The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 15, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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r-ptllE Initial dancing party given
I by the social club of the Or
' Jder vt the Eastern Star in
Moose hall Saturday nlpht proved
g dellghirul success, bringlne the
week socially to a fitting close.
Commemorating the birthday of
Lincoln patriotic insignia was
used to decorate the big hall and
adjoining room, where ten tables
were arranged for cards. Oregon
grape, flags and festoons in the
national colors were effectively
' Card awards were given toK. B.
Kngel and Mrs. Walter JJuckner,
presiding at the punch bowl dur
ing the evning were Maxlne Glov-
er and ucrtna uaococn.
Those named as patronesses for
the tfr were Mrs. George II.
Burnett.-Mrs. Milton Meyers. Mrs.
Georre CI. Brown. Mrs. W. Carlton
Smith.-Mrs. Eugenia Gililngham.
Mrs. Jtalph Glover and Mrs. Paul
Miss Creta Olinger of Everett.
Wash., vrho has been visiting In
Salem for several weeks and who
In leaving for her home Sunday,
was the Inspiration for the lunch
eon and afternoon of cards which
Mrs. W. 1L Dancy gave yesterday.
Mr. and Frank Ward were the
Initial hosts for the "Tano" Five
Hundred club this winter, enter
taining with an evening of cards
Thursday night. In anticipation of
prune week Mrs. ward reaturea
-Mlstland" prunes on her menu,
serving them In several attractive
ways. Miss Frances Ward assist
ed. Valentines formed effective
decorations for the affair.
Scores were made by C. M. In
maa and Mrs. R. C. Hunter. Mr.
and Mrs. William J. Kaerth were
additional guesta, . club members
being Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Johnson,
Salem School of Expression
Lola Rosamond Walton, Director
147 N. Commercial
Phone 692 1484J
. . .
Special Course In Public Speaking
You Will Buy
Why not get the best at first
The Store of Housewares
Mr. and Mrs. Cal Patton, Mr. and
Mrs. O. L. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs.
c.-jp. inman. Mr and Mrs. R. C.
iiunter and Mr. and Mrs. Ward.
Mrs. C. II. llcCulloueh will
her attractive new home on South
Church street tomorrow afternoon
to the members of her Bridge
The local chapter of the P. E. O,
Sisterhood will meet with Mrs.
Will T. Kirk Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. II. C. Epiey to give a paper
on Van Dyck.
Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mott who
have been spending several weeks
in Salem, as the house guests of
the former's mother. Mrs. W. S.
Mott, lert yesterday for Astoria,
where they will locate permanent
ly. During the latter part or the
time that Dr. Mott was in the ser
vice he was stationed at the bar
racks in Vancouver.
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Jones PDent
the week-end at Neskowln, motor
ing over. "
Mrs. F. M. Johnson, a former
Salem resident, has returned to
her home in Moscow, Idaho, after
spending a week as the guest of
Mrs. J. W. Harritt and other relatives-here.
Previous to coming
to Salem Mrs. Johnson passed a
month with relatives in Spring
field, Oregon.
Miss Francelle Hawley spent
the week-end with her parents,
Hon. and Mrs. C. L. Hawley, in
Ml3s Genevieve Potter of Salem,
graduate of the school of home
economics in 1915, Is head dieti
tian at Dr. Marvin Smith's sani
tarium at Jacksonville, Fla., ac
cording to a letter received from
her. Miss Potter has had extensive
ani valuable service In Institution
al work since her graduation in
the position of dietitian of the
Presbyterian . hospital of New Or
leans. .
.Miss Potter (3 a graduate of the
home economics department of
Oregon Agricultural college.
Friends of Mrs. F. L. Griffith
will be pleased to know of her
rapid recovery from the recent op
eration which she underwent in
Portland, where she is remaining
during her convelescense. .
Miss Marie Rreitenstein spent
the week-end in Corvallis as the
guest of her sister Miss Clara
Ercitehtteln at Waldo halL
About -55 Salem- folk. Including
1 Elke, their wives and friends, who
went over to put on a Teturn en
tertainment for the M&linnville
Elks Saturday night, Were the
guests of the McUinnviile lodge
at a banquet in the Elberton hotel.
following the affair.
Miss PearHLing of Portland
spent the week-end with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shel
ley. Dr. and Mrs, W. C. Kantner and
Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Stover will
to to Portland today to remain
until ihursday. attending the
yearly ministerial retreat of the
Congregational church
Miss Lillian Lewis, chief in the
Cottage Grove telephone orfice.
speret Sunday in Salem, a guest of
ner luncie and aunt. Mr. and Mrs.
WVC. Conner in Den Lomand park
A" pretty home wedding took
place at the residence of the bride
groom's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J.
A. Paterson, 679 North High
street. Monday. February 7. whn
Miss Lydia Davis and G. C. Patter
son were united In marriage. Rev.
A. Wells, of the Xazerene church
officiating. Only a few relatives
and friends witnessed the cere
mony which took place at 5
The young folks are at home to
their friends at 1890 Broadway.
Among Salem folk represented
at the annual Christian Endeavor
convention in Corvallis. rFiday.
Saturday and Sunday, were the
following: Mrs. W. C. Kantner,
Miss Constance Kantner. Miss Nell
Fake. Miss Edna Jennison, Miss
Lucille Ross. Miss Brown. Miss
Gertrude Eakin and ' Miss Alice
Miss Ruth Purvine, who Is with
the bank in Falls City, spent Lin
To toke. yoor-
MONE.V rtkTHo i DO
y Need it. your, voicf
Tne noRt you inq
The.- woRbE it G&ts.
Old Time Council Meet Of 44
Clans Choose Indian
Into their chuckle heads, and by
that time the letter was beyond!
their reach. And I have already
SII ITPTrtV lr Ph 19
coin's birthday and Sunday withMm yon nw T triea to maw iSpecial to The Statesman) Mis
her mother, Mrs. F. L. Purvine.
Occasioning a pleasant surprise
was the arrival in the city the last
of the week of Charles Young of
LeSueur Center, Minn., to visit at
the, home of his brother. R. J
me give it up. I shall bear the
marks of some of their attempts
to the day of my death.
Lillian's Suggestion.
OKMULGEE. Okla.. Feb. 14,
In the old council bouihj. which
was the seat of government for
the Creek Indian nation for more
than a third of a century, but
which now Is a part of the park
system of Okmulgee, representa
tives of the 44 clans or towns of
e Creek Indian nation recent-'
met and selected a member of
be irlhe to be elevated to the
office of chief i of the nation, or
tribe. The man selected Is
Ceorge W. Hill, the son of a
vhlte father and a full blood
Creek Indian mother. Hill's
name will be recommended for
appointment as chief to the pres
ident of the United States, who
makes the appointment, and there
Li no doubt bnt that Hill will be
appointed, according to those In
close touch with' the governmen
tal affairs of the Creeks.
If Hill la elevated to the of
fice of chief he will be the tenth
man to be so honored by tbe
Creek tribe since the tribe adopt
ed a written constitution In MC9
and many believe that he will be
tbe last chief of the Creeks.
Chieftain-elect HIII Is 60 years
eld and was born and has lived
alt his life within the confine of
the Creek National lands. He
Is a member of -the. house of
king, the upper house of the
fields of this state have been
drawn. The Creeks migrated to
Oklahoma from Alabama and
Florida under arrangement? made
ix- a treaty with the I'nited Statej
in IKS1. They adopted a written
constitution In 1sS and built a
capital building In Okmulgee, the
capital of tbe nation In lX7s.
Tbe Creek governmental bodies
which ued the council hous-
contisted of legislative, judicial
aad executive branch of gov
ernment. Tbe legislative branch
es were the bouse of kings and
tbe bouse of warriors, made up
of representatives chosen by ach
of the 4 4 clans or towns of too
nation. The exeeative branch
consiMd of the chief and second
chief, and there ere the judges,
a tribal treasurer and lesser of
ficials, all elected by the tribe at
The affairs of the Creeks are
now administered largrly by the
United Statin bureau of Indian
affairs and the chief of th tribe
ts merely an - honorary official
with a salary of $12 per ear.
Tbe prospective chief la a ranch
er and oil man and independently
mix well. When white man write
and perform black music wt itt
mulatto niuftlc. with the alas or
both tb whit and black music
and without tb virtues of either.
There are various kinds of
jazz. Ja by negroes Is music.
Jazz by whites is an annoyance'.
The black and the white do net
Mo clgaretto has
the same delicious
flavor as Lucky
Strike. Because
- It's
of Quality
Graf of tbe Model Hat shop and
Mra Xr tmm. r.f ha II mm.
iinery were in Portland during Creek legislature whleh no longer
the week attending the millinery
functions officially. Hill also
served as 4 member of the Indian
Young, whom he had not, seen for lnal la destroyed." he ld . 4 J
t i.n , K-t nritr. Several people have been con
I shall not rest until that ong- ... ,
. police in the territorial days, as i
19 years .Mr. and Mrs. Young
also have as their guests the for
mer's sifter, Mrs. A. E. R. Richter
and Miss Mildred Hanks of Port
land. All will remain for some
The members of the Order of
you will arrange to brinr It over
here this afternoon I'll have
Drake come down and we can
memorize It before we destroy it.
"Don't you think it would be a
eood Idea " Lillian broke in de-
precatlngly yet I knew that she
was like steel Inside "If. wnne
destroying the original we could
, . . rlT. VT-' -I, . vT I district attorney of the tribe dur
past week because of Illness, Am- n th f JL1"1!!1?"?" fLJ?i!5
ong these were A. Lohnbaaken.
Mrs. Tolaater. Mrs. Carrie Qua!
Ret. Mrs. Arthur Madsen. Miss
Martha Jensen ."Harold Terry. Mias
Llllie Madsen. J. A. Fuller and
Mrs. Lillie Burch.
The Gem theater will open
again February 16 after being
Sam Cbecote, and as president
of the board of education of In
dian schools for three terms. He
Is married and has tlx children.
three rons and three daughters,
all of whom live in or near Ok
The Creek Indian nation was
Have You Bought Yours?
the Eastern Star are anticipating I make a derov naner to look as
the official visit of their worthy I much like the original as possl
grand matron. Mrs. Ida TJmbach. I bleJ hide it in an obvious place.
tonight. The date also marks that I and with Its theft nab at least
of the regular social evening off some of the devils who are so hot
the order. The committee In I upon its trail?"
Advance Shipment
' in ;
Ruffled Net and Organdie
Flouncing, with banding to.
match. Also "New Things"
Vests and Collars
You will be delighted with this showing and .happily
surprised to find them maricea ai ine
New Low Prices -' v
1 1
charge Is composed of Mrs. B. A.
Shaver. Mrs. Harry Styles and Da
vld Wright.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Kurre of
Cottage Grove arrived In Salem
Frliliv tn vial ILTm Vn-'m
- j ... '.ui u a K I t
ents, Mr. and Mrs. O .C. Bolter I Pruu8UUU'
and attend the Odd Fellows en
Mrs. Charles Raymond, with her
children. Is risking in Eugene at
the home of her parents Mr. and
Mrs. G. H. Tripp. 935 Fifth ave
nue west. She will remain for
several weeks.
Mr father started looked at
her seachlngly. I think at first
he imagined this was simply an
other attack upon Kato's honesty.
But his worldly wisdom came to
the rescue in another instant, and
I saw his face light np with ap-
Watch Carefully.
closed three weeks for Improve- once one of the greatest of North
ments. I American Indian trioes. u num-
Arthnr xicnn wi. PnwiiiKi I bered about 20.000- persons and
business caller Frldar and Sat- ownfcd in lee more wan a.uuu.-
" 1 M- A . 1 1 J -
urday. iuvv acres 01 . uidm iuw.
Oliver Hoi man spent the past I from which practically all of the
week at Tacoma. 'vast wealth derived from the oil
0 n VJ Tri,
YoakumH. ItUthe"e4
Crown" algn oa caragew n&
trv tc at&tioni. XtiStbsifl.
cf quality id asCIaeth tia
' cC an sH-rcfiaery f asciin vrth
a centimious chain of boins
jX3fau fanirinj tet&T start
, inf. rapid accclaration and
maili rtmn power
iWorw jen 2 look fcrthe
"Red Crown" sign.
this rr Tji
Cut out this slip, enclose with
Sc and mall it to Foley Co.,
2835 Sheffield Ave.. Chicago, ni.,
writing' your name and address
clearly. You will receive in re
turn a trial package containing
Foley's Honey- and Tar Compound
for coughs, colds and croup; Fo
ley's Kidney Pills for pains in
sides and back; rheumatism,
backache and bladder aliments;
and Foley's Cathartic Tablets, a
wholesome and thoroughly cleans
ing cathartic for constipation, bil
iousness, headaches and sluggish
bowels. Sold everywhere, (adv.)
The Stery oi a Honeymoon
A Wonderful Roman of Married
Life Wonderfully Told by
H and His Principles
1 Irwv J. I
.. & PainkM Parker
MY principles are to do all the
good I can for others and
for myself at the same time. I
am in the dental business to make
buxkj and to give the people
mnA A?tW
My associates and I use the fc
ti p, a Stern. which is the only plan
ever invented to make fine Hj.
sible at a fair price., I amnot
man and don't believe in anything cheap
But I do claim to do work as well as any
. body can do it, often better, and to be able
to de it for much less than the dentist who
woxb.alojt. in the oia expensive way.
Wh 4rerf over a hundred thousand
patients yr.e can weU afford to work
! for !rwrrVc than those who treat
1 maybe a hundred paUents a year.
I When you think of TEETH think of
JLjjIiIw ti Dtrntim umm
Dr. sl.toss rsrket . Vu "aaj
StaU Cwaawrdal Sta, Salts, vrm.
"That's just the thing!" he sajd
heartily. VYou go ahead and ar
range the details and I'll prepare
the decoy copy. If you can only
catch that Draper girl right, it
will be all I'll ask."
"I intend to nab her with my
own fair hands." Lillian returned
grimly, and my father glowed
with approval.
"Do you know we have com
pletely forgotten Mother Gra
ham'" 1 jTr1amil In reat-eon-l
trition. "She'll imagine we have
been boiled in oil or experienced
some other horrible fate, and
nothing can prevent her calling
the police and spoiling everything
if she gets too excited."
"We must fly at once then."
said Lillian melodramatically.
Then, as my father rose from his
chair. "Please. Mr. Gordon, don't
think of escorting us to our door.
We are both perfectly familiar
with the house; It was our friend.
Mrs. Durkee's you know, and
we'll say farewell to Dr. Pettlt as
we go out."
Her insistence had Its effect, es-
neciallr as my father was evi
dently weak, glad of the rest his
easy chair afforded. But mere
was something about her manner
that made me wonder it mere
were not something besides solici
tude for my father's health wbicn
made her so anxious to traverse
the hall alone.
As the door closed behind us
she proved my theory a true one.
She looked up and down the hall
and peered into a room opening
from it on tbe opposite side to
make sure she was unobserved.
Then ehe opened her hand, which
she had held closed ever since she
came back Into the room, and
disclosed a door key.
"Watch carefully." she whis
pered, "and remember what you
To be continued)
Portland Railway, light anil Power iHompariy
8 Per Cent Five-Year Gold Notes
Dated March 1, 1921
Due Blarch 1. 192S
This company does the greater part of the commercial electrle lighting and power the CKf ol '
.11 the electric lighting and power business In the cities of Salem. Oregon City and ter3 faJ aaiSugh
communities in the State of Oregon. It doe. all the electric street railway baess la the .f0"1"; "wiUantte
ownership or control oper.te. 144 mile, of , Internrban railway between Portland and various points la tas WUUmetie
Valley. It serves an estimated population of 330,000..
H?!: ?5SLi c .v. tio .bYiet of preferred stock
anon oi i ae vonipaay. um.- ,
In other words, the note holder has an Interest superior to Us rights of the owners or
The $1000 notes
the option of tbe
These notes are the direct obligation of the Company
and $15,000,000 of common stocki
the property. foUm . .
These notes are of two forms. The $100 and $500 note, will be registered In .the namo f,t2LkIteTi
will De issuea euner wun coupons .nacaea. rcyresruiiuK iuo 0 ,v . ' .t i.-h .-,
. . V w ml. . . lit um jmnlh nn f h first dSTS Of W rCB SJia HeiW.BIBer,
purcnaser. iniersei ai o,n on doib lormi vi uuin w . - - . , , .
Checks for interest on registered notes will be mailed to or delivered direct to the registered bolder. Coupons from the
$1000 coupon notes may be cashed at par at any bank named la this advertlsemenL
The notes may be purchased in full at the time of application or. at the opUon of tbn Pr.: I ?f JJ"
amount purcha.d may bo paid with the application and the remainder, wltfraccwed latf t Xl comvlnT
A third option Is offered in that notes may be purchased in limited amounts in ten equal tB "'Jf'JS 7r
paying interest at the rate of 54 per annum. on partUl payments until the purchase Is np1? fd .f"?.??1 itf J!aTeid
which the full interest will be paid. Notes sold after March 1st, 1121. may be purchased at their faco value andecmed
interest from March first to date payment is made. J
The earnings and expenses of the Company for the
twelve months ending December 31, 1920, were as
Gross Earnings
Operating expennes and
Taxes f.031,8Il.
Depreciation 8717,386
. 0,504.0 15.00
Slow ToIson!" Lillian and
exclaimed together, horrified.
My father shivered slightly.
"Yes. and of all the deaths to
die, I think that is the most agon
izing." he said. "The fiends re
sponsible for his condition hadn't
been able to secure his cipner
formula. He had hidden it too se
curely, and when I found him be
managed to slip the tiny parcel
containing It me unobserved.
"He whispered to me that tne
formula was complete with the ex
ception 'of one group of figures.
which he bad purposely ommea
so as to make the thing useless
If the enemy spies surrounding;
him did get hold of it. He sum
moned his strength to ten me the
missing figures, but had uttered
only two of them wnen ne ien
back in an awrul paroxysm, ana
never SDOke again."
"Then, is the whole invention
useless?" I queried when I couia
get my breath for horror of the
tale he was telling.
"No." my father returned short
ly, and I saw that he didn't like
to bo interrupted. "As soon as
Blank" -he named the second in
ventor in the country "returns
from France, where he has been
for six months, he will be asked
tn tak the formula and see if he
can supply the missing links. Per
sonally I am confident that he
can. but in the meantime I don't
ant the thine lying around.
"I lost no time in sending the
rfentist's oaDer on to you," my
father went on "and In destroy
(..r mv nwn eonv of the cipher.
i It was several, days . before the
with almost any
other food, Dzl
Montk Beans
with Tomato
Sauce offer you
one of the most
satisfactory ways
of cutting dowrt"
high living costs.
Really econom
ical and every
body likes them.
Net earning aia,9I.00
Fixed charges (bond interest, etc.) .... 2,104,450.00
. .t.711,459.O0
The surplus for the year 120 was nearly nine
times the annual interest charge on. the $1,000,000
of, notes now offered and this surplus would have
been materially larger had the 8 -cent street fare
have been effective throughout the year 1920. Tbe
8 -cent streets car fare became effective June 15th,
Mortgage and floating debt ontsfandias; -
.. December at 1 f3O4KKL0O
First rref erred Cumulative 6ro Stock, . . 3.000,000.00
Herond Preferred Mock - - - J-?
Common stock f 1S.OOO.OOO (75 pd.) 11.230,000.00
Tbe actual cost of the Company property over and
above the entire debt Is more than twenty times the
total amount of the issue of notes now offered.
This issue of notes may be called in and paid off
as a whole, but not In part, on any Interest day. but
in that event a premium shall be paid to the note
holder as follows:
If called on Price paid by Company
September 1, 1921 or Marcta 1. 1V22....102H
September I. 1922 or March 1. 1923.. ..103
September 1. 1923 or March 1 1924. ...lOltf
September 1, 1924 or March 1. 1925.... 101
September .1, 1923 101 H
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Offices Salem, Oregon; Oregon City,-Oregon; ancoaver, wasmngton j
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Capital Xatioaal Bank.
Salna Bank of Coatsaorea.
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Vaacoavac, Waaaiaftoa
Vanfoavrr iatkaal Baak.
M'aahtnrton ?Ernanc Bank
V. & kattoaal Bank.
Oragoa City. Oregon
Bank of Comatrr.
WoosVara, Oragoav
Bank of Wpodbam.
SOvattoa, Oragoa
Cool Mice alelaiaa. ,
MeaJtot, Oragan
Monitor btata Baak.
Graabaou Orcgos
Bank of Grrjham.
Eataada. Or ton '
Eataa4a 8 lata Baak.
ICt. AagaL Oragan
r Baak. oi ai. aiii..
coiaTajrr orrxcxs .
Portland. Oragaa I
iiictiac. uroaaway km -
tWtrie Bui
akW: O. W. P. Btatioa,rirat
aa4 AMtYT-BI. aofeaa OBi'.
20SV4 North 3mT, Center ft.
Of fir. E. 17tk and Oawr; -wood
Car Bars Of fira ; Aakaa?
Car Bora Of(i. Eat SStk and
Aakfnr; Ptavlaaoat Caa Barm Uf
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yaa; Birirr- Car Bars Off,
Saia aad, tUriar 8wia.
Balam, Ortgoa
237 Nona Liberty Btrert.
Veoaoar, Waaalngtoa
Tvalftk aad ataia Strerta.
Orogoa CBy, Oragaa
Oil Slata u
I IC (Mid Notea
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Portland Railway. light and Tovser Co.
PVaoo aad mm farthre aafonaatiaw aoost joar
City or towa.
ii i.a .
" - - :
Idea that I migai nave crVv
, V ; : .