Russia he
said: "Everyone believes that in
economic arrangements lies the
real chance of recovery for the
eastern parts of Europe and Rus
sia. Htrtcklaml Report Withheld.
The report of Major General
Strickland, commander of the
troops In Ireland covering, the in
quiry Into the Cork fire, will not
be published, the premier an
nounced la the house of com
mons tonight. The decision, he
added, had been taken in the in-
terpttf nf thA rf-tablishmet Of
law and order In Ireland.
Mr. Lloyd George explained
that there was enough In the re-
. Port to satisfy the government
that there had been acts in vior
. latlon of dlscioline. but it was
Impossible to Identify individuals
resDonsible. The sternest action
-had been taken, however; with
reference to the cmpany Involv
ed. Seven men suspected of vio
lating discipline had been dla
' ," missed. . the officer commanding
had been suspended and the com-
pany dissolved.
The Drtmler said the report
1 was not really a report by Gen
eral Strickland but simply dealt
with the occurrences to inform
the government. The premier's
etatement brought cries from the
labor benches that the civilian
evidence had not been called, but
Mr. Lloyd George declared it was
7ot true and added:
Citizens Flee to America.
. "Furthermore, certain civilians
of Cork from whom the govern
..ment is anxious to have evidence,
. nave fled to America."
, ( " The premier took the'floor to
defend the government In attacks
1 J ' , (Continued on page 6)
ST. AUGUSTINE. FlaJ Fob. 15.
President-elect Harding today
finally review his cabinet decis
ions with his campaign manager
and prospective postmaster gene
ral. Will H. Hays, and received
from a member of President Wil-
son's peace delegation assurances
that no agreenu-nt for! cancel la-
lion of the allied war d-lt was
made at Versailles.
The conference with Mr. Hayr
generally interpreted as conclu
sive evidence that the Republi
can national ..chairman is to be
come a member of the cabinet.
Is understood to have covered
every feature of thr cabinet sit
uation, as well as questions of
policy. The president-elect said
their talk omitted none of the
problems facing the next admin
istration. Details of what happened at
Versailles as to cancellation of
the ten billion dollar war debt
were given Mr. Harding by Thos.
W. Lamont. member of the Mor
gan banking firm and a fiscal
attache of the peace commission.
In a statement latr he denied
recent stories of a mysterious
agreement to wipe the war debt
cf f the books, .and said he had
assured the preKldent-elet his
administration would be "as free
I untrammeled as air," in
dealing with the question.
Mr. Lamont's statement at
tracted attention, because of his
intimate knowledge of the Ver
sailles negotiations and because
his firm is the principal fiscal
agent in this country for the
debtor powers. Mr. Harding is
understood to have discussed with
him his own proposal for convert
ing the debts Into negotiable pa
per. Mr. Lamont said he found I
the views of the president-elect
"sane and reassuring."
Tomorrow Mr. Harding will
continue his consultation with
Mr. Hays and expects also to see
Harry M. Daugherty, his pre
cenvention campaign manager,
who is understood to be slated
for attdrneyvg?neral.
Announcement was road-; that
the president-elect and Mrs. Har
ding would bold a reception to
morrow night to- other guests of
the fashionable hotel which is
their home here.
The statement of Mr. Lamont
who came at Mr. Harding's invi
tation, follows:
'I found that President-elect
Harding wished to ask me about
certain phases of the Internation
al financial situation which had
come under my observation dur
ing my attendance at the peace
conference at Paris in 1919.
found too that Senator Harding
has been giving serious thought
to the situation and ' I may say
that his view Is both sane and
reassuring. He began by dis
claiming any ability as a finan
cier, but I must say that many
of his suggestions were very prac
tical and showed the result of
careful, cool and friendly analysis.
"I was able to assure the president-elect
that there Is no truth
in the statement being repeated
that at the peace conference there
was some secret understanding
between President Wilson and his
advisors and the French and Brit
ish representatives.
"It Is only fair to say that from
start to finish President Alison
and his advisers opposed vigor
ously and finally any such sug
gestion of cancellation of the al
lied indebtedness to the Lnited
si: i:ktauv uoi.nv
Fail uit of Recognition Throw;
.jition Rack Into Russia
Under Soviet Control
or uei'ortation
I't-puifim-nt Will Hold to Adjudi
t nt ion That lender Wan Ad
mit ted us "KemiMin"
-ni-.w 1UKK. Feb. J... In a as1i1m;to., Feb. 15.
; communication addressed to Sec-1 Threatened bv the rien:.rtn,nt .f
. retary Colby the firm or McAdoo. i.,jM,r wi,w . . .
Cotton and Franklin, or which W. I if , ?V deportation,
FOUr Of the NinP RpmnininrU - MAdoo a member, today ! l,onald J. OCallaghan. lord mayor
ruur ui int. wine nemaimng . aske(l for recoj.nltlon of ,'h, lndfot cork, appealed today to the.
ChanQeS tO Tariff MeaS-! pe,ldinre of Lithuania. The serv-!sta,e department tor a channe ol
. . - 0(4, of Mr. McAdoo's firm, the! status from that of seaman"
UrC Are AQOpiea AllCr, communication showed, have been! to Political refugee and ror per
Trite Arguments.
retained by J. Vileisls. representa
tive of Lithuania at Washington.
Tho statement takes issue with
mission to remain indefinitely.
In-the position presented by his
attorneys. Judge Lawless and Mi-
More Than Twice as Much
Is. Planted as Last Year;
$55 Is Price to be Paid
For Pulled Product.
Berry Wmm Commit teil
After Attempt At
President Wilson's policy or non- j ehael Doyle, O'Callaghan protest
reeognition as set forth in notes against his deportation "at
to the Italian government last Au-; this time, to any place where he
PARKI IMP WITH WITiRHSt an" ,n ,ne no,e on Armenia might be exposed to capture or
OTHnrvUlliU lin Wll f&nt to Paul Hymans. president of j molestation by the forces of the
the league of nations assembly t British government." The attor
" i January 22. President Wilson's : neys were received by both Sec-
Rllflor nnrl CitKoti4ntAo .ft! P'Cy. as sei iortn m inese notes.; reiary oiuy anu tnuer ftecreiary
OUUtr UliLl OUuSUlUieS Are opposed disarmament of Russia 1 Davis and were assured no steps
without the consent of "old It us-1 would be taken until opportunity
sia. restored, free and united.'; bad been granted for the filing of
t said the McAdoo communication, ja brief in O'CallaKhan's behalf,
i 'The independent government Presentation- of the petition
! of Lithuania has been recognized ' brought out for the first time that
' de facto by the other great na-,the time allowed O'Callaghan to
tions." continued the letter. "The (depart had been extended by Sec-
United States has joined them In retary Wilson
Included With Sugar
In Tariff Rates
senate today adopted four of nine
remaining amendments to the
Fordney bill as recommenued by
its finance committee.
Senator McCumber. Republican.
Xorth Dakota, in charge of the
bill, said prospects were good for
a vote tomorrow. When it be
came apparent that final action
could not be had tonight. Mr. Mc
Cumber sought to conclude con-
: federation of all committee
amendments. This plan suffered
Among amendments accepted
was the substitute sugar sched
ule proposed by Senator Smoot.
Republican. Utab. The amend
ment would place the tarirf at one
cent ier pound In addition to the
present duty of the same amount.
Another amendment adopted
would provide rates on butter and
butter substitutes, eight cents per
pound; cheese and cheese substi
tute 23 per cent ad valorem.
fresh milk two cents per gallon
and cream five cents per gallon.
" Senator" Thomas. .Democrat.
Colorado, alone voted against the
Smoot sugar duty, while 67 were
recorded for It. In Joining with
supporters of the bill to put over
the sugar amendment. Democrat
ic opponents claimed to have won
a point, which, it was said, will
eventually cause trouble for the
measure's proponents. The near
unanimous votes, it was declared,
will force the senate conference
committee to hold out to the end
against house conferees. The
house refused three times to add
sugar to the commodities for
whch protection was afforded.
Trite arguments and acrimon
ious charges as, well as logic,
characterized the. debate. Sena
tor Williams, Democrat. Mississip
pi, held the attention of 70 sena
tors for more than an hour in an
attark on the tariff bill that
sparkled with wit and sarcasm.
The senator charged proponents
of the emergency tariff with seek
ing to legislate money out of the
pockets of the public Into the
pockets of those benefitted. He
declared the tariff provisions on
sugar were such as to make any
industry profitable, and added:
"I can raise bananas in New
York If you will give me a tarirf.
I'd sell them for a dollar a ba
nana. That would be profitable
ir the tariff was high enough."
As he waded deeper and deeper
Into the arguments against the
measure, he moved across the
aisle to where Senator Smoot sat.
Mr. Smoot finally gave way and
in the place from which the sen
ate many times has beard
preached the doctrines of high
tariff there was delivered an op
posing argument. It caused a
rar f laughter, but did not disturb
the speaker.
P. E. Thomason Believes In
1 dustry to be Suitable
For Institution
the recognition of Armenia. Po
land and Finland.
"Failure to recognize the im
portance of Lithuania has the ef
fect of throwing the Lithuanian
people back into Russia, for the
present at least, under soviet con
"This government has consis
tently held to the belief that the
soviet government most and will
be overthrown. Any efforts by
separate groups to throw off sov
iet rule should therefore be en
couraged. Lthuania has taken an
important step in this direction
and should "be given every en
couragement to maintain her ex-
It was learned today that the
explratlon of the time limit was
responsible for this last effort of
O'Callagban's counsel to stay his
In a conference last week
O'Callaghan's attorneys and Sec
retary Wilson, the mayor was
threatened with arrest and depor
tation by Secretary Wilson, ac
cording to Judge Lawless.
Although the state department
Is expected to givedue consider
ation to the brief to be filed by the
attorneys, officials have stated in
formally that the case was closed
so far as the department was con
cerned with the adjudication of
istlng democratic form of govern- O'Callaghan as "seaman" by the
Roosevelt Road Is Provided
For In Two Measures
To Come Up
ARE 10
Scholar, Pastor and Teach
er Laid to Rest With
Impressive Service
The bond bill to be formulated
for highway construction, and to
add to the amount In bond issues
already authorized by previous
sessions of the legislature, will be
Introduced In the senate today as
a committee measure, v provided
agreement of the members of the
roads and highways committee
can be reached, and of this there
Is apparently no doubt. The bill
probably will call for an addition
al authorization of 6. 500.000.
the remainder of the $9,000,000
available being represented by the
12,500.000 authorized by the peo
ple for the Roosevelt highway
contingent upon an equal appro
priation from the government.
Dr. Edwin Sherwood, scholar,
pastor and friend, was laid to rest
yesterday after a service of sol
emn and beautiful tributes at the
First Methodist church at 2:30
The magnanimity of the life of
the man whose passing was being
reverenced seemed to pervade the
entire 'atmosphere of the church
wherein was gathered friends and
co-workers to pay their last trib
ute to this masterly brother, Ed
win Sherwood. The large and
beautiful floral offerings seemed
to breathe the story of purity and
fidelity of this great life
An organ prelude was played by
Also two bills will be introduced I Lucile Ross after
to provide for the construction of
the Roosevelt highway, the bills
to supplant the bill recently re
considered by the senate and sent
back to committee. The two new
hilla were exDlained to the com-
! mittee yesterday at length by I. X.
Day. One of the measures is gen
Clackamas County Convic
tion Is Affirmed By
Supreme Court
Russell Brake will have to
serve a life sentence in the state
penitentiary with his accomplice,
George L. Moore, for the murder
or Harry Dubinsky. The supreme
eonrt. in an ODinion written by
Justice Harris affirms the judg
ment of conviction of the circuit
court of Clackamas county, car
rying a sentence of lire imprison
ment. Russell Brake was Jointly In
dicted with George tu Moore, the
latter plead guilty and Is now
serving time In the penitentiary.
Brake was tried by a Jury and
convicted of murder In the second
degree. It was contended on ap
peal to the supreme court that
the testimony of the accomplice.
Moore, who appeared as a,ftne?f
which a male
quartet composed of Murray
Keefer. E. Ranton, H. N. Aldrlcn
and Sidney Hall, sang "Xearer
My God to Thee." The comfort
chapter -was read by Rev. Thomas
Acheson, and the praise psalm
was read by Rev. William Uichol
as the favorite scripture passages
eral. permitting any part of a ! of Dr. Sherwood L The prayer was
High School Team Meets
Fast McMinviHe Five
Here Tonight
Rex (Adolph will begin the
game as center tonight when the
Salem high hoop artists meet the
McMinnville high quintet on the
armory floor. According to the
line-up given out by Coach Hen
dricks last night, Gosser is moved
to forward, replacing kvan Jones.
It Is not known how long this
combination will continue.
The Salem five bas not been
defeated this season and Is in ex
cellent shape for tonight's con
test. McMinnville has passed a
fairly successful season so far
and a fast fight Is predicted by
the Salem coach.
An added attraction of the
game tonight is the wrestling
matches which the Salem high
wrestling club Is to stage between
county, any single county or an, j
group of counties to form road
districts and vote bonds or levy
taxes for highway construction
purposes by vote of the people.
The district would be a municipal
corporation and not subject to the
constitutional limitations on bond
issues or tax levies. Relative to ine
Roosevelt highway the plan Is to
organize the coast counties into
a road district.
The other bill applies particu
larly to the Roosevelt highway
and would allow these counties,
formed into a municipality, to
match the $2,500,000 previously
authorized by the people, thereby
stepping into the shoes of the gov
ernment as far as matching the
money is concerned. There is a
sharp point of difference between
Mr. Day and Speaker Bean of the
house on the question, the latter
Indicating that he may object to
the plan for the reason that it
would place an undue burden of
taxation on the timber.
... va not sufficiently I halves
Corroborated', and that the refns- The lineup which will begin the
game Is: forwards, Gosser ana
Staley; center, Adolph; guards,
al of the trial court to compel the ;
district attorney lo nn.rr iu i
defendant a "confession made
by Moore, was reversible error.
In an exhaustive opinion written
bv "Justice Harris, the court holds
that there was sufficient evidence
to meet the legal Teqntrements In
connecting the defendant with the
M. Jones and Ashley.
DUSSELDORF, Germany, Feb.
15. r Thirteen persons were killed
hv the explosion of a fireworks
factory here yesterday. The bulld-
i ing was destroyed.
Thrilling Stories Are
Told of Mattewan Battle
offered by Rev. E. E. Gilbert. Rev.
H. X. Aldrlch sang the impressive
hymn. "Oh, Love That Will Xot
Let Me Go." - Rev. Blaine Kirk
patrick spoke briefly concerning
the life that had passed on as one
triumphant in life service.
President Carl Gregg Doney
characterized Dr. Sherwood as a
man of great faith, with great
conceDt for duty, and as an am
bassador of truth. Rev. D. N. I
Fields of Portland told of the
work of Dr. Sherwood in the class
room which revealed to those
present the marvelous ability of
this scholar. Dr. Wesley Ham
mond, for many years co-worker
with Dr. Sherwood in the Kimball
School of Theology paid high trib
ute to the man who had so faith
fully occupied the chair of Bibli
cal Interpretation. Dr. A. H. Hick
man, recently elected president of
Kimball, declared that the corona
tion day of this religious seer was
bis consecration day and he ex
pressed the belief that from the
influence of this departed life
great things were in store for
The funeral arrangements were
in charge of Rlgdon & Son. Inter
ment was In Jason Lee cemetery.
WILLIAMSON', W. Va..Thrill
ing slories of the Mattewan bat
tle, in which ten met death,
were recited today by witnesses in
the trial of 12 men indicted on
charres of killing A. C. Felts.
One of the witnesses. Joe Staf
ford, a clerk, said that the first
shot he heard was fired by Sid
Hatfield, chief of police at Mate
wan and a defendant. He added
that it appeared as if Hatfield
aimed at Felts and that a moment
after Hatfield fired, the shooting
became general. '
Stafford was excused temporar
ily when defense counsel brought
ou that the witness In a conver
sation with II. W. Houston, a do
tense aide, had Raid he did not
know who was responsible for tho
first shot.
Rooster Tears Cheek of
Child With Spurs and Beak
MARSHFIELD. Or.. Feb. 15.
A young daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert A. Olson of this city met
with a peculiar accident yester
day which will disHgure her rnr
The child was attacked by a
large rooster. With his spurs and
beak he tore the child's cheek so
badly that a number of stitches
had to be used by the doctor who
attended her to close the wound.
The girl was rescued from the
rooster's onslaught by her moth
er, who. hearing her cries, beat
the fowl off.
The farmers who have con-i
tracts' with the state of Oregon
for the growing of flax this year
need not have any fears that their
contracts will not be lived up to
on the- part of the state abso
lutely. There are now 26 of these far
mers, and they have contracted
to crow 741 acres of flax this
1 rear.
This is more than twlcs the
acreage contracted for by the
state last year. D. E. Thomason.
or the Turner neighborhood, who
has been making the contracts.
has driven over 800 miles this
season in this work, and he said
that he could easily have con
tracted ror 2000 acres of flax
with reliable farmers, and farm
ers who knew how to grow flax
in the right manner to produce
the best fiber.
The state is to pay this year
$55 a ton for pulled flax. $40
a ton for that cut with a binder,
and $25 for that cut with a mow
er. Mr. Thomason has been oblig
ed - to make small acreage con
tracts, the highest being 30 acres,
and there are only six of these;
though he bas been offered con
tracts from several farmers for
150 acres and upward.
He does not wish to make any
promises, but he hopes to be
able to Increase the acreage a
little yet to the full limit of the
amount of: available money for
handling the crop.
. Insures Operation in 1022.
These contracts Insure the op
eration" of the flax plant at the
penitentiary through the whole or
192Z. for there is flax straw now
unworked at the penitentiary
that Is at least two years old.
Mr. Thomason believes the op
eration of the penitentiary plant
will, le permanent: that it will
be found that no other Industry
is as suitable for the working of,
the forces at that institution: and
that this will result in the instal
lation of spinning machinery for
the making of seine twine and
sack twine. ,
He hlmeelf has bnen growing
flax ever since the flax plant at
the penitentiary has been in op
eration, and he believes that the
industry there has been success
ful, notwithstanding many mis
takes and many drawbacks on ac
count of dry seasons, etc.. etc.
i If Mr. Thomason Is correct in
t his idea that the industry at the
penitentiary is to be a perma
nent one. and with the spinning
of twines, it will surely prove of
great good to the farmers of this
section, to a coming great manu
facturing Industry, and to those
who! have been obliged to pay
profiteering prices for seine and
sack ' twines.
The following Is th- full list of
the farmers who have contracts
to grow flax this year, with the
address and acreage of each:
! Tbv Flat Contract.
F.l A. Riches. Turner. 10 acres.
Ed Bartoz. Turner. 10 acres.
Owen V. Thomason. Turner. 5
H. M. Hewett. Turner. 35 acres
R. O. Wltzel. Turner. ; acres.
P.: Peterson. Turner. 15 acres.
C.JE. Eyre. Turner. 15 acres.
H.; Helmer. Turner. 15 acres.
J.IX. Pesterfleld. Turner. 10
C, 'A. Bar. Turner. 10 acres.
Thomas Little, Turner, 10
D. A. Estbnrn. Aumsllle. 5
acres. .
Carl Duncan. Turner. R acre.
B.J F. Doughty, Aumsville, 10
acres. ,
Andrew Wonder. Aumsville. 5
F,j Lathroph. Aumsville, 50
K.;F. Wallace. Aumsvilk?.
John Dozler. Stayton. 15 acres.
I!.! R. Crawford. Salem, 50
Ai j E. Bradley, Aumsville, 60
P. I E. ThomaFon. Turner, 50
J. jF. Hutchason. Salem. 35
Porter Bros.. Aumsville, 50
Gerald Bradley, Aumsville. 25
W' J. Henehara. Turner, 50
Charles Denehera, Turner, 25
At a late hour last night no
teports had been secured of the
whereabouts of Hubert Berry who
escaped Monday night from the
stat hospital for the Insane to
which he was commuted about
two months ago from Portland
alter he had beaten up a Portland
pawn broker in a robbery at
Berry was working in one of
the wards when he made his get
away. Officials here bcli-ve he
may be on his way to Califor
nia. They expressed the belief at
first that he had escaped in order
to elope with a Portland girl, bat
the theory was shattered when
the girl was located in Portland.
Berry hat given the hospital
authorities no trouble, they said,
and bad progressed under treat
ment to the point where be had
Leen made something of a trusty.
According to reports. Berry
visited his home In Portland and
took rfome of his clothing with
out showing himself to his moth
er, Mrs. J. H. Mackenzie. Ford
ham apartments, or any other
members of the family.
Berry was arrested and event
ually, committed to the asylum
after he bad knocked down H.
H. Vines, a pawnbroker, with a
bottl- as Vines stooped to pick
up a suit case which Berry had
asked to examine. The attack
occurred December 6.
A chase through the downtown
rtreets followed. While In Jail,
Berry dev-loped an aspect of in
sanity, telling many wild stories
of participation In notorious crim
inal coups.
He was one of the few genu
ine master-minds, he said.
Berry was adjudged;. Insane,
but should his escape demon
strate that his ravings were .a
part of a well-laid plan. It Is
held probable here that he will
be returned to Portland for trial
Under the' ordinary course of
events he would face the charges
against him on recovery.
American Legion Indorses
Legislation Against Orien-'
tals; Hot Debate Precedes
Final Vote.
Enactment Is Slap in Face
Of President-Elect
Says Kay
Vote Shows Measures Were
Considered on Single
Basis 1
Some sensation was created In
lh3 rtate senate yesterday when
there came on for final passage
two of the salary Increase bills
fostered by the special committee
on county and . state salaries.
These were the bills Increasing
the salary of the state school su
perintendent from '$3000 to $4.-
000 a year, and the measure In
creasing the salary of the state
corporation commissioner from
$3000 to $3600 a year. Both
passed the senate, having been In
troduced In the upper house.
Senator Strayer, after a vigor
ous protest against the bills.
changed his vote to the afflrma
live, apparently with a view to
moving for reconsideration.
Strayer said .be was not dis
posed to fight the bills but want
ed all the state salary Increase
bills to come in together.
"My attitude." said Strayer.
will be determined largely by
whether we have an avalanche
of these bills."
On both bills Strayer moved
that they be tabled, bu: was voted
Senator La Follett opposed the
bills vigorously.
Th vote on the two measures
showed that the senators in the
main considered the measures on
an individual basis and not as
general principle, some votin
against one measure and for the
On the bill to Increase the state
school superintendent's salary
the vote was:
For Banks, Bell. Dennis. Eb
erhard. Eddy. Edwards. Ellis.
Gill. Hare. Hume. Hall. Jones.
Joseph. Moser. Xickelsen. Xor-
blad. Patterson. Porter. Robert
son. Ryan. Smith. Staples. Vinton
and Ritner.
Against Farrell. Lachxnund.
La Follett. Strayer, Thomas.
Absent Upton.
On the corporation commission
er salary Increase bill the vote
For Banks. Bell. Dennis. Eb
crhard. Eddy. Edwards. Ellis.
Hall. Hare. Hume. Joseph. Lach
mund, Moser. Xlcholsen. Xorblad.
Robertson. Ryan. Staples. Thom
as, Upton. Vinton. Ritner.
Against Farrell. La Follett.
Patterson, Smith. Strayer.
Absent Gill. Jones. Porter.
j (Continued on page S.)
MARIOX. Ind.. Feb. IS. Mor
rison Marshall, adopted son of
Vice President and Mrs. Marshall.
was bnrled In the. family mauso
leum here today. The little boy
died several months ago following
a brief illness. The vlce-presl
dent and his party arrived arly
in the afternoon with the body.
The house yesterday passed a
stringent anti-Japanese land hold-;
ing law. based on the California
antl-allen law, by a vote of 34 to
25, with one member absent.
The bill was Introduced over the
signatures of the American Legion -delegation
of the house and was:
Indorsed by the state executive
committee of the legion.
It Is predicted the measure will
be defeated la the senate.
Spurred on by eloquent appeals,
based very largely on patriotism
and the threat of Japanese domi
nation within a few year unless
restrictive measures are taken by
the state.. and on the other hand,'
facing the challenge that enact
ment of the legislation would se
riously embarass the United States
government and particularly the
state department in a program' to
which President-elect Harding has
already agreed, some of the mem
bers were utterly at aea on the
question when the debate ended.
Telegrams from United States
Senator-MeXary voicing the ex
pression of United States Senator
Lodge, chairman of the committee
on foreign affairs. In which Lodre
urged that the state defer action.
pending action by the government
satisfactory to the Western peo
ple. were read bytnembers op- f
posed to the passage of the bill at
this time. t
Tn launchlnr Bl argument In
support of the measure aa drafted.
Representative Leonard dwelt up
on the constitutional questions in
volved, and claimed that there wai
no question of the constitutionali
ty of this act.
"Senator Lachmund. whose tele-.
gram from United States Senator
McXary has been placed on your,
desks." shouted Leonard, "has un
wittingly and unknowingly become
a Japanese propagandist.
A letter from Arthur Callan. of
the Portland Chamber of Com
merce. In which reference was
made to possible service that the
chamber might be to. Leonard In
return for service from Leonard,
waa characterized as "libelous" by
Leonard, who recounted a conver
sation In the state house several
days ago with Callan. In which
Leonard claimed Callan bad aired
him to "lie down" on the Japanese
question in return for the support
of the Chamber of Commerce and
the soldiers' bonus bill. '
The experiences of California
and Mexico with the . Japanese
problem were detailed by Leonard
in urging the passage, of the bin.
In conclusion he reminded the
members that not only the eye?
of their constituents, but the eyes
of the entire world were focused
on Oregon today to see what move
this state will make.
Opposition to the passage of the
bill waa confined almost entirely
to the position that Oregon should
not. in the face of practically of
ficial state -department advices,
take a step that would embarass
the government In a new program
soon to be put into operation. .
tThe enactment of this meas
ure." said Representative Kay.'
who emphatically stated that he
considered himself at patriotic as
any member of the house, "can be
considered nothing less than a slap
la the face of the United States
senator from Oregon. Senator;
Lodge and even President-elect
Harding, who has taken a stand on
this question. f
The position taken by Kay was
supported by Gordon of Multno
mah, Belknap, of Benton and Rob-'
erts of Hood River and Wasco. I
Representative Burdick pror'
posed that the bill should be sub-'
mftted to the people and a certain'
date fixed upon which it should
become elective. Provided that
the government had taken positive
action by that time, the act would
not become elective, under Bur-
dick's suggestion. i
Representative Davey of Marion
county, who made a state-wide In
vestigation of the Japanese situ-!
ation In Oregon, argued that he
was fully cognizant of the evils of ,
the situation as It exists here.
"I know more than that. said
Davey. in urging that the bill be
defeated. "I know that this Is not
a collection of federated states,'
but the United States of America,
and to that nation this state and
every other state mut apply for
help If we Incur foreign disfavor."
Represenative Carter of Jackson
applauded the action of the Call
fornlans in passing stringent antl-
(Continued on pace S.)
(Continued; on' page 2.)