The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 15, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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    ' 1
Activities of P.R.L and P.
Co. For 1920 Are
Given in Report
THe Portland Railway, Light
and Power company In 1920 pur
chased $1,345,885.00 worth of ma
terials and supplies in Oregon. , It
paid out In wages and salaries
during last year a total of $4,494
919.47, and it paid In taxes and
bridge tolls during the same pe
riod a total of $798,453.35.
, These are. some of the Impor
tant facts relating to the impor
tance of the activities of .this pub
lic service corporation in connec
tion with Its present issue or $1.
000.00, 8 per cent five-year Gold
notes which It la now offering
t to its employes, customers and the
public. The company is frankly
desirous of having as many of its
employes and those who are using
its service financially interested In
it as possible for the reason that
it will thereby enable the com
pany, to extend and Improve its
service 'to meet ihe urgent and
growing needs of the many com
munities served by it. The fol
lowing are some of the additional
impressive facts 'about what this
Company is doing to help the pros
perity of the district It serves:
C Barton Dardall
247 North Com'l St,
Special Prices
for Tuesday
43c Silver King: Coffee,
29c lb, 4 lbs.....$i.OO
10c and 15c toilet Soap
Special, 3 for......24c
40c Mixed Cookies, per
pound ; .29c
75c 2Vz lbs. Calumet
Baking Powder.. .62c
20c Llbby Fork and
Beans, 2 for 23c
30c good Quality Salm
on, '5 can3..i..J5c
100 lbs. Potatocs....75c
35c Albers Flap Jack
Flour. . i..28c
75c Broom, each.44c
Karo Sjnip, 10 pounds
each L.69c
Tomatoes, 5 'cans J..48c
Sugar Peas, 5 cans 55c
. : 'It'
C. Burton Dardall
!"'. ..
Three Busy Stores
Salem Silverton
It serves a territory of over 800
square miles. '
It renders a useful public serv
ice to a population of over 330,
000 embracing nearly 40 different
It has 9 1 large hydro-electric
and steam power, plants.
It has 18 sub-stations.
It has 403 miles of high tension
transmission lines.
It has 6363 miles of distribution
It has 32 city street car lines:
It has 4 interurban lines and
controls another.
It has 2743 employes on its payroll.
It paid out in wages and sal-
aries during tne year izu a total
Of $4,494,919.47.
i it pam in taxes ana image ions
ilast vear a. total of S798.453.3S. ?T
f T
Its purchases of materials and
supplies in Oregon last year to-;
taled $1,345,883.00.
Its gross earnings for 1920 were
It gives continuous car ride of
19 miles for a single fare.
It owns and operates 186.63
miles of city car lines.
It pwns and operates 109.45
miles of interurban car lines.
It operates, but does not own,
11 miles df city lines.
It controls an additional 35
miles of Interurban lines.
It has S43 city passenger cars
and 65 Interurban passenger cars.
It owns 9 electric locomotives.
" It owns 321 freight cars.
In 1920 is carried 96,852,120
passengers on its city lines and 3.
851.723 on its interurban lines, a
total of 100.703,843 passengers.
The capacity of its 9 power
plants is 114,783 horsepower.
In 1920 it sold 167.374.143 hil-
owatt hoars of electric energy.
It had 53,285 light and power
customers December 31, 1920.
The purpose of this Issue of
Gold Notes is explained in the following:
i j nccp iKtce wiia ine raujaiy i
expanding requirements or tne
district served by the Company,
this Company has steadily in
creased its invested capital to pro
vide the facilities with which it
is rendering public service. In the
past these additional investments
of capital have come from outside
the Portland district. It is the
purpose of the company to con
tinue to give good service and to
expand Its facilities to meet the
increasing demands upon it. To
accomplish this large additional
sums of capital must be procured.
Investment in these notes by the
people of the districts served
wonld be mutually advantageous.
In that the funds ; so invested
inHEffF SHE IS. FooRYerM
."t, itMNis court ON,r-;
't'T jonu. for.
OfiLV TrfG
i r-wi . I V!
t i I v laax ml m- ' v.-- M mmm
IHTtftNATtOW L CAKTOOW -Q. W. 'T ' ' 1 ' U (tf HT ($1 3 1
operations directly affect, benefit
and serve nearly ont-half of the
population of the state. Its suc
cess depends 'upon the character
of its service and the confidence
reposed in it by the people It
serves. To possess and to merit
that confidence is and should be
the aim of every man and woman
employed in publie service. There
in lies not only the satisfaction of
properly discharging our duties to
the public, but also the certainty
that if the public is satisfied it is
willing to pay this great laborer
an adequate wage.
' "There is always a demand for
the service to be rendered. That
demand is constantly increasing.
Our growth and the growth of
the communities served by us go
hand in hand. We must at least
keep pace with he demands for
our service, and?" if possible, our
facilities should alwnm hn. enmo-'
would be expended at home and what in excess of the immediate
for hydro-electric power commis
sioner and prescribe, his duties.
S. B. 341, Josepwh Relating
to issuance of stock by private
i mm
mm is lost
Moser Unsuccessful in
tempt to Revive
I Tenure Bill
aid In the further development of
this territory, and would also pro
vide an attractive, sound invest
ment. The company. frankly wish
es to have financially Interested
in it as many as possible of those
senred by it. The expenditures
for betterments and additions to
the property of the company dur
ing 1921 will exceed the total
amount of the note issue now of
fered. .
- The company conducts a most
essential business and by reason
of diversity of the demands for its
service, its operations are not sub
ject to the violent fluctuations fre
quently experienced in the conduct
of business with a less diversity of
use. The publie .generally through
out the nation now recognize the
essential nature of the business
conducted by public utilities and
the principles of regulation now
in force are Intended to assure the
public of adequate service at rea
sonable rates and to protect hon
est investment competently man
aged. Regulating authorities con
Cede that the best interests of all
the people are thus terved.
Supplementing this statement
President Franklin T. Griffith
adds the following in a letter Just
issued: ;
The laborer Is worthy of his
hire. This corporation Is the most
important laborer in Oregon. Its
requirements. This means that
additional investment must be
made steadily and continuously.
"Our operations provide steady
employment. They are not sub
ject to the violent changes fre
quently experienced in other In
dustries, t .
"We have passed through a crit
ical period. The costs of opera
tion have enormously increased In
the last few years and relief .was
alow in coming, but I think we
may now confidently say that
there is a wide-spread recognition
of the right of such corporations
as ours to receive from the users
of their service an amount equiv
alent to the cost of that service,
and today there is also public rec
ognition of the principles that in
vestment honestly made and com
petently administered is entitled
to a fair return. We may look
forward, therefore, with confi
dence that we will receive fair
treatment as long as we deserve It.
Money to finance this company
has heretofore been sought princi
pally outside the state of Oregon.
it is believed that It wonld be mu
tually advantageous if we, who ar,e
employes of the corporation, and
also the people directly served by
the corporation, should be finan
cially interested In It. With that
purpose, the corporation is now of
fering to its employes, its patrons
and the publie generally $1,000,-
000 of 5-year Gold Notes bearing
a per cent interest. The new in
vestment for additional facilities
to be made during the year 1921
will materially exceed the amount
of the note Issue now offered."
You Can Be
Lyko brings the happiness
which has its source in good health.
Happiness and health make any
woman contented and tend to make
her more attractive more mag
netic in her personality. Lyko
throort t actfr ftcenta cImuim tb wr-
m4 tone Um body and health masa
tmvtj and vivacity.
The orcst Centra! Tonic
Lyk kt woman
lookmr yvuBar by ketc
th bodily fuactroni ia DOT
mat condition. It is groat
tud ia rrBKmum wnw mat
tmt and too n th ditraat
Ivaonrana. Namnuaud
look or foal old baroed fcer
yeara when laxauratooic
like Lyko ran ba pvr
cbased that will balp her to
tataia pert act neaJth.
Lyk i a cosab
atioa of laxatiya aod
tonie druca of taeoa;
izad tbrnpautirTaliM.
Tb formula ia tba ta.
eult of a;rat tnaay
cpanaMBt by th best
cba-alata, Ko remedy i
bttr aona aaar
ftaetivo a a anild
taxativa tone.
Atk Your Druggist
tyk la antd anly ia lha nrtvowl avrtar.
It t bvtM la oar on UhorMra mirr
taa mt hvrwni cnndiuara awl an anly Hr
a taal aa t n rmli t r wwaMuaiaa. Cat a bat
Ualaaayl Yaar arcsut aUa it.
5a Afaaafocfaraf
WawYarh t KaaoaaCity
it 4
Silverton W. R. C. Observes
Birthday of Lincoln
SILVERTON. Or.. Feb. 13.
hi-.iai to 'the statesman) The
W. R. C. held a patriotic program
at the Palace theater Saturday
afternoon. The members of the
Woman's Social Service club were
invited to meet with the Woman's
Relief corps. The W. S. S. C.
beld no regular meeting Saturday
The program given at the Pal
acetheater consisted of the fol
lowing: Invocation. Rer. Denett; group
songs, public school: reading,
Grace Linn; sailor song, Chester
and Robert Smith; recitation.
Ethel Ives; adies' vocal trio. Mrs.
S. Richardson, Mrs. Joe Welsh
and Mrs. Gordon McCall; address.
Rev. Keogg; recitation. Roger
Comstock: solo. Katheryn Booth;
benediction. Rev. George Hen-
"I was affected with pains all
over my back and kidneys,
writes Charles McAllister. 1 Clark
Ave.. Kearney, N. J., "After three
or four dozes of Foley Kidney
Pills I became all right and my
pain is all gone." Foley Kidney
Pilia relieve backache, urinary ir
regularities, rheumatic pains, stiff
joints, swollen muscles and other
symptoms of kidney trouble. It
s a splendid medicine, prompt in
action, and always helps. Con
tains no habit forming drugs.
Sold everywhere, (adv.)
t h
i -
Work Started by Seattle
Man To Be Extended
To Salem
List of Silverton City
Jurors For 1921 Drawn
(Special to The Statesman) The
list of city jurors for 1921 has
been drawn and their names an
nounced. The names drawn were,
I. K. Mount. J. S. Starr. H. F.
Tun'. M. M. Stinie. A. F. Simeral.
A. G. Anderson. Chris Quail. M.
J. Madaen, R. D. Ames, W. S. Fry.
Sam Larenzon. Fred Cavendar,
Oscar Dentaon. Carl Moser, Earl
Adams, J. T. Hoblitt. C. A. Har
wood, James G. Smith. J. W.
Hyatt. Charles Moore, J. II. Por
ter, Floyd Allen, Ed. R. Adams,
T. W. Riches. D. McCleary C. A.
Reynolds, J. D. Drake, J; B. Beck
er, E. E. Taylor. D. E. GHser, G.
A. Bock, A. Eastman, Lon J.
Wolfard. J. F. Fishwood. J. S.
Stalker, Julius Alen.
The following bills were Intro
duced in the senate yesterday:
S. B. $38. Eddy Providing for
and regulating' issuance by pri
vate corporations of 6hares of
Capital stock with nominal or par
S. B. 339. Edwards Authoriz
ing Tillamook county court to
compensate district attorney.
S. B. 340. Dennis To provide
A tie vote was the best Sena
tor Moser could do yesterday
when he attempted to have re
considered the Staples teacher
tenure bill which was defeated in
the senate Saturday, and for want
of a majority his 'motion to re
consider failed. He announced
that if. the vote to reconsider
were successful he , would hare
the vote tabled temporarily.'
In speaking on the measure
again Moser vigorously assailed
those who opposed the bill;! par
ticularly the Multnomah delega
tion. Of the latter he said, all
were for the bill except those who
wished to curry favor with the
teachers with reference to politi
cal asperations. Also he lambast
ed the senators oatside of Mult
nomah county to whose counties
the present tenure law does not
apply. Of W. F. Woodward of
the present school board. Senator
Moser declared that his support
of the present tenure law was in
accord with a promise made the
teachers before the election, at
which he was made a member of
the board, but that h$ did not
tell anyone else of his position at
that time. '
Turning upon Senator Gill of
the Multnomah delegation, Moser
accused him of having promised
to vote for the Staples bill aud
of having flopped fi?e times. -
Senator Gill and Jones replied
elaboratelv to Moser h remarks.
Senator Vinton, explaining his
negative bote, attacked the whole
Multnomah delegation, asserting
that each faction was trying to
f ram a . political advantage over
the other.
The vote on reconsideration
For Banks, Bell. Eberhard.
Edwards, Ellis. Farrell. Hall. Mo
ser, Norblad, Patterson. Robert
son, Smith, Staples. Upton and
Against Dennis. Eddy. Gill.
Hare. Hume, Jones. Joseph. Lacb-
mund. La Follett, Niekelsen. Por
ter, Uyan, Straycr, Thomas anV
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is cer
tainly obsessed by spiritual phe
nomena. He now says that cer
tain photographs asserted by be
lievers in spiritualism to be fair
ies are such, while ethers who
are not apostles' of the cult de
clare they are nothing but ballet
dancers dolled up to fool Sir Ar
thur. It seems queer that a mind
capable of creating 8 her lock
Holmes, that' keen analysis of
human motives and actions,
should be. in harmony ( with such
a palpable trick.
fVXr sale by all druggists. Al
ways la stock at Terry's Drue
And An All
Star Cast
Drama :'
Laughter -
First National
Where The Big
Pictures Show
Tain Away With Small
Trial Dottle of Old
St. Jacob OIL-
Rheumatism is "pain" only. Not
one case in fifty requires internal
treatment. Stop drugging. Rub
soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs
Oil" right Into your sore, etiff.
acning joints and muscles, and re
lief comes Instantly. "St. Jacobs
Oil" is a harmless rheumatism
cure which never disappoints and
cannot burn the skin.
Limber up! Quit complaining!
Get a small trial bottle of old. hon
est "St. Jacobs Oil" at any drug
store, and in lust a moment you'll
be free from rheumatic pain, sore
ness, stiffness and swelling. Don't
suffer! Relief awaits you. "St
Jacobs Oil" has cured millions of
rheumatism sufferers in the last
half century, and is just as good
ior sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago,
backache, sprains, (adv.)
Conforming to the advancement
made in boy's work in the westj
t ia ouite nrobable that before
the week Is over Salem will be
well alonr in the movement of
eptablishinr a Whitney toy's
rhorua for the emmittee in charge
has called the business men of
the city together at a meeting to
be; held in connection with a
luncheon in the Hotel Marion at
noon today. At this an ex
ecutive board will be appointed
and Dlans for work outlined.
The leader of the movement.
H.iE. K. Whitney of Seattle, was
ini thp city last week, speaking
before the men of the Rotary club
concerning the forthcoming effort
to .establish a chorus here.
The Whitney chorus is no new
thfngj but was established quite
a number of years ago. meeting
with the immediate endorsement
of . the pulpit, press and the pub
lic: generally. President Wood-
row Wilson, upon learning of it.
wrote to Mr. Whitney:
;4My attention has been called
to the interesting work you have
been v doing in organizing the
Whitney Boy Singers, and I want
to i give myself the pleasure of
expressing my interest in the
work and send yon my best wish
es fori its entire success."
Boys from 9 to 27 years of ars
are Included, all singing in one
chorus forming an orchestra. It
is the opinion of those vitally in
terested In the movement locally
that an organization of 500 can
be perfected in Salem. The work
does not In any way conflict with
that of the Y. M. C. A. nor Boy
The work is supported entirely
by offerings taken at concerts and
through the small dues which
each boy is required to pay. The
primary Intent of the extensln is
to organize choruses in outside
cities, so that boys may enjoy the
same benefits realized by the or-
t I 1 .
iKin&i cuurui ii i i n n a
- - .VWB (Cy
These choruses hate bea L' -x
fiii,'Niit..t . r" . r
""""; i-ouiisu t i a xiT9 -Bis'
of education, patriotism
arousing the spiritual aaturl
boys. One of the objects of V
organization is to preserve
of the youth of the cities,
wage a subtle warfare
With sugar down as atir
there is no reason wh
...i . -t ' ti;
wnsiurri anouia not retll&a .
making of fudge as la ti. t
of yore. '
"In Every Respect-
says the Good Judge v
You get more genuine chew,
ing satisfaction from the Real'
Tobacco Chew than ybu ever'
got from the ordinary kind.
The good tobacco taste
lasts so long a small cherr
of this class of tobacco lasts
much longer than a big cheir
of the old kind. That's why
it costs less to use.
Any man who has used both
kinds will tell you that. 1 '
Put in two stjla
W-B GUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tob
far-, .
New Spring Rflerchandise
ArriTing Daily
Every express brings new spring merchandise and
as rapidly as possible we are placing, these new
creations on sale. Every pattern will more than
merit your inspection.
Clever Designs in Suits
Every suit in this new showing is an expression
of individuality. Some long coat models, some
short, and wide range between; bewitching em
broidery effects; some with button trimming;
with or without belts. . , t ;
$22 JO to $45.00
I Charming Creations
In The Newest Millinery
, : a - - '
The new hats include some of the
most beautiful trimmed satins both
with plain colors and the more fancy.
Both large and small models are be
ing worn this year and we have a good
selection of both.
$3.98 to $8 JO.
Our Prices Always The Lowest
Gale & Company
Court and Commercial Streets Formerly Chicago Store
The following bills were intro
duced in the house yesterday:
H. B. 374. by ClatsoD countv
delegation Substitute Tor II. B.
23 RelatJne to salaries of of
ficials pt Clatsop county.
M. B. 34 8. by Hindnian Am
ending section 4945, Oregon laws,
relating to certification of teach
ers on graduation from standard
H. B. 3 49. by Gordon. Kubll,
North, Hindman, Leonard, Hos
ford, McFarland, Korell. Wells
and McDonald Amending sec
tions 51S3. 5242. 5244. 5234.
5246, 5247, 5248 and. 6249, re
lating to employment and remov
al of teachers in certain districts,
and increasing the number of di
rectors in District No. 1 and re
pealing all acts in conflict therewith.
C.n . in. , ,8
You can stop a common cold If
you act promptly at the first Kirn
of sneezin.r and chilliness, hoarse
ness, tickling throat or coughing.
Just take a dose of Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound. It is effect
ive and pleasant to take. Harry
L. Ncff. Price Hill, Cincinnati. O..
knows it is good for long-standing
coughs and folds, too. He
writes: "I had a very bad cough
for almost two.years. I have taken
3 bottles of Foley's Honey and
Tar and am almost well. I
imply would not do without it in
the house." Sold everywhere. -
.(. , ,
Neveiiead Mattresses
i .
Finest On Earth
Eliminate all the objectionable features of other high
grade beds and yet they are sold at moderate prices.
t i Your inspection solicited
; 179 North Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon'