I k tite OKKrinv sstatkSmAn.- salem. uictuur " ' 0. HENRY i AL. JENNINGS I (Continued from last week.) i . -i CHAITEB FORTY-SIX It was the end of the struggle. The pulsing, clamorous silence that holds the tongue while thoughts shout from mind to mind was between us. Porter seemed exhausted by the defeat. The joy In his promotion was dissipated. He became more aloof than ever. "uhat a terrible isolation there Is in this prison life," he said aft er a pause that' weighed like a tone upon us. "We are forgotten br the friends we left in the world and we are used by the friends we claim here." I knew that Torter had a wife and child. I did not know then that he bad reached bis home aft er onr separation in Texas to find his wife dying. Nor did I know that the 13000 had g.ven. him a measure of independence is those last sad months before his trial and conviction. In all our Intimacy at prison. Porter never once alluded to his family affairs. Not once did he npatr nf the child who was ever in his thoughts. Billy and I sent out Innumerable letters to the little Margaret. Only once did Porter slip a word. It was that time when a story had been refused He was disappointed, he said, i- for . he LADD & BUSH BANKERS established 186S ..At General Banking Busbies Office Honrs from 10 , m. to S p. m. JUST: ARRIVED i'- i- ', " i Here Are the Records You Have Been Asking for. Hear Them Today. 1586 Church in the Wildwood. . Quartet 1686 Whispering Hope - 1990 If Your Heart Keeps Right . Rodheaver :?:.: : 1 2248 Rainbow on the Cloud. .. . . . ........ .... Rodheaver . ! ! I3c ! ' T - - : . ! ' ' 2198 Where Is My Wandering Boy Tonight ......... .Burr , MO 2867 In the Garden ...Asher and Rodheaver 2829 Let the Rest of the World Go By.. Campbell and Burr 83c t 2924 My Isle of Golden Dreams.. .....Violin Solo , i fl.00 . 2943 Oh by Jingo One-Step. . . .Lania Roseland Orchestra i 83e 2973 Down the Trail to Home, Sweet Home. Burr : ' ;:. -.; jfi.oo 4 2989 ThatJ Naughty Walts. . . .Violin Solo I : 9100 3315 Out Where the West Begins Harrison I . -' 85c r 3332 Margie. ................. . ... . . . . . . .Frank Crumit ! , 91.00 . 6824 Miserere from II Trovatore. .... .Harrison and Chorus ;j- . . fl.23 . - , $884 College Life Two-Step. . mr. ..;- ..... Princess Band 1.23 . I 6180 Down the Trail to Home. Sweet Home .Walts , i! ' fl.23 .- . i PLACI5 X BEFORE NUMBER, SEND WITH YOUR I t REMITTANCE wanted to send a present to a little J iriena. War to Escape ' To Keep Silent. "We may not be forgottenby the folks on the outside," I of fered. ' "Forgotten or despised, what difference does it make? I left many there. They were powerful. They should have won a pardon tor me." He looked at me with a troubled suspense. "Al, do you think I am guilty?" "No, Bill. I'd bank on you any day." Thanks. I've got one friend anyway. I'm glad they let me alone. I do not wish .to be in debted to anyone. I am the mas ter of mv own fate. If I bungled jny course and got myself here, j then all right. When I gei ou I will be under an obligation to none." Many of those friends would today hold it their highest honor to have aided O. Henry when he was just Bill Porter the convict. If anvone ever interested himself in Bill, he did not seem to know of it. "I haven't much longer to stay here, colonel how many con tracts do you suppose there'll be to give out?" "Oh. quite a few. Why?" "There might be some way of escape for us." "Yes. your way out is to feath er your own nest and keep your trap shut. Take another swig." Convicts Klarca To Irion liogues. After that there were many glasses of wine many fingers of whiskey many long conversa tions after the 9 o'clock lights were out. Porter gave in, van quished, but the surrender sagged at him like an ugly worm biting incessantly at his heart. He tried to keep the bids, secret; he fought to give the contract to the lowest man. He would be asked to show the bids. He was a mere piece of STtNDAV MORNING; FEBRUARY 13. 1021 RINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN I "Tw? Qui m re. 'Fv t-& iycOt-P CORC Vtot-, DOT Ilk rf-N r . i nzcp -TMe noNtzv. you IT WoHT nilTTCI( t ttc? one vvit-- mi 55 you. S WflMT VOO TO 7FKf?flTtt. ! JU5T LOVE. Tfte stnct.L. or LENS FAX Lenses are the vital parts of your glasses. On them alone you de pend for utility. ---The importance of grinding lenses to meet Your Individual re quirements is rated so high by us that we have a Complete Me chanical Department for this work. For this same reason we are also able to du plicate any broken lens the same day. Step in and we will be glad to show you this interesting process of lens grinding. MORRIS OPTICAL CO. Eyesight Specialists 204-211 Salem Bank of Commerce Building SALEM. OREGON HHP yi i L I 3 I IMTERNATlOrJAt CAKTOOrt CO N Y furniture in the office. He had to do as he was told and without question. "The dirty scoundrels." he would say to me. "Pay no attention to it, I would advise. "Honesty is not the best policy in prison. Don't let It worn you." "Of course I will not worry over it. we are notning but slaves to their roguery." Even so. Porter and I had tre mendous power in letting out the contracts. The wealthy thieves who profited at the expense of the state and two helpless con victs sent us cases of the choicest wines. They sent us cigars and canned delicacies, as tokens of their esteem. We kept the con traband in the postoffice and many a stolen feast Billy and Porter and I enjoyed. Carrion Delivered As Prime Beef. I had nothing to do with the letting of the contracts, but the acceptance of the supplies was within the province of the war den's office. I knew the horrible starvation forced on the men in the main dining room. The mem ory of my first meal there with the maggots floating in the stew gravy and the flies drowned in the molasses filled me with nau sea every time I passed, the klteh en. ': I made up my mind for one thing - if towering prices were paid for meat, I would at least insist that the supply brought to the prison be whole some. "You can do that," Porter said. "The warden will bear you out on it. We can have that much satis faction, anyway." When the first consignment came under the new contract. 1 went down to look at It. Pre pared as I was tor cheap substl tutes, I was not ready for tht snocKing spectacle before roe as the rotten stuff was shouldered out of the wagon. "Put it back." I yelled. Breath less and fighting mad I reached the warden's office. "They're unloading a lot of stinking, tainted meat down at the butcher shop. Files wouldn't crawl in it. It's so rotten. It's an outrage. We've given the high est price ever quoted on the face of fhe earth for meat and they've brought us In a load of carrion. What shall I do about It?" Batcher Taught to Send Fair rale. do, Colonel, If yon should get out?" "I will walk up to the first man I see on the street and I will say to him. "I'm an ex-con Just got out of the pen. If you don't like It. go to hell." (I did that very thing some years later.) Porter burst out laughing. It was the first time I had ever heard him laugh outright. It seemed to come bubbling and singing up from his throat like a rich, sonor ous tune. "I would give a great deal for your arrogant Independence. I wonder if I will regret my plan?" I don't believe he ever did, even on the black day in New York when he all but admitted he could endure the suspense no longer. (Continued next week.) SOUND TIRES Sound All Around .a " r .ri-' Better tires that will run more miles is of interest trj all motorists. This is just what we have in SOUND TIRES They are made by the Western Rubber Company at Tacoma, Wash. A new Northwest enterprise financed by Oregon and Washington capital and should have the support of all Western people. They are building a quality hand made tire, using a higher percentage of pure rubber, and the very, best quality of fabric and cords. The quality is much more uniform than in machine made tires. Thev are built to stand our Wpst pm rnarle firtfi from not imAninlj nn.!.. ing they are making good beyond all doubt. Insist on your next tire being a Sound Tire. If your dealer is not a Sound T1r earnestly solicit your patronage. . We make our own adjustments and guarantee satisfaction. VICK BROTHERS salem; oregon; DOGGONE IT! John D. Wells, author or Rhymes of Our Home Folks." does not mind a joke on himself. "It is difficult to: remember all the children of one's own pen." he epxlalned. "I've written a verse a day for 15 years and of tentimes a forgotten one comes home to childe. Not long ago my little", daughter Annette came home from school reciting a bit of verse. " 'Did your teacher waste your time memorizing that verse?' I asked.' ' " Yes. father "'Well. Ifa doggerel: It has neither rhyme nor reason, and yon may tell your teacher your father said so.' "The next evening at dinner my little daughter said: " 'I told my teacher what you said, father that my rhyme was doggerel.' " Well I asked, 'what did she say?' " 'She said. "Your father ought to know. He wrote if." The warden turned a white, startled race toward me. '"What's this, what's this?" his voice sounded seared and faint to m' He started pacing the floor. "It's a shame, warden, the men are being starved. The beans are so old and withered and only fam ished men would besmirch them selves with that meat. We could at least require common whole someness." "That's right, yes, that's right. You say the meat is absolutely tainted? Send It back. Write to them and tell them we demand good fare." I made the letter strong enough to ring true. I Informed thn wholesalers that the Ohio Peni tentiary paid rirst class prices. It demanded first class produce. The meat we got after that was coarse but It was fresh and clean. I used; this one authorization from the warden again and again to sena back stufr. The contract ors came to realize that the prison was no longer a garbage can for their spoiled supplies. They round it cheaper to send in a medium gratfe in the beginning. What In Tn on Leaving Prison. X' . . iuu ire coma io see mere are worse things in the world. Bill man an ex-convtct," I suggested to Porter when I told him about the tainted meat. "When you get out will you brazen out their pre judice or win you keep to yout old resolution 7" i-oner naa about four months more to serve. We kept a calen nar ana every night we would Btrme oil another dav. It u melancholy thing to feel the sepa ration coming uaily nearer separation mat will be as final ana ancompromisfng as death We Ulked indifferently, almost "flip pantly at this time because we were so deeply touched. - i nave not changed. I will keep my word. .What would you 5 Cents a Day $1.50 A MONTH Secures the best ramlly medicine treatment, which is Hoods' Sarsaparilla For the blood, stomach, liver and kidneys. Creates an appetite, aids digestion, makes food taste good. 3Iore Than Tills While it purifies, vitalizes and en riches the blood, it eradicates ca tarrh, scrofula, rheumatism, makes the weak strong. Gives you more real up-llft and help than any other treatment for three times the money. Get Hood's today. A word to the wise is sufficient. For a mild, effective laxative. or active cathartic, take Hood's Pills. New Charming Spiring Mer Arriving Daily a Every Express brings new spring mercnanaise and u rapidlvfas possible we are placing these new creations on sale. Every pattern will more than merit your inspection Clever Designs in Suits Every suit in this new showing is an expression of indi viduality. Some long coat models, some short, and wide range between; bewitching (embroidery effects; some with button trimming; with or without belts. $22.50 to $45.00 Creations In The Newest Millinary The new hats include some of the most beautifully trimmed satins both with plain colors and the more fancy. ; Both large and small models are being worn this ycir and We have a good selection of both. r $3.98 to $8.50 Oar Prices Always Tlie Lowest Gale & Company Court and Commercial Street . Formerly Chicago Store $ . ''- I . 'ft ' . .k - ' . t ;i - n j ii :- DR. Wm E. WALDO :h ' Lecturer and fi l President of tlie American CKtropathle AssocUtlon 1 SALEM ARMORY I Thursday Feb. 17 I 8:00 P. M. ' Kuhjert: lle1th From the Viewpoint of tlie New rkhool Admlmlon Free Kverybody Welcome Ir. Waldo airars by Invitation of tlie Halrm Osteopathic AanorUUion Dr. T. C. Marshall. Dr. W. L. Mercer, Dr. D. II. White and Dr. John I. Lynch i WANT Al. IN Tlffi STATESMAN WILL BRING RESULTS iieverspffeM i T IT satire sses Finest On Earth MAX Eliminate all the objectionable features of other high grade beds and yet they are sold at moderate prices. Your inspection solicited o BU REN 179 North Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon lit !! 11 7T-