THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 12, 1921 gats ward t TUSA ............ " ::::ioi i ),, abstract, per ma.. 13 It ?rr s4rtlmai 1 WR HAVE SO lit GOOD PARK lsORT gage to aeii. HAW KIN'S ft ROBERTS 808 Ore go. Bldg. Balem. FARM PAPKR rr tou wast to gt tub best farm paper, send IS ta The Peeifl UomMtttd, BkltM, Oregon, for thrao rtaUi trial aabscriptioa. Msatioa this aJ SlWaCH UNION I" . - a. LerideBt Agent Roland Biirghaxdt 871 SOU St. MONEY TO LOAN On Rl Batata T. K. FORD (0T,r Ladd k Bush Bank) FARM LOANS HAWKINS & ROBERTS gh4.207 Oregon Building OUR OFFERINGS .f Homes including tome of the fl r.l i ih ut. Our list of farm iad acreage U complete. t iFLAB A liAFLAR ... nreroa Bldg. Phono 1644 fl w- FINANCIAL livestock FUR SALE PAIR OP PKT ANGORA goats, male and female. Phone 71K2. FOR SALE 4KHM WORK TEAM. WILL dirnivii several daye work aa part par ment. Th rut on easy terms. Phone 12KS. LAUNDRIES BALK If LAUNDRY COMPART. 188 B. Liberty atreet. Phons 25. OUaal Lorgasl Bt. Established 19. CAPITAL CITY BTEAK LAUNDBT Quality work, prompt servico, 1264 broad way. Paea. IAS. FAKTIBO AKD rTZILHAjwOIQ 1 bv gone esst oa am extended visit and I recommend A. H. Clark (pboaa 1398J) as a competent workman, titan L. Adams. PLUMBING. PLUMBING. REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phone 1517J. Shop 12? L'nion street. A. I., uodfrey. FOR SALE TWO FIXE GRAY HORSES H and 9 years old,, well matched, weight about 1300 each, una ad. good life, fat, easy cp. biocky built, gen tie; with rood harness. 82.. . Also wagon, and hack, f50 .Henry P. Smith, Starton, Ore. PRIVATE HOSPITALS. WANTED CONFINEMENT CASES AT privet hospital. I have bast at equip- in em rnon PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS MISCELLANEOUS APPLES DELIVERED. INQUIRE 4F3. GOOD MAXl'RE DELIVERED. LEAVE otdr at t. fl. Garage, 554 Ferry POR SALE OAS RANGE AXD COIL. Almost new. Call 1088 Marion. "WALFBLT Y0CR noCBE; IT'B superior t eleth, at about halt prie. Jtaa v. Maren. it . Worn l at. ' WALLBOARD CAS BK USED OYXS lath ar studding. Caa be tinted r papered. Mas O. Bases, 119 Narth Commercial atreet. . . KATHERINK 8CHLEEF. M. D PHY aiciaa and Burgeon. Offieea Qregoa bcildiac. rooms 411-11. PkW 640, aoa. vrar uragvai Kiactna mm SECOND HAND FURNITURE WASTED BICOXD HASO TURNI tara, rags, earpata, storaa, mackiaary 4 tool, vast prieaa paid. Taa Ua Ital Hardwara a raruitara Co- 2 H. CobI 8t. Pboaa 247. REPAIRING AND SHARPENING CUTLERY GRINDING: LAWN MOW arm, safety rators. ate. 6t a wart's Ra- pair Shop, 247 Coarl atraai. r NEW TODAY STANDARD EXCHANGE. 242 K0RTU Commercial s treat, diamonds, musical initramaata .gust, elotkiag, . skoea. ate. Both new an4 ssad good bought, aold ar exchanged. BEN WHEELER EYERYTHI50 RE paired. General sharpening, ehimaey sweep, 1495 N. 17 IB ( fhona 1418W. TRANSFER HAULING f Trt LOASELMO S. WHITE, VfM Monie Tempi- , ' t CTu BALE CHEAP YEUEMX. ,.ditioa. Will take tora rt psjrmmt. timerrUl jtreet. . 12 PER rar as North rT .Lt FRESH JERSEY COW F wMk k..r.r ealf; 173a South High. FL'EXISHED ROOM FOR SICE YOUNG 623 North High. roslcmxa feet try raci;re mes. F .- P.rlors. 13 South Commercial ' treL r j ' WALL PASTE." BO COOSUKO BJB- qaired. Slieka OTarytaiag. Jltx O. Bsresw 17 N. Com mere ial stnjat. capital city transfer co. i2 Btata St, phoae 922. Distribctlsg, lorwaraiBg iu atoraxa aur aBaeiaity, tmr rates. STOE REPAIRING REAL ESTATE AN ATTRACTIVE M'NOALOW BEACTIPCLLY uh'ated, gasoo. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 'J2 N. Cottage St. Phone 118 WHY RENT? gf.oo dowa will buy a nw-e 7 room houe rlooe in. on oaved atreel: rement waia. lrte norch. 2 a ruhMi on talaax-e. Priced rheap, g.1500. BARBER & PEARSON 200 Oray Bitilding. ' REAL ESTATE First Class Investments Choire 19 ai-re Iraet rlose to Salem; good net farm builJiaga, orchard, good team. wr, maehiuery, tool". Snap, fniMMl terms. Oioiee 30-aere rier liotlnm trset all in high atate cultivation, farm building; acre loganberries, good location. Price $8200, t:tHJO will handle. Well improved lt0 acre near Calgary to exchange for valley property. Good I-room plaMered bou.e, barn, two fine lot and fruit, near rarline. Snap Si til mi. For bargaina in bouaea, farina, acreage See Pernne & Marsters 212 Cray Hldr. pride mud pleasure in his vole. this U a - inot wonderful it-at. Indeed. Now. 111 me, can youi ronfldentty ansert that you ran carry this set of figures In your head without confusion and re peat It when ever you ire called on. next week, net month, or next year, as the occasion may arLe?' DELGT1 Reasonably Priced Properties We have a l.mited -number town housei and augreat you consult . You wJJ be satisfied. Wa mean what we aay.X. FARMS TO RENT A small farm for "rent See The FLEMING REALTY Co 241 State Street WHOLE MILK AND PRODUCE WANTED Marion Creamery & Produce C Salem, Oregon. Phone 2188 BEST BUYS MISS GOODHUE WILL TAKE ORDERS for the "Better Sox." Mills hosiery. Call 251 H. 17th St. or phone 741M. roRar.-l INCH AND FOl"R,FOOT tTmjli GROWTH- AXD OLD FIR uivio. AM' ruL-n PBOMPT DELIVERY. CAPTIVITY OF THB OATMAlr GIRLS This trua story of westers immixra- tiou ka bees carefully revised, making a kandaama little book. It tells is graph ia terms of the massacre at tha Oatmaa family, ( the escape of L reaaa. sad tha caotivBy of Mary sad DHva. Marv died of atarvatioa sad Olive was purcbaaed from the Isdiana five Tears later, xaa arte is zu eaau. postpaid. Address Oregoa Teaohera I Masthly, Baleen, Oroswa. WOOD STOVIS REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years experience; Depot Vstisaal fence, sixes 20 to 52 inches high. Pais la sil anu varsishea. etc.. locaaberry and hop hooka. Sales Fence and Stove wror-. s50 court street, rnome SECOND HAND GOODS WB BUY AND BELL SLCOSD HAND foods of all kiada, pips fltttags. bar aess, ' eauars, eollar pads, toola, asd ehaiBS. Fred Bchladler. 252 Osatst street. FRED K. WELLS) SOS . CbBrch Street. Phone 1542 TRY 15C5M FOR WOOD. WALL, PAPER, PAINT l WALL PAPER AXD CEILiNO PAPBS 20s and ap double roll. Max O. K rca, 179 K. Commercial St. iTi've A 1XXJK .8IX MATCHED vtgnas sad barjiess. L. 8. Gsrsge, a&4 . lrry street. THE LAST CHANCE TO START SHOBT kind the winter; New rlaa begina Venday. February 1L at tho Capital Hakiaeas college, ew Call and -iav'saiigsts I FOR BALE TWO FRESH COWS. 771 Xerth Commercial, r WASTED SECOND HAND OFFICE deak. Phone 177ft. - 9 . - - THE OREGON F1KE RELIEF ASSOCIA ties be. over HALF MILLION in aaets for tha protectloB of Its plr holders, the Buiority of which in invested in Oregon bonds. Are you a policy boMerl ., ' ' 8TANDLEY A FOLEY. Agents. JOR EXC1LVNGE 160-ACHE STOCK 'ranch 'In Coos eouuty. auiWa from NVrth Bend on county road. iU t residence Is ! or sereage trnchxage. W. A. Ujton. JiA, Court street. " ' ' - ' ' CALL THX SALEM FCWT. TABD8 TOU SEE PORTEB TO PAINTS, WALL Phase 425. yosr wood sad eoal; off tea 752 Trade I street, jraoas ox. Paaer aad Picture) wvrkmes. 455 Court Bt. Telephone 807 J BO OK MeDOHOTJOH Wood Bayers sad Shippers 642 a take Street SALEM. OREOOM Carload Shipments s Specialty LI8T YOUR WOOD WITH PS i WATER SALEM WATER- LIGHT POWER Co, effico 201 Boata oesi'i street. Tea per coat dtaeoant sa domeetie flat rates paid la advance, , K de daetMoa for abacBeo or say eaaae aa leas water is shut off year p remises. 3 seres, fair 6-rooin house, 2 seres ber ries, ia city limit. S20O0 cash. 40 acres, 12 acres logana 13 acre straw berries, alt river bottom. 1 miles from good town. 9250 per acre; terms. 15 acres, fix bearing prune, 34 bear ing logana, running water, in first class ' coadit ion. good fruit aoiL 260O0, half cash. 15 acres, timber 11 contracted, 3 miles from Salem, $1700. giooo cash. 50 acres. 16 cleared, 40 timber pasture. 2 room house, barn, wood house, coops. all fenced, 5 miles from Stayton. (85 Ver acre, 9250O cash, balance o per cent for two years. 100 acres, finest bottom, all cultivated. well fenced, on good road, 3l.i mile of good tows, 5-room house, new mod ern dairy barn. 2 silos, water system, milkinr machine. 9 fine reristered Jcr sey cows, costing from 91300 down, sll first class; several registerea neners 91200 male. 3 cood horse all marbia arv to run the place: a lot of feed, oslt 9200 per acre. Jf you are s dairyman don t miss this. . HOUSES 5-rnom modern bungalow, with furniture, 82000 rash. 5-room modern eottage, basement, lot 8xl33 feet, lots bearing fruit, 92250, SIOOO cash, balance to suit. 5-room modern bungalow, basement, fur nace, paved street, good condition. 93800. 91500 cash, balaace 923 month 8 room modern bungalow, paved street rood location, only 84000. cash. 7-raom strictly modern, one block from postoffice, fine for doctor or university tyrofvssor. Jnlv 1 1 avu. Want 930OO loan on first class city property, well located. S0C0L0FSKY 341 Stats Street FOR RENT CHIROPRACTORST" HOUSES WALNUTS 23 CENTS A , POUND. Phone 62F2. . ' . VAXTED- COMPETENT SpBESa. Best of references required. School lor the Blind. Phone 21. , . BABY CHICKSFOa'SALE TODAT - HXIS sou nocsy , . 1 J.' , - eeunan, Ull eariy street C. . . I . a. tP0Ow;it4V fqri woasv' EUPLOYFilENT FE5IALH P. U WOOD. 191 atate. rentals 8TATB BT. GARAGES C.ARACE FOR RENT 492 X. COTTAGE stteet. Phono 1186. - DR. O. L. SCOTT. P. S. C, CHIROPRAC- tor, 809-12 U. at. atana Jixg. a-aoate 97; Roe. 828H. PROFESSIONAL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS ROUJ&2 DRS. WHITE AND VARBHALU HI n. B. Ustiaaal Bank Bids. SALEM MARKETS "This Is Trovldtlal "If I reieat It rnce each day to myself I can, t returned quiet ly."" 1 "Is that whatyoue been do ing; ever since Drake decoded this thine?" he askef quizzically. "It Is." I returned, unable to keen hack an embarrassed flurh I a a w u a c a a a 1 I i i inougni line - anowieagc might be. useful ;iome day. I was conwIotiH that I wasn't speaking all the; truth.. Nothing had ever fo piqied me as Allen Drake's depreciation of feminine brains upon that memorable eve ning. 1 had memorized the fl ures "he had directed me to set down in order tft'put his theories to confusion. 11 L frank praise or a I the feat had tlcfcpd my vanity in- 1 1 ordinately, and I had reaolved that If he ever needed the figures WILL SUPPORT E BILL Delegation Recommends Us Passage After Stormy, Session AMENDMENT ATTACHED The children are suffering, and the teachers. buy with their lob by, are doing no good- la the schools. Their lobby U growing all the time. Hanks drew matters to a head by urging that the delegation vote on the questions whether to submit the bill or the resolution to the senate. This waa agreeabl to Hume. Gill terved notice thit he would withdraw his support from the bill If the referendum clanse re mained. Representative Le nrged that the whole matter be thrown overboard. Resolution to Defer Action is Reported Without Alteration RUYINO PJtlCE . Ktrga anI Poultry Eggs, 21c. Hens, heavy, 2 2-2 4c. Hens, light, 1S-20C. Old roosters, 8-1 Oe. Broilera. 22-24c Pork, Mutton and Reef Pork, on foot, $11. Lambs, 7c- , Dressed hogs. 13c. lleef steers, 6c. Cows. 4cV Top veal, 17c. i Hay Clover hay, $17-120. Oat and vetch bay, per ton $21$23. Cheet hay, $21-123. CSrala Wheat. $1.20-11.35. Oats, 4 Sc. 31111 Feed. Wholesale Mill run, $37 ton. Wholesale to Dealer Creamary butter, 49-S0c. Hutterfat, 45c. tult Orangei. $3.75-$4.S0. Bananas, 13' 1-zc. Rv a vote of 10 to S the Mult- from me I hould,have them ready! nomah delegation at a nooa meet- for him. V "This is providential." my fa tht-r said almost ireverently. "Of course we could iraln someone to remember the figures but it would take a great deal of time, and un less the peiron hitd a phenomenal memory like yourji there would al ways be the possibility of a slip. And we don't want to trust an other soul with tula thing. Lemons, $4. SO. $4; Arlx. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR BCSISESS men. One block from poatoffk. Phona 358. ONE SEPARATE ROOSl. rCRNISHED; tine for working person. 1. -Two rooms and kiteheaette. furnished; 30, ,A55 Maaton st.'hejsye-irywf LOST AND FOUND DR. W. U MERCER, OBTXOFATHIO Fhyatelaa aad BargooB. saraaTio graduate, 40 saa sua u. a. building. Phone Office 919, residence LOST. LOST MOSS AGATE BROOCH. 20 16 J. f ' Phone LOST BLACK ORDER BOOK OX TC fi ner road. Ketura "J-ncu nwoa Reward. ; . ' 1 '. ' LOST COLD BAR PIN ON 8TATE OR Liberty streets, or in uepartmeut store. Reward for return. Phone 1304. 914. DR. JOSH U LYNCH, OSTEOPATHIC Phyaiciaa Bnrgwaa, vregpn Bldg. Phonos! Off loo 194; kves. aara. REAL ESTATE WASTED nOCSKWORK IN A SMALL fsailr. Pheae F3024 iBdepeadence, Wasted-womas not tN T keep houe for man and -boy .Call l."- S. Liberrf street. . WASTED AN EXPERIENCED FITTER ass sltersttoa woman, teat to rigut party.: ntstesasa. , Steady employ- Addresa J30," WANTED HAVE A TLACE - FOR arheol girt who wishes to work for reoat snd besrd. Phone. 123U. . WASTED MIDDLE AOFJ) LADY TO ia heusewerk and ordinary cooking. We vast some one who understands 1 children sad esn assist is their care. bive sasM snd sddresa or puooa v l I . k. a . I Wift.r ' la esre sf Statesmen. ' ' AGENTS WANTED AUEXT WASTED FOR AUTOMOBILE accessory. Every auto needs it; o fitk street. . MISCELLANEOUS iA-STLU ASSISTANT COOK. THE .hps. , - WAITED MEN AND WOMEN TO take farm paper subscriptions. A good mneaUkaB is tka rirkt neobls. Address the Paeifts Uewostasd. aUatesmaa Bldf. Balem, UTS. PERSONAL WANTED M LSCELLANEOUS OOOSEBEERRY AND CURRANT CUT- tings wan too. 'fruusss Phone 1140M. ; - . WANTED FIRST CLASS LOOAMJtis- ry tip plants for later oeuvery. ass suckers, joint plants nor spindling tips State susntity and priea wanted. Wsrd K.P""-'"dson. Phone 494. - b BUSINESS CARDS Automobile Directory FOR SALE OR TRADE One-story 5-room house, two lota, near car line. 91850; 9330 will handle; im mediate possession. 5-room house and one lot, 9 1 COO; 1000 will handle or will trade for acreage; near the city. , 4 -room house on Center street, 3 2 .,00; hi. terms - A number of city residences, well located and priced right. 20 acre tract 7 miles and adjoining Howell Prairie. A snap at 930OO. . 72 acres; .a real farm, rich soil, good road; 60 acres in cultivation, 3 seres " berrirl; balance fine timber; running . stream. 11-room house, big barn; msg- nificont aurrouadinga. A real home for . 9210-. ;. . , For good buys see us. If you want to aotL list with us. 1( row want to trade, try ufc OREGON LAND CO. 412tState Street. DESIRABLE TRADES FINE FRCTT FARM 2 8-acre farm located about 1 mile from atreet ear line in eaeeltent f rait aee- tion; 13 seres full bearing Italian and about 3 acres of other fruits, principally cherries, pears and. annles. Two acres young logana. Good sued house, barn, fruit dryer and chicken bouses. If you want a good income farm close in, this ia what you want. Pries 915.000. good terms; win accept good residence property as pert payment. RESIDENCE FOR ACREAGE Comparatively new B room resideare with full basement snd is modern eseept furnace. This is a very aeat horns with eaat front snd close to school. Price $3500. Will exchsnge for good close ia sereage, to .cQual value; prtfar spssU buildings. FRUIT AND BERRY FARM 20 seres full bearing prunes aad 20 acres full bean a g logans. Six-room souse, barn and camp houses for berry pick are. Located 1 mils from town ia Ma rion county. Price 9500 per acre. This ia a fine paying place and will soon - pay for itself, win take soma trad. 14 6-ACRE FARM v Located in Benton county and corners at railroad tows; SO acres cultivates and balance ia pastors with some wood. Phack buildings." Pries 95000; wilt ac cept good trade for equity of 92800. Bring your trades lo as; w have s good list ef them. KINNEY & SMITH 469 Stat Street. Ground Floor ; . Grape fruit. Cal., $5.30; Florida, $8. Yeeetables Cabbage, kc. Onions, Oregon, $1.25. Onions, California, $1.75. Turnips, $2. - Carrots, $1.25 sack. Green peppers. 30c. Cauliflower, $2 doz. t Dates. 22 l-2e In. Lettuce, $3.25 $3.75 crate. . Spuds. $1 cwt. , 6weet potatoes, $7.50 $8. . Radishes, 4 uc aox Duncnes. - Comb honey, case, $8. Celery $1.25 doien bunches. Parsley, 50c dozen bunches. Beets. 75c doz. bunches. Tomatoes, "$6 crate. Honey, extracted 20c lh. Retail Creamery butter, 52 53c. x,EgES, 35 38c. Flour, bard wheat, $2.65-$2.90. Flour, valley, $2.40. REVELATIONS OF AYIFE He carefully tore out the pazes of figures from 1'fis notebook and held them in hja-hand loosely. "You're sure Ihdw, you have It perfectly?" he iVaid. "For here go the originals.! "Absolutely iure." I returned, although I was quaking Inside. He placed the. papers In the empty fireplace; and held a light ed match to them until they blazed, watched them carefully until they were: consumed, stirred the ashe,s until he was sure an o fragment of writing remained. "And now for? the original pa per," be said. ;Madge. will you please unlock alt those carefully locked boxes when you go home, get out the papef and bring it back to me? iUwill send lor Drake, and the (four of us will memorlza the cipher in which It Is couched, fortunately a brief one. for the rest of us haven't trlck-and trained memories like yours. Then if snything should happen to you rwhlch God forbid, my dear Drake!' could work It out again an he did before. And I can destroy theoriginal, and be sure that the mo momentous se cret of the war: is safe ' from thieves." .4. The Secret Revealed. ing yesterday decided to recom mend to the senate the passage of the Staples teacher tenure bill with the Hindman amendment that It be referred to the people of the Portland school district. Ily unanimous vote the delegation decided to report without recom mendation the Hume resolution I to aeier action two yeaxa penuius an Investigation the result of WANTS TO HELP MOTHERS Mrs. Wm. Rager. tOl Nlchol St.. Plica. N. T.: -1 fcladly write any thin: that he!ps a mother with her children. My little till had whooping cough and I was afraid she would choke. I gave ber Fo ley's Honey and Tar and It helped her wonderfully. She could sleep most all night without coughing." This good cough syrup checks colds, stops coughing, cuts phlegm and covers raw. Inflamed mem branes with a healing coating:. Sold everywhere. ON TUESDAY, NEXT, FEB. 15TH, AT 10 A.M. ' CONTEXTS Or THE BECK'S His manner ;waa solemnly Im pressive. I was wild with curios ity to know what the cipher and the figures I had -memorized real ly meant. And 1 knew from the expression In U Man's eyes that she chared my feeling, but was. of course, too proud and too dis creet to hint at, her desire. I think my father recognizee our" feeling.'-- At any rate- he looked at ua fixedly for minute, then spoke hurriedly, lowering his voice even frqm the low, deep pitch It .had sounded berore. "I think you! have both earned the right to know the secret f that paper. It is the formulas all but one small group of figures, of the most revolutionary war ln- FOU SALE EIGHT-CYLINDER CADIL- I.e autoTW Summer. Phone A330. OLESON MOTOR CAR CO. S49 K. Commercial 8k J 669 TJaed Car Center. Quick Changes f9M Ford Touring - 1915 Chandler, s snap . 1919 Chandler. 7-passenger Snap. 1916 Chevrolet 1916 Maxwell - 7.,;' "1 Four motorcyclea in good rendition,- ' cheap. . . I ' V Many Other Good Buyi FOR SALE 5 room bungalow on pavement, $200. 25 acres, new bungalow, rooms, 34500. 14 lots on psvement, cheap. Build a home, 9450 apiece. 40 acres on pavement, new buildings 3UI.500. - LOOSE & PATTON 370 Vi Stat Street flNE 7-ROOM HOCSE. FULL BA"8E-1 mer.t, sll modern, on paved street ; a tine toy and good terms. good home with 2 lots, plenty of fruit at 9jooo. 4jwd rooming house of SO rooms, well fecited, at a bargain. SQUARE DEAL CO. Phone 470. , J 80 ACRES. ALL CULTIVATED. 1 MILE from naiem, in acres wnmi via dairy bam, new, bungalow, modern . 921.000, terms. -78 acrea, 24 miles of good town in Marion county, good soil, 9 room plas tered house; must be sold. Pric 97500 Tint Slarr o( a HonermOOD ventlon the world has ever knowo. I ' i?? 101 01 "oneIiaoon It !g our. ,n ours,' the property of I " , amendment, a , the good old United State. And. "dM L Ji'iJ I please God. It; WJli be perrectea A WonderfBl Rormance of BlAUTtedj soon, and then w' shall see great - life Wonderfully Told by j triumph for the cause of liberty. -0-.w I And tne uermana wouia giv-s evca ADELB GARRISON ... t-uP ti, pIown Drince for its posession.'j (To be coh tinned) CHAPTER 820 HOW terms. MAGEE Room 29, Corner State and CommereiaL Over Busick'a MADGE'S MEMORY I Th. ..ickenn la the back yard AMAZED HER ami ,t the white House are lying on WAS REWARDED WITH A thelr baoks ready for their legs GREAT SECRET. 1 to be tied together. Moving day tm In at ahsad '. . ..!. If.. TTm. I Are you , sausuea, ..irn. " derwood?" my father asked a tri- 'Perfectly." Lillian said, but J J TIMETABLES I there was an inscrutable . some- ; 4 . . 1 a ..kUli ,.i me I T tnmg in'Ptr iuub .. : immnv inna CO. which should be reported to the next legislature. It was a stormy session of the delegation. Representative Gor don in despair said the delegation rurrt admit that it waa incompe tent.' 'Joseph said it was simply a deadlock. Kubli said tha delega tion members were men of intel ligence, but simply couldn't settle the question. - The vote of the members pres ent on the question of recom mending passage of the Staples bill as amended was: For Banks. Moaer, Staples, Farrell. Kubli,' Gordon. North, Hindman. Leonard, McDonald. Against Joseph. Hume. GUI, Lynn.Wells. Lee, Korell, Rich ards. . The meeting opened with a mo tion by Hume 'that the delegation report out both the bill and the resolution' without recommenda tion. This failed to carry after Moser . declared the senate d?d not want them 'reported without recommendation. This he deA clared would be enly another at tempt to beat the bill. Moser said that If the bill falls to pass senate or house he will favor the Hume resolution, although It will bring up the same fight at the next session. ' Several telegrams ' read, one from Mir. Jennte Richardson, president of the Teachers Feder ated Council, who .opposed the referendum, declaring it would in terfere with school work. She said that it public sentiment want ed a-A-ote the measure could b Initiated. Hume charged that the adverse report on,the bill had-originally been signed by a majority of the senate delegation, but that two members had gona to the clerk's desk and scratched their namer. thereby mutllatinc a public docn meat, He argued against a ref erendum, declaring it would cause a bitter political campaign 'ana cause creat Injury to the schools. Ha branded the Staplcu bill ana as improper and rawn bill could be drawn for Initiation if the people want to initiate. Kubli recalled that at a pre vious meeting it was voted to ap point a committee to draft amend ments. Gill said he voted for the motion., but not. with the under standing that a -referendum amendment was attached. He urged the delegation to begin all over. . ' - "1 wish the delegation had th pott rs ire of its convictions." said North. "Let's draw up a new bill C I CI 109 SIXTH STREET ' VZAJt WASimrOlOB COMPEiaiBO LARGE MAHOGANY BACK ' BAR WITH TTBBALTTE FBOKT; MADE TO OBOEB; COST TWO TUOUSAXO DOLLARS. FIFTEEN FOOT MAHOG ANY COUNTER : WITH TTSRALITE AND OBYX TRIM' MXJfGS. LARGE SODA FOUNTAIN OEUCAB SILVER STRICTLY UP-TO-DATE WITH ICE CREAM .CON TAINERS. . COUNTER AND SODA FOUNTAIN COST THIRTY SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS ABOUT A TEAR ZnCCX TWO TEK-FOOT SHOWCASES, FULL PLATE GLASS (COST FIvB HUB DSXD DOLLARS EACH.) ' NATIONAL CASH REGISTER FORTY METAL FRAME CHAIRS TEX ' ' TABLES TO MATCH TWO GOOD . TOLEDO COMPUTING SCALES ELECTRIC MIXER OAS HOT' WATER HEATER SODA-CARBONATOR . ' (COST TWO HTOTDBED AMD TTTTT ..DOLLARS)' FIFTY-FOUR CAMDT JABS; EIGHT adRRORf: EIOH1 DAY CLOCK; OAS PLATE; ALT. OLA9SWARB, STL VI R BPOOVS. ETC' EQUIPMENT Or SODA rOUVTAIS - AMD OTHER KECEaaAlTES. ETC. - ALL GOOD AS NEW AXD POSITIVELY THE FINEST GOODS OF ITS KIND EVER OFFERED AT . AUCTION IN PORTLAND v. ' l- ,J. T. WILSON, AUCTIONEER CATHOLICS. WI8HISO TO MARRY i-artiealara free. Address Home viup bH.t 23, Grand Rapids, Mich. CHINESE 1HYSICIAN Vrt MAKRICO BEST MATRIMONIAL psper pohlUked. Free for stamp. Cor rcspoBdcnt, Teledo, OhU WEUTERN CORRESPONDENCE CLUB Bssr siaeere desiring msrriage; abso lutelr toafidenttal. Mrs. Mann. .799 Merchant street, Ixn Anceles. t'slj . FOR SALE lUCTIFCL WALL TISTB. sw eoiert 10e soaad and ap. Eu. TW a. Cornel Bt -a t -.. Bt'SIXESS OPPORTUNITIES MANY Una O. CL08IX0 OCT SALE OF N. SELIQ'S More st Falls Cite saw coin on. II yea want a rood business Juration in I"'" bia epportunity. For further r inquire lll.artou an"" 156R. CAXARY BIRDS. ; A. BSSWSWaWSWBB A "bt CASART BIRDS, Nigbt "!"srs. rhess 1280. 1030 Chemek 1 POULTRY CWCKERELS ti "Saa Kstchiag ens. coed. Price right. E. IL Rosenkrsns. DENTISTS. Ci T WinTE, DENTIST.- 408 OREGON j u1rTed honBe, DRESSMAKING. WANTED. BEWIM. hour. Call i"- TLL WORK BY HAT SHOPS. we aaj Street FOR SALE T-ROo. PLASTERED wL.. ,. 1 lot. Pric 82300; 800 f 32 cash: balance 820 per month. 325 ' HART A MULLER . . 1200 2O8 Oregon Baidisg 130 . 300 FOR SALE BY OWNER 17 ACRES OF bearing iirune ercnara, o-, aim "'" on new Pacific highway. Price 80o: terms. A. A. Whelan. Phone 1US. S ' ACKEBTtH REE-M TlESFROM-8A-leta on paved road, amall house, good bain. Price 83000. 5 acres, 2 miles from Salem, on psved road, new plaaarrea nouse, rwo. bath: 4200. terms. S acres in city limits. 6 room house, barn on rarline and paved atreet. Pric 85000 3 acres, "rlose in. 4 100m house. $2000. 10 acres, all In logana ana prune. te, gooa Darn, p..w rom car line and city limits. .1 'All 20 acres improved. 9 miles from Salem on good road, 6H0 for all. or will di'lde. Some good buys in timber, close to Salem. Some good homes at 91300 and up. We have some of the best' located vacant luts in the city. a ra LAFLAR & LAFLAR 40C-7 Orejron Bldg. Salem. Ore. WOOD'S BARGAINS Choice lot on South High street, corner Cross, priced right. Four lots in Br- i liogton addition, fine garden land, cheap or will rent. Small bouse and : two lot. 2349 North Fifth street. 9800, essy terms or will rent. 5-room bun galow, 2349 Hines street. 91330. asy terms or rent, 913- 8-room modern house 9-1'00 or trade for small house. F. L WOOD 841 Stat Street. , INSURANCE. GOOD BUYS HALF. j SllEPHEHD ANCONA ""S aad eae cockerel, good fouodn n10 V?1''. ,2(; " Flemish f tot site, 83: utility young i ? 5" Id- ,a P" J- 0 r,'m' hot j!,4ldr. Oregon, RL 1. .U 08TFm' PWLTRY jour. SL the bleeps ..J ki i. iti ssagsiine for liv ltryna 7H a ysar. 91.00 la Balem. Sead i r'' sssjoU tadav. Addresa Th , .'I""'1 Poaltry Jescma. Salens Oro- o' -jsTOiosr taia- arw t- rTHK?vr,DlvA"8KCi' n'RAifT. -. , -. ' A C rUHlRNSTEDT v.lT-u Temnle. ,.8alnt. Ore.( U1 vsa"w - - KlTtSERY STOCK. K. Richardson. 2395 Front. 1 5S'5SS5?SS?e5 "-'" ur.ra , K. jtiensroawsH V'at. PSO.S 494. ' REDUCED WORTHWHILE A fine lot close ia on psved street. $700, rt roots house near ear line, 92230. 7 room house, sirictiy modern, ouw. 6-toom house, modern escept furnac tO00. 7-room bouse, barn, eity water, $1300. 3 acrea close to ear line. 922O0. Half block on North Cottage, 31500. Let us write your insursnce. MILLS & COPLEY .13114 State Streek Pbon 173 nuiverlnr with . excitement, the sense of comething hidden, mo mentous, the knowledge of which she alone nosessed. "There was no one In the hall, and I wish you would feminine fusslness. I win promise uui s Interrupt you this time. "Are you reaay. .Maagei my father asked kindly, , and this time, with my mind keyea to concert pitch. I recited the combi nation of figures 1 naa meniauy filched from Allen Drake the night I delivered to him the pa per my father had sent him through me. My father checked them care fullv. and when he had finished he laid down his pencil and stared at me In undisguised as tonishment. "Well, my little girl." he ejac ulated at last, and there was both EXfecttv Sunday. Ksvesaber 14. 1829 aad thereafter. VerUbosad Ka. 84 Oregonlsn ........ No. 1 Oregon Eipress .... Nj. 28 Willamette Limited . h. 1 8 Portlaad Passes gar . Ho. 14 Cooe Bay ......... K a. 14 Portland Exprea ... Traia he. IX (Th Shaata) Sothbaad X. SS Oregeaian No. 28 For Esgea . No. 1 5 Califorai Eipress . . , No. 17 Ressburg raaa.ager , Traia No. 11 (Th Shaata). N. 27 Willamett lAmHed . N. IS Baa Fraaciac rasa.. interesting 2393 10. acrea. good house and barn, 8 of bearing logans n "'" . .: t Anl Pnc 89jOO. A block of land 200.200 feet, good berry class to carliue. Price 960O. 92O0 down, balance terma at 6 per went n C rooS bungalow, electrle lights three 6 H? lot. 'on grsvel street, tw bUjck. from carlin and paved streek Prlf 92100; 8000 dwn. 30 acrea red hill farm. 80 acrea ef land " ,. 1 tn saw. balance good VIX lean lifts. "f? of standing fir timber, tine tie land and piling timber. Houe and barn, spring water. 11 miles south of Salm. Price 863 per acre. nous an -- v.t. r as awfL itmnair santa w a in . vanwTVaV'ns; AS ITALIAN "M'ri uVa walnuts, sis nvlces. all BTBUC., m ' - - 1 .lhVr.ur.-ry ..oHt. VrW good,w. b.-v 2 Hich ana sea our stoctt. .M..r aale yar ' r..0M. raiewi. "-" - Classified Ads. m The JSUtc$nxi Bring Result If.O.rr. farm. 90 seres rultivatedvba tin.K.r and nastare. 12 cow " ... - . ,, M . . horses, hogs, clrtcsens ana au rtiner; ; g'od bulidinga. Pric. 91 300 acrea logans, rock road. 4 miles uk Good VrJm house, eloa. i.. Pric. 82323. . -.All Am - ' " -" 1 .1... a .(at. 1 Qood e-room mooeTn bouse. Pric juu. W. .H. Grabenliorst a Co. J. fJJt ----- . L A. HAYFORD Real Estate and Fire Insurance 305 State Street 4-rnom bona, good lot. fin view of city. Price only 81KH). Terms. 9 room house, plsstered, bath, toilet, elee trie lights, corner lot. Price 82800 terms. J 3 room house and a boot 1 acre, pearly all fenced, chicken tight; three blocka t atreet car, ia city limits. . Price 81200; cash 83O0. 5-room bungalow, new. plastered, fire place, bath, toilet, light, bs.ement, far .are. built-in features and white en .tnl.J Price 840OO. 6 room plastered. 1-story, batn, louei. lights, fruit cellar, fruit treea ana oer .... lot 68x132. Price 8300. Terms. 10 acres south of Salem, red aoiL alt ia mltlvation: 7 acres prunes. Hi acrea logans, 1 a-re strawberries; small house and hern, chicken house, etc; all for 83WO. ierme. 10 acres east of Salem. rloe, in on good road, ail in cultivation, black soil; fam ily" orchard. 1 Is acres logans. 1 acre strawberies. 1 cow. 1 horse, all poultry aad tools: god large house, plastered, hot and cold -water with bath. Price 97300. Terras. L A. HAYFORD j 805 Stat 8uetki. . - P.HICHESTER STILLS ZzZrJZS wan se ais-.V iammb asutaa. ru2 , s-s A.n 1 rT Pre-War Prices ... 8:00 sa ... 6:58 ss ... 90 as ... 8:00 pa ... :! psj ... T-9psj 8 :04 pa ...8:08 am ...10:CSea ...10:18 aa ... 4:08 pa) 5:49 pal ... 9:49p 9:84 pa r i - . aULEX-OEJUt LXKB No. 78 Arrive at Balem 9:10 sa Ko. 74 Lost BsUss . 4:00 pa BALEML FALLS CITY WEI TERM 1st Leaves Salem, motor 7:4Jaa 188 Leaves Balem, motor 9:83sa ISA Leaves Salem. mtsr 1:55 pa Throarh ear t Manmaath aad anis 171 Leave Salem tog DaUaa... 5:10 pa I 183 Arrives st Balem; :iosa 14 Arrtvea at Balem i ........ .11 :0O a 188 Arrive al bains i. :zvpa lit Arrive at Salem: 7:40 pa Universal Light and Power Plant Light yotir house and: barn eleo trleally. - No more lanterns sm4 lamps to carry about and clean. Iron your clothes electrically. ' Nl more hot fires oa hot days to heal, your Irons. , Pump your water electrically. No more work on that old pump bandU r cranking the engine. IUto watet for fire protection. .. . Come In or writ and let me girt ou further information and demon itratlon. - . 185"S. Commercial "SL. Care Oldsmoblle Co. , T. C Wood, Dealer OREOCS ZUXCTXXO CaUliaa tj arrive f Salem '8:80 a Leavo Portlaai .... 8:80 am LuL 8 30 am ....10:45 am .... S :05pm Ltd. 4:45 pm 6:23 pm 9:30 pm Arris1 Eageao 10:50 sa 10:13am 12:23 pa ll:& psCr.3:10 p. 4:12 pm 8:45 1 8:40 pm 8:55 pa i s :25 cm Salam ali 1 1 :35 pm Bale oalj aaW M 1 ' wi Berth Beak Button (leave Jailer sol street 15 aad 20 mlnates later). 51.00 Pcr Dfly Up NEW PERKINS HOTEL Washington and Fifth Sta. r "PORTLAND, OREGON Leave Eagaa. 0 a 10 Ltd. T:30sm 12 14 ....11:13am 18 Ltd. 1:55 pm 30 ... Balem ti .... 3:13 pm BarUbouad t Ames P Balem iT:15sm 19:43 am 31:15 am !l :35 pm 4 :00 pm "6:30 pm T : pm Arrtv PertUm 9:25 M ll:85s l -.20 pa 8:43 p 8:43 p 7 -.40 pn :5 pa . -. a vaT (,. r -w.--- - s "s K Vl --a-V. . r J - WATD t ew- in vyuc man auu a tt rvtvs t-uia if uuj to cords a dar. ' . a Low cost of operatioa aad mainteasac. Simply coa tract ed. Light, ruXed aad duxabl. New iag!e wheel deta enables oae aaaa to aaore the WADE aaywhere aad operate it aloae. . Com is aad let os show you why the WADE I the greatest la bog and tiaaa via taTeatioa la. 20 year. Ltterature trpoa reqacst. Berth Baak StaUes (arrive Jefferso street 15 miaaU esrlier). Leave Ce vsUia 4:10, f. COBVALLsB COBBECIIOBB BrUbsad " Leave CervslTlj 1; Arm. Salem 9:30 am c S:45sm 1:40 pm 1 f:OOpm - 4:10 pm r :B" : - : Htusnsu Lve Salem 8:85 am 10:15 sm 13:58 pm drllpm f 1:40 pat Arrive CarraS) t:,n 11:95am 8:20 pm 9:41pm 8;09pm . Prompt DcIiYeries From Stock' t.;i-VAT8TSl . Lot L. Pear ce & Son 236 North Conmcial SL ' Salem, Oregon s a i 1 u