The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 03, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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Ije OPrjeg0ti Statesman
pyw. i i ii iiMM'ii ' hphm-iiiim him ii ii lm n i mi, n n i 1 11 i .! 11 j nwniiiiiiii ' ii. n. ' '. 111 .i. J ',; ,,7T"?T
- Uu Dally Exctpt Monday by "
215 S. Commercial St., Salem. Oregon
, (Portland Office. 704 Spalding Building. Phone Main 111S)
The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for repub
lication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited
tn this paper and also the local, news published herein.
R. J. Hendricks. .Manager
Stephen A. Stone. .Managing Editor
ninh mover . ..Cashier
tFrtlYe tariffi duty on flax and
hfmp In the next tariff bill that
will make the heads of the trust
sit up and take notice, and that
will help to develop around Sa
lem the greatest single Industry
in all Oregon.
The time is coming swiftly
when the 2x3 fellows who are try
ing to kill the flax industry at
he penitentiary will look like 30
cent?, and feel like a plugged
J jitney.
Frank Jaskoskl..
....... Manager Job Dept.
DAILY STATESMAN, served by carrier In Salem and suburbs. 15
cents a week, 65 cents a monf.;.
DAILY STATESMAN, by mall, - advance, $8 year, S3 for six
months, $1.50 for three months. In Marlon and Polk counties;
7 a year. $3.60 for six months, $1.75 for three months, out
side of these counties. When not paid la advance, 50 cent a
- year additional. . . -
THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the great western weekly farm paper,
wl; be rent a year to any one paying a year In advance to Uie
Daily Statesman. ' .n
SUNDAY -STATESMAN, $1.50 a year; 75 centa for six months; 40
cents for three months. i ,
wrri y statesman. laned in two six-sage sections, Tuesdays
and Fridays, $1 a year (If not paid in advance, $1.25);
for, six months; 25 cents for three months. '
50 cents
Business Office, 23.
Circulation Department, 6 S3.
Job Department. 683.
'Society Editor 106.
(Continued from page 1)
of the field. Of
of stuff couldn't
Enured at the Postofflce In Salem. Oregon, as second class matter.
The Salem district has developed an important spinach
industry; the most important in the state.
But there is a hint in the Salem Slogan pages this morn
fog of a coming boom in this induitry; and one that will be
endujJ"omeg about through experiments of the Salem King's
Food Products Company in putting up in pulverized form the
spinach dehydrated at the Salem plant and plating it on the
market in cartons and otherwise
And it has made a hit.
" It is proving its worth in dietary schemes for small chil
dren and other children and adults. If the idea takes as the
outlook now promises, thrtre will be an outlet for an immense
amount of spinach every year
And our farmehs will be called upon to furnish great
quantities of this vegetable, which they can do, and which
hov- will hp clad to do.
Royce Allen, an experienced spinach grower in the Labish
Meadows district, reports that he raised six tons to the acre
last year for one crop. -
When it is realized that two crops may be grown, in the
early spring and the late fall, with a third crop of vegetables
in between, the reader can easily see that our land and our
people on the land are able to supply all the dehydration peo
ple may demand , i' :
"Oceans" of spinach, if it is needed.
' It is perhaps no longer necessary to say to the readers of
The Statesman that the eating of spinach freely is a very im
portant requisite for health. Every kitchen or home garden
should have some spinach, and two crops should be raised,
and some of it should be canned at home, or the commercially
canned or dehydrated article should be used when it cannot
be had iri the fresh form. ., '
Spinach is nearly as important in the dietary as milk;
1 and every up-to-date man and woman now knows that a vi
rile race cannot be sustained without milk, nor healthy chil
dren raised, nor old people kept in proper condition.
. One of the greatest arguments in favor of spinach grow
ing commercially in the Salem district is the fact that the
spring, crop furnishes a cash return early in the season when
money Is needed for the cultivation of other crops. And, in
the same way, it adds materially to the net returns from any
given number of acres of land under cultivation. ,
Next week, the Salem Slocran editor will att emnr tn shnw
that Salem is the center of an onion industry of increasing
importance. , f
Every cherry grower should read and act upon the reve
lation of the activities of the maraschino millionaires in try-
mg jo prevent the placing of a protective tariff on Italia
cherries.' That bunch of big business buccaneers put one
over on the Democratic crowd administering the present free
trade tariff law, for even this law provides for a duty of one
cent a pound on any fruit in the process of manufacturing
and surely cherries in brine are in the process of manufac-
. turfng." But this covey of crooks and corsairs will not be able
to put anything over on the incoming administration; espec
ially If the growers of the Pacific coast will keep their eyes
open. Tlje way these vultures of the maraschino plunder-
' bund have worked the administrators of the law leaves a
natural inference that some of the deserving Democrats at
the receipt of customs may not have been entirely disinter
ested. The criminals in this country are not all in the jails,
by a jug full. t J
t-u Hod them out
coute that sort
be printed."
Fighter YlewjmlHt Asked.
'What did you grt for tin
horses when they were re-sold to
Frfinc?" he was ask?d.
; 'I don't know," he replied,
"but the price was low. Of cours-3
it was. The horses were taken
from the field. It's easy to find
fault, easy to say we should have
struck a bigger bargain. Hut.
put yourselves over there anil 1
think your viewpoint would be
Before the supply service was
co-ordinated everybody, Mr.
Dawes said, was pulling in" dif
ferent directions.
"You have got the same trou
ble here," he added, "with ten
tbinet officers each trying to
get everything for himself. Tno
president ought to stop it. ,
Mr. Dawes said mistakes were
made. ' - v
"But. I am glad." he continued,
"that there is a desire In some
quarters to make a permanent
and honorable record of what our
men did. There have been .com
plaints that our surplus in France
was sold. It would have kent
40,000 men there trying to guard
it while we peddled li In small
lots. The men were 'brought
home, and the best bargains of
the war was in the sale of tha:
stuff to France L
"Xow. here is how we sold It.
Members of our commission sat
down ar a table with the French.
We laid our cards down. I told
our friends that some of us had
suggested different prices, that
this bird Judg? Parker was a
hard-boiled egg and was stanuTng
out for S450.000.000. I said I
thought $400,000,000 was fair.
and we traded." ,
"Every precaution was made to
prevent payment of extortionate
prices for supplies in France."
Mr. Dawes said. Of course there
were thieves hanging around.
some or them Americans who
wanted to reap a profit out of
every deed of a soldier." be said.
"There were grafters who went '
to Frenchmen with the sunnliea
we needed and raid they could de
mand and obtain exorbitant
prices. They came openly to our
men and offered bribes. And
thers we were needing their goods
which we had to take, knowing
there would be an assumption in
ome quarters that because we
took them we were bribed. It
was damnable. "
"Then there was the protest
from this country from the shoe
manufacturers, for instance be
cause we bought shoes in Eng
and instead of the United State".
If we ! had not the soldiers would
have ben barefooted."
Mr. Dawes declared that In all
his business experience he had
never seen any set of men moro
devoted to duty or more money
hones," than those recruited In
-"1k" i
Former Fuel Administrator
Gives Praise to Coal-Regulation
llMda el ckarchea to amit. Fbmry t. to nd itrna of fooJ
" food , aulliou of tarviaf Ckio. typifiod by agod woai
The MoograBS, rosdiag from rtgkt to fcft. gio old Cbisoo
proverb, "Witfeia tke fout soaa all ma are brothers."
Churches throughout the United States wiu observe Sunday,
rebruary 0, as X.hlna Famine Sunday." The Amertcao Committee
tot China Famine Kond tias oent telegrams to the eaecuUvt Oeea ot
ail church denominations urging a rat. coD-rtd effort to raise
anongo money to check the death rate in the northern province.
The funds subscribed will come as a New Year's gtft to China,
rebrnary e being the first day of the old Chinese new year season,
knows under the new calendar as the Spring Festival. The America
Committee hopes to make China Famine Sunday the turning point to
the ngttt against hanger which threatena 45.uuu.tmo Uvea. Of Uh,
10.0UO000 face certain death onless a great response come tram
America. , V
Clergymen will describe how the present American missionary
work baa placed this nation tn the position ot "big orotner to China
and bow China looks rim to as. The calamity la the won tn eistory.
On leas the starring people are helped until the next crop the pnuoeaj
ane economic Ufa ot the heart ot China's agricultural flutrlt will cot
ton, and with a will dlsnppear the world's trade with China. Iter
art 'more than 4U.(XNJ Christian Chinese among the tarvtng multitude,
Sunday schools and aU church societies arc to t aKei to co
operate, and tn many dtles, Including New York, mass meetings win
te'naldb Contributions are being reVled by the China Famine Fuod,
aeraou klonroe, treasurer, at Bible Uouie, As tor Place, New York City.
ifi approval of proviisions of the
C'alder coal regulation bill was
given by Dr. It. A. Oarfield. for
mer fuel administrator. In testi
mony today before the senate
manufacturers' committer. Some
governmental forces acting in the
interests of the public must be
created eventually, he said, for
industries producing primn ne
cessities where capital and labor
are both highly organized.
He nuggeated, however, modi
fication of the provision of the
bill for price fixing and control
of coal distribution, so that thes?
powers might be exercised only by
the president acting through 'a
cabinet member.
Proposals for official collection
and publication of - production
rout, and selling; price statistics.
Dr. Garfield said f he favored. lie
also suggrted amendments to ac
complish these results.
tb fVvrnbecher hom and $23,
000 in cash.
Um uuarler of what is left Is
to V placed in a trust fund, the
income from which will 1m given
deserving charities, to be designat
ed by Itoernbechir andetaolnfth
ed by Miss Iornbecher and her
brother, Kdward Doernberher of
Seattle, who will L trustees.
The remaining portion will be
shared equally by the son and the
daughter. "
LONDON. February 2. I nrest
continues among peasants of the
l'nitel nrovinee of Agra and
Oudh. British India, according to
a dispatch to the Times from Al
lahabad. Agitators are reported
to be carrying on a violent cam
paign against the Kovernment.
In the lalet Instance, a thou
sand persons lay down upon tb;
railroad track to halt a trala oa
which ihey believed their ieadr
who had been arreted, was Wisj
transported. When persuatloa
failed, the police were ordered t
clear the track. The crowd thf
attacked with stones, wherenpoa
the oIIce opened fire with Lock,
fhot. -
II W M (Wtt.
MaT r.a m
ml KSMfiO MtM
KGSit C3-.
Quarter of Doernbecher
Estate Goes to Charity
PORTLAND. Or.. Feb. 2. Ap
proximately one quarter of the
$720,000 estate of F. S. poern
becher, pioneer furniture manu
facturer, who died here January
27. is devised to charitable pur
poses in Oregon.
- According to the terms of the
will filed today Miss Ada Doern
becjier. a daughter. Is to receive
People Notice It. Drive Them
Off with Dr. Edwards'
Olive Tablets
t ivThe ?lay the farmers of this country have been fooled
m the matter of the holdinc un nf th fHoTi
enough to make them want to form Ku-Klux Klans and go
out after some of the higher ups in the courts, and elsewhere
No Wonder the farmers are organizing. They have got to
w s euiiie oi meir ngnts.
You can stop a common cold If
you act promptly at the first sign
of sneezinj and chilliness, hoarse
ness, tickling thrOat or coughing.
Just take a dose of Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound. It Is effect
ive and pleasant to take. Harry
L. Neff, Price Hill, Cincinnati, O..
knows-it is good for long-standing
coughs and colds, too. He
writes: I bad a very bad cough
for almost two years. I have taken
3 bottles of Foley's Honey and
Tar and am almost well. I
simply would not do without It in
the house." Sold everywhere.
(Continued from page 1)
Eat more spinach.
It. will pnt iron in' your blood
and sand in your craw.
; V .
It'.wlll gt the bookworm ont
-of your system and make you
want to achieve.
I The open house at " Lausanne
lMvll will be only from 8 to 11 to
morrow evening. The earlier
hour was k mistake. They can't
get ready.!
W. II. Rhrghardt Sr.. celebrated
Ms SUth birthday yesterday. ' He
is a groundhog, but doesn't look
like one.
, - S
Spinach in tabloid form will go
forth from Salem,) Oregon, and
put pep into the bepless people
from pole to pole.
S: V
The dispatches from Washing
ton announced that Mrs. W. P.
Lord of Salem waa before the
ways and means committee of the
house at its meeting last Friday,
when the flax and bemp schedules
were considered, and that she had
an exhibition that made a, favor
able impression on members of
that committee. It Is the fond
prediction of ther Tiita for ttrab.
fast man that there will be a pro
approval of the senate. Senator
Ellis declared the measure bad
particular reference to the Jack
rabbit situation In eastern Ore
gon. The vote was unanimous.
(Continued from page 1)
brought In and then marshaled
their forces, defeating It prompt
ly. Minority members then
sought a unanimous consent
agreement fixing a date for a
vote on the tariff, only to have
one of their own ranks enter ob
jection. As it stands, the measure has
precedence except from .12 to 2
o'clock. There were bints thrown
out. however, that the end was
not yet, and that demand for dis
placement of the tariff bill by
appropriation measures might
come at any time, or that an at"
tempt to obtain a vote. might be
At the outset today Senator
McCumber, Republican. North Da
kota, asked that all Join in agree
ment for a vote February. 15. His
motion was lost.'-' Then the cloi
ture failed. .Senator Simmons,
Democrat, North Carolina, coun
tered the Republican move with
a proposition to vote February 18
and Senator "Penrose tried to pre
vail on his opponent to' set an
earlier date, fearing ' a pocket
veto. Senator Williams, Demo
crat, Mississippi, however, an
nounced be would object to any
unanimous consent.
Senator Townsend. Mlchlean.
Republican, called for consider-'
ation of the postofflce appropri
ation bin and there were demands
for a vote, but the motion met
Then followed an hour of de
bate unusual In the senate. Sen
ators clashed in their efforts to
obtain recognition Senator Hi
ram Johnson, Republican. Cali
fornia, launched an attack against,
the cloture and assailed all who
favored It. ,
"It has come that this body Is
the only one In the world where
free spesch. can be bad In un
bribed form he declared. '"I
never have been for cloture, for
the . gar. If you please, at any
time. I am for this bill, but 1
never will be in favor of Invok
ing cloture. It penalizes tho?e
who speak last. It does not give
anybody ,ati opportunity to ex
press bis thoughts fully. It Is
wrong Jn principle and stands
against traditional American free
After the vote. Mr. Penrose
took up the claims that the tari'f
bill would mean the failure nf
appropriation bills at this session.
He voiced the opinion that "we
shall have " better appropriation
bills If some of them do fall."
When the storm had subsidM.
Senator Gerry, Democrat. Rhode
isiana. began a lengthy discus
sion of the naval building pro
rram. bnt was Interrupted by Mr.
Penrose who inquired what re
lation the subject had to the
tariff. Mr. Gerry explained bis
speech had been .announced sev
eral days ago and he proposed o
deliver it.
The senate recessed so that the
bill would remain as nnfinished
business tomorrow. The house
ways and means committee con
cluded consideration of the wool
schedule in Its work on a perma
nent tariff.
Defense is Heard In
Denton Murder Trial
LOS AXGELTS. Feb. 2. Testi
mony that Jacob Charles Denton
was (live after June 2, 1920, tne
date fixed by the state as that
of, the alleged murder of the min
ing promoter by Mrs. Louise L.
Peete, was given by several wit
nesses for the defense at Mrs.
Peete'a trial here today.
The defense opened just before
noon, when the prosecution closed
its case' after examining 71 wit
nesses and offering 100 exhibits
In evidence.
W. T. Aggeier. acting public
defender, . representing Mrs.
Peete, in a brief opening state
ment told the jury be would prove
that a "Spanish woman." often
mentioned and declared by the
state to be a "myth," really was
connected -with the case; that
Denton was alive , after June 2;
that his arm was Inured; that
there was no doubt the body foun
there was doubt the body found
in his residence was that of the
mining promoter, and that Den
ton bad authorized Mrs. Peete to
sign his name to checks.
A pimply lace will not embarrass you
much longer if you get a package of
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The skin
should begin to dear after yon have
taken the tablets a few nights.
Cleanse the blood, bowels and livrr
with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the
successful substitute for calomel ; tiiere's
no sickness cr pain alter taking them.
Dr. Ldisardi Olive Tablets do that
which calomel docs and jurt as effec
tively, but their action ii gentle and
safe instead of severe and irritating.
No one who tkes Olive Tablets is
ever cursed with a "dark brown taste."
a bad breath, a dull, listless, "no good
feeling, constipation, torpid fever, bad
disposition or pimply lace.
Olive Tablets arc a purely vcrc table
compound mixed with oh veoil ; you will
know thera by their dive color.
Dr. Edwards spent years among pa
tients afflicted with Lvit and bowel
complaints, and Olive Tablets are the
immensely effective result. Take one or
two nightly fbr a week. See bow much
better you feci and look. 15c and 30c
OP The
Uncle Tom's Caboose
A Box Car Knockout
Our Latest News Weekly :
. at our Hope Jones Organ
Last Days
Singers and Entertainers
Starting Sunday With Wanda Hawley and Jack Holt
" s , ,
Where The Big Shows Play
p ;1.
. " j.
. -1 - .
: 1
'V: I i ... .
i ii ii ''ill -ii ii ; v rw v ..-i
cA cation-uiac Instituting
Pbmry S. TbrdT Xhiroe 4r.
Mow and state fair rronada.
Wrthd.,7 ' ' """"" "
tebrnarr 1 1 to 21 Tron Wffk ia
PebrnafT 14. Moadar BaakattaTt.
willamrtu ra Cairaity of Idaho, at
CKniirv . mm A t m ft , .
Wtdafadar Baakubail. WillaasatU va.
u htl aa ak a a AST II W a
Wdlamatto Wall. Wall. T. If. C. JkZ
. mtim nana.
Frbruary- IS. Tudar Drbata. Salm
Btt arhoI. affirmative t Albany art-
" 5j?h r.h001 Va a.
AlHany, aff irmauve, at Albany.
..hrmrv 1 3L ..j i m- a m .
rday Ba.hetball, Wlllamatta a. Coa-
lfhnMrf 22- Taeadar BaaketbalL
Willametta Ta. Idah. at f alw.
kiMbdaV' 2! T"i Waafclartai'i
. r,br"r '4." Tbaraday ad rri
J;y8aJrm 'U WU1,M,,,,, Wkit.a
rX"!? K rr,4,y Sat.rd.r
Bsakatbalt, WiUamatt C. ( O- at
aAil.5 rriJaT-.Baa.Ull. WiUartt
. V. 9t at Salem.
April Id. R.tnrdar Baseball. Will
tta a. L, nt O.. st Enreaa.
... y J1 4 2 Baaebalt. WilUsj.
Ht wt Wkitaaaii. at W.SU Walla. "
ir 8""tr (teatatiral
Clh. .Wn"- O. A. O. at
-V.vTbr,,1,1' rriJiy 'ttatfTe)
-b?m .''IT -
kanaka. IVfiiS -Art-'Wt
The funeral aerTlces of Mr.
Sarab Jane Cromley will be held
from the Webb St Cloush parlors
this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rsr.
Lee and Rer. Yallentine of Dal
las frill officiate. Interment will
be In City View cemetery.
Pile Sufferers
Oan't Ba Cat XTotil Tea Try TW Vtw
uema Teat Anyone caa use Wltk
ent Disceesfett er Lou ef Time. sua.
ply Ckew U a Flaaaant TaaUaf Tab
let Occasionally and Kid Tearaelt ef
FUee. ,
Let Me Prove This Free
My internal method for tke treatment
and permanent relief ef pile is the cor
rect one. Thousands apea-thoosanda ef
t-ratetoj letters testUy So Uis. and 1 want
yea le try this method at my esDcaso.
No matter whether year ease is ef loaf
sianamr or recent develapsnent. whether
it is chrenie er state, whether It ia oa.
rasional or permanent, you abonld send
tor inia ireo trtel treatment.
ao matter where yon lire no matter
wnat yoar ace er crapatea if yon sre
troabled with pile mj method will re
lice yon promptly.
I eapeeially want te send it to these
apparently hopeless easea where a 'I fur as
of otntanente. aalrea. and other local sp
pliratioas base failed.
I went yon to realise that my method
ef treating pilea U the one moat depend
able treatment.
This liberal offer of free treatment Is
toe important tor yen to aeflort a ainrle
day. Write new. Head no money.
TODAY coupon bnt do thia now
Free Pile Remedy
E. It Pare.
1I33C I'ace BMr. arka!l. Viek.
lef ,r'1 ' 'tUi
15-year, First Mortgage 8'; Gold Bonds
Dated Feb. 1st, 1921
Due Feb. 1st, 1936
Denominations $1,000 and $500
These bonds are secured by a first closed mortgage Upon all
the assets of the Company, which total in excess of $8,097,965.
The Company's annual net profit available for the payment of
interest charges during the last six-year period has averaged $823,
575, and in 1920 was $1,150,594., The annual interest charge on
this issue is $240,00.0.
The Portland Flouring Mills Company, well-known in this com
munity; is the largest manufacturer of flour in the Northwest
Municipal and Corporation Bonds
Telephone Main 8183
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San Francisco