The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 03, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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    t:?radOoefe--6!- the enter of a Great Qrslnoch (BrowSng JnduGtry.-s
The Statesman receives the leased
wire report of the Associated
Presa, the greatest and moil re
liable press association la tho
Thursday rain; moderate to
fresh southwesterly wiuds.
i: '
WUIieimer Awaits for Appearance
Of Spring Forecast! That
Falls t Khmv I'p
Charles Dawes Attacks the
Political Attempts to Dis
credit Achievements of
Those Who Won War.
Dawes Refutes Testimonies
Of Waste and txtra-
claring he was not In politics and
was not going in. Charles G.
Dawes of Chicago, former chief of
supply ; procurement for the Am
erican armv in France, attacked
MONMOTH. Kas., Feb. 2, Ro-
canse his son has an eve for bus
mess, John Wilheimer didn't find
out today whether the ground
hog knows anything about the
leneth of the winter.
uneimer -has his doubts as
to the old theory that if the ani
mal sees his shadow when he
comes out of : his hole February
he knows more cold snaps are
in sight and goes back for a six
weeks' nap. So he decided a test
Last fail he Thought five ground
hogs, housed them on the bank
of Lightning creek and built an
observation tower, to await the
day when, tradition has it. the
ground hog goes over the top
Early today Wilheimer went to
the creek to see what would hap
pen. It was an Ideal day for the
experiment. He perched himself
in hia observation tower and kept
lone eye on the sun and the other
on the creek bank. Alter con
siderable time
Attorney General Palmer
Orders All Warehouses in
States, Hawaii and Porte
Rico Nailed Up.
Purpose to Concentrate the
Liquor Business In
Hands of Few
sun:i:i:i as test
I'naniiiMrtiM Ie-Uiou U Returned
After Deliberating; 'Only
12 Minute
Completion of , liusanne unl lie-
building of Waller Mark
New Era at W. V.
lis 14-year-old son ap-
"Pop," he began. "I don't think
your ground hogs will show up
today because they are not there.
I didn't mean to do anything you
didn't want me to, but last fall
some fellows from town came out
hunting and wanted 'possums
Sam Wllllts and I sacked the
ground hogs and sold them as
'possums for $2 a piece. '
Wilheimer went back home
He said be didn't know whether
he would try again next year.
began to wonder If his ground
bogs were especially late sleepers
mi. vlialho Hirtn't Irnnw what
...v.... V. a .hn.l vor no- !" ......
luteal i attempt to d scred. 1 1
. . ... Um. nuin a tthOl 1 lien. Ill
acnieviw;iii j pea red
I Itawe Hit War tYitics
Appearing- before a house war
investigating committee, Mr.
Dawes struck bar J blows at critics
who had tried, he said, to detract
from the glory of the great
achievement by picking flaws and
parading trivial faults 3.000
miles away. At time the air was
thick with oaths for which the
vltness frankly confessed he had
aeither apology nor excuse.
; He reiterated an earlier off
tianri statement as to his own part
in politics, which was accepted to
h wnniii nnt become a
nf r. Harding's cabinet
Mr. Dawes sharply denounced the
ayatem of conducting me ieQCIr
government, an evii oi,
A9 standing. ' he declared
with i which Investigators might
better afford to deal.
;. Mr.' Dawes was called by Dero
...oiin members of the commlt-
tee to rebut testimony relating to
waste and extravagance ana. par
with rofarence to Haul
UVUJm " " .
dation t American accounts ,tt
France and sale of surplus stocks
cMr Answering: charges
that food and Clothing supplies
might have rougm more v
the $400,000,000 paid by France.
Mr. Dawes turned on one of his
questioners, Representative Bland.
. Republican and shouted:
-It la Just that sort of fool ar
- gument that forced Great Britain
to hold on to its stocks and at-
tempt to drive a hard
The stuff la thera rotting. There
is no une to try ana mrow mu
when you were not there k,?0,
.". conditions. England lost bil?"
f dollars by listening to that
talk. They are raising the devil
In England now, because England
did not sell." - ,..;M
i Mr. Dawes said he thought
France was charged too much.
:! "Here yon come and charge,
he said, "that we should not have
told sugar. The waf department
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2. Doors
(istillerips an.l bonded ware-
and he was no I 1irhtiC!Aa r a-u tftniA II i will anil
nearer a solution than before hej Porto Rico were ordered indefin
itely closed against liquor with
drawals today by .Prohibition
Commissioner Kramer. Whole-
After! twelve minutes delibera
tion, the jury yesterday in me
case oi Jack Frost.t charged with
sellinc cigarettes to minors, re
turned a verdict of not guilty.
The verdict was reached after a
Kocimd balfotliic -It was said the
first was five to one for acqultai.
Ka sncnnil II 11:1 n ill Oil slV for not
The trial was the outcome of a
number of arrests of business men
of the city on a similar charge,
and yesterday's proceeding were
considered a test case. It i n
dertlood the other cases wil be
dismissed. '
The court room in the city hall
was well filled throughout be
trial, which was called for: 1
o'clock. Judge Earl Racfr heard
the case. Conviction appeared to
hlnce noon a legal technicality.
rolled to the attention of the court
by Guy Smith, attorney tor ine tie-
fendant. in that a testimony couia
(not be entered as evidence wnen
given by an accomplice Iwtnoui
ntitaide evidence. '
William Sargeant. star witness
fnr the nrosecution. testified that
he was 18 years old. and though
a minor, was 6 feet. 2 1-2 Inches
talL .Paul Wapato was also a wit
ness for the prosecution and
though with Chief Verden Moftitt
when the cigarettes were pur
chased by Mr. Sawyer, testified
that he was simply along as a re
porter for the Capitol Journal.
Those acting on the Jury were
K -a. Newberry. D. Webster. Earl
H. Anderson. Bert Edwards. Mr.
Halley and R. C. Baker.
Fifty Member Ameriraa ICglon i
St a ml in IJae For Bonos
Wliile Fiend Works
Friday afternoon and evening
will be open house at Willamette
university when the spacious and
artistically anhiteaired Lausanne ,ndefjnite p0Stp0nement !S
hall and th'? reconstructed his-1 n i
U. S. Must Continue Policies
Until AH Powers Agree
w To Disarm i
ordered the'sale. The sugar went
gress discussed disarmament to
day, but went ahead considering
large appropriations for the army
and navy and received the views
of President-elect Harding on the
nation's military policy.
Chairman Kahn of the military
committee told the house: today In
debate on the military appro
nriation bill that he had been in
formed by Mr. Harding that the
latter favored a regular army of
i?K noa men for the present and
oim lobulation nrovidlng for the
mtlttarv training of
ir.o ooo men annually.
The house naval committee re
ceived from General Persuing a
sale liquor dealers were ruled out
of further participation in the sale
of intoxicating beverages by At
torney General Palmer.
Forgrd l"ermit I la ni shed
Commissioner Kramer's order
and the attorney general's Inter
oretation of the Volstead act, pro
hibition officials said, mean the
elimination of the wholesale li
quor dealers and make possible
the retention of bootlegging."
through forged permits and ille
gal disposal of intoxicants.
The stoppage of liquor with
drawals was in extension of the
order issued last week putting a
ban on removals in seven eastern
states. The order does not apply
to withdrawals of Industrial al
cohol or reasonable quantities of
sacramental wine and makes an
excentlon in the case of retail
druggists who are permitted to
make withdrawals up to five cas
es of liouor at a time.
Warning against attempts to
obtain whiskey despite the ban
was - set ' out by Commissioner
Kramer, who directed all owners
of distilleries and warehouse not
to honor oermits for wbisisey
withdrawals "purporting to be is- j naTfng an important bearing" n
sued by any state director" jthe fruit industry. bill was In-
such applications are Demg 1 troduced by Senator Hume yester-
ure to comply with the notice
would deprive owners of tneir li
cense to hold their stock.
Concentrate Liquor Business
Second-Hand Containers ,!s
Prohibited in Hume
Measure .
proved, he said, -adding that i,-day to prohibit the sale, resale or
disposal of berries in usea or sec
ond hand boxes or containers, and
making it the duty of canners,
packers and dealers, and fruit
Juice or other fruit product manu
facturers to destroy the contain
ers when they buy the berries in
market crates. v
The bill relates to "strawW-
ries. blackberries, loganberries.
raspberries, or other similar ber
ries, either fresh, cured or dried."
For i violation a punisnmeni oy
fine of from 1 5 to 50 is provided
or Imprisonment In the .county
jail for not less than five or more
than 60 days.
Somewhat different from the
Norblad purse seine bills is aj
measure introduced ny senator
Jones. The Norblad bills wouui
Mr. Palmer's opinion was said
by revenue bureau - officials to
constitute the authority on which
the closing orders were issued.
Wholesale liquor aearers, ine
attorney general held, are entitled
to dispose of their warehouse re
ceipts for liquor stored in bonded
warehouses to roanuiacturers auu
wholesale druggists only." As to
the authority jf the prohibition
commissioner irsue permits to
to sell liquor In wholesale quan
tities, he held -that power was
limited to manufacturers and
wholesale druggists.
With respect to industrial aico-
torlc temple. Waller licit, will be
introduced to the people of Sa and vicinity.
No more stately or elegant ship
could have been designed to carry
the. young women who seek pas
sage on the voyage to education
during their four years' journey
Lausanne is designed on the same
architectural style as Eaton hall
and occupies nearly half a block
beneath thn maples which border
on Winter street. One hundred
and twenty-five college girls may
find a home in the new Lausanne.
where comfort and taste are com
bind with art in a spacious din
ing room, in several beautifully
decorated and elegantly furnished
parlors, where a fireplace gives a
touch of home, and in the many
individual rooms where cneery
and . comfortab'.e surroundings
lnd themselves to a delightful
The realm of college life Is an
enchanted land where custom and
tradition hold sway. The seat of
traditional life for many years
was enthroned in the historic
temple. Waller hall. The rava
ges of fire and water proved but
a temporary' , stay to this grand
old building, for out of misfor
tune has come one of the best col
lege buildings in the west. The
firt floor is occupied by th
chapel, equipped with 400 opera
chairs. The .university library
now occupies the entir second
tloor where with !." study tables.
conference rooms, magazine rooms
and stock rooms th student Is
given the best of library privil
eges. The third floor Is graced
by two society halls, .one done in
the latest soft gray finish witn
gold and gray interchangeable
ttraperies and with mahogany fin
ished furniture; tne otner ricniy
decorated in brown with figured
walls and oak furniture.
These are but meager glimpses
of the grand building innovations
at Willamette to be seen Friday
afternoon in an informal way.
from 2 until 3 o clock, and In a
mors formal. way In the evening
from 8 antil 10 o'clock. A great
many visitors are expected as in
vitations have been extended to
the ' Salem public and to friends
of the university throughout the
state, and to the senators and
representatives assembled in Sa
lem.' A group of young men will
eeort the visitors about Waller
whIM the young ladles of the
dormitory will be hostesses to
those who visit new Ijiusanne.
Given Measure; Opened
Way to Many Millage
Levies Declares Author.
Oregon Rural Credits' Loan
Act Benefitting the
, Farmers Passed
An attempt to dynamite the Am
erican legion building here short
ly after 7 o'clock tonight was
frustrated by Harry G. Lancaster.
a legnaire. who discovered the
smoking fuse of a packare of
dynamite planted beneath a cor
ner of the building and stamped
it out. The package was found
to contain 28 sticks of dynamite.
each with a percussion cap at
Move For State Bureau Is
Launched at Meeting of
Ways and Means Com
mittee Last Night.
The dynamite was wrapped in MEMBERS PROVE TO BE
The senate yesterday by indef-
a copy of the Montesano. Wash-,
newspaper and had a 10-foot
I length of fuse attached.
I Lancaster was passing the le
gion building when he saw a man
crawling away from it.
"What's the matter." asked
"Nothing." the man replied and
Iancaster's suspicions were
aroused and his investigation
National Guard, .State Fair
And Other Departments
Present Needs
Ln"e7Pnr ,l :H . J brourbt to light the package.
raHnjnirtroiyii.iiiiuir.r whlrh h. tnrnd over
the people his proposed repeal of
the six per cent tax limitation
amendment. The committee on
assessment and taxation reported
with a recommendation that the
resolution not ss and the re
report was adopted over a protest
by Senator Smith. Smith de
clared the limitation had opened
the way to all sorts of millage
taxes that had utterly obviated
the purpose of the 6 per cent
The vote was:
Ay Bell. Eberhard. Eddy. El
lis. Farrell. Gill. Hall. Hare,
Hume. Jones. Joseph, Lashmund.
LaFollett. Nickelson. Patterson,
Porter. Robertson. Ryan, Strayer,
No Banks. Edwards. Moser.
which he turned over to the po
lice after extinguishing the fuse.
There were about 60 members
of the American legion in the
building at the. time, lined op to
Before the ways and means
committee of the legislature last
night was launched a move for the
organization of a state tourist bu
reau. So strongly was the value
of the tourist crop presented by
fill out their applications for the Peaers and ao urgent U
state-soldier bonus. I uc DrTrvi Vl 7'ire"""
Mnher of the lesion of Aber-1 effort In the state, as Impressed
deen and nearby towns are assise- j upon the committee members by
ing the police in the search for line speasers. mat it is neuevea m
the bomber. It It believed here I thorough-going program will be
that the attempt Is an aftermath j developed in the legislature wlta
of the Centralla Armistice day I only scattering, if any, oppesltloa.
murders when four former ser- LejfitUtJon is now in a formative
vice men were. shot down. The period la the aefsion.
Aberdeen legion took part la the Members of the ways and means
early days ot the trial of the committee were responsive to the
murders in guarding the county appeal, and some of them could
Jail at Montesano. where the 1 not refrain from addmg remark a
DCia. WA ,annMlAi4 Tain
en convicted men were
fact that the dynamite
vorhlad. Smith- Stale. Upton; " ,,7' " " ted Pon tneir own onservauona
7'Z 'ry7. ' : wrapoeu w """lof attractisr toarlsts to Oreron.
Hiiiuu. iviinci. i I nor riniMl tht MHCe tO DCIieve I " -----
I r - ' . -1WA IW1AUM llftu
Ihionl llonnif TTinmal. I . J . ! nlnt nri.lnltiWI is I - -
n . ti . m A-i -.A tTia I V . m ,J that Ih. A TTI m 1 1 ft
Senaiur MUl mv.-.- M iul I mm mr-1 . Inn I. ..Vlnr tM l.ol.T.
..... n.. nroM if a 1V Ml wi.v h. nirl nT CO 4Sea OT IQC I -' .
UI V' ' --,.. - V " I f ....A.H.IU. f 1AA
a single tax basis when he spoKei explosive stolen from ine -ona-1
l-.k.! Tlr.n.V nlAfl Dill I Am raolTli Var1B I l.rninilA I . w . hv viua..w mmiM-v
relating to equalization of taxes Mast Sunday night.
on property not expressly exempt.
amount to he appropriated by
Washington and $50,000 by Brit
ish Columbia, w. J. Hoffman of
the tourist association first point,
ed to the imperative demand for
state co-operation, aad two con
crete proposals that have beei
made were presented by IL D. Vat
Duzer of Portland. One of these
is a state organization to operau
in connection 'with the Pacir.
Northwest association. Tha ottr
la a state bareaa to operate in
$ro7n"; u. s. Senators Are Asked toterJ'S
Ktrhtv-flvn ner rent of the .taxa
tlon he declared is on land and
norannal crooertv Is scarcely
taxed at all. The purpose of the
hill is to com Del the assessment
of securities of foreign countries
and to encourage investment in
bonds of this state. The Mil ex
emnts Oregon bonds or those-of
nvmnnicioal sub-division ot the
state. The bill was re-referred to
the committee on assessment aad
taxation on the motion of Ryan
because of certain amendments
mail in committee conference.
The Rvan bill to make work
abln the Oregon rural credits loan
act for- the benefit of the farm-
employ "nome teacners i '" .li: jturdaV I yir- tald. the work will cost
nurnnso oi urruiiriiiK ii v i . iktiusiu u .
u.tinn rnrtn hnrn children and I Senator Eddy objected to accept
naront. i.v a hill of the senaieimc tne invitation to viin
. . i- I V. I . . . .i . . Jkm
Agricuunrai conenc .imi
The invitation, however, was ac
cepted. Senator Patterson, who
Back Federal Aid Road
Building Bill
The Insistent ' demand for a
state Jour 1st bvreaa was men
tioned la a laudatory way by Mr.
iiortmaa and he said the associa
tion intends to spend 1 12.5 CO
this year on tourist campaignicg
with-the lunkk Everything waiwarning against msierms -
second hand. jWe goi 'our "u"" llonu ,pini " It . .
-T .11. jioti.r. fftr lL We 11-1 nronarMiniwK. This warning tern
unidated every account, and we his approval ofa world dis-
did It because a lot of tig men armament conference, and was ac
Ah. and went there to I iit hv a declaration that
help. We cleaned the slate and until aJ1 WOrld powers had agreed
today still has pending I ritanrmament oolicy. it would
iiaim that date back to the revorl. nll.iu nd unfit" for the
latlon. i It was a big Job and w I Unlted gtates to discontinue car
are proud of it. In finding fault i Ju anny alld navy poll-
ana nunung rev""f
donl have far to go. rereiuuF
nol Mr. Palmer beM the moritj BeIn,n lUterly,
tn Uana TUrmlt for ill dulMWal in i r . .... .. 1 1
wa ttia onmmander in chief and
his shoulders are big enough.
thank -God, to bear it.
TVo,iin armv bill debate the
I house received from the appropri
ations committee tne annual-u
I bill with Its provisions iur wuu
civill,.tion Was At Wake f if" JJrk' on 17 Vuper-dread-t?
rti nnpstloned Mr. tinning wont on a 4 f .
Mr. Rland qestioned Mr. -. battle crnl9er9 and
. nawes aoout f"yn -7-- . Senator
i riF amnviinmanv ann wrt bb isr tm a a "
Gerrr. ot
" - . j .1. mem
We Rhode isiana. a uemw.."v
sure we pata . ne saio. "I vai committee, op-
, man irer -- - Mert1ntloI1
i for six
didn't stop to dicker,
alive, we had to win.
r:i"o:;;r Borah's resolution
a to win. was - -t. .wlM fr -ix
man's Job. We would have paw to ha t wors n iined
wholesale quantities was limited
to manufacturers and wholesale
druggists, if the alcohol were f t
for beverage purposes, but not. If
it were denatured. t
it ia obvious." he declared.
"that the concentration of the li
quor business in tne nanas oi
few 1s well eaicuiaiea to rcuu.:.
more simple and effective the re
straining of the business wuoin j
proper and legal channels. j
LiqUOr nOW .m cuuimnn.'
warehouses, however, prohibition!
officials explained. Is exempt ironi
the attorney general s miing
Commissioner Kramers o.
since such liquor is considered in
the possession of the owner.
while the Jones bill would allow
that form of fishing north of Til
lamook head from July 15 to Au
gust 25 of each year.
- t
Compilation Of American
Exports and Imports
Shows Record
mmmiiiM on education wnicn
passed the senate today. The bill
l backed by the Daughters of the
American Revolution. Senator
Jones attacked the bill, terming
It the silliest piece of legislation
I hat has vet como before the leg
Islatnre." He declared it puts a
now hurden on the school boards
and would finally work out so the
teachers will be required to go to
the public market each day and
buy food for the foreign-born
The senate killed by Indefinite
postponement upon adoption of
adverse reports of ths Judiciary
mmmliiM Senator Jones bills
t w . .
oorse prices ior saeep. i u""- -
it.. . -T ... -rr I v.. tma lit eraft WSS tne DCSV-
jise jonnson lucre," saia, i"iu"e i wui. -- . .. hottihlns
to the chairman, "was standing at He declared thaT the batt leships
the front to be shot at. We had would be essential for thfc eoun
. v ..j .nnition. i a fntnre war. Comparing
Oh. it's all riibt now tq say wethe relative strength of the Amer
v..i.i . mnA tool n.itich and Japanese navies.
m... v.. -mra Kxvea i- .n :a Via nnld understand wny
Civilization. there might be propaganda by tne
j "I am no more ashamed to Bfitl8h against construction of
; sUnd up for England than for the maj0T ships, intimating that it
I'nlted States," he said. Jumping wouij bo to their advantage.
- from his chair and racing: about. Tne jjorah resolution will be
"It seema ,to be fashionable m consIaered tomorrow by the sen
f American Dolitics to attack Eng- mmmittee which will
land. I am not In politics anolh-ar members of
Polish and French Govern
ments Discuss Possible
Pacific Coast Represented
By Three at Eugenics
am not golnr to be. And I thanit i v-nrd. wh
the genera! na-
anl i wni. who today compieieo
God that In a crisis like we nadt . rMnnrt tn Recretarr Daniels
there were no bickerings between r"v'heir study of the naral situa
tbe English speaking people ? 1 Teiation to the best type
Pointing men with pink teaexper- " --" decided to hear Friday
tone, ia war; time' he continued i"9fathCe naTy board and In
a rotten taiiure. f"'"' " Tfar Admiral s ms, war
tight, but the rest of then i addition iRear ?fmJ , '
ert titter failures. It was an "S Rear Ad
na to the appointment of society val forces OTrBAas ri,Ve retired.
2.-..!!v ??2LTT i' aerfaV' t'oo
u a, K r i Mil j uvs - I
corge McFadden over there and I plane.
ne did In three days what the aip'
lomata could not do in three
PARIS, Feb. 2. A possible
Bolshevist offensive in the early
spring against Poland and other
states near Russia will be the
chief question discussed by the
heads of the Polish and l-rencn
governments at their conference?
it was learned today
creased freight trafric with Ger
many. South America, the Orient.
West Indies and North America
accounted largely for the record
breaking foreign trade of the
United States in 1920.
A compilation of American ex
ports and Imports last year. Issued
today by the department of com
merce. Btisws that- exports to
Great Britain, France and Italy,
fell off sharply. These countries,
however, increased their ship
ments to the United Mates as aia
practically all other important
American trade with Brazil, Ar
gentine. Chile and Uruguay to
taled approximately $1,044,000.
000 as compared with $917,000.-
000 in 1919. American exports
Nos. 9X and 99. The iirst pro-
viuea ior -or "--; - ald ia roaa building,
adverse party to a civil action or t(l
.mrMoH for re- I Representative Hi
irlM Increased more
The conferences will begin to-1 an .inn ftno ooo during 1920.
morrow and last three days, and totalinr $457,000,000. whereas
at least 19 per tent more than
for the last two years. Touching
on the scope of the association's
advertising Mr. Hoffman said that
the gospel ot Pacific northwest!. 1 w..InftlA mmA mtmi
moved that the ,BV,KVnf m tlo B1 to
ccpted. said that possibly It would I the worl tugi, g5 newspapers
be oesiranie ior me i of tb t'nUei gutes and Canada
to bold a Friday night session toJand ,t magazines, while bU-
offset the loss of time saiuraay. i boarda are enlisted in the service
For benefit of the visitors whoon lhe Atlantle coait at advan-
ish to see classes In operation i tageoue points like Palm Beach.
at O. A. C.. the classes win con-1 Exhibits illustrating the Pacific
tinae their sessions Saturday. I northwest, he said, have been
On request ot Senator Hall, the j placed ail over the United States
name of each member of the Ore- j n places where they will be seen
gon senate was yesterday attacn-i by the greatest numbers or peo
ed to a telegram to United States! pie. Shoe window displays in the
Senators. Chamberlain and Jlc- i great department stores or tne
Nary, urging their support of the I country is a favorite medium.
McArthur bill providing federal I Caanpiae Lauded
I Mr. ttonman spoae or tne i
arvey Wells' j creasing Interest In tourist camp
honest state- Ing grounds and ct the bill pend
ing in congress to appropriate
$50,000 for camping sites along
the road to Crater lake. To the
Pacific northwest association he
attributed the success ot the
northwest In winning a number ef
big conventions.
The necessity of Keeping rans:
Branch Riley in the lecture field
was emphasized by. Mr. Hoffman,
and the attendant printing neces
sary, be said, would cost 75 to SO
per cent more than last year. The
association appropriates nonir
in reply to
. !.:- 1 i;;;t honM bill requiring
ease i" 'r"n, ment. from persons applying for
ine.T,.Tiy .V "rr,n; fftr loan, or cTdiL and designated to
Junes diii .u. i" - - . .
the sale of personal property by protect banks. "a
auction other than Judicial sales lishments and oner bu-lneu con-
, i nrK.fA nt nar-I rrn. was re-referred to the com-
anu Mirs in kMv n i - ... . . .
vi. n.Hinr. was with-1 mlttee on banking for overhaul
h him when the Judiciary I Ing- when It came up for Third
- mff rnnnid without rec- I reading in the senate. This was
nmmendation. I on motion of Senator Eddy, who
5n.t. hill 142 bv Joseph, pro- I oh I ec ted that the measure was In
vldine for the creation of a "P-I definite as to penalty. Eddy said
nrat district to be known as the Ik favored the bill and consld
"Port of Portland." and Senator I erej jt too ImporUnt to pais in
Smith's "Lawless lawyers 0"1 defective form.
were tabled. j The bill of Representative Bel
Eugene, Feb. 2. (Special to The
Statesman.) The PacKlc coast
will be represented at the second
annual eugenics congress program
by Dr. Chester L. Carlisle. United
States public health service. David
Starr Jordan, president of Lejand
Stanford university and Bishop
Walter Sumner, bishop ot the
t-i .hiirch in Oregon. The
program includes- the names of
nationally known educators, phy
sicians and scientists.
fh cnnrrPRS will be held in
New York city September 22-23.
President Millerand. Premier Bri
and. Marshal Foch and other
French officials are to take part.
Renewal of the Itolsberlst of
fensive Is regarded as quite prob
able in French official circles and
the Polish minister of war and
officers accompanying him will
confer with Marshal Foch on th
best means of meeting the situ
ation. .French military leaders
say It Is expected that the of
fensive will not cause serious
alarm and can be halted.
month. . . I t. .. i.Araoea Pnr Rank I' imKr. fmm all oarts of the
Let me Illustrate. We needea jaiai uiuicaaw . . -r-. ThA nh.
U)00 i artillery horse. They Quner nfendent IS ASKeQ woria wm r1",' to discuss
rvi w
wava and means for tne Dener-
lre In the fields and It was har
' 'est time In France. It was my
t Job to get tht?m. and It was my
argument that we could not get
j our men to the front without
horses. Unless we got them the
Germans would break through.
We didn't talk: prices we JuBt
(Coutlnued on page 4)
A bill proposing to Ineasethe
alary of the state superintendent
tear was introaucea jwwiu.,
)Mr " ' . nrnvides
Senator tian. -'Vin.
for the expenses oi
trident anThis assistants while
mthe discharge ot their duties.
ment of race and social weuare
generally. Research studies on
the various factors affecting hu
man family life, also human rac
ii uttnetions and characteris
tics and human heredity will be
presented. , , v
DUBLIN. Feb. 2. Dublin cas
tle reports that today near Dun
tavin. Robert Dixon, a magistrate
i shot dead and his son James
seriously wounded while resisting
armed men who demanded mon-
The submarine cable from Bnr
tonport to Arranmore Island.
County Donegal, was cut and the
telegraph wires In the Dunfana
ghy .district were severed six
times in January. The report
adds that malls tor Dublin casile
are now brought dally by airplanes.
Imnnrts from those countries In
creased only about $25,000,000.
the total being $587,000,000.
Trade with Germany neariy
quadrupled, aggregating $400.
000.000. but fell far short of that
before the war. Exports to Ger
many reached $311,000,000
against $89,000,000 the year be
fore and imports from that coun
try totaled $92,000,000 as com
pared with $10,000,000 the year
before. .
Amorlran trade with Cuba In
1920 exceeded $ In
..ilnr nearly $500,000,000
whn comnared with 1919. Ex
ports of $515,000,000 .lo Cjibll
showed an increase oi i.".
aoo while imports of $721,000.
000 from there represented an In
crease of $303,000,000.
Spain was the only principal
rroTMnn country which Increased
Its purchase of goods In America,
exports to that country aggregat
ing $151,000,000. an increase or
$30,000,000 over 1919. It also
was the only principal European
country to decrease JlPr?e"t"
to the United States. $42,000 000
representing a decrease of about
17,000,000, under 191. -
Senator Eddy's bill No. 163. re
lating to registration or prores
.inmi nrtneers. was nassed.
0nat hill 120. bv Staples and
Moser. relating to the Portland
school district, having the approv
al of the Portland school board.
and amending the law concern-
in navmenta into tne leaturi"
retirement fund, was passed
snt bill No. 1S1. by Laeb
miind and Strayer. providing that
the state land board shall have
custody and supervision ot secur-
for the Riley tours.
a ntiMtion hr Senator Smith he
knan relative to consolidation of!..,. ,h.t Mr Riiev was paid
school districta. passed the sen-l -t$09 tor his work last year, lec
turing In the Interests of the a
tlre northwest, and that cltlxens
of Portland had added to this
amount to keep him In the field a
longer period. For this year. Mr.
Hoffman said. Mr. Riley wants
$45,000 to cover hia salary and
all expenses. Directors of the as
sociation, of whom nine are cnos-
en from Oregon, nine from Wash
ington and a number nrom mu
lsh Columbia, pay their own trav
eling expenses, according to Mr.
lues in fV Senate ' Session is Marked Hoffman
vested, was passed. At present
the securities are In the nanas oi
ih. .int. treasurer. The land
hnard has od oosed the new bill.
Senator Robertson's bill No
15s providing that county treas
urer, mar be mandamused to
compel them to place funds In de
positories was passed.
rr a nrotest bv Banks the
bill by Hume. Strayer and Jones
anthoriztnr any taxpayer to com
n.i nastHssnrs to blace on the tax
rolls property not exempt but
frequently not colected upon was
oarsed. Banks declared the .bill
would own the way to spite work
Th. Flit a bill declaring it
crime to collect or attempt to col
By Attempted Political
WASHINGTON. Feb. 2 tShov
ing aside all pending legislation.
the senate voted today to con
tinne consideration of the Ford
ney emergency tariff bill. The
rates were opened for oratory
fnM Leave Beaten Path.
Representative Pierce asked If
the hotel men's associations eoold
not contribute to the association.
Hoffman's reply was that the ho
tel men are bard hit by all seek
era after lands and that they re
ceive from tourist patronage only
about 10 per cent of tourist revenues,
In presenting the proposal to
when a rlotur petition waa voted j establish a state bureau, . B.
down. 3 to 35. mustering far less Van Duxer of Portland paid a
than the necessary two-thirds ma-I tribute to the Paeftie Northwest
Jority. I Tourist association, i nruuin mo
In a session marked by politl-1 co-operation that would be af
cal Jockeying, attempts were made forded by a atate organliatlon he
w I - ... - . avA
ETLiT on Vreda ory animal, by each side to lead the other declared 't?iw'a
v - " ' : . . i tut. nitraii i(nnni nn iriarn i ia ine iuuk -uuwi.
!h'nOBB"',.iL?." -5 Cloture but the taken off the beaten paths into
f rn,a '"rvthe democrat, ch.lle.ged that it be place, where real Oregon scenery
4117 i VII a aa-" - ' - ammBMmmmmmmmm .
(Continued on pago 4)
(Continued on para 4)
(Contlaaed on pace C)