The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 06, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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1 llgl
The reception la honor of Mrs.
V. S. Kinney, the only woman
to be represented In tha 1921 ses
sion of the legislature, at the
home of Mrs. C. P. Bishop,
Thursday afternoon, given under
the auspices of the Marion Coun
ty Woman's Uepa'oncan Study
club, was a pronounced success,
calling together about 73. women,
several of whom were from out of
town, and- were in i the city at
tending the legislature.
Forming a receiving line were
Mrs. liisbop.. president of . the
club. Mrs. Kinney, Mrs. L. E.
Heart, '"wife of Ifeprespntative
Mean and. Mrs. V. H. Southwlck.
During the afternoon Mrs. Kin
ney add resd thj assemblaKe on
"Women and Citizenship." treat
ing the subject in an able and -interesting
manner. lr. Owens
Adair, cf Astoria, who has the
distinction 'of. being.- the first
graduate physician in Oregon also
epoko entertatiilngly on the ad
vanretnent lu things pertaining to
women that she had witnessed
during the years that she has
filled a profess onal position.
TI13 rooms of the IHshop resi
dence had; been attractively or
namented for tho occasion. Ued
I'olnnettas, ferns and candles were
used In the drawing room, with a
el!ow color motif being" empha
sized In the dining room where
tea was served. A large basket
of daffodils made a centerpiece
for the table, garlands of yellow
and smllax extndinc from the
chandelier to the fonr corners.
Mrs. t,. E. Bean and Mrs. Ma
r'e Flint presided at -the urns,
members of the club assisting
with the serving.
Mi8 Margaret Jtodgers went to
Eugene Friday to attend the Kap
pa Alpha Theta formal -dance,
and be a guest at several other
social affairs on the campus over
the week-end. She will return
home today.
The Junior Guild of St. Paul's
church vili met at the home of
Mrs. Frank W. Uurbin. HI
Tuesday afternoon. ;
i Aloha club members and femi
nine friends participated in their
third dancing party this winter.
Potter. Rose Hirsch, Miss
Husrgins. Hclene Seeley. Mildred
Strincham, and Messrs. Fred
Mangis. James Marr. James
Marr, James Young. James Craw
ford. Carl Uabrielson. Larry Ho
fer. Paul Wallace. Otto llartman.
Albert Egan. Oliver Myers. Geor&e
Nelson. Clifford Knickerbocker.
DwiRht quisenbury. Fred Decke
bach. Claude Stenslofr. Clarence
Byrd. Andrew Vincent. William
Harris. Allen Jones, Fred Broek.
Earl McUonough, James McClel
land. William Bradley. Charles
Crais;. Elvin Lanlis. Mark Skiff.
Bert Ford.Orley Leffin swell, Paul
Harrington Braz'.er Small and
Homer Egan.
Mr;;. John J. Hoberis opened
her heme Friday ftermon on the
occasion of a meeting of the Mis
given Thursday night, the affair ' gfonary society of the First Cnn-
beine recorded as on3 more de
lightful date on the club's calen
dar. Spikes of Scotch broom used
in cjuantities with palms made an
effective base for additional dec
orations of cut flowers, in which
a red color note predominated.
Music for dancing was furn
ished by Hunt's orchestra.
Those in attendance were
es Hazel. Downing, Margaret
gers, t.117.; ivnan. Marian tianeu.
Constance King. Helen Dechebach.
Gertrude llartman, Eunane
Craie. Hallie Hinges. WInnlfred
Iondon, ' of 'Vancouver. Helen
King, i Mamie Victor, Isobel
Georei, Lnella Patton. Beatrice
Walton. Johanna WSsmer. Mary
Carotbers. Mrearet White Sarah
'Style Shoes for Stout
TIIICSK kIioch eontain every style shvrn in the season's
smartest footwear. " They make stout ankles stylish
"'"ly'slim and obviate the necessity for gussets, patches and
similar-makeshifts. - " ,
We have Aunt' Polly's in hijrh h?els, i'uban heels,
.pointed toes, comfort lasts and oxfords. We can give
you style plus a perfect fit.
Atwit Polly's have solved the shoe problem for fctout
.women, .'. . - -, . ' '
At The Electric Sign "SHOES"
.regational church. Serving witu
her as hostesses were: Mrs. Hen
ry E. Chase. Mrs. Richard Rob
ertson. Mrs. Lillian Hartshorn
and Mr. Clifford Brown.
About 25 church women en
joyed a varied program which
featured a talk by Mrs. S. S. East
on "Church Community " Life."
Hiw-'Mrs. Robertson was heard in,v-Rod-1
cai number!, and Mrs. William H.
Bliss, a visitor in Salem from
Worcerter,- Mass., contributed
readings. "
Mrs. Bruce , Dennis, wife of
Senator Bruce Dennis, has re
turned to her home in LaGrande
after spending a week with her
husband in Salem. She is spend
ing a few days in Portland on the
Miss Elizabeth Levy will be
honored by Mi?s Lena Belle Tar
tar with an at home Monday eve
ning at her tnd;o. Guest3 will
have the privilege of calling any
time between the hours of 8 and
It) and many are looking forward
to the pleasure of greeting Miss
Levy for the first time since her
return from Europe. The Invita
tional list Includes a large num
ber of friends and associates of
these prominent musicians. At
tractive musical numbers will be
giva at intervals idurlng the eve
ning by some of the favorite so
loists of the city.,
Invitations haTe been received
In Salem for the wedding- of Miss
Florlan Linklater , and Hallie R.
Kibler, the event to take 'place
Wednesday evenings February 16,
in the First Baptist church In
Miss Linklater has, a large ac
quaintance in Salem, gained dur
ing the time that sha was an In
structor in the department of his
tory of the Salera high school. She
is the daughter of Mrs. John
Leinklater of Portland.
Mrs. J. C. McLeod entertained
the Wednesday Bridge Club this
week, bidding as an additional
By Edna L. Daily
A PINE tree stands against the sky,
So strong, so dark, so green,
In winter timeV :
Storms do not mar as they pass by,
It stands, a thing to please the eye,
In winter time. . .
Somehow, it makes me think of you.
Who stand so firm for all that's true
Though eighty-two! ,
(Published in CAiuerican Motherhood.)
You Will Buy
Why not get the bes at first
The Stpre of Housewares:
3rings Pretty Wool
Plaids and Stripes ,
The manufacturers have excelled themselves
this year originating so many new and pretty
colorings as are found in our new showing
Price Range Is $2.95-$3.50-$3.65-$4.95 a yd.
There is nothing so striking and smart looking as a pretty
plaid or stripe for general utility wear. The showing is
unusually alluring, affording ample opportunity for choice
of colors and patterns.1 The materials are of a lovely qual
ity serge, and we know you will like them. The widths are
52, 54 and 56 inches.
Wc want you to come often and see the new things that
come in by every, express. Make this your store. Meet
your friends here. We want you to feel that you are wel
come to look around whether you buy or not.
r'j ,))
guest Mrs. Raymond Walsh. Trib
es were awarded to Mrs. C. B. Mc
Cullouph. Mrs. K. A. Skelley as
sisted during the arternoon. , Mrs.
McCullouch will be the next host
ess for the club, entertaining at
her new borne on South Church
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bacon and
small daughter Joyce of Portland
are being entertained as week-end
guests or Mr. and Mrs. S. McElnea
at the Court apartments.
, Miss Mildred McCauley of Port
land was entertained as the mid
week guest of Mrs. Lloyd Farmer.
The latter has with her over the
week-end Miss Gladys Currey of
Monmouth and Theron Hoover, a
student at 6. A. C.
Mrs. S. P. Kimball is entertain
ing as her house guests her sister,
Mrs. II. C. McGowan and little
granddaughter, Marion McGowan
of Medford, who arrived last week
and will remain for some time. -
Mrs. C. I. Lewis and Mrs. . T.
Barnes were joint hostesses Thurs
day afternoon, entertaining the
members of the Piety Hill club
and Mrs. Ercel Kay additionally,
at the residence of Mrs. Lewis.
Daffodils, tulips and pussy-willow
made an effective setting for
the guests, who passed the hours
Mrs. George W'eller (Doris
Churchill) lert Friday morning for
Portland, where she is spending
the week-end with her sister. Mrs.
James Elton. ' "
An Interesting meeting of the
Modern W'riter's section of the Sa
lem Arts League was held at the
residence otv Mrs. F. D. Eason
inursaay nignt. witn a, repre-.
semauvs numoer or writers pres
ent, several ' original manuscripts
were read that proved or especial
merit and interest. "Poking no
the Home Fires." was' based on a
post-war problem, and was 'the
contribution of Mrs. Frank S. Bar
a story of College life entitled.
"Dimples and the Bad Egg." Mrs.
W. F. Fargo read "Empty Spaces."
one of her character stories that
appeared in the Christian Herald
February of last year. "White
Arms," by Gertrude Robison
Ross was a tragedy of Chinatown,
with all the color and fascination
of "L'mehouse Nights." .
Mrs. R. Monroe Gilbert and Mrs.
Byron F. Brunk will entertain
jointly when the section meets In
a fortnight, the session to be held
in the Gilbert studio.
Those present Thursday night
were: Mrs. W F. Fargo. Mrs.
frank S. Barton. Mrs. J. C. Nel
son. Mrs. Gertrude Robison Ross;
Mrs. J. M. Clifford, Mrs. R. Mon
roe Gilbert. Mrs. Byron F. Brunk.
Miss Mabel Davenport. Miss Ren
ska Swart. Miss Audred Bunch and
Mrs. Eason.
"Six-ip-Hope" is ttie rather mys
tifying name that a group of girls
have given a club which they
formed last week. Tuesday even
ing they were entertained by one
of their number, Miss Florence
Elgin, at the home of her narenta
Mr. and Mrr. Charles F. Elgin, the
urns uemg miea wttn needlework
ana music. -
Members are. Miss Rita Clag
gett. Miss Hester Hilpot. Miss
Maxine Abst, Miss Elsie Boy in g
lon. Miss Elsie Victor and Miss
Florence Elgin.
Mrs. Susan Varty of Jacoblan
Designing parlors lert Saturday
for San Francisco to attend the
rashion rhow which is being held
there tha coming week. ... Mrs.
Varty expects to return February
Mai! Orders
.Wc nay uost-
aye; or express
on all mail or-
406 State Street
Phone 877
pr your money
of Bend, a former Salem resident.
Mrs. Fish left Friday for Port
land, where she will be the guest
of friends for several days, later
returning for a longer stay at the
Settlemler residence.
. : . ' .
Mrs. D. II. Looney was in the city
several days last week, coming
from Jefferson to be with her bus
band, who is a member of the
house of representatives.
Friends of Miss Laura Pratt.
who is conducting an art studio
In Portland, are expecting her to
stop off in Salem on her way to
her Home, after a visit with rel
atives in Corvallis.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar D. Olson,
left Wednesday for Marshfleld,
where they will take up their res
idence. Both are former willam
ette university students, Mr. Ol
son being identified with the C.
B. Clancey florist shop during the
past three years.
Ex-Governor and Mrs. Oswald
West were last-of-the-week visi
tors, in Salem, being entertained
over their brief stay as the guests
orGovernor and Mrs. Olcott.
An event that is being most
happily anticipated on next week's
social .program is the Informal
dancing and card party that the
social club of the Order of the
Eastern Star is giving to Its mem
bers and friends, Saturday even
ing. February 12. in Moose hall.
This Is the first dancing party
that this popular club has spon
sored. Patronesses for the affair
will be Mrs. George II. Burnett.
Mrs. Milton L. Meyers, Mrs.
George G. Brown, Mrs. W. Carlton
Smith. Mrs. Eugenia Gillingham.
Mrs. Ralph Glover and Mrs. Paul
H.'Hauser. .
Friends of Mrs. Walter L Mc
Dougall were welcoming her dur
ingher brief visit in Salem dur
ing the midweek. Mrs. McDougall
fs stopping in Portland, coming
,VP from her home in San Fran
cisco. ;. .
fSS DanPrtHrd ?tor7 visiting", n The city during
rv or I. n! !? Ufa onlHla1 . - - . . .
me jam weex are extending tneir
sojourri over another seven days
In order to attend the reception
which the Thursday afternoon
club Is giving next Thursday af
ternoon at the residence of Mrs.
B. C. Miles on Court street. All
feminine members of solon's fam
ilies will be cordially welcomed
on the occasion.
If all the writers that Salem
nas produced remain loyal to
their home town, the time Is not
far distant when Oregon's can!
tal city will be rather celebrated
for something other than its wide
streets and attractive homes.
The fact that Emma-Lindsay
Suuier is a former Salem resident
is forced upon us by an announce
ment that Is featured In the Feb
ruary number of Good House
Keeping Magazine. Here Is the
way It reads: "Basil King said of
a young woman whose story we
shall publish next month. 'I think
you will feel that her little ac
counts of her experiences in win
ning the hearts of wild things bear
all the stamD of sincerity'." They
hear more than that the evl
den re of a comradeship with
God's 'wild things' that seems
Incredible. Why? Because we
have . lost so much of our
sympathy for things In fur and
feathers. You will long for its
return, when you read in the
March Issue, Emma-LInsay
Squler's beautiful little story.
The Wild Heart' a story of the
bridging of the gulf or terror
which divides man from the wild
animal. It ban been beautifully
Illustrated by Paul Bransom. It
will choke you with sympathy "
Miss Squter Is a sister of Etta
Squier Seely. the latter, who
knew about the story's acceptance
on her last visit to Salem in the
winter, stating that it was orig
inally Intended for the Cosmopoli
tan, but bad been especially so
licited by Good Housekeeping.
. After an extended sojourn In
Salem, during which time she has
been resting at the home of her
mother. Mrs. Belle Booth. Miss
Georglabelle Booth leaves next
Thursday Tor Los Angeles from
which place she will book out
with the Orpheum circuit. Miss
Booth Is a gifted piantste. whose
work has been previously featured
by Ihe Orpheum circuit, which
presented her in solos and as an ,
accompanist in 19171 During that
engagement Miss Booth traveled
through Canada and as far east
in the states as Chicago.
In celebration of the birthdays
of a group of close women friends
Mrs. R. E. Lee Steiner entertaihed
with an attractively appointed
dinner Sunday night, the natal
anniversaries falling on various
days during the past week.
Potted prlmrises In tones of
lavender and f:nW formed a low
mound in the center of the table,
which was banked with greenry.
Covers were laid for the follow-
1 w n
ing: Governor ana Mrs. nen v .
Olcott, Dr. and Mrs. XV. Carlton
Smith. Dr. and Mrs. II. II. Olin-
ger, Mrs. George F. Rodgers and
Dr. and Mrs. Steiner.
A red letter date on the win
ter's program of the Salem Arts
league will be next Tuesday eve
ning when an cxniDiiion oi me
work of Oregon artists will be
featured In the auditorium of the
public library. The date is that
scheduled for the February meet
ing of the league, the exhibit to
tak? the place of the regular pro
Work of three , Salem artists
will be given particular place
that of Mies Theref and Margar
ita Babnsen, who are considered
among the most talented student.)
at the Portland art school, and
Elmer Young, Salem graduato of
the Chicago Art institute, now lo
cated in Chicago.
Combined with the pictures will
be a remarkable showing of old
pen and ink sketches and engrav
ings, and etchings, which are the
properly of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
McCammon. Some of these works
are from 100 to ISO years old.
published in London as long ago
as 1743 to 179S. In the group
of engravings appear the names
of Tenlers, Charles Lo Brun and
many other distinguished artists
of the period.
Several unusual brasses, from
the Philippine Islands will also
be shown.
The public, will be cordially
welcomed on the occasion, the
hours to be from 7:30 to 10:30.
. A . ... it. . t.t..A A . I f
man. Wlia nu wiie ana young i i-j:e. me oujeci oi mr visit he
daughter Jayne, he will return ing the legislature,
again the first of the week, all! 9
james u. sckultz
to visit briefly with Mrs.
man. Sr.
The latter is entertaining as
her week-end guests her son-in-law
and daughter. Dr. and Mrs.
E. A. Pierce, also of Portland.
Mrs. B. J. Miles ts entertaining
as her week-end guest Miss Mar
garet Hansen of Portland, who Is
a student at Monmouth college.
Miss Hansen came to Salem with
a group of students of the col-
Mr. and Mrs.
of Portland came up during the
week to remain over the week
end with the latter's sister, Mrs.
Charles S. Weller.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Moores
of Portland are other week-end
visitors at the Weller home.
They arrived Friday and were at
tendants In the evening at the
formal reception at Waller HalL
(Continued on page 3)
Jiev. ward Willis Long, the
newly appointed pastor of the
sVi.. T- 1 - t i rrsoyierian ennrch came
un from Portland, to remain over
tne week -nd as the guest of Mr
and Mrs. A. F. Marcus.
Miss Helen Moore, daughter o!
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moorc vhn
Is a student at the Oregon Agri
cultural college, was chosen as a
member of the Phi Theta Kappa.
iitMonai nojiorary commerce fra
tcrnity for women, last week.
members of the Business
ami rroreionaI Woman's club
w.u assemble in Ihe ifa-(lrk room
of the Gray-Belle Tuesday evening
at uclfx-k. whn thy will en
joy a dinner. Jlrpiesenlative Kin
ney urtn nr. Owcns-Adair to be
mt srwaKcr 0r thj evening.
.. . .
Friends of Mr. Inaar Ie Pat-
iTMn are sendin; mHsaces of
sympathy to her at Ihe Willam-
-M franitariutn. wltTi f!i is Ikj-
mg tared ror during her illness
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. S-ttlemier
pnt?rlained nh a supper Tues
n:y nteht at their country, home
Ikebrook". rovers being- laid
for 12. The afralr was arranrpH
v for the pleasure of Mrs. Fred Fish
Mrs. J. C. Evans was at home
to members of the Rapheterlan
society Wednesday afternoon, bid
ding as additional guests Mrs." A.
A. Schramm of Corvallis and Mrs.
Prince ByrdJ
Mrs. Ronald C. Glover and Mrs.
Alpheus Gillette will be hostesses
in a fortnight, entertaining at the
residence of tho former.
Hon. Jay Bow?rman was a last-of-the-week
visitor at the home
of his mother. Mrs. L. II. Bower-
Vk'hen !rrflr "r uppt4 Tri
umph Pi!!. Safe and dependable ia all
proper riMi. Sot oo'd at drttf Hem.
lo not txprriinpfit with other : tare dia
ppnrntment. Write for "Uelief" and
particular it', free. Addreta National
Medirsl In.titrite. Milwaukee. Wlf
I -
Do your letters get
in your files?
Direct Name
Filing System
"T J TILLET "you want "an Important
11 letter quickly can your, fild
' v clerk always produce it?.
Hundreds of offices are discarding clow
and complicated filing systems for tho
swift and utterly simple "Y and E! Direct
Name Filing System, '
. . -
Hundreds of actual time tests throughout
the country show that this system eatables
a file clerk of average Intelligence to
produce any piece of correspondence ia
ten seconds or less.
. ' ... . . ,
. Let our system service man demonstrate
bow this system can speed up your filing
department and practically eliminate
Ask ns for a copy of our new booklet -funding
and Filing La Leu
thaa Tea Seccadi.'! ;
. i .J ... - ;
163 North Commercial St.
Those little flecks frotn.yon h-d thai
fill Upoo yotir rWhinjr and il your
pleasure are dandruff a m-!p disorder.
Owjot it completely undrr tiuwjey.
back guarantee. Um Kntalko. Arvav
'"ifly quick, bitting be-nefit reported by
lepona of men, women, children. Sav
your hair! Get new bair. It is poibie
in many rases eren after lWn- atwv
lotely prored. Rrmember KOTALKO
at any buny drat; store. A'atrh yonr
mirror,! Show others this adwrtitemmt.
' '1
Our past experiences have convinced us positively that we can
recommend and sell only The Victrola
Sefe Us for
The Victor people have always procured the serv ices of the really
famous artists and we carry one of the most complete stocks in
yMgrc For Your Money at Moore's"
ui...:-.;- -i