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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1921)
8 THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 2, 1H21 T l BY MOLLY BltUNK fSltOMINENT club women In Su-,' regulating presentation in the 1 Jen thin week are Mrs. George The bit pmv . - . . i t e lls uadcr 1 and boys undor IS i. vtjiiiams. n memDer m me executive committee board oC the State Parent-Teacher association and Mrs. George V. McMatb. both of Portland, who are In the city to attend the leginlature, and. work againat Senator Staple's bill for the abolishment of an appeal com mission for teachers. ' Two other bills that are arous Ing much interest nmong club wo men of the state are House P.ill No. '138. -Introduced by Uepresen- shull nut be permitted to ee ho- I lion picture! contains n? any rep resentation of crime in anyof its various torms. Another bill widely discus-! among women. is that introduced by Representative Childs from Ilrownsville.' Mr. Child.s' bill" would provide for a state censor board consisting of three mem bers to be appointed by the jnr ci nor. one t serve one year, one to serve two years and one to . I 1 ' h II. .-.,1 1M..M lAlMllli and designed with the purpose of "serve three years. In case t it Are Arriving By Every Express BEAUTIFUL COLORED VOILES Sheer, dainty pretty voiles, the alght of them will tempt you to buy enough for two iv three dresses. They bring -thoughts or the glorious jumraery days that are fast " approaching. Heautlful col orings. . Prices range from 39c, 49c, I 59c, 69c, 75c, 79c, 89c, 98c, $1.25, $1.50 a yard NEW APRONS SPECIAL VALUE Good looking aprons are here on display, they are new Ones. Just received. Materials are jScout Percales and Amoskeag Olnsham, neatly trimmed with rlck-rack and bias folds. Fast colors and extra - well made. m Ml WOMEN'S BLOOMERS Now Priced $1.98 and These bloomers 'are made of pretty crepe in either plain white or with dainty flower design, some are plain pink suesine silk,' trimmed with lace. These are at the new low prices. . Very Special 98c each $1.98 and 98c f -MAILORDERS , We Pay Postage or Express on Mail Orders lVe Guarantee Satisfaction or Your Money Ilark death or removal of any member of the board, a buccessor nball be appointed by the governor, which apposite fball serve the unex pired tt mi of the member ht suc ceeds. Duties of the board of censors would ! to examine and censor all motion picture films to be pnl lidv displayed Irs the state of Orti'oa. .such films to be submit ted to the board before they are delivered to the exhibitor. - An error was made in the an nouncement of the meeting of the Piety HiH ciub in Tuesdays Uutesman. The - club will meet Thursday afternoon at the resi dence of Mrs. C. I. Lewis, T.24 Xoitb fanitoi turret. Mrs. Lewis I.tid Mrs. E. T. Karnes to serve jointly as hostesses. Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding was a dinner hostess Sunday night, en tertaining in honor of Charles K. Spaulding who was celebrating a birthday. A charming color motir of yellow was employed, with can dles, daffodills nmT a large birth day cake lighted wi!h tiny yellow tapers, ornamenting, to table. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Spaulding and their little daughter. Jan Marie, of Newberg, Miss Ha Spatildinc and Lewis Oritfith of f). A. C. all came to Salem for the event-, additional covers being laid for Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Hpaulding, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mills and their small daughters. Kober ta und I la. Miss Ava Miller and the hosts. 1 Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Scott enter tained as their guests over the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Hartman and children. Hazel and Karl of Silvc-rton. - - Following the Elk's entertain ment Saturday night. Mrs. Ken neth Urown and Mrs. Harold Mauer were joint hostesses at the home of the former on Bellivue street, to a gronp of congenial friends. Daffodills and ferns were attractively-combined in the table centerpiece, covers being placed for Mr. and Mrs. Eberly Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wiedmer, Mr. and Mrs. Ardee Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Humlock, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Page. Mr. and Mrs. Mauer and Mr. and Mrs. Brown. 466 State Street Phone 877 Mrs.' Fred Buchtel is entertain ing as her honse enfsts this week her slater. Mrs. N. I. Curry and little granddaughter Florence Currv. both of Portland, who ar rived Monday night. ..' Mr. and Mrs. Lee Canfield and Mr. and Mrs. U. Scott Page were among Salem folk spending the week-end in Portland. . ; Mrs. James E. Godfrey is enter taining as her house gnests for several weeks her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Leon De Mers, of St. Marie, Idaho. The vis itors are also being entertained by Mrs. Godfrey's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Godfrey. Mr. De Mers is president of the First National bank of St. Marie, and is taking his mid-winter va cation, while here attending the sessions of the state legislature. ".-", Mrs. Royal A. Nadon arrived from her home In Harrisbnrg, the first of the week, going ou to Portland for a brief stay, after which she will return to Salem to spend the .remainder of the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eu gene Eckerlen. Mrs. W. J. ICaerth was hostess Saturday night, entertaining the members of her card club, the X. S. Hi, and their husbands, at her home on South Church street. Five Hundred filled in the hours, a jight repast following. Card trophies went to Mrs. Robert L. Ybkum. Mrs. Williamson and Fred Bernard!. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. K.jiiil Donaldson. Mr. and Robert Yokuta, Mr. and Mrs. Karl AndreKon, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bernard!, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Iter nardi. Mr. ami Mrs. Fred Kriesel, Mr. and Mrs. Williamson, Mrs. Margaret Montjiojuery.. Mr. and Mrs. Kearth and Joseph lt.-rnanli. Mrs. L. ('. llbson t Margaret ('ill I and smaUdauiditer Alice, of Crc-swell. spent the week-end wflh Mrs. Hobson's parents. Mr. and Mrs. (J. W. GilL Mr. and Mrs. E. Smith and small son. Jack, have returned t their home in Albany, alter speinl Inj; several days in Salem with friends. Tr ir ( Mr. and Mrs. Terry ltFollette will arrive tomorrow from Corne lius. Oreson, and will spend the week in Salem attending the leg islature, visiting at the home of Mr. LaFollette's farther. Senator A. M. LaFollette. The following interesting item is taken from the Albany Demo crat: "Charming in every detail was the bridge tea for which Mrs. Fred Ward was hostess Tuesday after noon, at her S home on West Fifth street, honoring Mrs. Rosroe Neal of LaC ramie, a former Albany woman .who Is visiting herel A s'jsgestion of spring was provided by quantities of daffodils and pus sywillows arranged effectively about the rooms. In the dinning room where Mrs. Charles Know land of Salem and Mrs. Neal poured during the latter part of the afternoon, the table was cen tered with a bouftuet of fragrant flowers around which were can dles which shed a solf glow in the darkened room. The Misses Muriel Gilbert. Mae Weisner, Mary Worrell nnd Madelyn Ward assisted in serving. The hostess was assisted about the rooms by Mrs. Walton Worrell and Mrs. W. V. Merrill. "More than 35 smartly gowned women attended this affair. In cluding several from out of town. "Mrs. Neal; plans to remain in Albany for several weeks." . Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Schramm and. little daughter Patricia will come, over from Corvallis tomor row to remain over the week-end as the guests of Mrs. Schramm's na rents. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Kuntz. Mr. Schramm is called' to the city by the meeting of the trustees 6f Willamette university. '''' Mrs. Ernest Bowen returned from Corvallis where ' she spent the week-end with her sister. Mrs. E. P. Pooler, who also entertained as her.nest dirlng the time. Miss Helen Curry of Silvertdiu - ir . ' 7 ". . ' . Mrs. George H. Alden spoke of Home Missions and the annual convection of ra'ssiocary societies of Methodist churches, which she attended in St. Paul recently, at the meeting of the Woman's Mis sionary society of the Teslie Meth odist church, held last week at the home of Mrss. H. X. Aldrich. the talk belns followed by a social hour. ; --.I Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Yokum left Sunday night for San Fran cisco, where they will spent about a month, i i Mrs. C. M. Epley will entertain the Priscilia club tomorrow after REVELATIONS OF A WIFE The Story of a Honeymoon Wonderful I lo ran ore of Marrlel Life Wonderful! Told by A DELE OARIUKON C1IAPTKU SI! Till' WONDKRFl'L REALIZA TION" THAT CAME TO MADGH 'Don't ynu think so?" "Decidedly. lint we can't Fay anything yet. I don't think she sn?tets. Hand me that bottle again, please. There! She is coming to. all right." I seemed to be slowly rising from abymal black depths, and the voices of my niotlier-in-law and Lillian sounded as if they were miles away. I.ater I was to wonder what they meant by their puzzling references. Just now I bad not the vaguest curb-shy concerning their conversa tion. I opened my ryes to pee their face? bending over me. Anxiety was written on each. 1 could plainly see that, ami my mother-in-law wore also an expression familiar to mej the frown with which she greets any unexpected situation. 4 But on Lillian s countenance there was -infinite pity and ten derness. I pulled on her hands feebly, and she hent her head to hear my whisper. "Cousin ' Agatha and the phy pician are with Katie." she said. "Don't worry, dear. Everything is being done for her." "But she is afraid of Cousin Agatha.V I fal tered, visions of the various nag ging cruelties to which the wo man had subjected my little maid rising before me. "She Isn't now," my mother-in-law struck in. "Aeatha is re sponsible for this accident, and is so remorseful and afraid some thing will happen to Katie that she's as meek as Moses. And she's waiting, on her hand and foot.. But now that, you're all rteht I'm going back to Katie, anyway. Bat Margaret. I think you ought to see a physician soon." The Awakening. Her manner vras hesitant, far different from her usual crisp command. I felt Instinctively that at any other time she would have brought the physician to my room immediately after such a swoon, insisted upon my consult ing him and following his direc tions minutely. And then, all in a moment, the realization swept over me of the meaning of my mother-in-law's queer manner and of Lillian's ear lier In the day. I cast a uick. frightened plance t Lillian, then threw my xhakiiiK bands mvr my face in a futile ffirt to hiit away from ni- for a moment the V rnv b U" w hich once would have transported me to tin pev ejifh heaven of delixht. IJllLin's firm hands trw.k mine away trout my f:'-e. her kind it oked reproachfully at me. "This Is no good bits-lness. Madge," she said firmly then she added "And It if n't fair." - I (-audit Iter thought. nd it steadied me, enabled me to put a firm rein upon myself. "( know I hive been acting like an idiot. Lillian," I said con tritelv. but yott won't have to comptatn about me again. And pleas1 you'll understand I'd like to be alone for a little wbile." -Of course, child." she said, and left the room immediately. And then I faced th. future. the wonderful bewitching, terniy ing future. A little child was coming to Dicky and me! Mixed Joy and Doubt. How I bad longed and p raved for this boon. And now that It wa:i vouchsafed ne there was more misery than hanpi.iefs in the thought of It-: granting. For twq ml'-rablo. sordid facts stared me in the face. Dicky did not want a child. He might hide his displeasure, al though, knowing Dirkv. I wasn't confident of that fact, but" he would be sorely disappointed at my news. . , And nnless my doubts concern ing tviv tinhnnil'!i n.itriotism ami! t t --- - I --- . his faith to me were cleared up I doubted Forely that I desired motherhood either. The child of a slacker! The phrase secured to come from the air around me to ring In my ears. Every fibre of me revolted at the stigma my fcaby mlr ht hare to bear. And then. lik. a clear, invig orating breath of mountain air. divpHling all lb mists of my val ley of desolation, the great vital joy of expectant motherhood came to tut. The little child I had longed for was coming to me. I, tn. would feel the touch of babv's" hands upon my face, would bend my neck for the holy accolade of motherhood. It itxn'l ralr." Lillian had faid. With a flush of fhame my soul echoed her words. The little ?ul struggling to I, re Fhould not be hampered by my fears or doubts or saoness. The mystery of Dicky' conduct, hi ' Inexplicable treatment of me receded far into the horiioc of ry vrsp: tive. There was but one duty, one thought before me now. to fit my weak, unworthy self for wise, loving motherhood. (To be continued) "He'd take "t ha Vatr"cti.i 4 voice from cue gaitery. And why should he tak ti, water?" asked the lecturtr. "Because you would beat kj to the beer." was the reply.... Kdinhitrg Scotsman. A lecturer was talking on the drink question. "Now funposi:r? I had a pail of water and a pail of beer on this platform and then brought on a donkey, which i-t ihi two would h taker" " Salem School of Exprexths Lulu Rosamond Walton, Dlrtcx 147 X. Commercial Phono 5J3 HsU Special Course In Pnblle Speaklec EVENTUALLY You Will Buy THE cuenca sweep r3 Why not get the best at first s WM. GAHLSDORF, The Store of -. Houseware IN TIMESLIKE THESE A medicine that costs only 5 Cents a Day or $1.50 a month, should be thoughtfully considered. We know of only one that does this, namely. Hood's Sarsaparilla which has a half ceuiury record ol efficiency and worth. It creates aa appitite, aids di gestion, makes food taste good, purifies and vitalizes the blood, makes the weak strong, eliminates the poisons of catarrh, scrofula, rheumatism, fortifies the body against 'infectious disease, fevers, grip. Influenza. Get Hood's Sarsapadilla today. Hood's Pills are a fine laxative. HESS : - ; f . New Prices Now in EffecL Beautiful .Patterns in All Colors. The Prices Con vince: 40-inch all Silk Crepe de Chine; now yard....$1.75 40-inch all Silk Georgette Crepe; now, yard $1.75 36-inch Silk Poplin; how, yard-.:-:......:.$l.G3 36-inch Chiffon Taffetas; now, yard $1.98' 36-inch all Silk Satin Messaline; now yard $1.93 36-inch Duchess Satin; now yard...?....'.'...$2.25 36-inch White Wash Satin, now, yard $1.75 40 inch Lingerie Satin Flesh, now yard .$ 1.98 10-inch all Wool French Serge, Navy; yard $1.98 50-inch All Wool Storm Serge; yard.....:-..'.-.$1.75 54-inch all Wool French Serge; yard .$2.93 ''" , ',,-. ..." . ', i Oar Prices Always The Lowest GALE & CO. Court and Com'l Sts. Formerly Chicago Store Whe trade ma WasB&e Rich flauored and full bodied ature produced theflauor the uacuum can retains it noon, date. on the occasion of a regular The Cherry City club will give one of Its regular dances in Moose hall tonighL Five new members were initiat ed into the Rebecca lodgo Monday night,! the newly elected officers and captain .of the degree staff, Mrs. If. St, Helens being in charge for the first time. Tenta tive plans! were made at this meet ing for the grand lodge tn Albany in May. The depree staff has hem invited to j participate in the pa rade nt that time, and It Is quite orobable that the invitation will be accepted. CAMPBELL OF DALLAS DIES Pioneer of 1R53 Passes At I Salem Deaconess i Hospital OUR FORMAL:. . . . , ; Thursday, February 3d DUROG DAY' ' OPEN IMG O-J rpsa t vera vry u it REG. V.S.PAX.Q7E aasssaasMsaai DALLAS. Or.. Feb. 1 fSpecial to The Statesman.) Thomas J. Camobell, one of the oldest tw!n in the state, passed away at the Heaconess hospital in Salem Sun day, after a lingering illness due o old age. Mr. Campbell made his home with relatives in Dallas for more than a quarter of a cn titry and it was but a short time ago that, he was taken to Salem fcr treatment. Thomas J. Caratbell was a son of Mr. and Mrsi James O. Camp bell and was born in Illinois on MarcWr 27, 1834. He grew up to young manhood In that state and afterwards moved with hi parents to Iowa where they re sided for a few years before com ing to Oreirrm. He crossed the Plains in 1833 and with his oar nts Kittled on a farm in the Salt creek community, . seven miles north of this citv. During the discovery of gold in California. Mr. Campbell work ed as a miner and also herded cattle In that ttate. He made his home in Monmouth for a num ber of years before coming to Dallas to reside. Besides his twin brother. James Campbell of this city, the de feased leaves the following rela tives to mourn his death: Mrs. Hcbert Dashisl and Mrs. Charles mack of thlf city, and Mrs. Clay Kennedy of Iowa. Funeral service Vill be con ducted from the Dallas Christian church Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock and the body Interred id the I. O. O. f . cemetery. A t "I , f YOU ARE INVITED . in 5nHia"n invHr lhc lem.,riib,ic lo vWl our PUnl U operation. 9 a. nu'tiU inifV. anneDoc Df:- e.wlll do our utmost to entertain you and will give a Special meal- cons wlU xv 8 P !- afteLihich a ,ancheon- includin- Castade 1Jrand and lla. cons will be served. Ve want everybody to come and bring your friends. Yours for the success of Duroc Day VALLEY PACKING CO. ; Operated Under Government Inspection SALEM, OREGON W. H. Steusloff, Vicc-prciifJcnt Curtis B. Cross, Secretary-treasurer F. W. Steuslofi, President i, 'if