CTTisin A V MORNING. FEBRUARY 131921 THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON -v v " S3 SOCIETY MEWSi WEEK Mrs. Edward Wright of La Grande Will arrive during the coming weeK and will remain tor several ; days as the guest of friend. ;Tbe Wrights formerly resided In Salem during th? years that Mr. Wright was with the Public Service Commission. They moved to LaGrande when the lat ter received, his appointment rs district attorney for Union county. ; ' A group of wives of legislators who were In Salem during tire session werei invited to be guests of President; and Mrs. J. II. Ac kerman and! the faculty of Mon mouth College at the college on Friday and Saturday, a feature of the program of entertainment oe ing a musicale put on by the music department Friday night. ! Those going were: Mrs. I. E. Dean and son Louis, Jr.. of! Eug ene; Mrs. Gus Moser. ct Portland; Mrs. Patrick Gallagher, of On tario; and Mrs. E. V. Carter, of Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Clarke are pacing the week-end in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. William McGil christ. Jr.. were visitors in Port- m. -i . .. i .WW..! HAVE YOU SEEN THE LOVELY SPRING Dresses and Suits jl i AT KAFOURY'S? WE .would like to have you' examine the qualities, note careful, painstaking workman ship test the perfect fit and charming becomingness of each model. iWe invite you to come '.and see them. Materials are Tricotin, Serge, Wool Jersey, .Tricolette, Canton Crepe, Taffe ta and Satin. . Prices Range for Wool Dress es from' $14.95 up to $39.50 r . For Silk Dresses from $15 up to $62.50 Women's Spring Suits in a variety of styles Each suit has some distinctive fea ture to commend it. The display is unusually attractive, affording: a choice in the prevailing shade, coL or and fabric sizes from 16 up to size 47. Prices Range from $25 up to Plan Your Easter i Wardrobe Now It is none to early, Easter is the 27th of March this -vpar. had vou thoutrht about it? If there is any gar- : ment youlike you should buy it now and avoid disap pointment later on. I his way it will give mose m tne ' alteration department more time to get your garment out in the most satisfactory manner. -' ' .. . I land during the week, going down Thursday. Mrs. 'A. N. Holman of Portland came up the first of the week to remain Bereral days as ine guesi of Mrs. F. V. Brown. , Miss Amelia Babeock arrived home Friday from O. A. C. and will remain until tomorrow with her rarent. Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam P. Babeock. 3- Mr. and Mrs. II. J- Miles, ac nnmnmieA bv Roderick Miles. motored to Portland the first of tho-week to remain tor a ien days as the guest of Mr. and Mrs j Will Jvnight. . Mrs. W. n. Claike was a de lightful hostess Tuesday aner- . ... f.L .KvAA noon, enieriainins uu tables of bridge. As a oacK grcund for the players a spring time motif was uiuisen. compil ing pussy willow ami urep" grap. Hi,;' score fcir to .Mrs. i . ,. -Franklin. Thfe' b'dden were Mrs. C J. Oreene. Mrs. K. T. Buseuc. .Mrs. K. I!.- Thompson. Mrs. Frederick S. Stewart. Mrs. Mtcoy jeeay. Mrs G. G. Brown. Mrs. C. A. lowns. Mrs. P. A. Franklin. Mrs. F. I.. Klein, Mrs. N J. irew. Mrs. Raymond Walsh and Mrs. Charles 11. Whitmon. Opal Whiteley. Oregon girl, ap pears with three other Americans in a lit of authors of the "great year" 1920. Kays the Literary Di gest of January 29. The nook man's Journal and Print Collec tor (London) calls 1920 a great var in the literary world. Opal Whitelev is mentioned with Henry James. Edith Wharton and Joseph llercesheimer. The Digest goes on to say that '"there are suspicious circumstan ces as to th genuineness of the Whiteley dairy which time will yet unravel; but these do not seem so inrportant to us as the fact that while by some or the leading reviewers this book was hall?d as unique and a master piece, others damned it as a mere specimen of American sentlmn tallsm. Some, again, regarded it as a true revelation of child men tality white others declare that only a perfect likeness, but n embodyment of personality, and a remarkable canvas irom an ar tistic point of view as wen. The figure is shown in a Bitt ing posture, the graceful, easy treatment of the hands, and the character-revelation in the face being nothing less than remark able. Mr. Hell, who Is an English artist, with a residence on the coast of only a few years, is recognized as one of the finest portrait painters In the West. During the short time that ho has been here he has painted some of the foremost men and women of Portland, for several years being represented in the art ce- partment of the state fair. Among portraits shown in this way have been tho?e of Mrs. (Col.) C. E. S. Wood. Mrs. Bell, and a number of children. Mr. and Mrs. John Withycombe. Jr.. have been entertaining as their guest, Mrs. Etta Lee of Cor valiis. who stopped off on her way to her home after a visit in Portland. A group oi wives of Elks were entertained at an evening of cards i at the residence of Mrs. L. W. Cleanon Thursday, while the Elks lodj;c was Ft aging a smoker that claimed the attention ot the men. Serving a? nostesses with Mrs. Gleason were Mrs. U. Scott Page. Mrs. Elmer Daue. Mrs. O. A. Ol son and Mrs. C. A. Vibbert. Valentine's day was suggested in the simple decorative Bchenie. Following the awarding of prizes to Mrs. William Cravett and Mrs. F. G. Delano at the conclusion ot the game, a light supper was served. Thos" bidden were Mrs. Chas. E. Knowland. Mrs. Lee Can field. Mrs. E. A. Kurtz. Mrs. William Cravatt.'Mrs. L. P. Aldrich, Mrs. C. A. Vibbert. Mrs. Fred Ellis. Mrs. Thomas Wood, Mrs. C. X. Xeedham. Mrs. H. O. White. Mrs. F. G. Delano. Mrs. A. E. Hucke- stein Jr.. Mrs. O. II. Fisher, Mra. Clyde Johnson. Mrs. Cal Patton, Mrs. Miller Bevier and Mrs. E L. Kappahan. -Si-Mrs. J. C. Griffith and her sis ter. Mrs. Joseph Albert, are the Natinal nnhin .nnM mnro false. For ITruesis oi ftirs. uuo ivrausse in ihu ratnn alone, its Intrinsic I Portland I - r Plan Easter Shopping Tomorrow i SATISFACTION" GUARANTEED or your money Iwck merits or : demerits arart. the lirok must await the authorita tive pronouncement of tlnve." Dozens of motor loads of Elks, their wives and friends were made up last night, going orer to Mc- Minnville, where the local lodge put on a return entertainment for the comedy recently given in Salem by the McMinnville lodge- men. In the group of entertainers were Mrs. A. J. Rahn and Miss Margaret White, the former to appear in vocal solos. Miss White to present some of her artistic aoio dances that have been given with so much success in Salem this winter. Practically a new act featured the first half of the program, the latter half being devoted to the Minstrel, given by the local Elks some time ago. , Among the so loists were Albert Egan. Claude Stevenson. Pan Langenbcrg and Albert Bishop. M. ' M. Fillinc the final niche In th wall space allotted to past gov ernors in the Hall of Represent atives in the Capitol building, is the life-sized portrait of the late Governor James W. Withycombe, which baa recently been complet rd by the well-known Portland artist. Sidney Bell. Relatives and friends recognize in the work rot MAIL ORDERS: We pay the postage or rprejs on your; mail order - i EVENTUALLY You Will Buy 466 State Street Phone 877 THE SUCTION SWEEPER Why not get the best at first WM. GAHLSD0RF, The Store of Housewares The Sonora Phonograph Mrs. U. G. Shipley spent sev eral days in Portland this week. leing entertained by Mrs. J. W. Beveridgs while there. Marie Schulderman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Schuud- crman. formerly of Salem, came up from Portland the last of the week to remain over the week nd as th? guest of Miss Margaret Stolz. Mrs. John Gill of Portland. who has been in Salem about a lortmgnt with senator tiul. waa Jcined this week by their daugh tr-in-!aw. Mrs. Harold Gill, i charming ycung matron, who is very popular in Portland society. Mrs. K. K. Kubll of Portland came to Salem the first of the week to join Representative Kubli luring the remainder of the ses slon. Preceding the dance in Mooso ball IaM night, given by the so-" rial club of the Order of the Eastern Star. Mrs. W. P. Fowle entertained- with a beautifully eppointed dinner in celebration of Miss Teressa Fowle's natal anni- ersary. Patriotic decorations were employed, with red carna tions used as a floral center piece for the table. Red candles lighted the board, and the guests ound their places by small cards In the form of flags. Cover were laid for Miss Fowle. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mey- era. Miss Agnes Baync. Miss Ada Kokx. Miss Lelia Johnson. Miss Lucille Jaskoi-kl. Paul Wallace, Paul FlegeT. Merrill Ohllng. Leo Fpitzbart. Ralph Hamilton. Hay ward Fowle and the hostess. Mrs. I S. Geer and daughter, Lorena. spent several days during the we?k in Portland. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. J, E. Law are rejoicing with them over the recovery of their little son, Bobby, from hi recent illness. '"jfj til ii i Bif ja ill II THERE is one phonograph which is chosen when heard in critical com parison. It Won the highest award for tone quality at the Panama-Pacific In ternational Exposition. It is the Sonora. For what qualities is the crown of success bestowed? Not for loud claims and hollow words, but fpr proven truth Not for outward merit and inward lack, but for solid worth, Not for apparent excellence and sur face glitter, but for thorough value which time has tried and not found wanting. Before you purchase your phonograph hear the Sonora. It will give to you, to your family and friends years of the keenest pleasure, entertainment, and en joyment. . MYRTLE KNOWLAND Sonora Dealer in Salem 415 COURT ST. " :- -j . ' - - i - : . Members and friends of the Court Street Christian church. corgr of Seventeenth and Court streets, are congratulating them selves upon Fecuring the services of Miss Lucille Barton, who has taken charge of the music, be ginning her work last Sunday. Mis Barton has received splen did tra'ning for h?r work, receiv ing voire under Nellie Humphry, Howard Lymann, Harold Butler, the latter a grand opera Btar and former head ot the voice depart ment of Syracuse university: Mme. Cora R, Gei.se, prima donna, I and a pupil or Krrani and Moder- ati in New York; Mme. Hall and Vaunuccini in 'Italy and Boston; La Chappelle in The Hague; Mierzmnphl. In Paris; Henshell and Mme. Clara Pool in New York and - Shakespeare, who taught the method of Striglio. Piano, and harmony Miss Bar ton received under F. Kinsey, H. Mahr. .loserh M-rtz and William Rerwald, the latter a noted mu irian and composer. ; For three years MHs Barton was soloif-t in Centenary M. E. church of Syracuse, N. Y., the Congregational rhun-h in the Fame city, tKu-ldos being .oloist in pntaMer city choirs. As a di rector she has been in charge of V. W. C. A. rhoriLse. and the Cmninuntiv choruw. conipoKed of about 4 0M) students, of Syracuse university for their toniruunity church. i In Syracuse and other places in the ast Miss Barton appeared In a number or reritals before the Woman's club of Schen-ctady. i Woman' Republican club of the .same place, and the Woman's tnhor she sang at the convention of the Woman's Home Missionary tociety la St. Paul. Minn. Her work is well-known In Salem where she has appeared on numerous programs, including that at the state fair three years ago. For the pleasure of Mrs. Ralph Watson or Fortiana. a visuor m the cltv during the legislature. and Miss Creta Olinger of Ever ett Wash.. Mrs. E. X. Gillingham entertained with a mall bridge Wpdnesdav afternoon, awarding her card trophy to Mrs. Edwin L Baker. Mrs. Georce M. Brown has as her house guest Mrs. F. G. lleff ner of Portland, who arrived the first of the week. Mrs. E. C. McFarland ot Port land arrived during the past week to be with her husband, Repre sentativc McFarland. Going down to Portland during the mid-week to attend grand opera. Mrs. Walter Spaulding will be entertained during her stay, which will cover Wednesday and Thursday, as the guest of Mrs. Paul Petri. Josef Hoffman to be the attraction for the first night. . In observance of the birthday of Miss Creta Olinger. a visitor here from Everett. Wash., Mrs. H. H. Olinger entertained with a line party at the Oregon theater Thursday afternoon, luncheon be ing served later at The Spa. Miss Olinger, who has spent several weeks in Salem, will remain a week longer before departing for her home. Guests bidden for Thursday were Mrs. R. E. Lee Steiner, Mrs. Milton Meyers, Mrs. Herbert Xunn. Mrs. George G. Brown, Mrs. E. X. Gillingham. Mrs. Ed win L. Baker, Mrs. John E. Tiro- phy, Mrs. W. Everett Anderson. Mrs. D. W. Matthews, Mrs. Ralph A. Watson of Portland. Mrs. U G. Shipley, Mrs. W. H. Dancy. Mrs. Homer Smith, Mrs. Oliver C. , Locke and Mrs. F. W. Durbin. The following hem is taken from the first page of the Xorth China Star, a large daily pub lished in Pekin and Tientsin: Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Holman are leaving on Tuesday for Shanghai and later for America, after an absence of a year and a half. "Mr. and Mrs. Holman until the past week have been playing in orchestra at the Astor house, and the music lovers of Tientsin re gret their departure. Mr. Hol man was exceedingly clever with the .drums, and Mrs. Holman proved an artist of unusual tal ent with the violin and saxo phone "Prior to coming to Tientsin mx months ago, a year's musical engagement had been completed in Shanghai, and after a vacation cr several months In America they plan toTeturn to the Orient with a new and perhaps larger combination orchestra. : "Mrs. Holman studied with William Wallace ' Graham, pupil ot Joachim, for a number of years and was presented by Mr. Graham in several recitals and concerts In the larger cities or wet-tern America. "Both Mr. and Mrs. Holman have thoroughly enjoyed their sojourn in the east, and espclilly Tientsin, where they rojnd th3 climate delightful and the pcofle appreciative ana rriendlv. ' Interest is attached to the mar riage of -Biir Hayward. famous athletic trainer at the University oi uregon. and Miss Bertina Or ion oi tugene, which took place ar neiso. wash., February T, They will make their home In Eu gene. i uc I -a Area club met at th home of Misses Ruth and Orpha Cole Monday night. Members present were: Mrs. J. A. Bernar di. Mrs. Gale Church. Mrs. L. A Williamson, Mrs. J. F. Tyler Mrs. A- A. Gueffroy. Mrs. R. C, ivreisei. Miss Perl Collins. Miss Kose Collins. Miss Echo Hunt anss netty samuol. Miss Helen lletdecke and Mrs. F. E. Cole. The club will meet acaln in two weeks when Miss Rose Collin will be hosiers. Knrtafning with a luncheon and afternoon Vf "500" Fii.'rv Mrs. r . i.. Shafer proved one r the most successful hostesses i lie vioieis sim i:pr:g time flo?rs made scasdnal nma mentatioa for th luncheon table smau caras marking placei for members of Mrs. Sharer's card ciun and several additional cnet Following the jranio prires were given to Mrs. O. P. HoH and Mrs. W. M. Bushey. Guests or the club were: Mrs. ii. H. Cory. Mrs. C. E. Cahatt. Mrs. R. Krie?;l and Mr s . r mm Kenneth Pefry Jack Randan,, Wayne Hamilton. Ell": nur, .Newton Mumey Elb?rt Uufselle, and Alfred Bayne. , ' 4? Mr and Mrs! R. E. Downing were ' hosts .Friday night, enter taining the members or tncirca club "The Cherry City" and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walsh and Mr. and Mrs. H. Tolsal adauioiaiiy. Preceding the fcame a o cioc .tinner was S served. with the guests seated around a tanze cen ara.i with nlrik caiHiUons and other detail bearing out this col nf 1 i " " Four tables Swere arranged for rii i.rir.fik iainz to Mr. and Mrs. Ii. C. Mjnto. ':- Mrs. Geor.fce V.. Hingham enter i,in na herf euest this week Mrs. Walter Kerapton or Port land. 1 Mr n. t. Matthews went to Portland ITridaV to hCf! the Willamette-Mult nornali basketball came, and remained to spend the week-end w 1th friends. 1 Drand Mfs- n- Site" wcre in Portland during the week, re turning homp Thursday. I Mrs. Oeoriw II. Aldcn was i Salem visitor In Portlind during the week. , ' 4 Mrs. Grace Eotf. accompanied bv her son Aself Eoff, Paul Sta ley and Milton SteinT. spent the last of the woek in I'ortlana. Mrs. L. Oi Curtis was another Salem vV.ltof In Tortland during- the wek. The Bereans were hostesses at a delightful Valentine pany giv en in honor of the Loyal Sons of the Fist Baptist cnurcn, r nu.j evening. Festoons of greenry and red hearts carriea ou Valentine Idea, tne same r scheme perfected in the dining room. Shaded lights ana wnu.r, glowed dimly wnue oeuciou. y.- freshments were servt-u. ... ... S. Glle and Harry E. White acted as chaperones. . For the pleasure of her young son Clirford. Mrs. L. W. Gleason entertained with a lfne party at the Liberty theater yesterday af ternoon, and a light luncheon af- .m-or.ia at her home, uiruinu boys participating In this merry afralr were: Fern Col well. Fi,, Colwell, Lolo Dale Pickens. Rata Talmadge. Dorris Reid, Robert Picklns and Clifford Gleason. w tr Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Harding ot Enavtlle. Idaho, arrived In the city this week to visit the latter! father. (Continued on page 2) Salem School of Exprestica Lula Rosamond 'Walton. Director 147 N. Commercial Phone 692 14S4J . Special Course In Futile SpeaiiB, MULL- & HENDERSON Hemstitching, braiding and plaiting. Se us for dress- making Eoom 10, McConuck Bl&g. Phone 117 Salem, Ore. if Inasmuch as a large number of women llvlnjr In otl.i-r parts oT th- city are IBterest'jd In tr.fc work being don "oyt i Xorlli Salm Woman's ci-i1). and n-e deiri iis of becoming mein'4r. It Is quite pro bable that nam i and policy "f th club wi'l b1 ciaiiKNr. Ibi al lowing any ine'who wishes to af filiate to do t.o Thf-. matter 'came before the mee:irig,of tha .lii this week at the home iff Mrs. F. L. nirvin" At this time It was also decided to change the meeting date from the second Wednesday to tne ursi Tuesday in each month. The program included two readings by Hev. H. X. Aldrich and piano numbers by Miss Ruth Rice. 1 The rooms were aglow with pink ryclamon h and primroses, Miss Lorena Fox assisted the host ess at the serving hour !- ! Misses Lena and Mabel Dot son left yesterday afternoon for rort land where they are spending the week-end as 'the ruest of Miss Elizabeth Walker. ; Mrs. Ida UnUach of Lakevlew, Oregon will be fn Salem this week for an official visit to Cbadwlck chapter Xo. 371; Order of the Eastern Star Tuesday nigat. Mrs Unbach Is the f orthy grand ina tron or the rtate lodge. Important InMnceiGfit Extraordinary price reduction THE BRUNER WOOLEN CO. Agency just opened at 442 State street, room No. 2, represents the largest distributors of Quality Woolens in the United States. The Commercial Tailoring is equal to the best and every garment is guaranteed 'as to Ct and workmanship. To introduce our line we will during February sell suits or overcoats at actual cost, from $21.25 and up. Nothing free but at actual cost. Over 1000 samples now on display. East, club n rorr" present b-,ing Mrs. Walter Buckner. Mr. E T. BuFselle. Vr. J. A. Bernard!. Ml O. P. HVf. Mm. Elizabeth l,r..L. Mrs. yv. :. Buhey. M. J. v. Culver and Miss Dorothy Buckact. Hearts and all the other pi'-tty insignia or Valentine"! day veie employed in ecorat'n the W T. Stola residence Inst nisht. rcr'he pre-Valentine pary whirli Miss Margaret Stol.i g?ve to a lnr? uroup of her friends. ValeMinc s were a detail of the decorative M-henie. and the small serving ta bles were nartl JilaMy attractive with red rand'os and red carna tlons. Invitation? we x ipt;, i to M ss rp Ruth Page Mi!et Ai-komian. Mabel Marcu-. Frank's Wa:d. Prudence Patterson. Ix'nta Banm cartner. !!lpn eli;. Evangel. ne Towell. Jeancllo V'atidertort. Hel en Ramsden. Lois Taylor, Miriam Iiwll. Edith Brelherton. Kather Ine Vincent. Mrrin Schnldf raiah. of Portland. Jluth Griffith and Donald David3in, Fi"Sk lHk bach. Keith Brown, Max Jonrs. Lvan Jones. Frank PaiterKim club or BuffAo. X. Y. La4t Oc- John Cauchell. Arthur llanultoni - X a, aP , TV More and more women are acquir ing Dodge Brothers Coupes for their personal use. Its popularity is due to its good looks, the protection it provides, and its reputation for consistent service. Th ganoltna consumption ia unnsuaftr low The tire mileage is unusually high B0NESTEELE MOTOR CO. Marion and Polk County Distributors Ferry and Commercial Sts. Sa!em. Oregon r