The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 13, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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Germany Wiil Hot Turn Un
til Economic Desperation
Drives Them
oLIiKNTH'UG. Germany, Feb.
11 - ('resident M. Tantzeti-Heer-l
i4 the German free state. o?
cdenbu-rg, one of tho powerful
;..iitical figure of northwest
(rmany declares that the sptead
i l'.olshov ixm through western
J'nrope, and eventually to tbe
Americas,, depends upon economic
i;tuc' over which th German
V"I1 have lost control. "
.'Tit, (lormans villi never turn
lr isolnheviani until economic con-,
il. lions have driven thenr to des
peration, tli" president ipid the
: i ociafqd ITess correspondent.
"This desperatioa. will only'
rome when, with a good will tj
work arl that will hre is very
i trolls work cannot he had," he
roiittniied. ' l"p to l!ol
t hfvism has found no iwitii foot
ing in Germany, although thero
ar'i some cranks who are chasing
Hie soviet- rainbow; Germany is
.landing like a -wall atrahm the
f'lrei-d of red Kustdanlsm over
the oceans, and so Ions as the
waH holds there is no danger.
"The character oY' the pebpla
tti Germany and particularly of
Oldenburg, is too sturdy, quiet
nnd fiensible to tolerate the sen
timental foolishness of Bolghe
, Ism. . Only . economic r causes
tould drive them to Bolshevism.
L it at this time .they have lost
c mtroY of these .-causes. The
treaty of Versailles made us
itrongljr dependent - economically
noon the victorious " nations
I'conornlc pressure has also been
brought to bear,, . Reduced ipro-tl
duction and its consequences are
keenly felt. Necessaries or life
are strictly rationed. Prices have
been driven up; our money has
lott .'Its buying power. The work
ing people will not ndnre tho
"aid for workless' which they
properly feel lowers them mor
ally. "The worst , situation for us is
that the necessary means for ag
ricultural production is limited.
As importations of foodstuffs re
main small this production U of
the utmost importance to us.
Failure to produce is I'.ol.hvism:?
ally. It Is a question of sound
business procedure to let us pro
duce, build up our industries and
stand once more upon a firm econ
omic foundation.
"One of the entente' policies
which seems to me incredibly
shortsighted is that of forcing the
"German people to deliver from
their already dangerously reduced
stock.of cattle to
more cows'. This will not only
mean an increase in our infant
mortality, the death of thousands
of children, but that meat prices
must again go up. the buying
power of our money cgain goin'4
down. That Is bad business. The
other nations cannot s! their
wares to a people that is econom
ically crushed and driven Into a
corner. '
should really lio allowed to have
Uoks because he w an Ajuetl
cau ''in principle.'
ixjiwitions to i:t: rorciiT
"S. SWh J
- Economical
Max 0. Buren
179N.Coml St
Whn Invrular or nnpprnt Tri
firuprr . .Not Mold at drug tturr
not' ekptrimPiil with. ofhr: tare din
PiHintuMnt... Write far "KMrf" nil
i.nrlirnUr, It" tf Adtn Nation!
Mmliral Iimtitiitff. .Milwaukee,
American Forces in Ger
many Re3d Adventures
Of Great West
COBLENZ, Feb. 10, Tales of!
adventure in tb- "American wet j
are the favorite readuig matter of j
the American forces in Germany ,
and Zane Grey is the most pnpu-
lar author. I
T Strangely enough Julius Caesar
run a We se.ond with the
doughboys, who are very ket-n
about translations of Caesar's
Gallic wars. This is due to Cue
sar's activities in the Rhine val
ley and the ruius of a bridge he
btiilt across the llhine. which
lilts Caesar's worte out of the
schoolboolc class and make it a
guidebook that carries the Amer
icans back nearly 20e y.-ars.
BooVs which describe the leg
ends centering about the Rhine
are also popular, especially with
the soldiers who are musically in-
Sr.ATTLK. Wash., Feb. 12.
The city of Seattle will fight to
the l.iiiit. suits brought by taxpay
ers reeking injunctions against
further operation of the municipal
trefri railway, return of the prop
erty to the lugft Sound Traction.
I.iuht and Tower company and to
restrain the" city front making fur
ther payments of interest on the
f I iV.tMio oiio utility bonod issue
by which the purchase of the syss
tem was effected, oecording to
mi :nber.'f the council today.
j Great Plant Is Left Without
Single Contract at De
livery of Aisne
between the leader of lb orches
tra and several of It member.
All f a sudden the" orchestra be
gan to play "Die Wacbt am
Rheln." Kveryone roue to nls
feet, while the officers, including
the English, stood at attention
until the last note had been play
ed. The leader was so aurprlsed
that he came down to the Knglish
officers and began the follow In
"Gentlemen, may I ask you a
G.i ahead!" ,
"Did you recognize the piece
we Just played?
iki von know that that was
Hi. Wacht a in Rhein?"
"Why certainly." said one of
the Kniclishmen. raising his vuice"
to le heard all over tne
"but that's all right! Die
Wacht am Rhein that's us."-
( Journal des Debats.)
rniLADKI.PIHA. Fob. 10.---
"If we cannot buy raw products I clined. and attend the Wagnerian i Shipbuilding aotiviiy at . Hog Ts-
our workmen will have no work. . nerformances given by the various
our agriculture will have no
means of production, the hard
times will become harder. Then
Germany must tend toward Bol
shevism. Should the working
people find sufticient work this
danger will be avoided, and if
avoided here it will not menace
"It is up to the United States
to have the terms of the Versail
les treaty moderated," lest we be
crushed economically. In doing
this America will help us hold
the front against the spread ot
Bolshevistic ideas, enable us to
buy and pay for raw products,
which we want and which now
are accumulating in American
warehouses and will immunize
her own . working people against
the disease of dangerous political
movements. For after all Bol
shevism Is ifot basni on the com
pelling force "of f?ne Ideas, but
upon economic blight."
' - Knew Her Better.
A certain movie actor was con
fiding to his press agent, Ham
Beall that he wanted to break off
with his sweetheart and didn't
know just how to go about it.
. "Are you afraid she'll take it to
heart?" asked Ham politely.
"No. I'm afraid she'll take it to
court." was the doleful reply.
Isn't necessary to prove out
kind's superiority. Only a short
trial will convince you that our
coal burns better and cleaner
and lasts longer than ordinary
grades. When you have had
this proven to your own satis
faction we shall expect the or
der for your entire supply.
German grand opera companies
which play in Cologne. Coblenz.
Wiesbaden and the other cities
near the Rhine frequented by
soldiers on leave. ,
All-story magazines which spe
cialize in adventures are more pop
ular with the American soldiers
than any other periodicals and the
American Library Association has
been able to -supply" the demand t
for publications of this sort. i
With the assistance of the
Young Men's Christian Associa- j
tion, which aids in the distribution
of reading material In the Amer
ican area. Miss Ala Weyth. who is
In chance of the American Library
Association's reading rooms, has
been able to make a general poll
of the reading taste of the army
and find that foreign residence
has not won the young Americans
away from fiction laid in, America,
particularly In the west.
The American Library associa
tion has about 30.000 books now
available for Americans, French.
Belgians, and English residents
of the occupied area and has also
circulated may books by mail to
Americans living in other parts
of Germany. Three hundred cop
ies each of 36 American weekly
and monthly publications, in ad
dition to a large number of n?ws- j
papers, have been taken by the;
organization and circulated by,
branch libraries at Andernach and
Mayen, as well as through the
American base hospital and the
main library in Coblenz.
With the beginning of 1921 the
American Library ossociation has
turned its books over to the Y.
M. C, A., and is no longer sup
porting the work.
The main library in Coblenz
was formerly a German officers'
club and is ideally suited to lib
rary purposes. It has a great
ballroom which makes an excel
lent reading room and also Jias
sun parlors and large drawing
rooms, with many windows. Many
Germans have asked for the
privilege of using the library, but
this has been denied as tbe -army
I did not think it advisable. On
1 German told the librarian he had
4 lived many years in America and
' In ml th. u-iir!jl'z I iritAi:! chihl-ril
........ .... ........ ... . ... .... . . .
has coased. With the delivery of
tli,! steam: hip Aisne to the army
transport srvke after the vessels
trial trips during the latter part
of Ja.iuary. not a ship remains to
be completed at the great plant
Hog Island, during the three
yeans uf its existence, has been one
of the chief factors in placing
America in the front ranks of the
maritime powers. Created as a
war time emergency, more than
:5i;.imio men and woiih-h were em
ployed at the leak, ot its opera
The firPt keel was laid Febru
ary 12. litis, and since then 122
vessels a total of I5fi.7oO dead
weight tons, more than one-tenth
of the Shipping- Hoard Emergency
r leet Corporation's tonnage of
contract steel ships built at all
the shipyards in the United State
have been turned out.
The' production record of the
Hog Island yards reached its
height in the one-year period
from April 1919 to April 17.
1920 when 79 ships wefe launched
and 74 delivered, an average of
one ship launched eveijy 2S work
ing hours rnd one delivered ev
ery 30 working hours. v
The cargo carrying- records of.
Hog Island vessels include the5
carrying of 3.fil3.69 4j long tons
of American products) to aJl in
portant parts of the worldf To do
this the Hog Island phips have
teamed 3.775.4?..". nautical miles,
equivalent to 157 trips around the
world. It is declared that thev
in the ra-
. olhtf.
Enlisted Strength of Navy Is
Cut to 100,000 For
Fiscal Year
will transact bu nines
clfic'northwest and alao
American port. .. ,.:-
At present Mr. asd Mrs. Wilson
are gueut at the nome tif W. H.
Uurghardt until they secure a ult
lible apartment, which they will
occupy during their stay In the
city Though they' bave both
traveled extensively they are still
r tho oninion that Salem Is the
Ideal place to live.
I'. :
I3BT "i
Murders and Robberies Are
Regular As Ocean
Tides .
KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Feb. 10.
With the regularity of the tides,
rather than an occasional wave,
crime has surged over Kansas
City in a vast volume of murderr.
robberies and lesser act of crim
inality during the last few months
according to Ward Glfford. exe
cutive secretary of the Law En
forcement association. formd
here for the purpose, not only in
suppressing crime, but to ascer
tain and correct conditions which
foster it.
"Crime In Kansas City is a
highly organized business, and
those who are directing crime
use -as efficient methods as any
successful person does in conduct
ing a legitimate enterprise," Mr.
Gifford declared. "The public
cannot hope to combat organized
crime without organized oppo
sition." Mr. Gifford declared that it
was because criminals found ref
uge and entertainment in Kansas
City that they made their oper
ations a continuous performance
here. With this in mind, the Law
Enforcement assiciation plans a
censorship of motion picture
theaters, pool and dance halls,
gambling and the social evil. To
root out crime, he said, the city
must be cleaned up morally. Un
employment, he said, was not con
house today accepted without
ctmiuieut the provision for reduc
ing the enlisted ttreiigth of the
navy from ; 1 43.000 to Umi.OOO
men after Jul." 1. No objection
was raised to the section provid
ing funds sufficient only for 100,
oyit during he coming fiscal year.
It remained in the bill Intact.
Clauses providing for a reduc
tion of the marine corps from ap-
nrnTimilolvi 27.000 to 2fl.000
men and for an approprlathm ol
$90.0imi.oh to carry on the 1916
building program during the next
fiscal veari orobaltlv will be
reached Monday.
After Itjepresenlatlve Green.
Iowa, ranking Republican mem
lier on the way and means com
mittee, had urged reduction of
armament. Representative Gar
rett. Democrat. Tennessee, for 10
minutes took the Republican par
ty to task for "scrapping the on
ly definite disarmament program
ever laid lfore the world the
league of nations."
Representative .Britten. Repub
lican. Illinois, wanted to know if
the league jbf nations meant dis
armament, why nations already In
the league haditaken no steps to
reduce theif armies and navies.
"Because the United States Is
n't In the ileague," shouted Mr.
Garrett, "we're trying to build the
biggest navy in the world."
Attacks on the navy bill on the
ground that! many provisions were
new legislation were continued
todav. Representative Britten
leading the? fight. He was less
successful, however, than on pre
vious days and practically all sec
tions considered remained intact.
TURNER. Ore. Feb. 12.
(Special ,n" Statesman). The
Martin saw mill made a good run
the past week. .... .....
The school olserveti Aroor
with program and a general
H. T. Fleetwood and family
have moved to Salem.
Mis Gay Davis spent tbe week
end with her mother near Plaln-
TlMrs. W. T. Riches returned
from Portland -Thursday.
Richard Walker has traveled as
far as Yuma. Arit.. on bis south
ern trip.
Surprise C range met with good
attendance and much Interest yes
terday. , ' .
Mm Esther Neal of Salem
spent the week-end In Turner.
Mrs. fl.t M. Kuper shopped in
Salem Saturday.
. .
ANNAPOLIS. Md.. Feb. 12.
Midshipmen athletes made a clean
sweep In a seven-cornered pro
gram of contests today.
The sailor lads defeated tar-
negie Tech In boxing, the wrest
ling team triumphed over the
University of Pennsylvania; tne
swlmrning team defeated Colum
bia, Si to 11 points, and the pol
olsts from the same Institution.
11 to 10. The fencers defeated
a team ol the French Young Mens
"The AmazonsAA Three.
Act Farce, Is Clever
English Story
Liqht and! Power Line
Will Extend Service
An extension of the light and
power line 'of the Portland Rail-
The Salem high school to to
present their annual play Friday
night when they offer "The Am,
rons." a three-act farce, under
the direction of Miss Beatrice,
Thompson. The cast is compos
from characters chosen from ta
entire school and the annua! plays
are considered to be the beat la
dramatics daring the school year
The Amazons" is the story of
an eccentric old Kaglish wotnas.
Lady Castlejordan. who. disap
pointed because no boys had bees,
born to her, has reared Ler taree
girls as boys, even to dreMiag
them in boy's attire. Complications
arise when all three "bo)V till tj
love. The dialogue tLroaghsst
tbe play is bright and Interettiag
and the action arises to a tri
placed climax.
The cast Includes:
Barrington. Viscount LItterly .
Frank Chapman.
Golfred, Karl of Tweenway
Arthur Montgomery."
Andre. Count de G rival rva'.
aid Davidson.
Rev. Roger MInckIa
T Fitton, a gamekeeper joeAJ.
brlch. . ;
Youatt, a servant Aides JUv
Orts, a preacher Roland rub
hart. . . -
Miriam, March ropest. fit Cut.
Christian association of New Y6rk jordanJosephlne $ross.-'
la to 11. the basketball team d
feated the collegian all-stars of
Baltimore. 37 to 31. while the
freshmen basketeera trimmed "the
Central hih- school ,of , Washing
ton, 29 to 14.
Martins Bill oh Land .
Plotting Up This Week
Representative Ivan G. Martin's I Door.
bill for an act relating to tbe plat-
Lady Noeline Beltnrbet Eel.
ene Seeley.
Lady Wilherain Beltnrbet
Florence Dell. - ' '--
. i Lady Homasin Beltu'rbet ,V
bel -Marcos.' :
. . Sergeart' Shriter Fm
Ward. - '" ,,;
Their coach. Mis TuCbs-; ;
a teacher In the EogTJsh di
rrient, was the coach of the socc ;
of last year, The Hons Ncr.
wav T.trht I Power enmnanv ia totting and ale Of land TlOt located
be made as soon as construction wltbln the corporate limits of any
aterial arrives which will prob-city or town win e. orougni up
cltlorod tn he a factor in law-
have functioned perfectly on afU breaking as yet. He pointed out
""? . J , ltbat practically all of the rob-
During the course ort their trav-Jbericg WPre committed by youths
els oyer the seven sea these ves? rof from 17 to ji Tear9 of aKe. a
sels havo engaged in (19 rescues
of crart disabled in heavy torms; ;
the lives of 702 members of dis
abled craft's crews have beeot
saved and ships worth $18.00X
000 have been brought safely
to port by the steamers from Ho
n from Hog
.4fv-T I .
t m r I
f fc -- - I
. . ft- m h- "i HMBHV
Nxdba? die h
4UK. .
rsp( I I
- I I
Oregon Statesman
Salem, Oregon
Enclosed please find $.
PRIM-LADY -APRONS are the pride and happiness of all
the better class of housekeepers who hare them. .They
are the time and work saver of oar thriftiest women.
These aprons are neat, attractive and tremendously
popular as a preventative of the High Cost of Living
- - in regard to clothing, they are uncom parable be
cause they not only save the laundry bill but the
wearing apparel as welL
These garments are cleanable waterproof
over-garments, which require
no laundrying. Are made of
the best quality of gingham,
thoroughly rubberized . and
printed in cheery-looking pat
terns, in blue and white
The Retail Value It
For A Household Necessity
and all you have to do to get
one of these attractive, ser
viceable and time-saving gar
ments is to uet us two new
Daily Subscribers for three
months, or one new subscriber
for 12 months. 50c a month
by mail in Marion and Polk
counties. 60c a month outside
of these counties.' C5c a month
by cify carrier. -..
period which he explained, socio
logists considered as the most
dangerous for the development of
crimma'T tendencies.
The Law Enforcement associ
ation, made up of 600 citizens.
he. said, is a sort of moderniza
tion W the old-time vigilance com
fliittee, only that it works entirely
in co-operation with the author!
A number nf Pnriich ffiit.a1 ties.- An outline of Its purposes
were sitting in a Germttn restaur- Includes advocacy of more strin-
ant In Cologne having a very good genl cr,m,nai ,awB: iouowing up
time for people who were awavlof arrests and seeing that the
from home. Thev wer' tmeir law breakers are prosecuted: ad
by a rather lively conversation,! vising with officials on pardons
anu paroies mu Keeping vurps
of investigators constantly at
wprk collecting data on mo sal ir
While the association Is com
paratively young, Mr. Gifford
pointed out that automobile thefts
had been reduced 50 per cent. A
number of rewards also have been
paid for the capture of crlmln
als. including I25G0 for the tak
Ing of Denzel Chester, charged
with the murder of Miss Florence
Barton, a young society girl here
last October. It was the sen
sation caused .by Miss Barton's
deaths which resulted in the- for
mation of the enforcement asso
Mr. Gifford admitted, however
that the association had most ot
its work ahead 'of it that the
curve in the crime scale still
t-howed a menacing upward trend.
ably be in a month or six weeks.
The new lint) to be built will run
from the Pacific highway to the
Southern Pacific railway tracks
south of Chtmawa. Property hol
ders all alofig the route have sig
nified their intention of taking
advantage of the service extended.
Those who have signed up are
E. S. Lipp, Albert Hudnall. L. P.
Paulson. Andrew Zahare. Ray
mond Nek u da, N, C. Jorgensen.
John Liphart, Gus Noren and Wil
liam M. Ray.
1 taaiiaL Si 1
" jr Mm
" I . - -' .. . Si si
-.A I i3S .
f ' t a t-s?si t
i ' ,- m i 1
I 'I L5rS 111 j
- . . 1 It
lr-t 1 II
f.U. "f ST fill
early next. week. ; Tbe. bill makes
unlawful tbe acceptance and fil
ing of any plat of a subdivision
of land not located within the
corporate boundaries of a city or
town until the recorder shall as
certain that the. land covered -by
the plat is free from all liens and
encumbrances of any kind.
It also makes it unlawful for
Many Children-Havr v-
; Thrift Saving Hal t
Bond Taxation Bill
l' Is Reconsidered
With the understanding that
the bill will he amended by the at
tachiag of a clause referring It to
the people, senate bill 115, by Yin
ton and Ryan, providing for the
taxation of aH bonds except feder
al bonds, was reconsidered yester
day and re-tef erred to the Insur
ance committee of the senate. The
bill failed on final passage Fri
day. rm "VTj
.Senate bill 251. Banks Relat
ing to votes', taken In payment of
Insurance premiums, which failed
Friday, was testerday recommend
ed and passed.
I.O.O.F. Encampment
Entertains 250 Persons
About 2$0 representatives of
the Encampment branch of the In
dependent Order of Odd Fellows
from valley town were entertained
last night by the local Encamp
ment; the evening's program be-
in concluded with a banauet
About 50 candidates were put
through two degrees last night.
tne Portland delegation putting on
tne work, t
Wishing to ascertain w teller
or not the school children stiH
take an interest in thrift savisc
Mrs. Mary L. Fulkersoa, coo ay
superintendent of Marlon croatr,
sent out thrift questlonairres ta
the various schools tbrostlxm
the county in January which wen
tA Ha rtt1t In nt MtnntJ wirk
any person to offer for sale or sell lhe regaiar monthly reports.
any tract 01 iana omer man cuy n,,, nlt proved to be faort
or town lots, which said tract U gratifying, as many of the report
suDaiviaea mio 101s or tracts,
when such tract or lot so offered
for sale is covered -by a mortgage
or lien coverrng. more land, tracts,
or lota than' the, tract offered for
sale. -A penalty ef from 1100 to
$1000 is affixed to the Utter part
showed that the work ot ttrL't
saving has become a factor la tli
lives of the pupils.
One of the most noteworthy c!
the reports received to data coc
from the school at Hayervlllc n
school district number 99. Tti
ntimber nf nanila enrolled is 11.
of7 whom 21 have savings taii S
. . a m mm A. 1 . - . t
cruuaii, ab (duiu unit vni
and four are' saving by otia
methods. The total value of s.1
savings by the pupils is $2,155 ,
Human Nature.
However deplorable the fast
may be, two-banded pin
ochle at 25 cents a hand is one ot
the favorite diversions of commu
ters between Philadelphia. New
York and Atlantic City and other
commercial outports of Philadel
phia. One man. who carries his
pleasures as well as his worries
home from work, was playing
pinochle in his library the other
evening with a crony, when the
Dutier entered ana handed him a
telegram. He returned it un
opned. -I'll look at it' later."
, "But the messenger is waiting,
sir," the butler respectfully re
The. financier read the tele
gram. It said:
"Struck 8000-barrel gusher to
day. Everything tine."
"Confound you. Thomas, why
did you spoil my game?" he cried
He didn't care nearly so much
about the fortune he had made, as
about the 25 cents he was In dan
ger of losing.
OCONEE. Ga,. Feb. 12.' As
many as six iunerais at once were i -rhw. f t. hiMm. .-
conauciea nero V.,b helping to clothe themselves. 11
grues ana on wntie earning all their clothing.
of last Thursday's toraado. were I e,.,, fi -..i, - tatil
. . i . - -
Durtea. I nf 72 tmnlt. morted . savliir
wno wun nis wtie escapea aem
in the storm, announced tonight
that he would preach tomorrow on
"Sin and Tornadoes."
There was a dance In the negro
settlement the night before the
storm, he said, and It was follow
ed by a free-for-all fight and a
shooting affray.
The Original and Only One
ATHENS.' Feb.! 12. The gov-
emment has decided to proclaim
martial law throughout Thrace.
Thrace was ceded to Greece by
Bulgaria under the peace treaty
or euiny, i signed In November,
While there have been no recent
reports of anything to warrant the
proclamation, of martial law,
Thrace has been the scene of dis
order on several occasions.
for which' send the Daily Oregon Statesman to
j Name.
.months at your regularubscription price in according to rates above and please send The
Prim-Lady Rubberized Apron to
v iv . .. 1 -
Central" Was Disturbed.
It may be a libel, but they tell
this story at the expense of a tel
ephone operator in a western
The yonng lady "central" had
gone to church and, 'perhaps by
teason of loss ot sleep occasioned
, by overwork, had fallen into a
I quiet and peaceful slumber.
I After the usual prayer the pas
tor picked up the hymnal.
"Brethren and suiters." he Baid.
glancing first at the choir and
then at the congregation, "we
shall sing hymn 343. Hymn
"The line is busy." said the
operator, suddenly waking and
hearing the preacher's last words.
"I 11 call you." Harper's Maga
Harvey Smith and Wife. .
Asphyxiated at Home
EUGENE.!: Or.. Feb 12. Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey L. Smith, aged
77 and 78 respectively, were hnth
found dead jjn bed at their home
In this cltythls afternoon. The
house was full of gas and neigh
bors who found the bodies say It
was issuingj from an open valve
in the kitchen range. As neither
one had been seen by neighbors
since Thursday, it is presumed
that death occured that night.
Coroner Branstetter announced
that death wits undoubtedly due
to asphyxiation. Mr. and Mrs.
8mith were parents of Fred Smith
prominent hugene attorney. Mr.
Smith was a lieutenant in the
uivii war.
Arthur Wilson Back
After Tyvo Years Absence
iir. and Mrs. Arthur Wilson,
former residents nf Siiom a-
combining business with pleasure'
ana spending a six-months vaca
tion in this city.
Since leaving Salem nearly two
years ago, Mr. Wilson has been
connected wjth the work of com
piling the 0;S. K. official guide.
His headquarters a greater part
of the year are in Osaka. Japan.
The position is lucrative and apart
from this advantage affords an op
portunity for extensive travel, in I
his official capacity Mr. Wilson I
I Vlllfa All rtm lmwa... - I
so statesman classified Ada 'the world, and while oa the coast t
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" ' - '"..,; 1 1 i I -, , ' i
Lr - ' ' . I
Formerly ifV
Lady Francis Hope
The ncnowncd Musical
Comedy Star
Where TheBrg Shows Plif