2 D 0 .', F! D OVERRULES I: I: LABOR PLEAS Eeach Side (Will be Granted Privilege to Present Evidence CHICAGO. Feb. 14 Pleas that the Atlanta, Mirminghara and At lantic wage "controversy now be fore tbe railroad labor board be declared without the board's Jur isdiction and i the present wage rates continued, were overruled by the board today. The ruling ended a fight by the labor side to throw out the case on the conten tion that financial inability to pay the wagvs should come before the Inter-state commerce commission. Th financial status or the road had been given for1 the reason for a ware reduction to be ef fective February 1. recently ord ered rescinded, by the board. The board ! decided that each side bs permitted to present its evidence. E. JV Curtis vice pres ident of the order of railroad con duotors spoke this morning for all orders. The decision overrul ing his contentions, however, per mitted railroad representatives to take the stand this afternoon and Colonel R. L. Bugjf, president qf the road, presented ; a mass of statistics. !!''.!.' I Reviewing the case, he told of the road's proposal on December 29 to. reduce wages by one-haff Ruddy Cheeks SparklingEyes Mcst Women Can Have Says Dr. Edwards, a Vell-Knotrn Ohio Physician Dr.F .M.Edward3 for 1 7 yean treated cores of women for liver and bovel ail ments. During these yecrs he pave to his patients a prescription made of a few well-known vegetable ingredients mixed with dive ciL naming them Dr. Edwardi Olive Tablets. You wUl know them by their, olive color. These tablets ars Vender-workers en the liver and towels, whi Ji cause a normal action, carryi"? oil the waste and poisonous matter in one's system. If you have a pale facs. sallow lock, dull eyes, pimples, coated tcngue, head- ache 3, a bstkes, no-goo 1 feeling; all put cf sorts, inactive bowels, you take one of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets nightly f or a time nd note the pleasing results. Thousands of wunen and men take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets the suc cessful substitute for calomel now and then just to keep them tit. 15c and 30c A CLEAR COMPLEXION JtilliXhat Mold Wit Ju CXSCARA fcP QUININE cold, cafii 'rOMVv Neglected Colds Tak no chancM. Kp this standard ranody handy foe the first UNn. 'Breaks op cold in 24 hocra Relieves Gripp ia 3 days Excellent for Headache Quinine In this form docs rot affect the head Cascara U best Tonic Laxatire-No Opiate In HUTs, ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT mm CLEAR-A-WAV V1Si " .l"1;8'0 btW- Th surely Jon have taken advantage ite. baIJataf, that "Wat daily on the tenter tables. We would like BE SURE AND VISIT OUR STORE DAILY As an added attraction we have with us a , MAZOLA OIL DEMONSTRATOR -Some veryVsty doughnuts are made besides a large assortment of Salads which you can sample free IT PAYS TO : ) lignum rlllllU.njELIj THE OREGON STATESMAN, of the amount of increases grant ed since 1917. The road was said to be operating at a deficit of $100,000 a month. Notices for the wage reduction were posted to be effective Feb ruary I. The road was directed to rescind the order and the em ploye.'! advanced the argument that the case be thrown "out as be yond the jurisdiction of rthe board. Mr. Cnrti cited the de cision of ihefoard last Thurs day when it was declared matters pertaining to the financial status of railroads were under jurisdic tion of the interstate commerce commission. Morris Erandon. attorney for the road, declared it was prepared to present other evidence. than fi nancial inability in support of the proposed reduction. He said the dispute centered around whether or not present wages should be continued. A ruling of the board today ord ered the Hrie railroad to withdraw iU reduction of track laborers wages to' 30 cents' an hour and another -provision which pre scribed a seven day week for tel egraphers. A hearing was set for February 23. GAME CODE BILL PASSED IN SENATE (Continued from page' 1) cation oMhe. parent bank. S. B. 92, Hume Restricting picketing of livestock, In Multno mah county. S V S. B. 325 Judiciary committee Providing pendancy of appeal of divorce cases to supreme court, support of minor children may b maintained. - t S. B. 326, committee on revision, of laws Relating to how eonirey-T ances shall be made. ,"? S. B. 327, committee on revis ion of laws Relating to failure of corporations, stock companies, etc. to pay annual license fees and bring action in court. S. B. 239, Upton Providing for the appointment by the governor of commits oner for the co-operative marketing of meats. S. B. 166, Banks Relating to bids which cover furnishing of supplies to state institutions. S. B. 254. Eddy Providing for careful supervision of electric lines by the public service com mission, for public safety. S. B. 295, Hall Relating to limits on loans of trust com panies. W. lT. KKC1TAL TONIGHT A recital will be given by the members of the public speaking department of Willamette univer sity, Jn the university chapel at 8 o'clock tonight. Miss Mina Harding- Is in . charge of the .pro gram. These recitals, which rep resent the work done by students In class are very entertaining and of unusual dramatic interest. AND La Grippe are Dangerous Last Week of Our J SALE SHOP WHERE THE CROWDS BUY SALEM, OREGON ilS ACCEPTS ! SECRETARIAL POST Eugene Man, Former High way Commissioner Is I Chosen K. J. Adams of Eugene has ac cepted the appointment as secre tary to Un.iea States Senator-elect Stanfield ana will accompany Stan field to Washington within the next fortnight, according to an an nouncement made yesterday. "It is my wish to have my of fice in Washington thoroughly and efficiently organized to care for all business that should be attend ed to by us in the capital." said Mr. Stanfield. "We will have an office staff that will be able to look after business promptly and effectively." ! The new secretary to the senator-elect came to Oregon from Michigan in 1911 and has been identified with constructive pub lic effort, -particularly highway building. He was a member of the first state highway commission operating under the present sys tem, and a delegate to the Repub lican national convention last June. PENITENTIARY APPEARS AGAIN IN POLITICS (Continued from page 1) m:ttee which will report It out favorably if the two chairmen are able to sway the other members, for Gordon himself is chairman of the house committee and Patter son, chairman of the senate com mittee, is very close to the gov ernor and represents him in the senate at this session. . . Box Factory Impracticable . . According to the governor's message, it I h!s intention under the Gordon bill, to start the es tiblishment of a box factory at the prison. Persons familiar with the timber Industry declare this i3 visionary. It is Raid that tim ber suitable for making boxes could be brought to the state prison only at great expense, mak mr eny profit from the proposed industry utterly impossible. Fur ther, it is known that the only timber company in a position to furnish the material is opposed to the scheme. It la apparent that the gover nor's desire to rid the prison of the flax industry is merely a per sonal one. The flax plant at the nenitentiary wis close to the heart of the late Governor Withy combe and was fostered by him, alwavs over the opposition of Mr. Olcott In th days when the board of control had anything to do with the InduKtrv . irta ots, p eamr governor k-e-franltfy ald mat ne wisneti the .flax plant were eliminated from the prison, and of late he has not been in ac cord with Robert Crawrord, su perintendent of the industry at the prison, as to Its future dispos al. ! . Crawford Absent ,1 Crawford is a flax expert, hav ing been reared in that industry in Ireland. He was first em ployed as superintendent of the prison plant under the Withy combe administration, but because of a disagreement over compen sation was ousted by Governor Withvcombe. ; Not long after Mr. Olcott became governor he placed Crawford -gain at the he?d of the Industry. Crawford believes the in dustry should be further devel oped at the prison by establishing twine spinning machinery which he declares could he done at very little expense to the state. But Oovernor Olcott wants to put the industry out. ' To accomplish his purpose there are Indications that the gover nor is taking advantage of Craw ford's absence from the state. In formation is that Crawford, about the first of the year, asked for a short vacation, lie was told, says the information, to take three months on pay. Crawford went to Ireland to visit his old home. When he returns he will rind the hoard of control authorized to sell off the flax industry. While the I bit! implies that it will not be sold , untii the board holds that private I enterprise is in a position to car ! ry on the industry the measure is indefinite and leaves the board free so to decide at any time af ter the law is effective. Plan Attracts "Attention The prison flax plant is attract ing nation-wide attention, and has demonstrated that Oregon is capable of producing on a large scale 'flax of high grade. If the prison plant Is sold there Is dan ger that the incipient industry will he killed. It is an industry that Influential people of Oregon have been working on for years and they have looked to the pri son plant to show the world what the state can do in flax produc tion. Marion county farmers who have raised flax for the prison plant under contract with the state object to the plant's remov al. F0RDNEY BILL IS GIVEN AN AIRING (Continued from page 1) tinued. "and during the time it is being debated in the senate, t-me will be afforded to prepare a new revenue bill and to con duct hearings on which tax re vision should be based." Chairman Fordney also scouted published reports that the com mittee's mind was made up with respect to the sales tax. FEE SCHEDULE IS ADOPTED FOR AUTOS (Continued from page 1) wih uniform agreements reached relative to road laws by a meet ing of the secretaries of state of Oregon. Washington and Idaho, before the legislature convened. Mr. Wilkins. Chtef of Police Jen kins of Portland, garage men and others urged numerous changes in the bill last night, some of which would conflict with the uniform agreements reached by the state officials. The commit tee has adopted a policy of con forming to those agreements, to avoid embarrassment among the three states, but so urgently did the speakers present their objec tions that th?y may be taken into consideration rnd a sub-committee will draft all of the sugges tions into proposed amendments fot,consideratlothla wetfrk. -Washington Waiting. One conflict was Mr. 'Wilkins' objection to the speed limit fixed for intersections and streets pass ing school houses. Another Is the regulation of pedestriaus on paved highways. Mr. Wilkins and others fay pedestrians should walk on the left hand side of the roads so they will face mo tor cars meeting them and be on; the opposite side of the road from cars overtaking them. An other difficulty arose relative to the distance luggage should b-3 allowed to protrude from the sides of automobiles. Ttelativo tn J the tri-state agreement, Mr. Wil- nins said the Washington legisla ture has not yet drafted its bill. but is Waiting On the Orpnn lor. Hslature. Chief Jenkins insisted on the embodiment of a plan In the bill to facilitate the detection of au tomobile thieves. Several plans were suggested. He was instruct ed to have his ideas drawn up In tbe form of a bill and nreuntal to the committee. Senator Hall, chairman of the committee, warned all members to ave their proposed amend ments in by Wednesday morning. SUSS OF SITS If Your Rack Hurt, or Bladder Bothers You. Da-ink Lot of Water. When your kidneys hurt and your back feela . scared and proceed to load your stomach with a lot of drugs that excite the kidneys and irritate the entire urlnarir trn.i t.' ... . ' "' ncKu your1 j , ,-' " ne you Keep your bowels clean, by flushing them I I With a mild. harmlM. .9w. i.it. ! " -v out .a t ui(.U I removes the body's urinous waste and stimulates than. 1 ., UEIU lueir nor- mal activity. The function of the kidneys is to filter the blood. In 24 hours they strain from it 500 gra;ns of acid and waste, so we i muiij unaersiana the vital importance of keeping the kidneys active. Drink lots of water yon can't drink too much; also get from any pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast, each morning for a few days and your kidncva will ri rr-i - j - "... vi line. 1 UI9 ramous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with Iithla. and has been useu ior generations to clean and stimulate clogged kidneys; also to neutralize the acids in unrlne so it no longer is a source of irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive; can not inlure: malrM toii..kr..i -, u:ii6uuu ei fervescent lithia-water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep their kidneys clean and active. Try this, also keep up the water drinking, and no doubt von win -. u . became of your kidney trouble ras KIDIUEYS F TO BE BURIED TODAY Dr. Edwin Sherwood, Prom inent Biblical Teacher Passes Away Dr. Edwin Sherwood, who for the past 12 years has held the chair ofIliblical interpretation at Kimball School of Theology, pas sed away at'his home in this city, Sunday at the age of 53 years, death coming as the result of ex haustion from over work. Ho had been ill Lut a few days before hjs death. Funeral services for Dr. Sher wood have been arranged for this afternoon at 2:30 from the First Methodist church. Rev. Illalne K. Kirkpatrick will be in charge of the services. Friends who desire to see the body may do so before 1 o'clock at the Rigdon chapel. A wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Sher wood, two sons and two daughters suryive , the deceased. William Sherwood is a, senior at Willam ette University and Paul Sherwood a junior in the same institution. Mrs. Edith Sherwood Mason of Mill City and Grace Sherwood, a teacher In the public schools of Redmond. Ore., are the daughters who survive. Dr. Sherwood's father was Wil liam Sherwood M. D., a physician In Cincinnati and a proressor in the Electric College of Medicine, of which institution he later be came president. His father died when Edwin Sherwood was but three years old and his brother, James Sherwood, superintendent of the Cincinnati schools for many years,, was his guardian. He en tered Ohio Wesleyan university at the age of 16 years and received his AB degree from there in 1890. The following year he took a mas ter's degree. In 1913 he was g.y en his D. D. from his Alma Mater. After leaving Ohio Wesleyan Mr. Sherwood went to Drew Theo logical seminary in Madison. N. J., from where he received his degree in 1894. He received a foreign fellowship while in the seminary and went to Leipsic, Germany as a student for one year. Upon his return to Oh!o Dr. Sherwood joined the Ohio confer ence, being a classmate of Dr. Carl Gregg Doney, president of Willam ette university, in conference. The two men stood side by side when ordained and have retained a fast friendship ever since that time. Coming to Oregon Rev. Mr. Sherwood became pastor here, ac complishing much not oily for the good of the church but for the en tire community as well. In 1907 he was called to Willamette uni versity where he served two years In the- chair of ancient languages and then was offered the chair of, Biblical Interpretation at Kim ball School of Theology. He was secretary and treasurer of the fac ulty of that school. RIVER CRAFTS TAKEN OFF PORTLAND. Ore., Feb. 14. After having engaged for 41 years in the business of river steamboating In connection with its railroad and ocean steamship business, the Oregon-Washington V Oregon Statesman Salem, Oregon Enclosed please find Name.. 5 for. -months MEN I 1 0 1 I tB4! I '111 I V! ?! r Prim-Ladj Rubberized Apron to Name--. TUESDaS.' MORNING. Railroad and Navigation company today announced ;l "its retirement from operation jot river craft. Of ficials declined' 1$ comment on a further report that the company would soon dispose of its ocean fcteamship inteM.-!- At present the company lyi but one ocean steamer In operation, the Rose City, running fbotween Portland and San Francisco. I i William McCombs Critically III and Expected to Die NEW YORK. Feb. 14. Wil liam McCombs; former chairman of the Democratic national com mittee, is critically 111 and ex pected 'to die at any time, his physicians announced today. He has been suffering from heart dis ease, j! Friends of Mr, McCombs said he contracted a cpld at the Dem ocratic convention In J-,an Fran cisco last July and on his return hTP, was forced ;lo go to a sani tarium where he!; has since spent most of his timc.il Six weeks ago he suffered a collapse and went to th home of his sister on Long Island. ! ;! ; lie has been known in New York politics fdr hiany years and in 1911 entered national politics as campaign manager for Presi dent Wilson. Jlel was instrumen tal In obtaining Wilson's nomin ation. He was then chosen chair man of the national Democratic committee, and organized the po litical fight which made Mr. Wil ton president. The next year ,he declined the president's offer1 of ambassador to France. He is later reported to have had political differences with the president, resigning the chairmanship of jlthe Democrat!: national committee in 1916. Mr. McCombs was born in Ham burg, Ark. 1 CHAXGK OF YEXUK DENIED. SEATTLE, Feb! 14. Six wit nesses were examined today in the trial in superior court of Ward Daniels, Louis Madsen and C. A. Drown, charged with th9 killing of Patrolman Volney L. Stevens In a pistol battle January 14 and it is expected the case will go to the Jury tomorrow. The court denied a motion for change of venue". . Creighton Dodge, alleged com panion of the three defe ndants, is said by the police to have con fessed that he fired the shot that killed Stevens, before be died of wounds received in tbe fight with the police., REPAIR SHOP CLOSED. GREAT FALLS. Mont.. Feb. 14 The locomotive repair depart ment of the Great Northern shops htre will be closed Saturday, lay ing off 200 men, according to A. H. Melenke, shop superintendent who received orders today from St. Paul. j- The action will trlng the total shopmen laid off by the Great Northern In Great Falls since No vember 19 to 650, Including car men and machinists. The men will be' returned to s soon; j as demand for heavy repair work? justifies, ac cording to the officials of the road. i , The prohibition authorities will make their neft drive on certain patent medicints. They want to -" me mm out or nostrum. P l?IiD1AFIl0NS lhe pride and haPPlncss of aU the better class of housekeepers who hare them. They are the time and work saver of our thriftiest women. These aprons are neat, attractive and tremendously in recrard to elathinc. i)iv SM . . cause they not only thi lm S S wearing apparel as welL These carmcnL r inoM. . no laundrying. Are made of the best quality of gingham, thoroughly rubberized and printed in cheery-looking pat. vt . t " 'ue ana TV) checks. The Retail Value Is $1.50 For A Household Necessity and all you have to do to ret one of these attractive, ser viceable and time-saving gar- S!5U o .l0 03 new Daily Subscribers for three months, or one new subscriber for 12 months. 50c a month 07 mail in Marion and Polk counties. 60c a month outside of these counties. 65c a month by cify carrier. for which send the al your regular subscription price in according to rates above 1 ! " . . A JJ . . Ill FERRUARY 15. 102T N. 0. TO FLOAT BIG STATE BOND Six Million Assured BY Min neapolis and Chicago Bankers MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 14. North Dakota state officials seek ing to float six million dollars in state bonds, have been assured by Minneapolis and Chicago bank ers that the Issues will be absorb ed if the Dank of North Dakota iii liquidated and other state owned industries curtailed. This proposition, it was de clared tonight by some of the in terested bankers, now is under consideration by the North Da kota officials, including the state Industrial commission, which has charge of the execution of the in dustrial program in the state. Published reports-that the state officials and leaders of the Non partisan league had Intimated possible acceptance of these terms resulted in a statement from H. A. Paddock, secretary of the industrial commission, deny ing any agreement to abandon tuy part of the "farmers' pro gram" in North Dakota. Bankers and the North Dakota officials who were In conference here yesterday and today were reticent in reference to the bank ers proposal, but from an appar ently authentic source It was learned that virtual disruption of North Dakota's "industrial pro tram" was the basis of tbe bank ers' terms. Powers of the Industrial com mission would be curtailed under these terms, the Stste Bank of North Dakota regarded as a rur al credits Institution, the Home Puilders' association discontinued and use of the money . obtained from bonds denied to the Nonpar tisan league or any of Its enter prises. LUMBER MEX COXFER OLYMPIA, Wash.. Feb.-14. Lumber men In conference with Governor Louis F. Hart today, on I CREAM CLEARS A STUFFED-UP HEAD Instantly Opens Every Air Passas Clears Throat Tco. If your nostrils are clogged and your head Is stuffed because of nasty catarrh or a cold, apply a little pure antiseptic rreara. into your nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage, sooth ing healing swollen, Inflamed membranes and yon get Instant relief. Try th!s. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm at "any drug store. Yonr clogged nostrils open right up; . your head Is clear; no more hawking- or snurfling. Count fifty. - All the stuffiness, dryness, struggling for breah Is gone. You feel fine, fadv.) mmc naierDnMi white Daily Oregon Statesman to Address. plans for salvaging the 20.000 000 to 20.000,000 feet of timber up rooted on the Olympic peninsula la recent storms, are advocating placing the entire 2.200-acre storm-swept district under mar tial law until the danger of fires has been reduced, it was announced. Free Text Book Bill . Made Special Order Senate bill No. 19, by Senator Ranks, to provide free school books to pupils of public schools except high schools, was upon motion made a special order of business in the house for next Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock when it came up for third read ing yesterday. LAST DAY PAULINE FREDERICK , In The Slave of Vanity" Wednesday and Thursday MAY VOHE (Lady Francis Hope) In Person Matinee and Eyening 35c We Advise Come Early Where The Biff Shows Play and please send The r x " ' .,., I f 1 ill '. . 111 , , .. IT " " ' ll t i ri - . IB r . flUMT , . Ill , .3 . . I I