The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 08, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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10 Pqzcm
Senate Votes to Reconsider
The Norblad-Hall Military
, Road Measure; Will Be
Drought Back.
ftember of Commission Is
Charged With Working
: Against Action
enjoyed after siarcii 4
Writing of Hook Will IV pod.
lMnnl Several Month to Jlve
Way to Ilert-eation
By Tote of 1 to 12 the sen
ate yesterday voted to recall from
the boiiae the Norblad-Hall Roose-
military highway bill for the
jiurpose of reconsideration. The
action was over the bitter protest
of both Norblad and Hall.
" Declaring" that his motives as
a honest legislator had been im
pawned by metropolitan dailies
and by Certain members of the
legislature. Senator Hall of Coos
and Curry counties, arose on per
sonal privilege when Senator Vin
ton moved to take from the table
the motion of Friday to recall
the bill from the house. - Hall de-
Hired be has not traded bis rote
on any measure in order to get
votes for the highway bill
..' "Ton men. and not I, should be
defeadlng this bill." said Hall.
"If tola bill is not passed. 1 will
vie all the means in my power to
prevent $2,500,000 beings placed
teto the general fund. Because
I have been very busy during, this
lsfon, I have been unable to
make a proper presentation of
this question to the highway com
missioners, and they fcre tIqued
in the belief, that some of their
functions are to be taken away
from them, i A .
"it We turn this $2,500,000 in
to the general fund we are no
longer in a position to receive this
government fund when it is avail
able. Let us stay In position to
receive this government money
iy. applying this money to the
coast highway. .
"The members of the highway
commission! are my personal
friends, but when they descend
upon the floor of this senate and
act v as lobbyists, then I believe
in treating them as lobbyists."
Hall and Norblad charged Mr.
fcooth with offering to donate
$1,810,000 to highways In Lin
coln county if that county would
ndeator to defeat the Norblad
Hall MIL Mr. Hall read an ar
ticle published In Lincoln county
relative to a meeting there In sup
port of his point.
Norblad also arose on personal
privilege. ;! .
"Talk about lobbying." shouted
Korbiad. arter making these
fharges against Booth. "Who Is
lobbying? Senator Hall and I or
Mr. Booth? In all fairness A
thlsk you will say that it has
been neither Senator Hall nor I.
but that the log-rolling has all
ton on the other side." ,
Senators Lachmnnd and Thom
as recalled what Thomas .termed
tbe "grand old bltullthle hymn"
of two years ago. "Don't tie the
hand of the highway rom mis
sion." . .
Both Lachmnnd and Thomas
saia they had supported the bill
last week under the misapprehen
ilon that the highway commis
sion was for It. Thomas said he
' bad discovered that Hall, who has
had no previous legislative experi
ence, was placed as chairman of
the, roads and highway commis
sion because he wanted to secure
the passage of the Roosevelt high
's? measure.
m The vote on the recall' was as
fonowt: ii
Pot recall Dennis, Eberhard,
Eddy, Ellis. Farrell, Gill, Hume,
Jonau Lachmund, La Follett.
V-ckelaen, Patterson, Porter, Rob
""on. Slrayer. Thomas. Vinton.
. Against Banks, Bell. Edwards.
11, Hare. Moser, Norblad, Ryan,
BibUa, SUples. Upton, Ritner.
Absent Joseph.
ident Wilson plans to go into vir
tual seclnsion for a time after
March 4:
Free from the responsibilities
Of Office Which liavo weighed
heavily upon him during his con
valescence, Mr. Wilson, his friends
fray, wilt shut himself in for in
tensive rest and nulei in his new
He will deny himself to all call
ers except Immediate inembet of
his family, it U said, and a few
intimate friends.
No formal engagements are ex
peeted to be made by the presi
dent until he shall hate adjusted
himself to private life after some
ten in public service. Kven
the writing he has planned will
he. postponed several months, bis
friends say.
Mr. Wilson Is understood to
have received invitations to spend
part of the summer out of Wash
ington, but because of his de
light with the weather here
Proposed Fiaiixnent of Bo
Seowm its Drum Corp Will
He !rl-cnM4l
Jewell- Declares Telegram
prom President s Com
plete Vindication of The
Employes Stand.
Atterbury Made A Serious
Blunder In Money
Applications v
Although prune week, as desig
nated by : tiovernor Olcott. does
not he in until February 14. the
Cherrians. In accordance with
their booster program. Iiave ar
ranged a .prune dfiiner for their
regular monthly, dinner at
o'clock. tonight at the Commercial
Following i he dinner tlu busi
ness men lug is 'o lie the lime for
the discussion' of a treat manv
important questions and a Urge
atleiitliiii-e i earnestly uesired by
King liing Know land. t)ne or
two of the most eloquent Cher
riaris will be allowed to sing the
praises of and tell what
this great industry means to Ore
gon. At a meetlns of the Cherrians
in Dec-ember an amendment to the
iator Heed Make
- -
That Additional Foreign
Loans be Prohibited.
NEW YORK. Feb. T. Refusal
of President Wilson to intervene
idrr lin ,u ra,,way wage controversy
iiKeiy mat ne win accept.
For possibly six months, his
friends believe, t. his life will be
taken up with recreation. His
chief diversion since bis illness
has been reading. H Is said tf
have practically exhausted the
Held of detective Rtories, and
more "recently has taken up novel?
and light stories." Hi also has
given some time to reading po
litical and historical works and
pec try.
He is expected to continue his
daily automobile rides.
Joseph Opposes Placing Un
der State Corporation
j; Department
by-lawR doing- aw by with the re
striction which limits the number
of members to ion was passed.
Since tnen considerable adverse
opinion has been manifested by j foreign governments.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. Decla
ration by Secretary Houston that
n auieo government . had pro-
poseu to ine united States cancel
lation of its war obligations to
this country, a wrangle over sta
tu.H of war loans to Russia and
Itusian embassy financing, and a
decision to divide the investiea
tion as to foreign loans with the
foreign relations com tee. mark
louay s session of the senate Ju
dietary committee. The proposal
of Senator Keed, democrat, of Mrs-
souri, to prohibit additional for
eign loans was under considera
secretary Houston said that
one government" had Dronosed
cancellations by the United States
of loans. He preferred "not to
say" what government.
Jiost of the session was taken
np with discussion of Mr. Hous
ton's assertion that he did not
propose to make further loans to
Emmett Rnnyan, Teacher, And
Five Hojh are InMaatly Killed
And Two (Hlier Die loiter
Hume Bill Providing for Ap
peal From Court of Dom
estic Relations Approved
On Final Passage.
Free Text - Book Measure
And Election Counting
Boards Upheld
Senator y Eddy's bill to place
bond dealers under the jurisdic
tion of the state corporation de
partment, cafne up for; final pas
sage at 2: IS o'clock yesterday
and was passed.
Senator Joseph sought by mo
tion to have the bill re-referred
to the revision of laws commit
tee. This was opposed by Eddy,
who said at no time had Joseph
seriously considered the measure.
Hume and Ellis supported Mr.
Joseph's, motion. Hanks sided
with Eddy against re-referring
the bill, and the senate easily
voted down Joseph's motion.
One projrislon of the measure
la that when a bond dealer Issues
Interim certificates in excess of
$100,000. he must notify the cor
poration commissioner. '
The vote on the bill was:
For Ranks, Bell, Dennis, Eb
erhard, Eddy, Edwards, Farrell,
Gill,' Hare. Jones, Lachmund, La
Follett, Nickelsen, Norblad. Pat
terson, Porter, Ryari, Smith,' Sta
ples, Strayer, Vintori, Ritner.
Against Ellis, Hall, Hume, Jo
seph. Moser, Robertson, Thomas.
Absent upion.
e railroad employes, p. M.Jew
H, president of the railroad em
ployes department of the Ameri
can Federation of Labor, declar
ed today.
lilmr's Position Vindicated
In the statement Mr. Jewell
"The telegram of th? resident
Is ft complete vindication nf nnr
position. He has made it clear
that the labor board should con
fine its jurisdiction to controver
sion as to wages and working con
ditions, leaving financial' matters
to the interstate commerce com
"Mr. Atterbury. therefore made
a serious mistake in applying to
the labor board for financial as
sistance. We did not consider the
facts warranted his prediction
that the transportation Industry
was threatened with immediate
bankruptcy. Evidently the pres
ident did not think so either. We
did not feel that a financial dis
aster was impending, as predicted
by .Mr. Atterbury. but considered
it our duty to call his statements
to the attention of the president.
The president has stated unequiv
ocally that financial appeals
should be restricted to the inter
state commerce commission.
Atterbury Makes Mistake.
"Mr. Atterbury made a serious
mistake by his Ill-considered ac
tion and has placed the railroad
executives In an embarrassing po
sition. It is to be deplored that
the public was temporarily de
ceived. "Now that the financial aspect
of the matter, however, are set
t led ."we shall have to take up and
answer before Mie board other
features of Mr. Atterbnry's state
ment. He has cast aspersions
upon railroad employes which we
cannot permit to pass ancontrb
vertsd. We feel that it is our
duty also to show that Mr. At
terbury is In reality the railroad
representative of the sinister anti
union movement being heavily
financed and supported under the
guisv of a so-called "open shop
the matter will again be brought
Hp for final disposition. As
changod by the amendment there
is no limit to the ru ruber of mem
bership which " the organization
may acquire but there is consid
erable opinion that some limit
should be made.
Another matter of busines to be
taken up is the proposed equip
ment of about 40 Hoy Scouts, of
near the age of 12. with suit iden
tical with those worn by the mem
bers of the members themselves
and the maintaining- of these boys
as a drum corps to accompany the
Cherrians on their trips and to as
s'st them ii public demonstra
tions. .
Dan La n gen berg, newly elected
musical director of the Cherrians.
will be on hand with some new
booster songs to practice.
As a part of. the menu for to
night prune cookies will be
served. These cookies were a
present to the Cherrians and now
with the Mason Ehrmann Co. in
Portland, who, when he read that
the Salem organization would ac
tively help along the movement,
sent them two boxes of the de
licious prune contentions, v
The menu for the dinner is as
Baked ham. mashed potatoes
and French peas with prnne dressing--
Prune salad with walnuts
and pine apple. Prune bread.
Prune cookies." Prune' desert
with mar&hmatlows and whipped
cream. Coffee. Applju. t
Senator Reed said Secretary
Houston's assurances as to his
plans would not bind his successor
which he said his measure sought.
The Russian loan came up In
testimony of N. Kelly, assistant
treasury secretary In charge of
foreign loans, who testified that
before the fall of the Kerensky
government. Russia had received
$187,000,000 in war credits. No
additional payments, he said, were
mad$ until 1920. when Russian
embassy officials were allowed to
draw $200,000 with the under
standing that it would be re
Objection of senators caused an
executive session at which it was
decided to leave international as
pects oC loan maters to the foreign
relations committee.
Much importance Is attached to
many of the bills which were con
soldered by the senate yesterday
afternoon. Beginning with the
Eddy' bill to place bond dealers
under the jurisdiction of the state
corporation department, there
followed in rather rapid tucces-
?. Eight persons are dead and
another probably fatally Injured
as the result of the explosion of
a ran of nitro-glycerine at toe
Crozs Road school, two mile
west of here shortly arter noon
Emmett Bunyan, 30 years old.
the teacher, and the following pu
pils: Raymond Groves. 9; Howard
Itt. 7; Thomas I,ett. 12; Charles
Wellon. Robert McCausland,
12; Elmer Mellet. 10. and Rich
ard Peters. 7.
Lester proves, 11, is expected
to die.
Several other children received
minor injuries in the explosion.
which occurred when one of the
boys . attempted to cut the top
from the can with an axe,
Bunyan and five of the boys
were, killed instantly and the
other two died later. -
i nose whom injuries were
slight were the victims of firing
glass, every window in the school-
house, a 1-story frame structure.
neing demolished. -
The explosion was heard in
Lawrenceville and persons hurry-
Hon.' the commercial fishing code I0 t1PJ,rd th? CP'bon
bill, creating a fish commission.
which was passed unanimously, a
re-rference of the Norblad-Hall
Roosevelt highway bill, an up
holding of the Banks free text
book bill by voting down a minor
Kay's Bill to Change Child
t Welfare Commissions
fails in House
court of domestic relations and
a dozen other important meas
ures. .
No Debate on Code.
The commercial fishing code
Theory That Airplanes Have ,
Made Capital Navar Ships
Useless to be Given Trial
On High Sea.
Captured German Battleship
win Be Prey of Sky ,
KcMinville Taxoavers
Against Salary Raises
L nuns meeting Sunday af
ternoon MfMinnrlU. liMTr
'!? by ,are maJofty against
"y increase in salaries of state
iv .viktvcrs ai iuis iiuic.
m meeting was presided over by
Ws of the Yamhill county
inii, tT Agates, Who held tbs
lvT i10 terAlne Just exact
k, ,9 VIr constituents stood on
'" miner. j
r. e "umber of taxpayers
f.IVwnt nd the talks both
i ia talntt increase In salar-
frit i.i e een- The Principal
fait. Km. to ,ncrea lay 10 the
tka V. prkM ,n general are on
in- ,M: and tnftt since sal
t j" ,n Aothr Hns are dropping.
'Vot. right that they should
ZJB otbers.
ESL f 5enat0" Vinton and Ed
raa and Representatives Beals,
ry and La Follett.
Allocation of Government
Tonnage Brings Trouble
Before The Board
WA8HINTON, Feb. 7. Presl
dent Wilson's refusal to intervene
in the question of -railroad wages
sustains the position of the em
ployes that the matter is one for
the Interstate commerce commis
sion and congress, W. H. John-j service in competition with
ston. president of the Internatlon-1 vately ow-ned veSjteia
WASHINGTON. Feb. 7. Rival
shipping companies operating ves
sels between the Atlantic and Pa
cific coasts clashed today before
the shipping board over allocation
of government owned tonnage for
al association of Machinists, de
clared here today in a statement;
'The transportation act," he
said, "clearly defines the jurisdic
tion of th railroad labor board
and the interstate commerce."
Many Bills Still in Hands Of
Committees; But Two
Weeks Left Yet "
For the reason that the legis
lature has only just anrived at
what is ordinarily the most severe
fighting period, namely, the two
final weeks of the session-, and
Tor the reason that hundreds of
bills are still In the hands of com
mittees, the number of measures
killed by failure to pass or by in
definite postponement is not
gTeat. Here is a list of them:
41, Upton To abolish state
emergency board. Indefinitely
Tinctnonpd hv senate.
ks Kills Relating to the
h,irinr in of new Darties In
suits. Indefinitely postponed by
78, Upton Relating" to fore
closure of certificates oi aeim
Failed to tass senate.
. Jones To provide for the
examination of an adverse party
A oivil sction or suit. in-
Hofinitelv nostDoned In senate.
Q Q l nnpfl To nrovide for re
lease' from lien of a judgment the t
real property or appeuani. in
definitely postponed by senate.
119. Hume Relating to standardization-of
normal schools. In
definitely postponed by senate.
124. Eberhard Relating to ar
rest of judgment. , Failed to pass
senate. . : ... A,
175, Eberhard constituting
every county a judicial district.
Indefinitely postponed by senate.
17G, Eberhard Transferring
probate Jurisdiction from county
Idaho Makes Move To
Abolish All Lobbying
ROISE. Idaho, Feb. 7. A move
aimed at the abolishment of lob
bying and lobbies in Boise was
made In the senate of the state
legislature this morning when
Senator Seaver of Twin Falls
county presented a resolution au
thorizing the president of the sen
ate to appoint a committee to
probe this matter. It also provid
ed the committee should invest!
gate the creation of deficiencies
in the various departments in the
last biennium.
Sentiment in the senate was in
favor of the resolution and the
vote to adopt It was unanimous.
Thomas of Bingham charged that
the deliberations of the members
were interrupted many times by
persons coming on the floor. He
said also that certain persons
were wont to come Ik and sit on
the floor during the sessions.
Representative Kay's bill to give
the secretaryship of the child wel
fare and industrial welfare com
mission, to the labor commission
er, and thus eliminate Mrs. Millie
R. Trumbull, the oresent secre
tary, went down to defeat by in
definite postponement in the house
yesterday morning without a roll
call vote, but with an overwhelm
ing volume of affirmation.
Kay said that the governor had
recommended the bill In his
message, and that it had been said
by him that the ena'ctment of its
pnArisions would mean a saving of
$10,000 a year to the state. He
contended' that the opposition to
the bill came- from i those who
would lose their positions in case
it became a law.
Stone opposed the bill, contend
ing that the care of the women of
the state who were forced to en
gage In the walks of labor should
be left to women who knew how
to sympathize with them and their
! needs.
'Kiibli spoke against the bill, say-
T 1 t t f A . a k . .
nam iivermore. presiuem oi ung mat me animus bacK or It was
the United American Lines oper-'the personal desire of some who
allng company for both the Anieii- ha1 been offended by the neces
can Ship and Commerce company, ff,1, administrative work or Mrs
andMhe American Hawaiian iie, Millie Trumbull and who wanted
(Continued on paso 4)
SAN DIEGO, Cal., Feb. 7.
Three men employed at the aero
nautical repair and supply depot
at Rockwell field, army flying
headquarters here, were seriously
burned and one probably blinded
late today when a 20-gallon car
boy of sulphuric acjd exploded.
controlled by the Harrimrn Inter
ests, protested against the opera
tion of government tonnage in the
inter-coastal trade by the North
Atlantic and Western Steamship
oinpany, declaring such a polity
placed a hardship an private own
ers by putting them in competi
tion with their sovernment.
C E. Ware. Jr.. of Boston, pres
ident of the latter company, con
tended that it vould be agcins'.
the, policy of the board to with
draw shins from a company in bus
iness before the entrance of a pri
vate line into the trade. The Amer
ican Hawaiian line, he said, had
withdrawn Its vessels from inter
costal service early in the war
and had not resumed those sail
ings until his company had been
lit operation some months.
Because of the slump in ocean
traffic, Mr. Livermore said, the
HarHman interests had sought la
make up some of their losses by
developing coastwise traffic. He
said he did not think cutting ra'cx
would help any.
Commissioner Thompson in
quired if that was not contrary to
a statement of W. A. Harriman tn
New York last week that. If the
board did not withdraw its ton
to get her out of the way.
Lynn supported Kay and argued
that the passage of the bill would
eliminate the hard feeling that
now existed among those who
were interested in the women's
and children's welfare work. He
wanted the bill to be pkssed and
urged that personalities be elimi
nated from its consideration.
Gordon of Multnomah said that
he could not see where any saving
could, be made and that, unless
that should be done there was no
reason for consolidation.
Lee and Gordon of Lane op
posed the bill and Johnston sup
ported it. Gallagher said he want
ed to know what the bill had been
introduced for and he had con
cluded that the real purpose of it
was to effect the chance of the
He also saw In it a fine oppor
tunity for the labor commissioner
to build up a fine and well oiled
political machine to function at
the next primary election. He
thought it would be impossible for
a boiler Inspector or a horseshoe
inspector to go out and solve the
welfare problems of women and
Kay. in closing, said that the
met by screaming children. -
.Neighbors were the first to
reach the school.
The explosion occurred abont
i a reet from the schoolhouse. All
oi inose Killed were rronnMl
Hi"ftl t iha Ma a . m . .
itjr report against It.'deteat of tl o v " ,
sicians on the CHI measure, pas- L hJbovs iad n, X? ld that
M nf iinm.'. hiii i,Hnr t th. !? 7 n4 fIbed the can from
It is believed that the container
nan iioated down from a nitro
glycerin magazine about three
quarters of a mile away '
it was said that the ohmIm t.
bill caused no debate, but passed I to empty the cans at the magazine
unanimously after Senator Gill. I afterwards destroying them and it
chairman of the game committee, I Is believed that the contain- ...
naa expiainea ine long list oi i one mat held only a small amount
aiufiiuuit-Dis wuicu uusru mc vt vapiosire ana bad hMn fc
bill to be deferred from last Fri-iin the creek.
day when it was slated-for final I Authorities, however, are plan
passag?.. - ning to inquire further Into on..
. . . ... . . . ... . &- ,. . -
ine piaj mat loiiowea me re-i' iu acciaent. It was said
can ui ine .oroii-riaii niguwaj
bill from the house was a matter
of conjecture. All motions made
were hippodromL presumably
by agreement for some laudable
purpose. Senator Vinton moved
that the bill be reconsidered and
Norblad followed with a motion
that it be re-referred to the com
ruittee on roads and highways.
This was done without opposition.
Senator Norblad later said the
bill probably would be amended
so it would be satisfactory. It
may provide for i referendum to
the people.
The Hanks free text book again
brought on a debate, which, how
ever, was brief. A minority of
V a AAMml,.M. .1.. .1 I .
i5 .-uiiiiiiiiirfj u ii cuuciuuu I WASHINGTON Fh "
ported in favor or its passage and rVo h!, rtu,, ' ' '
a minority against it. Hume ' wo . reIW m"ores were put
moved adontlon of the maforitv I inro,,gh the house In a hnrrr
report and Staples moved substi- J today and a third was beat by
tuiion oi me minority reporc. "rgain.
htaDies areueti at some ipnctn l no unnpr hiiuk.!..
against the measure, declaring of rules, a proceeding which re-
th-s bonded indebtedness of thejlUIrd two thirds vote on pas
district In which he lives is $31.-Bae. the 113,000,000 soldier hos-
000.000. on which the interest 1 1""" oui was passed by a risin
amounts to 900 an hour. II and ,he 1100.000,000 road
UalN It -Mad Itulldoc lluuu PPropmuon won easilr.
"Senator Hanks says this is his I The big upset, was the defeat
net bill" said Stanles. "If von I or he W inslow bill to nrm t
have a mad bulldoc for a TMt. rmll,al Payments to railroad nm
better kill It. Today we are pay-lthe Ruaranty section of the trans
ine five times as murh In tupa BBPortation act. Backed itmiu
five years ago. Do we want to.,id,r by republicans, it was kill-
add more." I? oecause two members did not
Senator Ellis sided with Sta-l,lloat nswers when their names
pies. Senator Hanks spoke brief-I V caned. Democrats lined up
ly. assorting that Staples' figures ",U1081 uni against the mea
were extravagant. I sure, and criticised republicans
Ttv votinr down tn mlnnHlv I lor aiiempting tO TUSh It thronrh
- - 0 mt uuwa a a mv.
rrnrt anrl artAnrlnir tha tti I DB Qeieat OI the Wlnslow hill
rtarwart th inoto satit t Ka Kill
I howeVer. was only temnorare. for
it way to third reading. The votelafter f1,,nK to receive the neces-
on whether the minority report I sary lwo thirds vote the house
bculd be substituted was as fol-1 "'f. committee reported a rule
Upset Comes When Winslow
Bin js Defeated
In House
nage from' competitive routes his j motives of the governor could not
Cal., Feb. 7. The Stanford uni
virsity "baskerball team defeated
the University of Washington here
by the score of 25 to l tonight.
The score at the half period was
Stanford, 18; Washington, 9.
ships would cut rates. -
Mr. Livermore replied that there
was no difference of opinion be
tween him and his chief, for when
business picks up "it may become
necessary for ns to go our own
The American Hawaiian line
and the Luckenbach line were
charged by Mr. Ware with an ef
fort to make Boston and Philadel
phia "way station" for New York.
Chairman Benson announced
the board would take the ques
tion of allocation under consid
be impugned in recommending the
bill, that he was not trying to
build up a machine. The bill
would not hamper the power of
the .child welfare or women's wel
fare commission at all. The labor
commissioner now enforced the
law outside the city of Portland
and there was an overlap-of authority.
' Tuesday, fair except probably
rain northwest portion; -moderate
westerly winds.
Yes: Eddy. Ellis. Farrell. OI11,
Hall. LaFollett. Nickelsen. Porter,
Staples. St ray ers. Vinton.
No: Banks. Bell. Dennis, Eber
hard. Edwards. Hare. Hume,
Jones. Joseph. Lachmund, Moser.
Norblad. Patterson. Ryan, Smith
Thomas, Upton, Ritner. .
DrugleMM Hill Beaten
Senator Hume, in an argument
in behalf of his minority report
on his bill providing that vaccin
ation or inoculation shall not be
made a condition tor entrance In
to schools or for other privileges,
persuaded only eight senators to
vote with him, and the majority
report of the committee on medi
cine, dentistry and pharmacy was
adopted and the bill Indefinitely
By a margin or one vote tne
majority report or the committee
on medicine, dentistry and phar
macy was upheld recommending
passage of senate bill No. 113.
regulating the chiropractic prof
ession. The main issue was over
the provision requiring that cer
tificates, reports and papers sign
ed by chiropractic physicians
"shall be accepted by all public
officials as meeting all the re
quirements of the laws dealing
with such certificates, reports and
papers." Recognition by the in
dustrial accident commission Is
the main Issue In this section.
The vote by which the adverse
! minority report was defated and
the bill allowed to go to tniru
reading was:
Yes: Banks, Eberhard. Eddy.
(Continued on pas )
which provides for its considera
tion tomorrow.-.
The vote today was 220 to 111,
which lineup If maintained tomor
row, easily will give the measure
the majority needed.
Passage of the bill appropriat
ing funds for hospitals for dis
abled service men was followed
by the adoption of similar legis
lation by the senate. The latter
went the house one better, how-
fever, making a total appropriation
ot available through
amendments on the sundry civil
The house hospital bill provides
for erection of five regllnal hos
pitals for sick and disabled sol
diers, at I2.SOO.000 each, and
ISOO.OOO-for conversion Into hos
pital buildings at Forts Walla
Walla. Wash., and McKenzie.
Wyo. .
One senate amendment to the
sundry civil bill would approprl
ate $12,500,000 for five new hos
pitals, and the other would pro
vide $6,100,000 for the care of
disabled veterans through im
provements or new construction
of public health service hospitals.
The latter are located at Boston.
New York. Perryvllle. Md., Nor
folk. Whipple Barracks. Arts..
Chicago. Lake City. Fla; Atlanta.
Louisville, Fort Bayard. N. M..
evansville. Ind., Pittsburgh and
Forts McKensie. Wyo., and Walla
Walla. Wash.
The good roads bill wonld per
mit expenditure of $100,000,000
and was offered as a substitute
for the McArthur bill, which
sought to appropriate that sum
each year for five years.
ticipation, by the war department
Ur experiments to determine the
value of aircraft against major
naval vessels was invited by Secre
tary Daniels today In letter to
Secretary Baker.
Orsnaa Battleship to be Vaed ,
The first teat will be conducted
within 90 days. Mr. Daniels said
with conditions similar to thoae
of battle. The captured German
battleship Oafriesland. of 2C.500
tons, probapty will be used.
Admiral R. E. Coontx. chief of
naval operations previously bad
told the house naval committee
X that within three months the na
vy department would bring a
large warship In the open sea la
order to test the theory advanced
by Brigadier -General Mitchell of.
the army air service, that air
planes had made capital naval
vessels useless.
Representative Mondell of Wyo
ming. Republican floor leader,
who preceded Admiral Coontx.
warned the committee that unless
expenditures for military estab
lishments were cut some larger
nations would be driven Into
bankruptcy. He characterized the
nary department's estimates un
der Secretary Daaiebt "as a notice
from peace loving America of the
official announcement of the Am--erleaa
administration, accepted
abroad aa a man data to. if not an
expression of. the will of th
American people."
U. K. Shook Lead Dlaannaneat
The United States should taka
the lead in disarmament, he de
clared, adding:
"If "an agreement Is not
reached for the limitation of arm
aments and warlike expenditures
In the near future the faalt will
be that of America, as In the for
mer days the fault was that of. .
Representative Towner, Iowa,
also urged a disarmament agree
ment but advised continuation of
the present building program, un
til it was reached with no action
by America except by Internation
al agreement. The drastic cut ia
military expenditures, was not
equalled anywhere abroad, he
said, and was evidence to the
world of America's desire to re
duce its military establishment to
the minimum.
Discussing armament. Admiral
Coontx declared that disarmament
talk had appeared "after we have
waited all our lives for a navy of
Importance and equality, and was
against stopping any of the 19ZC
building program so far as ships
were concerned.
Allied Agreement Pointed Oat
Secretary Daniels, in making
public his letter, pointed out that
by allied agreement the United
States was obliged to destroy the
Osfriesland and other former Ger
man naval vessels given this
country as soon as experiments
under way were conduced. He
could think of no more fitting or
userul method of destroying them,
he said, than by using them in
aviation bombing experiments.
He Intimated that the old battle
ship Iowa, already fitted with ra
dio control apparatus.-would be
used for a similar purpose.
The Osfrieslani was one of the
more modern battleships ot the
former kaiser's navy, mounting
12-Inch guns. It is fitted with a
very thorough system of bulk
heads and watertight compart
ments, a
Before he received Mr. Daniels
letter. Secretary Baker, replying
to questions as to his views on
Brigadier General Mitchell's
statements said any discussions
between the army and the navy
regarding the Importance of air
craft would be marked by "har
monious co-operation" as long as
he remained secretary.
Bill Regulating Junk
Dealers Aimed at Stealing
HereaHer dealers in junk,
whether Individuals, firms or cor
porations, buying or selling sec
ond hand artilces and metals,
commonly known as junk, will be
required to keep a record of the
articles purchased and sold, if a
bill passed In the house yester
day passes the senate. House
brn No. 227 Is by Mr. Hlndman
and Is aimed to keep down the
stealing and Illegal transaction of
stolen articles.