The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 03, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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Salem Is a: Center for Spinach Growing and for the Canning and Dehydrating
and Marketing of This Product of Great and Increasing Importance
This Was Two Tons More Than He Averaged the Year
Before, and He Has Been Growing This Vegetable
For a Long Time and Has Been Successful.
. . : ':: . '
(In answer to a, letter ot In-,
iniry. Royce Allen phoned to The
Statesman that he had nothing in
particular to add to his report ot
Inst year on spinach growing. He
stated, however, that he raised
tlx tons of spinach to the acre
last year; -and that is decidedly
new. and encouraging to other
powers. Mr. Alton is one ot the
outstanding producers of spinach
In the Salem district. Following
was his report a year ago:)
Editor Statesman: Growing
r plnach on beaverdam, I find, is
one ot the easiest cropa we grow.
We prepare the ground as soon
M we can get onto it in the spring
nd nsuallr about April 10 to 15
when we sow the seed, drilling
i' it ia rows 12 inches apart, and
using about eight pounds or seeu
; per acre. - V- 7'
r The seed germinates quickly
and the plants make a rapid
! growth and soon cover the ground
so they choke out j any, weed
growth that may start, making
it necessary for but little culti
vation. -
It is usually ready to harvest
in 42 to 4a days. ,
So the ground may be used for
a second crop like potatoes, ruta
bagas or cabbage.
In harvesting we use a two
wheel garden drill frame with a
knife attached, that one man can
push, cutting the plants under
the ground just below the crown.
We have enough help to pica
warmth 'and life to the soil. The
largest percent of the fertilizers
contain plenty of nitrogen and
pltOBpbortc acid, but is a little low
in potash. The use ot Just any
old kind of a commercial fertili
zer may not give the required re
sults. The most satisfactory fertilizer
to use requires some little study
and experience. We are now us
ing a stirring plow. On this form
of a plow the mouldboard Is short
and has a steep upward curve.
By the use of this plow the soil
i) not only inverted, but is also
pulverized to some xtent. wnen
a sandy soil, as we are now using
for our garden. Is in the proper
condition of moisture, we have
not found a better tool for pul
verizing it than a good plow. For
winter and early spring spinach
we do the most' of the plowing in
the fall. Boon after frost, and for
late spring and early summer
spinach the ground Is plowed in
the spring. We have found that
it is better to have the ground
plowed and settled by a few rains
before planting in tb-j fall, and
for late spring and summer spin
ach we find plowing Immediately
it us as fast as it is cut, putting
it into sacks; about 25 pounds to before planting to give good re
the 6ack to avoid crushing as suits. After plowing,, the ground
much as possible, and sending to
the cannery by truck as quickly
as possible, as it wilts very quick
ly during the hot weather, aiTd
requires quick handling. Our
spinach will average about four
tons per acre. Price at cannery.
Salem. Or., route . Feb. 11.
fchould be thoroughly -worked with
the spike-tooth harrow. Experi
ence has taught lis that the spike
tooth harrow is the best tool for
the work for which it Is designed.
There are three ways of plant
ing spinach seed. .
First, by drilling the seed In
rows, from one to two feet apart,
usine from four to six pounds of
seed per acre. The thinning ot
the slants should begin when the
leaves are about one inch wide.
Second, by planting or drop
ping the seed In hills about every
three or four inches, and In rows
one to two feet apart. Thls-re-qulres
a great deal of hand labor.
Third, by broadcasting the
Reed either by hand or machine.
using six to eight pounds of eeed
ner acre, and covering them with
a harrow or rake. This form of
planting the weeds may cause a
sreat deal of trouble and Increase
the cost of production, as tbey
must be removed by hand, as the
weeds take a great deal ot moist
ure from the spinach.
The first cultivation Is done by
a double wheel hoe, by going
straddle of the row with a No.
12 nlanter Junior. Th3 cultiva
tion is then followed up by cul
tivation about once a week by
the use of the Midwest Utllitor
earden tractor. We have found
the Victoria or Thick l-eai to De
the best suited for our climate
and soli, and it matures In about
so (fairs. These varieties will
stand from two to three weeks
before shooting to seed.
Up to the present tinre we have
not had any trouble with Insects
attacking this vegetable, ana
therefore do not use any spray.
The yield to an acre of 6plach
'depends a great deal upon the
local conditions. When the vege
table is in good rich sow. iree
from weeds and with plenty ot
moisture, we average two tons per
acre, i
Throuah the season we have
been able to sell on the local
markets a reasonable amount at
from 4 to 5 cents per pound in
lots from 20 to 100 pounds. The
canneries as a rule will take all
the acreage under contract at a
fair price.
This Was Just What the Babies at the Jean Martin
Brown Home. Minneapolis, Needed to Make Them
Grow This Product of the Salem Dehydration Plant
Is Likely to Boost the Spinach Industry to the Limit
Of Production in This District.
I '(Following is the matter under
th leading of ' Spinach in "The
City Home Garden, being Farm
ers' BulletlaUQ Vt the United
States Department ot Agricul
ture:) '. ' '. ; ;i "
Spinach Is andtaer crop that U
aiahly desirable tor use as greens.
Sftlnach thrives ia cool weather
and should be grown both as a
spring and a fall crop. In the
extreme northern part ot the
country only one crop may ba
grown, in sections where the
winters are mild the seed can be
planted in the fal) and the plants
can: Jemaln in the ground kll
winter. For the spring, crop plant
in. the ooen eround as soon as
tte soil can - be - worked. The
rows may be as close as 7 Inches
and 12 to 15 seeds should be
sown to a foot of row', the plants
being thinned so that tbey will
have 1V to 2 inches of space for
their development. ,
Spinach requires a very rich
soil in order to make It- grow
quickly. A bed 5 feet wide and
30 feet in length, ana having
about eight rows running the
length of the, bed, will furnish
enough spinach for the ordinary
family. The entire spinach plant
13 removed by cutting just above
the surface of the greund. From
2 to 3 ounces of seed will be
Kiifricient for .a bed 5 by 20 feet
in site.- . v'--'
Spinach contains large quan
tities oMrott'and' Is especially de
sirable as a part of the diet in
theearly spring. ... ,
nice t
The University of Minnesota, the'
Medical School, Minneapolis.
Dec. 9. 1920.
King's Food Products Company,
Portland. Oregon.
Gentlemen, attention Mr. East
man: In reply to yours of not.
29. I thank you tor the Spinach.
All ot the babies (about 20) fed
spinach at the Jean Martin Brown
home are gaining rapidly in
weight, although about half of
them were losing before the pow
dered spinach was begun. Tbey
had received canned spinach oc
casionally. The powdered spin
ach, however, was fed regularly
every day and was just what they
needed to make them grow.
These babies are being, adopted
by people scattered over the state
I hope you will put powdered spin
ach on the market in various Mm
nesota towns, so the foster moth
ers may buy it. It can, bo ground
In a coffee mill which you could
borrow, from some grocery. You
may use anything 1 have related
In the Introduction of the spinach.
I noticed your products in local
stores, so you must have means
of introducing them.
Thank, you for the other sam
ples. It you care to have us test
the power of your dried fruits In
curing scurvy, you may send us
samples. Sincerely,
This Would Contemplate a Spring and a Fall Crop, and
It Would Presuppose a Thorougn Knowledge ot r-er-tilizing
and Cultivation, and the Right Kind of Soil
Would be Necessary.
Thm TpII HAw Thev Do It. on Their Land Near Inde
pendence, sand Their Experience With Jhis Great
I Veaetab e Ougntto be vaiuaoie xo me Du&umeia m
i opmacn uruwiiitj m i mo uiomvu
(C. C. Wright, veterinarian,!
nd William Wright, under the
firm same of ''Uncle Billy
Wright," have for 'a long time
l:een growng spinach in their
truck gardens at Independence.
"Fruits and vegetables' Is the
way they designate their products
on their letterhead. "Eat what
; you can; what you can't can." is
a slogan they use. Under date of
Independence. Oregon. Jan. 29,
1921. they write The Statesman.
' mi answer to a request:, to give
their experience In the growing
of spinach, as follows: )
This plant we know to have
:" been cultivated for a long time,
;i as the medical works ot the early
Arabian physicians - speak of its
' medicinal properties, and during
,' tire fifteenth century it was in
troduced as a s vegetable. The
older botanists called this vege
' table hispanch. Spain is said to
be the first European country to
introduce the use of the leaves,
although an article written hy
Nechmann in about 1790 claims
the monks ate this vegetable on
fast days. An English botanist
writing in 1538. claims this ves
etable was known In England In
1351. The name had developed
, to spinace and splnech. Ia the
United States coinach has be-
( Following are some excerpts
of the article written on the spin
ach Industry last year by Luther
J. Chapln, who was formerly ag
riculturist of Marion county: )
Spinach is a cool, wet weather
crop. It IS grown in me wnj
spring months or late summer and
autumn. It requires, under tav
oVable conditions, from 45 to 60
riavn to mature.
it rnn ires rich earden son
to produce a profitable crop lor
commercial purposes.
It the soil is poor It produces
only small leaves and shoots to
Since it la the leaves which are
used for food, a luxuriant, rapid
erowth is desired
It produces on rich garaen son
or muck land .from two to rive
tons to the acre. This affords
a reasonable profit at the pr es
prit nrice of S30 per ton since
the cost ot production does not
exceed S30 pr acre, and it is
harvested in ample time to plant
i corn, beans, cabbage, carrots or
Gardeners In the iaae iaoisn
rr.mB well known and quite com
mnn. There are several distinct
hut not all necessary varieties.
as they are now Hated under 2-13 1 district are eager to contract at
namfH. I th ohnvn nrire. as th" crOD nets
The ground should be wen ler-1 them trom jjq to jo per acre
tilized. which may be appnea m Md the ground is left In the Dest
the form ot barnyard manure.
straw, stalks, etc.. or oy green
m.nnrincr. that IS. Plowing- a
green growing crop under for the
ttioMal TMiroose. . .
' ' 1...V.1.
rtArnvard manure is a "i"""10
form of organic matter to add to
th which, wnen proireriy
1 . . m
cared for. Is very ncn as a
tllizer, and tor tms reason
nroduct ion and care of barnyard
. . a a
minnr is aimosi as utccsmi
ih crowlne crop. The mechan-
conditlon for their main crop
The New York Tribune, the Trib
une Institute. Food Testing
Laboratory. Jan. 8. 1921.
King's Food Products Company,
Portland. Oregon.
Gentlemen: We have examined
ronr products, laenyaraiea
sonash. spinach, soup vegetaoies
and strlngless bans, employing
both chemical and dietetic tests.
and have approved th?m with a
ratine of 99 per cent, 88 per cent.
93. per cent and 92 per cent, re-
News comment on mese results
will appear In the Institute pages
of the New York Tribune tsun
Director. The Tribune Institute
cne of the above-mentioned crops,
soinach Is a Very wholesome
food and should be eaten freely by
It contains a large percentage
of Iron, and for this reason , is
used and recommended by hospi
lal physicians. .
In Its dehydrated lorm u is
convenient to keep the year round . dition) goon, and certificate
iu u tmuaic. inf pndnrMment is enclosed, yours
ine spring crop is ucu
cresent for canning and deny
drating but no doubt the fall crop
will also be In demand.
nrVi a r-li imn mav hit Planted
4 14. .nam v " "- " wr- I . . . . . .
r t v.o inmmr "fYnnn. I Tfie DoTO two lnrs are panii
have been harvested. In fact, self-explanatory. They show the
it win Kn nneoihtq r. Ttroddce 1 bieh value oi tne powaerea ae-
three crops in one year on the J tydrated spinach which Is being
same sail by growing both a
spring and an autnmn spinach
crop, sncn a cropping scnemc,
however, would require the ap
plication of the most Intensive
methods of cultivation and the
lntllieent use of fertilizers. In
other words it would require thp
application of the best business
methods to farming.
While three crops In one year
are possible on certain soils un
der favorable conditions. It Is noc
expected In general. It should
be the aim, however, of every far
mer to keep his capital working
to Its fullest capacity, as his net
returns are thereby Increased.
nut ud In tablet form oy me
Kinc's Food Products company
This company has been experi
menting on the idea for some
time, and the indications are that
fcmething big has been struck, In
the spinach lln
Bigger, perhaps, than the. pump
kin pies put up by tills company
In carton form, all rady ror tne
crust and the baking.
Powdered spinach In carton
form can go anywhere. It is
tight and it takes little space. De
hydrated before being reduced to
the powdered form, it contains
all th- food value of fresh spin
ach. Only the water Is taken out.
No particle of the value of the
fresh spinach is lost.
As all the up to -date authori
ties on dietary , and medical, sci
ence now know, spinach contains
more iron than any other vege
table, and It Is of great value in
hossitals and sick-rooms, and in
the dally food of the people ev
erywhere. There Is no adequate
substitute nothing else that does
Just as well. '
The full exploitation of powd
ered dehydrated spinach will take
all the spinach that our-fanners
In the Salem district can grow
though some of them, with the
riKht kind ot land, afe growing
as high an six tons to the acre Ia
tbi spring rop -and some of our
and is capable of producing three
crops a year, including a spring
and fall crop of spinach.
This Is a very good example or
three-story farming, which means
different things In different eoun
In Japan, for instance, it means
actually what the term implies, a
surface crop and two crops above
It. on frames that are thirted to
take advantage of as much sun
light as possible.
In-some Darts of the east, it
the statements that we shall make
are general in their nature.
"In the rirst place, it might be
well for us to explain that the as
sociation on whose behalf we are
submitting this statement Is com
prised of practically all ot the
manufacturers of soda fountain
fruits and flavoring syrup. The
business of .the members of this
association Is to supply soda foun
tain dispensers and ice cream
manufacturers with crushed fruit
syrups and flavorings used by
those Industries.
But a large proportion ot the
business of our industry consists
ot processing these cherries that
are imported into this country in
brine and put them Into a condi
tion whereby they are suitable for
the various purposes for which
they are intended to be used In
this country. This processing con
sists of taking the cherries out of
the brine and eliminating from
tioner cannot use to good advan
tage the Pacific coast cherry is be
cause it makes the piece of candy
altogether . too large requiring.,
more of the candy cream which
surrounds the cherry in the cen
ter and more of the chocolate
coating which covers the cherry
and the cream. Also the larger
the cherry and the more amount
of candy cream In the center the
more tendency there is for the
piece or candy to burst and the
more necessary It becomes to have
a heavier chocolate coating. This
makes such a Urge piece ot candy
that it is not desirable from a
manufacturing standpoint because
It is too large and does not pack
well with all other kinds of candy
In the same box.
"As we understand It, there are
but few confectioners who- make
a specialty of packing these lar
ger cherries and generally this is
done for fancy trade and the dlp-
the cherries every trace ot the ped cherries are paexea lnoiviaa
brlne that It Is possible, to elimln- ally without any other assortment.
ate. and then properly preserve "These Imported cherries are
and pack them in a flavor that is soluble only to be sold aa mara
Uke maraschino which are then schlno cherries and to be used for
known la the trade as maraschino the purpose Indicated and other
cherries. We will not burden you purposes '.for , which maraschino
with any more of the details of cherries are used, but- they are
hi. nrnmuinr v iiav Ktd tb not suitable to be used tor pre-
toregolng so that you will under-j serves, plea, or other purposes tor
stand the class of cherry Involved I which our home-grown, (what we
and no doubt jou ere familiar I call tame cherries are usea bj
with the same. the household. ' .
'Aside from supplying the soda -Anotner point inai we wn w
founUIn trade with the products can your attention 10 is m
referred to. a very large propor- price ot canay ana soaa water, use
tlon ot the business ot our mem-1 all other commodities, ba been
bers In packing these finished high. During the war the pnbtlc
Cherries in large containers, sucji 1 understood tftis to a certain eiiem
as barrels, and selling them to the and the various reasons wmca nr
confectionery manufacturers to belcesslUted these high prices, but
used by them In such producU as I now there is a pudiic ciamor ior
chocolate dipped cherries. Also in I reduced prices In candy, soaa
packing these finished cherries in fountain arm. ?ic.
glass bottles ror sale througa gTO-iot uia is uw mo
eery stores direct to consumers jot these products are perplexed at
who use them In making saUds,lUie present, ume as u now m rr
decorating cakes and embellishing duce the prices and still remain in
lemonade, etc. We figure thati business. ,aturauy mex i
verv closely to 45 or 50 per cent wish to incur, taa censure .m.
ot all these cherries that are lm- public. They, must comply with
ported Into this country are uedl public, clamor u il can d none,
in the confectionery Industry, but! Already both the.confecUonery In-
we have not been able to secure I flustry ana me soaa lonnuin
the exact figures and this is only durtry have Men mxam ue suo-
our estimate. ,
"As already explained the cher
ries are used by the confectioners
largely for dipping purposes, that
la fA, Kln w rftr.rM with ChOCO-
i.t. mni M ehocoUte covered I that while the. proposed tax en
cherries, and la this connection thes cherries calls for 5 eenu a
we call partlcuUr attention to the pound on the whole cherry as 1 in
following facUi , ported, the cherry arte being
"The class ot cherries hat are stemmed and pitted would show a.
Imported come entirely from shrinkage ot 50 per cent. so. that
Franca and luly. chleHy lUly, the tax would actually amouat to.
means coal mining or oil under md are considerably smaller than 10 cenU a pouna on tne w"
the surface, with tre fruit and those of the same variety (Royal when ready to-be .Jf .
tl9ld or garden crops in the orch- Anne) as grown on the Pacific finished nse. Ia addition to this. ;
ards. c o a a t. The contectloner. J7 as Is generally wn any tax on..
In some parts of Washington it necessity must use a small cherry a commodity cosU the ultimate
means tree and bush fruits and tor dipping purposes running trom consumer la paying ,aorBi ,
poultry. 900 to 1.500 cherries to the gal- than the actual amount of the tax
In the Salem district it may ion. These Imported cherries suit originally.,
mean the same, with another hU needs, but the cherries grown , "Another feature is that the ex.
story added for bees, and perhaps I on the Pacine coast are much feet or this tax wouia
another for strawberries where harper, running In size from 40 crease the cost ot the class ot cob-
tiloerts are pui oui wim mo - io ovv cnernw iu i fc-"""' y I . . -r
m.wn . firuinrr rrnn. miun whv tb cohfoc-1 - ( Continued on pas 4 1
Any way. there Is every reason
to loolc forward to big things in
the spinach industry in the Salem
district. '
Ject of special taxation because of
i the Idea that they are luxuries
and that there is a vast profit in
! these Industries, etc '
"The faeU of the matter aret
These Packers and Buccaneers Are Astonished to Know
m m
Back hurt you? Can't stralght-
nn without teeling sudden
pains, sharp aches and twinges?
Now listen! That's lumbago, sci
atica or maybe from a strain, and
you'll get blessed relief the roo
rub vour back with
Mxjthlnr. renetraUng "SL Jacobs
OIL" Nothing else Ukes out sore-
efs and siuiuess
ti Im Aw rin in Thie Pftnntrv Whh Wntllri PpP5 I nrtiL lamen
H.CIC ISj Hill WUO ... mho wvuMMj "7,". I" Ifklr. Yoa .ln,py rub It on
ume to rux rorwara Hiiy niym u. mmc nuuuwws c
That Would in Any way inienere Viin ineir newnus
And Profits and Profiteering.
and out comes the pain. It Is per
fectly, harmless and doesn't burn,
or discolor the skin.
. Limber ap! Don't suffer! Get
small trial bottle from any drug,
store, and after using; It ;aL
oace, you'll forget that you ever
had backache, lumbago or sciat
ica.. because, your back, will never
hurt of cause" any more- misery.
It never disappolnU and has bee a
recommended for o years.
M" 1
. : f ' II
(With a little risk that perhaps
conlidenUl correspondence is be
ing Riven to the public. The
Statesman prints below two let
ters that ought to make every
cherry grower In the Salem dis
trict sit up and Uke. notice: )
From 31 r. Paolhamu.
Payallup, Wash.. Jan. 29. 1921.
Editor Statesman
!lahr.L a Member of the firm of J.I. Bliven & Son, Farm
1111 ii w v i - i . r ui.tu iiMiMA inn me rrrt rc no s 1 1 u i r i . . . . .
straw and various kinds of vege- hTOOUCe urOWeiS, Willi VlHUlia aiiu uciuco aa i i beg to enclose nerewun circu-
: . 11: . . nn4 inrtroim rr ina i y vrn i i it i u - i i u 1 i iar irtLCi dbucu uj -
C5DeCiailie5, ailU Uj;ciau..6 i' xw Aviation of Manufacturers of
Evergreen r run ana uaruen ruinu.
v . ------ 1
For splnaca we are now iu
20 tons of well rotted barnyard
manure, free from awd"st '
wood shavings, or about 10 tons
of hoe manure or i
chicken manure, in case
Is not obtainable it is advisable
to use some good animal fertili
zer, such as Is sold by the larger
packing establishments, which is
made from animal matter, and is
known as tankage. This adds
(In Twite-t-Week Bttesmn Toaamag
. . . . " i n,nv crsrden. May 4.
liOjanberrles, Oct 7.
mines. Oct. 11.
, Dalrytflg. Oct 31.
., Oct. 28.
FHserts, Nov. 4.
WalnuU, Nov. It.
, Strawberries. Nov. 18.
Apples. Nov. 26.
; Raspberries. Dec. 2.
Mint. Dec. 9.
Creat cows,. Dec. IK.
hlackberrieh, Dec. 23.
',' Cherries. Dec. 30.
Pcar. Jan. 1921.
Coosebcrries and Currants,
Jin. 13.
f-orn. Jan. 20.
Celery, Jan. 27.
Spinach, Feb. 3.
- Onions. Feb. 10.
! Potatoes. Feb. 17.
Kees. Feb. 24.
Mining. March 2
;.j Goats, March 9."
Heans, March IS.
t Paved highways, March 23.
' ; Broccoli. March 3 Q.
, Rr.os. April 6.
' -. Lsgumes, April 13.. ,
Asparagus. April 20.
Graj-rs, April 27.
Editor SUtesman:
Spinach has many features to
attract the attention of the com
mercial gardener of this section,
especially t,hose who have been
growing onions almost exclusive
ly on the beaver dam land of this
county. To these I would sug
mt that they plant at least two
or three acres of this crop.
t tractive features of
this crop, I will mention the fol
lowing: It requires the use of
!,.ni ht a nhort Derlod of time.
60 to 90 days, and It Is removed
hv Mir IS. thus it gives an oppor
tunity for the growing of a crop
Frnit and Flavoring Syrups, which
win iinr von how Important it
is for tl.o Boyal Ann cherry grow
ers of the Pacific coast country to
get b-ji'k ot end under this bill.
H. J. Dicks Is assistant mana
ger of the canned food department
of Armour & Company and a very
Mr. Davidson.
Tim V rarden
Sugar beets. May 11
Sorghum. May 18.
Poultry and Pet Stock June 1.1 of carrots, late cabbage or slral
XA lnn. har crops. This also gives the
rommercial gardener growing on
ion, relerv or crops mat are roar-
Jnhblnr. Jnnel w..i iut a cash crop about
the time the expense oi sru.iu
. .mtB hoetnit to come uh
i i i rrr . -1 r-
sninnrh is an easv crop to grow
flnwara and! . thpr is a sufficient rainfall to
maintain moisture, u oeing nec
essary to cultivate only enough to
kill the weeds.
A rich, well fertilized and
....ion,) canrfv loiin or beaverdam
uiainvu -
i.. ki aiiitotod for the jtrowlng oi
this crop. The ground should be
nlowed wrlr, in.l worked to a
rin .ood-bed as soon as the sou
ia Ktifflclcntlv dry In the spring
Dehydration. June IS.
lions. June zz
Cucumbers, July 9.
Hogs, July 13.
Cltv ' beautiful.
bulbs, July 20. 1
Schools, July 27.
Sheep, Aug. 3.
National Advertising, Aug. 10.
CmmU. AUC. 17.
Lltrestock. Aug. 24.
Industry. Aug
Gram and Grain Products.
Sept. 7. . , .
the seed is sown at the rate ot 10
pounds to the acre.
Victoria Is the variety usuany
grown for dehydration or can-
a rarin stde is nsed In seea- I fin, rpntleman
Inr this croo. and it Is placed in I manacer ot Armour's canned food
rows 14 inches apart. Little. If I department, told me several years
mv thinnine. is required when atrn that the preceding yer at-
seeded at the above rate. Twomour naj imported from France
nr three cultivations with a wheel i -a rtal v in a sinele year z?uv
or scuttle hole, and pocsioiy tftI1, nf cherries In barrels
weeding. Is about all tne cuiura- or course the eastern manutac
tlrn that is reouired. ;-r I . . nr mirahlna cherries will
. i Lutda . "
Th. rrnn I. harvpstrrt as soon I .mioat nn account of the tariff be-
as the plants are grown, but be-1 reque.ted. but a tariff of this kind
for th sed stalks beein to lorm. -hi not be harmiui to tne mauu-
Tlila Is from Mav 1 to 13. Alf..tlirpri Qf maraschino cherries
wheel hoe with knives turned io-and will be extremely heipiui to
nether is run down the rows, cui- grower. Very truly,
tire off the tan root Just below j w ji pAULHAMUS
the crown. It Is lmmeaiateiy ga
thered behind the cutter ana
placed In sacks, which are used to
carrv the spinach to the dehydrat-
ine Dlant or cannery. 10 auju.
desiring to grow this crop com
mercially. I would suggest mi
hp first secure a contract from
reliable local firm such as
the. Salem Kings Food l'ronuci
romnanv or Hunt Brothers com-
no nv
The yields or ppinacn arc
three to
varying accordinc to the yield
(As most Statesman readers
know, Mr. Paulhamus is president
of the Puyailup & Sumner Fruit
Growers Canning Co.. and be Is
the biggest man in the fruit Indus
try of Washington. Following is
tne circular in full which he mcn-
Tim t'lrt ul r.
January 20. 1321.
?,a,,u.v. . ihlniS tJl, ,hU D,irnse. ITsually this is
Woooworsms - ' h ,fl tn Xnril 13. The
Sept. i 2JL mm 51 ' ' I .nnliration of 230 pounds of ni-
Plds or fpinacn ' ' .roPfsvn T X OV lllltTKD
3 tons tn the acre. brinK I uo.:;:tZv t milSV.l
$90 to $150 to the acre. ( HI.1HUKS IX Bnr,.
tAitnrd III f l 1110 vleld. It I
Is also well to bear hi mind that
this is for the use of th land Tor
only part of the growing 'so"'
n.nh mnrm nn be made on tne
mm " r ....... (Vail
To the Members of the National
. . . iii r-t " T" '
how many acres tt spinach will I
grow this year? I
nervals. Or.. Jan. 30, 1931
Route 3, box 32, v
Arsociation ot Manufacturers ot
Fruit and Flavoring 8yrups
"While In WashinKton. D. C.
last week I learned that senator
McNary of Oregon had introduced
an amendment to the penaing
Urtft bill which would place a tax
ot 5c a pound on Imported cher
ries In brine. Mr. Hf J. Dicks, one
of the directors of our association
met me In Washington last Thurs
day pveninr. January 13th and to
gether we went over the subject.
Friday morning. January 14th we
got in touch with the U. S. Senate
Finance Committee and KOt per
mission to file a brief before 3
Lo'clock of that day. We did pre-
r ... ... i . i
Dare tne onei at once auu iw. i
down and filed It with the com
mittee before 3 o'clock, ana we
were promised that It would be
printed in the hearings on the bilL
A W did not have very much
time In which to act. as our brief
mill how. we did the best we
could with the matter and trust
that It wIIL meet with your ap
"Our brief Is as follows:
"January 14. 1921.
Honorable Doies renrose.
Chairman. Committee on Finance,
ir s senate Dear Sir: On behalf
of the National Association oi
Manufacturers of Fruit and Flav
oring Syrups we respectfully sub
mit th following for the Kind con
slderatlon of your committee with
regard lo the proposed Ux on im
norted cherries In Drine.
We desire to preface what' we
hare to say by sUting that the
proposed amendment came to our
notice so recently (since we ar
rived In Washington! that we did
not have time In which to prepare
to aDoear before your committee
at the open hearlnes last Tuesday.
and as a matter ot fact wc are not
d fullv n re Da red even now to
submit a statement as we would
like to be as in the time available
we have not been able to secure
all the Ucts regarding this sub
ject -or-advise -with the membra
,of this association, Therefore,!
Boys Suits
Values to $15.00 ...
To thoroughly clean up all the
broken lines, we have marked
every Boys Suit at less than
present manufacturers' cost.
Every Suit is strictly "High -Grade"
the product of the
leading Boys' Clothing- Fac
tories in America.
Values to $23.00 ...
Now is' the time to fix the boy up right,
each truck gTp.werJ
mf 1 K0?l9 - " - -