i: 5 .! '. 1 . THE WF.ATHKH: The Statesman receives the leased wire report of tire Associated Press, the greatest and most re liable press association la the world. Tuesday, rain or enow; moderate j : , southwesterly winds. SEVENTIETH YEAB salem, Oregon; Tuesday morning, February 15, 1921 f f PRICE: FIVE CENTS t- V4 J 00 E LAND IS NED IS I BY REP.VJELTY BERGDOLL PROTECTED BY OFFICER'S ORDERS MAIIIUTZEX MAKES STATEMENT PUBLIC Major Walling Conducts Examln at Ion of Former Lieutenant On Germany Experience Charges of High Crimes and Misdemeanors Brought Out 'by;' Judiciary Committee " l WASHINGTON. Feb. 14. On charges of high crimes and mis- PORTLAND, Ore.. Feb. 14. Lieutenant Peter Lauritzen, for merly ot the A. E. F., who recent ly made a public statement to the effect that while located in Ger many last summer, he learned of the nresence there of G rover AdaihSt Federal Judge inl demand Bergdoll and was or- HOUSe Dy UnlOan. I attempt Bergdoll's capture with- r . i oui specmc oraers, was toaay questioned by Major Walling of th IntnivtAr rpntnl'a Hpnartinpnt BAStUALL fUblllUN I of the army, who came here from . am . a iamo uwis. nun., id wane mo examination. The purpose and the I result of the examination were not made public. Indictment May be Thrown lieutenant ot D company. 162nd Infantry: After the armistice he was sent to Germany and became head of the criminal Investiga tions ot the American forces on the Rhine and had charge of the Yankee military police in Europe. In September of last year he said he was informed that Berg- demeanors. Federal Judge K. M. doll was living in Eberbach; a Landis of Chicago was impeached small resort -some distance from la the house today by Represent Coblenz. Lauritzen said he sent tatlve Welty, democrat, of , Ohio, his two best operatives to Eber because of bis acceptance of the bach, who located Bergdoll and office, ot supreme arbitrator ot arranged plans tor his capture, baseball, while still a Judge. When they reported back to the Palmer Opinion Disregarded. lieutenant. Lauritzen started to ' The charge disregarded an opin-1 get ready to capture Bergdoll. he ion by Attorney General PalmeT.I said. But before he could pro- that Judge Landis was within the I ceed the lieutenant said, he re- law, and. that there was no law I ceived orders from a'bieher-up making sucn acceptance a crime, i stair onicer not to do one mms in The opinion was rendered recently! the Bergdoll mater until direct or by the attorney general on request J ders came. of Mr. Welty. . , i Before proceeding Mr. Welty re fused a request by Senator Dial, democrat of South Carolina, to in clude in the general indictment statements attributed to the Judge ia refusing to send to jail a young Otawa. Ill bank clerk because of the belief that bank, officials were responsible for the clerk's specu lation by failure to pay him a liv ing wage. .- ,' , Senator Dial then announced he j Amendment wouia " iiie , compiaxai . Judge Landis with the department ot justice. - He characterized Judge Landis' statement that the bank clerk's' employers, were. In a measure, responsible for the youth's theft- ot IsC.OOO, "the . most bolshevik doctrines I ever II IS 1 FEDERAL AUTHORITIES TO KEEP TYPHUS OUT ADDITIONAL FACILITIES ARE PROVIDED Quarantine Measure Are Ila-ed On Port of Boston by Surgeon General Creel Spain, Italy and France Are - Included in Intrigue To Overthrow "Bourgeois" Governments. BARCELONA POLICE MAKE DISCOVERIES Communist Arrests Bring French to Serious Realization ROGRESS DEPENDS UPON PRODUCTIVITY HOOVER SOUNDS A WARNING TO AMERICAN INDUSTRY Wastes in Production Are Meas ured Mainly in Unemploy ment In Declaration FEE SCHEDULE WASHINGTON". Feb. 14. Fed oral medical authorities will prob ably assume charge of anti-typhus work in New York by Wednesday, Ewinp La port e, assistant secre tary of the treasury in charge ot public health, announced tonight Transfer of the title of the quar antine station in New York to the government, he said, is ex- pectid within 24 hours. Additional facilities will be pro vided for detecting typhus cases nuionr incoming passengers there he aid. and the present medical Malt will be increased. With th"? acquisition of the New York station. Mr. Laporte paid, public health authorities were of the opinion that every necessary step to pafeguard the country aaint typhus would have been taken. The Boston station,' h-3 explained, is under fprfprnl rnntrnl By requiring passengers leav-I Ing European ports to comply with American quarantine regu lations because clean bills of health are given vessels on which they traveled. Mr. Laporte de clared the service was confident no typhus carriers could reach this country. j PARIS. Feb. 14. The over throw of the "bourgeois" govern ments of Spain, Italy and France is outlined in documents seized after a search today following the discovery of a widespread comniu nist plot, ine aaie iixea was amy first. a- .a. t . , . . m . I swj w-'". a t w. a . ut io M. Marrand minister of the Gener, R H , charge of luienui, bctius iu "lu6"l nnaranfinp rPirnlatinns and Dr. SYRACUSE, N. Y.. Eeb. 14. Continuous improvement in pro ductivity is necessary for the ad vancement of civilization, national progress, better human relations and higher standards of living. Herbert Hoover declared today in an address before the convention of the American Engineering council. American industry, including agriculture, he said, is running from 30 to 40 per cent below ca pacity produc'ion. Co-oieration between industries end with labor and government was cited as a means for guaran teeing an Increase. The speaker added there is no such. thing as over-production "The commodities or services produced by this nation," he con tlnued. "are capable of absorption by the whole nation if they are i of the right character. The absorption of increased productivity lies in the conversion of luxuries of today into necessi ATOIBILES HARDING WILL REVIEW HIS POLICIES HAYS AND DAUGIITERY COX. FER Wrril PRESIDENT Inaugural AiWrea and Special Seion Likely Sabjccta Of DiACuiutloa STATE PRISON ST. AUGUSTINE. Fla.. Feb. 14. Final Droblems relating to initial I iHjlicks of bis administration will be reviewed by President-elect Harding in conferences the next APPEARSAGAin IN POLITICS r-:..-N0 UAinht Dnrlo onrl Harding in CO riyuieuii nciyn uaoi .u , d wlth two men mott di ry which brought bis elec- TaWilfl fWp.ar On Roads rectly in charge of the political - ?. . . ... , , I machinen Highway Committee. lnto?Account is Voted by tion. Will II. Hays, or Indiana, cnair man of the Republican national committee, and understood to oe in line for the pottmaster general- -r n I ATvirr rP f-fl f-ll"T I r"'W. nine iu1(.. . . --- I I C HUnCCIVICK I til Wednesday. He saw Mr. tiara- CONFLICTS WITH IDEAS pelting toTI?end KveraThouni to- gether tomorrow. Harry M. Daugherty. of Ohio. head of the Harding pre-conven- tion campaign, and frenerally re garded as the next attorney gen-i rl. u to arrive Wednesday. It is with these two that Mr. Hard ing talks most In regard to the patronage of his administration. It is likely that such questions Personal Desires of Chief Executive Represented by Measures Now Before the State Legislature. RELATION OF BILLS IS INCONSISTENT; Chief lenkins of Portland Urge's Members to Help fcatch Thieves i- - Plan to Start Box Factory at Pen Declared To Be Visionary The schedule of revised license I as the Inaugural address and plans I The ctate penitentiary Is back fees for 'automobiles, which is to I fnr th Twx-ia.l session of congress I in nnlitira and rr ih. nnMu ties ot tomorrow. Wheat bread. 1 ko into fae general motor vehicle I wtn be considered. In describing I has been led by the executive of- oiu, joitoaucea in ine nouse J I the purpose ot ine vwu, r. niu- nets to believe that, freed from the jotnttcorumittee on roads and j ns be would talk with them I political Influences, the state pris- mm . . m . . 4m h k . m m A h mm. I nignwsyff as nouse om .o. , about "general Dosiness.ior i on is on the high road of efficien was adopted at a meeting of the J gooi Qf the order." "I c y. Personal desires of Governor joint committee last night. It re-I Today President-elect Harding I Olcott are represented by two places; t scneauie emooaica in i igposed of a miscellaneous batcn measures broogbt before the pres the bill s introluce. It is on j cf appointnients and found time I eat legislature that are inconslft the wight basis and is founded I A Mn-Mrahl work on cor- I ent in their relation tu each oth- theoretically on the tendency ot re5PondenCe. ryes, good roads, electricity, tele phones, automobiles and movies were once luxuries. There is no limit to. consumption except the total capacity to produce." He said that wastes in American production were measured mainly in unemployment, lost time due to 1. t . toWnaa laoor conmci, losses in w j Hl.,al.t; ' ,rMt nf mntnr vehl turnovers, failure xo cmtain maxl-i 'rv ; hI,hwa APPHATIOI PASSED BY HOUSE Saves Naval Bill From Former Defeat the French to a realization of the importance of the plot. Discoveries made by the police of Barcelona and Milan show that the plot Included the three coun tries. Transmission of funds was effected through an American fi nancial organization with Euro-; pean . headquarters in Paris, and branches in Berlin and Vienna. W. M. Bryant of the public health service, who is in charge of the quarantine station on Gallup's is land. Vessels which cannot show a bill of health certifying that all passengers have been deloused at the European port of embar kation, must be deloused here and vessels whose passage has occu- muni production of the individual, poor co-ordination ot great indus tries and failures in transporta tion, coal and power supplies. Stabilization and standardiza tion of industrial output by agree ment, eliminating overlapping ef forts and .seasonal activities were cited as one mens for bringing greater production. Utilization of natural resources for power was urged as an additional help. Soviets have been organized in I risd less than 12, days must be There was no comment when Mr. Welty. concluded the reading of his IndictmeLt On bis own mo tion, as Is customary, the indict ment was referred to the Judiciary committee. Less than a third of the members present voted, and scatering "noes' were heard. Rep resentative Sherwood, democrat ot Ohio, clapped his hands. . The next - step will be by Mr. Welty who will appear, possibly this week before the judiciary committee, with witnesses. The committee, has the power to dis miss the charge and so report to 'the Soupe, and adoption of such a report would . exonerate - Judge Landis of the -charges, Belief was expressed In house circles that the case would be thrown out by the committee, in new of the or In ion by the attor ney general. In that event, the end would corae before adjourn ment March 4. Adjournment . however, would not stop proceed ings should the committee find enough evidence to send the case to the bouse. WASHINGTON Feb. 14 The tiearil and addd that If thn ar. I naval anoroDnation bill, carrying tlon taken In paroling the clerk approximately $395,000,000. was amounted to encouragement of I passed today oy me uu . such acts as those of the clerk, "it I U had been defeated l j0.30' Is striking at the foundations ofan amendment which would have I r.rprsntod the exoendiiure o: any part ol tne ,v,w for battleship construction until an international disarmament conference shall have been called hv the nresldent. The amena- mpnt was offered by Representa tve Brooks. Republican, Illinois. The house also retusea xo cm the amount for work on the navy building program during the fis cal year to $50,000,000 as pro- l-osed by Rcpresntative uicainsun. Republican, Iowa, ana oy is 9 defeated a motion to recommit the bill to cut the appropriation for construction wora to i.vv, 000 and to eliminate a . section which prevents the use of stop watches in navy yards and arse nals. - ' . The measure, as it goes to tne .onato however, carries an am endment that no part of the $90.- i.nn nnn carried for new craft shall be used on ships on which construction has not started or for which contracts have not been tt. . 1J1.J X, mm Although soniewnat naaira uj rints of order, the bill, as far as its main features were concerned. was approved by tne nouse prac tically as it was reported by the committee. Re- r r - m France with Brest as headquar ters, according to the police. ready to take over railroads and all civil services. The plot ap pears to have . been organized without the knowledge ot M Cachin, leader of the French com munist party. Discovery or checks emanating from Berlin and paid through an American transportation com Danr. aDDears to have caused a revulsion of feeling lin tTench political and official circles and also among the work ing men's committee, The French communist press. departing from its menacing at titude ot the last few months, expresses surprise that repressive measures should come from Pre mier Briand, "a former comrade." Lllumanite the official organ of the -Trench communists, ap pears to be upset by the arrest of its city editor. AJ. 1 Dunols. a cancelled check for 20.000 francs Issued in his name at Berlin be ing held by the police, j The opinion in the chamber lob bies is that the government has struck a knockout blow against the communist .propaganda. held in Boston quarantine to com plete a 12-day quarantine from the time of delouping. the order said. Ships deloused at this port must be held here for 12 days. it added. F DHEf BILL IS-. GIVEN 1 16 POSSBLE 1 IS Developments Centering On Tariff Come Fast in Congress GAIUIE'CODE BILL 1 SH Deer Shooting Season Changed to Sept. 1 'To October ! Is ra mm WW! OTTAWA. I1L, Feb. 14 (Lan dis) There were circumstances connected with thn caKA nf Fran- els J. Carer, the 19-rear-old re-l...t(nn f the enlisted personnel cHvinc teller who confessed pec-Kf h marine corns from 27,000 niaiions totali ng ' I90.00O wmcni. n nno men was arreea iu t- were not known to Judge Landis dar as was the decrease in the whea he released the youth. ae-l.nii9ad streneth oi the navy cording to C. B. Cbaoman of conn-1 rm 142 000 to 100.000 tn wl for the National City bank otl rh Brooks amendment pro- uuwa. lt that alt nations wouia nave 'The bov was advanced ranidlvl k, invted to a disarmament la the bank becmM of unusual I ..Mnn to be held in the conditions In the working staff of united States, before work on the m institution" Air. cnanman 1 ,.'. hniiriins- nrograni "id today. "He got $90 a month. J Droceed after July 1. Opposition which was hlrh tn -view of wares li . Am, that it would be nn- . and salaries here generally, and j wIao for congress to tie the hands iew 01 living costs ana nis ageioI tne incoming presiaeni,, " experience. . ' "TtanVa a. m mnlaf nav Isaa than other commercial 'institutions. 1 1 ROCKWELL BILL IlEJKCTED, teadr damans r- . tttmL ni.vMPIA. W ash.. Feb. n. nil nmi.... . iiti.. i n.. u'athin rton state senate to- t small salaries to obtain the val- day rejected Senator Rkwc"'8 "Die training." r . bill to regulate race -J--- 1 Inermit the us oi iuc Suspected Safeblowers Rniinrl Hior in Rein rl fiieulinrit reanired for passage. The M,,u wwm-j miiiu rfui j va -11 moneys Te rm pruV V 'ia ka Former State Biologist Sug gests Increase In Fish ing Licenses Max Wallace and Ceorge "trton, who were arrested recent w. I': r7nr ' the sute treasury de- If in Portland charged with being Vm "enl. ! 's. Partlclnant. t hnr.!. l. ron- riculturai aeim.n - Beet Ion with th a fa rrthherv at JJe tuberculosis institution, were J11" a hearing yesterday before -age u. E. I'nruh and bound over to the grand Jury KEELFA' PETITION" DENIED TrtrTT. AND. Ore.. Feb. 14. in the federal district court ere - It is possible for the state to realize a revenue for the general fund of from $500,000 up every year from the commercial fishing industry and thereby ! solve in part at least the problem of in creasing the annual revenues to meet governmental expenses, de clares William L. Finley, former state biologist, in a letter to Gov ernor Olcott. The letter was -writ ten after Mr. Finley had read the report ot the special committee on new sources of revenue. Mr- Finley contends, ! that the fish of the state belong to the reople. Instead of giving away, the fishing privilege to some cor-? poration. Mr. Finley suggests that Oregon follow Minnesota and som other states and let the fishing privileges to the highest bidder. He admits that this would raise a great cry from the commercial fishermen and that they would not release tlreir hold without a big fight. Mr. Finley suggests that an in vestigating committee 1 be ap pointed to report to the next ses sion. As an Immediate remedy, however, he suggests 1 that all commercial fishing licenses be in creased "so the people who reap the cieantic harvest of salmon will at least pay tne yearly ex pense of keeping up the supply. WASHINGTON. Fet. 14. De velopments centering around tar iff legislation came fast in con gress today. They included: Declaration by Senator Under wood that he had received assur ances that President Wilson would veto the Fordney emerg ency tariff bill, not by, withhold ing his signature, but with a com prehensive statement giving his reasons coupled with a final at tack upon Republican congres sional policies. Announcement by Senator mc Cumber, Republican. North Da kota, that a vote on the bill prob- jably would be obtained tomorrow Inirht. W DIOlLIUVTUt VJ V-1.'M ..-.. . ney of the house ways and means committee, making definite the intention of Republicans to press legislation revising the perma nent tariff through the extra ses sion before attempting consider ation ot taxation. The Fordney bill was pulled out of Its pigeon hole for several hours of debate. Nothing came of it. however, although It had been expected a vote would be With Senators Strayer and La Follett voting in the negative, the game code bill, house bill No. 100. introduced by the committee on came, passed the senate yesterday. The bill was amended to meet an objection raised by Senator Hare so that the deer shooting season is from September 1 to October 31 instead of from August 15 to Oc tober 15. Senator Ryan, in vot ing for the bill, said he might la ter move for reconsideration be cause of an issMe raised in Clack amas county. Senator Strayer at tempted to have the senate re solved into committee of the whole to have the angling and bunting license fees reduced from $3 to $2, but this failed to carry alter a protest Dy senator urn. 'Other senate bills passed by the senate were S. B. 276. Moser Providing for the incorporation of members from several lodges of any frater nal rganization. Introduced in be half of the Masonic lodge of Port land, preparatry to building of Masonic temple. S. B. 251, Moser To prevent false advertising. Introduced at request of Portland Ad club. S. B. 253. Vinton Providing for deportation by state insane hospital of non-residents ,or non- citizens of the state, requiring residence of two years. Introduc ed at request of Superintendent and not and not and not and not and not had on the amendment of Sena- j steiner of state hospital. tor Smoot. Republican, L tan, I s. B. 291. Moser Prescribing changing the Import rates on j undertaking in appeal from Judn- BUgar from those accepted by "3;ment jn action for forcible entry The hearing riven Wallace oc-l j rhrii R Wolverton cnpied the greater part of yester- VLi I Petition ot Lee Roy E, v.t .. . - . m day mom in f In thn lnctlca cotirt hlle th balance of the day was en to the Barton hearing. Rail for the former was fixed at $2500 nd the latter at $1000. Wallace as unable to furnish bail and as confined in the county jail. Arrangements were beina made 't night to furnish ball for Bar ton, i t- i.r .n attorney, for a mandate ordering the justices of the Ore ..nrme court to permit him r n..M!rn law in the state. Kee- ley'had previously fought the case through the lower courts and su ' ,r.rat courts. Judge Wol verton. held that the federal court lacked jurisdiction. EXCHANGE KATE SET. Kpnatp finance committee. Mr, McCumber, as well as Senators Cay, Democrat, Louisiana, and Smoot, discussed the amendment and several other senators got into the debate. It was generally accepted that as a result of the White. House attitude the Democrats were more than willing to let the measure go to a vote. - Senator McCumber did not elaborate on his statement that he expected a vote by tomorrow night . , Plans of the Republican ieaa- ers concerning revision of the per manent tariff were made puDitc in a letter by Mr. Fordney to Representative Frear. Republican nf wiacnnsln. Anv oroeram. ir. Fordney said, which did not con template immediate action on re vision of the Underwood tariff would not be in accord with the "overwhelming expression of the Deonle." in the election. The house ways and means committee, its chairman indicat ed, will launch into the work of framing the new tariff law im mediately after the present hf-ar-Inss are concluded, probably within a few days. The bill then will bo made ready for introduc tion and consideration in the hoiie early In the extra session. After the tariff bill has passed the house,". the letter Con or wroncful detainer. Introduced at request of Portland Chamber of Commerce S. B. 292. Moser Providing that landlords may have 20 days notice of vacation ot property. In troduced at request ot Portland Chamber of Commerce. S B. 311. Lachmund Remov ing the statutory limitation on the salary of the state prison waraen by empowering the governor to fix the salary. . . S. B. 229. Hall Increasing tne salary of the state superintendent of banks from $4000 to ihuou a year. The salary Is paid from funds earned by the department. S. B. 233, Moser To regulate disposition of bodies of dead ani mals. S. B. 288. Hall Granting land settlement commission cash ac count While It he schedule for trucks. based tn' total width of tires, was not included in the motion. It Is believed the schedule embodied in the printed bill will be adopted by tba comiautee. Freak Cars Included As ebinpared with the present schedule 4ho minimum weight is raised Jrpm 1600 to 1700 pound's so thatiCvrlll cover cerUIn freak types of amall cars slightly heav ier thanthe ordinary Ford. Following Is the schedule for automqbHes: i Weiihiiiz 1700 pounds or less. is. i ., Weighing ove 1700 over 2104 pound. $22. 1 .aTa St weienjig ovrr iwu over 20(f pounds, $28. Weighing over zsuo over 20? pounds, $34. Weighing over zuv or-- ti& rounds. $40. Weighing over 3300 ana noi over 3$0 pounds, s. Wei ah ing over 3 tow rver 4100 nounds. $55. Weiafnine over 4iu ana ni over 4104 Dounds. $C2. Weiehinr over 4oo ana not over 4 9D i sounds. $71 Welehrne over 4900 and not over 520( Donndrf. $79. Weighing over $ 30U ana noi A a moo over iiUO pounai, oo. Weighing over 50 pounas, $97. j The schedule for trucks based on total tfre widths, now appear ing in the bill and which It Is be lieved WUVbe adopted, follows: For Solid Tire. Less Uhan 14 Inches and not over 14 Inches Trucks. $35; trailers and seml-trallers. $17.50. Over 14" inches and not over 17 inches Trucks. $42; trailers and semi-trailers. $21. Over IT Inches and ncover 22 inches Trucks. $55; tralers and aemi-trallers. $27.50 Over 22 inches and not over 26 inches-4Trucks. $65; trailers and nemi-trailers. $32.50 Over 26 Inches and not over 3U inches .Trucks, xios; trailers and semitrailers, $52.69. Over 30 incnes ana not over o Inches Trucks, $126; trailers and semi-trailers, $63. Over 36 Inches and not over u Inches Trucks. $140; trailers and seml-trallers, $70. For Pneumatic Tire. Less than 20 Inches and not over za jtnenes irucas, trailers and semi-trailers. $17.50. Over 30s Inches and not over 24 inches-Trucki. $42; trailers and semi-traefs. $21. Over 4 inches and not over 28 Inches jTCUcks. $49; trailers and semi-trailers, $24.50. Over 2 8 inches and not over 32 Inches iTpicks. $56; trailers and semi-tratlers. $28. Over 32 inches and not over 40 Inches fTjrucks. $70; trailers and seml-trallers, $35. Schedule Experimental. The fee-schedule was aaopiea COMMITTEE til HOLD OVER T0 1823 Reapportionment May Not Be Considered At This Session er. though they will serve the purpose of the governor. The history of the prUon shows that politics has always been an Oregon boot that fettered efficient management whenever political Influence has hovered over that insulation. With the appofnt ment ot Dr. R. E. L. Steiner as temporary warden of the prison, and the later appointment of Lieu-' tenant Louis Compton, Governor Olcott caused word to go out that the warden would be unhampered in his management. Steiner wa capable and Compton la recog nized as having made good In a position where the state needs one ot IU beat officials. Bat It now looks as If the governor Is ajaln going to lock on the Irons. Because ot the nearness ot thekr T. of - i. end of the legislative eesalon and I clothed by law with certain re- the Impossibility in . the short sponslbUities concerning the sute time remaining of actln irith In- Prion. And herein is tnconsUt- . , " A. ency and conflict in the two telllgence on the subject or reap- 5I1U that h4Te m before the portionment of representative and present legislature, one of which senatorial district. Senator Thorn- has passed both bouses and been M ,.,t.rd.r --" Tif.XTorr.T. resolution to have the special re- . . board cf control to a tree appointment commitee continued. I on , prison policy, the legislature to investigate in the next twolof ltl7 removed the penitentiary irom tne nanas or ine wna v. control and placed It Into the hands of the governor alone. Now comes the Da vey bill of this session, an administration bill asked for In the governor's tnee- years and report to the session of 1923. The resolution points out that at the time the special Joint eom- t . . AA' aa nnnintM it VU Tin- .'"rr.. nnm..ln.i u. deslmed to eliminate the UtlHUUU luai. m m- . " " -I " . .v .... district would be created In we hk p . .mh,. . TC; state, but that this is now impoe- d placing "tjorltf to J sible because of con gressional ac- P"hjn ry to to the band, of he tlon. thereby obviating the necea- - t sltyotthe spectai eommmw -- nA'thm mtt of ijit. that respect urtner. tne i nomas - --Bonia serious resolution points out that a tre- J-nd er this act, Jould mendous amount ol indisposed ot t?l business is pending before both the ",IJ,rkI otl t tbe board of house and the senate. control. ThU bill, now having opportunity for adequate consid- governor's signature attached, eration of whatever report may be dlrectiy in conflict with the made by the reapportionment com- Cordoil blli aiao aa admlnlstraUon mittee. Time will be further cut mea8are nrged tB -.ffect In tbe down, it is said, by public hearings KOrtrnoT; message, which propo--that are demanded on many of f9 fo appropriate $30,000 with the pending measures. which the governor not tb Should the Thomas resolution board 0f control may estaiun prevail tbe committee would be In- a new tndtry at the state prls- structed to have a bill prepared OI1 tni la In the hands of for the 1923 seccion and to .pre- tn, jolnt ways and means- com- sent It during tbe first week ot . - . . that session. fContlnned ol nage 2) S I BOOTH IS SLATED FOR CABINET POST ..if- ( a ' --.'" AS INTERIOR SEGRETARY a imnr antvirpntlv emanating from a irood source, has it that It. A. Booth of Eugene is expecting to be appointed m . . .1 YT A ..klntl an1 fnr' nof without! much debate, though the secretary oi tne interior m uibuu u v w;ThI schedule it considered experiraen-1 reason WR1 not accept iwjwiutunuk oa tai. Members oi the committee state highway commission by Governor uicott wnen nis freely expressed the opinion tHat term expires March 30. . , the schedule is good enough to iifo, further to the effect that the high- wav commissionership viU be tendered by Governor Olcott by the' next legislature, a more to Ed. Cusick of Albany, and that. if Mr. Cusick does not ao scientinr basis is ciaimeo. lor i"iCept James Stewart oi tjorvams wui De tne neAi. tiiuitc new scnevuie (uuiimcu While the gossip is still remote that onltlje weight basds now in effect. ;7Tb fees are not chang?d to a ereat xleeree. M. O jAVilkins. representee the I n i-i 5mith Ttponirlne motor tehicla dealers, objected S. B. 14. Smith Keqninngi h0nia i pnysicai aim iuruii ot persons apyijiu., iui """f- license. S. B. 201. Ryan Creating state OTTAWA, Ont.. Feb. 3 4. The board of railway commissioners announced todaythat from Feb ruary 14 to 28 the rate of ex change In connection with sbipr ments of freight between Canada and the United States would be t - The nrcharre on tuch tralfic will b S per cent. I . JLCoatuxucd.pn Pago 2.). bond commission and giving state nrpferentlal riKht. S. B. 268. LaFollett Giving state board of control authority to fix salaries of state institution su nerintendents. s : S. U. 25. Staples i ruuuius that branch foreign banks can lake drafts and bills of exchange up to 10 per cent ot tbe capital!- (Continued pa page 2), ripclarint She tire wiitn scnemc would encourage narrow uri-a .uu tend 1 -dtroy roads. This wa3 rt-'iited br W. B. Dennis, who has from authenticity, there Is much about it that Is plausible. Ever since the election of Senator Har ding last November there has been a clamor In the west for tne selection of a western man for the cabinet post of secretary ot Interior. Further, the claim ct " ""I.. . . .V .. ...... v.. Bad a great ueai iu u uu . nnAn Mr. Ilardlni i ...: i V, a tmrn near fUhon f IP.. I ' ' I II II fU.: IW' " " - . end wno - Qfciartu 1 ... v. .v. lti fo at- " and" ofLVi "I3 i1 tb di"Cf Particular man. A scanning of by numerous men of Influence, ence in tire aidths. Aciwraenta Stand ia Way. The committee is now np against the-danger of conflicting XqQaiinned, pa pacq 2), the field does not show any mat better Qualified for the place than Mr. Booth., and his long service in the Republican party and the sev cral honors that have been accord ed him by that party in his home ttate are considered strong ar- 9 gumeuts in his favor. Furtnr plausibility is contrib uted to tbe report because of tb close friendship that exists be tween President-elect Harding and United States Senator Charles L MeNary. Booth would be ery lo ileal man for Senator Me Nary to recomnrend to the na tion's next chief executive, either from tbe political an-le or on the basis ot ability to fill th pOFt. ' ' Should a vacancy be created on the state highway commission, rn the western Oregon representa tion, both Buslck and Stewart an I la line for appointment, - . i ; 1